| Parity Pr ces THE DAILY TJMES-GAZETTE, Thursday, October 23, 1958 J Demanded By |Air Competition - "omer Union, Opposed By TCA farm prices was expressed in res- olutions and by the main speaker Wednesday at the annual meeting of the Ontario Farmers' Union. OTTAWA (CP) -- If Canada The OFU called for parity|needs two transcontinental air-| Canada's national production ; prices in a blanket resolution in- United States needs 10 to 7.2 t of the Ameri- OR Orr Te Port Hope BADMINTON EXBCUTIVE troduced after delegates from hg the oy it now has. se ROR gy 1957 Bucy 8 Figure Skating Club will hold its| A meeting of all badminton en-|raany parts of Ontario demanded : ' hind clearing operations now de.|200ual meeting at the Town Haillthusiasts called by Mr. and Mrs. ie hh on a variety of prod-| So concludes John G. Edison, eT 3 ction = emir Speiaiions Joy Se Thursday at 8pm. Fees of $15 i Hec Hood was held at the local|ucts including eggs, potatoes, Sonse) In Jus. Sanaa Ar walle thea ip. 500 on. the the gully, to face a 135-foot high the first member in a family, high school with 30 in attendance. beef and manufactured milk. " /iation|by $225,200,000,000 ~ 8 : for the second and then $5 for|Jack Low was elected president,| Chairman James Patterson of [OD evidence by American aviation +200,000,000. Bi degre well or ge Jormed each additional member will be|with Tom Park as nd thi dent, |the Interprovincial Farm Union consultant Frederic Kimball Sp And during these years Canada hill caused by a creek at the bot-|the same as last year. |The secretary will be Ron Rose,|Council told delegates present porting he bd of Cana a Cars had only Se Lrgnscontinental air- tom of the gully. Parents are urged to attend to| With Dave Wing handling ~the|support prices are based on a 10- a Or a g'ice © ne 2d E Bg Jour: 2 Sgetied Because of the irregularity and help discuss the season's pro-|duties of treasurer. year average rather than on One of Mr. Kimball's conten-|should have two carriers, as CPA depth of the gully, 60-foot depth| . All skat and all new| The club has procured the use production costs. : : of fill will have to be deposited skating ES = are also ijn- of the high school gym each| The Winnipeg farm official said|tions, among those placed before|contends, then the U.S, should along the right of way, and a yited |Monday and Thursday until the|proper pricing was the only thing|the air transport board earlier, have 10, or at least six or seven. cut 75 feet deep will have té be The few. Professional John |New Year for two hours each|that could save the small farmer was that Canada jecded audther INCOME FIGURES taken out through the side of the| oq HOW, FRO P ito y ara/night. After New Year they will|from being squeezed out of the|airiine because of the country's| wy "pi 0" 0 0 0 hill, to provide 401 with the cus-| Wid. Who 8 repACIE PArbArd be able to play one night a week|picture by larger farms, He sug-(rapid growth. Canada's post-war| oh |Wis00 Kimball indicated tomary smooth, even grade. Ann Burgoyne, pro a ei | until the end of the season, gested the price for wheat be/growth had outpaced that of the ~~ capifa disposable income in Notices have been published fOr the last two years, will be in-|gpening "night for play will be| increased 50 cents a bushel, with|U.S. Canada was $1,260 in Canada last already this week announcing|troduced to the ng ing. i11/Oct: 27 and all interested who|hog and cattle prices held at this| cgay ENGES BASIS year and $1,750 in the U.S. The closure of Cobourg, Hamilton The Higwe skating season w {Were not at the opening meeting year's peak and adjustments opin challenged the basis|average American thus had 35 {township and Hapland mT: open Nov. 10. |are urged to turn out, made in dairy and egg prices. | i. Too ations, -nintair ing|per cent more money available |ship roads corssing the dual high- gow; ING LEAGUE BOWMANVILLE HEADS [PREPARE HOG PLAN the use of percentages instead of|fos air travel, or other use, than {way's right of way. s ive was instructed absolute figures in comparing the|the average Canadian. STANDING In Lakeshore COSSA football The executive h : keting [two countries was misleading. Earlier Mr. Kimball qualified ' . Standing of the 50-50 Bowling| Bowmanville is leading the Senior | 10 send a new hog marketing : d that |his testimony and agreed that | t { IL fter three weeks of play League with two triumphs in|Plan to the Ontario department| Mr. Kimball told the board that te of th blicl od on on rm |.eague air Donners 15, Blitz three starts Whitby has wo of agriculture. Delegates were |during the last 10 years Canada's A A a . bu oy I ye 13 as _tonows: [ol omots. 11. and 10d ors whae 0 BS n ne told that a new vote is likely if population increased by 31.4 per| TCA should no ° e on'y lactop ns 14, Vixens and Comets 11, and lost one while Port Hope has attempts to invalidate the present |cent while that of the U.S. rose|in determining whether the mon- el | R Of R ] Cupids 10, Prancers 9, Dashers 8, lost its only start to date. In : | opoly should be opened to compe- umor oya Dancers 6. High single: Men -- junior action, both Cobourg and hog Iarketing scheme ate sae Poy ELL added some further|tition from CPA. ASSEMBLED GUESTS after | gs = {Howard Sanders, 340; women -- Bowmanville have beaten each ~my.™\ ion passed a resolution |comparisons--that Canada's pop-| He agreed also that TCAs pro- yesterday's unveiling of the | Visit To Town | Diane King, 252. Bowling over 225 other once, while the new Oshawa asking that all Canadian canned |ulation rose only to 9.8 per cent fit margin was narrower than the | Archeological and Historical | Harold Churchley, 268, 248,|school, Donevan, has not played goods in store be sold before im-|of the US figure in 1957 from average successful American line, | Sites Board plaque at Barnum | COBOURG -- In reply to a mes- 235; Ray Beech, 252; Joyce Lin-|as yet. ports are allowed. Delegates said|nine per cent in 1946. though he had stated in his writ- | House, near Grafton, are shown sage requesting confirmation of gard, 244; Al White, 240; Doreen| Bob Arnew, Cobourg, leads the many canned goods from the U.S.| In absolute figures, Canada'sten evidence that TCA was in a (top). They are, left to right: |the rumor that HM Queen Eliza- Churchley, 228; Jerry Bennett, junior scoring race with 18 points were labelled as Canadian. population had increased by 3,- "strong" financial position, hav- Ken Symons, United Counties beth II may visit Cobourg in the|228, Bowlers over 600 triple -- (followed by Bowmanville's Gary| The OFU decided to ask locals ing earned $6,500,000 in net profit clerk; Father J. McCaffery, royal yacht Brittania next year, Churchley, 751; Sanders, 666; Conway with 12. Eric Carleton, to press for a new farm price | . last year. historical sites board; R. D. P. |when she visits Canada for the King, 642 and Joyce Lingard, 618. Bowmanville, is tops in the senior stabilization board with members E t 0 t . {race with teammate Paul McCul-|\more "'definitely dedicated to the as n ario Creek Poses Problem For Road Crews COBOURG -- Advance of high- PORT HOPE Sports Briefs an on ov evi From Port Hope steep - sloped gully a mile north of Barnum House, near a town- ship sideroad. Grading equipment moving be-| COBOURG AND DISTRICT NEWS FR. 2-5201 Representative -- lain Macdonald -- MARK HISTORIC BARNUM HOUSE By HAROLD MORRISON 967,000 and the U.S. by 29,840, 000. can soar to many times ward rate care. That's why we urge you to add the very necessary lone DC-8 jet airliner. | let, prominent Ontario his- Northumberland), yesterday said| hur Afternoon Ladies'| { torian; Mrs. W. A. Goodfellow, that state department plans Por EY er Orioles, 13; ' Hockey Troup | wife of Ontario's Minister of |the visit had not yet been made. | Ravens 12: Jais, 10; Sparrows, ° ° | Agriculture; Ben Thompson, |He was therefore unable to pro-|4. Wrens, 3; Robins, 0. Vera Mar- ( 'hristian anna | MP Jor, Norhumbefland: nd vide 2 ymin a yet. art {tin had the high single of 286 and | pens eason state -| iple Ris Core' of oe. met, but they informed me tha ong over 200 wore --- Olive Led By DON SOUTTER .. A. Goodtellow, wile of " |they were unable to release any ." 918. ilvn Li 215: ; | alt) Ariculture. | 25 5 ea Y|bury, 218; Marilyn Linton, 215; (0) ed e ana The Eastern Ontario group of| oni Miner gAvicyire information on the details of the eons Phillips, 210; Maude Dar- Vv : the Ontario Hockey Association's| nee ee visit as they were not complete. |) "90g 209; Dorothy Towes, {senior A division, which opens its | though," he said. Mr. Thompson agreed that the | | 3 S| x : | " # | ror vito ore he seonsh| Oe Dead, 4 Hurk [ores ona one oven i or seing saan vic vor, hemo, Wnty Duos | a" hospital bills. | Price B Al oma une ' |again. He will leave hehind some aboard ship. But overnight his oT Se hiabound Adar Gani 1 y 'g [plans of such a complex nature as C BR id blushes in prominent cheeks. ease became a. national cause Cy 1a-boun an ii MONTREAL (CP)--A spokes-| were required for the occasion! In al ACCl ent During the 18% months since celebre: oT gaiet them over.a $4 ; sai ice has|"/Me- : oy ere | Pacific shores, his cause has been nadian immigration laws because : : y pany said Wednesday notice has He added that he would himself Was killed and four others wore rempioned by people in high!he had no passport, no identifica- gre for a third Sirajgi Sevier 3} been received from Algoma Steel jixe to see such a visit to any injured, one seriously Wednesday 1 d Tow tion, no nationality and no place ominion championship from this | i incr f $4 harbor towns in his night in a car-truck collision on|P'aces an . : % |league. They are the revamped| Corporation of #1 Increase o one' of the barber {owns in bis Prime Minister Diefenbaker, of birth. {Kingston Merchants, Cor n wall] Cobourg's claim to recognition south of Monkton. ; x | ; ! steel. by a royal visit was included in| The dead man is John Riach, leader, nes spoke 24 " Te He told Canadian authorities he tM Huli Canadiens. f a semi-official rumor which cir- 20, of Monkton, driver of a cattle House of Commons fo > born at sea of a French| Missing from Yo league au i 'ho died w ,|from senior A hockey for the firs ; "anad fter spending some 15 Somali mother, who died when he I A y : This suggested that the Queen's ence Mason of Listowel. ; Canalla - ik I with. was six, and a Liberian father five ih many Rls 208 Dom V 1 a ue O tour would include three or four! Also in hospital suffering minor out a state whom } he had never seen. Six ngs. towns along the north shore of|lacerations are Rev. J. D. Martin, : . ister Fult in an countries had turned him away ful Lake Ontario, of which Cobourg L. A. Oliver and Bert Abell, all Justice Minister Fulton, i alread, he said. {finally bowed to a series of finan- | 4 earlier phase of his career, once ; |cial set-backs. f od i bd B H attempted as an opposition mem- Vancouver lawyer Donald S. The schedule opens tonight with & | ials and through immigration board hear-|~? p 4 1S OrlC arnum ous C ° Ab d n ihe Comurions Sho pret ii Bh oo 2 the B.C. Supreme Ringston ka Bl oy hiang ! an oO laborer from obscure beginnings| Court. It declared invalid the im- night, at home to Belleville. Barnum House, Northumberland priest revealed that over 100 sim- he was a streug Loyalist and Con-| [J ; | : Historical Society's museum, was|ilar plaques had been placed in|servative in his political outlook. | | m Mr. Fulton's - attempt didn't, Mr. Pickersgill allowed Hanna ( SUPPLEMENTAL unveiled before an audience of| Ontario in the past year. Director|An active member of the militia, | nv 1 work. And neither did Hanna's to stay in Canada and prove he(a regular schedule into an ab- PLAN " about 50 persons at Grafton yes-|of the board, D. F. McOuat, also|he became colonel of the 3rd! engagement with Canada. {wanted to be a good citizen. breviated season before leaving ul to vi by| official * vincial hist ", at- Q 7 By SPENCER MOOSA . 3 i i oer a Sisal ge a OPPOSED MACKENZIE | y (AP)--P ;.|moys together with the Matsus| Immigration Minister Fair Jooand a tughosl Then he lost it plum for the first-place finisher|j your Provincial Hospital Historical Sites Board, the plaque|speaker was W. P. Hinman, cur- In 1836, as a strong opponent | TAIPEI, Formosa AP)-- yes is_elosely related to the defence clough announced Wednesday, ecause of a strike. this season--the league winner : | of William Lyon Mackenzie's ident Chiang" Kai-shek today re-'of Tajwan (Formosa) and Peng./ that Hanna will be deported Sat-| yo as charged with being in-|wiil be allowed to pick its semi- Mr. Edison said this $6,500,000 | Davidson, county historical so- |opening of the St. Lawrence Sea- : was just equivalent to the cost of ciety president; Edwin C. Guil- way, Ben Thompson, MP (PC--| THURSDAY LEAGUE {lough both with 12 points. interests of agriculture. Reeve Doug Johnston, Haldi- {They didn't deny .the possibility, !oq=. ; ; ; + 205; Belly Bussw: 9%. By DON PEACOCK The then Liberal immigration 19°6-59 season tonight, has a five- ost ot Joost os uch Boost In Steel OTTAWA (CP) -- Christian|minister, J. W. Pickersgill, was|téam grouping that includes the § can ¢ |was definite, but explained that| man for Dominion Bridge Com-|Would not be ready for some STRATFORD (CP)--One man|he first chanced on Canada's) He was inadmissible under Ca- jon oto Jqine'are three contend. | : : idi Highway 23, about two miles ker, | a ton in the price of structural Tiding. then Parliament's Opposition BORN AT SEA |Chevies and a senior A team of| A aga in was culated here earlier this summer. | truck. Seriously injured was Clar- year<ld laborer who landed in Ottawa Valley team has, would be one: of Listowel. | ber to launch a special debate in| White carried Hanna's case| , The sti at Hull. Friday night| COBOURG -- An historical Shrine at Mi , and member at one time owned about 5000 somewhere in the Mediterranean| migration department's deporta- SURGICAL marker commemorating of the Board ine elderly Jesuit [acres of land. At the same time area. tion order against Hanna. PICK OPPONENTS With the McFarlands jamming . i y bei ttended. Edw . Guillet, un-|/ Northumberland Militia. [ for the world tournament, the| terday. One of a series now being alisndeq Edwin ©, ou] u * i conditions the defence of the Que- HELD IN CUSTODY | He got a job as a deckhand) oo" oame up with a prize ward-rate coverage was unveiled y Mrs. W. A. Good-|ator at the museum. J | ; : av Lek They've al- 3 A ] Wi io"s Minis 4 a striking Party, he was elected chairman|pounced the use of force as the hu (the Pescadore) islands in the|urday to Lebanon. They've toxicated in a public place. final opponent. This assures alll fellow, wife of Ontario's Minister! Barnum House is a striking Of 8 Jota] Comat Bren ounc St ready got him in custody in Van- Ton los of FleHt Dorie | FOR FULL INFORMATION of Agriculture. white frame building which|p, © 4 |principal means of returning to/Formosa Strait. ORY After forfeiting bail on that one, I Program chairman was North- stands at the western approaches Bar Pum Was 2 julice of He the Communist - held Chinese' This was interpreted as a new COUVver. ) -ce Ne went to the ib of B.C. to| The McFarlands, strengthened ON THESE berland Historical ~ Society[to Grafton, seven miles east of ho oo! and one of tha founders of | mainland. warning that any Red attempt to Hanna proved to be 2 source take a railway job. by a few reinstated professionals, | SUPPLEMENTAL PLANS Ym P. Davidson, who! Cobourg: the local scheol and St. George's ii i jing |t2ke the offshore islands might of embarrassment--for someone 4 {open the season with a healthy] WRITE President R. D. P. Davidson, Be Anzlical. Church at Grafto In a joint communique ending Core™ S "intervention. from the day he arrived at Port| Mr. Fulton, by now acting im-|4-1 exhibition record. Byt doubt | several guest emainad in, three days of talks with U.S. CANADA HEALTH introduced the 2 Georgian sty n architecture The Barnum Hou x Dulles left by jet tanker for Alberni, B.C., in December. 1956. migration minister, said Hannal|ful starters are three players| speakers. Ben Tromso WP: the structure now w idely -re-s possession of 's of that/State Secretary Dulles, Chiang Washington aiter he and Chiang He had stowed away aboard the|was staying in Canada on proba-|counted on to bolster the defence, | vias irst to speak, following Mr, garded as one of the finest re-|tamily until { 1920. and is/said a return to the mainland drew up the communique in their Norwegian freighter Gudveig at!tion. Later he was given permis-| Rags Raglan, Al Dewsbury and & ACCIDENT Davidson's opening remarks. maining examples of the archi-lnow a museum for the county [still is his sacred mission bul|gey menting since Tuesday. Beirut, Lebanon, in July, 1955. sion to stay another six months.|Frank Bathgate. Ca Member of the historical so-(tecture of Uppe nada's Loyal- historical society. It had more | "the foundation of this mission} ciety himself, Mr. Thompson con-|ist period. Now known as Bar- thay 300 paving visitors, mostly resides in the minds and the | D gratulated the sites board for i's num House after its founder. Col. |tourists, during-the past summer, | hearts of the Chinese people." | choice, and said 'if we are not|Eliakim Barnum (1784-1877), it| -- - -- | The principal means of achiev: I ead Is Battle too interested in things of the|was earlier called The Poplars . - log that mission successfully is a past, then we can't be too inter-|because of the rows of Lombardy Kiwanis Elect [through nationalism, democracy | ested in the things of the future." |poplars planted on the property and. & , ie ocial well-being, "and not United = Counties Clerk Ken|by its original owner. N . jan: use of force," the communi- F U S V i ew Executive [a ii ror Un. Votes jrmoms saa, "We are wre thlprny prsyLEny istorical society deserves d : | . credit for the work and interest Col. Barnum arrived at the sitet COBOURG -- Executive offi-| The oe I ON of the house from Vermont in cers for 1959 were elected Tues. 'StP iy defend the Na- {1808, and settled in a log house/day night at Kiwanis club meet. Commitmen B 3 they have shown." MAY EXPAND tionalist-held offshore islands, al- sess nesscvsssnee | | Raglan is not .yet reinstated Assurance Corporation I t S land has been ordered to Trois- Ken Kingston & Associates, Rivieres of the Quebec Hockey | 378 Aylmer St., Peterborough. Ont. | mprovemen een League. ews, owned by|§ Please send full particulars on ershey Bears of the American (§ your Provincial Hospital Medi- In Steel Markets Hockey League, has been sold tof cal-Surgical Supplemental Plan. Calgary of the Western Hockey HALIFAX (CP)--The chairman|League and Bathgate, traded by (§ Name of the board of Dominion Steel| Windsor to Sudbury, is under sus- and Coal Corporation said today PECROR. from. Ta'st season's | NEW YORK (CP) -- The rad- Democrats from the free-spend- that gradual improvement is ex-i iS 8 SOME oS St seasons icals and the demagogues--known|ing wing of the party--the rad-|Pected in the steel industry Start ovealek, now with Kelowna Address su. ovevresstams already there. A man of means, liag in the British Hotel a " oh outside campaign oratory as theical group from the North and/ing early next year. [Pack Joe Leni | Future expansion of Barnum he built a dam on a nearby creek| President will be Russell Rowe, though it did not make such a RE © Pac Pe al cs ackers. Joe Lepine and Johnlf ...... tescissssssesen : ' a_nedro, s ) > m publican part- East--seize control of Congress| Sir Roy Dobson told the annual ido.) House as the county museum was|and was soon operating a profit- with Percy Cole, vice - president | lat guarantec. Roy Muretich retired and Bep Guido hinted at by Grafton's Reeve of able grist mill and distillery. and Morley Cane, treasurer The statement said the United iop-chasea ue Oe ones: ang ave shls to Roig oi idling Sharehuiders noenmg hii the lin now Is with Kingston. | Sha and mail this coupon mow. Haldimand township, Doug John' o ldiers quartered in the origin- Directors of the club were also States and the Nationalist regime] zontr 1 of tie United States Con- can party and th uthern Demo nite 39 2% tren a The: Maar Oifensive strenath| ater may sion, Afier ing he PIO | oi building i g i ar of 1812 elected Denny Bergin Art Les. |"recognized that under present oy n LL ye 42 Sous: I etn ma on loving Soak Tee ho. ay id 2 5415 vincial government for its interest |® Ep A rd] Bets 4 Heooke. and ary | =e | ST C58 or ait i Tha > y v versi -, in such local matters, he said, started an 2001s nial fire wich and, Lon Nillcoe Ke od Gem The nasty names the rival In winding up his 5,300-miie|flected in Canada. It was the first'and Barton Bradley -- a 30-goal e "Next year we hope to see big Sompletely Yestwoyed the house. Salle x nih ed L speakers pinned on their oppon- speaking tour, Eisenhower said|time the Dosco annual meeting scorer last year. ! rove ents here. | by. presi. 0 the ste, and was completed In| ciected for a term of one year | WAYS MUXUIY ents were part of the livelierby- the DeoeTale San iter sofijnyves held ia the Meriiimes. is was confirmed by presi- Site, $ com] 2 ter |the- § s Nov. y i i WAR 1817. Since then, with the excep- to serve until end of term for for- lections th vill 'decide who! x : Sas a , 4 dent Mr. Davidson, wie said hat tion of some alterations to the mer director Lorne Blodgett, who! $ Slosiions hay and Hi Eo hol He credited his administration | earnings to $2,707,717 for the first the society hoped to have another outside, the building has been left moved away from town before his| 0 ecessary vo or with helping to push personal in- seven months of 1958 compared building on the 90-acre Barnum spn Qinctorots Hon reer Reprotentalives pS, prefdeney come to a record high and said|with a record $7,112,996 for the S . i - . Col. Barnum is described as a Present executive, under the s > + L o President Eisenhower, who con- be too late, or House property soon. election of a Republican Congress | full year of 1957 reflected in- is the best insurance for even creased competition in domestic - The Archeological and Historic tall, stern looking man. He seems leadership of Ed Tomsett, will | F H : ¢ al Su Board was represented at to have retained ll the tradition- continue until the end of this | or ap ness cludes a cross-country campaign) greater prosperity. land export markets. the estwmonies by Father J. Mc- al Yankee ability at commerce year. The new executive assumes swing today, was accused by yl COBOURG --Two months after Democrat Adlai Stevenson of} he and his wife had observed joining Vice - President Richard! their 49th wedding anniversary, Nixon in "a. desperate, intoier-| John Samis, 491 Division street.|able, demagoguery type of cam- celebrated his 80th birthday at|paign." Caffery, Director of Martyrs'land, in addition to his mills, he office January 1, 1939. THE RED CROSS home. Remarkably active for his years, John has been spoken of | as having the appearance of a 60-| year-old and the energy of a 40- year-old, He was born in Haldi- mand township, near what is now Northumberland's ski club. Later he spent 17 years pioneering in the New Liskeard mining country of northern Ontario. Energetic in improving his home territory, since moving hack to Haldimand, most of the fences in the town- shin have been erected with his help. Looking back to less materially rich days, John philosophized: '""Men worked long hours for little pay in the old days, but I serious- ly doubt if anyone is really hap- pier today in spite of all the lux- uries available. These may be good for business, but as for their benesicial impact on people, there are grounds for dispute." # 'I think possibly that much of the trouble today is due to the | dull monotony of so much of man's work. High wages are no compensation for monotony." Father of five, he has two boys and three girls. They are Mrs. Dave (Effie) Quigley, Jr.,| A 7 Cobourg: Mrs Alex Mahel! -- >, " AAT) zwall, Cobourg: Mrs a ! y "ty & Dingwa ) g 7h J wm i Ft (Pearl) Tripp, Cobourg; Percy Cornwall; and Clarence, at Cat- araqui. MR. AND MRS. JOHN SAMIS, AT THEIR DIVISION STREET HOME Alfred party." sible to keep these curbs if the Eisenhower meanwhile carried on his battle for a Republican Congress with a renewed blast at "radical" Democrats and Demo- cratic economic policies. He told some 4,500 party work- ers at Chicago that his adminis- tration has licked recession with- out "a federal wheelchair," de- spite radical demands from con- gressional Democrats for huge spending programs. STEVENSON IRATE Eisenhower's repeated use of the word radical brought heated | criticism from Stevenson Eisen- hower's democratic presidential | opponent in 1952 and 1956. "The old Nixon has been joined by the new Ike--or a new speech | writer--in a desperate, intoler- | able demagoguery type of cam-| paign,"" Stevenson toid a meeting | of Democratic chiefs in Chicago. Stevenson described Republican | campaign oratory as "an affront | to the intelligence of our fellow citizens." . | Joining Eisenhower in praise of | administration economic policies, Nixon told a party rally in Prov- | idenge, R.I., that the Eisenhower administration as managed to curb "the runaway inflation it in- herited from the Democratic But, he added, 'this adminis- ration may well find it impos- | He said the decline in 4 1 HOME NURSING COURSE commences this THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, at 7 P.M. at the Oshawa General Hospital School of Nursing on Alexandra Street Registration for the course may be made on the opening. The fee for the twelve-week course will be $1.00 For further information please call Miss Teresa McDougall RA 8-1397 Mrs. Margaret Shaw RA 3-9786 3 Fin: er Ti SAE 5 CASH a PRE hd ih «RO i Wit pan sd Don't land on piled-up bills carried over from vacation ...call us. We may be able' to cushion your fall with cash. DIAL RA 5-1121 For Whitby District A DIRECT LINE ~-- DIAL MO 8-4291