THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursday, October 16,1958 23 New Dodge) 1s her Sparkling new beauty ... sprightly new go uy " Vidcound No wonder people are talking Dodge right now! This sweetest-of-all, fleetest-of-all 59 cars 1s new 1n front, new in back and new in the middle! It drives new, parks new, rides new and stops new! It 1s by far the comeliest, going-est low-priced car to be seen. And 1t 1s now on sight. ..and on sale . : . at your Dodge-De Soto dealers. Please go peek : : . today! Before everybody gets there. to the highest standards of CHRYSLER CORPORATION OF CANADA, LIMITED automotive craftsmanship YOURS TO SEE AND DRIVE NOW AT YOUR DODGE DEALER'S ROBINSON MOTORS McMAHON & ELMS MOTORS 574 Ritson Rd., Oshawa | 401 Dundas St. E., Whitby