AS YORE COMBY-NAY-SHUN TRACK, COACH AN' MARRIAGE COUNSELOR, AH SAYS -- CLAWS ON THET ONE //--HE'S ONLY 15/2 YARS OLD!/~THEY'S $0 EASY TO HOUSE-BREAK AT THET AGE f/~ JILLIE THE TOILER NOW, NOW! WE CAN GET ALONG WITHOUT ANY NEW-FANGLED MECHANICAL CONTRVANCES 1 REALLY NEED A TAPE DISPENSER, ' HERE'S YOUR MAIL, ° Why MR. SIMPKING DONT THEY SEND THAT J 2 ELECTRIC PENCIL SHARPENER )/%) I ORDERED? ( THE LONE RANGER I WONDER WHAT PUT THE BURR UNDER Hig SADDLE LD IT BE ING YOU SAID TO HIM? Record Peach - Crop In North Oshawa By VIOLET KIRBY MUGGS AND SKEETER / DON'T NEED HELP, TONTG, YOU GET HIS HORSE. THE STOLEN CASH MIGHT BE IN A SADDLEBAG. A MINK COAT, I'LL BUY YOU BECAUSE I'M BLONDIE, MY FOUNTAIN PEN 1H OKAY:-HERE'S THE PEN- NOW, HOW ABOUT MY MINK COAT ? ©) 24 og A 1 SECRET AGENT X9 iT sure oo! I'M GUNNERSON! 1 6UGSS THE FAKE PASS PHRASE I GAVE HIM TIPPED YOU HE WHO 1 THIS CHARACTER? How Age You? S| HE'S A JORGORAINIAN SPY. AN AGENT OF RAUK THE HAWK, THEY ARG TRYING © } INFILTRATE THE GOVERNMENT OF BORAVIAL PICK ON Yau, A'MACHING GET A RECORD OP OUR FORBIGN ACCOUNTS, ESPECIALLY OUR UNITED STATES CLIENTS Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Wood and Walter and Mrs. Bryce Elliott of Sunday guests of The girls of St. ' Stephen's Church CGIT and their leader, Mrs. David Duchemin, attended the leadership rally' at King Street Church and conducted a demonstration CGIT x Wednesday evening they visit- ed the children's ward of Oshawa General Hospital and presented scrapbooks to the sick children. Friday evening they had a Wiener roast at Sommerville Park, BROWNIE, GUIDE BAZAAR The 13th Guide and Brownie group ittee held a Jus bazaar and tea Thursday eve. Mrs. Eric Brock welcomed the ladies and Guides and introduced Mrs. A. G. Wiskin who officially opened the bazaar. A sale of home baking, and craft work by the Guides and pre- sented Mrs. Wiskin with a ching cup and saucer. Child Rescued By 0il Workers MAGNOLIA, Ark. (AP) -- Of field workers rescued a two-year- old boy Wednesday three hours after he fell into a narrow hole '59 PONTIAC TODAY 230 KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA PHONE RA 5-6651 SAWYER, BUT DON'T' FORGET . THAT YOU'RE SMART TO BE CAGEY, \ SUPPOSE YoU po A LITTLE TRUSTING, MISS MAHALI, AND TELL ME YOUR PLANS, AT I GAVE YOU THE PASSWORD, YOU HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO TRUST ME, WELL, ONE THING'S CERTAIN, WE CAN'T STAY HERE... UNLESS WE WANT TO BE PICKED UP BY THE POLICE. FURTHERMORE, WE KNOW TOO MUCH, THE ASSASSINS WHO GOT TURKEY WILL BE AFTER US, COME, T HAVE 2 oa # : & ROY ROGERS THAT WAS A DELICIOUS PINNER , BERTHA./ DUNALD DUCK: . BRICK BRADFORD DAY AFTER DAY PASSES, AND YEVEL CONCENTRATES ON HER PROGRAM OF RE-EDUCATION ESS, WHEN I ARRIVED ON YOUR PLANET, WAS T ALONE? A, IN" YOUR WHICI ICH COMPLETELY DESTROYED! WHY, You WERE PERSON T JUST HAD A WITH ! lo THE WEDDING. LAW OR ROYAL DECREE, OR BOMETHING... _4usTY RILEY ANNIE ROONEY . UP LIKE US SO THEY a COULD ROB THE STAGE. ak DANNY FORTUNE YOURSELF, PUNK-| FROM HIS UNCLE BUCKLEY = HE SAID WE'D BE CUT IN A BIG DEAL WE RAN SILVERBELL OFF'N HER RANCH =~ THAT'S ALL I AINT TAKIN' SOMEBODY -- AND THATS ALL WE COULD GET 0UTOF EM=THE | SHERIFF (5 SURE THAT YOUR FOREMAN, BUCKLEY, WAS WORKING FOR SOMEONE HIGHER UP = pon BUT WHO AND WHY 7? OUT O' LINIMENT AN' MEDICINES..." I FIND IN TH' SMALL-~ CROWD.... ... A FEW COOKIES SPEED RECOVERY QUICKER (73 THAN BANDAGES [P98 PULLBURT, My MAN/ FAN CLUB? DID YoU FIGURE IP © | GIVE THE TELESCOPES AS PRIZES TO MEMBERS OF YOUR WRESTLING 11 feet deep. The child was not injured. . : Fifty men took turns digging by hand a sloping trench that finally Joined the bottom of the 14-inch- wide hole where John Carmichafl had been trapped. A plastic hood was lowered into the hole to provide a roof for him in the event of a cave-in. Oxygen was pumped into the hole. WORKING AT #7 CROSSHILL, Ont. (CP)--Can- ada's oldest active postmistress is Mrs. Robert Foster, 97. She was ppointed in this hamlet near Kitchener in 1928 when her hus- hand died after serving since SALLY'S SALLIES 'I'm just cleaning wp a little before the girl comes to clean wp SUBSCRIBERS TIMES-GAZETTE OSHAWA FOR MISSED PAPERS AND OSHAWA'S FINEST TAXI SERVICE PHONE UNITED TAXI RA 5-3541 If you have not received your Times-Gozette phone your cor rier boy first If you are unable to contact him by 7.00 p.m. TELEPHONE UNITED TAXI Calls acepted between 7 7:30 p.m. only. "Do It Yourself" Build new modern furniture with strong "Easy to Install" Birch Tapered Legs. MILLWORK & BUILDING SUPPLIES 1279 Simcoe N. RA 3-4694