The Oshawa Times, 28 Oct 1958, p. 15

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* Elmbrook Farms, rE AMIR pos Female Help Wanted (41--Room and Board EXPER ED general eeper (ROOM and board for one gentieman, uired for modern home, Live in. in private home, good licality. RA ust be fond of children (two). and 35-6195. 211 ve good references. For appointment 860M and board, single room, good please write Box 126, Times-Gasette nome cooking, ten minutes' walk from x bd 20T | four corners, Also garage for rent, Ap- ~SOOKKEEPER -- Must be capable of Ply 240 Division Street. did andling ecm: lete set of books. Apply | M an "gentleman, cen- in own handwriting, stating exserionce, (yg), thres Joa gor geniioman. ea marital status, age, ete, to Box 130. phone RA 8.8324. 2810 Times-Gazelte, References required. | ri mt ---- 251¢| WIDOW with comfortable home would r for company. Very WANTED = a middie-aged woman 10] neatenl Phone RA 5.1100, |44--For Rent B11 (3 |44--For Rent ONE furnished housekeeping room, THREE rangeite, use of refrigerator. Phone RA orated, suitable f RA 81776 or 77 Gibbon Street, 246(|tral, RA 5.4277. ag MODERN four - room apartment and BIX - room. brick bungalow, bath, oil] bath, including stove, refrigerator, dry- heated. Heavy duty Hiring, central, one i # 3.9141. 10r two children, m ly. er, and TV outlet, (heated), RA ani lense, Box 138 Time naelte, 2318 | WO three-robm apartments, heated, a - a THREE - room apartment, private en Kitchen facilities, will (once, Phone Jack A Apply 121 Oshawa SIX . + room spartment, newly dec: $1,600 down, two years old, wix-room MOUSE and 161, excellent corner. | or couple, very cen brick, good clean home on lot 70 x 210, bordering 7A Highway, Port Perry, Bus| 251f | four-piece bath, ol furnace, profession-|néss possibilities, service station, apart ment house ete Yukon 5-2537, ally landscaped, low y payments, East End, town line, Must be sold at RA 5-6544 or RA 3.3308, Johd A. J, robm house, $5,500, hand; (ranee, adults only. 580 Drew Street, RA 5-7586, Nov.27 FIVE - room house and bath, with lease, 880 monthly, in Courtice, RA|pStRIo0m. Appl sei. 7835, pM ld , fully sanipp| Boulevard South. before 4 p.m. BEDROOM, living room, kitchen and | ly 258 Cadillac Street, | look after children, live in. Phone RA th 8:1508, 2517 ROOM and board in private home with WOULD like a woman To eave Tor a llome privileges. 500 Annapolis Street, yearold ehild, occasional days and sve. Lone RA 8-166. Ble nings, Call RA 8-0023, 20le . © SECRETARY For Large Law Office ROOM snd board for young Indy, In new private home at the lake, Park Road South. RA 5.7004, 251 ROOM or room and board, 15 minutes to down town. Phone RA 5.7881, 251f ROOM and board, one or two girls to share room. Private home, Near south GM _ plant, RA 5.8240, 2514 |43--Wanted to Rent Legal experience | preferred, but not essential, Must be qualified in Shorthand Applications well living heating at reasonable rent. Near bus line or would purchase home with downpayment of $800 or less, Write to Box 49, Times Gazette, ite' THREE: or four room furnished Write: a artment for Bell Telephone girls. i Phone 5- be 8.30.8 . Box 129 Times-Gozette 5100 between Aor APA 248h BUNGALOW -- four or five rooms, for --= quiet couple, no family, Good refer. nces, Rent reasonable, Phone RA 59314. Bi LLOYD REALTY RENTAL AGENCY Our fee is less thon a vacancy, only screened ond reliable fenonts, Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. 93 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 8.5123 and' Typing. fully confidential. -------- SALESLADY MUST ke fully exper- ienced, permanent pos- ition, excellent salary. FASHION VILLAGE Phone RA 5-2722 for appointment Oct.2 44--For Rent THREE - room basement ApAriment 251a in modern home, heavy wiring, large ew Windows, self-contained, Adults, Nea north GM, Parking. RA 3.7088, 2511 37--Male Help Wanted .. THREE - room Apartment, sink and EXPERIENCED plasterers, wanted, cupboards in kitchen, private bath, RA $2.50 per hour. J. and D, Gross, 1514 5.6420, 2514 Lakemount Road, Oshawa or RA 394 | THREE unfurnished rooms, sink and ab - cupboards, child welcome, Apply 561 BRICKIAYERS wanted for Bellev'lle. Park Road South, a 251e RA 8.12, BU Tyre E unfurnished rooms, heat, lights WANTED -- Young man for butcher and hot water, tiled bathroom, RA shop, Must have some experience As 3.4817, 81 counter man, chauifeur's license, and - - w- oMaracter references, Apply in person, TWO unfurnished front rooms, 622 272 Albert S'reet, Bloor Street East, RA 5.7647. 2516 ; BU ONE nice furnished room, in pr A LEADING Canadian Life Insurance home, picture windows, parkin Company is-interviewing applicants to niece for gentleman, RA 3.7070. represent them in the Oshawa, Ajax MODER "room | t, cen and Whitby area. Our qualifications are ¢rq) N_ Jour room apartment, eon ; " ral, near hospital, self contained, four. high. We want only the best. We will 5ia0e bath, continuous hot wate: t ' pay for the 'best. If 'you have faith In| reg onabie. RA 3.7827. yourself, Write Box 136 Times-Gazeile hey -- et giving particulars about yourself, in. FOUR - room apartment, $70 monthly, cluding phone number, All replies con.|84 Simeoe North, Phone RA 5.4462 or fidential, 250013201 omiiemtin .Nov.1} HOW would you like to earn $1000 be LARGE apartment, bedroom, tile bath. fore Christmas? High commissions paid| 00m: dining room, living room, kiteh- on a distributor basis. No canvassing,(S: MAln floor, private entrance, T all leads supplied. Car essential, For| antenna, Phone RA 3.7002, un complete details write Box 124, Times: ONE furnished housekeejing room for Gagetie, = >. ___246f/two girls or gentlemen. 181 Albert BXPERIENCED _ truck driver for oil Street or RA 3.6052, 3 company, Write Box 130 Ti Gazette, (SELF . Oshawa. ~~ 248fled apartment, heated, private bath, WANTED ~ first class body and fend. |Eround floor. er mechanic. Apply L. Harvey's Body | Elizabeth Street. RA 58106, Shon, 10 Albert Street, Cobourg, agen | FOUR. and five - room apartmel |semi furnished or unfurnished. Stov. | and refrigerator, RA 5.6309, 496 Simcoe | Street North, Apartment 4. MANAGER WANTED Leading manufacturer has opéning for on ambitious person to operate a success- ful business which con be Jun with your present em- Bloymen Hgs no slow sea- , consists servicing ree toil aceounts, requires no sell- ing or previous experience, Hos been fully tested ond accepted. Person must have " desire to suceed in a business of their own and be able to » make ao $1,950 cash Invest- ment that returns $350 in. . come, monthly, Only sincere applicants need apply as ters tory is now ready. Post cords will not be onswered, 250 | ROOMS centrally located. RA 53250. of | ccs pte CE ---- NEW bungalow wi two bedrooms. Garrard and Rossland Roads, Apply Box 137 Times-Gazetle, GROUND floor four-room apartment, central, $00 monthly, Phone A 53904, POUW - room self contained apart- ment and bath, unfurnished, he Central location. Available 1, #75 monthly, Dial RA 3.4014, BIX . room house with garage, TV 1, ofl heat, cen a November se rooms, one or two gentlemen, $10 a week, RA | Br1288, ---- 461 THREE - bedroom, self + contained apartment, vel central, private en. trance, three ."piece bath, immediate | possession. RA 5.1982. RA 5.0883. 2491 m - - --- -- ------ HOUSE for fent. Apply 151 Oshawa 25 e, November 1. Phone RA 5-5001. 0| THREE - r 46¢ NICE, furnished rooms, downtown, sin: See to appreciate, 242 250f( and cup Athol Street East, Adults, Phone RA| 5.4328, 250f | pavement, south end. + | heating, 245¢| 5.4506 ONE _bedroo ed. Available Nov, 1, Phone Mr, Des! Roches, RA 5-3815, La Salle Court, 281a NEW brick bungalow, five rooms, Ap- ws Pomme rr wt Hl | Lodi ated, $90 monthly, nfurnished rooms, with bal-|jones Real Estate. RA 56412 or RA No 8.1566 . 2510 | SHREE - room apartment, In new home, private bath, private entrance, Couple only, Immediate possession, RA 8.1729. : " FOUR - room self ment, furnished, heated, central, RA 3.7602 after 5.15 p.m, a FIVE © room bungalow, south end, RA 5-2595, _250f | YHREE - room unfurnished apariment ment building, business couple $75 monthly including heat and water, Phone RA 5.1743 268 FIVE . room brick bungalow, 58 King Street West, One block from Shopping Centre, Phone RA 5.1661, 271 | EMALL basement apartment for two | single men, RA 3.3201, 250f FOUR - room, self - contained apart-| putable tenants only. Phone Whitby MO ment, newly decorated, private en-| 8.4943, 249¢ [trance, refrigerator and steve. Laundry | UPPER duplex, heated, 115 Athol En A Mg BR LO iid suitable for married couple, no chil IRA 5.0748 2401 | dren, Available November 1. RA 5.0727] RT Er wr after six o'clock, 2461 MODERN self - contained three-room RTS | e bath, very! | THREE rooms, unfurnished, bath and|AParimont, PS, SCvAL FOUR - room scl - contained apart ment, newly decorated, separate en- trance, heavy wiring, central. Suitable for young couple, RA 5-4837, 2501 n , Central, | children, Phone RA 5-5748, 0 FOUR . room, self - contained apart. ment, new stove and refrigerator. Adults only, $75 monthly, Apply 201 Simcoe Street South, Apartment 5. 250f [COTTAGE -- six rooms, winterized, Bowmanville vicinity, Phone RA 5-4010, 250¢ - contained spark Phone 250¢ Boulevard South UPPER duplex, Simcoe Street North, lin apa RA 526 3 2491 | preferred, NEW bungalow, (ive rooms, garage, Iwo bedrcoms, dining room, living room, kitchen, $65 monthly. Apply 813 Sylvia Street. J 24 nL amr THREE « bedroom house with full basement on double corner lot vielnity Park Road South, Newly decorated in. side and out, only four years old, Re. | rea . RA 8.1633, 247¢ telephone, Adults only, Apply 620 Sim. | C2sonable. rte a] | coe Street North. 246 | SIX - room brick, one year old, bunga. CHRISTIE at Rossland Road West, one low, near Shopping Centre, nuders and) ' |e) ¥ | five - room, self . contained apartment, | 3 ssn' Jack Appleby,' RA 5.6344 or hi, | private entrance, stove and refrigera- rv rr - tor, Available November 15, and one/TWO - room unfurnished m three . room self » contained apartment, | cupboards and sink in kitchen, in new | private entrance, stove and refrigera. bungalow, on Grenfell Street, RA 8.5540 tor. Available immediately, Don Howe aE Real Estate, RA 57732, WU GGTTAGE, two rooms, furnished, suil.| THREE . room Apartment in new home| #ble for coup's. 87 per week, on bus| with private entrance, reasonable rent, line. RA 8.8125, 20461 Apply 162 Warren Avenue. 200 FIVE". room apa LIVING ROOM, kitchen, bedroom and| Street, Osawa, yi Ty ver, Je . A after 7 p.m, to 149 Ger. (refrigerator, + 3 school, Cig Trg oboe Ky : 247¢| Phone MA 3.3611 Bowmanville, Nov, 20 ONE and two-bedroom apartments, ONE jurmianed. room, suit lady of TV outlet, 'frig, stove, balcony, park. yar 4 pA ing. Possession Nov, 1. Apply Apt. 10, | i am 101 Craydon Road, Whitby, Nov.18|ruREE . rsom apartment, unfurnished GIRL to share furnished apart-|Apply 156 Ritson Road South, 251 ment with woman and child, Phone yArGE furnished light housekeeping {0-8750 after § pm. 248f| room in basement, heated, private bath | THREE . room, sei - contained apart. Phone RA 5.4956. Apply 76. Cadi | ment with bath, Suitable for couple Avenue North ; one child, Private entrance, Available rwo well furnished rooms and one 248f | housekeeping room, business couple or room apartment, three-piece | gentleman preferred. RA 50071 or iy 3 nt, 87 Wentworth lac 251 bath, heavy duty stove, refrigerator, Ritson South, laundry tubs, private entrrnce, park-| FURNISHED room, continuous hot ing space, Apply 117 Montrave Ave: ater, near north GM, Gentleman pre- hue, a ___ AB0| ferred. 232 Athol Street East. RA 5.0303 FIVE rooms, living room, kitchen, | ni three bedrooms, use of full size base: THRE unfirnished rooms, heat, lights ment, large garden, Children weleoOm: and water, Private entrance. Phone od, 497 Ortono Avenue after 6.30 p.m.(pA 5.0732, 251¢ Turn at Hillcrest-aff Blgor East. 248 3 . a EE ----- -- FOUR large rooms, living room, tv THREE rooms, unfurnished, built-in | pedrooms, kitchen, bathroom, heat cupboards, Wpmpletely redecorated. ang water, central. Adults only. Avail. Available November 1. Apply 806 Tobi ale December 1. RA 88465, 251 Son Street, 14 27001, THREE rooms upstairs, heat, lights 141 Park Road 81 wat included, gle, or share, separate beds. Apply gi ond rv 81788, Street, RA 5-1992. A gb -------- 2" | BUNGALOW, new, five rooms, in good e unfurnished rooms, sinkijpeation. Immediate possession, 8100 ards in kitchen, upstairs monthly. If interested phone RA 8-157. Ble 461 | pc rn -------- S-------- eas -------- {APARTMENT three rooms, newly de- SIX - room brick home, oil heated, orated, completely furnished. Immed. North Oshawa, handy to bus nd jate possession, Adults only, Phone schools, Would give possession in Shot RA 5.2540. 2511 weeks, RA 3-2911, |rHmEE TT RET a m------------ - 100! artment, self con- APARTMENT, central, two large ieq with own cellar, Apply 205 rooms, private bath, bullt-in cupboards cone' gireet 28lc and sink, ample storage space. Suitable| -- ui for two ladies, RA 3-242, 210 Mary| FOUR rooms, TV aerial, children wel. Street, 246( | comed. Apply 120 Street. 25lc MODERN, Wx = room bungalow, tied SUNNY front room, with very large RA 3.9231. 27 clothes elotet for Sehriamth. Coss 1 RUNGALOW -- ------ ~--== | General Motors nor plant a . BUNGALOW two bedroom, automatie| Close to schools and shopping | 1°** section. Apply 114 Elgin East, ida RA|THREE bedroom hou four miles 250f | north of Whitby, Reason , Brooklin | 643R15. 2514 centre, . For information phone FURNISHED seif-contained apartment, | i chance. MA 37084 manville, 2514 MODERN six-room bungalow, big Nv. WHY bedrooms 5M |~ ing-room, three big , big size kitchen, big room ; TWO - bedroom, siuceo home, all mod- ahood Lid, |&h con {room, 1 250¢ 28s man's| down, i 391-M-1, home. hardwood fied ads, jot OPPORTUNITIES GROW ON FLORIDA'S WEST COAST Send 25¢ (coin) for the BIG ANNUAL INVITATIONAL 1S- SUE (Nov 9) of the Sunday Indepedent "The Sunshine Newspaper', St. Petersburg 1, Florida. 2981 veniences, three piece beth. , Isrge garage, doubles lot, heating, hardwood floors. $1200 Full price $7,750. Phone Picker, 7 Many excellent be terms in the Clasci. 4 tenant Duys at easy Nov.9 dining floors, Apply 360 Oshawa Blvd. MODEL HOME "OPEN FOR INSPECTION $888 FULL DOWN PAYMENT Ideal location. Near new school, churches, bus service, 3-bedroom modern homes on large lots with all the extras, North, Nov, 27 | RA 81338 GUILDCRAFT HOME BUILDERS | PRIVATE SALE In good location in the village of Pickering -- | Lincoln St. Three new 6 room stone and brick masonry bunga- lows. Decorated ond completely finished, Oil' burner and air- | conditioning. Price $12,900 and up. Small | WHEN SOMETHI H. GOLDSTEIN REAL ESTATE BROKER 13 BOND STREET EAST RA 8-5161 STRETCH OUT AND LIVE On e BEAUTIFUL 78 x 210' lot, this delightful new home is oppealing in appearance ond perfect in arrangement. Located in ¢ beautiful section on the North East side of the City, It offers oll the quiet and charm of country living yet is only a few minutes from the downtown area, This is truly a home that will delight every member of the family every doy of the year. THE PRICE IS $11,500, and it's waiting for an owner who oppreciotes the best. CALL TO SEE #T, PRIDE OF POSSESSION Do you know the QUALITY and APPRECIATE it? If you do, this Is the home for you, Carefully planned and built in 1958 to exocting specifications ond never before offered for Sale, Situated on a guiet street and each room oriented for quiet ex- posure. Beautifully proportioned. 4-piece tiled bath with col- oured fixtures, and notural stained trim which the richness of this exquisite home, We are proud to offer this property ex- clusively for $12,000, DON'T DELAY----CALL RIGHT AWAY. DON'T FLUB'! Mere's a 1Va-storey 3-bedroom home with the best decorating you've ever seen! Has beautiful hardwood floors too! Large bedrooms with ample closets, Walls ond ceilings well insulated, Finished recreation room in the bosement. Nicely londscaped. All this on a 41 x 120' lot, for the MODEST price of $1 1500 | NG GOOD COMES YOUR WAY, ACT! §6----Real Estote Wonted down yment ac. cepted. Take a look, | Then get in tcuch with the builder after 5 p.m. Joe Baric HO 3-1589 Toronto, 2471| OSHAWA'S CLOSEST IN SUBDIVISION WALK DOWNTOWN WALK TO SCHOOL w= LOCATION == PARK RD, N. & HUMBER JUST ABOVE LOUISA ST. SEE THE MODEL Solid rug ond bark brick, Stone fronts, 3 bedrooms. Rolled arberite kitchen counters, Paid services. Ristow & Olsen REALTORS ON ROSEHILL BLVD. For only $1,500 down you tan move in and start living in this ottroctively decorated five-room bungalow with private drive, large modern kitchen, hot water oil heating and many other feautres, Full price only $10,600. Don't be fooled by the low down payment -- call for eppointment today, CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN On Athol St. East -- this six-room brick home wes built for fomily living, Private driveway, heating and all ready for winter, miss, Down poyment is reasonable, TAUNTON RD. EAST AT HARMONY This four-year-old ranch on over an .acre of land offers two-car garage, fireplace in living room, dining room with entry to porch, utility room off family-sized kitchen and three large bedrooms, Convenient financing, Jo/ese. modern kitchen, oil RA 5.6165 19 Athol St. West Open Evenings Till Nine Member of the Oshawa & District Reo! Estate Board 4 2510 his is one you don't want to RA 5.3412 Oshawa |#5--Real Estate For Sale , |45--Real Estate For Sale |45--Real Estate Por Sole | THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tussdey, October 28, 1958 15 state For Sale |47--Automebiles For Sale | , 1% storey, alum '0 OLDEMOBILE, § cylinder, in good , oll heated. landseaped. condition. Selling reasonable. 178 Cen. hy. hat tre Street. 250¢ Oct. 31 WRECKING "40 Ford, Exesliont motor, [New batiery, generator, voltage con. {rol, Hollywood muffler, ¢ie. Excellent 'adio, Many other perfect parts, A) |D. Kirk, % mile north on Town {Rd., corner of Lawson Rd. and Line. RA 3.9006 evening ALLBTATE Auto Insurance, Save to 20 per cent. Nine months to pay. Yor {Doramal service at your home eall RA [5h CHEV. dahins Tour door, Fadi, 4 [1 Inu {Apartment Yenis $50 down. Call RA 5.7545. $500. DOWN $500. $7,500 full price, Owner says sell. Good 6-room home in good location," close to school end bus. Low taxes. {washers, ote, Excellent This won't lost, coll Bill | ron out, oe rust Wil Sandton mn | y 1 ac 0 Sworbrick ot RA 5-6544, [9385 cash. RA 3.3000, SAETEON aunt JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD |'#h MONARCH sedan, new glutch, can | LIMITED REALTORS be Men soytims. Apply 108 Veidun | 0c Road. RA 58522, "OVC 'ss CHEV. four-door, low mileage. Must |be sold immediately to close estate, |For infprmation phone RA 52010. un FOR SALE FATE a Not Slt ' OR EXCHANG [53 OLDSMOBILE #3, holiday hardtop, power equipped. Can be financed RA 5.202 : Nov. 28 | [50 PLYMOUTH. good condition, white { 226 Rosedale Drive, Whitby, MO { 100-acre farm, naer Bethany, | 4 2514 seven-roont frame house with |i5§ PLYMOUFE coach, radio, V-b suio- | furnace, garage, large barn, |matie. Excellent conditfon, private; RA | chicken house, drive shed, {Bans pi pce STH | two wells, 50 acres bush with [1 FOOT factory built Dory. Will sell { 0ringsied creek, Will accept 193 yehange for Years Sysam? RA | house in exchange or sell |GNE Fecord player | with $2,000 down, Asking one twin. speaker, YUkOR | $9,500, {Pen AL aR a MAN'S skates, perfect condition, size PETER KOWAL 9, 88; also ome single bed, RA 54765. Real Estate Broker Ble our speed; 57497 Port -251¢ } ELECTRIC stove, side oven, fast ele- 99 King E., Bowmanville 320, Phone RA 3-9833, MA 3. 3-5868 a threg- quarter | Oct,29,31,Nov,) | Sailing' Machine, 41 PRIVATE, '57 Nash Metropolitaf, like dO gre | new, only 3000 miles. 40 miles to gallon, WE anxiously require for sale farms, $1350 or best offer. RA 5.0621 evenings. homes, businesses anywhere, Buying or| 281 selling. Call Donald Stradeski, RA ONE jacket heater and a 28 galion 5.1526 representing Wilson Real Estate,|galvanized water tank. RA 3-2668, Toronto. Phone AX 34535. Nov. 22| Oct. 28, 31. WANTED to buy or rent with opion CRANFIELD MOTORS fo buy, farm or land with barn, within 10 miles of Oshawa, Phone RA 5.4394, 331 PARK ROAD SOUTH RA 3-2284 27 47--Automobiles For Sale 53 FORD, light blue, two door, auto- USED CARS matie tr riect B.A. SERVICE Can be financed. Apply 567 Fox Street] pAMB|ER, METROPOLITAN, MORRIS, M.G., WOLSELEY, RILEY SALES & SERVICE. near Drive-In Theatre, RA 5.6044, 250f 48--Automobiles Wanted AILUMAN iatest models now on dis. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR play. Styling and comfort, power to burn, motor in the right place, gas at Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens pold off. 5, Wl 20 nt DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, §& We have no competition on the present RA 3.9421 market. Free demonstration, 'Bring in | this ad", we will give you $100 discount on a new Hillman. Small down pay: ment or trade, 36 months on balance, '34 OLDSMOBILE 98, Hol 1) 00d fully Bt uw Dower uiphed Accept highest offer. Phéne 3) 9784, Shin 2461 *s7 VOLKSWAGON deluxe, Immaculate black finish, custom radio, white walls, mirrors, slip covers. This car near new, Guaranteed, $1505, Seaway Mo tors, 200 Dundas West, Whitby, | CASH FOR YOUR CAR MACKIE MOTORS WILSON RD, S. RA 5-5743 or RA 5.1392 49--Automobile Repairs BUYING or SELLING See TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, = OSHAWA ust East of Wilson Road) RA 3-4494 Res, RA 5.5574 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. Test:Drive the IN . and the new FIAT For economy and perform. Sodded fronts, Many other extras, SEVEN ROOMS -- $12,500 : [living room, bedroom, bathroom, kit-| chen contains stove, 'frig, washing ma. | chine, television, Central, 34 Lloyd| Street, 2508 COMFORTABLE furnished room in pri. MODERN, self-contained apartment, vate home, suitable for one or two| gentlemen, central, parking space or| garage. RA 3.4960, 283 Groom's Ave. nue. 27 [ [SINGLE room for gentieman, RA o_Ave 2401 |8-5083. 373 Elmgrove Avenue. THREE - roo { < contained flat in Brooklin, Ne ecorated, oll We require a complete letter about yourself with phone number, Write now to sales manager » . Ing, hydro, telephone, also garage. BOX 135, TIMES-GAZETTE [Available November 1. Business coum 250c Preferred, but child welcomed. Phone Ajax 630 after 4 pm. 249¢ 41--Room and Board | [RANCH bungalow, three bedrooms, $action Ratha | available Nov. 1, Business couple pre. NICE, clean, bright warm, front|ferred. Phone RA 5.0154 for informa. foun and board. Nice location. Bus at tion, xn oor. Close to downtown, good meals, THREE roon tment (Targe rooms). garage. Apply 495 Simcoe Street North. THREE South Share TAT Toma), 2500 | Nov.18 ROOM or room and board for | New Parkwood Apartments ROOM and board for two Fentiemen, | close to GM and four corners, good | European meals and laundry done. 29| at 8 FURNISHED housekeeping room, for the model gentleman, parking space, Apply B42 You must see i Simcoe Street South or phone FA 51 3.4376. PRICED FROM $12,190 LOW DOWN PAYMENTS IF YOU QUALIFY refrigerator, stove, laundry and park. ing facilities, Close to bus, #¢hool, church and store, Available Nov, 1. Adults only, Apply Logue Apartments, 795 King Street Kast, RA 3.9202, 251¢ THREE - bedroom low, East sec- | tion, Write stating references to Box| 125, Times-Gagette, 2471 | ELF - CONTAINED apartment, oll heated, heavy duty stove, builtin cup:| boards, ete. Simcoe Street North. Avail. able November 1. $70 monthly. RA 5-5433 or RA 5.2267. 2481 THREE - room upper duplex, self-con. tained, oil heated; adults; central, Phone RA 35-0006, 24st CLEAN, comfortable room for girl or gentleman, close to GM north plant Call RA 81072, 2481 THREE . room apartment, unfurnished. RA 81975 or 140 Division Street after 4 p.m, 248 THREE . room apartment with private bath, near Shopping -Centre, Suit cou. ple. RA 8.5170, 2461 TWO - room, unfurnished apartment, | weekly, Elgin Street East or RA 85160, 249f | WOOM and board for two in large| Jou hedroom, with twin beds. Call RA | Government Controlled | bedroom -- 85. | ROOM or room and beard jor one| 2 Dedrooms--85, 90, 95 | gentleman, also for two gentlemen to Park Road North share, Phone RA 3.1776, 2461 | BEST in town, mngie beds, all modern | 7 conveniences, close to south GM. | Saguenay Avenue { RA 535-4229. Apply 536 Lorraine Street, For Information ROOM and board for gentlemen, pri- 167 Park Road North : or RA 3-2371 vate, close to South GM Lunches pack- ed if preferred. Homey atmosphere. RA 3.3993, Nov 15t ROOM agd board for gentlemen, close to downtown. Apply 23 Elgin Street East. RA 3.7814, un WHITBY CLASSIFIED 248f) | THREE and four room apartment, all in new home, heavy duty stove, cable, bulltisn cupboards, with sink. RA al 1 51¢ THREE rooms and bath, upstairs, one child welcomed. Immediate possession RA 5.8601 an MODERN three-bedroom bungalow, children welcome, Phone Ajax 188 XB. © ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avail: able in private home. 82 Park Road North, 5 - 7 p.m. RA 8.8671. Nov. 28 TWO rooms, quiet couple, immediate pu.session, RA 3.2303. Ale conveniences, heat, lights and water, Rochers. RA 5-3015. La Salle Court. 251a private bath, Available now. 476 Al bert Street, RA 5-5814, nu FOUR - room self-contained apartment and bathroom, unfurnished, heated, FOR rent -- Two - room apartment at/ FOR rent -- four - room aj partment, on 1137 Brock South, $40 monthly. Apply main floor with recreation room, in 117 Buelid Street. 251b Port Whitby. Tmmediat fons Central location, available November 1. 75 y. RA 3.4014, 2501 TWO rooms and small kitchen, unfur- nished, newly decorated. Immediate 10 Bloor Street East. 251f FOR mle -- '36 Ford, excellent condi. Phone MO 83130 after 6 p.m. 23ic| tion, radio and heater. Excellent condi. FOR sale -- two double bed fect | tion, Phone MO 8-416 251c| condition, complete with matiresses FOR RENT -- Comfortable apartment, and springs, $13 each: boy's bike, in beautiful ldeation, three rooms, bath. 800d condition, $10; three-burner old room, stove, refrigerator, laundry fa. ¥a8 stove, In good condition, $10. 713 cilities. parking, 600 Centre Street S., Green Street, Whitby. 251b oAPt- 2, Whitby. ---- FOR sale -- ON stove with pipes and NEW davenports and chrome suites, plate, good cond'tion, $30, Phone MO $44.50. Hurry. Midtown Furniture (next 8-3269, 251b hh South, - me - hier 113 Byron Street Min h. | MIDDLE. "AGED woman, reliable eau -- ------ © baby - sitter or would do washing or "LADY willing to baby sit, evenihgs. ironing in her own home. Phone MO "Apply Box 205, Times-Gazette, Whitby. 8-3645. 251a a oe pins TID FOR Tent -- one room OF Toom and #OR Rent -- Three room heated un. board, dil conveniences. Apply Holly- "urnished apartment on ground floor. wood Motel, Brock North, MO 8.2648, Central location. Phone MO 8-2466. 2511 oR 0 x Nov. 23 pIANO, reconditioned, new Keys, dyear 'SINGER machine bargains, Brand new Kuarantee. See this one now at Mid. setectric portables, $69 and brand new (OWA Furniture, 113 Byron Street South, Singer reverse stitch machines, $89, mi Nov. M4 Used drop heads from $17. All ma- FOR Rent -- Three room heated apart. whines guaranteed. Trades accepted, ment with private conveniences. Adults Aerms, Midtown Furniture (next to Le- only. MO 8-3727. 249f gion), 113 Byron Street South. Mo SEPTIC tanks cleaned the sanitary $-4981. ! way, new tanks installed. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut West Phone MO 8.2563, | ae " Dec. 25| BUY and sell used furniture, Grixti Furnitire will pay cash for used ap. pliances, furniture. Apply basement, 121 Brock South. MO 8.4822, Nov. 28 " | emcee usa # yard, Sand and Loom Fill, {AERIAL moved, repaired. New aerial "=For delivery to Oshawa [installed for as low as $35. Independent £ Whitby, Ajox area. \ | Sales, 309 Brock South, Whitby Plaza. ERIC BRANTON, MO 82660 | _._..___.______ Non Nov.9 MIDTOWN Furniture. We buy, sell and Ld used furniture, ap. pliances and skates, Phone MO 8.4981, Lk ; ---- Nov, 21 WOULD give daly care to children| in my home, Apply 1218 Brock Street! South, Whitby. 2451 | PANT Sutin Jind Wierations, "men's and ladies wear; drapery alterations R. H. MacDonald, 1013 Centre South, = SO Nov, 20 GUARANTEED sewing machine te. pairs and service. Call Midtown Furni- ture, 113 Byron South: phone MO 8-4981. ov, 77" DRIVEWAY GRAVEL "Coarse or fine, $7.00 per * "load. Cement-Gravel, $1.60 oF FOR" RENT y ~a-Shotguns, 303 Rifles, Decoys, ~Cartop boats, Canoes, Trail- *"ors. Cement mixes, wheel- ~» barrow, Skill Paint "sprayers, Garden Tiller, etc. WILDE RENTAL SERVICE on AND SALES w Whitby, MO 8.3226 | Nev, 18 | Saws, CI Re RR A A A REIN AS CA Pp WIDOW has bed-sitting room with kit- chen privileges, TV, Phone RA 0 516 BUCKINGHAM MANOR APARTMENTS One- and two-bedroom, elec- trically equipped, good lo- cation. $90 ond $100. Apply-- 498 SIMCOE N., APT, § RA 8-8676 Nov.8 WAREHOUSE 45--R PRIVATE, agents pl Beven- room brick, very central, with separate apartment which carries house, $11,900, $2000 down. RA 3.7812, 2 OPEN HOUSE SEE THE MODEL 2:30 P.M. TO DARK DAILY EXCLUSIVE AGENTS JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED -- REALTORS RA 5-6544 $1,000 full down payment, new N.H.A. homes, your last opportunity to be a home- owner at this low down pay- ment, full price $11,900. Prices are going up, not down, Call Eugene Patterson at RA 5.6544, John A, J, Bolahood, Limited, Realtors 25 LS. Shelgrove o. Ltd: 43 Park Rd. S., Oshawa ONLY 2 LEFT New N.H.A. bungalows on Stevensons Road North, 5- and é- room brick and stone, well constructed, built for comfort and This immaculate home on Bloor St. West consists of 4 rooms down and 3 up with 4-piece bath. Construction is of beautifully cut field stone and ranch clapbeard, Built in 1951, it features hot air oil heating, glass-lined hot water tank and laundry tubs. Roomy kitchen has ample cupboards, Oak ond tile floors, Paved driveway ond extra large size garage with overhead steel doors. Full price $12,500 with terms. Possession 30 days. LADIES ONLY If you're raisihg a fomily and would like @ home with a large fenced yard, you'll want to see this charmer. A five-room brick bungalow with living room, kitchen and 3 good-sized bedrooms. This home Is in top condition throughout, landscaped and tastes fully decorated, List price $12,350, Monthly payments $52.00. $300 DOWN -- NORTH END The above small deposit will reserve @ new 3:bedroom brick bun. golow with oil heating, loundry tubs, large kitchen-dinette. Seven hundred dollars on possession = N.H.A, terms, HILLSDALE TERRACE Choice building lots now available for early spring building. Choice ravine Tors in the north section of city -- sewer, water, storm sewers, streets, lights, roads and curbs all paid for, Special house plans ovailable. Wilson Realtor OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE--RA 5-6588 After Hours:-- Bill Norrls .. RA 5.6588 Joan Wilson . . Jack Sheriff ov RA 3.3775 Doug Wilson .. RA 5.4588 RA 5.5625 ! 251a convenience by Hummel Construction, Overall price and down payment reduced for quick sale, Call Keith Peters, RA 5.8761, or evenings RA 5-4162, $1,500 DOWN Ranch-ityle 6-rcom bungalow, large rooms, completely modern and landscaped,' attached garage, located just north of Oshawa City limits. Call Sid Martyn, RA 3-9810. 6 ROOMS -- BRICK $9,900 full price, modern kitchen, living room and dining room on main floor, 3 bedrooms and bath up, large lot, central loca- tion, Call Keith Peters, RA 5-8761, or evenings RA 5-4162, GIBBON STREET $1,500 down -- 5 rooms, brick and stone coat bungalow, spote lessly clean, cosy and modern, heated sunroom with flower planter, forced air oil heating, storms and screens, attached gar age, extra well landscaped lot, Call Sid Martyn, RA 3-9810, NEW BUNGALOWS FOR RENT 5,400 feet floor space with office, stockroom, washroom, high folding doors. Central. RA 3.9481 a 248¢ FOR RENT 3-bedroom brick bungalow, 4.piece bath, modern kit- chen, brand-new, ultra-mod- ern, Location: North Whit- by. Only $115. Phone MO 8.4741, SATOK REAL ESTATE LTD. 0ct.27,28,3¢ Ground-floor apartment, 3 rooms and bath, completely private, Tile and hardwood tloors, built-ins, and sink. Private drive. $60.00. RA 5-8107 as4! North Oshawa -- 6 rooms, brick, natural fireplace, full size, high basement, large lot, List price $13,300, easy terms. RA 5-8761 or RA 3-9810, East City limits -- 6 rooms, brick and frame bungalow, built-in vanity and bathroom scales, ettached garage. If looking for something better than average see this one by calling RA 5-8761 or RA 3-9810 BUILDING LOTS Sinclair Ave. -- 48% x 101 ft, Park Road South -- 50 x 131 ft, Park Road South -- 65 x 115 ft. Taunton Road West -- 274 x 824 ft, Courtice -- 10 acres == 2 to choose from. FARMS 10 acres with full line of bulldings = clote to Oshawa. 60-acre farm, 55 acres workable, 7-room house, bankbarn. $7,500, RA 3-9810 or RA 5-8761 or 'evenings RA 5-4162 Members of the Local Real Estate Board Sas Se dere a SE Ae. SATE Se Se eS SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd. REAL ESTATE NEW LISTING N.H.A. RESALE 3 YEARS OLD Large 5 room brick ranch style bungalow, located in Rosslyn Estates. This 3 bedroom home is in beautiful condition; pre- fessionally landscaped ond decorated. Very close to separate schools and public schools. Excellent value, $3,500 down. Monthly poyments-of only $74.22 principal, interest and taxes, ro durthas information please call Bill McFeeters, evenings, $1,500 N.H.A RESALE FULL PRICE $11,300 A real good buy on a 5 room brick bungalow, situated on a large landscoped lot, in the Highland Ave. area, 3 bedrooms, oil heating, large fenced-in back yard. Owner anxious to sell, For further information, call Henry Stinson, evenings, RA 5.0243. COMFORTABLE LIVING PLUS INCOME Large brick 1a storey home with 2 car garage, located 'on Cadillac Ave, N. Close to school end bus. Home consists of five large rooms for owner, plus 2 additional rooms which bring in an income of $60 per month. Extras include fireplace, extra sink, stool and shower. $4,000 down ond balance with reasonable terms. For further information, please call John Zakarow, evenings, RA 5.0494, ATTENTION BUILDERS -- INVESTMENT BUYERS Approximately 1 acre of lend, located on Park Rd. South, just 2 blocks off King St. W, Having a frontage of 210' on Park Rd, S. and rear entrance of 120'-on Montrave Ave. Now used for a private residence consisting of (1) 7 room home, (2) a cement block building, 55° x 25%, (3) 2 car garage, This pro- porty is ideally situated for an apartment site, church, ete. For urther information, ease call Stan Philli RA 8:1496, 4 , BEFORE 5:00 RA 3-2265 ance, | ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP | 408 King St. W. RA 3.7132 (47 --Automobiles For Sale STUDEBAKER-VOLKSWAGEN SALES ond SERVICE 334 RITSON RD, SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT. TEL: RAndolph 3-348) USED CAR SALE Come in and drive one of these guaranteed safe buy used cars. Ask our courteous sales- men about our new customer warranty plan. Also the low down payments required to make one of these fine cars your own, 1956 FORD FAIRLANE sedan yellow and white. Really sharp MONARCH sedan, blue and white, power brakes and power steering, automatic transmission, power win. dows. Immaculate throughout ...,. MERCURY MONTEREY sedan, dark blue, custom radio, guaranteed one owner. Name supplied on request . . BUICK sedan, white, this one FORD FAIRLANE sedan, tri- tone bronze and white. A real beauty INTERNATIONAL half tone. pick-up. This truck is perfect. Only . Pik p METEOR CUSTOM LINE sedan, black. A really clean car. With radio .... PONTIAC sedan, grey. Really clean PONTIAC sedan, black. Going cheap DODGE 'sedan, dark green. 'Custom radio, rear seat speaker. Exceptional condition for the year $1,599 1956 $1,695 1955 $1,595 1955 two-tone blue and automatic transmission. See $1,585 1955 a $1,495 1955 $875 1953 $895 $725 $695 1952 1952 1951 $395 $395 $445 $195 1951 DODGE sedan, grey. Immaculate in- side and out. Hurry for this one ... 1951 1949 FORD sedan, two-tone green ...... MERCURY sedan, blue, Cheap .... Many more models to choose from BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES LIMITED 1271 SIMCOE N. RA 3-4675% 25 BETWEEN 5:00 AND 6:00 P.M. RA 8.1624 (Continued an Passe 1

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