Women Handle . re Canadian and American School U C 1 . | . . (F Wh ) tbe 1 d By ESTRELLITA A Fos] § | Of Many Ontario Cities wines ote aoc | JS Calorie Arithmetic i Doe avy uy TORONTO (CP) -- The hand that rocks the cradie also keeps civic affairs running smoothly in several -Ontario cities. They are town clerks or treas-| urers, or top administrative as-| sistants. These are the women] working for a living in civic posi-| tions, not elected representatives) like Mayor Wanda Miller of Gravenhurst, Ont., for instance, or Jean Newman, a member of| the Toronto city board of control. Mildred Tovell of Guelph is an example of a woman paid to take part in city administration. She has been the city clerk for 12] years. Her job involves sending de- tails of births, marriages and| deaths to the registrar-general syery week, acting as clerk of fe court of revision, supervising receipt of parking meter fines and attending ail council meet- ings. Born and educated in Guelph, she joined city hall as a junior clerk 40 years ago, and has worked there ever since Mrs. Anne Haggerty of Belle- ville, city clerk and secretary, is also a qualified hairdresser. A 49.year-old widow with two sons, she took a business course at Belleville and worked as a secre- tary before taking a hairdressing|penses. stenographer, is the deputy course at Rochester, N.Y. For al Wife of an invalid, she.is sec-/treasurer. A dministr atio n (maton Be Sep Senet KEEP IN TRIM [Foes oy. elie 3 Se kind of, THE ST ARS S 1Y | THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursday, October 28, 1958 1m separate school branch of the QUALITY IMPORTANT 1 your horoscope indicates a pros- prove highly valuable in the fue | E. Annie, Seldon succeeded her lcomes more important. All foods FOR TOMORROW November. Take , advantage. of A child born on this day will : father as clerk of North Oxford | 5 . ; : time she had her own beauty, = 0" % d T B h U ted P ds {furnish calories, but some are An unforeseen situation may every opportunity to further joh|be extremely aggressive and en- salon in Toronto. iownship 18 1925, Whee het fete 0 allls nwan oun {rich sources of the essential nu- upset some' business plans ow, | goals rin Ll i dowed with enormous will power, During the Second World War was by COUNCT: Meetings iy : i _|trients, and are termed "protec- hut don't let this upset you. good Planning as tective ace Mrs. Haggerty worked for the| 3%, § solv mii Ti eri By. IDA JEAN KAIN of the guess work out of weight tiv 5 Foods which furnish a ple- Rather, make the best of things|tion will materially affect gains wartime prices board in Bele-|, On the weight scuie, it's the control, {thdra of calories but very little and, above all, don't let disap-|throughout 1950 A sharp uptrend There's a common compiaint protettion are' termed "empty pointment cause vou to be irri-lin financial matters is also "in ville, then became secretary in ouse--and they still are. grand tota: of Calories that a lawyers' office. She joined the| Wilma R. Mitchell, tax collec- makes the difference. However alorie" foods. Nutritionally table with others -- especially the stars" during this period. but ap- those who could prove helpful in do not offset benefits by extra- city hall staff in 1951. tor at Woodstock, joined the city there are two ways to regard cal-|that food seems to get more fat- speaking. "empty calories" vagance or speculation. When the clerk-c r, H.D, hall staff about 25 years ago.|ories--as little gremlins that in|tening as time goes by and cal-| jie, which ar i ETheD the died, eoNizeller "D. The tax department staff -then|excess turn into ugly pounds: Or, |ories add up faster. There's some Be on Ls the future. | pointed acting clerk numbered four, and now there we can use calorie arithmetic to truth in that complaint. After 25| mine Common sources of empty FOR THE BIRTHDAY Originality and self-expression Mrs. Haggerty has a staff of are 10. ih * banich unwant years of age, the human power|calories are cooking fats, poor If tomorrow is your birthday, will be stimulated during the threa to assist in keeping records] In the Kitchener area Mrs, Actually, calories are merely plant requires less fue: to cover|quaiity baked goods, sugar and first six months of 1959, which|~ of council meetings and bylaws,|Ethel Jordan is town clerk anda measure. We do not eat calor-|internal processes, and we burn|aj--"q1, chiefly in these protective foods, should prove a great spur fo issuing licences and preparing|treasurer of Harriston, and Mrs.|ies, we eat food which furnishes a! least 5 per cent fewer calories) Foods high in protection--lean affords perfect nutrition. those in creative work; also those voters' lists. [Vera is 'town clerk, treasurer fuel for go-now~- for the "w=~n with each passing decade. Also.lmeat, fish and fowl, eggs, cot- Reducers report that the sur- engaged in inventive pursuits Belleville has the city manager|and tax collector in Paimerston. macs: e. The amount of fue) ina ve Sake ig A gasler ohysically|tage cheese, skim milk and but- est way to lose weight is to keep| Look for an opportunity to travel system. In ood, a recine. 0 in a meal ~nia years y- itermilk, green and yellow vege-\treck ~* = °° + |between May and September and : Mrs. Dorothy Kidder of Sarnia.|~0 WEDDINGS he measured in terms of calor-| Calories give no indication of|tables ~~ fruits--are not Ruri hil a diet Ajary and record the at the same time, go out of your Specially formulated for babies? born in Detroit, graduated in| Bosh women are justices of the|ies. The calorie yardstick is an|the nutrie.t value provided . . . calories. A reducing diet made food raten along with the c~"aric|way to encourage new friendships | Breaks up phlegm--eases wheezing business ad ministration from|Peace, and the appointments add|exact measure, and takes much'no more than a vard of clothlup to 1000 to 1100 calories a day, score. and business contacts. They could Michigan State University and to their responsibilities, although Eu : now is secretary-treasurer and neither has yet performed 2 business administrator of the Wedding ceremony. They attend Sarnia separate school board. all meetings of the all-male town She got this post six years ago councils. in competition with 49 maie ap-| Another woman in public life plicants. is Mrs. Edgar Spurway, clerk Mrs. Kidder has all the duties and treasurer of Peterborough of a director. of education, being|county for 25 years. responsible for hiring of person-| At North Bay, Phyllis Lamou- nel and purchase of equipment,irie has been deputy city clerk and is truant, attendance and!for 10 years. She joined the city guidance officer as well as sec-|hall staff as a stenographer retary for board meetings. Her|in 1930. Kae Elston, who aiso salary is $4,000 a year, plus ex- started civic employment as a TED WITH MANY OF MANY FABRICS. SEE THIS WONDERFUL VALUE NOW ON SALE FOR ONLY JUST AR NO HEAT SETTING TO SAFELY FINISH OFF THE DRYING dirt you've ever seen. 92 SIMCOE N. RA 5.471 surfaces come clean--quick as a wink! 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