Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 16 Oct 1958, p. 19

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charge W.I. MEETING The Women's Institute met Thursday night with Mrs, E. R. Taylor, president, in the chair. During the discussion of busi- ness items, Mrs. Rae Pascoe, as- (sistant in the new 4-H Club girls Soviet Article Harvest Home Shows Balanced School Courses | At St. Stephens | School Courses | Three "M's" Hold Meeting SOLINA -- The Three M's meet Tuesday evening at the home or closed a social evening iCGIT purpose, explaining the|and Mrs. Harry Grooms, Toron- [ THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursdey, October 16, 1958 four dimensional program Cherish Health; Seek Truth;| Mp. and Mrs, C. Smith, os Know God and Serve Others, |awa visited Harold Pascoe Sun-| Under the supervision of Mrs, |day. . E. Hockaday the girls made cor-| Mr, dnd Mrs, Stan Millson were | --|to. Davis entertained with gccordion|Mrs, Michael George in Toronto, By VIOLET KIRBY Mrs. Erla Moth read the scrip- sian educational system, its lead- |project "Working With Wool" onaa Vice. The meeting opened selections. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Preston sages of foam rubber and Pat priday night guests of Mr. and 1 New 'y NORTH OSHAWA -- Stephe Baywell conducted the Harvest Thanksgiving service Sun- rendered a reading on meditation. Two quilts were turned in by niture and Mrs. Francis Crawford ers say is producing more than Sputnik-buflders. A series of articles by Soviet with a brief worship period on a Thanksgiving theme, Gladys Yellowlees. spoke briefly of the leaders' training school held in Bowman- ville' which she, with Mrs, E. B sl Mrs. Bruce Taylor and Mrs. and sons, Bowmanville and Mr. ruce Montgomery attended a and Mrs. Langmaid and children | KEDRON -- Mr. and Mrs. Rob: hower given by meighbors for were Sunday tea guests of Mr. ert Werry, a Mrs. Tom Martin on behalf of the teachers, written for the Univer- group, for which Mrs. Duchemin sity of Toronto Quarterly says the !lthanked the members. U,S.S.R. has Institutions that in St. Stephen's Church. . The choir rendered special The president, Ewart Leask, conducted the business discussion period. It was decided to change the night of meeting to Monday. The remainder of the eyen- ing was spent playing games and contests arranged by Donna Vice. Lunch served by the group In Sommerville avenue. Thursday William King, evening the Jane Dennis Auxil- '4ary will meet in the church par- tor Submit Plans For Expressway Extension Spires, Mrs, Mrs. Lloyd Broome attended. Don Taylor and Mrs. Clifford Naylor of Colum- bus will open the bazaar Wednes- day, October 15. Mrs. E, Spires and Mrs. Ralph Davis were named to secure and | h England, Which observes its 21st| anniversary. A letter from Bilton group was read by Mrs. Spires. | There will be a quilting on No- vember 19 and Family night will be held November 14. end a remembrance to the sis- er Women's Institute in Bilton, E. Mrs. E, Vance, leader of Group 5 with agriculture as its theme presided for the program. Mrs. Frank Gilbert commented | TORONTO (CP)--Plans for two on a motto closing her remarks; lexpressways to extend Highway accordion selections were render- 400 to downtown Toronto and cut'ed by Pat Davis. across midtown Toronto: were, Guest speaker of the evening, {submitted to Metropolitan ' Tor-\w, Thiesburger of Tyrone, own- onto planning board Wednesday er "of the Margwill night, The routings would cut throu |three city parks and two 'in 8 hh ca suburbs and require building the oroq pictures of the farm. Farm an interesting talk om the are and raising of mink. His re- atks were illustrated with "col- ave Betty Ferguson, bride-to-be at and Mrs. Roy Langmaid. |groom, were honored at Kedron the home of her mother, Mrs. Gordon Pascoe was at home|Friday evening by a community Gertie Ferguson, in Oshawa. [from Galt for the weekend, party and presentation, Rev. Mr, and Mrs, Frank Westlake, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yellow-R. H. Love who was chairman Sr. observed their 48th wedding|lees and daughters were Sunday for the program welcomed the anniversary quietly Sunday and|tea Buests of Mr. and Mrs. E. coupie. were tea guests of their ,son, Larmer, Blackstock. | The Frank, er guests included] Mrs. Harvey Yellowlees attend-imusic by the male quartet, ac- Mrs, N. Fice and Douglas of ed 8 shower for Joan Reynolds, companied by Mrs. R. E. Lee; a Taunton, Mr. and Mrs, Sid Mit. bride-to-be, at the home of Mrs. reading by Mrs. H. Farndale; chell, Bowmanville and Mr. and Murray Larmer, Bowmanville, harmonica solo by Alvin Spencer: |Mrs, L. Parker, Oshawa, | Friday night. | instrumental duets by Mrs. W. Mr. and Mrs, Larry Dewell and Scott and Alan; unison singing day guests of Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd | Ke dron M in | ter ea ew 1S WAP Veteran | Broome, * | Mr. and Mrs. J, Marks, Toron- | carolyn, Eganville and Mr. and Mrs. H. Freitag and sons, Osh-| Ito; Mr. Allin, Bowmanville, visit. KEDRON -- Rev. Ronald Har-|Head charge, with congregations awa, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. old Love, who has begun his|at the newly dedicated Emman-| |duties as minister on the Colum-|uel Chureh, and the other at the . Cryderman, | Mr, and'Mrs, Cryderman and bus-Kedron charge was born at|Newton Robinson Church. children were Sunday guests of Ethel, Ontario, in Huron County,| While at university Mr. Love Mrs. S. Rundle in Bowmanville.|where he attended public school.|also trained with the COTC, and | Mr. and Mrs, George Knox and His high school education wasnow hoids the rank of captain {family visited Mr, and Mrs, How- completed at Listowel and at Lon-|with the Supplementary Corps of " 2 4 od ak is ik ita . under the direction of Mrs.| "nrc ™ caries Rundié has ar. teach everything from philosophy C. Rundle. [ranged with the choir to: provide to the art of being a theatre Baskets of flowers formed the the music for the anniversary ser- critic. for fruit and vege- vice at Cadmus United Church| Little mention is made of sci- offerings. (Sunday evening. ce in the nine articles. They Sunday g point out that state - controlled 4 n -. ts J Ob» ack Bud ep PERSONALS ... |Russian institutions also teach Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Palmer, |political , philosophy, the Miss Robinson and Pat Henley, , 2 the of Toronto, ing the week-Bowmanviile, and children have foreign ges, n ac attended the/Deen holiday guests of Mrs. Nel- literature, history, archaeology, service {lie Palmer, Simcoe street orth. art, music and the tpearre, ined / Tuesday evening the Nellie Mrs. Sarah Hancock and son| The articles were obtaine he Soin i A will tn at Kenneth of Woodville have been through the Russian Embassy in fhe home of Mrs. Henry Bickle, Noliday guests with Mr. and Mrs.| Ottawa by editor Professor Doug- ay Eastlawn, : las Grant who asked that they not Mr. and 'Mrs. Alex Ferrier, be propaganda but "as free from Oshawa, and Mrs, James Collett ideological bias as the circum- of Port Perry spent Thanksgiving, stances could allow." A MEETING |with Mr, and Mrs, Charles Rumn- |dle. 23 f spy ' The Women's Association of St.! Mrs. William King, Eastlawn, T El Stephen's Church held its meeting visited Mrs. Kathrine Hamiin and eenagers eC iu the church Thursday evening Mr, and Mrs. Jack Rigs» Dae . last. Mrs. David Duchemin was awa have just returne rom N E t of the meeting and Jioligays at 8 Petersburg, Flor) ew Xecu ive a talk on life and habits ida. They visited Miami Beach, salons in Mexico. Daytona, and Jacksogville, Flor.| By MRS, A. L. HOOEY decided to meke up aida and en route home spent three, ORONO -- The teenagers' si a t L . 0 r missions. |days in Washington. , group which meets e Unit " On behalf of the gro Mrs. 3 He, | , i for missi days in Washingt hich ts in the Unit-|first three-level interchange in group, ard Farrow, Starkville don DVA Tutorial School, "with fed Church Sunday School room Ontario to connect the two ex-|p,. Langmaid thanked Mr. Mr, and Mrs. J. Baker attend- many other veterans. During the . Laster leach Sunday evening held an|pressways. A 2%-mile section of Thiesburger for his talk' | ed the church service at Harmony war his studies were interrupted |save that kiln, although prevent % | ; x g i fi OD election of officers which resulted the Highway 400 extension would| A" contest was conducted b Sunday morning when their/when he spent two years as a * BLACKSTOCK |g He Tre spreading to any, follows: President, W a y n ¢ become Ontario's first eight-lane| poh "Vonsh ana' j oopducte Ahad grantkiaygher, Martha Jea Biteiagraphist in the SN Alter . { A i id y % "18 yas is h | y t ctoria Col- . KSTOCK {WMS MEETING Bailey; vise - president, SO esa wilimile or date for [2d by the East group. es ned, ey lhe War he ee Toronto, from BLAC Pe anesiay rae Sgtober meting of WeiTamelys; storelarhs DO on submitted. The MISSIONARY PROGRAM Mr. and Mrs, J. Smales. which he received the degree of -|WMS was held a e home o y , S oul : Mrs. Mi * x nited Church held a Mrs. Gordon Strong Wednesday and four group leaders, Connie expressways would form part ofl Nis Stay dicen arranged the Mr, and Mrs. W. Parrinder and BA. He tock his Fash of in Balfour Moore's afternoon with 15 members pres-| Tyrrell, Joan Allin, Margery Tyr. basic network of high - speed {vs Y|Helen were tea guests of Mr. and| Divinity degree at Emmanu t of Nestleton The President ed 'the rell and Norman Rickaby: sopg roads plahned for the Metro area School. aE Mrs. Frank Bray, Enfield, Satur-| College. . eas 3 ent, The President opened 'there vi Bh 1055 A Thanksgiving story was read| day . During his student days, Mr. Bowers and Clifford meeting with a Thanksgiving leader, J. Ford in 1955. a : acl day. y g del 2 charge. The evening meditation and prayer, and the| The group offered to help the Highway 400 now runs from|and a film of life among the Es-| Nir, and' Mrs. Lloyd Glaspell, Love served mission fields with a sing-song around devotional period was 'taken by chamber of commerce organize Highway 401 at Toronto's north- kimos was shown with Mrs. Mill- indsay; Mr, and Mrs. George Alberta and Northern fire. Mrs, ly ie ta penny drive in aid of UNICEF | Western outskirts to north of Bar- son reading the commentary. |Glaspell, Wilbert Glaspell, Peter-| following ordination by the To. YP Group met in the Sun-| The Fall rally at Newtonville Hallowe'en night, to be followed ie. The extension would stretch PERSONALS _ |borough, visited Mr. and Mrs. ronto. Conference of he ted ing) r 21 was di | about eight miles south to the Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Davis, Isaac Hardy. Church of Canada, he settled in hool room Sunday evening, October 21 was discussed. |by a masquerade party, . | ; ) d ' . if wf f Port Carl Bowers led in worship.| Mrs. Carl Wright, group leader, | nib Gardiner R¥prossw ay Jong Tore Marilyn Davis and Mr. Jim Hall,| Mr. and Mrs. C. Vice, Miss!the Lisson charge id ler oo ; secretary presided for the program with| . |onto's waterfront, meeting it just|Oshawa; Mr, and Mrs. J. Yellow- Donna Vice, Fraucis Johnston, ing. From there he was ley ene Ta velary Presi ey Moor discussed HAS IDENTICAL QUADS east of the Canadian National Ex- lees were Sunday evening dinner Mr. and Mrs. Murray Vice and the congregations on the Bond vitation was accepted from West: the Study Book chapter "Alaska, PETROIT (CP) -- Doctor said hibition grounds. A half-dozen in-| guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph children, Mr. and Mrs. R. Vice, WH , t ' ril ga +t of Wednesday that quadruplets born terchanges at main city streets|pavi Mr. E. Vice. M 1 Mrs. Harte mount United Church YP to at-| Mrs. Romeril gave a report of : 4 ? avis. r, E, Vice, Mr. and Mrs. Harry » tend a Hallowe'en Party Novem- committees which she attended in Tuesday to a 40-year-old woman were proposed. Sunday school will be held at Knox and sons spent Friday even- atin u ber 1 in Oshawa i Oshawa Tuesday, where speakers are identical. The odds against] The other artery would connéet 193) am, mext Sunday, Oct. 19.!ing with Mr. and Mrs. Harold bid - rd re i yen|having quadruplets, they said, are thé extension with the north-south 74are will o? vite Jebson: " . het io . were. heard representing : seyen e will be no church service Jebson at Columbus. Prior to - Fire Prevention Week got off overseas fields, Japan, - Hong|750,000 to one, and the odds Don Valley Roadway, about three owing to special service at Zion. their leaving later this month Pl C ni al 08 Dad Na, Monday mig I ong, Korea, Angola, Northern against them being identical are miles east. _|CGIT MEET Ito make their home at Beaverton ans ar Vv ' brigade were called to a fire Rhodesia; India and Trinidad, and astronomically high. They were | The CGIT group met Saturday! Mr. and Mrs, E.' Spires and By MRS. A. L. HOOEY brig .ic| Mrs. - Cecil: Hill gave a reading.|born to Mrs. Charles Ullman, | $75 RUSSIAN TEST {afternoon with Mrs. J. Knox and children visited Frank Burrows YONO -- igu ting in the dump east of Blackstock | wh here. from Windsor) ¢ urrows| ORONO -- The figure skating which was Soon extinguished: Lunch was served by the soup Same oraghons Mhi or| WASHINGTON (AP) = Detec-| Mrs. F. Westlake as new lead-in Oshawa and D., N. Spires injclub held its fall meeting at the while working on the above fire|2nd hostess. ¥ : |tlon of a sixth nuclear weapon|ers. : : | Toronto. home of Mrs. E. Neilson Mon- y Ta, 7 | carpenter, |blast in a series of Soviet Rus-| Juanita Frazer, president,|] Mr. and Mrs. R. Eakins and|day evening. a call came in. There was a y evening tobacco kiln on the farm of Victor MINISTER STABBED sia tests was reported by the opened the meeting and Pat Knox children and Mr. Newell were| Mrs. D, Tennant was appoint- Malcolm north east of Nestleton| SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) -- Chil-|tiago Friday. An unidentified per- Atomic Energy Commission Fri-|led in the worship service with Sunday tea guests of S. E. and|ed secretary owing to the resigna- on fire. Since Caesarea brigade ean Agriculture Minister Elz o/son plunged a dagger into his|day. The blast, of relatively high |Helen Knox and Gail Baker as-| Wes Werry. Other guests includ- tion of Mrs. G. Simpson. ; were busy, Port Perry brigade Pertuisset was stabbed and se-{stomach as he was entering his|yield, was fired north of the Arc- sisting ed Dr. George Werry, Carolyn| It was decided to hold a skating were called but were unable to vereiy wounded in downtown San-|office. tic Circle. | Mrs. Reed gave a talk on theland Donald, Oshawa, and 'Mr. carnival in February, and Mrs. {the RCA, CH. (P.). He played on his college soccer teams. Mrs. Love is the former Mary {Mustard of Toronto, daughter of Mrs. and Rev. C. A, Mustard, minister of St. David's United Church, for the past 45 years.| |Mrs. Love is a niece of the late {Thornton Mustard, a master at Kedron Fetes v-Weds bride and Jeanine Wi program consisted of munity gift The committee served ments, Following the planned pro- gram, the bride and groom were escorted to the Kedron charivari buggy for a ride, and a final good-night. The Oshawa Presbytery Y. People's executive, and ---- ministers with their wives, held a dinner meeting in Kedron Lower |Hali. Tuesday evening at which the Doubles Club at Kedron Mrs. John vegans, with ee- hostesses Sonia and Mrs. Lorne Tregunna, entertained with an evening party at the former's home, honoring bride-to-be Mavis Tregunna with a miscellaneous shower. Winners of prizes in con- tests included Mrs. E. Poole, Mrs. C. Hopkins, Mrs. A. Tre gunna, Mrs. H. Rose and Jean- ine Werry. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. William Werry |Toronto Teachers' College, re- {membered by many teachers in the Oshawa district. Following Ontario and trained as a nurse at the Toronto General Hospital, and is a musi- cian with an ATCM degree. Rev. and Mrs. Love are par- ents of three small boys, Charles, six years old, David, four, and Bruce, 15 months. | |B. Myles' was engaged as the club instructress. | A public dddress system 1s to' be purchased for the rink. Mrs. E. Samuel was added to the list of directors. At the close of the meeting a gift of crystal was presented to Mrs. A. L. Hooey, who is leaving the community. | | POLIO DEATHS TOTAL 19 DETROIT (AP) -- Two more deaths were attributed to the De- troit area polio Spidemmic Friday bringing the total for the year were guests at the wedding in Cornwall of Murray Jackson and Sharen Patterson, and the re- iniher college education, Mrs. Love ception later at the bride's home. Before returning home Mr. and Mrs. Werry attended the Inter- [national plonghing match, and spent a brief holiday at Lake [Placid, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Luke, Toron- to, were Saturday dinner guests of Mrs. W. L. Mountjoy. William Mountjoy returned home with {them from hospital. Beryl Mountjoy, London, was 1 | Thanksgiving visitor at her home {here | Mrs. Russel Robbins, Oshawa, |was a Thanksgiving visitor with her brother, Russel Down, and Mrs. Down. Mr..and Mrs. A. Lewis of Kingsville were among Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Bishop. | Mrs. Milford Shephard and |{Mrs. W. Griffith of Preston were among Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and' Mrs. H. Werry. r) n ol Ne expense has been spared to bring you the very best can prod These records have been custom-pressed In 100% vinylite by ene of America's largest record manufacturers and we can assure you nothing yeu have heard compares fo this miracle In sound. These recordings range the ENTIRE TONAL RANGE OF HUMAN HEARING . . . FROM 50 TO 15,000 CYCLES. LOBLAW GUARANTER Compare your Masterseal record with any hi-fi, LP record selling for $3.98. We guarantee your Masterseal record te be of equivalent value. If you don't agree that these records compare favour. ably in quality and reproduction, your money will be cheerfully refunded. 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