Te ------ | COOKIES COCONUT STRIPS 32 cup butter Y cup icing suga. 1 cup flour Mix together and put in pan. Spread with following: 1% cups brown sugar 2 eggs 1 cup walnuts 1 cup coconut 2 tablespoons flour 15 teaspoon baking powder pinch salt, vaniila Bake 20-25 minutes in 325 When cool cut in strips. Mrs. A. J. Lymer, Bathe Park Auxiliary DATE SQUARES 1 cup brown sugar 3, cup butter {1 teaspoon baking soda 1% cups flour 1% cups rolled roats 1, teaspoon salt Cream butter |to first mixture. Mix i f ¥ at y in 325 oven. Mrs. A. J. Lymer, Bathe Park Auxiliary. LONG LINES The latest glove news is | elbow-length, of calfskin in a longer lines to meet the de- | mellow burnished gold shade. | RASPBERRY BARS mands of the shorter sleeve Imported from France, they 2 cups flour fashions in both dresses and are guaranteed to be easily teaspoon salt washable. 1 teaspoon baking powder --By TRACY ADRIAN % cup shortening = 2 eggs 'MARY HAWORTHS MALL 'a Widow Shocked On Learning ~ Of Late Husband's Affair Dear Mary Haworth: You will tent an accomplice in the gen- With raspberry jam have to edit this for I am very eral destruction of integrity. upset J L that my husbard was having an|you were simply his weak de-|utes in 325 degres | affair suits. The pair pictured follows this trend. The gloves are | sistency of pie crust cover bottom of 8 x 12 baking dish 350 oven with a younger woman. pendent, weaker, more expedient overcook Both were workers in our church. even than he, in putting a false|Mrs. A. J. Lymer, Recently my husband passed face on self-servingness Which{Bathe Park Auxiliary away. He had accused me ofagain affords no proper basis for being jealous and I had felt badly | stirring up sediment of the past about 'it until, trying to put his/in scandalized vein. . effects in order, I found quite al This man was your husband. |, bit of evidence pointing to his Your life has been indissolubly in-| guilt terwoven with his--"for better 15 cup cornstarch 12 cup icing sugar cup sifted all-purpose fl cup butter or margarin Sift together woman had written him contain- but a transient ing torrid references, and thank- both were sick-minded for the ing him for money and other gift duration of their misconduct. Now Derature) Blend butter or margarin and sugar, sift : flour and add salt and soda, add|in a 9-inch square pan.. Remo in rolled!from heat, add ali remaining in- dates. Place one-half of the mix-|gredients and beat well. l ture in bottom of 9 x 9 inch pan. evenly in pan. Bake. When cool, Put date fill in the middle, add dust with icing sugar or frost remainder of mixture and bake With a chocolate frosting. Yield 18 Mix flour, salt, baking powder, 1 shortening and 1 egg. Add enough 1 cold water to make mixture con- Roll out and Bake 10 minutes in While still hot spread| and coconut may be added. Mix 1 egg, |into a little ball and press with a You|sugar and coconut and spread on|fork. Try one cookie to find out|1'2 I had felt for some years|weren't a moral force in his life; |top of jam. Bake again 20-25 min-lif enough flour has been added. |2 *e oven. Do not Bake in a 375 oven for 12 to 15 OW y Jing 2Yatsps. 1 have a five-page letter the for worse." The other woman was sugar, and ali Boia he 2 eggs s Ye. . L ; . trespasser--and , (Have butter at room tem. 1%cups sifted flour chocolate. Mix in flour and wal- % §° of peanut butter with lp, tH] ~ Sa cover top with halved marshmal- ( nuts. Bake.in 8 x 8 pan at 350 de- p of butter and add lows. Return to oven for 3 min-' ih igrees for 30 minutes. { % cup brown sugar and utes or until marshmallows melt. |Mrs. W. F. Guthrie, ( '4 cup white sugar. Add Ice with chocolate icing. 1 cup brown sugar CHOCOLATE Audley United Church WA 1 egg, well beaten Mrs, M. Hedge, 2 cup rolled oats MARSHMALLOW ROLLS 1 cup of flour sifted with Audley United Church WA. % cup hot 'water 2 squares unsweetened . SHORTBREAD COOKIES [1 tsp. soda. 1 tsp. soda |, chocoiate sugar until fluffy. Sift together) , = oo. Blend thoroughly. Drop on SQUARES 2 tsp. salt 1 egg | tour aud S31 and sods. Add 3 7 Sup icing sugar cookie sheet and press with a| Topping 2 cup flour L ep icing Sugar love | X 4 ni well. i y a i ps S0F p 1 . ow a pi Ho Mix untill1 cup sifted all-purpose flour ig Re I oinres st i i gly Bree bring Lig (quartered) mm 7 x 9 crumbly. Press half onto bottom 1 Cup butter or margarine Ipoh chip Group, WA, 1 cup brown sugar (packed) soda and rolled oats and flour. cup chopped walnuts of greased 13 x 9 x 2 inch pan. Sift together cornstarch, ieing| no yp mincter United Church 3 ts. baking powder Sprinkl is '| % cup coconut Add date mixture. Top with sugar and flour into bowl, have : "12 thsps. flour prinkle with the hot water --| "yp "op oo1ate in top of double rest of nut mixture. butter at room temperature). CHOCOLATE CRUNCHIES dash of sat more may be added if dough 100}, ;,,. 444 egg and beat quickly, Bake 350 F. 30 minutes. Makes Blend butter or margarine into; yo "Cpipits HL 1 tsp. vanilla stig: Boll out between two sheets), 5) icing sugar and beat again, 30 squares. |dry ingredients with a spoon 3 cups rice krispies 1 cup coconut of waxed paper. Cut with cookie po ,ve from heat. Add walnuts, | Mrs. Doris Trew, til a soft dough is formed. 1 tsp. vanilla cup nuts jeutter, Bake in moderate oven. |p "ini, marshmallows. form Happy Helpers Group, | Shape into balls about 1" in dia-|" pinch of salt 1 cup cherries {Mrs. G. F. Astley, " linto two long rolls, and roil in Nortsminster WA Lh on ungreased oki | Melt chipits in double boiler, Bottom: Audley United Church WA. [ecm Store in refrigerator, oven . | PH fl, sed" cookie st rring until smooth. Remove 2 ¢ Slice as needed. BAKE-PAN BROWNIES [sheet about 1%" apart. fe ea pie ove 1d rg NUT FINGERS IM adr aawala, i | Friendship Group, | 2 cup margarine 12 squares (1 oz. each) unsw~et. | ened chocolate {1 cup sugar {1 cup broken pecans | 12 cup flour {1 teaspoon baking powder {1 teaspoon vanilla |2 eggs | Temp. 350 F. Time 30 minutes. Melt margarine and chocolate Spread |bars, 1'2 x 3 inch. [fashioned brownies modern twist -- no bowl to wash. Try with vanilla ice cream and cho- colate sauce. Mrs. R. F. Kelly, |Happy Helpers Group, Northminster WA { MELTING MOMENTS | a cup brown sugar cup butter egg 15 tsp. cream of tartar 1, teaspoon soda Pinch salt Flour until good and thick, nuts pyrex min. Mrs. R. Winter, Jr., Audley United Church WA SHORTBREAD COOKIES FROSTED DREAM BARS 1-3 cup shortening 1 1-3 cups icing sugar vanilla our e salt strawbery 34tsp. e into 2cup jam No names were spelled out, just the wretched episode is finished. , ingredients with a spoon untill cup brown sugar initials used (except for her baby) In decency let the curtain fall on but as her folks have been life- that chapter of the past long friends of ours, I recognized | feel that the average good the identities. She has four chil- woman in your situation, who diameter. dren had been either a deeply devoted ahout 1'4 inches a soft dough is formed. was grieving for Bert. I had|gpecting person, would burn the found this evidence; then some- sry reserve towards its author. &. are li r brow thing died in me. Please say|ord. cogicies are lightly browned something to encourage me; and ' p, tell me also if I would be right, Mary Haworth counsels through es la, Group. in sending it to her, to let her her column, not by mail or per- Northminster WA ' know that I was justified all along gona interview. Write her in care in my suspicions. I will abide by of this newspaper. your decision PA, | CHARITY HEALS Dear P.A.: The only remedy for CALYPSO BARS 1 1-3 cups chopped dates chocolate 2-3 cup hot water Satlering such as yours is to learn 1 1-3 cups granulated sugar Yt It to love, more charitably. Now| ROYAL MEMOIRS 4 - A moderate oven 350 25 to 30 min-| "4 tsp. sa - i i i that your husband's story is THE HAGUE (AP) -- Princess 113 cups (62 oz. pkg.) chopped yes. Cool slightly and combiner" Mix and spread on bottom of | f 1. Choose. now speciol low prices, greater selection. ended, it isn't his weakness of wilnelmina. wh : huts ? remaining cup icing sugar, 8' square cake tin. Press down 2. Make regular payments es YOU wish ---- no intergst, ne Wilhelmina, who abdicated in fa- 1 cup butter or margarine : " : ell milk and vanilla. Ice bars in pan Wel. | carrying charges. character or the wrongs he may, i have done that vor of her daughter Queen Juli- | present and future tsp. vanilla called 'Lonesome But Not Alone' brown sugar Presumably you have loved bow: her: 50 v 1 your husband throughout. at least abou: her 50 years as queen of 1'2 cups sifted flour the Netherlands. 1; tsp. salt in some degree--as suggested by ip ab your sticking to him, even while . 2 tsp. so suspecting him of treachery. Or SCHOOLBOYS SMOKE 1 cup chopped nuts did you stay rather because of| LONDON (CP) personal weakness, because of in- tioner medical journal says one- ability to stand on principle and third of boys under 15 in London your own two feet, even though secondary schools are outraged" If you loved him and, in loving Smokes 40 or more cigarets allow heat until thickened -- him, stayed, in intuitive aware-| Week. 5 minutes. Blend in Y% cu ness of his two-timing, you really | ter. Add vanilla, Cool. condoned his misconduct, long SMOOTHER RIDE Cream 2% cup butter and oats Melt chocolate in hot Place on ungreased cookie sheet 2 apart. Flatten I feel worse now than when Iiwife or was a rightly self-re-|dough with lightly ad fork. 3 to 4 dozen cookies. matter to your 3 : YOUT | ana in 1948, has written a book 1% cups firmly packed light -- The Prac- 12 cups quick-cooking rolied i smokers and one-eighth of them dissolved. Add dates. Cook over Yistsp. baking powder Shape into balls about 1 inch in 'zcup coconut 1 cup chopped nuts thsps. milk Cream shortening and one layer of brown wrapping paper. Bake in a moderate oven 350 12 to 15 minutes, cool. Spread jam over baked crust, Mix 1 egg and 1 egg white, brown sugar, 2|1 tbsps. flour, baking powder, %|1 | NEWS BRIEFS |2% squares Baker's unsweetened isp. salt, coconut, nuts and 1 tsp.|1% cups sifted flour vanilla together thoroughly and 1° spread over the jam. Bake in a Mrs. R. Winter, Jr., Audley Women's Association CHOCOLATE INDIANS 12 cup butter cup white sugar oz. melted, unswetened water chocolate reguiar Add granulated sugar; stir until 2 eggs beaten) "12 cup bread flour or 2/3 cup of North Group, Jessie Panton Aux., cake or pastry flour 12 cup chopped walnuts Cream butter and sugar. Add brown beaten egg and unsweetened about p but- | Remove|, | "These have all the flavor of old cup brown sugar. but use a egg yolk. serving warm for dessert |flour. Roll in balls, drop Roll 2 TIO NO 19 5 = 1-3 cup 25 min., 325 degrees. Don't over|cream until light and fluffy. Add ytes until golden brown. Makes | icing sugar together. Add 1 tsp. bake. These are the new Bake in slow oven (300 F.) 20 vanilla and 1 egg yolk. Add 1 1-3/done" brownies. grieved terribly for him until I'jetter and maintain her custom- to 25 minutes or until edges: of cups of the flour and % tsp. of the Mrs..D. Rutledge, ; salt and mix well. Press dough|North Group, Jessie Panton Aux, cream into a 9x2x2 inch pan lined with|St. Andrew's United Church | 12 cup shortening while still warm. Cut in squares. 1 { | 23 cup margarine Bake in slow oven 300 degrees!illa and salt, blending until cereal 6 thsps. confectioners' sugar pais : lz cup brown sugar 20 to 25 mins. or until edges of|js coated. Drop from teaspoon on eu 2 dash of salt Northminster WA cookies are lightly browned. greased cookie sheet. Chill.| Mix together the bottom ingred- (2 cups sifted flour Yield 3 to 4 dozen cookies. Makes 24 crunchies ients > press in an 8" 2 g"|1l tsp. vanilla | COCONUT BALLS NOTE: If dough is very soft, Mrs. Allan Creech, pan. Bake for 10 minutes (nof 2 tSP. almond extract 1 cup Eagle Brand milk Friendship Group, WA, longer). Remove from oven and| * tsp. salt !30 marshmallows cup chopped nuts fine granulated sugar Cream margarine, add remain- % cup coconut ing ingredients, except granulated 1 tsp. vanilla cover and chill one-half hour. ; i up A VARIATIONS Northminster United Church. pour topping on, Bake at 350 deg. 1 Cherry Cookies: Add 2 cup DATE MERINGUE SQUARES Joell soles brows, glace cherries, finely chopped |i. Filling: Audley United Church WA, A sugar, and mix well. Press intojg graham wafers with dry ingredients. cup dates Joc t Cookies: Adg 1-3 cup . ; ] Plc gin to soft! % cup water WALNUT FINGERS 2" long finger shaped pieces. Mix altogether and roll in balls en pil etl. Chop dates and cook in water 5/3 cup once-sifted pastry flour Bake on ungreased cookie sheet|, i then roli in icing sugar. Mrs. Arthur Hedge, until soft mash. | or % cup oncesifted all-pur- in moderate oven 325 about 30 Mrs J. "Arnold Schell Audley United Church WA [Conic hase: pose flour |minutes. Roll in sugar while priendship Group, Auney NEST COOKIES |. % cup Shoriening | flour | arm, Makes 3% dozen. Northminster WA NEST C i ,| % cup white sugar 1% tsp. baki y {Mrs. G. McGee, Cream % cup buter. Add HE egg yolks 3 laking Yowder Friendship Group, i 3 cup coarsely-broken walnuts Northminster WA | 1 cup walnuts Beat slightly 1 cups flour 2 tsp. baking powder 2 eggs Sift, measure and add 1 Sup| % tsp. salt 3% on granulated sugar ENGLISH TEA DROPS 0 ! 11 tsp. vanilla 1 lightly- 7 cup m ri i slightly beaten egg white, then| cream shortening, gradually sup Vghily. packed brown 1 cup margarine and shortening Buy one -- 8 | roll in chopped nu#s. Place on a4qq sugar, add egg yolks and 1, te fd baking sheet; with a thimble heat well, Sift together flour, bak- o 2 Bp. vas or margarine make depressions. Bake at 326|i50 powder and salt. Work in sift- melted : wel: beaten egg { degrees, 5 mins. Remove from er dry ingredients and vanilla. pix together flour, baking pow- 2 tbsps. milk oven and again make depression. | press into 8 in, square pan. Bake | der and salt, Add walnuts. Beat '% tsp. grated lemon rind Return and bake 5 mins. longer. in moderate oven (350) until eggs until thick and light, gradu- 2 cups sifted cake flour While still warm fill with ja edges brown slightly. Remove ally beat in granulated and brown 2 tsps.baking powder Mrs. Arthur Hedge, : from oven and spread with partly | sugars, Stir in vanilla and melted | % tsp. salt Audley United Church WA cooked date filling then cover putter. Fold in flour mixture, cup desiccated coconut with following meringue topping. half at a time. Turn batter into!l cup washed and dried Get one FREE BUTTERSCOTCH SUNDAE mixed 3% cup firmly packed brown sugar Sy SCOTCH FANCIES Topping a greased 9-inch square cake pan currants (raisins) Thurs., Fri. and Set. Only % cup bh Pier ar 1 cup brown sugar Bake at 350 deg. until batter METHOD 4 cup sug | 2 cup chopped nuts : comes away from edges of pan| poapeat oven to 375 eggs 2 egg whites, beaten stiff ® 95 {5 30 minutes. Let pan stand % * Cream margarine and shorten- ing with brown sugar. Add well beaten egg, milk and lemon rind. Stir in sifted dry ingredients. Lastly add coconut and currants. Mix well and drop by spoonfuls! on greased cookie sheet and bake in oven for about 12 minutes. Mrs. G. McGee, 3 1 cup white sugar 3 cups shredded coconut | Friendship Group, 2 | 1 4 tsp. salt Add sugar to stiffly beaten egg a | Supe ; 2 88 on cake rack to cool. Cut cake cups oatmeal hi allv. ra) . cups 1 cocanut Yites gradually and beat well. into fingers. Store in closely cov- Mix and drop by spoon on a(Sprm Jo Wilh chopped *nuts.|ered tin. Pr he Io 8 slow | Spread on above and bake until | Mrs, M. V. Hedge, ! brown in oven at 350 degrees|Audley United Church WA. yen D. Rutledge about 30 min. Cut in squares : North Group, Jessie Panton Aux, | ikl 2s ron St. Andrew's United Church la ina tdby udley United Church WA. COCONUT MACAROONS egg whites SIMCOE ST. NORTH at TAUNTON RD. BROWNIES aan : % chp Banier (erein) MARSHMALLOW FUDGE BARS 5 tbsps. corn starch [For minster WA cup sugar bi cup butter tsp. vanilla | eggs, slightly beaten [-* cup sugar Stiffly beat egg whites till | bi {2 eggs glossy but not dry. Gradually beat tsp. vanilla cup sifted flour cup nut meats squares bitter chocolate Ih (meited) | 3% cup sifted flour Ys tsp. baking powder 3 tbsps. cocoa tsp. vanilla Cream the butter. Add sugar.| "2 cup chopped nuts Mix in eggs. Add vanilla. Stir in|1% marshmallows vanilla and drop by spoonfuls 1" flour. Add chocolate, nuts. Use 8"| *4 tsp. salt apart on greased cookie sheet, pan lined with wax paper. Bake Cream butter, add sugar and Bake in a 300 oven for 20-25 min- in sugar. Combine coconut with | corn starch, fold in egg mixture. | Cook in double boiler over boiling water for 15 minutes. Stir fre- | quently. Remove from heat, add ww "under-|€g8s, one at a time and beat| ahout 30 macaroons. after each addition. Add vanilla.| Mrs. R. Winter, | Sift dry ingredients. Add fo'Audley United Church WA. | ed mixture, beating well (Stir in nuts. Spread®in greased OATMEAL COOKIES 8" pan. Bake at 350 des. F. for| % cup butter or margarine MYSTERY BARS 25 minutes. Remove from oven,' 2 cup shortening Bottom layer: Karn's LAY-AWAY PLAN cup brown sugar egg BURNS CREDIT JEWELLERS tsp. baking powder 1, tsp. vanilla Second Layer! egg white 1 cup coconut 1, cup walnuts ' 1 cup brown sugar Beat egg white stiffly and com- bine with sugar, walnuts and coconut. Spread this over first layer. Bake 25 min. at 350 de- grees Mrs. D. Rutledge, 3. FREE Karn's exclusive gift-wrop service. '{{ tra" Bell & Howell HEADLINER 106-S Slide Projector St. Andrew's United Church PEANUT CRINKLES Cream: ago, and continuously. Thus you, LONDON (Reuters) -- British - have no valid claim to a back-|railroads are to use longer ward-looking quarrel with him lengths of rail on main lines for now {smoother, quieter travel. Long Or if you cautiously half closed rails made by welding 60-foot your eyes to his liaison with the lengths to form continuous strips younger woman, as excuse for of a quarter-miie or more elim- not forcing the issue and possibly inate the familiar clicketty-clack losing him, you were to that ex-'of the wheels. "4 + « a lady will love HOUBIGANT'S A flacon of perfume " in a gaily decorated i miniature hat box. I \ Choice of Famous pu | Sophisticated | (ee Turtle Food CITY-WIDE FREE DELIVERY MITC Drug. [ ELL' 9 SIMCOE ST..N. Just Arrived ! BABY TURTLES 39 We carry a complete assortment of supplies and food for your turtle. METROPOLITAN STORES LTD. Harves Continues With These Specials! al = Se [=] --_-- | rm Cod x= 8 DESSERT KNIVES 8 DESSERT FORKS 8 SALAD FORKS 8 DESSERT SPOONS 8 TEASPOONS SUGAR SHELL BUTTER KNIFE The Headliner hes everything that's 'new' in a slide pro-- 42 pieces for 8 Regular $49.95 jector. A powerful 4" fan pushes air post the new miniature 300-Watt lamp -- eliminates sildes "'popping" out of focus. Smooth semi-automatic slide changer projects popular 2 x 2, Bantam and Superslides. Unusually compact, is only 7 high in its handsome linen-finished corrying cose. Truly today's top slide projector value. This Week's Special ! $21.98 Catalogue. © Headliner Projector with Case : iN HASSOCKS CHEST EXTRA $5.98 ® 12 Microfit Slide Troys : ; . ® Matching Case to hold 12 Tra H (ROUND AND SQUARE) No Exira Charges for Credit A i REG Regular . ., 97.30 3 es 3.27 00 1.00 NOW 72.12 Complete | «+ + 15 VALUE CASH OR LAY-AWAY i DOWN WEEKLY : ASSORTED BRIGHT COLORS | Write, phone or drop in for e FREE Photoprephiet until Christmas. METROPOLITAN STORES LTD. 60 KING ST. E. RA 3-3273 USE OUR LAYAWAY PLAN A small deposit will hold any arficle HALLOWE'EN Come in and see our complete assortment of Hallowe'en Supplies 7 OSHAWA Credit Jewellers Limited 32 KING ST. W. RA 3-7022 * OPEN FRIDAY EVENING TILL 9 P.M. 28 KING ST. E RA 3-4621