Se p-- ii | i ! 1--Room and Board 44--For Rent |44--For Rent 44--For Rent pA NE 45--Real Estate For Sole M or room and board, five min- utes' walk to 5-7881. THREE-room apartment (large rooms) RA 5-8906 downtown, Phone RA close to South GM. Phone 3 i 244 | Nov.15 © i -- ROOM: or room and board for young TWO unfurnished rooms, 567 Albert man. Six-day week. RA 58522. 243f|Street. RA 57894, Suit couple. 242f ROO] or room and board for one FOUR- and five - room, semi-furnish- or stov gentleman, also share, Phone RA 8-5776. 246¢ COMFORTABLE home for gentleman, share lovely room, single beds, excel. lent meals, also evening sna. if de- sired. North Oshawa. RA 5-4063, 245 ONE room in new house for single fellow board if wanted, Apply 637 St, downstairs. 2441 ROOM and board for gentlemen, sin. gle home privileges and TV. Close to SGM. RA 5.7754, 244 BEST town, mingle beds, all modern conv , close to south GM. RA . Apply 536 Lorraine Street, WIDOW with modern home would like lady for company. Very cen-| A 245¢ boarder tral. Phone RA 3-788. toed rest home. Two bathrooms. loca- tion, just outside city. Apply Ha Taunton. man, close to Shopping Centre. A ONE single room fo riady or gentle F RA| garage. Apply 155 Mill Street. 8-5267. 2456 | an HOUSE -- nine-room brick, suitable for| ON GROUND floor, separate entrance, TWO - bedroom, stucco home, all mod- two rooms, and kitchenette, rent rea-|ern conveniences, sonable, abstainers only. Phone Brook- room, 3 246c JUR - room bungalow, with bath and | 246c | Available n 1. RA 5-6309. Apply 496 Simcoe North, {Apartment 4, 242 room stove, s TV outlet and garage, private entrance. Phone 'RA 8-6423. 245¢ THREE - nearly new, near South GM, $95 monthly. Ap- ply 64 Charles Street evenings. 'Avail. able November 1. 242 ONE large unfurnished front room. m r, redecorated, TV aerial. Heat and lights. RA 3-4130. 2426 TWO rooms, unfurnished, one: big enough for kitchen and living room, heated and hydro. Phone RA . ik APARTMENT -- three rooms and bath in down-town building block, newly dec- DUPLEX upstairs, four rooms and bathroom, self - contained; garage. RA 8-8681. 245¢ THREE - room apartment, unfurnish- Phone RA "8-8840 oe FUR COLLEGE HILL area -- Modern three- iy i.;00m "private entrance, parking, |TV outlet. Apply 184 Beatty Avenue. | TWO three - room apartments, upstairs, heated. RA 5.223 ), two ~ room apartment, three piece bath. garage, double lot, hardwood floors. $1200 down. Full price $7,750, Phone Picker- ing 337-M-1. 246f LOT 45 x 125 Harmony Road South, close to school, serviced, $2,100. RA 8-5387. 215 246f LARGE furnished bedroom in quiet| home, water, parking space. RA 3.9791, 246c| suit gentleman. Continuous hot| 7 transportation. For further information' $1600 DOWN. Bargain for quick sale, Whitby. Owner selling this immaculate | three - bedroom home for less than original price. Completely and taste- fully decorated. Hollywood kitchen with serving counter, Large living room. Landscaped lot. Close to schools and | Cy ,|{three - piece bath each, heavy wiring, | ed. Private entrance. Centrally Jocated; 3 ing TWO rooms and kitchen, fully furnish- THREE wiring, own entrance. RA 53812. 241f unfurnished rooms, heavy tor, MO 8-3337, Whitby. call Helen Simpson, A. J. Schatz, Real. 247a ed for light sul couple or single girl or i garage. 283 Ritson South or RA So c THREE unfurnished rooms, share bath- room. RA 5-0816. 245¢ orated, suitable for couple. $65. Available November 1. RA sen LARGE, clean housekeeping room, cen- tral, 1 P Phone R. LARGE room for two gentlemen, sepa- rate beds, also single room for gentle- A |dren. Available November 1. RA 5-0727 Thin, soak privileges, Apply. 06 War, rent to reliable person. W. McAuley eee" | Realtor, 26 Prince Street. RA 3.2512. UPPER duplex, , 115 Athol East, 245¢ suitable for ma couple, no chil ROOM board 0 Our last two NHA homes priced from vate, AAR Oe Torn Lunches Hon ONE nice furnished room, in private |3-9225. 2451) after six o'clock. 2466) £19,500. Located at 583 and 607 Shake. ed if Homey RA (home, picture windows, parking space, THREE - room apartment and private THREE rooms, unfurnished, bath and|spear Averue just off Wilson Road 3-3993. Nov.15|nice for gentleman. RA 347070. Oct.30 bath. Closets. Phone RA 3-4364. 245( Adults only, Apply 620 Sim-|South where bus stops and across the coe Street North. 246f [road from public school. Features well TWO gentlemen or ladies to share nice- ly furnished room, in new home, close to bus stop. RA 8-1849. 247¢ MODERN four room apartment, cen- tral, near hospital, self contained, four. piece bath, continuous hot water. Rent ROOM and board for 1 close reasonable. RA 3.7827. Nov. 14 THREE unfurnished rooms, heat, lights ¥ te entrance. RA 5- and water, priva 245¢ COTTAGE, two rooms, furnished, suit- 2. |ONE - room, bed - sitting room, suit , 245¢ lady, RA 57922 "room unfurnished apartment, le-tiled TWO Avenue or phone 5-3083. v 7 per week, on bus to wntown., Apply 23 Elgin Street TWO partly furnished rooms, nearjable for couple, § cupboards and sink in kitchen, in new East. RA '3-7814. 247¢| King and Ritson. RA 3-7092. 241 |line. RA 8-8125. EE bau galow, on Grenfell Street, RA 8.3549 Oct. 18, 23, 24, 25 t GOR suit| THREE room upper duplex, heated, 27| GRASSMERE Avenue. Three-bedroom 43 Wanted to Rent BE ae tt heavy duty wiring, central, parking. THREE - room furnished apartment, bungalow, four years old. Close to 196 Centre Street 244¢ | Available October 31. Phone days RA 1. heavy duty stove. refuueracor. school and bus, $13,000, RA 5-934. MODEST or (% Lenife : -- (5.1113 RA 5-169 evenings. 2451 Seniral, heavy Suly Save, Mefps so. Private. Oct. 25 furnished housekeeping for two. 400-800 FOUR-room furnished basement apart. | > diss -- | suitable for couple or two ladies. 5 pig Bg 1 Timer ene or | ment, sieve Wd refrigerator, Heavy ™ Suitable loli Also one RA 2.3128: TY EE Yo Te phone RA 5.4479. He rt Avenue, RA S057h 244f single room. Handy to bus and shopping FOUR - room, sell - contained apar| OPPORTUNITIES GROW ON Instao, : : centre. Apply 48 Rosehill Blvd, . 245f ment, furnished, heated, central, FLORIDA'S WEST COAST THREE-, or four - room 8.7692 after 5.15 p.m, 247b apartment for Bell Telephone girls. Phone 5-1008 between 8.30 - 5 p.m. UPPER duplex, four large rooms, liv- ing room, two bedrooms, kitchen, bath- room, heat and water, central. Adults TWO rooms, seli-contained, private en- trance, ground floor, sink and cup- SELL or rent, 7 rooms, storey and a half, with two bathrooms, near shop- ping centre, Sell with $1000 down, or| FROM $600 down. Ready to move in. planned kitchen and dining room, large living room, oil heated, colored ceram- electric fixtures. For, inspection call in at 573 Shakespear) / Semen Ah bp rl UT GW om gl ea a, EE) 45--Real Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sele 1» THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thundoy, October 23, 1958 21 PRESTIGE LOCATION AT EVERYDAY PRICES That's what you get when you own a new home in ROSSLYNN ESTATES Check these features: : OIL HEATING DOUBLE SASH LAUNDRY TUBS LANDSCAPED. DIVIDED BASEMENT Follow the signs at Rossland West and Fernhill. Salesman on site from 2 p.m. Oct.23 Send 25¢ (coin) for the BIG THREE partly furnished rooms, lots of ANNUAL INVITATIONAL 1S- RA [parking space. Suitable for couple. Ap. Oct.23.27,38| only.' Vacant December 1. Phone i) beards, Tanly furnished. Phone 245¢| Ply 348 King Street West. 2476) SUE (Nov 9) of the Sunday ED ariive, OF four - bedroom | S845. ; d bath, ONE furnished room, suit lady or| Indepedent "The Sunshine ving with a BASEMENT apartment, two large| APARTMENT, four rooms an , leman, close to Centre.| N r", St. Petersburg 1 heating at reasonable rent. Near bus rooms, private bathroom and entrance, heated, hot water. Apply 786 Simcoe am pr ewspape , ot rg |, { Yue or vould she home _ with! rangette, TV outlet. RA 5.7289. 243f|Street South, 245¢ FOUR bedi i Ei Florida. ownpayment 0 or less. e to _-- rr FIV corth edroom house, central, oil | R - thly,| FIVE - room apartment, 57 Wentwort! ; Box 43, Times Garelte, (32 Shiner North Phone" RA 3.4402 of |Street, Oshawa. Washer, drver, stove, heated. Write Fust Office Box 201, Nov.9 (3-2118. Nov.11|refrigérator, TV serial Near school Whitty. 7 : | LL REALTY Fou ined apart.| Prone MA 3-3611 Bowmanville, Nov. 20/5068 or rent. Apply 201 Bonnie | YD I oily THREE - room unfurnished apartment Brae Point. 246¢ HOUSE FOR TENDER | RENTAL AGENC fin apartment building, business couple Central location. Available November it ' COMFORTABI rnished room in pri Qur fee is less than a [L $75 monthly, Dial RA 3-4014. 243 | preferred, $33 monty josluging hea vate home, si nag ud QUICK SALE P----at tr -- ry | and water. . o J - h 8, TV] eam vires trio -- gentlemen, cen + parking space orf vacancy, only screened [SIX - room house wit re Tree} er Bema ral Daring space. otf and reliable tenants. | Write Box RE Mimencasette. 343¢| Hot and cold water, refrigerator, wash nue. yh » 260 Sulsie Peri wloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. sr ent Terai Tor, In8 machine, cupboards. For couple or | is house is to be remove | TWO - room apartment, furnished, for | = ildren. 219 Ritson |T E \ 93 SIMCOE ST. N. | gentlemen or couple. One small sniia} Lee gentiemen, Bo eh B:: 2 gestion, Write stating references to Box ot once RA 8-5123 welcome, Phone RA 5-6169. 24g Te -- (125, Times-Gazette. ee | APARTMENT, central, two large __ .-- TE Oct.3 BEAUTIFUL five © rooms BUSEsiow. In Fouma. privit bath bultin- supbostds TWO _ room apartment, formiahed 1w| OPEN TO OFFERS 44-=For Rent [cur 'port 3100's, month. A 5-422. 24f 1 sink. ample' storage space, suitable SLCHI SONA er eka REASONABLE ROE Polit DRSSESARE YOO, | { . ing. a FOUR - room bungalow with bath, also| TWO furnished basement rooms, one Street, 246f Apply At three-fbom apartment, heat, lights and water supplied. Laundry and parking or two gentlemen, $10 a week. RA 8-1255, 2461 ONE furnished housekeeping room, rangette, use of refrigerator. Phone i 7a | APARTMENT I GLECOFF LIMITED | \facilities. Apply 288 Hillside. 243t/7W0 large unfurnished rooms, sink | 8.5776 or 77 Gibbon Street. ~~ 24 TO RENT iL Lhe and wai, BEVME. 4 Nop 'en ak Adve, Pho i THEE _ oom aparimen Wi prvae TO Rent 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH | trance, ewly decorated. Apply 476 Al. 5. : ; 246s) Path, hear Snopping Cenire. Su Electrically equipped, 246b bert Street. RA 581d, 23 Si: -1Ple. RA 3.5178, 246f Be ee Te EH brick home, oil heated, LaSalle Court TWO ~ room apartment, furnished or SIX zoom brie a e urt, : North Oshawa, handy to bus and unfurnished, kitchen cupboards, hot MODERN FOUR NO a EN Sh PHONE RA 5.3815 MODEL HOME | | 328 80id water. heated and hydro paid] © yap APARTMENT | cicole. oud oi 2461 I Ave tert a, THREE - bedroom bungalow, forced Oct.23,24,27 OPEN FOR central, Possession Now 1 criaro: Available November 1st, close [air oil heating. Apply 183 Windsor INSPECTION | eicarte. $60 monthly. Apply 214 Celina| = to Hospital and High School. [Street after 6 EE . Upper Duplex, available No- { y ed. 1 between 7-8 p.m. Thursday only. 247a RA 3.7827 rir 1 3 gentleman Prefertes. vember 15 nicely decorated, MODERN three - room apartment, ee eee -- large living and dining room, completely private, block from limits. 245f| MODERN self - contained three-room . One child welcomed, Will baby sit if apartment, plus private bath, very large bedroom, kitchen and | mother works. RA 5-8107. 2471 : reasonable. RA 8.1633. 247f| bathroom, sunroom, T.V. out- | LARGE apartment, bedroom, tile bath BUCKINGHAM MANOR TWO rooms and kitchen for rent. let, ideally located, reason- FULL DOWN { room, -dining room, living room, kitch- APARTMENTS | Apply 555 Montrave Avenue, Osiaua, able rent. Owner there Friday ! en, main floor, private entrance, TV 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.; Saturday | antenna. Phone RA 3.7092. 27 One- and two-bedroom, elec- oom brick, one year old, bunga.| 10 a.m, to 9 p.m.: Sunday | PAYMENT THREE . room apartment, newly deco- trically equipped, good lo- low, near Shopping Centre, modern and 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. RA 8-1183 ; rated, suit couple or two ladies. Calll cqotion, $90 and $100. clean. Jack Appleby, RA 5-6544 or RA 247 Ideal location. Near new Foursday Ham or Tornings, Friday pply-- i RAL HEIL pan ermal] school, churches, bus service. Sn 2 Ra 5430; 374] 498 SIMCOE N. APT. 5 [FOUR Toor waif --soniataed apart | 3 ontetti dn roms of furnished housekeeping room for two girls or gentlemen. Street or RA 3-9952. 181 Albert 2461 RA 8-8676 Nov.8 "WHITBY C LASSIFIED | PUMPKINS for sale, single or quantity. | Apply' L. Puckrin, Pickering Beach Roa: Aie| nd | #0" combination coal , Westinghouse, cheap. In-|8-2462. v > iy FOR Sale -- Used CBS Columbia TV, MODERN, six - room bungalow, tiled 121" FOR Sale -- Used electric ranges. In. under range dependent Sales, 38-2081." Whitby Plaza, MO 247b | Three room heated un-| dependent Sales, Whitby Plaza, 8-2081, FOR Rent -- furnished apartment on ground floor. Central location. Phone MO 8-2466. Nov. 23| FOR Gale -- Used 17" console Crosley | TV eompletely overhauled, $89, Inde- pendent Sales, Whitby Plaza; MO, 8-2081. 247 | FOR Rent -- Three rooms, $35. 201; Dundas East. MO 8-2700, FOR Sale -- Large size crib, natural finish, very good condition. Phone MO 247¢ ment, newly decorated, separate en trance, heavy wiring, central, Suitable for young couple. RA 5.4837. 2444 THREE - room basement apartment, with built-in cupboards and sink, two- piece bath, private entrance. RA 35-7419 2441 CHRISTIE at Rossland. Road West, one five - room, self - contained apartment, private entrance, stove and refrigera- tor. Available November 15, and one three - room self - contained apartment, private entrance, stove and refrigera- tor. Available immediately, Don Howe, Real Estate, RA 57732, 247¢ console model, picture tube still basement, south end. RA 13-9231. 247f warranty, $179. 1 | Sales, Whitby Plaza, MO 8-2081. 247b AERIAL moved, repaired. New aerial installed for as low 35. Independent Sales, 309. Brock South, Whitby Pla: No | FOR rent -- six-room house, all mod-| ern conveniences. $95 per month. 1513 Dufferin Street. MO 8-4642, 244f | MIDTOWN Furniture. We buy, sell and used furniture, ap-| FOR Sale -- Used 17" Canadian Gen. eral Electric TV console model, $99. In- | dependent Sales, Whitby Plaza; MO 8-2081. 247d | INCREASED fall bu good pliances and skates, Phone MO 8-4981.| Nov. 21 FOR Sale -- Kroehler chesterfield and | chair; dinette suite, natural, 4 chairs; | buffet and table; pair grey placing three women immediately to represent Avon Cosmetics: in Whitby. Write or phone Miss E. Outerbridge, 12 Saranac Blvd, Toronto, 19, Ont.) RU 27567 between 8 - 9 a.m. Sept. 30, Oct. 2, 4, 21, FOR 'Sale -- White clapboard g e, 12 x 21, eavestroughing, overhead door, 25. Easily moved. 1 year old. MO 8-3290. 246¢ HELP Wanted -- Keen, ambitious young man that would like to learn the shoe business. Write Box 104 Whitby for appointment. 246¢ FOR Sale -- Boy's balloon tire bicycle, In running condition, needs paint job. $5. Apply Apt. 4, 135 Byron South. 246b HOUSE for rent -- five room bunga- low. Apply 837 Dundas st. 2451 NEW davenports and chrome suites, $44.50. Hurry. Midtown Furniture (next to Legion), 113 Byron Street South, Whitby, Nov. 21 ATTENTION working mothers! Excel. lent day care given in clean home, bright" recreation room for rainy days, fenced-in yard. Westview Heights, two blocks west Henry Street. MO 8-4893 245d BINGER machine bargains. Brand new electric portables, $69 and brand new Binger reverse stitch machines, $89 Used drop heads from $17. All ma chines guaranteed. Trades accepted, terms. Midtown Furniture (next to Le-| gion), 113° Byron Street South. MO 64981. Nov. 21| SEPTIC tanks cleaned the way, new tanks installed. Walter Ward 204 Chesnut west: Phone MO 82363 Jet. 24 BUY and sell used furniture. Grixiti furniture will pay cash for used ap. pliances, . furniture. 'Apply basement, | 121 Brock South. MO 8-4822. Oct, 27 DRIVEWAY GRAVEL Coarse or fine, $7.00 per load. Cement-Gravel, $1.60 yard. Sand and Loam Fill. For delivery to. Oshawa Whitby, Ajax area. ERIC BRANTON, MO 8-2660 Nov.9 | FOR RENT Shotguns, 303 Rifles, Decoys, Cartop boats, Canoes, Troil- | ers. Cement mixes, wheel- barrow, Skill saws, Paint | sprayers, Garden Tiller, etc. | WILDE RENTAL SERVICE | AND SALES MO 8-3226 Nov. 18 Whitby, PLANT YOUR BULBS NOW Doffodils, Narcissus, Hyacinths, Crocus, Dutch tris, Snowdrops. OPEN WEEKENDS BEVERWYCK GARDENS NO, Tulips, | 12 HIGHWAY WHITBY R47c table lamps. Phone MO 8-2479. 245c| FOR Rent -- Comfortable room for! gentleman in private home, breakfast if desired. Phone MO 8-4517. 245¢ FOR RENT -- Comfortable apartment, beautiful location, three rooms, bath- room, stove, refrigerator, laundry fa. cilities, parking. 600 Centre Street S.,| Apt. 2, Whitby, 2456 ROOM and board, for one gentleman, | willing to share room, single beds, | reasonable rate. Phone MO 8-4872.245¢ WOULD give dally care to children in my home, Apply 1216 Brock Street South, Whitby, 245¢ | FOR RENT -- Comfortable apartment, | beautiful location, refrigerator, laundry | | facilities, parking, three rooms, bath.| room, stove. 600Centre St. S. Apt. 2,| Whitby. 2421 | FOR rent -- apartment, two rooms with three-piece bath, heated, suitable for business couple. MO 8.3257 after| 5.30 p.m. 2441 | Sd ot EAS AAAI R SHEL ir PANT cuffing and alterations, men's | and ladies wear, drapery alterations. | R. H. MacDonald, 1013 Centre South. | Nov. 20 "| heavy wiring. Phone RA 3-9615. THREE - room heated apartment in|' Bowmanville, Available now. Phone Oshawa RA 5-6133 or RA 5-3229. 247f THREE - room apartment, private en- trance, private bath, Central, Heated, 247 CENTRALLY located, self . contained, modern apartment, with stove, refrig- erator, venetian blinds, laundry room facilities supplied, Rent $75 monthly. Apply 272 King Street East. 247¢ APARTMENT -- Three rooms, com- pletely private, ground floor. Apply 568 Olive Avenue or phone RA 5.7481. 247b SEVEN - room house, {our rooms down | and three rooms up, two bathrooms, PARK LANE APARTMENTS 290 Mary Street Large 2-bedroom Suites, Fireproof Building, | large lots with all the extras. RA 8-1338 GUILDCRAFT HOME BUILDERS Elevator, Complete Kitchen, Broadloom Halls, | Bamboo Drapes, Laundry Facilities Free TV Antenna, Free Parking. FROM $110 PHONE RAndolph 8-8641 247¢ SEE OSHAWA'S CLOSEST IN SUBDIVISION WALK DOWNTOWN WALK TO SCHOOL -- LOCATION -- PARK RD. N. & HUMBER JUST ABOVE LOUISA ST. vacant now. $30 per month. Also five. room house, Auley, Realtor, 26 Prince Street. RA 365 per month. W. Mc: 45--Real Estate For Sale NHA oom SEE THE MODEL resale brick bungalow, five IML. rrmmminesmar TOO, pminun, ori Sue, five! . Solid rug and: bork brick. FIVE . room brick bungalow, 599 King sodded lawn, $1900- down payment, RA ® Stone fronts Street West. One block from Shopping 8-8955. 242¢ . Centre. Phone RA 5-1661. 247¢ | ® 3 bedrooms. EIGHT . room house, near Shopping ® Rolled arborite kitcher Centre. Immediate po on. Two baths and oll heating. avy wiring, | counters. near bus and GM. RA 5-3642. 247¢ Paid services. ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avail able in private home. 82 Park Road North, 5 - 7 p.m. RA 8-8671. Oct. 25 THREE - room apartment in new home with private entrance, reasonable rent. Apply 162 Warren Avenue. 2461 $70 -- DOWNTOWN, second floor front apartment, four rooms and bath, Heat, water and electric stove supplied. Available November 1. Vickery, RA 8-5155 or RA 5.6342. 246b SINGLE furnished bedroom in quiet, private home. Meals optional, gentle- man preferred. RA 5-387. 2448 THREE unfurnished rooms, heat, lights and water, tiled bathroom, immediate RA 3-4817. 343 Ritson Road GUARANTEED sewing machine re. Ipairs and service. Call Midtown Furni-| ture, 113 Byron $outh; phone MO 8-4981. | Nov. 6 WHITBY CANCER SOCIETY MEETING TONIGHT | in the TOWN HALL AT 8:15 P.M. the public is invited ELECTION OF OFFICERS 247q| WHAT'S NEW AT THE MERC? Ibex or Kingcot first quality Flette Blankets, size 70 x 90. Per pair ... $595 For the Overseas gift box. Men's Stretchy. Sox and Matching Tie in attractive gift box. No worry about size. Per Box $2.50 Children's two-piece frieze cloth Snow Suits with red quilted lining, A real cozy outfit for the 3 to 7 year old children Special Sale Price ... $8.88 Something you con always use, Linen tea towels, size 22 x 32. A pair, only .. 99¢ MERCANTILE DEPT. STORE WHITBY, ONT. "The Store with the Log | Front", 247b North. 244 LIVING ROOM, kitchen, bedroom and garage. Apply after 7 p.m. to 149 Ger- rard Road North, Oshawa. 2471 ONE and two-bedroom apartments, TV outlet, "frig, stove, balcony, park- ing. Possession Nov. 1. Apply Apt. 10, 101 Craydon Road, Whitby. Nov.18 Attractive modern older home with 3 car garage. Central location beautifully decorated and landscaped. 10 spacious Sodded fronts, Many other extras. You must see the model. We have sorie wonderful BUNGALOW BUYS located in PRICED FROM ORCHARD | $12,190 GARDENS | LOW DOWN PAYMENTS You owe it to yourself to | IF YOU QUALIFY INSPECT OPEN HOUSE these at your leisure SEE THE MODEL NOW 2:30 P.M. TO DARK DAILY EXCLUSIVE AGENTS JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED -- REALTORS RA 5-6544 Drive East on King to Farewell then South to SATOK | MODEL HOME OR PHONE BROOKLIN 291 SATOK REAL ESTATE LTD. Nov.18,21,23! Nov. 15 rooms and 3 bathrooms in | main house, and 3 roomed | apartment with bath over garage. Hot water oil heating. Can be leased up to four years with permission to sublet. Shown by gppointment only. $150 monthly. VICKERY & GOYNE RA 8-5155 246¢ APARTMENT FOR RENT Wilson Road North King Street $110. In new duplex, 18' living room, huge kitchen with balcony, two large bed- rooms, tiled bathroom, plenty of closet space, T.V. outlet, | setting, possesion, close to everything. Call Frank Hazlett, RU 3-1733 or write 3005 Bath- urst Street, Toronto, Beautiful immediate 2421 SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd. REAL ESTATE $800 DOWN $800 1-year-old, 6-room brick bungalow, living room 12 x'19, family- size dining room, kitchen 12 x 12, 3 bedrooms. Located close to schools and bus. List price $12,500. Call Stan Phillips, evenings, RA 8-1496 . $1,500 FULL PRICE $11,300 N.H.A. RESALE A real good buy on a 5-room brick bungalow, situated on a large landscaped lot, in the Highland Ave. area. 3 bedrooms, oil heating, large fenced-in back yard. Owner anxious to sell, For further information, call John Zakarow, evenings, RA 5-0494. COLLEGE HILL $7,500 -- S-yeor-old frame bungalow. nice bedrooms. Kitchen and bath. Floor oil furnace. All in good repair and handy to G.M.C. For further information, please call Henry Stinson, evenings, RA 5-0243, SUNSET. HEIGHTS 6-room, split-level bungalow with attached garage, situated on a fully landscaped lot' 79' x 100". A gem of a kitchen 15 x 13', L-shaped fiving and dining room, 3 -good-size bedrooms, built-in china cabinet and bookcase, Valance boxes. 54% mortgage. ror further information, please call Bill McFeeters, RA 5-1726 Large living room, 2 Oct. 30 BEFORE 5:00 P.M. -- RA 3.2265 BETWEEN 5:00 and 6:00 P.M, -- RA 8.1624 2470 BROOKLIN AREA BUYS 7-ROOM BRICK HOME $1,500 DOWN 2-storey brick home on highway 7A-12. Modern kitchen, large living room, dining room and sunroom. 3 bedrooms and bath- room, double garage and small barn, Large lot, 90 x 120. Full price only $10,500. NEW RANCH BUNGALOW Well-planned home with large bright kitchen, large living room 13 x 21, 4-piece bath and 3 bedrooms, modern ail heating unit. Price only $10,500 with easy terms. BROOKLIN HOME Two doors fren new school. A 6-room brick ranch bungalow; living room 15 x 14, dining room 10 x 10, well-planned kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 4-piece ceramic tiled bathroom, forced air heating unit, Attached gcrage. This house is very attractive and in good location at only $13,800 and very good terms, 3-APARTMENT HOUSE Well located, newly decorated 3-apartment house, each apart- ment is equipped with complete bathroom and gas stoves, This is a good income home as each apartment rents for $60.00 monthly. Price $15,000. COUNTRY HOME One acre of beautifully landscaped grounds with big shade trees. Lovely stucco house with 6 rooms. 3 bedrooms, large living room, beautiful modern kitchen, sunroom and bathroom. In addition this property has an apartment building with 2 aport- ments, also a 2-car garage. This property gives you a country home plus an income to carry it. Price $17,000 with easy terms, MERV BIRD--BROOKLIN (Second house east of blinker) PHONE 255W J. A. WILLOUGHBY AND SONS LIMITED, REALTORS 2470 52% GOOD FARM BUYS 250-ACRE FARM Very productive farm, well cared for. 175 acres workable, bal- ance in pasture and bush with good trout stream running full length of farm. Large, well equipped barn 52 x 100, L 25 x 50 -- 41 cattle can be tied up in addition to box stalls and pig pens. There is a 2-deck hen house with automatic switches; new implement shed 25 x 75. Attractive white clapboard house. This is a real money-making farm, to appreciate it you must see the crop that has been harvested from it this year, Owner selling due to ill health. Price $44,000 with good terms. COUNTRY ESTATE An ideal farm. All steel barn 40 x 90 ,near new. Charming modernized 6-room stone house. This farm is located on a paved road, and driveway is paved to the door. White fences and well trimmed hedges add to the charm of this valuable farm. 90 of the 100 acres are workable, with 3 acres of bush, 3 acres of orchard, and creek. Excellent location, 12 miles from Oshawa, V4 mile to church and school, Price $50,000 wtih good terms. 100 ACRE DAIRY FARM Well equipped barn, water bowls, new milk house, bulk cooler, implement shed, hen house, Modern house with furnace, bath- room and attractive modern kitchen. This is considered one of the most productive farms in the district, Would be suitable for the City mon, with the wdoded valley and stream. Only $29,500 with terms. , 75 ACRES Excellent location just 6 miles from the centre of Oshawa. This level productive farm is selling at a low price, has a good bank barn 40 x 78 ond L barn 24 x 40. There is a large brick home which is converted to two apartments, Owner is moving West, Price $22,500. Call-- MERV BIRD -- BROOKLIN (Second house east of Blinker) PHONE 255W J. A. WILLOUGHBY AND SONS LIMITED, REALTORS 247a John F. DeWith REALTOR AND GENERAL INSURANCE SALESMEN: DONALD MOUNTJOY, BOWMANVILLE -- MA 3-3950 DAN. BOEHM, CANTON -- Phone WElcome 2328 ROSS DAVIDSON AT BETHANY $9,500 for 200-acre farm on good road with 90 acres work- able, remainder bush and swamp, 82' x 36' bankbarn, silo, pig op Ba 9-roomed brick house, heavy duty wired. Down $10,000 buys this 200-acre farm with 100° x 30' bankbarn, machine shed, garoge; 7-roomed insulated frame home with run- ping hot and cold water, 3-piece bath, heavy duty wiring. erms, . $18,000 for 100-acre farm north-east Bowmanville, close to highway, 100' x 35' bankbarn, double hen house, machine shed, garage; 8-roomed brick home with furnace, heavy wired. Build- ings in excellent repair. Terms. $12,500 asking for 100-acre farm on paved road with 100' 30' bankbarn, waterbowls, machine shed, etc.; 9-roomed from house, Terms arranged. $9,500 full price for 100-acre farm with creek, 90' x 30' bank- barn, steel stanchions, water on tap, garage, machine shed, hen house; 7-roomed brick home with furnace, running water. Terms arragged. ; Very attractive, new, large-size ronch-style bungalow with qt- tached garage. 'Recreation room with bar, Fireplaces in living room and recreation room. Built with the best of material. All modern conveniences. Price and terms arranged, $4,500 for 5-roomed frame home, east Newcastle with oil fur- nace, heavy duty wiring. Easy terms. $500 down for 4-roomed home east Newcastle, with h good-size lot, Price $3,000. ny yar. on $500 down for 6-roomed home in village with f kitchen, hardwood floors. Price $6,500. : Uraces 10% $10,500 income home, separate entrance, 2 kitchens, all mod- ern conveniences. Newly plastered and painted. Terms. $10,500 for 5-rcomed bungalow with attached garage, near Courtice, with oil furnace, 3-piece bath, modern kitchen, hard- wood and tile floors, large lot. Terms arranged, $8,000 for 13-rocmed brick home in Newcastle which could be made into apartments or kept as an income home. New well Terms arranged. : Besides above mentioned we have approx. 200 more properties to choose from, 45--Real Estate For Sale [45--Real Estate For Sale TWO . family duplex home, two kit-|SIX . room bungalow, all chens, two b two double garage, hydro meters. Only six years old, brick, garage, near 401 Highway. Must be sold. "Only $2500 down. Phone days, RA 8-1556. 2 modern con- Taunton Road, two miles east of city. Owner leaving city. Phone evenings or Satun Jack Appleby, RA 5.6544 or RA 3.3398. John A. J. Bolahood Realtors. 246c HOUSE FOR IMMEDIATE SALE Location: First house east of Times Building facing Bond Must be from property. Submit offer and earliest removal dote. Leave offer with T. L. Wilson, Times-Gazette, $9,200 Unusual bargain, with sub- stantial down payment. New 5-room brick bungalow, com- pletely custom finished, Close to Olive and Baldwin, schools ond churches, 629 Crerar Ave. RA 5.6031, Street. removed 246c 242¢ N.H.A. BUNGALOWS New 3-bedroom brick bungalow nearing completion on Ridgeway Avenue; centrally located to public and separate schools, privately built, many, many extras. Full price $12,490 with $1,780 down, New 3-bedrdom brick bungalow under construction ot Cedar Valley Boulevard (off Taunton Road West). Lovely homes surrounding, close to new school, forced air oil heating, custom built. Full price $11,180 with $1,490 down. STORES -- DWELLINGS Owne: will accept low down payment for this 8-room home and 2 adjoining stores in Albert Street, heating is forced air with oil, 3-piece bath plus 1-piece; excellent income home, plus business. Asking $14,800. N.H.A. RESALE . No qualifications required on this attractive 6-room brick bungo- low with recreation room completed, large rooms throughout, master bedroom equipped with built-in furniture and mirror, tiled bathroom, heating is forced air-oil, asphalt drive, pro- fessionally landscaped and decorated. Full price $13,200, south- west district. Immaculate condition throughout, and must be seen to be appreciated. Down payment to be arranged, DON'T DELAY - CALL TODAY OZZIE ADDISON -- RA 3-2254 LLOYD AYERS REALTOR Member of Oshawa ond District Real Estate Board 247a BETTER DEALS WITH BERNEICE ! | THREE IN ONE YOU can afford this investment property right now and you be set for the boom, whereas if *#u wait till it's on us and everyone wanting to get in on this very type of property, it will be out of your reach. Don't be one of those who will have to pay practically the same price for just the land. Consists of three lovely apartments complete with tiled bathrooms, hard- wood floors, two entrances to each apt., large kitchens, 22' living rooms, and. more than ample cupboard and closet space. Each apt. has three bedrooms, making for easier renting. Brick construction with gas hot water heating. Only 1 block from the main corners. LOTS Serviced, 2 lots, central, $300 down, easy terms on the balance. $2,100 each, Size 45 x 118. Unserviced lot, central, 102' x 162', can be divided. $3,000 full price. 3 OWNER - BUILDER'S SPLIT-LEVEL In Whitby's most sought-after location, on a very desirable corner lot, four bedroom split level with attached garage, fire- place, finished recreation room, Landscoped lot 62 x 135. Home is complete in every detail. Open to cash offer, WHY LOOK FARTHER? This is a good buy! It's perfectly located, has lot 60 x 162, a Bungalow with attached garage and workshop, and there is no work to be done on it. Only 5 years old, this 2-bedroom home has forced air oil heating, large rooms, 4-pc. bathroom, storms, screens, etc., etc. Owner will take back one first mort- gage with a fairly low down payment, We now have & good selection of homes to offer and feel can guarantee to fill your requirements. No obligation if not satisfied that we can help you buy or sell. Your Friendly Real Estate MEMBER OF THE OSHAWA & DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD. | 247a| BERNEICE ARMSTRONG REAL ESTATE BROKER 124 DUNDAS ST. WEST, WHITBY MO 8-3355 (reverse charges if outside Whitby) For your convenience we are open 9 a.m. - 5:30, 7 pm, - 9pm. 247a REALTORS 313 Brock St., S. OPEN 9 -- 9 Whitby MO 8-3414 ' Oshawa RA 5-6632 Toronto EM 3-9603 DOUBLE HOUSE & ACREAGE ON NO. 2 HIGHWAY, one mile West of Whitby. Older 1V4- storey clapboard divided home, (1-2 bedroom and 1-3 bedroom), each self-contained. 2 new bathrooms, new oil forced air fur- nace, new pressure system, new hot water tank, new wiring throughout, 2 meters, 3-storey barn 30 x 32, hen house 40 x 20, garage. Five acres. of land, nicely landscaped grounds, mature shade trées. $18,900.00, with $6,000.00 down. MARKET GARDEN FARM 152 LEVEL PRODUCTIVE acres with 7-room brick 2-storey house. Bank barn 48 x 24, wing 14 x 24. 700' frontage on busy paved road close to Bowmanville. Owner retiring. Priced to sell at $15,000, with terms. Call Walter Frank, Bowmanville MA 33986, COUNTRY HOME ON PAVED ROAD, between Whitby and Ajax, close to new Public School, 9-room brick house, 4 bedrooms, bath, living room with fireplace, den, large modern kitchen, dining room, laundry room. New oil furnace. Attached garage, 2 acre land, Lovely large shade trees. $17,000.00 with $5,000.00 down. Call Mrs. Lee. BUILDING LOTS FOR RESIDENTIAL, duplex or apartments. Corner 162' x 136'. Close to High School and Public School. Terms. , 300 ACRE FARM WITH 150 WORKABLE, balance bush and pasture and creek, 1Va-storey, 9-room cement veneer home with furnace and bath- room. Bank barn 60 x 60 with room for 65 head, plus other buildings. $31,000.00 with terms. Uxbridge area. Call Ted Coates, EASY PAYMENTS $63.00 MONTHLY, including taxes, ments are on this 3 year old brick Whitby Plaza property $7,500.00. is all your monthly pay- bungalow on Peel Street, Whitby. Interest only 5%. Full price $13,500.00. Call Jack McCann for an appointment to inspect. RESIDENTIAL -- FARMS -- ACREAGES -- BUSINESSES 247a (Continued on Page 22) McQuay & Kidd _-- oS A