I ----_----_-- BE a EE = TE = --_-- WHITBY and DISTRICT @ | (also Beverwyck Gardens) in Hol- i hand showing fields of Marechal Niel CHEERLEADERS AT WHITBY DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL Whitby District High School's talent isn't all on the football do an effective job of cheer- | of that, These five lovely young | ing their teams to victory. | ladies are the senior cheer- field--and this picture is proof leaders from WDHS and they | They are from the left: Pat George, Diane Nesbitt, Gerry | Matthews, Virginia and Carol Dart. Photo by Robertson. Kinsmen To Give Hear Cf Elizabeth Fry | To Gannon Fund |At Thankoffering Meet Whitby Members Whitby Kinsmen Club unanimously Tuesday night of the announce voted | hallowe'én party there would be a The {ren on Oct, 31 Autumn thankoffering| The society was formed in 1951 for the child- meeting of the afternoon Auxi-|through the efforts of the Uni. The event will liary of the Woman's Missionary tarian Women. The society aids/such a depth of frost, they flour- Mrs, A. J. Brady, Mrs, O. Moore. | to begin at 7 p.m, and is being held Society was held in the United the rehabilitation df women who Atkinson | 'Bulb Planting Is 'Garden Club Topic The president, Mrs. 8. Burns, presided over the October meet- {ing of the Whi rden Club, |when John Cox of "Beverwyck |Gardens, was the guest speaker. (Mr, Cox spoke on the planting; 'of bulbs for spring bloom and at thé beginning of his talk showed a number of colored pictures {taken at his "father's nursery These pictures were very fine, tulips, which are double earlies, in brilliant canary yellow and or- ange; or masses of pale pink hyacinths, the Pink Pearl vari- ety; or bright ranks of King Al- fred daffodils, He explained how the irrigation of these bulb fields was accomplished, and said that {the flowers were all picked by {hand at the proper time to give {the bulbs a chance to grow big- BP" | | Colored pictures of a myriad| of varieties were mounted on ply- {wood for easy viewing by the members, and were used as il- lustration also, to his talk, In giving planting instructions, Mr. Cox said tulip bulbs should be planted five or six inches| deep, unless the spot is likely to be very wet, when a four inch| depth would be sufficient, Small-| er bulbs should be planted less ' tion of the club to the speaker.| oi wishes are sent to her hop- deeply than tulips. STEM LENGTHS i Mr. Cox 'advocated taking note of the stem lengths of various kinds of tulips, so that graded banks of bloom may be achieved. "For planting next a house', {he said, "put the highest tulips |at the back of the bed, with grad- |ually shorter stemmed kinds next, so that a more colorful ef- fect may be obtained.' The speaker pointed to pictures of Dutch Iris, in lovely shades of blue, as well as in golden yel-| {low and pure white. "These are beautiful", he said, "but must be given much pro- | | ish, but in a Canadian winter can easily be lost if not protect: ed properly. However," he contin- ued, "they can be forced, Plant them in a box about six inches deep, and keep at a temperature of 45 to 50 degrees, They will come along." | For forcing tulips, Mr, Cox re-| commended the single and double early varieties saying that they, are fairly easy to grow in the house, . | "Crocus also, are nice for in-| side," he sald, "and if planted in containers similar to straw- berry jars, make a lovely show of | color." { To have good hyacinth bloom for the house, the speaker ad- vocated leaving the bulbs in pots outside, keeping them covered with leaves or straw so that the soil is kept cool, and when the growth is about three inches high, they may be brought inside. | "Hyacinths can be forced in a4 tne home of Mrs. A. Stanlick| from 20 to 25 days," he said. -For narcissus, the more sour the soll is, the better they like it, Mr. Cox said. Garden Club mem- FBYPA Meet In THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursdoy, October 16, 1958 § o Oshawa Home On Tuesday the FBYPA of Faith Baptist Church met at the home of Mr. Art Jones of Oshawa. There were 22 present, | The meeting was opened with the singing of choruses led by, the president, followed with a prarer by Jack Wilde, then an- nouncements and offering. FOR SALE Perfection Oil Space Heoter ond Two Oil Drums $50.00 for the lot R. H. QUINTON 225 Brock St. 8. Whitby, Ont. BEAUTY SALON 121 Byron 5. N. MO 8-3992 9 om «5 p.m, Mon, - Tues. 9am «9 p.m Wed. - Thum. 9 om - 6 pm. Fi. 9 am. - 12 a.m. Set, Prop: Mrs. Dorothy M, Switzer DOR-MAR | Elmer Andres gave the mes-| sage of the evening, choosing for 'his sermon the verse from, 2 Kings 5-1, Barry Jones closed the devotional period with prayer. This was followed by a time of games after which re- freshments were served. l Upon leaving, Mr. Bill Wilde thanked Mr. and Mrs. Jones for entertaining the FBYPA, Legion Auxiliary Prepares Bazaar The North West Group of the Canadian Legion Auxiliary met lon Tuesday evening with 14) members present, The leader, | Mrs. Stanlick welcomed back| Mrs. Gordon Brown, who ls now) bers were very interested in Mr, Cox's talk, and after the Weeling/ had many questions to ask him concerning the varieties shown in| his pictures, In a short speech, Mr. E. R. Elliott expressed the apprecia- FLOWER SHOW In the flower show for Octo- ber, which was judged by club members Mrs. E. R. Elliott, Mrs, J. A, West and Mrs. R, E. Smith, the following were de- clared the winners: Class 1, Vase of Hardy Mums -- Mrs. E. E. Bond, Mrs. R, Van- Horne, Mrs, A. J. Brady. Class 2, Corsage -- Mrs. E, E. Bond, Mrs, J. N. Wilkinson. Mrs. J, N. Wilkinson. Class 4. Arrangement of Fruit, flowers and leaves -- Mrs. R., VanHome, Mrs. J. N. Wilkinson, Class 6. For novice only, ar- tection against frost in Canada.|rangement of flowers in unusual {In Europe, where there is not {container -- Mrs. E. E. Bond, donate $50 to the Gannon Fire|, the Town Hall. |Church assembly hall on Tues- are serving or have served a| the family of Arthur Gannon, ro ive forthcoming ladies night. president, Mrs. J, Breckenridge, participation in this field; studies formerly of Whitby. IBill Rich will be chairman of/who is ill in Oshawa General|the causes of female erime and| The Gannon family Were the Christmas float being entered Hospital. Mrs, Carroll opened treatment of offenders. burned out of their apartment ini; the Santa Claus parade. the meeting with the reading of September. Their three-month-| Guests at the meeting were: 8 thanksgiving poem. old daughter died in the blaze Tom Russell, Bob Taylor, George] Mrs. M. R. Davidson took the brought about through the and their youngest son is in Russell, of Oshawa; Neil Ellis,|devotional, reading the lesson fluence and efforts of the society. serious condition in Sick Child- Ajax; Doug Taylor, John Jack-|from Deut. chapter 17th. "These dedicated women, realiz- ren's Hospital, Toronto. !son, Bob Vesey, Walt Haines| Mrs. Ross Hall, accompanied ing that we are all the product|gented in Whitby next month. The President Laurence Spellen and Frank Morrison of Whitby. [by Mrs, J. Beaton on the piano, of our heredity and environment famous Toronto Opera Festival -- omen sang "Count Your Blessings" /do a vefy special work through|/Company will present "The Bar- in-| | Probably for the first time' in istory, an opera is to be pre- nd There were reports from Mrs. education, training and in many| Seville" . Ask Precautions A. W. Richardson, Christian other ways to keep fit these rd bed oi Ms the Whithy Dis Stewardship secretary, and Mrs. fortunates to take their place infpniceg of the Whitby Concert Asso E. Bowman, treasurer. Mrs. C.'society," she said, ciation, on Nov. 12 * . R. Carscallen introduced the] Mrs. Carrol on behalf of the| The opera to be presented is n Ties guest speaker, Mrs, George Auxiliary, thanked Mrs. Grube Rpogsini's masterpiece, probably n Cc 00 ju |Grube, a member of the execu-|for her interesting informative|ihe pest known of all operatic (tive committee of the Elizabeth address. Miss E. Pirie and group works, It is to be sung in Eng- |Fry Society Toronto Branch.|served a cup of tea. lish so that no one, including chil- and/minor,' he said, dren, may be deprived of enjoy- WHITBY as the | ; . Mrs. Grube mentioned several] 1 H h S h | of the reforms which have been n 19 C 00 SR nave public to exercise greater precautions regarding children involved in accidents at school, the Public School Board 'made each injury aad opt, he pi On Mr. Fairman said he would| speak to the principals of the| Elect Executive ing the story as well music. This comic opera Is being presented in its entirety with lav- ish costumes by a most capable group of artists. Singers like Jan Rubes, Pat- ricia Snell, and Andrew MacMil- lan are already well known to television viewers, radio listen- ers, and concert patrons in many parts of the world. They and others have been assembled to form one of the most talented casts ever to tour Canada, Mrs. Maude, From 'its inception 10 years decided Thursday night. {schools and make a point to a et wre eo me ern be rel At EQStern Star ed a motion by Terence Moore attention at a forthcoming meet: that: teachers be instructed to i | Whitby Chapter Order of the|utes by the secretary, Mrs. Del- take greater precautions regard- {Eastern Star No. 248 held its reg-|phine Conibear, we reports ing accidents In schools and| See Rlask Fil ular meeting on Tuesday eve-of the various committees elec- when Bas sre injuries or sus. a rims ning at the Masonic Hall with the tion of officers was held, new pected | . worthy matron, Mrs. Mae Phair, officers elected for the comin treatment be sought or the child At WA Meeting | presiding, assisted by the worthy|year are as follows: 8 be turned over to its parents, | |patron, Mr. James Martin, and! Worthy matron, end that a responsible person' tne regular monthly meeting other officers, Boyes; worthy patron, Mr. ago, the Opera Festival Company accompany the child home. lof the United Church WA was| Following the opening cere- James Martin; associate matron, undoubtedly owes much of its Jack Moss seconded the motion held at the assembly hall on/mony Mrs. Jessie Johnston, con- Mrs, Jessie Johnston; treasuver,|success and renown to the direc- which was sparked by a report| Tuesday. The president, Mrs, L.|ductress, assisted by Mrs. Kath- Mrs. Bernice Moase; conduct-[.lon of Herman Geiger-Torel. from board chairman Fred Ing Richardson, opened the meeting|/leen Browne, associate conduct-ress, Mrs. Kathleen Browne; as-|Cities all over the world have regarding the injury to two chil-| with a thankoffering poem. The ress, introduced the following|sociate conductress, Mps. Jean|reason to remember him for his Class 3. Hallowe'en table --| ] | . Fund being conducted by thel "ap ou Silver volunteered to dar at 3 p.m. Mrs. W. I. Carroll|term in a. reform institution; | | RCA Victor © Kiwanis Club of Whitby to ald| cept the duties of chairman|presided in the absence of the| educates the public, to stimulate | (®) resen pera | residing in town, | Many articles were handed in| and displayed for the bazaar to be held in Nov. 25. Ome sick member was reported, Mrs, | Robert Johnston, who is in the |Oshawa General Hospital, Get ling she will be back with the| group very soon, Mrs, M.| Maunder, who was in the hos- |pital, was also welcomed back after a lengthy iliness, At the next meeting which will {be held on Nov, 4 at the home| of Mrs. I. Humphrys, of Byron treet north, the bazaar articles | will be priced, all members are| requested to be present. [ A lovely lunch was served by| "WELL, DEAR, MOTHER AND I WILL HAVE TO KEEP WARM THIS WAY UNTIL YOU DECIDE TO CALL A HEATING CONTRACTOR!" We Sell! We Install! We Service! We Guarantee! Always Call This HEATING CONTRACTOR WHITBY AUTOMATIC ; HEATING LIMITED E 409 BROCK ST. SOUTH PHONE MO 8-3652 Ed Mrs. Stanlick assisted by Mrs. G. McDonough and Mrs. V. Moore brought a pleasant even- ing to a close. rere -- | |BUTT RADIO 118 Brock St. 5. Whitby MO 8-3707 | TELEVISION | Montevideo, Rio de Janeiro, Frankfurt, Salzburg and New York. Apart from his work with the Opera Festival and at the Toronto Royal Conservatory, his infltence King Street Home end School Association are holding e RUMMAGE AND HOME BAKING SALE On SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18 || at 10 a.m: { ot the Council Chambers | has been wielded in many oper- atic CBC television productions since the beginning of TV in Can- ada. The Venetian born Ernesto Barbini has been the conductor of the company since 1953, He has conducted operas in all of the major Italian opera houses, hav- ing begun his conducting career at the age of 17. Seven years with the New York Metropolitan Opera house, and three seasons conducting at the San Francisco Opera House were behind him when he arrived in Toronto. Dr. George Brough, whom many may remember as the ac- companist for James Milligan at) the January concert this year, | SUPPORT SCOUTING by ettending Third Whitby Scout and Cub Auxiliary BAZAAR AND TEA TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 3-5 pm, I Parish Hall, All Saints' Anglican Church has been with the Festival Com- pany for several years as assis- tant conductor and pianist. The opera will be the first of three programs to be presented | by the Whitby Concert Associa. | tion this esason. The second con- cert will be given by the famous | Ray Dudley, pianist, and the third will consist of selections by dren from oné family, Mr. Ing minutes of the last meeting were guests: PDDGM, Mrs. Tena Rob- Sutherland: trustees, Mrs. Lou-/Work as a director, motion pic- said he had learned from the chil- read and approved and the|erts, Sunbeam chapter, Oshawalelia Cook, Mrs. Elsie Goose, PM, ture actor and director, lecturer dren's father of the incident. {treasurer's report was also/ (Honorary member of Whitby Mrs. Mary Inkpen; auditors, and conductor . , , Buenos Aires, the well known Solway String Quartet under the direction of Morris Solway. The man's little girl was struck |read. chapter), Mrs. Winnifred New- Mrs. Grace Guthrie, Mrs. Violet | by a snowball last winter and| The Oshawa Presbytery WA ton, Fidelis chapter, North Bay; Kemp and Mrs. Julia Thomas, - . | doctor's reported she may have meets at the Whitby United Presiding matrons and patron, PM, | lost the sight of her eye. Her Church on Thursday, Oct. 23, all Mrs. Dorothy Haley, Sunbeam The worthy matron expressed 1 Y nite urc brother was tripped in gym and ladies of the church are invited chapter; Mrs. Victoria Balsdon, her thanks to Mrs. Tena Roberts, suffered a broken ankle. |to attend. The group is plan.| Ontario chapter, Pickering; Mr./PDDGM, presiding matrons, Mrs. Ining a bazaar to be held Friday, Harold Sheliey, Sunbeam chap- Victoria Balsdon and Mrs, Dor- KEPT UNTIL 4 P.M, Nov. 7, at the assembly hall, |ter; past matrons and. patron of othy Haley; presiding patron, Mr In both cases the children were npg ' S. Murdock took the Whitby chaoter; Mrs. Alma Rid- Clare Balsdon; past patron, Mr,| kept at school until 4 p.m., Mr. jayotional and Mrs. R. H. Mac-|1ey, Mrs. Anna Patterson, Mrs.|Frank Train, for their assistance) In keeping with Thanksgiving Ing said. The girl was injured Carl announced the program | Elsie Goose (Grand representa-|in the elections. Final plans were|the Whitby United Church Ving! on a Thursday and her brother for the Harmony Group which tive to the State of Texas), Mrs. made for the bazaar and tea to beautifully decorated on Sunday the following day. : included a lovely solo bv Mrs, | Veronica Manning, Mrs. Juliajbe held on Saturday, Oct. 18 at|with fruits and flowers veget- | "The board does all it can to|T, Broughton entitled *I will| Thomas, Mrs. Grace Blow and 3 p.m. at the Legion Hall . lables and grains. The choir train teachers by providing St. sing of Thy Great Mercy" by|MI: James Martin (in office). | Mrs. Winnifred Newton under the direction of Mrs, J John Ambulance first aid course Mendelssohn. | t Is training," Mr. Ing stated. Supervising Principal, Earl A. interesting and informative com-|Balsdon, Ontario chapter; Fairman told the board he has mentary illustrated by beautiful [Martha Dunlop, Sunbeam chap-|the worthy matron and other|Siersma sang the solo cautioned both teachers and prin- pictures of Western Canada and |ter (Honorary member of Whitby members for their kindness ex-'Be To God". cipals about carefully checking Alaska which she took while/chapter); Mr. Frank Train, Sun-tended to her since she came tol Basing his remarks on any injury sustained by a child.|vacationing. Members of the/béam chapter. To Celebrate the| chapter. Mrs. Kathleen Browne and her|"A Day of Thank 1g After the reading of the min-'committee. ye egg Sunday would be Anniversary | Past matrons and patron from PDDGM, spoke briefly. She wish- Beaton sang the sm ** |" Mrs. E. F. Broughton gave an| visiting chapters: Mrs. Marie ed the new officers much success| A Good Thing To yg a est gg B -- Mrs. |for the coming year and thanked by McCormick and Mr. Harmen/give an illustrated talk on "'Thanks| recent | various mission fields. Other visitors Whitby. At the close of the meet-/103rd Psalm thc Minister, Rev. ls lendid col lm' i v ; . y . our soun . "We have accidents every/Sunshine group were tea|Were also present from Sunbeam ing refreshments were served by|John Smith, spoke on the them ed "'Split-Level ue Sy be shown in the : ROR Created To AGES Individual Requirements STAFFORD BROS. Monumental Works 318 Dundas East MO 8-3552 IT'S SKATING TIME AGAIN! THE ICE IS IN THE ARENA... . .» AND EVERYONE'S READY TO GO! Choose from our complete selection of Skates for every member of the family! HOCKEY SKATES by BAUER 95 A EI ID Tots' Black Hockey Skates: Strap Supports. Sizes 6-13 Boys' Hockey Outfits: 1 $9 Tendon Guards, Sizes 1-5 . [] Youths' Hockey Outfits: 14} Tendon guards. Sizes 11 to 13 Wn Men's Hockey Outfits: Foro Guards 9.95 ---- 14.95 £ -- 1996 CE Bobby Bauer Special ! DUFFLE BAG for 3.98 1 & 3d . dg @ t KE: Professional MEN'S HOCKEY OUTFITS HOCKEY OUTFITS skating equipment wEhEls By a3 SPECIAL! Adjustable Plastic or Rubber SKATE GUARDS FIGURE SKATES by BAUER Tots' White Figure Skates: Beor Hug Supports. Sizes 6-13 Child's Figure Skates: Sizes 8 to 10)2 Misser's Figure Skates: Beor Hug Ankle Support, 1 Sizes 11 to 3 8.95 ee 9.95 Ladies' White Figure Skates: a0 9.96 _ 14.96 9.95 Ladies White Tube Skates: Sizes 4 to 10 Ladies' Special White Figure Skating Outfit: Canadian Pro Skate ............ L OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9:00 P.M. COLLINS SHOE STORE 119 BROCK ST. SOUTH WHITBY -- MO 8-3476 Anniversary It was announced that next Day and that the Rev. A. C. Forrest, BA, BD, Editor of the United Church Observer, would world tour ouching On Fridav evening a brief but MISSED PAPERS IN WHITBY | Phone MO8-3111 | It you have not received your || Times-Gazette by 7 p.m, Call BELL TAXI All galls must be placed between 7 and 7:30 p.m. bly hall | Webber, Brooklin; Mr. and Mrs. | [Stanley Webber and daughters | Grace and Carolyn, Mr. and Mrs. | week, but injuries are mostly hostesses for the meeting. WHITBY | PERSONALS Grant Webber, Robert, Patricia, BROC Phone MO 8-3618 7 FJ | The 3rd troop Whitby Scouts and Scott, of Columbus. EVENING SHOWS 7-9 P.M. and Cubs Ladies Auxiliary of All| : Saints'. Anglican Church are hold-| Miss Wendylee Tran, of ling a bazaar and tea on Tuesday, Almonds, spent last weekend with | |Oct. 21 at the parish hall with the her uncle and avnt, Mr. and Mrs. | following conveners: bake table, [Henry Sonley, of RR 2, Whitby, | rs. H. J. Bowyer; kitchen, Mrs. | | |E. Harlow; sewing and knitting, | Mr. Paul Tran, of Waterloo Col-| |Mrs. C. A. Sturgess assisted by| ge: spent the thanksgiving] | Mrs. John Town and Mrs, M. Mc- weekend with his parents, Wr. |Kenzie; tea table, Mrs. V. W. and Mrs. Lorne Tran. Evans; white elephant, Mrs. L.| Mrs. J. Visser, of King street |H. Inkpen. The president, Mrs. G. is celebrating her birthday today. | Lomax, will receive the guests. | For the occasion a family reunion {has been arranged. Her friends wish her many happy returns of the day. | Mrs. Dorothy Ormiston, of Brock street south, is opening her home this evening to the mem- bers of the South West Group Ladies Auxiliary of the Canadian SATURDAY MATINEE 1:30 bd y / 5 ; f | Mrs. Mary Johnston of Oshawa, {spent the holiday weekend with | {her daughter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. James Wilde, of Henry street. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Simpson ac- companied by their nephew, Mr. LeRoy Switzer, of Lambton Mills, Toronto, spent thanksgiving week- end in Parry Sound as the guests of Mrs. Roy Land and family. Mrs. E. Rivett, Mrs. D. A. Dair and Mrs. I. Hicks were delegated by the 1st and 2nd Whitby Scouts and Cubs Mothers' Auxiliary to |attend the Provincial Committee for Ladies Auxiliary study course Bed Ja Toronto at the central DAY-BY-DAY WHITBY DUPLICATE BRIDGE Duplicate bridge for this week | North and South: Mi Winters, 55; Mrs. Mr MacGillivary, {and Mrs, Wells, 48. - or 2 - 2 4 = Thanksgiving visitors at the! East and West: Mrs. Butt and "A ot (home of Mrs. Leo Webber and Mrs. Barrons, 61%; Mr, and Mrs scores and Mrs Hunter and @%; Mr YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THE BIG HARRY DONALD Radio Broadcast OVER CKLB OSHAWA WHICH IS BEING RELAYED DIRECT FROM OUR SHOWROOM ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16TH Legion. FROM 7.05 'TIL 8 P.M. -- JOIN IN THE FUN WHILE WE CELEBRATE THE "ALL NEW ALL OVER AGAIN" 1959 CHEVROLET rrr - 2 a daughter Margaret, of Brock|Junos, 57; Mrs. Chubb and Mrs. dK WARDEN 8240 DEXTER: DON RIGKLES MEK CRAM qn JOHN GAY street south, were: Miss Jessie! Maundrel, BW. | WHITBY UNITED APPEAL Jin HELPING . , , THE UNITED WAY | sft eo RED CROSS e V.O.N. e C.N.LB. e |.LO.D.E. The Combined Objective For This Appeal . . . $10,000 The TARGET and the NEEDS Are GREAT in 68 Please Support Generously . . . i «+ + Be Glad You Can