off, reported the 26 | - i Tt aur ie ii 23, 1958 [ Enalish.S eakin Turnout | En dorse Social 1H te eo fia PE Dn Security Plans ise we [ELIMIBROOK Disappoint French Theatre"... cr.» orem ie | ; FARMS {tive group of businessmen, social By DAVE OANCIA | With some reservations the workers and labor leaders in On.| ATHENS {Reuitly) The of Canadian Press Staff Writer |critics lauded the play whichtario have endorsed a social se-|tional government has bann : : g ip- in Greece as prompted the remarks by the curity policy for Canada aimed at|Strip-tease shows MONTREAL (CP)--Do English- 10; tneatre's founder and direc- ensuring a minimum standard of being contraty Jo Seek CUSTOM cut MEATS speaking Montrealers want to see ivi hi good Canadian drama? or ing 1n|D sowed to tats, "0 "lived an "alarming increase" of 272 ALBERT $ Phone RA 8-1244 The men and women guiding Lawrence Sabbath, writing in such performances in Athens gy -- ne ity' _ |the Gazette, said A Simple Sol-| The policy was adopted at the i : bilingual honda der s at the same time "a annual meeting of the Canadian MENt Clubs. (CORNER OF ALBERT & ELM) |the nine-month-old La Comedie |lively comedy and a tragic Welfare Council in June and 35 I v " | pers sday 1 BIG ORDER Canadienne wondered about this Mman document DE arn a eset sakarTa (apr_mmdonesia 1s| OPEN EACH and EVERY WEDNESDAY as the two-week run of the Eng. Without pushing any point the proviacisl Jovel. ) buying neariy $10,000,000 worth of |lish version of Marcel Dube's here, it can be said that Dube's ; | " lay satisfies the theatre values| Norman Cragg, executive sec-|tractors and farm tools from " 9 2 op Stople Soldat" drew Ww ap. y "English Lani and that its|retary of the public welfare divis- {Czechoslovakia under an agre THURS. & FRI. NIGHTS TILL $ P.M. EE a oartive pb ig o Yam In SYMPATHY with all lay- world war veteran who failed to|it lacked resolution in the finale offs ELMBROOK FARMS have find his niche in society. and lacked '"'the element of A] -- i iB 1 of them specially invited, attend HOME -- FILL-A-CARD . 3 * Atendance the second night oct wpa mise "i ampartunty | IADR CRA LE Featuring Oédtober chill, figures it's cold | trying to persuade him, Playfu did it approach the enthusiasm progressing concern, TOMORROW'S NUMBERS : { the play in their own | ; ; ' Y. MUSIC AND DRAMA "Grader Gens the driving 0, lo wale Al he authors PO 17° [| @ SPECIAL LOIN PORK ROAST the English - language perform-| Mr, Sabbath said he felt the STARTING TIME -- ANYTIME Theatre workers described this| 'catharsis,' the purging of one's | : owered the BOOM on dll first nights. But sustaiped sup- "THOUGHTFUL" WORK |was described as "disap-| campling contemporary writ: | enough on the beach without | tug of war took place on beach | AP Wirephoto |and size of the French-speaking "vy "may find faults in its con- force behind the embryo theatre terest will be held throughout its FRESH FROM OUR OWN FARMS The old Gayety Theatre of bur- [pleasure has nothing to do with|ion of the National Welfare Coun- ment just signed here, * ance of the moving tale of a play missed being great because 7 as normal. A lot of people, some |gpirit."" hei j port is needed if the experiment| Sydney Johnson, drama critic their meat p rices. in bilingual theatre is to be a suc-|of the Montreal Star, said the | #4 cess, play is "very entertaining, inter. ints AUDIENCE DROPPED esting and thoughtful. Actor James Cagney, bundled | going in swimming, even if it in Ireland where they are on pointing." After this it started tol os h-Canadian the-} I in coat and blanket against an | is British actress Glynis Jonng location for new film |grow gradually, but at no time 108. in local Franch Canadian He GAME D THURS. o FRI. - S A 1. I % who supported an eight-week run struction and you may not be movement--was philosophic and |. iper formidable length.' Numbers will be drawn hopeful. A ; Actor Gilles Pelletier gave a "We must not yell at the Eng ; : g " S } | 1 } 1. )1 1 VY ( ) { : Rede n Savile moving performance as Joseph, | " - Y P lish Speaking Wiese 3 goers 100 the returned soldier and social SCOTT'S RIB . SENTRE LOIN any i they don't come forward nistit. With grim naturalism, | RESTAURANT ge nu i rse this! pube sketches around this char- 147 Yonge $t., Toronte | : LJ "" movement," he said. j i oh fr 3 % acter a pathetic picture of the ot 10 a.m. Enrolls Memb er shi ia il take lite ume fo for" French speaking 'Cant END | pur END see here. Professional theatre dian family in. a shim of Mow, Benet of CHOPS By MICHAEL KOREN (be screened before membership the Ontario Regimental Band Pop Sven hpre in Montreal, Is still a a from the orig- CANADIAN 3 ( | something very new. inal French was done by Ken FEDERATION ws 49+ 8 59+ Le 55 lis handed out. Concerts will start again with the ; After several weeks of hanky-| "og ofr each section of the initial of three presentations Dec. BROADWAY ANFLUENCE Johnstone and Joffre Dechene. OF THE BLIND panky drifting, the Oshawa Sym-| .chagtra will be drawn up before/19 at OCVI Auditorium He attributed the compara- I A STATI phony Orchestra has rolled up its|, i ation and musicians select The band is preparing for the UVvely light turnouts to The Sim. "ys sleeves and settled down as aleq for each chair. Good attend-|event with a program that prom. Pie Soldier partly to the Broad| Political Veteran FARM FRESH permanent organization ance will be required of all mem-!ises to be new and exciting [ay induence Sl Daly 10 tne I hi BINGO A committee meeting last night bers : 4 a dearth of 'home bred" produc- - THESE ARE ALL, f you have a SIDE PORK J Under the baton of WO F. J.|Grrim oe ys Tin er} Feted By Friends PREVIOUS NUMBERS Call Toronto WA, 3-2418 Le. decided those interested would|_ i : Te x : : SERIOUS STUDENTS { Francis, the band has taken the| i Bef have to register and take out a Serious young students will be|lid off its vast library and unless English language. efore § p.m. | " ; OTT CP) -- Some 400 membership. The fee for mem-| « . We must remember there| AWA (C] bership hr cover the cost of allowed to join in rehearsals with| MY guess is wrong, not one of the oo "viany vears when nothing friends, including Premier and EXTRA SPECIAL LEAN ; the regular orchestra selection will duplicate those 0. " p ; ; Mrs. Leslie Frost, Wednesday| | music. . 5 was happening in the theatre M has been the main prob-| Several new additions will be Played during the summer con-| oq ZDpe Many persons came Night honored an 80-year-old vet- | LB. ¢ usic nas made to the orchestra's library certs to the conclusion that the good. €ran of political arenas. lem of the infant orchestra. Parts, ™ % os A ¢ o> ini with Haydn symphonies among In addition Mr. Francis has things had to come from New Tributes and goodwill flowed | taken home by some musiclars| ye' elections. scored arrangements for numbers York» freely during a testimonial dinner THE STORY OF A FRESH oil on Tetured, he To One more "open rehearsal' that may surprise the audience. for Hon. George Harrison Dunbar su will be held at Thornton's Corners| with Brahms, Haydn and Dvor- who for 21 years has represented Cf MAGNIFICENT BRAT PORK HOCKS 4 - 99- A -- -. Not affiliated with the C.N.I.B. fered two selections useless.) pa fr) y A 4 A V £0 eka + .| Community Centre this Sunday at ;ak in the lineup it certainly is a Ottawa South in the Ontario leg- Musicians will be accepted for 2 p.m. All those interested in be- n,.¢t date on De calendar of THEATRE GUIDE islature. He has held cabinet port- [0 membership according to their | : Bai . : : : 4 {0 _|coming members are invited to every music lover in Oshawa. - " = folios since 1943 and now is pro- 9 TH -- ability and the needs of the of-| yi. i" wajiace Young will direct 4 Biltmore -- "Frankenstein 1970" vincial secretary and registrar AT LITTLE BIG SHOCKER SPECIAL L2AN BY PIECE chestra, the committee decided. |atter ie' VIOLINIST IN TOWN ( / i 5 > i OF 2 . lin Conductor F. J. Francis' ab- LINIST ID } adult) shown daily at 1.50, Grattan O'Leary, editor of The |; THE BAD S ' va 3 PEAMEAL BA 69+ oo he Jat er sence. { Violinist Donna Grescoe will] 4.40, 7.25, 10.20 p.m. "Spy In| Journal, described Mr. Dunbar as [§ nu T0 ROCK yo Eels BACK KJ | i gyerahinos ? The newly-instituted Sunday re-|give a concert at OCVI Auditor-| the Sky" shown daily at 12.30, an "old pro, a man of the com- ® WHOLE And : . 4 ONDERFUL w EXTRA LEAN PE ING N PEAMEAL hoy FEATURE hearsals, under he Sispices iura tomorrow night at 8 p.m. 3. S10, So om. Last com- mon crowd and a fighter." " 7! A} A, 5 o A, have been gathering mo- sand , plete show at 9.00 p.m oe. sab po bh Perhaps the most significant mentum in the last three weeks. bo iupeR ary ysl Jas Marks -- 'Legend of the Lost" j ; F . feature of this move -- and it is|It is hoped that with sunny days ., =. : . starting at 2.45, 6.20, 10.00 p.m. SINESS MEN'S i : ' Ls. an important one -- is to solidify | passing a full membership will Ukiah Professional Business- Also "Bandido" starting at 1.10, BU = 3 a members into a group. Until now, [turn out to these practices. . | 4.45 830 pm. Last complete RENDEZVOUS v # \ FRESH ELMBROOK FARMS with the exception of the strong| Rehearsal time was changed MARCHPAST: Charles Eder show at 8.20 p.m. LORN SAUSAGE 3 99° core of regulars, visiting | when it became evident attend- was appointed member of the Plaza--"Gypsy and The Gentle- THE musicians have drifted in and out ance was slimming Wednesday Oshawa Symphony Orchestral] man, 1.35, 4.55 8.25 p.m. also TALLY HO of the group with effortless ease. nights. Last night's combination committee and holds the post of) 'Kathio" 3.15, 6.40, 10.05 p.m - But this will be stopped with rehearsal-meeting was the last treasurer . .. Canadian Concert! Last complete show 8.30 p.m A» SPECIAL PICKLED the registration at the rehearsal mi effort. Association has an interesting Regent -- "Rock-a-Bye-Baby" in ROOM Ww : Sunday Nov. 2. Those wishing to RLGIMENTAL BAN. lineup of artists for the coming| Technicolor. Feature shown 1§* i PIGS FEET is 5+ join the group after that date will] After several years of absence, season. daily at 1.30, 3.35, 5.30, 7.35, 9.45 HOTEL LANCASTER | 4 i A Gi p > | p.m. Last complete show at " k D th bands for disputed Jesdership | ) FARM FRESH ush ol e profitable protection racket. a | & Amb es, uic ed The Mafia levies a tithe on all of | MYSTERY SATELLITE | nif); BUTT PORK CHOPS Ls. 49 | fruits and vegetables passing HORROR THE FUTURE! Encircling the World ! In Ne Mafia Phase . {through the market. No stall own- " -- er dares to refuse to pay this B ¢ f "tax." No licences for stalls, bars ef a) 1 THE WILD, BEWITCHING GYPSY MAID HAD SUCH TAKING WAYS . . Src BEEF STEAKS rca By HORACE CASTELL who happened to witness a Mafia E / : i PALERMO, Sicily (Reuters) -- murder and were promptly si ol Mslie support val band Finer SHE TOOK HIM FOR ALL HE HAD! " " 4 . ne wo riva ands 4 Ambushes and quick death today lenced won the fruit market war is a| k 1 '] di " y ; Round Bone T-BONE year history of the Mafia, dreaded | were in Palermo's noisy fruit and Dysiery: Here, as elsewhere in Sicilian underground organization. | vegetable market and in the fer- Sly, the iron rule is silence. HE; i 2 ht.) Sil Voilacho ar for an eye." from its inception against each other and are fight-|cobbled streets of Corleone, near around 1300 to immediately Dtion ' TODAY and FRIDAY the last two years--Mafia leaders, around the fruit market in the Medi Ju C | hired killers and innocent peoplelstruggle bet w e en rival Mafia Mediterranean's biggest island. MELINA KEITH FLORA T E L E VI SI 0 N lL. oO G [island hihi their ky PATRICK MOGOOHAN JUNE LAVERICK FRESH FROM OUR OWN FARMS wielded great political intense Ukrainian Professional Businessmen's Club ud - INNA | On Mussolnt's orders in the late | PRESENTS p STARTS TODAY CHCH-TV Channel 1i--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto 19205, a brave and energetic pre-| -- -- he fect, Cesare Mori, made the first i RA 3- ; ELMBROOK FARMS SWEET PICKLED WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester determined effort to uproot the 3:2843 : 3 WBEN- ) Mafia in Sicily, He rounded up DON NA GRESCOE CORNED BEEF : 69 WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffale EN-TV Channel 4---Buffale | nundgeds of lenders, He heid mas LB. id THURS, EVENING Jk Par YEA EVENING he expelled to remote Italian is- (Direct from New York) FRESH LEAN GROUND 11--Theatre; Sports 2---Parls Precinct [ 11~Theatre Sports lands for up to five years. $ pe-- 6--Whistletown FRIDAY ' 6--Hidden Pages | The Mafia struck back through C 0 N C E R T A" | 0 L | N | S T §--Dlavnonss ' 3.00 A.M. $--Playhouse |its political friends and Mori was ; : } : SHOULDER STEAK Ls. 39+ or stores can be obtained with- mark a new phase in the 160-| The two most notable "wars' : "Local leaders have turned tile grazing fields and twisting The Mafia"s motto is "An eye Q Ji 1. é Shoulder Steaks STEAKS i savagely for territorial su-|the island capital " NY 7 x | = promecy. Bey LEVIES TITHE the Pas world War, the Mafia ; ¢ f : $ le have died in| Nineteen le died in and Wasa tightly-knit society that to K te Y _ maa J \ Ih Ib c . , Scores of people peop all purposes ruled Sicily, the Be iomy fb) EASTMANCOLOR . c 9 It levied "taxes" and dealt out MERCOURI MICHELL ROBSON < |trials. hose he could not convict 4--Fun fo Learn 5,2 Today 4--Fun to earn t ferred f Sicily. ftAer . jusustarred Jom Sel LT also Ray Marlowe (Baritone) 2--Three Stooges | 4--Capt, Kangaroo | 2--Three Stooges | 5.16 P.M. 0.00 AM. 5.30 P.M. {staying underground for a decade, '-Chigiens Tusatry 8--Dr. Christian 6--Mighty Mouse the Mafia re - emerged, more SPECIAL CUT UP 4~--Popeye's Play | 5 3 i% 7 5 : 6~Woody Woodpecker | house | $-Dimes Due Theatre| powerful than ever. | , ia Le ; Ki {Dinner Date RSA e 3~Trouble big; Father "00 P.M . ] BY g 3 [J 2] eberry Hous 9. M, : £ J ; etches Would Abolish . . vk y 2 : 600 P.M. 8--Favorite Story 11--Theatre; News; 11--Theatre; News: 4--You and Your Family Weather Weather Dr. Christan | News | Daylight Saving AUDITORIUM ; Ny ELMBROOK FARMS 6---News 10.00 AM, | 2--Outd I 52--Dough Re 'Mi [ ¥ : ) ) PEE A yr Money | Rew TD LONDON, Ont. (CP)--Limita- | i [ J 5--News - AM Willy tion and "final abolition" of day- | Fri. Oct. 24th 8:15 p.m | or LB. . . . . . ¥ 10.30 AM. | 61 Married Joan &--Play Your Hunch | 630 P.M light saving time wi 2--Football Forecast 3,2--Treasure Hunt 3-Name That Tune Bsn ie was uigeh wi | p 1 # 11.00 AM. 4,2---News; Sports 4 a 3, | - 5--The Lawman 5,2-Price is Right | 6:45 P.M. when Women's Institute members ; FRESH 4.3--News; Weather 4--Arthur Godirey | 6.4.2---News of the London area endorsed a aay NR J Stee |S ed. DRTEEE deere a || ox TAILS 25+ 5,2--C trati | 11--Theat 7.00 p.m. «Top Dollar o--Tabiolg Belgrave branch of West Huron | 11--Family Theatre 12.00 NOON 8--Real McCoys District WI. I : 1541 AL \ ) i RE . &-Tablold he 83-Tic Tac Dough | é--Comedy The resolution said "Daylight | TICKETS ON SALE -- HENDERSON'S BOOK STORa, § § i EN SPECIAL a a a0 par U% saving time. is causing ill feeling | FROM CLUB MEMBERS AND AT DOOR. 1 ; EA 2-Manhattan Music 11--News | 6--Leave 1t To Beaver between rural and urban people | {ok g BOLOGNA ! 29+ 7.30 P.M. 8,2--It could be You | 5--Rin Tin Tin and is increasing the tension of | 6~TBA » 4--8earch for Tomorrow | 4--Hit Parade ivi i "" 5-TBA | 12:45 P.M. | 2--Behind Closed Doors Hiodern living in our homes. - 4--1 Love Lucy 11--All Star Theatre | 500 P.M | 00 P.M. : esr m------------ 2-Patti Page 12 JM. | 116---Wayne and Shuster : 1 5.00 P.M. | 8--Matinee | 's3--Ellery Queen GET MORE OUT OF LIFE... GO OUT TO A MOVIE! : 11,6--Music Makers 3--Feature Movie &--Trackdown ; " % = R @ 5--Gateway to the Mind | 2--Mid Day Matines 5.30 P.M. HE'S THE "MOTHER® E YEAR 3 4--December Bride { 4--Meet the Millers | 4--Jackie Gleason . : 2 Ie | 1:15 PM. son P.M, k 450 P.M. 11--Movie Matinee 11-6--Wells Fargo Paramount Presents 11,6--The Unforseen 1:30 P.M. | 5-2--M-Squad / Braz M [ J 4--Yancy Derringer 4~The World Turns | 4--Phil Silvers . : 2 Rea) AcCoy's | 2.00 P.M. | 9.30 P.M. 9.00 P.M. | 4-Jimmy Dean | 11-6--Plouffe Family ad i 11-0.H.A. Hockey | 2--Helen Neville 5-2-Thin Man ) ; " L oe a Ei oT ERTS (LR gl || CHICKEN ROLL 5--Behind Closed Doors | 6--News | 10.00 PM. 3 4--Zane Grey Thea're 5--Home Cooking 11,6, 5--Cavalcade " op sa h L 2--Pat Boone 4--House Party | Sports of 1 e ost MACARONI & CHEESE 9.30 P.M. 2-Haggis Baggis 4--The Line-up Wa C 6--Musical | 2:45 P.M | 2--Ozzie and Harriet Nar : ' . 5~Ford Show 11,6--Nursery School | 10.30 P.M on ¥ . . , PIMENTO & DUTCH LOAF 4--Playhouse 90 [ 5.00 P.M 4--Person to Person bry y p 2-Man With A Camera | 116 Hiram Holiday 2-N.Y. Confidential MARL AXWELL RED MLD GIRONER : 10.00 P.M. { 5 oday is Ours 0:45 P.M \ " 4 p 5.2-You Bet Your Life | &-The Big Payoff 11,6--Jim Coleman 3 " # ® EXTRA SPECIAL eo 10:15 P.M. | 3.30 P.M, | 5--Post Fight Beat BACGHLON CONNIE STEY 11--~Norm Marshall | 1,6--Open House | GRADE "A" SMALL 10.30 P.M. 3.3-From These Roots | 12, 6. 5" FM vem : i - 11---City Detective 4--The Verdict is Yours | Sports hy FAR PM. j COLOR by De Luxe oor. 1.00 ? £ ssesen E 5-Patti Page 4.00 1.15 P.M. 2-26 Men 11-Bugs Bunny 6--Viewpoint 1.00 P.M. 6PM. Party $5--Movie 11,6,54.2-News Sports | 52-Queen For A Day 0.30 P.M, na PM. | #=Serial Dramas 11--Wrestiing fF" h, FEATURE AT... : STARTS run SORRRER WI ell Fanons PLES THE a | TODAY | WEI MON - SAT. EACH and EVERY WEEK ' om . : 1.30 P.M. 6--Howdy Doody | 4~Film Feature | 11 ~Ihe Late Show 8-County Fair | 2-Jack Paar | | 6~Mystery Theatre 4~Edge of Night 1:00 AM. | \ 4--Film Festival S---American Bandstand | S- Raston Rinnkie \ . a