THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thumdey, October 16, 1998 3 Plane Seen Mainstay Of World's Air Forces Service Road [ReunionPlan 420 Wing RCAF Is Requested [Announced Hears Air Marshal hon an rant geet mand | Canadians--Britons and Amer-|missiles in order fo correct yrrong Oshawa, Whitby Township and made by planning board mem- ber. It will lead the parade to the|i¢ans, too oe Do junping shes Inplession pM aves J | Whitby town are to ask the De-|bers at a previous meeting with| Cenotaph at the 10th _ annual|'™*. "0 age. Ar Marshal W. A He Jodie ¢1 ese Somin the {partment of Highways that a|the delegation that they would Ontario Regi A tion re- Curtis peg Any Chief of "ithe -Gazette ore service road be built north of|like to see the new building down-|union in Toronto Saturday, Nov. Staff. who De ocr olin meeting: 4 ) {Highway 401 as well as one to|town to link up with the police|8. The band was acquired through > W re 2 Meclng| On the Bomarc missile: "I gaa; ing|Of No. 420 Wing of the RCAF the south of the highway. Pre-|station and city hall making a|the permission of Ci ding', oe Werdnocday can't do ag much as a manned viously only one has been men-|city centre. Officer Lt.-Col. M. C. Finley. | a80cie or as blic re.fiBhter. It can be avoided by | tioned. It was felt by the delegation, The re-union is to be held for ou Bogart a a enemy aircraft dropping strips of This was stated Wednesday he said, that it might cost around gene days, Now, yay ded Jee Lp . Imetal to confuse its guidance 4 4 : |might by Ald. Walter R. Branch y ins a re-un n the arshal, presi-| stem." THESE ARE SOME OF THE | shal W. A. Curtis, former Chief | time of war. Plans are now be- | Tom Murphy, past president; |when he gave a report on a meet. $0.00 Jo Set such a downtown) imorden Legion Hall, Pape dent of the national RCAF Asso-"5 "die Avie CPI03: "It MEN to whom Oshawa would | of Air Staff and national presi- | ing made in this respect. Seat- | W. Paterson, secretaty; |ing recently attended by the fol-| ot a "cost to the taxpayers. Also|avenue, Friday, Nov. 7. ation and vice-chairman reported to be the 'best Hghter look for guidance in the event | dent of the association. The | ed left to right are: R. B. Field, | Charles Parkin, one of the five {lowing members of the municipal-| yo" area available downtown Saturday, Nov. 8, the reunion board i. i oe ads, designed since the war." hy w off a" Sack. Trey Beara, i Dy I I ea 4 | Sew Swen ies: Bi Har Heron, of Wilby would not accommodate all the i le hei Nv Maisiieaty Ses new executive. | On the Oshawa wing of the are new uificers. of 408 Wing. | time spongors 8, GE a | ; : shins Mavor 1 favor Storage, workshop and other taurant, ire ;| He reminded his listeners that| RCAF: "So far they have done RCAF Association, who were rons and assists in Air Force Curtis; W. Evans, second vice- | W. Brownell, Knox Hawkshaw |ford, of Oshawa; and Mayor buildings needed, but the Ross-| This will be followed by a irpl : tn] ellent work, They ite installed in a brief ceremony | welfare work, would be assign- president. Standing left to | and William Cox. Harry Jermyn, of Whitby. land road site, which thé Educa.|Parade to the Cenotaph at 3.30 the airplane was still the ig ent work, were qu Wednesday' night by Air Mar- | ed a civil air defence role in | right: F. Fernley, treasurer; | --Times-Gazette Photo Ald. Branch said there would jon Board already had 1d be/P-m. led by the Ontario Regi-|St8y of world air forces and that|a live group. : -- Elis - 'be a further meeting next week Hon oar grea y had, wou {ment Band. After returning from |the missile was at present merely) On the RCAF Association in to discuss the representations to| 2T8® enough. ; |the Cenotaph, members will have |2 complementary weapon. general: "In war it can be of i ; N Cent 3] the Highways Department. The board decided to reject an), opportunity to renew acquain-| "YOu'have to fight with the greatest help in civil air de nancerirm oOwIless Oo earn ew I G. A. Wandless, Oshawa plan-|application by the First Baptist|; coe until 6 p.m. when dinner| Weapons you have and not the fence. Nothing has been done {ning director, added there were ig that ioe bos change hs will be served. ones you will have, in a few|about this yet, but we are lining A .| policy c} not permi io |years' time," he said. up some things." . To Be Opened Ing. oath. mumicipanily. bur. tho| Churches to have parking lots sep, Cue% Weaker will be Brig. Vey Mee" boa uP some thes i the | feeling had been at the previous arated from a church in residen-| | c. o" ent Wo oC Ontarios. its thinking, Western air forces |following new officers: Jim Hum- Ross B. Mirls Co, 1d, opened, ting that the idea of the serv-|tial areas. The 8 per will assemble at/Were ahead in their planning, phries, president; R. B. Field, Superior Pikance Lill, Oshiws: w sa rie of i. taller vans ar ame Wahoo Sook. Hh ion ha ice roads be pressed first and| Whe a devas from He Shure Trinity United = Church, Bloor Aithongh o ne time being the ie + eigen; il] Fens, doe: was awarded a judgment of $390. ae ist Yegional meeting of) f th ie while th {been completely renovated inside| these problems tackled later. | referre € Doarc DY CU street west on Sunday, Nov. 9, at|emphasls fence wea -'on ae LT ; e Retarded Children's Associa-|of the scaie while the shorter NE {council was read, members com-|10 45 am and will parade into|Mmanned fighter planes, son, secretary; 'ernley, 97 against Thomas Clifford Ste-|; held in Oshawa recently. people are at the other end and|and out. The Johns Building has SOME OF PROBLEMS ted that it had already been|,. "io: VIL pay LEARN MORE treasurer: Art Bilton, W. Brown. vens and Agnes Stevens, of 1508|'lo0 Was held in Osha pope are i i It/been a landmark at 80 Simcoe| g, bl weal D0 tha ac Alreacy Deen |the church for divine service at X . uger; b. We Sim treet' worth in Oshawa The members of the associa-a e rest are in the middle. Jj? North tor many vests Some of the problems raised pefore the board several times. 11" ama. The air marshal urged wing|ell, Knox Hawkshaw, Charles eos. 2 ' tion's Region 6 discussed plans|is the middle group of people|® y years. were the traffic congestion on the| nr." wordless said there was 8| Rev. Waldo Smith, wartime| members to learn more about the Parkin and William Cox, direc. Division Court Tuesday. | i in Canada's first|that are the larger group. There-| Mr. Mills has installed it with|crom yell cloverleaf and the ques.| OF p c ti | Judge A. B. Currey, of Mani- B08 Duele i ER ig oth il hs ved to/the latest in floor coverings, |tion of an overpass at Stevenson Petition enclosed in the letter padre of the will as-|TESP Toles of aircraft and tors, $oulin Island, awarded the judg-| 00" 0 Nov 16 to 27. them." (which is a super-resilient mater-| or Thornton's roads. from 33 property owners saying|sist with the service. At this ser- |of the property and building com- ment to the finance company | Cai The session was chaired by|ial that makes walking on linol-| ™ parlier in the evening members|theY had no objection to the|vice all the members will wear » to| The Peterborough association or doi : eum give the comfort of ca: [ "| church having a car park just\medals and berets. { after he had ordered Stevens to| Charles World while the lectures g rpet | across the road from fis balling. 2s 43d bere i CCl nN | i the fi told of the various methods it © , , i {Mr. Mills stated that no other|,.: : i? | EE go to the i: yn dh) e ] nance used to raise funds in its cam. Were given by Mr, Anglin and store 'ini Oshawa had this ivpe of| Mittee of the Education Board at But, said Mr. Wandless, there] eompany and c e claim ol paign for $45,000 for retarded Beverly Dawes of Toronto. The A Sax i igh | tended the meeting to discuss the| Sore 26 residents who lived closer| [} : the company. The judge ordered Pa > lly ippefl four- Next regional meeting will be|flooring and he thought it quite site of the. proposed new admin-| 3 : did oot that Stevens be given courteous children. ully equippefl four) =, Peteriioraegh {possible that his was the first in|jc oi building to serve Oshawa tO the church who did object. | » treatment. {room school, with a recreation . Ontario. Another unusual feature! yoyo o1c 2 |Three families had signed both | qu Stevens, who appeared in court, (hall, was opened in May of this . lis the high lustre oreen finish Harold B. Armstrong, chair- petitions. | said that he disputed the validity year. | which is mosai¢ glass which adds| the jon, t h The members said they sym-| M ks 125th ¢ i i of his signature and later also The Oshawa Association -al- Ias alm {much to the complete front vias ot 4 * Jelegation Ee thre with the church but felt | ar A fafsic jacient ive ving ive ming. Be had isended questioned the amount claimed ready has a schooi in operation the building. ing committee intended to recom.|there was nothing they could do. | neig bors Jud 8 Seq Osh oe poy vel by the finance company. He in shor is planning a sheltered ior ; awa Division uesday. time Cc nt. bs t bee! " : mend to the Education Board that| Jt was decided to call a public . t 0% S : 1d th real th a hg a ir -- een lite Disallowed land already acquired at the hearing on a Toquest for rezoning Anniversar Y m avenue %. oo 70 per had oes to park on Sat left a 8 is Ch | | south west corner of Stevenson of property at the and south y id ¢ ssory note had been signed. las far as their abilities will let t ' i 4 cent negligent and Glen MacKin- side of the road near the drive Ty oncurren and Rossland roads should be the OR Cheney Svoule 3 Je Cer The congregation of St. An:|non of 1111 merle. asvenie,way of ther's Bouse 1) A civil action, arising out of a Donald Patterson, a former them go," said A. Holbrook, pre- : 3 . site p any, |sident of the Oshawa Retarded traffic accident, on Simcoe street : 3 drew's United Church will cele-|was found 30 per cent negligent/had kept to the left on Somer. employe of the finance company, siden ae they Teferred fo suggestionsito erect a building there. brate on Sunday the 125th anni-|in a traffic accident on Somer-|ville avenue but had given ne M + t were Children's Association. jnorth, June 26, was dismissed by T n rofhceteichiiofbnd ; pig yp i) had| Ay the members talked about|/JUdge A. B. Currey in Oshawa er ms ulven versary of its existence. ville avenue on Jan. 11, 1958. |signal before driving to the left Sls0 been signed by the accused. the 'abilities of the retarded enfig|P1¥i%ion Court Tuesday. The first services were held in| J qo A B, Currey of Mani |side. He stated that he had been The former employe said that of them looked upon the, A.claim of $97.09 in damages| Leo Goguen, 35, of 467 Ritson| O a et a log building on the hill opposite| .. ®7o- F ued no order as|Preceding the MacKinnon car all Were. cometimes ob- peti id a o 80 po! case. |? Gordon W. Seriver, of Oshawa, | road south, was sentenced to 18| Garrard road, a site which is pam oN Magy om case. McKin. the way from Rossland road tained on a blank form from|Charlotte Gentles, public inform. | 28@inst E. Woolfrey, of RR 2,(months definite and six months J now marked by a cairn. Here| =" Fe Co plaintiff suing|and Simcoe street. clients with the amount to be (ation chairman of the Ajax, Newsastle, Was not allowed, indeterminate on each of seven Rev. Robert Thornton. a young|e, damages of $170.85 caused by| Constable D.W. tes- ph x hd Dillabough 1% J Ad river testified that the acci-|ch, s of tributing to juven-| minister from Scotland, began a : i in later. Mr. Patterson said d Whitby Associa- A charges of con ng u J I » beg , while Lyons entered tified that he had estima fat a hee had 31 ope me Lom. nk ance tn this she en, 12d secured 'mn Simcoe ie dnncy wien ener. LS LI1SCUSSE As whic ase for ne he cede, Wh Lyon entered lid thet, be "hud, estimate been to Stevens, in the taient- / hrm | Scay oe aa pisLral ' : i t $70. which er nial. ge eniid pete probleme "for |nue. He had been driving south|Frank S. Ebbs in Whitby magi-| A lecture on "shop safety" was|mented, "then the fourth will] In a short while a substantial MacKinnon testified tha hala i de Iving tuis Nas 0 % fof the When he heard a "click" and, strate's court. { d ti { the Central |Sometimes get results." | church was erected at the corner|had followed Lyons' car on -| The officer felt that $170 of Stevens den! his wif this| years BN a» the Wor eq |after stopping, found that his| Goguen's sentences are to run|N€2rd at a meeting of the Centra of Thornton's road, which served|erville avenue. Lyons had made/damages claimed by MacKinnon . 1 right rear fender had been dam-| ntario Distr nternational Ac-| a left hand turn without giving|c ve e ES te SU SES ec ny LS Ga i ron Ac hw sis [oT dS le nt tegen ne Kas fs 3 a car, i sii . a. agree with od sail; "fhe talented child or BOt seen the direction from Which | seven Cirged WE Yhjeidem Rrovamtion' As REAOR ne dangers in shops where acci- that Sime the Srowih of Oshawa fo ollie with the rear of Lyons' |pointed out some rust on a dent the practices of the finance com|gifted child is quick to learn and, |"® Woolfrey car had been com. | juvenile delinquency from Jan.|Church by approximately 200. [dents could occur. The slides beginnings at the "Four Corners" automobile. in the bumper to MacKinnon, who pany," commented Judge Currey.|ag a result, learns more quickly| Wooltrey toid th L, 1958 to Sept. 30, 1958. The| Guest speaker was Byng Showed oo when handling heavylover a wide area, warranted the| MacKinnon admitted that he|told home that he had been in a "You go down to the offices of than the ordinary child, of which a vm oid 'the ain nat he|charges involved seven different Binglemen, of De Fasco plant, ful . carrier should removal of the church from its had two or three beers earlier in/previous accident. the tompany and 1 will see that there is a larger group, the re."ad been going south in a heavy|boys, all minors. The case was|BEnine Hoh safety inspector. Careful of strain; another illus-\Thornton road site to its present "This case involves two you are given the cooperation tarded child is a child who jofline Y traffic os Simcoe street. | later transferred to family 'court. "Ignorance" ssid Mr. Bingle | tration was sweep it up, pick it|location at the corner of Bruce bors," commented Judge Currey, you are entitled to." siow to learn. [left turn' on" to. Simeoe strect| gira ioncing the accused. Ma-| _ 810%ance. | sald Mr. Bingle-|up. make it safe: and a Job isn tland Simcoe streets. RICHEST LODE "who will feel less so after this Stevens later told the court that| "Take away the age-old stg-\, oadside to his. Mig Nay eo iissrate Bile oi hi gt there) thing and Simi finds | ome tg upless it is done safe-| Tne building erected there| Homestake Mine in the Black case is over". i of " . / 0 wor: =| i} po > 2 i ne ge dg Ta go the|the brakes and tried to avoid a|ing young 2 a" COPTaY-Iabout it." Mr. Binglemen blame Mr. Binglemen, who has been spout 40 ears, erika on for|Hills of South Dakota is .re- gs . f about 40 years, when the present ol ) | collision by going to the right but poor plant keeping for the vast connected with safety work f puted to be the richest lode of retarded child," said Miss Gen Could NOL BY oot oT a ra] | ty OF church was built 58 years ago. Wi e not mentally ill / number of factory accidents many years, urged management .|g0ld in the western hemisphere. PAPERS IN ARCHIVES [es in hii a their hosts Woolfrey also stated that TIO Six Which oteur each year. and employes to work closer to- hie iY, 3% 8, ur. HARE OPTICAL OTTAWA (CP)--The personalito learn was brought about by|Scriver had smelled of alcohol] LONDON (AP) -- President| "The average 'Joe' always gether in a safety conscious cam- been served by eight ministers papers of M. J. Coldwell, CCF |some damage done by such dis- ivi had told him after the acci-|Tito of Yugoslavia is ill and will looks to his supervisor for guid-|paign. "Safety has gone a long the present incumbent being Rev. EDUCATION HELPS JOHN A OVENS party leader since 1942, have|eases as German Measles and|d€Nt that he had been late for|have to undergo prolonged med- ance," he said, "and therefore,|way in the last few years," he George Telford, D.D. of been deposited in the public arch-|brain fever." work. His testimony was sub- ical treatment for lumbago, the the supervisor must be qualified said. Beginning its life as a part of MEN TO MARRY Optometrist ives here for safekeeping. Gerry Anglin of Toronto, p|itantiated by Mrs. Woolfrey. |official Yugoslav news agency|in the three E's and possibly a| Concluding, Mr. Binglemen the Presbyterian Church in Can- B The 8 - year - old party leader| member of the Provincial Retard-|, Colstable D. W. _Dillabough Tanjug reported today. [fourth." The three E's that Mr. commented, "to act on what you ada St. Andrew's, by a majority| Studies reveal that four out 8 BOND ST. EAST says the papers which includeled Children's Association Com-|*®S pe that the accident had oc- A Tanjug dispatch safd the 64. Binglemen spoke of are engineer- (learn is what really matters." [vote of its members, became a| ©f five woman would like to HOURS "all sorts of things" won't be BC-/miltee, agreed with Miss Gentles Sari just south of a driveway|year-old Yugoslav leader now is|ing, education, and enthusiasm.| Jack Anderson of the Goodyear congregation of the United| marry a man with more edu- --- - eessible to the public for an lh pointed out that everyone oy ta apartments on the east side} at Brioni where he wili spend The fourth E is embarrassment. Rubber Company, Bowmanville, Church of Canada in 1925. Thef Cation than themselves. 9 AM --§ P.M. definite time. lisn't of the same height. He said: |°f Simcoe street. some time in medical treatment." "If the other three fail," he com-|was elected chairman for the church was greatly enlarged by Don't: just hope for good Wed. Unth 12:30 P.M. - -- coming season. Immediate past the addition of a wing on the| tenants for your vacancy, as- Set. Until 2:30 P.M. L chairman is D. Newman. The|sanctuary and a splendid Sunday| Sure yourself of them with : a. COMING EVEN [ {TAPA holds about five meetings School building in 1926-27. Times-Gazette Classified Ads. PHONE RA 3-4811 TS = (throughout the winter season. | The congregation has pre-| To start your ad, just dial For on appointment ror Ei, Sir . i served its distinotive Shiaracieris: RA 3-3492 now. UMM, , St. Andrew's Church, | Scout. Rall, and tics under the leadership of its RUMMAGE Sale. 3. Fg eh 241a | Buena Vista, Friday, October 17, 8 p.m. | | various ministers. It is Soy at pubmed dint situ Braid Bist Bo Baath tnt abit prizes, lunch served. Admission 50c. ad 0 3 RUMMA ood used clothing, : | the height of its powers in mem- G! le, & Simeos . Rall, Friday, October i} oy ive SALE. OF bership and influence. Tanners Local S¢1l and buy used skates os handling i The Anniversary services on LADIES Auxiliary of Tannery, cal charge. Children's Arena, Saturday, Oc-| | 205. Bingo at the Avalon, Thursday. tober 18 and 25, 2 - 4 p.m. Further | Be Held Here Sunday will be addressed by Rev. : | 16, 8 p.m. Six jackpots. 240b in jon phone RA 5.7673. M. C. Macdonald, DD, of Toronto ici rn us . oW bedfrL | who will be present at both 50-50 CLUB NOVEL BINGO g ) {| A United Sunday School Con-| morning and evening services. vention commences this Thurs-| The evening service will be pre- | Thursday evening, 8 p.m. i day night in the Simcoe Street| ceded by an organ recital by Mr. ANNUAL ot St. George's Hall, Albert | Pentecostal Church. It will con-|Kelvin James, the organist and ond Jockscn St. Games $6, } tinue Friday afternoon and even-|choirmaster of the church. $12, $20. May be doubled % ; ing as well as all day Saturday. i TURKEY SU PPER 3 Jripled re. Rips Sunday School nll i i RAISE BISHOPS' PAY HALF CRYOVAC LEAN 2-3 LB. AVERAGE {ve of denomination are invited] HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP)--The ¢ SIMCOE STREET Sept. 17, 18, 24, 25, Oct. 1,2,8, eo de ol. Sunday |oacll onletench of the Svau COTTAGE ROLLS Le. 55 UNITED CHURCH | | % 316 5 33 2 sd cad nl fl, Be re, cd | | D ed P 5 ; MEMORIAL HALL | viens wi st no FE of Cau 00 I re he Woh] oo | 10 istrict. n . October 18th BINGO nS huaRMON | ' i day School A pr year. ISCERATED 4 to 7:30 pm # 4 Jeachers from i i: d i D 4-5-AV. ¢ i or ; v to at ose | HALL oN Frioav, | NEESER ton. Al are' invied 0 steni| DRAFTING UCKS «49 Children 75e | OCTOBER 17th i 7 The program will include every in a Few Months You Con Be 24a 241b # " y |phase of Sunday School work and|| Ceshing Big Pay Cheques. There Is teachers will be invited to pre previgus Yiairung Tmessg, Al oki ¢ i a ions Jet thoi me Drodems fi a month. Established 1897 not for LB. teaching of all class ages. High-|| © tremendous demand for Drafts- | By ! ; profit, ; There will be sound films and vis- | ees vour CHANCE To PRE h ¥ 4 ual a Semapstrations as welll poe" ror BIG STEADY PAY |as workshop conferences where . |specific topics will be discussed. | S00 COOP FUTURE AS A Jj READY-TO-SERVE 5-7 AVERAGE | Each evening the Rev. R. Ar- AMERICAN SCHOOL gue, BA, of Montreal, will give : Sponsored by the { . a a pet inspirational Sunday 847 PRINCESS STREET j SMOKED HAMS LB. 65° ™ [School message to conclude the KINGSTON, ONTARIO ST JOHN'S UKRAINIAN ; - . N : ram. Mr. ® was princi- Send, without any bl ! . BEL - ' noi pal of the Saskatchewan Bible lete information on Training ; ; |College, Saskatoon, before his|| checked and 156-page book on GOLDEN RIPE OC Py Co ALR, -- Ro 7 50 i ities. GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH | EI ye cifhowes =i | BANANAS 2 25° To Be Held At : ; . $ a : ; § be the District Sunday School Su-|| --Tool Making FOR § [pervisor, Rev. Mel Holmes of] --Business Management men. We will train you at home in light of the convention will be your spare time to be @ Diafts- PLATE--BONE-IN the open discussion periods when|| man. No drafting background or Lindsay and Rev. James Mont-|| --Contracting end Building ST. JOHN'S HALL VLR SFr woe WIP OR | me, Kenai on | "i? hy 5 -- 3 !| Thursday and Friday evenings|| --Accounting 74 | 4 bo ae ¢ - 4 as - "lunch will be provided by the] --Private Secretary CORNER OF BLOOR AND SIMCOE . i # : SN 3 women's missionary societies of || --machinist ps Ga 4, % Hi 2 li i [the local churches. This will en-|| --Eiectronics (VIP. ll VPN' = ida i ini HAE gig cosa able those who wish to come di-|| --civii & i OCTOBER 17th-18th JUDGING PICTURAMA CONTEST Irect from their work. techarveal Ergreerig A - : Seen judging the University | Photo-Plate of Oshawa; Mr. , Printers Limited. The contest --Flectrical Engineering RA 5 DOOR PRIZES | i Cums Conky Ralph Laing, Ralph Laing Stu- winners will be announced at ICELAND BANANAS f esters sinner RAG 16 SIMCOE ST dents are, right to left, Mr. | 40%. and Mr. Ermest Jukes, | a later date. i Besinay gh og Pg William Reed. art director, | creative director of General Times-Gazette Photo javik, the eapital of Iceland.