i pr Rg tea Of WE THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursday, October 28, 1958. 23 mmm ---- Hearty Dance po rs A By Dramatist 3 | DON'T MISS THESE TREMENDOUS LONDON (AP) -- Brendan 4 i a ; 2 \ © ¥ Behan, the Irish playwright | i i > who once scandalized Britons | ie isdn " Pogo, - by appearing plastered on TV, | * \ S N ] is involved in a new dispute. It concerns what he danced and why he danced it after the | * w curtain came down Tuesday | © 1 ARRIVING night on his play The Hostage a % i : at the Theatre Royal, Strat- ford, It all began as actor Howard Coorney was telling the audi- ence at curtain fall: "The author is not in a fit condi- tion." Behan charged from the the. atre bar, where he had spent the whole last act, and went into a wild dance on the stage. | The audience screamed with laughter. Some said the dance was an Irish jig. "Jig be damned," Behan| ; ya . roared Wednesday. "Sure, it | ! ' : ® ' was a hornpipe called %he | = i / blackbird, more difficult than a |" { a jig. I learned it from the tink- 'SECOND CHUTE ers in a little town called Bal- | linasl i mid f 3 J Jistsies in he Wiedie of Lie 7 SAVES LIVE ¥ Best BUY -- NEW PACK AYLMER BRAND BEST BUY GREEN GIANT FANCY BE ra 58 me ope Juk | 10.02 y 15.02 bed mse hn wid Be it 8 ies | TOMATO SOUP we 69* || CREAM STYLE CORN ms 29° " | malfunction o s main chute | during a training jump at Fort |B BEST BUY DOC. BALLARD'S CHAMPION . ! | STOPS VEHICLE | Bragg, N.C. He landed safely. SV oL ssioL. . os [Srus unuwes sea REM gs Howe of Pembroke has been MORE POWER " MINK RANCHING h as | Loeppky is shown here with one | credited with outfooting a SWIC (CP)--Bv A MAN p 20-0Z. .iproved popuiar in the Carman | of the celebrated Carman White | new driverless car bearing a ERC au {CP sy - SIZE FOR ¢ TIN . area of Manitoba after J. H. mink. He wears gloves as pro- small child before it could |tricity board hopes to be supply "Sylvester made a start in the tection against the vicious bite | smash into a bridge ls wr FEATU E BUY 6 FOR 83c MITCHELL'S AYLMER business 20 years ago. George | of the mink. t It happened Tuesday when |the Sleemieny 2 pe FEATURE ' FEATURE | Mrs. Eileen Firlotte of Pem- |the area. A total of 12,491 farms 15.0Z. ¢ 20-0Z. ¢ | broke parked the auto on a |and nearly 1400 villages have| TINS LI E P APPL TIN hill for a quick trip to the post heen connected in 12 years. "Manitoba Mink re es | RIGHT NAME FEATURE FEATURE LIBBY'S y shift into neutral and the car | NOTTINGHAM, England (CP) . 15-0Z. " 01. | Ranching Spread | mms SEs #50 E] York Beef or Irish Stew 2% 49° |) DEEP BROWN BEANS oar | own. cor aud hanage jer: Hun. FEATURE CULVERHOUSE CHOICE FEATURE FROZEN TURKEY, CHICKEN AND BEEF ip catch and halt the runaway | vehicle. WELL REWADED wi i~CARMAN, Man. (CP) -- Nine-|Carman ranches are in this x . x a mi rane amd cr waren oath) oie | DICED BEETS 10% 1.00 || BIRDSEYE DINNERS "69° ; a| The ven| 1 vi tha ) 4 S-| ¥ Manitoba town owe much to a he Loeppky ranch has seven SMALL CAUSE tributed at a fruit show in this * start in the business made 20/iong sheds open on both sides 0 N 7 e »-years ago by J. H. Sylvester. |with an aisle down the centre. ONDONDERRY, Softhels re Kent village. @ FEATURE RED AND WHITE FEATURE FANCY YORK After he proved the businessThe mink pens, divided into a 5 high tension switch and was BIG BLOOM ms. profitable, he heiped many young|closed box and a wire mesh en-|instantly killed. It caused a black] CANVEY ISLAND, Eng. (CP) TOMATO CATSUP 2 11-0Z. 3 e - 14-0Z. ¢ ~men In the area to get started. closure, are in the shed. lout in television transmissions|A sunflower in this River Thames BOTTLES WHOLE KERNEL CORN TINS . gelling them breeding mink and) Mink must be kept dry because and street lighting i : - giving them information. of their susceptibility to pneu-| : FEATURE GREEN GIANT FEATURE KING'S CHOICE The ranches now have a total monia. A wet mink and a cool : +4 about 30,000 mink. Two are in- breeze are usually a fatal come FANCY R 15.0Z. ¢ 20.0Z. ¢ EEN PEAS we 99¢ [| CUT WAX BEANS ™ 39 gide the town. bination. Sun and driving wind 7 dy / SV FEATURE LIBBY'S FEATURE KING'S CHOICE One rancher said: "There is|singe the fur and cause it to lose| ers should try to compete with From the tip of the nose to the Ax 17/7 \ 07, iy GEEWNIZ... || Repo fea A %, a DEEP BR po ¢ 20-02. ¢ TNS GREEN BEANS ) "rns peally no reason why mink farm-|quality. each other. The market is large tip of the tail, a mink pelt meas- 2 7 8 . HU AL | i enotigh for all of us." ures 35 to 50 inches. The average 03 Lol ne The Sylvester or Carman pelt sells for about $21 but Car- Y , ewhite"" fur in which ranchers in man whites now sell for $30 to this area specialize is widely $40. OI FEATURE FEATURE CULVERHOUSE CHOICE known. Besides its color, it has| Several methods are used to @ deusity and evenness which kili mink. Ranchers in the Car-| Lr A) A Seere------ , : ETE phe, en Wh S| G/T ALLEN'S APPLE JUICE "**29* || HALVES PEACHES 2% 39° George pky, a farmer in method. A good pelter can re-| _ the district, says that a ranch|move 200 pelts a day. Skins are wintering 400 females and man: stretched and dried for two days - by two workers is "a niceland then sold undressed and un-§ Don't let. your car stand in the rain . . . or worse, Bed 3 e nn . ee || met Wie sms Bui nw gore NOW || (<P, CHOICE MEAT FRESH SPRING WHOLE OR HALF C rdinals' | um pointed 2 we" said Cadilot. |} , designed to keep your car's performance and re- : ii p im. { I '3: da . Fell is to be sentenced Oct. 20.]] Sale value up. Its easy with good advice and fine } : He testified he spotted the toy| ildi i } -- Jailer Wed tol gitied do Spotter o ® building materials from McCULLOUGH LUMBER. AS C the store had on its counteres--|| Drive 'down to see us this week! i To U S. Girl land asked the druggist if it was! " . hz. MATERIALS TO BUILD A ONE-CAR GARAGE | ; . I Fell said the druggist "seemed VATICAN CITY (AP) -- The to go berserk and knocked him : Yen marshal whose keys will 40,2) before he had a chance to FOR AS LITTLE AS $9.00 A MONTH lM MEATY IB LOIN LAMB SWIFT'S PREMIUM MOCK SWIFT'S FAMILY SIZE PACK Premium SWIFT'S SLICED Rindless EVERSWEET elect a new pope is a noble Ro-|52y anything. wh i CHI KE man who married a girl from Said Judge Cioutier: I CHOPS 8 69- LB. Ld 2-LB. ¢ ¢ Rome, Georgia {| "The complainant told us he i . SLICED OR PIECE PKG, LB. NA i Pri Sigis acted because there had been I Tall, silverfaired ce gl (many holdups. . The defendant ' mondo Pietro Chigi-Albani ce should have been aware of that| «Rovere, 62, inherited the appoint-iract too and acted differently if! ment of Vatican marshal from his|pe" ; , ; ; "NEW" "NEW" "NEW" -- LIBBY'S VIM . father, Brince Ludovico, late -- " Teally inmotent FY LUMBER C i gituimstier 9 eo SLACK SCALES VEGETABLE J UICE ww 39° Malta. SL! $ i Mpitary Order of Malta IPSWICH, England (CP) -- Of 1270 SIMCOE ST.N.* 724. RA3 3011 Prince Ludovico served asemar- buen Th hill . shal of the conclave in 1939 that | 37.960 weighing machines tested SELECT NO. 1 ONTARIO elected Pope Pius XII The ap-/'% Cs Suflof fovs Ie, year, HALLOWE'EN FEATURES . Joiment has been handed down - the Sides Sou of the Chigi| GOLDEN HO amily sisos WEL, So 0 mae HOUR CANDY KISSES. .................. 12-0z cello 29¢ gure the cardinals are locked in fo KRAFT CARAMELS ................ cress rs t-0Z. pkg. 25¢ end stay locked in until a new | prince Sgamondn Chis mar a 30-LB. BAG KRAFT FUDGIES . "...........000ss ++. .10Vh-0z. pkg. 45¢ 2gied Miss "Naviaune Berry, of , » ANGELUS MARSHMALLOWS ...... «...1-Ib. cello pkg. 37¢ "al. Prince Chel sald his ii | --] ; GOLDEN HOUR POPPING CORN. .... «svriuey Joib pha. 19 fuss fasuly tou seried 5 Nb i C PLANTERS PEANUTS .......... .. 5¢ pkg. -- 20 for 79¢ Fra a el : a HALLOWE'EN SUCKERS. ....................bag of 50 suckers 49¢ : ge fumed cova , a : CRACKING GOOD PEANUTS inshell ................ l-ib. cello 35¢ «death. He too Bek to Rome but arrived after ip 47 SUPREME BLANCHED PEANUTS. ...............1-Ib. cello pkg. 43¢ Pope died. CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP -- For Tastier Taffy"... .5-lb. tin 72¢ =r nce Cig) already has a red A A | SWEET, FLAVOR -- PACKED SUNKIST "Keep the keys that open the only | A. : : Voom : ORANGES 138 SIZE 5Gc . door to the conglave, and to the ; ; : ; 7 DOZEN SUNBEAM ORANGE DELIGHT CAKE ....... 000 iennsns .each 39¢ "Bpenings provided for the pas- i : Solon the cantina with. 11's -. 3 ' JUICY, CRUNCHY, HONEY -- SWEET "Yes for the cardinals within. It's : ; % the same satchel used by his ; . . APPLES on 23° i i i i father in the last conclave. : : 318. BAG Listerine Antiseptic On the day the conclave begins ? i ow" onigt ; J / : MILD TASTY J-ox 65 i c Prince Chigi will take up resi- ; dence in the Vatican and become i 4 . th an its provisional head of state. He ih i ae PARSNIPS ks will assume the duties that the ; wy : nel cardinals, locked in the conclave, # cannot carry out. He will remain BRIGHT HALLOWEEN Bromo Selizer in authority until the new pope is| REASONABLY PRICED i 'S "FIFTH" PUMPKINS ee Chigi already jas eno BEETH OVEN 'S Fl H ses ACCORDING TO SIZE Regulor 55¢ pig an aide to is father a BUT SCHWEPPES FIRST | e conc ye. a as---- "But that was so short -- a When Commander Whitehead, unique, bittersweet flavour is 2 = FROZEN FOOD VALUES mere 36 hours," he said. | 4 : ; € y mpi -- Schweppesman Extraordinary, sits ~~ connoisseur's delight and the lively . down to play a long symphony, Schweppervescence stays in the a1 8-0Z. Toy Pistol he first takes the precaution of glass to the very last drop. When 4 BIRDSEYE FISH STICKS PKG 29° | pouring himself a long tonic drink. you're thirsty, remember the First io. : Poor Excuse With Schweppes, thirst won't in- Movement . . . towards Schweppes | i 'BIRDSEYE 12-02. terrupt his thirst for music. That Tonic Water. | i T PKG. 27¢ MONTREAL (CP)--Joha Fell, 41-year-old mechanic, was' found ls Wednesday of siemocd Schwen CS TONIC WATER Le, THERE'S A RED & WHITE FOOD STORE NEAR YOU foo and atlempled to hane It 1 SPROULE'S| McKENNA'S ey KINGSWAY | RowN'S MAPLE GROVE \ floor and attempted to hand it to the proprietor. { The essential tonic water for authentic tonic drinks. Enjoy world. wii? CORNER SUPER- | CORNER SUPER- SUPER- Ph. ist Andre Cadilot test- 2 i " / 3 os apuasisl Auite Cag lot esl. famous Schweppes Dry Ginger Ale and Schweppes Club Soda, too. LG KING MARKET | SIMCOE | MARKET MARKETERIA MARKET store and asked for a packaze of SCHWEPPERVESCENCE LASTS THE WHOLE DRINK THROUGH ' AT 948 SIMCOE AT KING ST. E.| BROOKLIN | MAPLE . RITSON | NORTH. | MILL Townline Road | | GROVE "When I turned back with the ®igsrets in my hand, he had a