Ee TIMES-GAZETTE TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Advertising RA 3.3492 All other calls ....... RA 8-3474 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE Combining The Oshawa Times and Whitby Gazette and Chronicle WEATHER REPORT Intermittent rain ending Frie day morning, clearing Friday afternoon. A Price Not Over ! 7 Cents Per Copy OSHAWA-WHITBY, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1958 Authorized As Second Class Mail Post Office Department, Ottaws THIRTY-TWO PAGES VOL. 87--NO. 249 EIGHT Gl RLS, 23 BOYS CHARGED AFTER FIGHT Rir Tragedy | Probe Opens Near Rome | ilian throw | rying 31 persons, collided with he Viscount and most of those NETTUNO. Italy (Reuters) -- earth on the wreckage of the | an Italian jet fighter four miles | aboard w re sucked out into An investigation opened today to crashed British airliner at | above the bloody World War the air All of them were hile determine the cause of Wednes- Anzio, Italy. in an attempt to Two battlefield Wednc day. The I'he pilot of the fighter plane air tragedy in which 31 pas- Tuench flames The plane, car- | collision tore out the front of parachuted to safety seagers and crew aboard a Brit- A soldier and a ci r= Ai ish airliner died in a collision with an Italian jet fighter. The crash occurred at 23,000 Starr O Seek B CC st feet over this town 20 miles south) lof Rome as a British European [Airways Viscount, on a flight | LJ from London to Malta, prepared | to land at Naples. less Ber 1 efits Among the dead were London| y {model Jane Buckingham and The top benefit rate would be- commission greater flexibility in/man, granddaughter of the late come $36 a week. The other new meeting shifting employment con- health faddist Bernarr Macfad- ditions den By DON PEACOCK OTTAWA (CP)--Labor Minis- ; : } ter oily predicting somewhat |one would be $33 weekly less unemployment this winter than last, is planning to ask Par- liament's approval at its next] session to increase unemploy- ment insurance benefit rates In an interview with The Can dian Press, he also disclosed that income categories the new rates 1 Cubitt would apply. But it is likely wage fund has been drained to a dan-on Wednesday, Desmond hy ; earners within the two new bene-'gerous level. 34, who comes from a family o fit brackets will be assessed a It currently totals some $600,- British contractors. The couple a. higher contribution for the un- 000,000, he said, and the actu-|were flying to Naples on thei employment insurance fund. This aries who keep Heit eye on te BO DEA : |wouird mean correspondingly fund consider the danger zone be- Miss Buckingham. Bh I the op higher contributions 1 em- gins at about the $500,000,000 ing to Naples to oe ¥¢ rt tie Hill. early this A oo tf J it.| er: ral govern-'level Shiv alitana a s ) 3 ) 2. scene somimtice jast July, Tae Som [Floors BN Me emi gon "The present maximum unem- i planning to wed Hungarian Mrs. Thelma Grace MacLean,| This lee several Weeks 80 sxpresse The wage ceiling at which elig- ployment insurance benefit of $30 actress Eva Bartok : : : ; ¢ il je favor Oénsueh changes, siding ibility for unemployment insur- weekly is paid to a person with| In hospital here is the only man ter, was pronounced dead shortly | KF. Mr. Starr said that, provi Ing| nce now ceases is $4,800 annu- at least one dependent earning|who may be able to tell exactly after the a he was able Lo win ca et an Lally. $57 a week or more--up to the what happened--Capt. Giovanni Dr. J. A. Bpoval, re Mr. Starr did not discuss this $4.800-a-year top. 4 [Savorell, benefit levels above the current aspect. but he is understood tol, The government issued its Rest force Sabre jet. $30-a-week maximum to the ses- favor a revision in insurance leg- figures on the employment situ- nly suivive of He sion of Parliament expected tolislation which would enable the ation earlier this week. : sd aster, Savore p lef 0 there were safety. Doctors said he was suf: 5 surance ¢ 3 p> 30 : A. ; {unemploymént insurance commis- As of Sept. 3 be 4 Ta lane open in mid-January. sion to raise the eligibility ceil- an estimated 271,000 unemployed fering from "acute amnesia." travelling west, left the APPROVAL LIKELY ling to suit conditions 0 SF Be, nos Ww considered unlikely the having to wait for Parliament's/than a month earlier. In Septem-|them British, were DIOUg ; I ding a oe on oppose Mr. Starr's approval. ber last year there were only/Rome during the night in trucks. upright on the lawn at 918 King pl | Such a change wouid give the 197,000 unemployed. |So far only six bodies have been sireet east. ¥ : entified. " italian police said death mus! p al . _ lea Widow Screams car she had been driving after 12:59 She lived'at the Patterson to suffered only a bruised ankle. King Police said the car, which was| She have come instantly fo most of 3) minutes. A fow truck pulled Allan, the 26 passengers and five crew the wreck clear. Few external] The of the Viscount. Two London newspaper report- hy police, ers and a photographer accom- penying Miss Buckingham were jot known this morning. It was made. Lawn | American heiress Diana Mucker- Oshawa Woman 'More Motors ° Mr. Starr did not say to what Mr. Starr said he does not be-| Miss Msckerman, 26, was trav- Killed In rash lieve the unemploymen* insurance elling 'with the man she married A 22-year-old Oshawa woman|raining at the time. The call was r died under the wreckage of the received at the poilice station at 24, was fly- it crashed out of control on to a carrying Sgt. Peter White and U.S. General Motors plants with- e young Prince King street east lawn at Hart's Con. Alfred Lavender reached the in the past 24 hours, according|they said 3 g | y said. mother of a four-year-old daugh-(fatality of the year. Key Savor ilot of the Italian air/at 303 Hillside Avenue. Mrs. 1 ts Savorell, Pp A passenger in the car, Bernard| Thelma Moore, daughter of Mr. that only 19 .of the original 126 The only survivor of the dis-|Delbes, 26, of 94 Grenfell street, and Mrs. Thomas M. Moore, 569 strike-bound plants are still out. injuries were noted on the body Saturday with interment at Mount the spokesman said. The cause of the accident was arrangements have not yet been more men in the Oshawa plants | 2 Gangs Battle Near Arnprior OTTAWA (CP) -- Charges of three days ago, poli.: said, and unlawful 'assembly were laid to- apparentiy an Arnprior resident day agdinst eight girls and 28 was blamed, youths after a gang battle in| A cavalcade of Renfrew autos Arnprior, Ont., 25 miles east of arrived in Arnprior before Wed- |e Sapitak Retin: Arbor 3 nesday night's flareup. actions nprior an Eph | Renfrew, 10 miles hi west, ABOUT 30 ESCAPED tore into each other with "sticks,| Police easily broke ip the fight stones, bicycle chains and any-|but about 30 escaped custody. The thing they could get," provincial'36 who were detained were loaded police here reported. There were five and six to an auto in six no serious injuries. cars, three of them provincidl One knife was found and a /Policecruisers a d three pri- charge of uging an offensive vately-owned by OPP constables. DEATH CAR AFTER ACCIDENT weapon is being laid against one/One constable was in each ve- lof the brawlers today in county hicle. | court. Ts sented eos SS, de- | are i v seri as aged 16 to 21, were |GANGS ROUNDED UP taken to Ottawa jail for hear- The gangs were rounded up ings in county court here. The peacefully in a field outside Arn- field where the fight occurred prior Wednesday night after lies in Carleton County, giving being eased out of town when|the Ottawa County Court juris- trouble loomed. diction. Pclice blamed a dead dog for, Officers laying the charges touching off the latest and largest|said there appears to have been of a series of disturbances. Pre-lan '"'element" of troubie-makers vious trouble between the two|in the two gangs although neither groups had been less vicious, group was known to be tightly or- 2 , Titi : J ganized, bear a gang name or at 1:03 a.m. 2 an Oshawa GM _ Spokesman The dog, owned by a Renfrew wear distinctive gang identifica- is Oshawa's third traffic this morning. But strikes at tWo| person, was run over two orltion. American plants causing Patterson said an inquest parts shortages and consequent | Disputes Erd In U.S. Plants Agreements have been reached| am. and a patrol cariat seven more of the striking cident by the coroner, | will be held. The body is resting lavoff of Oshawa workers have Armstrong Funeral Chapes. Yet to be settled. MacLean is the former, The new agreements [J LJ . Russian Novelist reet east LR i f duet i 1 ada tesumption o production in was born in Oshawa on Oshawa largely depends on set-| Gets Nobel Prize road, Sept. 22, 1936, and was employed {lements at the Fisher' body-fab- without and iooking for work, 10,000 fewer Bodies of the 31 victims, most of knocked over a mailbox, rolled as a stenographer with Canadian 'ricating plant, Mansfield, Ohio, I to over three times before ending! Pittsburgh Industries Ltd, Surviving in addition to her apolis. mother and father are her daugh | Mrs. MacLean's body was pin ter, Loreen; a sister, Mrs. Hazel tomers w aiting with money in|to Russian author Boris Paster- {ned under the ill-fated vehicle for Ross, of Oshawa and a brother, |their hands to buy the new cars.|nak, whose best-selling novel painter Leonid Pasternak. His STOCKHOLM (Reuters) -- The|ary lyrical poetry and in the field {Swedish Academy today awarded of the great Russian epic tradi "We have dealers with cus-|the 1958 Nobel prize for literature tion." . Pasternak, 68, is the son of land the Chevrolet plant at Indian- ahist and Paster- nak himself originally planned to devote himself to music. py | His parents left Russia in the {1920s and settled in Britain. His two sisters still live there. also of Oshawa. We could work with 10,000 men {Doctor Zhivago has yet to be pub-|mother was a funeral has been set for time if we had the materials," (lised in his homelantl. Doctor Zhivago" depicts life in Russia during the last 40 years will be laid off. The number stil 20d is in many passages critical working is 2,000. of Soviet society and government, cemetary. Other funeral! It is not expected that any For Hungarian Cardinal Fails Revenge Threats VIENNA (AP) -- Hungary has woman whose bluntly rejected an American re- , killed when a homb destroyed his BROTHER CAUTIONED quest to let Josef Cardinal Minds- r, two months ago, accused & % Sor 2 ifn Td 2 amille DiPasquali, brother of| To Prosecute zenty leave his refuge in the U.S. man at the inquest Wednesday Legation in Budapest to vote in the Vatican for a new pope night of being connected with the fp Vici, testified D'Alimonte . Cardinal Mindszenty, freed slaying and said she would seek ad told him two weeks before! from imprisonment by the 1956 revenge. the explosion "not to take my d orer nion Hungarian revolt, found asylum are palam DiP: 5 a brother's car because something V \ Lh alamu DiPasquali strug T IT ; : By JOHN LeBLANC in the legation when the Russians|,jad on the Noor of To) may happen and he didn't want TORONTO Cp Toromta ton on y : crushed the uprising a few days!ywith police and relatives for 10/it t@ happen to me because he tractors are expected to retaliate) OTTAWA (CP) -- A second ap- W t alives ror liked " against the Laborers' Union to- nal against proposed telephone later. minutes before she was removed RoC MC Ki 5 n pen a p . le i y a pres 3 : day by seeking to prosecute the ,.in increases in Ontario and The U.S. charge d'affaires in from an inquest hearing and! DiPasquali was killed after he union for engaging in an illegal bec bags! led with the tederall Budapest, Garret G. Ackerson|given sedatives left work at midnight Aug. 19 at strike. Quebec bind 1 a nicipali- Jr., disclosed Wednesday night' She screamed in Ttalian fhat the Brunner Mond Company plant| The laborers, one of 24 unions cabigel Tey ] ri sr that Washington asked safe con-|she would avenge the death of? this town 18 miles southwest involved in Toronto's $150.000,000/ 1S 1B the two pn . duct for the cardinal at the Vat-|Antonio DiPasquali, 31, killed on|0f Windsor construction shutdown, Wednes- | Wednesday byl ican's request. Aug. 19 when his car exploded as! Normally he drove other work- day asked the Ontario Labor Re- fore the cabinet nesday by among the plane passengers. |He is The within replied that the request was gUSBAND WAS WARNED night. As he started his. car inlcity contractors as parties to an tario and Quebec. "gross interference in Hungarian| id in bits 5 the company parking lot it ex-'illegal lockout. domestic affairs," Ackerson said.|, Larlier she told a coroner's ploded. No one else was injured The Communists arrested Car- ny that her husband had been|oopoupr cites MOTIVE for the Toronto Builders' EX- phone Company by dinal Mindszenty a few months told that if "John D'Alimonte did ™ "=H" "E555 change, said he would advise a transport commissioners Oct. 10 after they took over in Hungary Dot do it himself, he'll get some- Coroner Dr. C. V. and in February 1949. sentenced °"® to do it for him." listening to 20 witnesses give 3% him to life impprisonment on D'Alimonte was convicted a ans, ol Stimony, said D'Ali- sharges of treason, espionage and Year ago of stabbing DiPasquali. Tonte iad the motive," and an black marketing. The slain man's wife said D'Ali- ora 0 suspicion has bee In announcing the rejection, |Monte stabbed her husband in|"TOWN on John D'Alimonte Hid July. 1957. after claiming tha . {Any action would be up to the Budapest Radio stressed that|July, 1957, after claiming that Di Crownatiorney. h id 3 inhi ad aking out Crown-attorney, he said : contra Cardinal Mindszenty had been(Pasquali had been taking out ™. ° jury decided death was duo. ® Sr. 2 eV. contract. appeal today. onvicted of treason. The broad. Mrs. D'Alimonte 'oie Osten op 5 The laborers' application was cast did not. mention that the re-| D'Alimonte told the jury this NS Sania Such shattered directed at the contractors' col- quest was made so the cardinal{was the reason for the stabbing DiPasquali." Y could attend the Conclave of Car- but that though he did not like : hoard today for permission to|to about $17,000,000 a year. to put prosecute the laborers. : The provinces were supported n This wouid be aimed at cases), io Union of British Columbial where laborers refused to cross| inivaliting Lf ih : | Municipalities. 1 picket lines set up by the Cement Federation of Mayors and Muni- Masons, who struck on Sept. 11 cipalities was tb file a separate world tour Tuesday the board of transport commis- fied a sioners would average four per agreement reached with the com- [ cent on long distance charges pany the day before. Their ac-| 1 123 4] az the two provinces, six per lion ended a 20-day walkout. oy ; cent on residential charges and ' A The first appeal was laid be-|nine per cent on business phones. arca remain idle. Limited pro- Main basis of the increase was duction is under way at two The Hungarian foreign ministry he attempted to start it. ers home but was alone that lations Board to brand two large eight provinces -- all except On- 2 change in the company's taxa- others. ion "setup. The average five-per-cent in-| A pr . George S. P. Ferguson, counsel crease was awarded to Bell Tele- seven per cent, based on an earl. | Marriage Not On the board of |ier change, had been thrown out ! ,|by the cabinet in April. Mills, after counter-application with the labor effective Nov. 1. It would amount this plan the company proposed The Canadian, nod their system of deprecia-{one'"" and "no intention of going tain was killed instantly. tion for income tax purposes, with|back to Britain." the result that they now would] {pay more tax than they would|Princess Margaret, said he plans| feverish four - hour battle freed |fire across Main Street to three Cabinet informants were unable have to under the regulations but|to stay here three days then go/him 12 minutes before discovery|more mangled jective action on Sept. 22, when|lo say immediately whether the would run less chance of getting|to Tokyo to continue work on afof Hayward's body. The young|Grand department store and & It ruled premedi- they stopped work on all major ministers would be able to deallhit with higher taxes later. Doctor Zhivago was first pub lised in Italian in November, 1957, by a Milan publishicg firm that Automobile production can ye Russian authorities have rejected resumed within five working lt as "not of sufficient literary (CP)-- but I felt bad because he was a B ild Pl B 11 R i Plea |days and truck production within|Value." ! i i " | YS had acquired the manuscript and husband was|friend of mine. ul ers an e a e three working days as soon as| The Swedish Academy's cita- the Pn rights from him the materials are again available. tion for the award to Pasternak previous year -- at a time when FALO (AP)--Limited pro- reads For his important it was thought the book would be ° ( y BU achiev i adh : : Before abinet {duction was' resumed: today ats achievement both in contempor- issued in Russia. the Harrison radiator division| plant of General Motors follow- leaving on a round-the- ing worker approval of a new g eo ~ local contract on Wednesday. \ ete a F ISS an The plant's 1,300 workers rati- r nn Tr 1m increases awarded Bell by United Auto Workers Two other GM plants in this | SAINT JOHN, N.B. (CP)--|faced a possible leg amputation Flames raced through seven old|above the knee after being pinned {wooden buildings on Main Street/by a heavy beam. V. ednesday, killed one fireman, : Rei i injured three and left 26 families| Lieut: F. J. O'Brien also, re- : |mained in hospital with lacera- Und T d' Mi d eo career ended tour) 05 21d 8 wrist frachnee. Bh. nder | . other fireman, Ever Mi ownsenad S INA |,,.;,us short of his scheduled re-|was relensod after tomer eo: HONG KONG (Reuters) --Group | tirement when Capt. Lloyd J.|; Jeg injury. evious increase of about away a deferred tax re- serve and charge it tp current Captain Peter Townsend arrived|Hayward, 64, was caught under |users of service. {today from India and said he has!a falling wall. Fire Chief H. s.|FIRE CROSSED STREET they| "no intention of marrying any- Knight said he believed the cap-| The men were caught when a {tenement crumbled. Three ad- ; About six feet away, rubbie al- joining three - storey tenements suitor of most buried John Kyle, 24. Alfell prey before wind fanned the the present case, Townsend, former buildings, including the film about his last world tour. Ifireman, suffering severe shock, 'dry-cleaning depot. a'ed murder 3 : for, on with either or Hoth of the appeals i o ww" Saturday hi " hate | " rojects in Toronto. Exchange : dinals : beginning Saturday . to him, "I did not ae te him The Crown attorney and provin- projecis. maintain they won't re. before the deadline. l Ti § Sieger Io Bure iy alee that when he heard of cial police declined 'comment on open jobs until four unions still Prime Minister Diefenbaker XII. he death "I did not hate him, the case without contracts have signed on|was out of the capital when the 1st Balloon Satellite | {rr News FLASHES Vanishes Into Space Peace Talks Offered Rebels By VERN HAUGLAND yan ambitious project for hurglingia few seconds after burnout. ther PARIS (AP)--Premier de Gaulle today called for peace in Algeria and invited Nationalist rebels to attend military CAPE CANAVERAL. Fla. (AP into orbit an object that would be could no ionger be seen The first balloon satellite appar visible to the unaided human eye The first stage of the Jupiter-C talks at the French embassies in Tunis and Rabat. In a wide-ranging press conference, de Gaulle also said France satly was lost in space today, and 2! distances up to 1,500 miles. was a modified Restone rocket 10 one knew just why By tracking it from observation After burnout some 60 mil is going ahead with plans for her own atomic tests. iles/|, The U.S. Army Wednesday POIs in many lands, scientist: above the earth the spent Red Investment Debt Increases aight 1aunched a Jupiter-C rocket had hoped to learn much about ' Soe was tp have coasted upward OTTAWA (CP)--Canada's net debt to foreign investors sontaining the collapsed 12-foot-|'N€ mysteries of that remote area 1 the three upper stages to an| at the end of 1957 rose to a record $11,000,000,000, due main- fiameter sphere, and tracked it where the earth's atmosphere o titude of 200 miles, and then| ly to a sharp increase in foreign control of Canadian indus- sy. Radio for nbout six minutes jends and interpianetary space be- Wa to ee uch. Swat 88 the 1 the bureau of padsics, seid day vais of United : 2 ay a ay dm egan. States investments increas to $12,900,000,000, accounting Ther the signals went dead after the launching, re- for 76 per cent of all long-term investments owned by non- Military and civilian scientists perience to help with an éven porters vere told that "signals| residents. acknowledged that "it is practi-/ pore spectacular undertaking: AlITOm the rocket were lost approx-| rally certain the experiment was 100.fo0t balloon satellite off which imately 10 seconds before the sec- Two Children Overcome wt successful and an orbit Wasiyadio television and radar sig. 20 Stage was scheduled to fire wh ps D ot achieved." nals could be bounced "® Therefore it is unknown at the TORONTO (CP) -Two young children were taken to "Radio records received from present time whether or not an hospital today after being overcome by ammonia fumes he satellite instrument package orbit will be achieved." that escaped from a refrigerator being dismantled in their how the, performance of the' .. : More than an hour after .this home. Six adults and a third child were driven from the ocket was -not normal," they The launching rocket thundered pronouncement came the conelus- house after the children's uncle, ack Conley, and a friend, aid. 7 aloft from this missile test centre ion that the rocket has not per. Started to work on the refrigerator It was a disheartening end to a 11:21 p.m. EDT formed as cesired an that it was : > It ~limbed straight upward for 0 eT orbit had as Mother, 3 Children Die I CITY EMERGENCY 75 seconds, then angled over to achieved ST. FRANCOIS, N.B. (CP)--A mother and three of her PHONE NUMBERS And they had hoped to gain ex That might be attempted next year. Two | are shown on launching plat | in Formosa earlier this month "MISSILES FOR FORMOSA'S DEFENCE Nike-Hercules missiles | Formosa. The missiles arrived take over the ground-to-air | alists now have troops in the missiles from the U.S. troops | United States undergoing train- Chinese Nationalist troops will | 35 S00n as they can be trédined-- | ing in the more complex phases at a site near Taipei, 5 in about a year. The Nation- ' missiles. (AP Wirephoto.) [ie Soules! exactly as had been! T he army's Jupiter-C score now four children were burned to death Wednesdey night when planned yalanced between successes fire destroyed their two-storey frame home in this town 40 The rocket remained visible for'and faiiures, with three of each.l . miles east of Edmundston, N.B forms POLICE RA 5-1133 FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 Support Your 1958 Community Chest Campaign a