10 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursdey, October 23, 1958 Visitor Impressed Four Ladies Create Precedent By Russian Pride By Taking Seats With Lords By FRASER WIGHTON LONDON (Reuters) -- For the|from the throne to foreshadow first time in British history, women this week will take their place in the House of Lords with the right to sit and vote on an al footing with men. Four women are among 14 '4ife"" peers recently created by Qbeen [Elizabeth for the upper house, on the government's rec- ommendation, as an aspect of constitutional reform. There was bitter resentment of their invasion of the second cham- ber--one of the few remaining mals strongholds of the nation-- from some of the 800 nobles who, sit by hereditary right as peers) of the United Kingdom. SWORN IN TOMORROW various government plans which would be the forefront of a Con- servative election campaign. Gov- ernment supporters believe an election iikely will come soon|at after the annual budget in April. | that in the first half of 1958, Brit-| ain, helped by falling import] prices, earned an all-time record, OTTAW ACP) woman found it isn't difficult to put in astronomer's wife on a visit to said. There are women garden- Politicians expect the speech Russia. she had an opportunity some sightseeing while her hus-| work as Canadian street - clean- band attended a conference of the ers, she said, because Russians International Astronomical Union'don't litter their streets or parks. | : : of two young sous, Mrs. Thomson visit were the people's friend- Wiig wi 2 Shier Derick 'Heatit}, gy a reporter here that a full |liness toward western tourists, | y {program of events was arranged and their pride in their country's for the delegates' wives, The two-week visit to Moscow | and Leningrad gave her a chance | to visit a Russian nursery --. # spotless and well-staffed institu tion where children were cared for while their mothers worked. The women in Russia do all of work, Mrs. Thomson -- An Ottawa time when you're an kinds ers, bricklayers and street sweep Malcolr Thomson found ers, for instance. The street Mrs. 4 to do cleaners have as much don't Mrs. Thomson said two major Moscow. : from the Russian A' former librarian. and mother impressions achievements. current surplus of £334,000,000 ($935,200,000) in its trade balance, with the rest of the world. Con-| servatives claim the country's improved economy is the direct] result of government moves last year--unpopular at the time--to stop inflation. Du Barry cloudsilk Winter-Warm "'Buys"! SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Big ® Thrift Prices ® Dependable 3 Quality RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS TWO MODERN STOREC IN OSHAWA The four life peeresses and the 10 life peers will attend special pearled i swearing-in sessions Tuesday and ) 5 a Wednesday so they can be pres- % Siig face ent at the state opening of parlia- ment's new session a week later. All four women are well-known public figures. The youngest, Dame Katharine Elliot, 55, is the widow of a Conservative elder statesman. She was also chair- man of the Conservative party's local organizations. The eldest, the dowager March- ioness of Reading, 64, organized 1,250,000 housewives into a volun- teer labor force in the Second World War. The others are Mrs. Barbara Wootton, 60, economist and only socialist of the four, an intellec- tua: who at 28 was head of a workers college; and Baroness Ravensdale, 62, once a member of the British suffragette group that won the vote for women. 4 1 COMMONS OPENS THURSDAY ; i Saving Value! The House of Commons reopens : 4 2 8 ¢) Thursday after three months' . green ree 7: summ ion for what is ex- . : ] pected to be the las sitting be. Jor the fabulous flattery a 1 earls > aun 1 ii. i and Drawers in sizes 26 to of precions £2 i 34. 79c ond $1.00 Values. the beauty benefits fore a spring general election. Featured at the Special Low of Royal Jelly! The Commons will meet only to formally close the current session] in preparation for the subsequent Rate opening by Queen Eliza- Featured A whole new experience in beauty awaits you with DuBarry's fantastically fine-spun, fragrant face powder. It actually glows with wdered pearls . . . and it contains Royal Fe of the Queen Bee! Veils tiny shadows with a loveliness that's luminous, Gives youe skin a smooth, silken finish that's sheer perfection! In six exquisite shades. $3.75 SPECIAL ! Men's Pyjamas 277 $3.98 VALUE! -- Well made cotton broadcloth Pyjamas in popular stripe patterns ""Sanforized"'. Sizes A to E. Big Money- SPECIAL! FOR MEN AND BOYS BOYS' WARM UNDERWEAR -- Plum Brush Undershirts MEN'S $1.98 COMBINA- TIONS -- Short-sleeve ankle- length style, os sketched. But- ton front. Popular type Un- derwear at o Special Low Price which invites buying these in quantity, SIMPLE, SMART! By ALICE BROOKS Simple but so smart, This easy-| to-memorize square makes varied' heirloom accessories. | | Four squares make a pillow; 6, | |a scarf 16% x 25 inches; 36, a 50- | be |inch cloth. Pattern 7159: crochet) WIFE PRESERVERS| vce for. 8%-inch square in| No. 30 cotton, larger in string. . Send THIRTY - FIVE CENTS Banish sale Yohcso Sooke "3 (coins) for this pattern (stamps Httle diluted ammonia in a bow} | cannot be accepted) to Daily of fresh water: let it stand over- Times - Gazette, Household Arts Dept.,, Oshawa, Ontario. Print night in the affected area. inlv N J | plainly NAME, ADDRESS, PAT-| TERN NUMBER. | Our new 1959 Alice Brooks Needlecraft Catalog, just out, has| many designs for crocheting, { knitting, embroidery, quilts, dolls, weaving. A spelial gift, in the catalog to keep a child happily occupied -- a cutout doll and | clothes to color. Send 25 cents for | your copy of the book. | Big Value! Girls' Eskimo' Coal * WATERPROOF! ® QUILTED, LINING! 0.99 3 COLD-WEATHER STANDBY! -- Sizes 7 to 12. Just the coat for a young Miss to wear all Winter through . . . ond it costs so little, Smort-&-Thrifty Shoppers will hurry for this Big Value! Made with attached pile-lined Split Hood that can be worn collar-style as well it's good-looking, sturdy. ond extro-warm. Full quilted lining. Pockets. Red, royal blue, navy. Trimmed with novelty braid and furry pile. Money» Seving "Buy"! LN id DRUGS | "Stretchee" Nylons 98¢ pr. SEAMFREE - in popular 70-denier weight. Leg- flattering shades, at a Zeller-Thrift price! Wi ter Warm Robes! 498 2.98 LADIES' DUSTER - & - SCUF- QUILTED 'ROBE -- Sizes 2 to FIES--Cotton-suede in attrac- 3 Style as sketched above, in tive designs and colours. a i Styled with collar, pockets, polka-dot print, trimmed with heart-shaped pockets, Charm- three-way belt, Matching Scuffie Slippers. Sizes 12 to ing style for a little Charmer . and so cosy | ui 20. BURNS * CREDIT JEWELLERS Boys' Pyjamas 2.98 SIZES 26 TO 30 -- of good quality '"'Sanforized" flan. ; | Red ; 4 re \ a Swe | nelette with "Sansuede' fin. n ND. ; : Y Ne. Vs . j | ish. Coat style with "boxer" i i vd waist pants, Stripe patterns. Cotton broadcloth, also in the assortment, Plum Brush Combinations 1.69-1.98 BOYS' SIZES -- 26 to 28, 30 to 34. Button-front style with long - sleeves; ankle length, Zeller-Thrift-Priced! | PROTECTION are yours forever WHEN YOU BUY Biaetird ji DIAMOND RINGS inne the sctorc thape of yoer finger . . . ne twisting or turning ; : GUARANTEED . FLAWLESS FOR HALF-SIZERS By ANNE ADAMS Start the day in fine fashion in this crisp and fresh casual that's styled to slim the shorter, #{iMer half-sizer. Trim bodice tops easy-swinging skirt--ideal for rayon, cotton, wool. Printed Pattern 4816: Half Sizes 14%, 16'z, 18%z, 20'2, 22'3, 24%; Size 16'2 takes 4 yards 39- inch fabric. Printed directions on each pat- tern part. Easier, accurate. Send FORTY CENTS (40 cents) in coins (stamps cannot be ac- cepted) for this pattern, Please t plainly SIZE, NAME, AD- ESS, STYLE NUMBER. end order to ANNE ADAMS, Pat- Insured free against loss TT TY pr PN "TRU-FIT BRIDAL SETS Spe 1.74 COSY 'FLETTE - Sizes 8 to 14. Pink, blue or maize flannelette. Top in dainty orint; contrasting trims. Money-Saving Value ! Smart ! ; Suburban Coat G70 Daily Times-Gazette, térn Dept., Oshawa, Ont. 27.25 DOWN 6.80 WEEK 12.25 DOWN 3.00 WEEK 17.25 DOWN | 4.30 WEEK LADIES' SNUGGIE WARM! SLIM-FITTING! -- Cotton with 15% wool. Popular weight for winter-long wear. Choice of white, rose; in fancy- stitch designs. Zeller-Thrift-Priced! Per Cc garment, only 7.98 Feature! s. 7 . Ladies' Pyjamas RA WINTER-WARM ! -- Rose-print flannelette in medium ane 31 Trimmed with nylon sheer, coloured 2 98 5- 44 Thrift-Priced ! Only : " Por Free Estimates large sizes. PEACE OF MIND is yours at no extra cost embroidery with & Bluebird ""Tru-Fit' Diamond Ring-- becanse it will never slip off your finger unless you take it off! For value, brilliance end quality you cannot beat these o Draperies by the exquisite bridal sets. Yord. Li ' : A SMALL ® Custom-mede i | n N S CREDIT DEPOSIT WiLL JEWELLERS 32 KING ST. WEST ARTICLE LTD. ® OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS TILL 9 P.M. © BIG ZELLER-VALUE! -- will be as "warm-as-toast" all win- School-lads vo. . Ladies' Nightgowns SIZES S, M, L -- Printed flannelette in the popular "Butcher Boy' 'style. Long sleeves. White, pink, blue, maize. Thrift-Priced Value! Only © Installation. ter through, in this supert Woeol Melton cloth Coat! Has quilted lining. Win . ' J ¥ Ladies' 2-pc. Set HALF-SLIP! PANTIES! -- &-nylon, Trimmed with delicate lace, sheer. Sizes 5, M, L. A Zeller-Thrift-Value ! Only 21 SIMCOE ST. S. PHONE RA 3-2294 ZELLER'S LIMITED BOTH STORES OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. G dow-pane checks in cha Lovely matching set of acetate: coel or navy ® Venetian and Cloth Blinds. ® "Kirsch" Rods end Tracks. o Broedioom. eo Bamboo Drapes GSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE PHONE RA 3-2209 DOWNTOWN -- 11 RA 3-7022 i HOWARD'S | DRAPERIES { 926 Simcoe St. N.