Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 16 Oct 1958, p. 21

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95 First Class SOBs |HamsterBacklnBox |THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE A ter Spell Of Freedom VoL. 87--NO, 243 OSHAWA-WHITBY, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1958 Page 21 n 1 | Meet I N C ar olina TORONTO (CP)--The hamster Hammy didn't even sneeze. They | » {that made newspaper headlines ripped the seat apart. Still no . alike . here by evading capture was|Hammy. ASHEVILLE, N.C. (AP)--About isfaction; be an expert book itor of the Constitution. He's 8n pack within the confines of a| The inspectors left to plan new 95 first class SOBs are in the|snatcher; 'ook like hell" in|'"ornery SOB." cardboard box late Wednesday. |strategy when the photographer nN midst of a week - long annual|shorts and 'be able to pass the An Associated Press story tell- The brief spell of glory for the|arrived. He frightened the little gathering here. "blonde sensitivity test." ing of the Asheville society and five.inch-long rodent -- chris-|critter into the waiting hands of | its week - long meeting created tened '"Hammy" by reporters-- one of the young owners. : \ for Ashi y po young Society o cy REACTION TEST __|consternation in the ranks of At-lended when a newspaper photo- member "must have read or lis-| The 1ast is a reaction test based|janta SOBs. One member of the grapher flushed him from the| omy fened to at least two books" |on the number of feet an SOB| Atlanta Kennel, upon reading the back seat of a car owned by Mrs. Mink Stole Do th t to exchange dull, May Walk on deck without turn AP story, called from Savannah, joyce Golden. 3 oy Ines! 8 'ling to glance at the 'natural Ga, to express his concern. "We book Hammy was one of a pair i of ook Teviews) Revosy alblonde 21 to 53 or unnatural can't let those SOBs get away|pought 4 pets by Mrs. Golden On Block At erin Fr rte BL vg blonde 25 to 35" he has just with it," said Hubert Calloway, and her sister Mrs. Jean Owens » ' _|passed. news editor of the Savannah for their children. On the way | . App ] w uld B Ing --'s al. Ne seminary, confer This reaction occurs in the nor- Morning News. Calloway is a for- home Hammy escaped and bit Postal Ruction " Tova 0 I ror ES 0 eh ee me Ly en, Fao cheats cone Roe : i " 5 at 'eet, and in the § , e nlike the As PLeT, | Golden. . (CP) | x Oy May 103), avoard|Passes the test, at 13% feet. Atlanta's SOBs ave Never heid a| Mrs. Golden enlisted the aid TIL oud pad , Soo Industrial Peace a smal pleasure ship on a cruise| According to article four, meet- meeting, though ob 0 carry | Toronto Humane Society inspect- (stole without either a forwarding | : : around the world. ings ashore shall not be held/ membership cards and wear iors Robert Johnstone and Wilf or return address? - §| SAULT STE. MARIE, Ont.J. C. Anderson of Belleville com- A group on board, later to be- within 150 feet of a girls' school, Simple dignity Jape) piss of Patey. The post office department, al-| " WI '2 (CP) -- United Steelworkers of|pleted hearings into the Aigoma come the first SOBs, banded to-308 feet of a singing school or|Pseudo gold with the Greek lel- They opened the car door and, i" tin "heiiidered, answers: | La America (CLC) meet tonight and|dispute Monday. Their findings gether for the cultural "privilege within 712 feet of a police station. ters for "SOB. |managed to trap it is a hat but bi » 2 : ) A ay oh, Id tise a \aid the groundwork of reading each other's whodunits| In promoting acquaintan- it hopped oe Ye back Zn U1" A mink stole was the highlight|| / agreed on by their negotiators for settlement. and sticking the other guy for the ces among ionesome ocean pas- (ig® RO I ee Japa a cu of Of the 54,000 odds and ends eol- | | - --- i, land Algoma Steel Corporation. | Union nominee was Fred Dowl- drinks." ; [sengers, SOBs are directed to| t n ve hl hak 3 th ae and or lected by post offices across the 7 7 = 7 | Their approval would bring in-|ing of Toronto, Canadian director Members of the' society. some|work in pairs "should the lone- SL ororm » didn't even country last year as a result of | A "i Le i | dustrial peace to Sault Ste. Marie, |of the United Packinghouse Work- 130 in all, all are ig travellers|some passenger be female Af 40-Y The dope, TY tried a careless parcel mailing by the 5 ; where 6,000 Algoma men have ers (CLC). St. Catharines lawyer poi Tg altre ud Rt an Deeen EL ter ear [spray of strong disinfectant, (Senders. | io / Wi been working without a contract/Sharman Leary represented Al- places on earth progress 2a 8 5 dy Aching Z / j - Since the did one expiied Ju Re igh pe? 2251 President John Fer- : | ci 4 . to Bel ANU oe, i ; ¥ 7 Settlement might also help en CULTIVATE LONESOME Separation |self to eave London, where 1 was the mysterious mink. [1 : the steelworkers" nine-week - old ris said a union meeting had been Society aims and objectives in-| ATLANTA, Ga. (AP)--The Ash-| ' born and raised. | From the experience of postal | | 7, ; strike stainst the Steel Company called for tonight but would not clude: To organize, on shipboard,|ville chapter of Society of Book- LONDON (AP)--Arthur Walker STEADY LETTERS workers, the carelessness of | / of Canada in Hamilton. say whether the vote on the a free circulating library. of fic-|lovers is a johnny-come-pretty- kissed his wife goodby and step-| She said she had frequently Canadians when it comes to ad-| THR 5 8 sm 7 Workers there struck for a 33- agreement would be taken then, tion. mystery stories and maga-|late in the field of SOBism.. At- ped aboard a ship for Australia urged her husband to come home. (dressing their mail apparently cent-an-hour package increase in-| A majority conciliation board zines: ny ery out lonesome unat-llanta newspaper man say they 40 years ago. He was unable to make much can reach incredible proportions. €¢ y ' 7 y cluding an unspecified wage hoost|report in the Stelco dispute rec- tached passengers and cuitivate/have been SOBs for years--since "We won't be, apart long," he money in Australia because of his| Besides the 54,000 parcels that 7 then tater trimmed their demands ommended no increases at all. their sini ig the spring of 1946, [told her. health. |couldn't be delivered--or returned ' / / ' |to 25 cents. The company offered|p Asis FOR STELCO Qualifications for membership:| That was when Sigma Omicron Tuesday Arthur, now a silver-| "But I was lucky on the to senders--last year because of SE gC conrs an a poll theTne wage oh of the Each member must be a male Beta was founded. The occasion haired 74, came home. His wife horses," he said. "They kept me improper addressing and failure i 4 2 [ree saying increased costs John Lisson, Presicen > hy child over 40, who thinks life has|was the visit in Atlanta of Robert Maude, 66, was waiting for him. going. to include a return address, some ' Hi {would boost steel prices. ({8.000-member Stelco local, - sa just begun. (Actually all are over|Casey, reporter and author of "I knew you'd come back to Two months ago Mrs. Walker 11,000,000 letters, cards and sim- : The Algoma settlement, athe Aigoma terms might form 3 80). Each member must have Chicago. He had dropped by the me," she said. received the letter she had been|ilar mail items got hung up in [meeyese contract, is understood | basi or ending the Ham : ituti ' i ti e the post offices for. the same § |stri' 4 .The union was prepared read or listened to at least two Atlanta Constitution newsroom to| Replied her husband: I'm waiting for. Nr : to provide substantial wage in- . a books: must be able to pass thelvisit Parker Lowell on the pi for keeps, Jove ho First ss soiling lagi, he Widle ronson. letter items contained, HOUSES BERRANGED FOR SUNSHINE |crease. Terms will not be dis to, »t immediately for further t test (used to determ-|stitution's copy desk. | "Arthur was gassed in the Firs a " eg |closed until the union and the S. i the drinks);| Casey was named universal su- World War," Mrs. Walker ex-over all the years? : some $42,000 in cash. Post oiice In Munith, Germany, archi- | mum of light and view. Each |company's board of directors| Before the strike Jueieo esti must be able to duck a bar bill preme SOB of the Atlanta Ken- plained. hi yen to Ausiralia "We beljivel Que, narriage Spars managed io ditont 30 bu tects came up with this idea of | house has a garage and ©o 'have passed on them. pated average Wowly wime & with poise, diplomacy, finesse, /nel, Sigma Omicron Beta. An-ifor his health. I was supposed to|vows, said WIS. . | $14, [ i 3 oud ih -30, inc high ee and on personal sat-|other officer is Raiph MgGill, ed- join him but I couldn't bring my- have always been in love. ers. staggering houses for a maxi- | house interferes with its neigh- CONCILIATION BOARD time and shift premiums. At Al- a - ----- --------------a------------ --- p------ en ---- iran a hukaith ri bors in admitting sunlight | An Ontario labor department goma average wage now is $2.39 | through the windows. |conciliation board under Judgelan hour. 'TORONTO BUILDING STRIKE Man Fights | City Was Headed Council Order THOROLD (CP) -- A Thorold Township man, ordered to tear down his house by the township or ecor ear building inspector, is waging 8 one-man war against the town- | By NEVILLE NANKIVELL (experiencing its best-ever year. |ship council. | Canadian Press Staff Writer |At the end of September the total] Farl Tapp, 28, is driving a TORONTO (CP)--A strike of value of contract awards filed in|horse and cart around the towne 1450 cement masons has mush-|the area was $460,400,000. ship, displaying signs proclaime {roomed into a $150,000,000 con-| The MacLean Building Guide |ing that the township is unfair te |struction tie-up during what ap-|showed $478,700,000 worth of con-|him. He claims the township is- |peared to be a record year for|gtriction awards all last year. In|Sued him a permit to build a | building in the Toronto area. 11948 the figure was only $123,800,- | house, then cancelled it and or | The masons, members of the py. dered the building be torn down. |Operative Plasterers and Cement | a | Building Inspector Erie Wilson (Masons International Association, | Sondisue) on in die Sooty said the building did not conform |struck Sept. 11 over shift prem- | TEE ey riod. This us with building regulations and iums. Now, an estimated 20,000." 000 oq sy ii Liga though he 'leaned over back- | building trades workers are idle| 11 tine high, 2 wards" in an attempt to help in a city-wide stoppage of major|3" me Tapp, nothing was done. {construction projects that account| It is still too early for statis-| po wouldn't abide by the | for a third of all building com-|tical reports to show effects of : tracts in the area. ng |the tie-up. The monthly construc. lens ol our 2 Sediment wi nh | Union members refused to Sok totals are based on figures cute "" | cross the masons' picket lines so|taken from the middle of one 4 |courractors of the Toroato Bally [month to the middle of the next.| Neighbors bad complained ers' Exchange shut down their] But industry sources said the about the Appearance st apna building projects, offered the four lockout is hitting the small sub./home, a conver big a n |unions directly involved a 25-per-| contractor. Secondary suppliers fe Boog for $300 after his home cent-an-hour wage increase and|are also reported heavily hit by|Purned down. told them construction would re-|the tie-up. No estimate of losses, | sume only when contract agree- however, was available. Risuited hat Wages Jon since oe ments were signed. i ou . ve avera The contractors' offer has been| MAJOR: PROJECTS HIT |about $290 a man. rejected by the Rodmen's Union,| , 1he Shutdown of major con- UNION SEEKS TO SUE |the United Brotherhood of Car. Struction in the Toronto area is| : ' penters and Joiners of America [Virtually complete. The plasterers' union has ane |the International Union of Oper-| Among the projects shut down nounced it plans to seek the coms |ating Engineers and the masons, | 2T® the Dominion Sugar Com-|sent of the Ontario labor rela. | " | pany plant on the waterfront, the tions board to sue the exchange tor asa howiy Yalos re 2.17 Yovdl York Hotel extension, the for lost wages. $2.16 for rodmen and $2.60 for the | O'Keefe Auditorium and Civic] Some union officials have sug- . | Centre, the federal government's gested they may try to boycott | McKenzie Building, the new head | construction jobs being done by |office for New York Life, Shell exch bers outside the |top classification of engineers. |SEPT. 22 LOCKOUT | The lockout was imposed Sept.| Oil's head office building and a|Toronto area. |22 by 91 general contractors en- new sewage treatment plant on| Labor officials have forecast a |gaged in heavy construction such |the Humber River. |run on city relief agencies if the as office buildings and factories. The $150,000,000 estimate in-| tie-up continues. The federal |Home and apartment building is|cludes new buildings that would | unemployment commission has {not affected. have been started but have been ruled that the men out of work Before the tie-up the construc-| stalled because of the tie-up. are not yet eligible for unemploy- tion industry in Toronto had been' The builders' exchange has es- ment benefits. shrinks the MileS...c.arrens MOUNTAINS WASHER with PUMP fl: ~. MOVES YOUR TV SET CLOSER TO THE STATION S91® SATELLITE-HELIX LOWEST PRICE EVER lectrondis.., op a 8 spectacular break-through in TV antenna ; CHECK THESE FEATURES technology that creates the most brilliant TV pictures you've ever seer! RY : * was Te wis my set 50 miles closer to the TV station". .. And i you're looking for strength and weather-resistonce, i's A FACT! | SER 1 Famous Lovell Wringer 'My neighbors thought | had bought 0 new set"... "The the corrosion-proof all-aluminum heavy-duty construction of . 5 - FY 8 ghosts and snow disappeared from my picture like magic"... the Satellite-Helix helps assure you many years of uninters Your TV set (whether you spent 90 dollars or 390 dollars -- ; : ¥ Smooth Plastic Gyrator This is how TV owners react when they see the big differ- rupted TV enjoyment on oll channels. for i) is no better than your TV antenna. For the TV antenna " ence the new JFD Sotellite-Helix TV ontenna makes m Doesn't it make sense to replace your old antenna now Is he eyes" ond "ears" of your TV receiver. i it cannot ¥ Chrome Wringer Pans their reception. with the JFD Satellite-Helix? Phone provide YOU et wits a Wong; sey Signal on the channel The reason? . . . Balonced sleeve dipole design developed todoy ond get the reception thrill " x al "You. are tuned fe "mow, "gl 5," reflections and infer- RT ofter 19 months of intensive laboratory. research. This new of a lifetime. Terence Jur vp in yon TY picture. Ts, very oer, whe vw Automatic Water Flime antenna engineering advance enlarges the "capture" area NEW ANTENNA DESIGN BREAK- 8 Ty inc your se! % SINT. Your IV anjerng is the re 3 ; 3 i of the Sotellite-Helix. As a result, it extracts from the air THROUGH PULLS IN 35% MORE POWER a Wroublemaker. And if your Lid aitenny 45:over 2 years old, : a a of Rosy Rolling Casters 35% more of the signal sent out by the TV station. This extra ON CHANNELS 2 to 13 Shewcee ee sun, wind and rain have cut its original a bo " a" . + . EE wer ! * & H sid boost Supercharge: your TV Pletore with sparkling A team of electronic engineers devoted 19 months of field ond po y X i ; dd Locomotive GoarBox briliance ... Roods out ghoshs, sow and other interference. laboratory research o bring you his new antenna advance CALL US TODAY FOR A FREE - : Mechanism With Five Year eal for color reception, which superchorges TV pictures with higher signal strength, TV ANTENNA CHECK-UP! ph Warranty AVAILABLE AT THE FOLLOWING DEALERS AJAX--ARMSTRONG ELECTRONIC SERVICE PHONE 791 BOWMANVILLE--MYLES RADIO SERVICE MARKET 3-3482 - [J COBOURG--COBOURG ELECTRIC LTD. PHONE FR. 2-3532 PORT PERRY--McLEAN RADIO SERVICE YUKON 5-2271 | (3%), Ne. Appliances : WHITBY--INDEPENDENT RADIO SERVICE & TV SERVICE | OSHAWA--LOCK TELEVISION PHONE RA 3-2433 o PHONE MO 8-2081 : 50B OSHAWA LEN & LOU ANTENNA INSTALLATIONS PHON E RA 5.7844 At$0 BOWMANVILLE PHONE MARKET 3.3942 OND EAST PHONE 8-5841 i NEXT TO UNION HALL

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