26 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursdey, October 16, 1958 REPORT FOR THE U.K. London Schools Go Up In Air By M. McINTYRE HOOD | ministrative rooms, a library and Special London (Eng.) a flat for the head caretaker. Correspondent r For The Oshawa Times-Gazette {THREE GYMNASIA LONDON -- . London's sec- Linked with the teaching block ondary schools are going up at the first floor level will be a in the air. In a new school which|Wo-storey building containing a is being built near Paddington|large assembly hall and house Green, on North Wharf Roads, '00ms. A separate, single storey the girls who attend will lite- block will house three gymnasia. rally have their heads in the The main block is being built clouds. Lack of space on the Of reinforced concrete. Steel school site had impelled the Lon- beams will be used in the gym- don County Council to go up with 'nasia and steel trusses in the classrooms, rather than have @ssembiy hall, them spread over a wide area, as, One of the problems has been is the normal pattern in Canada. to secure enough land to provide The classroom section of this for the normal outdoor facilities new secondary school will be in|of the school. However, before the an eight-storey block. It will be school is ready for opening, the the highest school of its kind in|council is hoping to have land Britain. It will be equipped with available to lay out a paved play, two large elevators, each capable area, tennis and netball courts, of taking a whole class of 30 girls/and to provide for lawns, shrubs up or down in a single trip, and trees. To be known as Bayswater For those who are familiar with County School, this structure will! Londcn, we might mention that be entirely for girls. It will ac-'the school will have frontages to commodate 1250 pupils and its North Wharf Road and to Har- cost will be in the neighborhood row Road, opposite Paddington of 450.006 pounds ($1,215,000). By Green, when the widening of the Canadian standards, that would latter road, now under way, is be a remarkably - economical completed school on the basis of capital cost This new school project is at- per pupil. |tracting much attention since it is The central eight-storey build- designed to solve the problem of Ing is known as the teaching/building large schools in areas block, and it contains all class- where there is much congestion rooms, It will also provide lab- and the cost of land is exception- oratories, housecraft, art and ad- ally high Friends Honor Heidt Family MANCHESTER -- Friends andjin the community learned that neighbors turned out Friday to you had sold the farm and were express Godspeed to Mr. and moving to Oshawa.' Mrs. Max Heidt at a party held Presenting the couple with a in their honor in the township large mirror she added: "May hall. we convey our appreciation for Regret was expressed that the your friendly neighborliness and popular couple were leaving the kindly interest in all our activi- community where both have'ties . , . we would like you to worked hard for the common accept this small gift just to re- good. Mrs. Heidt was a promin- mind you of your many friends ent member and hard worker for around Port Perry, Prospect and the Women's Association. The Manchester." family plans to reside in Osh- In euchre which followed, priz- awa es were won by Margaret Dear- Dorothy Mulholland, in an ad- born, Alex Johns, Eva Hunter dress to Mr. and Mrs. Heidt said: 'and Jessie Johns. The evening "It is with deep regret that we concluded with lunch 21" T.V. CONSOLE Power-packed, 25-tube performance. Full 262 square inches viewing area, Simplified push-pull "on-off" controls. Alnico 8" speaker for concert tone. Tinted safety glass . . . easily removable for cleaning. Light blonde, glowing walnut or mahogany finish. Scientists Wage Wheat Rust War By BOB TRIMBEE Stem rust is the biggest prob- Canadian Press Staff Writer lem in Western Canada and is WINNIPEG (CP) -- A never- most severe in wet years or sea- ending war with enemies that sons. It arrives in midsummer | travel with the wind to attack and develops during wet periods. | Canadian grain fields is being Many of the rusts which will waged by plant scientists on the menace wheat crops 10 to 20 University of Manitoba campus. years hence now exist, he said The enemies are stem and leaf But until the time present races rust, the scourges of North Amer- cannot live and multiply, they re- ican wheat farms. Man's best de- main relatively dormant fence against them, says Prof. The sexual stage of rust takes B. C. Jenkins, is the develop- place on barberry plants, an or- ment and production of new rust- namental bush commonly grown resistant wheat varieties. in the United States and Eastern "But each variety we produce Canada. capable of warding off attacks' After completing this stage mil! from all known races (types) of lions of rust spores start on a rusts gives nature its start in the long, gradual wind-borne journey production of another new rust." north, infecting susceptible plants TOUGH BATTLE o he way i : The plant science professor said, A fairly intensive rust out in an a it appears the beak in 1916 vias fhe ip fe plant inui scientists to start developing rust- battle will bea contin ne one resistant wheat varieties and a We produce a 8 es sian laboratory was established here Yarlely a Rpture id En od by the federal government, cycle of a race capable of a- Marquis wheat, which had no tacking our new wheat." rust protection, dominated wheat Basically what happens is the acreage rior i 1935. new wheat plant starves to death { all rusts not capable of attacking | it and leaves the field clear for| new and harmful ones to develop, he May be Warning The new rust soon becomes the dominant race and within a few years reaches a degree of inten- sity where it can do widespread Backache is often caused by lazy kidney action. When kidneys get out of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, dis. damage. turbed rest or that tired-out and heavy- Rust is a wind-borne fungus headed feeling may soon follow. Thats which attaches itself to the stem' ger ®t ie 's Kidney Pills, or leaf of a wheat plant and podq's stimulate the kidneys to normal sends out tiny shoots which drain' Lyon" Then you feel better --sleep off plant food normally going into better --work better. Get Dodd's the aevelopment of wheat ker- Kidney Pills now. LL] nels ONLY THE BEST WILL DO! When you need lumber for anything . , + from building a new home to patching up the dog house . . . come to MeCUL- LOUGH LUMBER . . . where you're sure to find the best. Stop in at eur retail showroom this week, and choose the lumber for your needs. Home-building or just remodeling . . . you'll get help- ful advice, ond ideas from our plan books. GOOD PARKING , , . FAST DELIVERY SERVICE c CULLOUGH LUMBER CO. Lid. Kay 1270 SIMCOE ST.N.* 7L. RAZ 301 [" i Reg. 59.95 i yey 88 Sr ts bh ----_ 'KROEHLER PLATFORM ROCKER Strong, kiln-dried hardwood frame. Balloon seat 50c Weekly cushion for extra comfort. Two sets of springs in- stead of one for firm support. Showwood in walnut or wheat finish. Choice of fabrics and colors to suit all tastes. It's A 70c Weekly "Swing King" Vibrator Massage Chair You'll just settle back, flip the switch and enjoy this deep penetrating action over your body, arms ond legs. Covered in top grain leatherette com- bined with homespun or metallic fabrics in a host of colors. ; adams OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. FRIDAY TO 9 P.M. WED. 9 A.M. TO 12:30 P.M: PRET" OCTOBER LIVING-ROM SALE 2.50 WEEKLY SAVE 90.95! Made by Kroehler especially for ADAMS Buoyant "'Airfoam" cushions never sag .-. always keep their shape Formula blended cotton padding Hord-wearing, figured frieze covering in a choice of 6 colors Axminster Tweed Rugs Exceptional style an Special! quality for such low prices. Sturdy backing is * flexible, adds to your car- pet's durability, Size 49.95 9 x9, SIZE 9' x 12' - 89.95 3-Pce Lamp Ensemble Trilite floor lamp and 2Reg. 49.95 matching table lamps Bross ond walnut finish wood columns. Washable "'Fiberlom" shades, LJ NO DOWN PAYMENT Up To 3 Years To Pay Ontario's Largest Home Furnishers ONTARIO DIVISION OF GREAT UNIVERSAL STORES OF CANADA, LIMITED 40 King St. West, Oshawa, Tel. RA 5-6535 103 Byron Street, Whitby, Tel. MO 8-2933