|within an ineligible township is leligible for payment if a side lies {along the boundary of an eligible {township and has a yield of eight | bushels an acre or less. | Provision also is made BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Wheat Growers Helped By Act lands in any six or more adjoin- REGINA (CP) -- The Prairie gency $40,000,000 grant approved summerfaliowed owing to flood- A |Farm Assistance Act has proved at the last session of Parliament.!ing or other natural causes be- tary contract items were in diss: a boon to farmers since it went gue CENT LEVY yond the control of the farmers, pute when 8,000 steelworkeks, into force 19 years ago. such an area is eligible for an|struck Aug. 12 at Stelco's Hamil Farmers pay approximately award at $4 an acre. !ton plant. A third of them remaiit] w Canada farmers are one-half the total awarded under| po, , . [to be settled in Ontario Labor assured by the act of some min-ithe PFA Act. This financing is th D2) ments are made in Minister Daley's third bid to end" nm ounts oN Jones I a achieved through a levy of one, ib pA old. of 'Wh , the strike. crop failure year to me eir per cent deducted from the price e average yield of whea : : m * pressing expenses. be grain sold through normal|for the township or block of sec- ale were scheduled Sponsor Paynients under the act are marketing channels. Additional tions, excluding those sections "yy TF cc lta te CO ofa: exempt from any law relating to |funds required for payments are aving a yield of 12 or more 3 ; "bushels an acre: ficer Oo Fine said Wednesday" kruptey, insolvency, garnish- provided from the federal eas pid ™oL 38 than bi non-monetary issues have bedly! ment or attachment and are not ury. the only topic since the talks re assignable either at law or in| The average yieid of wheat ju{fushels sn oe Dome i opened Monday, equity. a township or block of sections is cultivated acreage of the farmer. | "Some of these items are Juste Since the federal legislation the pasts on which payments are If the average yield is from as important as wages," he said' was enacted in 1939. payments made three t § o five bushels an acre, the] In previous negotiations the" to farmers have totalied more| If the average yield is eightipayment is $3 an acre. If the eet has ot'ored a five-ce than $202.000,000 and farmers hushels an acre or less, then alllzyerage yield is three bushels or|an-hour package increase in a have paid into the fund $104,000. |farmers within that area on hel the payment is $4 an acre. one-year contract. Stelco Talks In Fourth Day TORONTO (CP) -- Steel Cones pany of Canada and the United: |Steelworkers today went into' their fourth dav of a new series? of talks with non-monetary Issues, still the subject. More than a dozen non-mone-s 16 THE DAILY TIMES. GAZETTE, Thursday, October 23, 1958 Toronto, TORONTO Walk GW Westeel W Cop wis By The Canadian Press West Groc A Toronto Stock Exchange--Oct. ? 3 Weston B (Quotations in cents unless marked §. West A wis 8--0dd Jot, xd Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- rights, xw--Ex-warrants.) Woodward A Industrials Curb Can Ving High Low 3 am ch [1] $3619 36% C Paper 210 * 210 Int Util Ogilvie Alta Dist vt 300 175 175 Alumini 130 $33% 33 a Jonsmith Analog 200 3 3 3 - alm - 1 5 Shore Ang Pulp pr 5 5 y v Leitch Argus 100 T orirt Argus 250 pr 720 Jrencous Bank Mont 250 Landis Beav Lumb 100 Macfie Bell Phone 835 Nace od Bowater pr Madsen Brad Malartic BOE Maralgo CE Pr Marcon 1% pr Maritime Matatch McWat Merrill Meta Uran Midrim Milliken Mn Corp Min-Ore Multi-M Nes Lab N Goldvue New Hosco New Jason N Kelore N Man N Mylama Nickel Ms Nick Rim Nipissing Nor-Acme Noranda Noriartie Normetal Goldert N Rank Northsp Norvalie Opem Pamour Paymast Pr Bord Preston Pronto Pros Air Purde Que Que Que Cop Que Lith Anglo Hur 125 Qunston Ansil 5500 Quemony Arcadia 1000 Joe ore. yeh if Inte Rockwin nacho 1000 Rowan t 2000 8 Ry nerritt i000 nth Stanigh Ss » R Montreal Stocks Paper 40 or| emergencies other than crop fail- {ures. If an area consisting of one- third or more of the cultivated S14 6% 41% 13% $544 S614 $413, $13 $3939 39% $742 74a 8 10215 33 5% 6a 44 13% 39% 744 102'4 337s 3444 66 39% 354 195 Bowat Brazil BA 0il BC Forest BC Power 125 Cal Pow 30 Cal Pw 5 pr 23 Can Cem C1 Fndry 290 Can Malt 223 CSL. 700 . . C Brew 3000 Celan 3950 Fairbks 8400 8000 3000 2000 100 $1 125 $17% 500 40 2700 23 2400 4000 200 140 1500 Frob debs Geco Mines Glacier Gold Eagle Granduc Gulch Gunnar Gunnar Headway Hollinger Hud Bay Inspiration Int Ran Irish Cop Jaye Expl Jellicoe Joburke in 14 350 36 32% 13% 16% $31% HH 525 wis 250% 39% 30% 265 100 250 105 25 Stock Sales Abitibi 175 Alta Dist 400 « « CIL C Int Pow pr Cdn Oil 50 CPR 395 Con M and § 225 Crown Cork 100 Dist Seag 1235 Bridge 800 Corset 500 $1 Fndry 40 3 3 t Fndry pr 10 Steel ord 400 Fdry rts 360 Dom Tar 335 Dom Text 100 Donohue 100 Dow Brew 74 Du Pont 211 Eddy Match 75 Electrolux 100 Fam Play 235 Foundation 225 Fraser 100 Gatineau 230 Gypsum 250 Hud Bay 103 Imp Oil 150 Ind Accep 300 Inland C 230 Int Nickel 320 Inter PL 140 Labatt MacMill Mass Fer Mass Fer pr Mersey Pr Molson A Mont Loco Mont Trust Noranda Ogilvie Ogilvie pr Ont Steel Page Hers Powell R Pow Corp Price Br Prov Trans Que N Gas Roe AV Can 635 Rolland A 200 Royal Bank 345 St L Corp 250 St L Cor A pr 25 Shawin 690 Shawin A Shawin 4 5 Shawin 4% pe Steel Can Tor Dm_Bnk 100 Tr Can Pipe 1025 Walk G W 50 Webb Knapp 500 Acme Gas Cdn Dev Ex Gas High Cr 1000 6225 1000 1500 2350 500 3200 1800 225 2000 1000 1000 3883 2400 500 7000 500 8100 500 1100 1800 West Pete Cree Oil Dev-Pal | Gr Plains Home Oil A Home Oil B H B 0il G Humber Marigold Medal N Bristol N Chamb Northcal Northind Pac Pete Permo pr Petrol Provo Gas Ranger Rocky Scurry South U Sia Tex Cal 3 Stores Tidal g 9 : N Tar ) 3 Triad Oil 5 N Dom Text : U Canso vt Eddy Match 5 Un oF n Oils Fam Play Wayne Ford A Wosoet G Dev W Dec wis Gen Dynam 2 P Forest Cal Pow Can Cem Cam Perm rt 57 C Bank Com Cdn Brew Cdn Brew pd Cdn Celan C Chem C Curt W C Drawn pr C Dredge Cdn 0il C Oil wts 53 CPR Con Gas Con Gas A Dist Seag D Fndry D Fndry D Magnes Dosco Dom Dom 000. payments, except those on th Regarded by many as a for! m sections which have a yield of 12 of crop insurance, the act is more|or more bushels an acre. a type of assistance. Payments| The smallest isolated block el- to farmers are not large enough igible for payment is one-third of | to compensate fully for all losses. 3 township, 12 sections, provided PFAA payments are not con- such block is rectangular in nected with payments to western|shape. |grain producers under an emer-| A Block as smal: as one section ATTRACTIVE CAREERS In The FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE For UNIVERSITY GRADUATES Requirements Include JUNIOR ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS ECONOMISTS AND STATISTICIANS DOMINION CUSTOMS APPRAISERS TRADE AND COMMERCE OFFICERS FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICERS FOR CITIZENSHIP AND IMMIGRATION, EXTERNAL AFFAIRS, TRADE AND COMMERCE ARCHIVISTS FINANCE OFFICERS ® The work is interesting and important. @ Starting salaries range from $4140 to $4200 and there are numerous opportunities for pro- motion. Since these are training classes, candidates must be under 31 as of June 30, 1959 Graduates from any faculty may apply. Under- graduates in their final year of study may also apply but appointment will be subject to gradua- tion. No experience is required WRITTEN EXAMINATION SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22 Application forms and details, including the location of Exam- ination Centres, may be obtained at main Post Offices, Na- tional Employment Offices and Civil Service Commission Offices I you would like descriptive folders, write immediately to:-- CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION, OTTAWA specifying your fields of interest. Please quote competion 59-2650. 100 700 zli0 220 150 380 pr LEAN, LAYER SLICED RIND ON BREAKFAST BACON --55°¢ LEAN, FRESH SIDE SPARE RIBS END CUTS ONLY 3 - 4 LB. AVERAGE LOIN PORK u49* FRESH KILLED YOUNG 2 - 3V2 AVERAGE CHICKENS owe 35° OR FRYING FRESHLY MADE SMALL LINK Breakfast Sausage Tis Pete 1000 4150 285 1000 2400 500 2500 2000 400 uw d7* Mines 3000 6% 225 $1514 4s 2000 3000 900 4000 100 500 130 1000 750 500 16500 17000 Alia Expl Algom Algom viw An Nephe Anacon Ascot Chib Hendshot Hi-To Hur Erie Imp Oil Imp Tob Ind Accep I Ac Wis Inland Gas 500 Inland G pr 100 9 Inter PL 125 $5 5 5 » A lly D A 63a: ~-- 1 Labatt Lakeland Lkind debs LobCo A LobCo B Maher M Sug M Leaf Mill Mass F Mass-F. pr Mont Loco 30%. 34% 45 48 66% 49% 37 31% 350 500 2200 z10 338 100 ons 355 35 50 Canadian 50 » wis 500 2000 500 1000 3100 5500 1000 26000 1000 200 225 4500 500 4000 38 $2514 23 $3! n § 5 22 : + Ang Pulp 37% Svivanite Ir 1 ¢ Can D Sug Teck H i 6 18 C Dredge 230 Temag 1 7 C Paper 832 U Asbestos G Con Gas 100 Un Keno Dom Oilcloth 7 Ventures Hydro Sec z10 Violam Lambert A 850 Wiltsey Lowney 75 Wr Harg Moore 50 Yk Bear Pow Cor 2pr 220 Young Hg Que Ph rts 1484 Zenmac MSt Maurice 6600 Carb Shop Save 220 Pato T Fin A 195 Yukon FTrans Mt 1150 Un Gas 450 Waterman 200 Mines 4000 500 1000 5000 11500 1000 2100 3500 2000 1000 3000 1500 225 1500 2000 1500 10002 225 100 1200 1100 v.39" $144 $4134 $12% $18t2 $5% } Con 2700 63 NO NGas O Jockey Pbina Powell R Pow Corp P Pipe mig Premium Q N Gas Quinte Roe AV Roe AV Royal Bank St Maurice Salada wis Shawin Sicks Sicks pr Simpsons Stedman § Prcpane TT Tailors Tor-Dom bk Tor Iron T Fin A 17 Tor Dom rts 3 Tr Can PL Trans-Mt' n 11 am.: 959,000 MONTREAL By The Canadian Press Montreal Stock Exchange--Oct. 23 (Quotations in cents unless marked §. 500 2 2--0dd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr Ex- rights, xw---Ex-warrants.) Industrials 11:30 Sales to 5% FANCY McIntosh Apples 3 wu: 26 oldstrm Beta A Callinan Denison Discovery Halliwell Marben on M and § 25 Morrison 1000 Northind 1500 Regcourt 500 Con Sud 200 Cop-Man 1000 Coprand 500 De Cour £ Abitibi Deer Horn A goma 200 Dome Alumin 2200 E Amphi Argus 75 East Mal Argus 2.50 pr 30 Fast Sull Ashestos 275 Falcon Bank Mont 135 Faraday Banque PC 100 Fara wts Bath Pow 25 Francoeur Bell Phone 692 39 78 94 2 Alscope Anacon Anthonian Bateman Belchase Belle Chib Bonyville Cap Lith Cent Man Chipman Low a.m Cleveland 36% Con C Cad IVa + C Denison 32% C Haliwell Con Q Yel Continent Cop Rand Dolsan Falcon Fatima Futurity Stock High $3619 3614 $334 33% $334 32% $27'% 27) $45 $3314 $5014 $34 $47 $41% Sales Se 46 SIMCOE ST 411 3 "in 367% 12% 18% $414 320 $37 123% $18'4 A 18% pi ~- YOU ARE INVITED TO OPEN A BUDGET ACCOUNT IMPERFECT -- MEN'S LADIES' BEAUTIFUL MINK COLORFUL DESIGN CLICKER COATS WHITE STRIPE PILE LINED REVERSIBLE INDIAN WINTER FANTASTIC VALUE! Bi k Thermo-pack lining. Made of sturdy Coa ts an ets 1.99 Nylon and Cotton. Rubber-backed Sizes 12 to 18. 32.96 MEN'S Ist QUALITY materiol. Water repellent. 4.99 Reg. 42.95 HEAVY DENIM Dress Pants 36 x 46 Sizes 30 to 44, Reg. to 6.95 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED VISCOSE, NYLON & WOOL RAYON SATIN BINDING RICH SOLID COLOUR BLANKETS 3.99 GIRLS' CAR COATS with hood ottached. packed lined. Sizes 4 to 6x. Reg. 5.99 "PLEASANT DREAMS IN COSY 1-PIECE SLEEPERS Sizes Blue and pink Thermo- 19 4.49 LADIES' 1ST. QUALITY Nylons Sizes 82 to 11. 79c pair. Each 2 pairs GIRLS' GIRLS' ALL WOOL f Winter Coals In the latest 1958 fashions. Sizes 7-14 15.99 Regular 20.9% Large double bed size. 72 x 84. Reg. 5.95 Reg. 2.88 ALL-FABRIC HALLOWE'EN COSTUMES Complete with mask. Sizes 5-12 bing 1.49 years. MEN'S MEN'S FIRST QUALITY ) Sanforized Jeans Rivet reinforced. Sizes 30-38. 3.99 BOYS' CORVETTE Coats 100% All-Wosl Fleece. Sizes 8-18. 10 I'L] » Reg. 12.95 LINEN BED SHEETS Double bed size. 81 x 99. Name brand. Reg. 5.99 BOYS' Jeans Sizes 8-14, 1 99 " ' 1} BOYS' BOYS' FIST QUALITY NYLON Gabardine Panis 3 . Sizes 3-6x. Bebe, Jaber Sizes x 1.19 AJAX HARWOOD NORTH HOUSEHOLD FLANNELETTE Blankels Cosy warm blankets. Sizes 70 x 80. Reg. 5.95. Pair OSHAWA 21 BOND ST. W. LADIES' LADIES' LONG-SLEEVE V-Neck Pullovers 2.19 Reg. Looped top. Reg. 2.69 for 1.00 Reg. 1.99 INFANT'S Plastic Pants Assorted colors. Sizes $-M-L. Reg. 29¢ PENNYWORTH'S CLEARANCE HOUSE IN AJAX, ONT., OPEN THIS WEEKEND and every weekend 'till Saturday, Nov. 1, 1958, when it will be closed for one week and re-opened as PENNYWORTH'S TOYLAND with the largest selection of toys in 2¢ FLANNEL STRIPED BORDER Sizes 12 to 20. Reg. 4.98 for BOYS' Pillows LADIES' Winter Coals 21.95 In 100% Sizes 12 to 20 Reg. 29.95. FROM LADIES' Nylon Half Slips 19¢ Reg. 1.29 or 2 for $1.00 Women's Skirts Melbourne Flannels 12 to 20 From ' Gabardines, 1st Quality Reg. 5.95 LADIES' ORLON Cardigans Sizes 14 to.20. Reg. 4.95 3.88 LADIES' . Rayos Panties 4, 1.00 Sizes S.ML. Reg. 3% KITTEN SOFT ORLON Cardigans Sizes 8 to 14. Reg. 3.98. GIRLS' Overshoes Brown rubber with bellows tongue. Adjustable buckle strap. Warm 3.55 3 88 Sizes 13.3 Flannel Pyjamas sanforized printed flannel pyjamas for boys and girls. 4, 6, 8. Reg. 1.98 1.48 Girls' Dresses styled with 'dork beck- 2-piece Smartly ground. Sizes 7 to 12 years. Reg. 2.98 GIRLS' Car Coals Weatherproof cotton poplin silk, Sizes 7 to 14. Req. 10.95 quilted wool lined, 4 colors. @ of L] | Flannel Pyjamas end colors, In assorted patterns Sizes S-M-L. Reg. 3.98 Dress Shirts Cello wrapped. White. Sizes 141; dy - 5:00 Reg. 1.98 MEN' s PLAID Sport Sine Sizes 1415-18. 2.6 Underwear nae 3. 1.00 . MEN'S 300% ALL WOOL Suburban Coats foe. 11% 13.95 MEN'S PACKAGED Socks Sizes 1015-111; 3. 99¢ Reg. 1.39 Oshawa, Ajax or Whitby at prices that will save you dollars. Come to the CLEARANCE HOUSE this weekend and save on merchandise that must be cleared before the opening of PENNYWORTH"S TOYLAND Pennyworth's Clearance House located beside Pennyworth's "Department Store at Ajax, Ont. Hours--Friday 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Saturday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. No exchanges or refunds at the Clearance House. Penfyworth's Clearance House will re-open the second week in January, 1959. Flannel Pyjamas Sizes 8-14, 1.99 Reg. 2.49 BOYS' Tops & Shorts 8 - 14, 1.00 Nylon reinforced. Sizes Reg. 42¢ for Bors' Rubber Boots NN 2.99 Black Sizes 1-5. BOYS' FLANNEL Sport Shirts Sizes 8-12, Reg. 1.98 99¢ BOYS' MELBOURNE Flannel Suits Reatalss Sizes 8-15. 11.88 BOYS' ALL WOOL Dress Panis Sizes 8-16. 3.99 Reg. 4.95 Crib Blankets Reg. 1.29 19¢ INFANTS' WHITE Soft Bools Sizes 0-5. Reg. 1.69 99¢ ~ HOODED TERRYCLOTH Towel Sets Reg. #3 1.98 1 49 SAVE DOLLARS oN au FIRST QUALITY . Diapers Curity Diapers-- Reg. 4.79 3.99 . 2.59 Hospitel Diaper: -- 18 x 36. Reg. 3.79 ..., Kingcott Diapers FLANNEL Nighties 49¢ Kepok 99¢ ea. Feather . 1.49 ea. Foam Rubber Chips First Quality 2 for 3.98 LARGE SIZE CHENILLE Bedspreads ATiorted salon. > 4.49 LARGE SIZE Bath Towels nx 41. Reg. 1.39. 99¢ DOUBLE BED SIZE CHINTZ Comforters Reg. 7.95 4.99 G.E. ELECTRIC Element Kettle dese: sly Guaranteed. 6.99 SER Toaster Gleaming Chrome finish. 8.95. Reg. 1.71 Foity Guaranteed