» VIE DALY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursdey, October 23, 1958 EXCLUSIVE on our B BOOK - A-WEEK PLAN.. ATTRA ORT: ILLUSTRATED ENCYCLOPEDIA of The MODERN WORLD ing price! M you are not com- pletely setisfied thet this set is worth mony mess times our borgein price you may return this volume without question. HUNTING GOOD IN NORTHERN ONT. The antler span of this moose | and weighed 1800 pounds. In the is 59 inches. It was shot by Paul | truck is another moose, shot by St. John near Kapuskasing, Ont. Paul's brother Arthur. THORNTONS CORNERS : EW VAST STOREHOUSE OF KNOWLEDGE! BRAND N AND UP-TO.DATE! EVERY ENTRY IS ILLUSTRATED! THOUSANDS OF NEW PICTURES! COMPLETE ATLAS AND GAZETEER! START BUILDING YOUR SET NOW! | visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stonehouse. Mr. and Mrs, Bill Matthews, Janis and Billy, spent Thanksgiv- ing weekend in Ottawa. MRS. CHARLES WHITE | Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Anderson THORNTON'S CORNERS -- [have just returned from a holiday | About 16 neighbors gathered at trp through the Adirondack and the home of Mrs. J. Humphries White Mountains. Wednesday eveni 5 d i i Rr Eby ower] Mr. ast Mrs. Wilited Manis hold articles. spent the holiday weekend in New Liskeard. Mr. and Mrs. John Milne dis- . posed of all their goods in Scot-| The -Scout Mothers' Auxiliary land before coming to Canada in held a pot luck supper Thursday June, 1957. Since arriving in Osh- night to celebrate the birthday awa they have made their home of the group. There were 15 with their daughter and husband, mothers present. Mrs. Pat Wina- Mr. and Mrs. Jan Drygala, but cott conducted the business using are soon taking up housekeeping the new gavel which the associa- again in Whitby. Mrs. Humphries|tion won at the recent confer- and Mrs. Tom Shepherd served ence. lunch. This gavel was first prize for Mrs. Robert Sully attended the a table centre for a banquet, and silver wedding" celebration in/was made by Mrs. Hugh Scott. Hamilton last Sunday of her sis- Several of the members reported ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. ideas they brought back from James Simpson the conference. Mrs. Bob Ashmore is in Osh-| Cecil Dean, Linda and Janet, awa Hospital for treatment.|Parry Sound, spent Thanksgiving i 25 Ralph Harman was also in the |weekend with his father, A. f sted Why 2 4 hospital for a few days last week.| Dean, and visited his mother who fo! Grant Stonehouse, Kenora, is'is a patient in Oshawa Hospital. Outstanding Value! 2-0x Jar 3% AzP INSTANT COFFEE --~99c canned Goods Sale! Reg. 2 tins 35c--8SAVE 6e rs 20-01 tins 90: Reg. tin 200--SAVE 17¢ 4 20-oz tins -X Reg. 2 tins 310--8AVE 100 7 15-02 tins 9 Qc Ann Page (3 Varieties) BEANS Henley Choice FRUIT COCKTAIL Aylmsi Choice PEAS & CARROTS Bakery Specials! Baked In A&P's Own Bakery By Master Bakers ty Sockets Now! Fill Those Emp FLECTRIC GENERAL E Jane Parker (Large 8", 24-0z. Pie) Reg. 59c--SAVE 4¢ MINCE PIE each 5 5¢ Jane Parker (Large 8", 24-02. Pie) Reg. 65c--8AVE 10e BLUEBERRY PIE' «+ 55¢ Jane Parker Spanish Bar Reg. 350--8SAVE Ge BAR CAKE ech 29¢ Jane Parker Reg. pkg 450--SAVE 6o DONUTS cum pkoi2 39 Jane Parker (Plain or 8eeded) Reg. loaf 210--8AVE 9 RYE BREAD 2:2cilonves 3 3c Jane Parker Reg. pkg 33c--8SAVE 11e FUDGE COOKIES 25: 55¢ Dried Fruits & Nuts 1b plece 49: A " 7. Roasted In Shell g. pkg 250--8AVE 2¢ 105 9 BEAVER PEANUTS ns 23c ansn].93 PITTED DATES 1-Ib cello pkg 1 8¢ A&P Salted MIXED NUTS mosis 59 150 WATT, TAKE VOL.ONE for only 29. A NEW VOLUME EACH WEEK UNTIL YOUR SET IS COMPLETE i 99°. Extra Specials! Maple Leaf LARD Heinz (in Tomato Sauce) SPAGHETTI Angel Food CAKE MIX ocuvie A&P Nectar TEA BAGS Self Polish Reg. $1.19--SAVE 14 KLEAR omnsons 32020 1.08 A&P Fancy Reg. 2 tins 33c--8AVE Te CORN wrote kenge. 1oztine 5 Qc 2 1-lb pkgs 39: Reg. 2 tins 33c--SAVE 2¢ 2 15-0z tins 3 1c Reg. pkg 53c--SAVE 4e 1602 pkg Qc Reg. 80c--SAVE 14s pkaot90 7 Se Frozen Food Specials! Fancy Reg. 2 for 37c--SAVE Te As«P PEAS 3 12-02 pkos Bc Nifty Reg. 2 for 29¢c--SAVE 6c WAFFLES 2 okosoi6 2 3¢ Hallowe'en Shellouts Reg. 230--SAVE 2s 25 pkgs of 2 21 Reg. pkg 23c--SAVE Te 2 pkgs of 5 39: SPECIAL! 1-Ib pkg 29: Reg. pkg 23c--SAVE 2 pkaof7 1c Reg. 450--SAVE 6e 14-0z pkg 3 Qc SPECIAL! sks 8 9c Candy Coated Gum CHICLETS soans Wrigley's Multi Pack CHEWING GUM Robinson's Moonlight MALLOWS Van Kirk CHOCOLATE BARS Mixed Chocolate & Vanilla KRAFT CARAMELS 5 Flavours LIFE SAVERS Super-Right Quality Meat Specials! For Frying Roasting or Broiling, 2% to 3-Ib average Giblets Removed === CHICHENS ind Guarantees 1 SMOKED SIDE BACON Famous Trichologist 'Will Demonstrate How To Grow Thicker Hair OVEN-READY GRADE "A" Sweet Pickled, Vac Pac .69. .53. All Good Rindless Bos Boaled Genosha Hotel on Friday ONLY. the progress of his home treat. | lose hair. Using common sense a throughout Canada to conduct] Gholoce Quality LAMB'S LIVER HADDOCK FILLETS » 2 Qe 1b pkg 3 7 This new method of home treat. is necessary. After the examina- ment for saving and growing|tion the person is told the re-| thicker hair will be demenstrated| quired length of treatment and| in Oshawa, Ontario on Friday, how much it will cost. October 24, 1958. | | After starting tr These private, individual dem-| person makes fae, tie) onstrations will be held at the the Keele firm in London to check LONDON, Ont, -- In an inter-| ment, view here foday William Keele,| Cooked Ready to Serve == No (entre Slices Removed internationally famous tricholo-! To spread the opportunity - gist and Gireetor oe Keele normal, healthy hair to the thou- air Experts, sai ere are 18/ sands who are desperately look-| BUTT TON different scalp disorders that|ing for help, independent tricholo- | SHANK PORTION Ib C PORT! Ib [4 cause most men and women to gists are visiting various cities| person must realize no one tonic examinations and start home| or so-called cure-all could correct treatment. all these disorders," he ex- plained. (No CURE-ALL . 2 'We have no cure-all for slick, | GUARANTEED shiny baldness," Keele empha. | that most people are skeptical of | stil} capable of creating hair and claims that hair can be grown on we can perform what seems to bel balding heads, offer a guar-iz miracle." antee,"' Keele said. There is one thing Keele wants/ Once a person avails himself to be certain every man and of the Keele treatment his skep- woman knows. If a recession ap- ticism immediately disappears. pears at the temples or a spot | To insure this, we offer this guar- begins to show up on the crown antee: "If you are not completely |of the head there is something satisfied with your hair progress wrong and it should be given im- at the end of 30 days your money mediate attention, will be refunded." HOPELESS CASES HAIR FOR LIFETIME DISCOURAGED If clients follow our directions iy during treatment, and after they | : Fors She Jichulogist 16 quick finish the course, there is 110 rem | o tell hopeless cases l Y|son why they will not have hair Bradford Marsh, No. 1 Grads, Crisp, Presh , Ne. rade, Crisp, Pres o helped. But the "hope- i " annot be help Otlv ope all the rest of their lives," Keele §"' cases are few 3 said. "Our firm is definitely be- 1a comp) oe a bald IS hind this treatment, it ali i 5 lof £01) pends on the individual client's If there is fuzz. no matter how | faithful observation of a few 3b cello bags C ight thin, or colorless, the Keele|simple rules." | reatment can perform wonders. > A complete private examination HOW'S YOUR HAIR? s given by a trichologist to deter-| If it worries you call Tticholo-| . mine the condition of the scalp, Bist W. N. Young at The Genosha and cause of the hair trouble Hotel in Oshawa, Ontario on Fri- day ONLY, October 24, 1958, 12 FREE EXAMINATIONS Book to 9 p.m. The pobbe 3s 3 This examination is very thor-|vited. You do not need sagh and highly technical, it re-|pointment. The pra inPhed hi quires 20 to 30 minutes. The trich-| private and you will not be em- plogist makes no charge for this barrassed or ebligated in any Florida, No. 1 Grade, Marsh Seedless, Size 96 ~xamination and no annnintment Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Specials! eT ai ngisies. 1 thet 1s fuss the Tool Js] j fest New Crop, No. 1 Grade, BS Tender Round Stringless Green 2-35 Mcintosh Red, Fancy -- Very Finest Eating APPLES Fresh Green Curly Leaf, Washed and Trimmed, Ready te Cook, No. 1 Grade SPINACH 2-25. 3.b cello bag 2 5 C Reg. 1-1b. 210--SAVE Se Imported English Chinaware in Every Poackege EXTRA "mad" 10c OFF 20c OFF : GIANT i 7 5 KG 133 SU i 3 SPECIAL SALE! 10c OFF 7 5 GIANT SIZE ' BARGAIN OFFER! ¥39.275 LARGE Gl SIZE ¢ po ¢ ROBIN HOOD CHOCOLATE CAKE MIX pin 38 ROBIN HOOD INSTANT OATS wersell]e LIDO BISCUITS MALLOWS 39 wll Je MARILYN 29 Lido (Pi va 3 7: ROSETTES Dog Food b 31 PARD 2 sarin 2 3 : AP INSTANT COFFEE RADISSON Lido (Assorted Biscuits) i kl 3 TV. SNACK «w35¢ PUREX COLOURED TISSUE 6-ox be 99: LUX Shortening JEWEL Margarine MOKA A) WIFT PRODUCTS dl ALLSWEET Pkg of 2 rolls 2 7: HARRY HORNE DOUBLE CREAM CUSTARD 12-02 pkg 3 Q. Old Dutch LIQUID BLEACH Jaffa PITTED. DATES Henley Choice FRUIT COCKTAIL Handy AMMONIA Red Rose, Orange Pekoe * i 2 2 TEA BAGS hoof 60 Te \ Super Markets THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACING TEA COMPANY LTD. Prices In This Ad Guaranteed Through Saturday, October 25th, 1958 32-0z bt 2 5¢ 14-0z pkg 2 3 : 20-oz tin 29¢