Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 16 Oct 1958, p. 28

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AHEAD-OF-DEADLINE HUNTERS LOSE THEIR GUNS Duck hunters in the Dunnville | duck - hunting season, Illegal | their forays into the marshes: area of Ontario found that the | shooting started about six hours { 22 guns, eight ducks, licences department of lands and for- | ahead of the deadline and police [ and ammunition, all confiscated ests was not fooling about the | and conservation officers went | and to be used as evidence | hours for the opening of the | into action. Here's the result of | against 22 hunters. | INSTITUTIONS JAM-PACKED University Enrolment Like Subway Rush By JACK VAN DUSEN Canadian Press Staff Writer [the University of British Colum-|last term, Boarders there pay $28 The traditional absent-minded bia will teach Russian. |a month. professor is probably wishing he] UBC is also starting Canada's QNTARIO could forget some of the 75,000- first school for teachers of handi-| Tha count 1s not yet complete odd students jamming Canada's|capped children, It is playing host|a¢ the University of Toronto, but universities and colleges this/to seven Indonesian officials tak-|go0 mere students are expected ing a special 12-month course in| than the 13,030 registered last| 'CELERY HEARTS year With enrolments up throughout community planning. ti Livi ommodat the country, the halls of learning] The cross-country picture: Hight pene dc Oo a are taking on the appearance of NEWFOUNDLAND been opened and others are a subway at rush hour--"burst-| Memorial University of St planned. Students pay $500 to $600 ing at the seams," said one uni-| yohns closed registration at a rec-|a year for board, $210 to $240 for | versity head. ord 1,150 compared to last year's/a room. Some colleges have had to re-i1,134. With plans for a mow 31.| Registration at Londons Uni- strict enrolments. In the search ogo 000 university set aside pend-|versity of Western Ontario was for space, Laval University has|inc'a survey, classes resumed in up about 300 with 3,055 enrolled. converted a gymnasium into a quarters built in 1945 when only| Queen's at Kingston has 2,859 science faculty classroom. {334 students registered. Residence students, 224 more than last year. NEW APPOINTMENT fees are $60 but accommodation |The waiting list for. campus quar- The University of Toronto, Can- jg short and most are living out ters is long. Students pay a little ada's largest, has appointed 2 and paying $15 to $20 a week for more than $200 to live in resi- special aministrawt {op Poi room and board. |dence against more than $300 off yeh [PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND _ |the campus. 1 Living accommodation is an-| A record 205 enrolled at St.| Outawa University has 3,001 en: L | Dunstan's, Charlottetown, to tax rolled compared to 2046 last year other headache. One college Is DUNSIAN'S, THavolBOWS, 10 MX pile neighboring Carleton Uni- faced with eight times more ap- housing facilities, but in neigh- MA € BAIg - ET than boring Prince of Wales College |Versity has 740 agains a year plicants for campus rooms i 1 t | ago. | egistugtion dropped from 545 tof Lakehead College of Arts, Sci- #t can handle, odatl ¢ 51502 With accomm on costs . ence and Technology, Port Ar- higher for students off the cam-| NGA SCOTIA fur, has 150 full-time students, pus, many universities are orl Acadia University, Wolfville, |100 part-time and 125 night stu- ing additional quarters. Mount Al-| gee 770 students against 745 last | dents. #ison at Sackville, N.S., boats 32 year. sof them. girls. MANITOBA apartments for married students fay of the s and most of the f Manitob d who pay only $40 a month With; on "jive on the campus where The University of Manitoba an. heat and light thrown in. The 0 "and hoard is $480 a year, | affiliated colleges have an enrol- University of Ottawa has 136 stu- Halifax's St. Mary's University| ment of 5,558 comp ared: with a dents bedded down in converted has an enrolment of 350 students, 2,Yc2F 280. New aqiition - a ac wartime army barracks. © ° about the same as last year. ulty of dentistry. Students pay The larger the university the campus living costs $350 a year. $50-$55 a month to live on the bigger the problem, a Canadian|," ay master of arts course in| 2 Pus: 85 high as $65 off. Press coast - to - coast survey education has been added. {SASKATCHEWAN shows, Queen's is building its| pajhousie University has| University of Saskatchewan is third new residence for men stu-|poosted registration from 1,608 to| "bursting at the seams" with en- dents to house 230. University of 1 623, Students pay $450 a year rolment at $018 against 3,544. Montreal officials say they would for room and board, on campus, |Living-in applications from 850 be at a loss without their mew sy a week off. St. Francis Xav- girls and 400 men had to be $11,000,000 engineering c ent Te [ior boasts a record enrolment of turned down. A 25-per-cent in- Last year the university had (1,750, including 1,361 full - time. |Crease in registration for the ed- students in a building built for|gome applicants were turned ucation faculty is the major sur- 700. Science registration this Year| own. Some 140 students living in (Prise for U of 8. Affiliated Re- is over 1,200. {town pay $520 a year. |gina College has 827 students, an Many colleges offer mew cour-| increase of 52 over last year. ses. but science, arts and engin- NEW BRUNSWICK ALBERTA eering are still the most popular. The University of New Bruns. "pi ot at the University of Some of the innovations: St. wick, Fredericton, has divided Alberta has eolimbed to .about : { h / Francis Xavier, Antigonish, N.8,, [classes into sections because of snug Joqinet 5115 a year ago. is introducing four courses in|its record 1,500 registration. Cam-| co Sank a ; : . "| Some 700 live on the campus. Of Gaelic language and culture; Re-|pus rates for room and meals av- ficials say newcomers due to oil «gina College is instituting -a|erage $550 a year. Mount Allison 3 00) ent and mare students course leading to a bachelor of University restricted attendance OTe high school are ---------------- | {0 last year's record 1,070. Room | OMing Tom gh " 3 |and board averages $500 on cam.|Straining a "substantial" building | program. 40 Millions J EC [BRITISH COLUMBIA There are 9,800 students at the Both McGill and Montreal Uni-| . ° A pip fs Estimated Seen versities were still counting noses, | University of Blillsh 1 Columbia {Both expect the totals to he big-| compared with 8.904 last term. v | ger than last year. McGill's hous.| Housing is tight. Students pay a I i low of about $400 a year on the russe S alr |ing appeared in hand with many A i rooming and boarding houses in| cAIPUS Sons Jo Pri BRUSSELS (Reuters)--As the the area in addition to university : " ie: Fal iden: iti |and creative writing in addition six-month Brusseis World's Fair residences and sororities. Ito the course In Russian. nears its conclusion Oct. 19, the, Sir George Williams College, organizers are c ongratulating Montreal, was 'absolutely full ADV _FOR OCT. 14 PMs themselves on its great popular|up" with registration at 500 more success. They estimate that about| than last year. A total of 4,678) SIAMESE TWINS 40,000,000 people will have passed students have signed for night! The earliest known Siamese through the gates of the Heysel classes and 1,387 for daytime twins were born in Kent, Eng- Plateau site when they shut for work. |land, in the 12th century and the last time. Laval at Quebec City has a rec-'lived to the age of 34. By Sept. 27, 35,000,000 entries had been recorded hy the elec- ECONOMY tric "'eyes" at each of the eight main gates. Although no official breakdown shown a predominance of West Germans, French, Dutch, British and Americans--in that order. Visitors from nearly every coun- try in the world, including 10 heads of state and countless offi- cial government delegations, have made the exhibition a "world's" fair in its fullest sense. The 500-| acre fair grounds featured 46 for- eign pavilions, Within a few months, all the imagination and effort expended in the creation of the fair will be demolished, and the Heysel Pla- teau site will regain its former parkland state, Under the diplomatic eonven- tion governing the international exhibitions, signed in Paris in 1928, the steel and glass wonder- land must disappear six months after the closing of the fair But many countries intend to dismantle their pavilions and re- prect them elsewhere as museum or exhibition halls, The stark, an gular West German pavilion will be rebuilt in Cologne. The Aus rian. Spanish and Yugoslav pa ilions vill rise again in their wn capitas The massive rectangular Soviet EASY TO PREPARE JUST HEAT and EAT Ann Page Famous arts In physical education and|ord 4,200 students against 4,056 | CASHMERE BOUQUET pavilion, which covers 7'2 acres will be dismantled and trans- parted by sea to the permanent agricultural exhibition in Moscow will house a mew exhibition of A achievements of the natioh momy of the Sovibt Union." |} of the nationalities of visitors is LESS EVENISS SALES LTD. available, hotel bookings have RA 5.4632 15 PRINCE ST. OSHAWA Finest Quality 3 DELICIOUS VARIETIES % BOSTON STYLE + VEGETARIAN STYLE * % WITH PORK Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Specials! Fresh Green Curly Leaf, No. 1 Grade, Washed, Trimmed and Ready te Cook. SPINACH 225: Fresh Bradford Pascal, No. 1 Grade (2 Stalks per Bundle) California No. 1 Grade, Fresh Tender BRUSSELS SPROUTS British Columbia Extra Fancy, Excellent Eating Jumbe ANJOU PEARS Excellent Eating, Fancy Fresh Crisp Fancy Red DELICIOUS APPLES Fancy Ontario SPIES VERY FINEST FOR COOKING . -_---- 2.25 kT: 5 5-33 APPLES MaNTOSH REDS 35ceiobos 2 Be sank § Be 3b eollobog 2 Qe ab cellobag 2 Qe Exceptional Value! VIGOROUS & WINEY BOKAR COFFEE CUSTOM GROUND 7 5 "3-Ib bag 2.19 ® Outstanding Valve ! AzP INSTANT COFFEE 99. Super-Right Quality Meat Specials! CHOICE QUALITY LAMB SALE SHORT Cut SHANK LEGS FLANK ON LOINS | FRONTS v2.9: v9. LAMB IN THE BASKET WIENERS +39 wn TQ FULL cut Jollied Pork HEAD CHEESE Super Right, Smoked Rindiess SIDE BACON Pink Liquid Special 10¢ Off VEL 83. FAB .--105 Four Ajax Scouring Pads Free with 2 Tins AIAX:2-37. Sea Sealed Ben Sealed Assorted Colours Toilet Soap = Pink or Regular 24-23: Whole Roast, Chops, Stew anldSe COD FILLETS SCALLOPS AYLMER PEELS AND GLACE FRUITS RED CHERRIES 35. MIXED PEEL 2.-..39 MIXED FRUIT MIXED PEEL 49 LEAN STEWING CUTS FLANKS - 2+19: v2 3c 1b pkg 29: +b pkg 49. 16-0z pkg 4 3 ¢ Pineapple Rings :--35: 12-0z pkg 3 3 ¢ EXTRA ePFCIAL VALUE 6-99 | fins -- SAVE 6c Canned Good Specials! Reg. 2 tins 39c--8AVE 38 APPLE SAUCE 7 20:im99 Henley Choice Reg. tin 200--SAVE 17¢ FRUIT COCKTAIL 4200: 99¢ Aylmer Choice Reg. 2 tins 31e~8SAVE 10s PEAS ¢ CARROTS 7 150: 99¢ Bahery Specials! BAKED IN A&P's OWN BAKERY BY MASTER BAKERS Jane Parker (Large 8", 84-ox. Pie) Reg. 560--~SAVE be' CHERRY PIE wc Qc Jane Parker English Reg. 480--8SAVE 10s FRUIT CAKE wh 3 5¢ Jane Parker Cinnamon Reg. pkg 350--SAVE de BREAKFAST ROLLS ws 3 Tc Jane Parker Reg. loaf 18c--8AVE 3¢ BREAD rout win 2 24csiomves 3 3¢ Jane Parker Reg. pkg 330--8AVE 17¢ OATMEAL COOKIES 2+ 49: Extra Specials! Crown Brand Reg. tin 310--8AVE Be CORN SYRUP 1b 290 Tomate and Vegetable Reg. 2 for 250-8AVE do CLARK'S SOUPS 5 nei 59¢ MeGormiok's Rog phy MWo--B8AVE bo CRACKERS riinorsiied 1 pie 294 Chef Boy-Ar-Dee Reg. tin Me--BAVE fg BEEFARONI 2 susie 494 Chocolate Syrup Reg. tin Mo--BAVE bu BOSCO nein 3 5¢ Faney Red Sockeye Reg. U's tin e--B8AVE be AP SALMON 2wim83¢ Frozen Food Specials! French Fried Reg. 2 for 380~8AVE Te A&P POTATOES 4serie39c Broder's Mixed Reg. pkg 210=8AVE So VEGETABLES 2 nessa 3 Pe October is Cheese Month THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL! Reg. roll 630--8AVE 4s 2b 5Q¢ Lennox Faney Clover Valley "Am Poge Famous FRUIT CAKE woe Qe wie Ge 4-lb slab $1.93 Homogenized FRESH MILK Orange Pekce RED ROSE TEA BAGS Handy AMMONIA Black Diamond Matured OLD CHEESE 6 Flavours NO CAL BEVERA 16-0z btl 19¢ Linten (5c Off Deal) TEA BAGS \ pkg of 30 37¢ Naiiona! Macaroni Week Qctober CREAMETTES READY CUTS 2 8-oz pkgs 21¢ 2 16-0z tins 23¢ Swift's (with Gravy) 3 reg. cakes 33¢ quart ctn 23¢ pkg of 60 79¢ 2 13-0z pkgs 23¢ 1-lb 69¢ PARD DOG FOOD Facial & Deodorant WOOQDBURY'S SOAP Assorted PEEK FREAN BISCUITS Dry Bleach JAVEX Liquid Bleach OLD DUTCH Sole MARGARINE 8-0z pkg 29¢ 16-0z pkg 43¢ 32.0z bil 25¢ 2 1-Ib pkgs 55¢ AP ) Super Markets THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA COMPANY LTD. PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18th, 1958,

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