pm=== THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursday, October 16, 1958 J FAVORABLE FINANCING [Ject by the Ontario Municipal de ry rd which is expected in the] ; ee re EEE hn vu WA APPLIANCES and John Mills, Representative--Phone Ajax 426 Midland Securities Corporation. pressed its delight at the ready Mn Sale of debentures in the amount marketing of the debentures, at to cover the cost was arranged such favorable rates. it " eh on 'very favorable" terms, ac-| Mayor Parish said "all this| cording to council members. |indicates that the financial Fin alse a er Issuance of debentures is houses have faith in the sound | pending the approval of the pro-financial position of the town. Rate At Ajax | 8 DAYS LEFT | ) A ' nal [ \ atin eu rin ETE ow] OUR STOCK MUST | dE | rates new, rates it was noted that the 3 |annual rates compare favorably | L ith the big! Tales Ko um with other municipalities in the bills annually. "The present Frous|CTOvince, Tauy of oa ich show : : i quarterly bill is $5. The new rate| "1 "0. "100 Gated that the new Prices Reduced Again, Again, Again Beh i ver dicot 10S cr 3 0 ov TO CLEAR OUT COME IN THIS WEEK-END AND SEE THESE de me, rots vil become of. rose" ne water wer wile | OUR LEASE EXPIRES OUTSTANDING VALUES IN GE. APPLI- January 15, 1959. tion of water does not increase The decision coincides with ap-lin the same ratio. : M NOW AND SAVE! Report Plans a OCT. 25 ANCES BUY THE czmmees| fa Uogue ge GENERAL @D ELECTRIC ReadyFor [Zin iciz| = Masquerade «= 5 i giant 13 Cu. Ft. Refrige rator | Speaker for the evening was K. J. McInnis, administrator of ~~eN FRE TILL © ) By GRACE MILLS the hospital, who spoke on the This easy-to-defrost model has all of the famous General Electric AJAX--The Hospital Auxiliary NeW hospital insurance plan. features: straight-line design, exclusive revolving shelves, magnetic + Coffs yas served i met for 'its regular mmthly COMee Was Served in the lounge. nt aa door and more! Big freezer compartment holds 74 Ibs. of frozen meeting October 14, in the nurses' residence. with Mrs. W food W. Tomlinson in the chair. ® Adjustable door shelves ® Egg racks i eto , JTeported > Q--How can ELMBROOK FARMS ® Twin vegetable crispers ® Chiller tray cepted a number of attractive ® Butter compartment ® Ice cube storage $5 orighus articles for the pro- sell H | G HH F S T QUALITY ® Magnetic safety door @® Revolving shelves Mrs. G. Hepditch, membership convener, said that a number of letters of invitation had been E S T ! sent to newcomers to the dis- MEATS at the L 0 WwW trict, and several new members | HARVEST u had joined the Auxiliary since | the last meeting. PRICES 2? Mrs. W. E. Ellis, linen' conven-| . er, reported that a bolt of white Y E sheeting had been made up into draw sheets, one dozen tray cov. ers and six nurses' scrub dresses ma one'tit of men on | A----Because when you SHOP at sheeting was cut up and distri- buted at the meeting for litho- [0 pics, nd silo Se ELMBROOK FARMS b I os Eo a atm. you buy SE DIRECT from the PRODUCER p-- motion: "That the constitution 250 cession fl be ded low th : * - -- = ER 2 & | GENERAL@D ELECTRIC EIDE All FRESH MEATS are PRO eT 1959, and ensuing years, instead | are - - sso, oe " of January of each year. Thy Youd. sflow Sonveners to 7 , 7 y y " oll EGE BEL DUCED OWN FARMS || fl EL. Siu, ii the "fal tv vy on our ; g ? U Oma iC Jects. ' ; = , New ideas f tient's tray| : 6. og Sram I and brought DIRECT to YOU, - a uw G. Jones gave an interesting re- rt th i 1 ing, iia . as 1" . : held at McLaughlin Hall, Osh. the CONSUMER The "big range' that saves kitchen space . . . centralized Control . EE awa, recently, which she and i her includes push-button for Mrs. Temple attended. Panel on the Aluminum Backsplas c p Mrs. J. Jennings reported five-heat, six-position controls . . . easy three step automatic oven- plans for the annual masked ball h th toticall roll d were completed, and asked that f i i i i -timer . . . thermostatically-controlle all money from ticket sales be | iy ' timer combined with minute-timer y not later than Friday, October 17. The dance takes oven temperature . .'. automatic oven light. Calrod elements. Pate nv Commmiuily ostre THURS., FRI., SAT. | po Special Hi-Speed Surface Unit. No-Drip raised edge cooktop. RJAX PERSONALS | ~~ @ FEATURING EXTRA SPECIAL eo 1 ¢ 00 AIAX Sr Cn i James | LEAN BONELESS TH IS . pit Repay k POT RO BST 3 5 an Ide {| | = WEEKEND arents, Mr. and Mrs. : SHORT 3 ----t AFTER i Sn. \ ONLY Mrs. A. Schrumm Jr., of Terre- bonne Heights, Quebec, who at- 1b. (J | tended the party, were weekend EE ET guests of Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Roberta Smith celebrated her 18th birthday at the same time. i Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Thompson, FRESH Sweet Pickled Admiral road, left Thursday, by, X T 35¢ air, for a two-weeks combined LB. business trip and visit with rela- tives in England. ~ FRESH Sliced Breakfast BACON uv. 99° | GENERAL @ ELECTRIC EXTRA Cooked Wringer I | PRE-WINTER | WIENERS _ 30" HAM =~ 87-1 is WASHER ECIAL | SHOULDER ~- 37+ |SPARERIBS .55°| (7 WITH PUMP Features Durez plastic activator SAVE on FARM FRESH BEEF & PORK b . .. "quick-clean" 3-Zone wash- ing action . . . powerful pump DIRECT FROM OUR OWN FARMS Ee ---- . + . plus a host of G-E work- ELMBROOK FARMS Skinless saving features! Gets clothes 76 cleaner, easier! Large family- FARM FRESH Small Link | EXTRA Smoked Ne size capacity . . . all G-E Washers Automatic | SAUSAGE 2 Les. 98-. Bacon Squar es 2 He 4 hold nine pounds of dry clothes. LB. WATE ¥ LORN MEAT 3:9 9+ ; AA oy There's new freedom when you own a new G.E, 00 ~~ 1 Clothes Dryer. It eliminates the hours wasted, i EATE RS HOT DOG or Hamburg "e | FRESH Lean Minced Shoulder Il hanging and taking down clothes and waiting . / NO. 40 HEATER {l BUNS OF YA 1+ : STEAK LB. 39+ ll for them to dry. Single Element i 10 Year Guarantee | EXTRA 16-01 LOAF | ON SALE 00 AFTER 70.95 "Fin BREAD 2 tor 31] [| AT ONLY Special 719-95 ' TRADE No. 40 CLASS LINED Remember, If It's Meats It's SEE THEM NOW AT YOUR 10 Year Guarantee Doble' Sloman ELMBROOK FA DMs ' AUTHORIZED GENERAL ELECTRIC DEALER Special 1099 F THE HOUSE OF QUALITY M ETT E 272 ALBERT ST. DIAL RA 8-1244 FREE PARKING AT REAR OF STORE PLUMBING CO. LTD. || | STORE HOURS - Thurs. & Fri.- 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. all other days 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. 78 SIMCOE ST. N OSHAWA RA 3-2815 23 CELINA RA 5-3279 |