Toms a RR RS Da A el HN iE tia eb a ns om Ear THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursday, October 23, 1958 29 [4 v bride! tended the ploughing match at|rigan, Bowmanville, anda Mr. and Pp 6-C S KEDRON |r smi tise. | HAMPTON [cover Le tau ent Stamp 8 LTE: 378% Fo Al | | | Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Leighton,| Mr. and Mrs. Sam Keane an monwealth a rance, Spa | ys ye me ing |and family, Niagara ii Douglas, Oshawa, visited hei In Car Accident Di H North and South America. The Ancient Custom KEDRON -- The regular ser-| "(ne wedding of Victor] HAMPTON -- Mr, and Mrs. W. rpaniegiving visitors with Rev. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wray, MANTTOUWADGE (CP)--Four 1scon inued Tate for such letters is. six cents L d T Char e vice was conducted at Kedron Cookson and Audrey Richards of Chapman and Mr. and Mrs Ro-|and Mrs, T. J. Reed. Sunday. [persons are in hospital as a re-| omnawa (CP) -- The six-cent|[oF the first ounce. However, Mmr.| Leads 10 g Sida A Tor ing by Stephen Say- Bowmanville and at the recep-|land Shackleton, with other rela | Mrs, George Davidson, Picker-| Mys. Wes. Reads, Mrs. T, Sud-| sult of a highway aceident late stamp, issued by the post office Carpenter said Jos. parsons pre WATERLOO (CPYAh oli Wek : tion later in "The Acres. |tives, were guests at the home of ing, is visiting her sister, Mrs.idaby, Mr. Vernon Reeds, and Monday eight miles east of this since 1954, has turned out to be fer to use smaller den , 4 Jack F , Murray Mount. ith M i i sere o " just did not catch ding custom led to the conviction Tg hy William pov! Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Cross- Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Shackleton|James Smales, and with Mr. and|Jim Billett, Fenelon Falls, were Northern Ontario mining com-| "ho elephant. 1t is being dis- ay stamp Just dig efforts to|of three drivers Wediesday on . Sunday at Salem. {Mrs. Smales attended the bap-|dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs, /munity. continued. ) ) is SC BS AVIA Ronald Werry provided special|man and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee i i i | Fernand Leroux, 21, of Hearst publicize it we have found that|charges of care i famil arty. " i _|tismal service Sunday at Har |W. E. Billet Thursday. : , 21, A : a Hiosie ior the serv ioe, ah Mes, eee Mr Tol) Oy Boyd Wi a Xe mony United Church, when their| Mrs. Isabel Reynolds, Mrs, is Je most Seriously \njured, h.3 oa Tan, Superistemden: most persons arg not even aware in Lene, 22, wag given 2 ad . ; : oH Ade x illi suffere ol 0) yf L » Alpert win reside" dung Avo the cain of her 100g om Rendle ty Cows. lv radaugter, Matha Jean |B ills, chery ad, Ly, et Js Ss one 40 Bout hm Can (*i. Comnis sod sls of hl 0 ef" (hy. amv tie Sunday selool howz, with Jes [were 2 Mrs. Hervert Stainton, 'g he ny S Ar and sr and Mrs. E. C. Revnolds, visitors with her son, Arthur ami| Other victims are Monique ala has dis Sutinied 3 stamp six - cent stamp have walled Moritz Miller 20 Toronto was or- % erry, pianist. There were ALTOrs. and Mr. and Mrs. AG: 7 iroronte. were Thanksgiving Mrs. Reynolds Monday. |Morer, 17, aiso of Fearst, and 5 Ml about 4,000,000 a year--"peanuts|a suspe pir A ne saath, scholars present. Tommy Ogle rn were: overnight Mr. A. L. Prescott took "0 | weeken d visitors with his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Caverly Mr. and Mrs. G. Cowie of Brock-|eight-cent stamp went by the for 5 stamp issue." This com dered not to dr 2 Je mon. Bit 2dr B #, zeceivel the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ross days in Eastern Ontario and at- Lulu Reynolds. go "land baby Brent, Ofhave, and|ville. iii cont orange stain pued Yip Zamial. salts of w, ater | Teaurim of Xi he Oe 4 a tri io ol L. S. Caverly, Bowmanville, vis- s + {000 id ' t to TEEN TOWN Loe 35 tel} ketura trom 2 Armstead, Christian stewardship |, Mr 8 4, Chapman Vile tee: ited Mr. and Mrs, Ken Caverly] Mrs. Ann Philip, Kingston, was|showing a three-quarter profile of|400,000,000 for four-cent stamps. driv. e tralaing sehonl and no Teen Town has ben chaperon-| por "yin nian is spending a secretary, of Oshawa Presbyter. (ives in Oshawa over Thanksgiv-|¢o" thanksgiving. |a weekend visitor with her daugh-|the Queen wearing a crown, has NOR EET S were. ins ed at the Community Centre dur-| C50, Hui endc in New! lal. ing, | Mrs. Will White had as guests|ter, Mrs. J. A, Burrows, and Mr.|failed to fill the job it was in| GOV BRITUS ti] Loliee said the filed were § ing the past two weeks by Mr. York City The third quarterly report of| MT. and Mrs. Charlie Warren for Thanksgiving, Mr. and Mrs. Burrows. tended to do, Mr. Carpenter said.| MONTREAL (CP)--Mc i ud volved in a he e afte Javing 4 and Mrs. Bryce Reeves and Mr.| "p10" mmett (ac among ex-|finances, showed received from |SPent the weekend with relatives Donald White, Oakville, Nancy| First Officer Gary Chant, Mal-| Mr. Carpenter said the stamp|versity Wednesday aunounced the ruses Sor the bride who and Mrs. Walter Davis. Thirty], oo '" 2" peterborough on|Baby Band, $25: Mission Band|at Ethel. |Johns, and John Warrack, Toron. ton, spent the weekend with his|was issued mainly for first-class|election of its i Bove mn been k Am go gs teenagers were present for the Wednesday, at the championship $1.75; Evening Auxiliary, $19.40) Recent callers on A. W. Pres-|to, and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas|parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. M.|letters sent from Canada to coun- eritus--J. W. McConn: ont-| and ove EE Friday evening get-together. Holstein Show, which was attend-|and Afternoon Auxiliary, $47.00.Icott were Mr, and Mrs. John Car-'White and son. Chant, tries other than those in the Com-irea! speeds up ANNOUNCEMENTS ders. - v There will be a Hallowe'en|8 PY Many local bree UU TEED SESE GEE SNES GEE SEED SEES SEER GEES CTTW OTE EE GEES GE GEE GES SS SES GEES GENE SR RE eee masquerade party at the com- munity centre on October 31, Fri- WMS M day evening. eet Commencing on the first Sun-| - in. | Button-free with no hollows shior i me we snes At Brooklin | a 3 vices iso esi. A special Thank | BY MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT || on™ FP ASHT 07 age! OT a or lumps to mar your rest. offering is being arranged for] BROOKLIN The Afterno ibd Fed November 9, following the turkey Auxiliary of the Woman's Mis- I I i Ti Ee Be TT iy | ae dinner which is to be held No-|sionary Society held its October | a ! RY ; Pay only 1.00 weekly vember 5. meeting Wednesday afternoon in | 7 font 5 The Doubles Club program for the Sunday school room of Brook- "l ey) A -- 2, FURNITURE November 13, under convénership lin United Church. The president, has | . of Mary and Bill Woodward, will Mrs. E. Kay, gave the cal io] Gi » a. consist of a tour of the Dunlop Worship and Mrs. Clifford John- y plant at Whitby ston, assisted by Mrs. E. Kay | FAMILY WELCOME |gave the comment on scripture py A family welcome party was readings. There Sore > people given at the home of Mrs. Wil [If attendance and gues Spe ' liam Werry Friday evening for |%as dilda Hogs : ere | Mrs. Murray Jackson, bride of [the executive of the the month, 'who was the former [tory of Music, Toronto, who Sharron Patterson of Cornwall. |SPoke on "Music in Your Life". , Wiis i ntly ¢ r body' Sharror erson of Cornwall. IPP ®%iitord. Johnston moved : ; ® 264 coils respond gently to you y's K10siasses wel i |a vote of thanks. | a2 contour. groom, Mrs. R. Jackson, Little|d vote of thanks = | JE Britain: Mrs. x 2 J3CKSOD, ory: Mrs. Lloyd Bradley, the du- Lo re ® Insulated with sisal padding. pro in, and Mrs. A. Rowan, ties were taken over by Mrs. 'a Vertical-stitched bord elverton. a ; 5 Cyril Davies. ud @® Vertical-stitche orders. Diane Tk 0 RZ opion, onal The treasurer, Mrs. M. Rout- i L # soft white felt Ming Ee own assisted yey, "dedicated the offering and | ©® Layers of soft white felt. 8 i shi cretary, # § : iy cellaneous gifts, which were pre- Sommanily Sriesdship Se erro | ® Heavy-duty print ticking. sented to her by Linda Rowan three calls. missionary monthly and Donald Werry. Among the|caoretary, Mrs, Arthur Elliott, Suests were the groom's mother, | ominded' members subscriptions | ] g MATTRESS OR BOX SPRING Orville Jackson, of Lind-| should he paid by the end of Oc- ¥ wi "J MATTRESS 7/1 SAME BIG SAVING ON BOX SPRING En | un >, E say and the grooms grandmoth- tober er, Mrs. W. A. Ormiston, ofl Christian Citizenship Secretary hp : Brooklin. | Mrs. E. Acton, read an article on Reg. FAREWELL PARTY Bost to Temperance and Associate Mem- ) > Mrs. Ross Lge was hostess to|pers' secretary, Mrs. Charles Pil- ; a group of friends from Oshawa'key reported two calls. Litera- \ 4 69.95! ] and district at a dinner party at|tyre secret , Mrs. J. H. McKin- her home, honoring Mrs. P.G.|pey, recommended books for | > EACH Purves who leaves this week to|reading and Christian steward- | make her home in Westerni On-|ship secretary. Mrs. C. S. tario. A wedding-ring theme was|Th.mpson, presented facts about carried out in bronze and white, WMS. decoration, A handkerchief show-| A letter was read from Mrs. | Rummage Sale 8 AT PATTENICK'S aa 2a {Ee NETTE- SUITE just a fraction of its original cost, in a FINAL RUMMAGE disposal. Sale starts Friday, 8 p.m. and NBII - » ; - me TABLE HAS INLAID BORDER DESIGN finishes Saturday, 6 p.m. BOY'S LEATHER MOTORCYCLE JACKETS $1 LADIES' WINTER COATS .... $1 LADIES' SILK/COTTON DRESSES GIRLS'-LADIES' WINTER BLOOMERS sean LADIES' SILK BLOUSES ....... BOY'S SWEATERS oi MEN'S 36-48 100% WOOL SUBURBAN COATS MEN'S B-29 KHAKI FLIGHT JACKETS LADIES' CORDUROY SLACKS . 2-6 3 PC. ALL WOOL COAT SETS BOYS' WINTER SHIRTS- as -- DRAWERS ... 50c § 2 esi A ne Tras A 2 | Tim ; LADIES' JEANS - Pedal Pushers 25¢ Fip e ress er Suite fa ~e A a | Lilac Walnut F bl pOREEKS st | INCIC Gin IRES MEN'S PLAID FLANNEL ® The very latest styling. ® All drawers are lock-jointed. N BOs RIS 5 8.14 PYJAMAS oe 3 @ Full HUNDRED DOLLAR ® 8-drawer triple dresser. : C PIECE SUITE : : ® Big bevelled mirror tilts. p BOYS' BOW-TIE, CUFF LINKS Satin. $ Cost ut 2.80 drovers SHIRTS ® Graceful sculptured fronts. ® Bed with bookcase headboard. = LADIES' CHENILLE ROBES .... $2 ® Glowing brass: drawer pulls. ® New '59 lilac walnut finish, ® Mar-resistant Arborite top. Spills are wiped up so easily. Heat-and-stain resistant too. Chrome apron and tapered legs. 4 chairs with well-padded seats. Washable plastic upholstery. 5 - PIECE SUITE - Regular 84.95 Value! Many colors in this very modern style. EXCLUSIVE SPECIALS New fri-lights and table lamps. A--Table Lamp with base in solid walnut and brass. "Glassine'" shade is a neutral tone. - wor 7.88 B--2-in-1 floor lamp. Tri- light socket and adjustable spotlight. Base as A above. 2-tier "'Glossine" shade. ue 16.88 100% NYLON JACQUARD Reg. 299.95! 21 MONTHLY PAYMENTS OF 11.18 SHAWLS 1.77 MEN'S, BOYS WINTER CAPS .. 25¢ | -6x NYL NOSUITS ....... $3 vey Boys: FARKAS, BOMBER : ; $60 OFF FINDLAY STOVE 1 : : ' MEN'S LEATHER JACKETS "$4 - ET Automatic, electric cooking is clean and fast. GIRLS', LADIES' ALL-WOOL Sil "i : GLOVES, MITTS 25 os Modernize your kitchen with this famous-name stove. CHILD'S 2-14 SILK SLIPS mam-- Automatic clock controls oven heat and leaves you free. stem, GENUINE PRESTONE .. .. gal. 2.44 60-minute electric minute minder is another big aid. 4 | RA 12.88 GIRLY, LADIES FUR COLLAR high-speed surface elements are LADIES' TRIPLE-CUFF controlled by 7-heat rotary i ANKLETS switches. Big 18-inch oven has STORE HOURS : 9:30 to 6:00 p.m. Daily. Closed Wed. 1 p/m. light. S -saving 22Va2inch size. WHOLESALE MERCHANTS -- ight. Space saving 2aYainch size Open Fri. Till 9 p.m. And All Day Sat. SERVICE a) es 199 O85 | osHAWA sHOPPING CENTRE (FIRE SALVAGERS) n Not Shown = Tri-light floor lamp similar to B above, but without spot- light and with straight 22 KING WEST OSHAWA EACH PHONE RA 5-3519 NST et ES |