0 TR TWO HOCKEY PLAYERS WHO CANT CRACK SMILE will again crack their jaws. Both players had their broken in the weekend game with the Maple Leafs and are Things aren't all bad, even if | Doug Mohns, left, and Bronco Horvath of the Boston Bruins | can't crack a smile for fear it | SPORTS MENU By Geo. H. Campbell SPORTS EDITOR 'Everything From Soup To Nuts' LOCAL BALL TEAMS, both softball and baseball, who may want to keep their 1958 scorebook, 'for on batting averages, line-ups, etc., are reminded have some team scorebooks at the Times-Gazette front office counter, which should be picked up immediately. If team man agers or some other interested member of the club doesn't pick up these books at once -- they'll be thrown away. Books on hand, waiting to be picked up belong to the following teams: Victor's (Legion) team, Radio Park Juveniles, Merchant Maids, Local 205 Tannery (Legion), Crawford Cons' ction, Canadian Tire, Osh- awa Bantam boys, Fernhill Park Midget girls and Harman Park Pee Wee Boys. The above reminder constitutes about the "last item" of summer news for local sport clubs. With one notable excep- tion -- we learned last night, from a baseball enthusiast who is willing to foot the bill -- that he will sponsor. a senior base- ball team In Oshawa next summer. Meanwhile, the winter ac- tivities have taken over top billing on the local sports front, with the UAW Hockey League, the Mercantile League, the Civil Service League and Oshawa Minor Hockey Assoc. "City League" sections, all either already in action or getting ready. Local boys who signed up this week for "City League" action this winter, are reminded that the team listings for Bantam, Midget and Juvenile teams, will be published in this paper, either Friday or Saturday of this week. BRIGHT BITS: -- Industrial Basketball League play this sea- son promises to be keener than ever before. Maple Cleaners had to go all-out the other night to nose out Ajax, a new entry to the cage loop, 62-61 . . . UAW GOLF CLUB wound up their sea- son with a special tournament session at the local "Downsview course, last week-end . . . TOMMY FARR and Maxie Baer, who met in a heavyweight bout 21 years ago, will be together in the ring again on Tuesday night when Harringay Arena has its "offi- ofa] closing" --but of course. Tommy and Maxie aren't going to be mad at each other -- they're both to be guests for the special event . . . MONTREAL Canadiens take on Chicago Black Hawks tonight and when that one is over, the National Hockey League leadership is likely to be just about settled for the balance of the season . . . LONDON Hunt Club is to have a new and ultra- modern 27-hole golf course, when next season rolls around, just another bit of proof of the increasing popularity of a do-it-yourself sport . . . STRILA and Kickers, who tied in their Lancaster Tro- phy soccer semi-final game last Saturday will clash again this Saturday at the Stadium, at two o'clock--and they'll play over- time if necessary, with the winner to play in the trophy final on Saturday, Nov. lst . N.Y. YANKEES have assigned Charley Keller Jr. and Don Keller, to Fargo-Morhead, one of their Class "D" farm clubs. Their father, Charley 'King Kong" Keller, will be remembered as a slugging star with the Yankees for 12 sea- sons RACING FANS at New Woodbine yesterday (well a few of them' picked up the biggest "daily double" in the track's his- torv--$2.058.10 when Win Gal and Corran's Warrior won the first two races--the latter paving $230.15 to 'make' the big double payoff . GASPER ORTEGA had his 23rd birthday on Tues- day but he didn't get a chance to celebrate much last night Don Jordan beat him on a close split-decision, in the bout that is supposed to mean a title shot at welterweight. champion Virgil Akins Habs May Prove Something Tonight By BEN WARD Montreal Canadiens chance tonight to prove boss of the National Gordie Howe and Alex Delvec- chio to clip the Bruins' wings get ar" who's The Red Wing line of Howe, Hockey Delvecchio and centre Norm Ull- League. man has been sensational this : 5 month, practically winning the The Stanley Cup champions ast three games singlehandedly play host to Chicago Black Hawks in the first meeting between the Boston will be without defence- San } : 5 , men Doug Mohns and Bronco two clubs who have been running Horvath who suffered fractured in front of the NHL pack since jaws in. Saturday's game ag t the season opened two weeks ago. mn iy ys ® aims pe 0: Toponto Maple Leafs. Both will Hawks went unbeaten in their be out of action for several weeks pver the weekend and gave up HOCKEY SCORES END STANDINGS first place to Canadiens. They're now one win behind the Montreal By THE CANADIAN PRESS American League ers. F 27 22 17 25 22 Another pair of clubs will meet For the first time this season when Boston Bruins invade De- troit tonight to decide which will take sole possession of third wi place. It might even mean sec- Buffalo 6 ond place for the winner if Hawks Hershey 4 just one point ahead, lose in Providence 3 2 Montreal. Cleveland : Rochester WILL ACES GET GOING? Springfield 2 2 Most of the attention in the Wednesday's Results Montreal Forum will be on the Cleveland 0 Hershey 5 line of Dickie Moore, Maurice Rochester 1 Providence § Richard and Henri Richard. The Games Saturday Habs' ace scorers haven't been Rochester at Buffalo as productive as usual in early Providence at Hershey season. Moore, who topped the Clevelapd at Springfield league with 36 goals last season Western League has fired only one in six games, Calgary | Winnipgg 2 plus seven assists Victoria 5 New Westminster § Unless the big line breaks loose Edmonton 3 Spokane 3 Canadiens will have trouble with Saskatchewan Junior Chicago whose forewards have Prince Albert 3 Flin Fion 5 peen finding the mark with amaz. ------ mg regularity. Though they've 'NF been rated far below the power-| I Sioy x hid me jl Canadiens the Hawks don't LOS ANGELES (AP)--Match- jeem to have heard about it, maker George Parnassus has an- They have scored 18 goals so far, Bounced FL kip Pajarito) Mor- the same number as Montreal, y; Nee ity and Davey and have only 13 against them ore, 0. 1 contender for the world featherweight title, will pompared with 14 for the Habs. , oat at | the Olympic Auditorium .Petzoit fans will be looking to Nov, 20. vawuns ®t jaws | in hospital in Toronto attended | future reference, to check was the runner up. Bob Irvine de with a great 24-point effort along||ast month by baseball commis- clubs that we still|feated George Harding to win the with p = Maple Cleaners Record Price For : Daily Double Nose Out Rjax | At New Woodbine | their first victory in the Oshawa| TORONTO (CP)--An afternoon Keller Boys Industrial Basketball League on outing in the drizziing rain paid] NEW YORK (AP)--The 'sons Tuesaay. mam, down at pee off handsomely for 11 racetrack y Rong™ may be headed for Yan- all, but they had to really fig tow W ; , kee Stadium (to earn this win, edging Ajax 62- fn al New Noun Susie The world champion New York 61. who ocllected $2,058.10 each ob vy. ees have signed Charley the daily double. The pay- biggest double ever tracts. Both were assigned to paid Apt hr track. Fargo-Morhead, N.D. of the class |lead. Olinyk hooped no less than|Came on the combined victories 1, Northern League, # Yankee at: 11 points in this quarter with of Win Gal in the first race and, Tipe fail Charl (Ki |some superb shooting, while Bob|Corran's Warrior in the second. K I le hos Sp oy Yan |Reynolds, who played his finest|Vin Gal paid $19.30 for a $2 win| AONE . = Stare or fii by f |game of this young season, fired|ticket and Corran's Warrior a Hees oy 1 Seasons 52 shed BE iE ao. ' Aj | whopping $230.10. | 1s playing caree' an b) points to keep Ajax lifetime batting average of .286 close. Previous high at the track was He also played for Detroit for Joe Olinyk continued his great $1,369 last year. It was almost|iy, seasons and coached the shooting in the second quarter|equalled June 28 when Deputy yanks in 1957. Get Two More "MN |IMAPLES' JOE OLINYK Led by Joe Olinyk, Maples jumped into a 17-13 first quarter | Tommy Farr .... Max Baer . . . . on April Harringay Arena. |Harringay ring, the Baer-Farr in- troduction will be made again. Yankees May Tommy Farr, Maxie Baer 'Will MeetIn Ring Once More LONDON (AP) -- On my left business with a sentimental date die Mills, Gus Lesnevich and a on my right --to say farewell to Harringay score of lesser known British Arena. sluggers, ' Twelve thousand fight fans' The world-famous arena, scenc Harringay's closing will rob cheered wildly. About 30 minutes of about 600 fights, is being closed London of one of its finest indoor | Keller Jr. and Don Keller to con-| and 12 rounds later Welshman ! Farr had won on points and moved nearer a crack at Louis' world heavyweight title as a sports centre and being turned into:a warehouse. arenas. | The world ice hockey cham- Tuesday nignt's show will beipionships were staged there in topped by the lightweight 10-1937 and 1950; Billy Graham held All that happened 21 years ago, rounder between Carlos Ortiz of revivalist meetings there; eire 15, 1937, at London's/New York and Britain's Dave cuses went on every year. It was Charnley. the Madison Square Garden of From the ring will be intro- London and was built in 1936 as duced famous fighters such as an ice hockey stadium. Farr, Baer, Henry Arthstrong-- The owners, Harringay Arena the only boxer ever to hold three Ltd, decided it was economically Joe Tuesday night, from the same The two boxers are among fa- mous names in the prize fightiworld titles simultaneoufly--Fred- impossible to carry on, as the winners widened their|Speaker and Cessford paid Charley Jr. is a 19-year-old out- ® lead. Joe scored another 10 to]$1,047.70. fielder. He is a sophomore at the give him 21 by halftime and Tim noo of the 11° who collected University of Maryland. Don, an Nelson, whom Maple Cleaners... identified. There were 5,790 18-year-old shortstop, is just out "talked out of retirement, sunk{patyons at the track. "lof high school. / four ir this quarter. Myron Mech 7 Charley *Sr. breeds trotting] and Gord, Smidke combined for! The win by Corran's Warrior horses on his farm in Frederick, :|eight to lead the losers" attack, Was one of the major upsets of Mg, halftime. shot on the board, had been out Ajax came out very strong of the running in nine previous) after rest period and outscored races this year. | . I scored another 9 pts., along withis, w, Staples and was ridden by| Stadium Wasn t =| Tom Elerick's four points to close Hiromi Uyeyama. Win Gal, a 3- the gap to six. Ralph Rise-|year-old filly is owned by Mrs. H M Cleaners to leave them leading Benny Sorensen. omer ecca 47-41 at the three quarter mark. | NEW YORK (AP)--The Los An- The Boston club claims the in- great comeback as they again |Home run park of National juries were caused by the use outscored Maples this time by 20- {League batsmen in 1958. But the of illegai elbow pads by Leal 15 but they fell short by one Dodgers' park was not nearly as Bob Reynolds hooped eight --______ |more points to give him a total| D ft Pl F |in the season. UAW Golf Cl b of 24 points for the game, led Ia an or | An Associated Press survey u attack, Ld brough with 6 points and Wayne| M L hit in the Coliseum. Vouge who scored three oul of! nor eague This was well under the big four foul shots, two in the last league record of 219 established in Last Saturday was the closing their first victory by a close 62- stricted draft of minor league and only nine more than in Kan-| day of golf held at the Downs-|61 score Jollplayers that would help cur-|sas City's Municipal Stadium. view Golf Course where the UAW HIGH. SCORERS ail huge bonus payments to un-|(New York's Yankee Stadium and son Joe Olinyk with a sensational clubs was recommended Wednes-| American League. The club champions this year 27 points and Ralph Risebrough day by a nine-man committee. DODGERS HIT MOST are Louis Grenier, winning the with 13 led the winners' attack prank Lane of Cleveland, chair- The Dodgers walioped 92 in the| combining for 101. San second flight ba ; h Tom Elerick and Gord| sioner Ford Frick, said, "we pro- Francisco Giants had 27, Pitts- ond flight banner Smidke with 10 points "apiece pose that there should be an un-|PUrgh 18, Chicago 13, Milwaukee Sugms Toop donated for an- CAGE COMMENT: This turned 4ssigned to pro baseball contracts €ach and Cincinnati nine. 3 ua] mpetition out to be the best game of this following enactment of this legis- Only 157 home runs were hit he Labatt's Trophy was pre- young season, Tim Nelson and|jation." in Crosley field the last season-- for annual competition game defensively, stealing the A There were 173 homers in San The closing day featured an 18- ball on many occasions the major leagues 2 thelr De Francisco's Seals Stadium in its] hoie competition, driving, chip: Ajax seems to be- improving/p ¢ ng in Washington, first season as a major league, proved to be very interesting. closer to a victory every game.| Under the plan, each major | connected for 85 and the opposi- Only two strokes separated the . Maple Cleaners won this league team would be permitted tion had 88. Wrigley Field, Chi- three low net scores. Elwood game with some great foul shoot- to draft as many players as de- cago was also the scene of 173 Bary Nuliams and Bob Hall had per cent. . . . On Thursday night Ee at Chrent ale path Jeagues in homers with 182, ps "av . i ) . hid o nad a ome. Ernie Cays meet Acadian Clean number of players who have four Alec Reid coming second and Bill TS S Clark third MAPLES -- Winter, 6; Wrubel,|last year. FIGH LA T Sel Himes chipped nearest to 2: Olinyk, 27: Vouge, 4. Rise-| Sam Smith, president of the Al- Elwood brough, 13; Worsley, 2; Goryski, ahama-Florida League who rep- Bradley third. Elwood Bradley sunk his putt 0: Elerick, 10; Hill, 5; Boyd, 2;|*"curtailment of payment of a Long Beach, Calif.--Don Jor- therefore clarifying a win, Harold Smidke, 10; Rennick, 4: Rey- large number of bonuses to un- don, 143%, Los Angeles, out- Muha, 0.[tried players will provide major pointed Gaspar (Indian) Ortega, The annual banquet will be held Officials -- on Nov. 1 at Pontiac Inn, when Bill Dell. Timekeeper, Ray Sud- additional financial telp which|163'%2, Edmonton, knocked out dinner will be served at 6 o'clock. 'dard will be of considerable benefit." Billy. Tuck, 158'2, Louisville, 3. Zlbut left them trailing 37-23 at the season. The horse, a 99-to-1 { ' Dodgers' New | ) | |the winners 18-10. Bob Reynolds! (orran's Warrior is owned by "*brough and Joe Olinyk paced the|N, C. Harrington and ridden by | by Nurse Mrs. R. D. Austin. | 'The losers continued to make a S N geles Coliseum was the favorite players. point vulnerable as was expected early their while Ralph Rise- shows a total of 193 homers was Closes Season minute of play, led the winners to, NEW YORK (AP) -- An unre- Crosley Field, Cincinnati in" 1957 Golf Club has enjoyed a good sea tried youngsters by major league|Boston's Fenway Park next in the first flight honors while Alec Reid| while for Ajax. Bob Reynolds man of the committee appointed Coliseum with the other seven Louis Grenier received the were the best for the losers restricted selection of all players 12, Philadelphia and St. Louis 11 sented to Bob I , al / p 0 Bob Irvine, also donated Bob Winters turned in a greall mye plan will be submitted to! 2 drop of 62. | ping, and putting contests, which every outing and are getting| stadium. The hometown Giants| Bradley had the low net score. ing. sinking 14 out of 22 for a 63 sired from thc minors regardless home runs. The Cubs, who led, Louis Grenier hit the furthest! a. x ball in the driving contest with an important Sere its years experience. The draft price eams undeleated as vel. was raised from $10,000 to $25,000 the pin to win honors NIGHT Bradiey came second and Keith 0: Nelson, 8. Fouls 14 out of 22. resented the class B, C and D | AJAX -- Bullock, 0; Dickson, leagues on the committee, said,| By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Cook was second, Bill Clark and nolds, 24; Meck, 6; Louis Grenier tied for third. Fouls 9 out of 17 ; league clubs with an opportunity |145,% Tijuana, Mexico, 12. Bill Gingerich and to funnel into the minor leagues Louisville, Ky.--Wilf Greaves, Bono Crothes ONE LOCATION -- 57 KING EAST "FORCED-TO-VACATE SALE" CONTINUES! SAVE 20% TO 75% NOW! LOOK WHAT 77¢ BUYS ® SOCKS your CHOICE ONLY e TIES 77 e CAPS VALUES TO 2.50 eo BELTS SHOP NOW--LIMITED QUANTITIES SHIRTS wor 2,77 | Sport Coats vvoy 22-77 PAJAMAS vv or 3,77 | Suits nw ony G77 JEWELLERY Now 1; Price | Fall Coats wo 3Q-77 NAME BRANDS! SIZES 36 TO 44, INCLUDING TALLS LOOK WHAT 6.77 BUYS ® SLACKS YOUR CHOICE ONLY o SWEATERS 6-77 2 FOR 1.50 | o JACKETS ALL SIZES, ALL COLORS: VALUES TO 14.95 All-Winter Protection POLAR BRAND Full Strength Regular Grade Ethylene Glycol-- PRICED FOR BIG SAVINGS Full-strength Regular-Grade Ethylene Glycol = a « bargain price. Special inhibitors guard against pst end corrosion. Pi H-fri p ion keeps your car safe all winter long. Equal to many of the best known bronds selling ot much higher prices. Sold only In sealed containers. QUART 67 GALLON Moto-Master Plastic Spray 2.39 CHROME PROTECTOR Keeps Chrome "Like New" SPRAY Prevents rood salts attacking Spray this tevgh plastie chrome on grille, bumper, ete. coating gl your ignition A clear transparent finish. fysem, out rain and Extremely tough -- seals owt condensation; protect 4 ogainst stalling end herd weather, corrosion and moist. wre. 89 ANTI-FREEZE TESTER-- scutes 8 sre o coin THERMOSTATS -- ors cman str, me prt em. vm RADIATOR HOSE-- very i. co tre GAS-FLOW-- Pvt into gas tank -- Prevents gus-line freexe-ups KAD. FLUSH-- Removes rust ond scole safely from clogged rad RAD. SOLDER-- Seols lecks p iy; p oh Ton FAN BELTS-- Soves up to 50%. Original equipment quality. Most WATER PUMP LUBRICANT Stops squeaks. Add te antifreere . Safest For Your Car PERMA-FILL * 100% Appicved Ethylene Glycol -- WITH COOLING SYSTEM CONDITIONER There's not a safer anti-freeze in the whole wide world than PERMA-FILL. Made exclusively for Cana dion Tire by the largest manufacturer of Ethylene Glycol, PERMA-FILL stands HEAT as well as COLD -- gives complete all-weather security. PERMA-FILL gives more protedtion than you'll ever need -- 100% Ap- proved Ethylene-Glycol with special coolify system conditioners to prevent rust, corrosion, clogging end foaming. Harmless te gaskets and cor finishes; octu- wally lengthens radiator hose life and lubricates the water pump. Safe oll the way down to 62° below zero. Use with any thermostat -- never needs testing = stays at full strength, Fill up now with PERMA-FILL GALLON QUART 14 IGNITION 16-02. "Bomb Type" Dispenser 139 -- +38 10 n 48 19 .39 39 95 to 1.78 vided. As low as No . ; Na X 2 Heater Extension Motor Lamp Set 7.10 24 Heavy Duty Heater Hose %" diam. A Per #1. . 17 hu" diam. Per 1. 3" diam. Per ft. ..... Water Pump Exchange ~~ 4.90 to replace original equipment -- af prices thot save wp to 40%. Steering Wheel Cover Takes the chil or the steering) wheel. y 25+. Heavy weather proof cable. Re. flector guard, ' bullt-in switch, NO RESERVE--ALL SALES FINAL SIZES 36 FREE 3 Customer Parking Open Fridays Till9P.M. Budget Account CAR COATS Now Suburban GOATS 207% TO 44 NEWLY ARRIVED FOR FALL ASSOCIATE STORE Oshawa -- 115 Simcoe Street South Dial RA 3-3428 Earl A. Smith Co. Ltd. Si Spree