Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 16 Oct 1958, p. 8

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Mary Street H&S Assn. Names | Maureen Martin Club Prepares [ss 3, Wit, Sst Grade Mothers And Chairmen | >) I: Harts |For Art Show Parents crowded the school for Morris. They are as follows: Exchange Vows Spoustred by fhe a] FOR RENT the "Get Acquainted Night" past president, Mrs. Edward Al-\ The marriage of Maureen Eli- interest modern typewri meeting of Mary. Street Homeker; vice presidents, Mrs. Har-|zabeth Martin, daughter of Mr. Jiouiing considerable . s and School Association held re-old B. Armstrong and Mrs. Wil-and Mrs. Alexander Martin of The exhibition in the auditor- portable cently at the school. Mrs. M. L.\liam Broadbent; recording sec-/ Oshawa, and Darryl Foster Har-/ium of the McLaughlin Public % ' Y . Library and following a talk by Jo Aldwinckle Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 Morris, presided at the first failretary, Mrs. Bryce Brown, cor-ris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard . | ' meeting and welcomed the many responding secretary, Mrs. Gor-|Foster Harris of Tor alo, was artist Peter Haworth, tea will be ts who came to ; h ley agill '8 THE DAILY TIMESGAZETTE, Thursdey, October 16, 1958 [interested parents tonching stat |don Barker; treasurer, Mrs. J. V.|solemnized recently at Holy| The auditorium will also be Walmsley & M Mrs. Morris introduced Mr. Matles. 3 " " Trinity Anglican Church. open to visitors in the evening.| Office Equipment Ltd. Kelvin, James, principal, who ex.| FXxecutive members -- '| The Reverend E. A. Irwin offi-| Several paintings have already 9 KING ST. EAST J GROUPS ressed his pleasure at seeing so{L: Hurren, Mrs. William Frobel, ; been submitted and all should a d : beh parents present. Three new|Mrs. Douglas Kirkland, Mrs.|¢lated and the wedding music| je by tomorrow, Friday, to be/l DIAL RA 3-3333 in members of the staff were intro-|W- H. Hamley, Mrs. Gordon was played by Mr. H. G. For- jortet, Artists in the surround. district ve ir ISTH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX.|s, beine seid i Giussed 20¢ duced by Mr. James -- Miss|Baker. sythe. | 15th Oshawa Scout Mothers|United Church Sunday School|DOTothy Armstrong, Miss Kathar-| Chairmen -- program, Mra. oon 10 marriage by her fa. | Auxiliary met in the Brown room Hall on Wednesday, October 15,in¢ Redmond and Mr. Way ne Gordon Baker; citizenship, Mrs.|yy on she bride wore a floor-length i |at Albert Street United Church [a 2.30 p.m y '|Junkin. Mr. James who stated/John Weir; finance, Mrs. Haroid gown of white net over white with the president, Mrs. William Refreshments were served by|that the properties to the east of| Armstrong; membership, Mrs. coun "The bodice featured al Richardson presiding. * |Mrs. Richards. The next meeting|the school now belonged to the Gordon Barker and Mrs, William! sequin - trimmed boat neckline The minutes and treasurer's re-|is on November 4 at 8 p.m {Board of Education and would|Ranstead; health, Mrs. Mansell] "0 * "0 C00 phe gg : |port were read. The conference sd eventually be used to extend /Gerrow; hospitality, Mrs. Wil- 1ongth gloves. An Egyptian style * [which is to be held in King Street| CHRIST CHURCH EVE. W.A. [the present crowded playgrounds. liam Broadbent; parent educa-|y.. aires held her short veil and United Church was discussed. | The October meeting of Christ| The meeting then adjourned fojtion, Mrs. H. L. Davis; publicity| gq "00 oied a white Bible. op The election of officers was Memorial Church Evening WA,the various classrooms where out-\and children's reading, ~Mrs.|wpich" rested a spray of gar. conducted by Mrs. Kenneth Mos- was held at the home of Mrs. |lines of the courses of study for|Douglas Young; religious educa-|;. sey as follows: president, Mrs. Donald Wilson on Tuesday even- the coming year were presented tion, Miss Ferne Ledgett; press, The bridal attendants were : | William Richardson; Yice preg. ing, October 14, with 26 Wembergjie ie parents by the egehing/H1S3, Frank Pil ious Moy Mi: Coa, Wo Aly wert ee 4 22 SIMCOE N dent, Mrs. Eldon Southwell; se-| present. staff. sD. J. d - Te |cretary, Mrs. Aubrey McConkey;| The president, Mrs. Clare Mc-| The groups reconvened in the Mrs: A. Nicholson and Mrs. A. BONE Yew 4 Laftely. and | / treasurer, Mrs. Herbert Dervent; |Culiough, opened the meeting grade one room for the business Fetchison. : mauve, Both wore matching . { RA 3-3132 corresponding secretary, Mrs.|with the W.A. prayer, followed by/meeting with Mrs. Morris presid-| Grade mothers -- Miss Flor- feathered hats and gloves and - Clarence Keith. the minutes of the last meeting ing. Mrs. William Broadbent ex- ence Hawke's Grade 1 room --| . 04 nosegays of de The other officers are to beland the treasurer's report. Mem- pressed thanks to the teaching/Mrs. J. 'A. Christie and Mrs. S.C FORE ! R HOME CURED HAMS AND BACON appointed at the next meeting. ber; were reminded that Living staff for the time and effort they Atkinson; Diss Susan Landy Mr Loy Gladwin ated ns best gaMDuS oR OUR. OF OSHAWA AND DISTRICT b { i ing the thor- Grade 1 - 2 room, Mrs. . UT SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX.[C0ES SUSCUPIEnS must be Ee eeata tion te coming Weldon and Mrs. B. A. Soniey:/man and Mr. George Martin ll WITH THE BEST IN QUALITY FRESH KILLED MEATS. The regular meeting of the| npg Harvey Beadle reported year's work. Miss Ferne Ledgett's Grade 2|ushered. 14th Scout Mothers' Auxiliary from the ave Council and ar secretary, Mrs. Bryce oom, Mrs. William Skuce andl A reception was held in the Ld SAUSAGE JCRENS was held recently in the ha of | group decided to help to buy Brown, read the minutes and MTS: R. A. Stuart; Miss Mary, all at the church, For the occa-| ® Holy Trinity Anglican Churc| *|more chairs for the Parish Hall. Mrs. H. L. Davis, gave the finan. Holubenko's Grade 3 room, Mrs sion the bride's mother chose | ® TURKEYS The president, Mrs. John Caider,| 'Mrs "Donald Souch, convener cial renort, Mrs, Gordon Barker|f: M. McMahon and Mrs. G. H.|blue lace over taffeta. The bride- presided on read the [Or the bridze and euchre to beiread the correspondence and Goulding: Miss Dorothy Arm- groom's mother was in cham-B' If You Don't See What You Want In Our Shop Mrs. Lloyd Patterson rea the held on October 22 in the parish thankyou letters from Grade 3 strong's Grade 4 room, Mrs. J. - pagne ace. Both wore matching | ... Ask and We'll Get It For You . . . Our Prices in Sis TUNGIS Bin Roll hall, Feported that plans are'and 5 rooms for attendance Saunders and Mss. D. R. Iimeson [acotsso es and corsages of | . Are Roosonoble. gay 2a n . : sent close of "Sf eta { . i call was held with 11 members "col "Cooker for the ia Presented 3 De attend. 700M, Mes, Jw Richardson Later the couple left for a wed:| 3 gis : [present. read con- Va Mrs. George Nicholson from ance was awarded to Miss Mary|and Mrs. Grad man or | ne trip to points west. For| REMEMBER WHEN IT COMES TO MEAT i BEL 05 Th Briss ill --- | Correspondence Was reAd Oo |Port Whitby, who gave an ac- Holubenko's Grade 3 room and|Kelvin James' Gra 9 Mrs. WA | ravelling the bride wore a brown CAN'T BE BEAT! 4 erning Apple Day. A ba. count of her work in the Arctic Mr. James' Grade 5 - 6 room.|Ms: K. R. go TS Mines Suit with a winter white hat, gray | «+ + » GATES TO BE WED TO CONCERT ARTIST discovered UO the Coming No- (38 a Livi and i, sionary.| Mrs, Haroid B. Armstrong, fi- Ruight: Ne Wayne, Stanley ry and.8 white corsage. a Of particular interest to Osh- | Conservatory of Music, holding |vember 13. There will be a chick- het - swe Arctic: nance chairman, presented they, ner and Mrs. M. V. Jenkin- ronto. | awa is the announcement of the | his Artist, Licentiate and Asso- (en patti tea, home baking, sew- pletarss A Mchvenn onker ro yearly budget. Announcement... igh engagement of Ray Coleman | ciate degrees. A concert artist ing table, touch and take table' behalf of the Erovy |was made of the Regional Con- Dudley to Miss Edna Frances | with a steadily growing repu- [and a white elephant sale. | AT {ference to be held in Courtice Young. Miss Young is the | tation, Mr. Dudley, who charm- | Mrs. Carl Créamer, Mrs. Lloyd a hunents were served by on Thursday, Noventher 1, 10/kin's room with the social chair-| daughter of the Reverend and | ed Oshawa music-lovers with Patterson, Mrs. John Caider and Mrs, Peler Francis and Mrs. which delegates from Marv street | i men, Mrs. A. Nicholson and { ' v " is rec so teac in Mrs. Wm. Boynton gave inter- William Lock. The November would attend. Mrs. Morris also rotehi in char s-| NL pug, Dut, his Secital here, iso teaches 18 esting reports of the Scout Con- meeting will be held at the home announced the night of cards Mee ad Oy Sava | 4 graduate of Greensboro College | versity of Indiana, Blooming- ference at King Street United'of Mrs. Edward Culp. heing held by the E. A. Lovell Stanley Hooper and Mrs. M. v.! Wh Church. which they attended. | Home and School Association to] oy Daviiie: Virginia. Schools. iy Sith a oes Refreshments were served by CHRIST CHURCH GUILD [he held in that school on October|cnKinson. Mr. Dudley, son of Mr. and | Methodist Church, North Carol- |Mrs. William Sergeant and Mrs.| The regular meeting of Christ|29. The fall and winter rum- i % Z Refreshments were served by| {mothers of puplls in Mr. Jun-| i " he school is t§ be y Dudley 1 . William Evans. Memorial Church, Afternoon mage sale of t | Jou a Be ume To by Smith Studio, Raleigh, Guild, was held recently at the|held early in November. | Tea , 7 home of Mrs. George Fletcher,| Mrs. Morris expressed her ap-| University of Toronto, Tova) Ne. Dept. Ot Health with a good attendance. oreciation to the members of the; . og | Followins the buspest the Astociation a as eslive who meeting, pl zed 1 el t iosing exer- Ivory And Green Wedding Motit Feature Of Address the ey sale ph pei in June Reig Tack work to be put on by the Dewell who acted as convener: F di h S 11 D id T At Lenore Group Weavers guid, in Rie parish Balllena May 3 L. pais and t eT, vill be ed | 3 4 or J u 1t ne / avl urney The guest speaker at the Len- > he AHenoon: Ould, Ben ihe Grade og Mothers Tes| rar |ore Group meeting held in the| Work was commenced on ar-|which was held at the school re-| The chancel of St. Paul'simeg brown led in greeo. The|,, ors of Simcoe Street United |ticles which will be for sale at cently. Church, Toronto, decorated with bridegroom's mother, assisting, oy} on Monday evening, Oct.|the Christmas bazaar, and is be-| Mm f th tive. ¢ fvy entwined candelabra, was| wore a sheith dress , hat. |13, was Dr. Cameron C. Stewart, |ing held on December 3. errs Sf the pay ve ne Specially formulated for bablest the setting for the marriage of satin w ending velvet hat. |\itop gor Oshawa. | Tea was served by the hostess, mothers were introduced at the| Breaks up phlogm-eases wheasing. Miss Judith Ann Snell to Mr.| Following a wedding trip to a ainad in dolallipeec iced David William Turney. The Rev. Muskoka, Mr. and Mrs. Turney), DF, Stewart Ole oat Loa. | 23tisted by Mrs. R. H. Broadbent. meeting by the pr Mrs. erend H. N. Mansfield perform-/will live in Toronto. |partment of Health which is_fi-| ed the doublering ceremony. | | d by the taxpayers. The organist Dr. Charles Peak- LODGES AND chief work is the prevention and , gave a recital before the ser- i nd infec- a te su omc SIS [Primeiet) - <THE ONLY BRA ao or. 7 Van. oct of a en cae wl mu] 3 , and the bridegroom is Dr. Stewart made mention of || I» Mr. and Mrs. Frank VICTORY LODGE lo work of the nursing division, , of Oshawa. [The meeting of Victory, LOBA, under the supervision of Miss|| , Dr. Snel' gave his daughter in| nN, 533 was held in the Corona-|Gertrude Tucker, RN: most of ; e. She wore @ floor tion Temple with Worthy Mis-|their efforts are directed to the b gown of ivory taffeta in a tress, Sister Florence Boyle and health and welfare of 12.000 vedingote style, which she had| Deputy Mistress, Sister Margar-| school children in Oshawa. Men: designed and made herself. A|et McNevin, in their respectivetion was also made of the immun- soronet of opalescent leaves and chairs, |ization program against small-| , made for her by Des-| em oeetin Yee a] Now. . . If you are contemplating the purchase of a new dryer, mond Heeley with Whoth Sue had! po nlain, a Van Siyke, | myelitis, Particular reference worked at the Stratford Festival | 3, renq 5 selected portion from|was made of the splendid work we invite you to inspect our large variety of models by Westing- gnon str ib [ ' rel first 'worn bythe Bible. | accomplished by Dr. Ted Wat house, Inglis, Easy and Bendix. xide's molher. She carried 4 MY uss, Sie SB a) 3 | Our factory trained service department can assure you of top ; green oe sladiolus flor mistress, Sister De Morse, with 000 shops aod restaurants are | satisfaction with any model you might choose and our prices are RR x i./Inspected and suggestions made; | iti i i i * English ivy trails. re of vy membership certil always the milk control Is given| competitive with any deal you might get in Toronto 3 Burbs Jordai wus ma | Morse is the eldest past mistress special attention. The Board of ct Ti h it i onor and 1 5 Siela) They|Of this Lodge. Past mistress De |Health, of which Dr. H. B/ James actually changes its size Culiough way ig They Morse has formed a number of 18 chairman was explained. ; " ' were gown - TOBA'S In Oneaic. | Dr. Stewart was introduced by fo give you custom-fit' lengt! dresses of ivory taffeta) ™ "© evening will be held at Mrs. R. Cecil Bint, and the thanks| similar to the bride's, and sash. ~ |of the group were expressed by od with leaf green taffeta. They Tyne Lodge unesdayly HOH Wels, the group pre- where you need ir earried . trailing bouquets of to go were asked to be at the sident. : greenery. Lodge Hall on Bruce street at A film by the American Bible Mr. Charles King was best 7 p.m. October 15 | Society entitled "The Hdly man. Us A i premiere ears | BiblE" Was: shown by the Rev- Spell, the bride's brother, Mr. |erent J. K. Moffat. Sobers Wade, and Dr. Douglas HOUSEHOLD HINT | Mrs. H. H. Wh the presi- 5. { ica) dent, presided and reports were For the reception held at the De lelous org |given by the various officers. A home of the bride's parents, the SWee!s can be made rape: | atering job was also mentioned. bride's mother received in an fruit, orange and lemon peels.| Refreshments were served by original ensemble of satin and| Cut peel into narrow strips, boil Mrs. Bint, group leader, and her chiffon, the dress and hat in|until tender, then glaze in sugar group who were in charge of the leaf green and the jacket of nut- syrup. {meeting. PULL TAB DOWN FoR AS MUCH SEPA- PULL TAB UP ror LESS RATION AND FULLNESS AS YOU NEED SEPARATION LESS FULLNESS new, amazing JUST A'JUST* by brassieres your bra was to let it out in back--or hike up contour. No other bra in the world can do this. the straps. But that didn't give you fitin front,' And os extra added comfort . . . Just A'Just where you really need it. Now...a revolutions has all-elastic-back and sides. For a "custom. ary new bra gives you "custom-fit"...in front. fit' bra at a ready-made price...come in I's Just A'Just by Exquisite Form...the one today and see the versatile...adjustable and only bra that actually changes its size Just Aldust. | I | Up 10 now...the only way you could adjust to perfectly fit and flatter your very own I I I Style 257, embroidered cotton, 32-364, 32.408; 32.42C $2% Style 256, embroidered nylon marquisette, 32-36A, 32-408, 32-42C, $3.95 Available In Oshawa At . 5 MODELS AS LOW AS 169.00 08 a J J HOSIERY & | | 3 Bb) i A. wid LINGERIE "QUANTITY MUST EQUAL APPETITE PLUS | i Laying on a turkey supper | and Mrs. Byron FE. Worden, key supper will be held on Sat- 5 SIMCOE ST. S. PHONE RA 5-1321 for an anticipated 750 hungry presidents and supper conven- urday from 4.00 to 7.30 p.m. in {ge wie A of Hgwing, ers respectively of the 50-50 the Memorial Hall, with buffet Also Available In Our Glory Ann Shop Store Bowmanville! 92 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA RA 5-471 mathematics are Mr. and Mrs. | Club of Sinicoe Street United and table service. William L. Doe, left and Mr. | Church. The Club's annual tur. ' Times-Gazette Staff Photo ¥

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