[J fon Wednesday for its support on [the Formosa crisis. and said that "in the face of the powerful Sino- of the season Peterborough have " {Soviet unity the aggressors are {now won three in a row, and get RED SHINA THANES RUSSIA [forced to think hard about their {their big test in Toronto Saturday nist China thanked Hp nu fate. afternoon inst th against the Canucks. | MAORI HEADS MISSION - . ' . The Old Boys held Pet - 78, SENT TO JAIL PORT HOPE -- fn a league, ou€ Of POVS Nel Peerbor posts and then Jack White gavel AUCKLAND (Reuters) -- CM. hands of the TCs VANCOUVER (CP)--Mrs. Pal- game Port Hope's Trinity cafh- 7 p th 1 been Thanksgiving Day, Oshawa Cen- mira Bezzasso, 78, was sentenced pus, the Peterborough rugger iy a bin the 'inners broke ie Pates au 30 lo. ais Tom org Berd fen, aptolnes tral Seconds also were decisioned Wednesday to six months in jail club, boasting many Port Hope on jus a rl all-time when Paul, LF jon, th the 'clear ton Po vom Dr Treg by TCS Juniors 'to *he tune of a for bootlegging. The aged woman players in the iineup, kept their = con Scored a touchdowy, score under the posts, and the head a diplomatic mission abroad was fined $200 for a similag con-/chances for a playoff berth wide, With a nice bit of rnning Den- added goal point was good to Prime Minister Walter Nash an- open when they trounced the Old nie Martin scored between the make the final tally read 130. !nounced Wednesday. [to victory with a brace of touch-| downs v3ile Dave Hodgetts and |Kit Lay ccurne also picked up . Tuniors Take 0 h 4 touchdowns. Cus : t is Hyd - Ss awa Squa verted yg Ei or bh | Port Ho PORT HOPE -- While their hig- Doth their points on single kicks. pe Boys from Torohto, by a 13-0 Rugger At |= ™™ ™ * "\ NEWS BRIEFS After losing the 6 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursdey, October 16, 1958 HonorCanadian Club - Founder At Ceremony BOWMANVILLE -- A smalljus and make us think on a broad- tenant - colonel of the unit. erowd of citizens and civic and|er scale," he declared. Col, McCullough passed away 26-2 score. 'as fine 00 * provincial dignitaries gathered in| Prof. J. M. S. Careless, of the April 2, 1947. Ton Burton led the TCS gang viction in 1955. front of the new library here University of Toronto and a Wednesday afternoon to honor member of the Historic Sites the memory of one of this town's Board, said that the event was . native sons, the late Col. Charles distinguished in every way, but R. McCullough, who founded the particularly because it honored a Canadian Club Movement here in'no'able Canadian, February 1893 Other speakers included Miss Mi thi McCullough of Flora Galbraith, who conveyed Hammon "his dnughter, unveiled the congratulations of the char- the plaque which is the first such |tered members of the Bawray plaque in Bowmanville but gre Ve women's club, and Mrs. of a series erected ann-yly Beth Teeple, secretary of the throughout the province by the Bowmanville women's club, who Ontario Archeological and His. expressed the congratulations of torical Sites Board. Rev. H. A Mrs. Gordon D. Conant, of Osh- " o icat- awa, vice - president of the Asso- Tarser, of Sovsmany ile dedica ciation of Canadian Clubs. L. W.| Notable among the 'guest Dippell, past president of the| speakers was Rev. John W. Men's Canadian Club, acted as) Footé, VC, MPP for Durham, chairman of the ceremonies. | who 'remarked that the plaque in| The late Col. McCullough was born in Bowmanville on February | it ' not of great conse- es i he Nt sien ant be. 18, 1865. After receiving his edu-| cause it honored a great man, Cation he taught in Belleville un- who stressed the broadening of til 1888 when he moved to Ham- the mind and not the materialis- ilton. It was there that he first) tie aspects of life which have conceived the club as a means dominated our society. of stimulating natiopal pride Greater interest has been cre- With the aid of four young ated in our heritage by the work friends, ; v. Sanford . va 3 5, of the board in marking historic James Ferres, Henry Carpenter. places and honoring famous per-|and George Fearman, he started sons, Too often the great heritage {0 organize the first club. On y February 15, 1893 the first con- : ver- ' Ao of this hroviscs lias Bong ™ | stitutional club was formed with | Sanford Evans as president. | NEED PROUD OUTLOOK Since that time the movement Mayor Nelson E. Osborne, of has spread ' across the country Bowmanville, said that it was a and present membership is esti- fitting event to take place in the mated to be about 40,000, towr's centennial year. Apart from this aspect of his "Throughout the year our life Col. McCullough served as thoughts have been centred on/one of the original officers in the| the town, but this plague com- Argyle and Sutherland Highland- memorates a man who had ers, known at that time as the broader visions, and I think it 91st Regiment. On his retirement should serve as a guidepost for he was made honorary lieu- § BOWMANVILLE and DISTRICT : Representative -- R. CZIRANKA -- Phone MA 3.7224 ; . : Need Juniors : Form League ge pene vee fH WHEN YOU BUY SAV-4-SEALS Hockey League the recreation de- Registration for children 5 7% AT YOUR FRIENDLY GRAND UNION ger brothers were accentir~ a one-sided 30-6 trouncing at the EAE SE vo i partment has decided to accept crafts will be conducted at the boys who were seven years of age Lions Centre Saturday, Oct. 18 at| as of Aug. 1, 1958, Another 30/10 am. If enough interest is boys are sought to provide a full shown in this group, instruction complement for the six teams in will start Oct, 25 Friday, Oct. 17| the league, and any boys inter- registrations will be conducted ested may pick up registration for the children's theatre. Mem. | forms at the recreation ofice. bership to the theatre group is| The department also needs open to a children from five to eight coaches for the minor hock-| years of age. CANADA'S FINEST GRADE "A" RED BRAND ey teams and anyone interested Listed below are the times for has been asked to contact the de- et / = : : : the Wednesday afternoon dancing| ¥ 4 : " A {classes under the supervision of | n / Yr : J y pu dung classes; . scheds Trea Harvey: oul O% s| : Buy SAV-A-SEALS 'every time you shop | $hvert Fir sompieied Jouks into a : y CI * 3:30 p.m. -- pre-school ( . ot your GRAND UNION Supermarket, 5 ond wort 5.00 after one uled to start Jeduestiny Bight, years); 4:00 p.m, -- ballet (6 - 8] # You moy purchase @ 5¢ seal with. fatty i an xorth Tn Pac yeor . . . or... hold it at $25.00 BLADE YOUR MONEY have been Sejajed; tis Expect C years); 4:30 p.m, -- primary bal-| every 50¢ purchase . . You may now convert your ome value for five more years end earn ONE . BACK GUARANTEE that classes will get underway joi; 5.00 p.m. -- grade .- ballet;| § ' pleted books into $23.00 cosh » » + 6% per annum interest, 1 B . e --_-- 5:30 p.m. -- junior majorettes; 7 J TW » . 6:00 p.m. -- beginners tap; 6:30 Z i REMOVED LB. . Line Up uests p.m. -- senior primary tap; 7:00) ; NO FAT : Po : "ADDED p.m, -- grade . tap; 7:30 p.m. -- For Ice Show "teen twirlers; 8:00 p.m. -- inter. mediate baton, BOWMANVILLE -- Two guest stars for this year's skating club carnival were announced yester-, day by Jack Wilde, new skating | * pro for the club. The artists are + James Hutchinson and Bronwyn Brothers, both of Stratford Mr. Hutchinson is a former star of the Ice Follies and is presently skating with the Guelph College Skating Club. Miss Brothers, who is only 11 years old, has been skating for the past six years and even at this early age is in the advanced stages of figure skat ing. Consideration is also being given to adding two more gues! stars to the list. This season's carnival will be held Feb. 21 and 22 with re- hearsals beginning in the early part of January. So far the registration has reached about 65 members and more are expected before the end of the month. Last year the club had a membership of 150, Name Officers Eastern Star BOWMANVILLE -- Mrs, Eva Warren has been elected Worthy Matron, and Harold Freeman Worthy Patron of the Durham Chapter 181 Order of the Eastern ea ad " . . ' x 5 . . . ' » , . Ld 1 ' ' . » CANADA'S FINEST RED BRAND SHORT RIB ROAST .49¢ MILD CURE . 59¢ Bacon Squares 39¢ A, > 39¢ HIGHLINER QUICK FROZEN 33¢ Save 3 woys--buy Top Quality Foods for less ot your GRAND UNION. Buy SAV-A.SEALS every week ot the check-out, convert to SAV-A-BONDS and let your savings earn 13.6% the first yeor. FRESH SIDE SPARE RIBS MAPLE LEAF "BIG 8" FRESHLY SLICED PORK LIVER * This does not constitute an offer for sale of the Bonds or a solicitation of an offer 10 buy the Bonds, the offer being solely contained in the Prospectus with respect to the Bonds. A copy of the Prospectus containing complete information with respect to the Bonds may be obtained yu request from the store manager of any Grand Union store of Carroll's Limited situated in Canada, HEINZ MUSTARD 45¢ HEINZ KETCHUP 2: 45¢ HEINZ SPAGHETTI 4: 65¢ VEGETARIAN BEANS .... 4: 65¢ iio ne 5Y¢ x18 88¢| It is @ voluntary plan. You may turn in your SAV-A-SEALS or SAY-A-BONDS at any time ond receive your full money back, even if your book is not completed. 2402, 3 FISH wo CHIPS 7 69¢ EXCELSIOR-BUTTERED BEEF STEAKS > 49¢ -49'| "2 als 2 5¢ PKGS. 2 3 1B. 2 B¢ 16 OZ JARS 4 FANCY GRADE, RED McINTOSH APPLES CRISP HAND-PICKED SPINACH CARROTS 7. Tes reas ny 15 OL | . = CANS | Completing Training Private Archibald W. Bat- | ams, 22, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Battams, of Bowman- ville, has enlisted in the army and is now completing his de- pot training with the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light In- fantry at Griesbach, Alta. Pri- vate Battams attended SS No. 3, Darlington High School prior to his enlistment. 15 OL CANS CRISP, WASHED NO. 1 GRADE TARTAN STOLES CHOCK FULL OF MILK NUTRIENTS VELVEETA CHEESE TEYEN BARA GERRY Star. THe new executive was annual CANAL CLOSES SPAGHETTI AND MEAT © BAUS 15% OL set 29° CLOVE® VALLEY 8 OL PKG. Cucumber Pickles 10 OZ ¢ 4::49 Est OLD CHEDDAR cc: HEINZ TOMATO SOUP CHEF BOY-AR-DEE 37¢ CLOVER VALLEY sor ¢ Medium Cheddar ci: ro 35 CLOVER VALLEY sor ¢ MILD CHEDDAR CHeese PKG. 33 BICK'S - 16 OZ. YUM YUM PICKLES 25 65¢ LiQuip STA-FLO wo 2°53 49¢ WHITE, YELLOW, PINK WITH ANAZIIG PKGS. ¢ = SCOTTIES Vr seo or 69 & INSTANT ACTING DETERGENT 10 FF EXTRA oi 75¢ NING SITE 1.33 8¢ OFF TOILET § BEAUTIFUL BATH 41¢ BARS named at the chapter's election meeting held in the Odd- fellows Hall Tuesday night Other - members of the new executive are Mrs. Meta Moffatt, associate matron; Allen Moffatt, associate "patron; Mrs. Beth Teeple, secretary; Mrs. Leola Thrasher, conductress; Mrs. Flor- ence Tillson, associate conduc- tress; Mrs. Jean Lobb, trustee; Mrs. Olive Moffett, PM, Mrs Greta Brown, PM, and - Mrs, SUBSCRIBERS Vivian Pickard, PM, auditors, TIMES GAZETTE BOWMANVILLE FOR MISSED | ror misseo pavers ano PAPERS BOWMANVILLE'S FINEST IN AJAX TAXI SERVICE PHONE if you have mot received your STEVEN'S TAXI Times-Gazette by 7 p.m. call MA 3-5822 AJAX TAXI If you have not received your PHONE Times-Gozette phone your cor AJAX 333 vier boy first, If you ore unable | to contact him by 7:00 p.m. All salls must be placed before 7.30 p.m. { CHEF BOY-AR-DEE 15% OL BEEFARONI set 29°¢ 4 ROBIN HOOD CHOC. CARAMEL, APPLE, LEMON PUDDING MIX 2:3 49¢ --FEATURE oF THe WEEK! -- MONARCH MARGARINE LUX SOAP COLOURS 1 LB. $ PKGS. GIANT SURF 0: ore Wim Free sivERWARE "ge 75c¢ ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE OCT. 16, 17, 18 -- WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. Open Every Thursday and Friday Until 9 P.M. NORTH PLAZA, AJAX © DUNDAS STREET, WHITBY RR PETERBOROUGH (CP)---Navi- gation on the Trent Canal sys- team, linking Trenton and Georg- ian Bay via Peterborough and Orillia, officially closed for the season Wednesday, superintend- ing engineer for the system, W. David Bennett, said, ONIONS: =. YELLOW COOKING / Invest Your Food Savings SAV-A-SEALS AND SAVE TWICE! BAGS POLY LB. ¢ BAG Iss Nd ire raRN SLY re gaer TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAXI Calls Accepted Between 7 «7:30 p.m. Only EE EE EE EE