# or Rent ,#3--Real Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale 43--Real Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale | THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursdey, October 16, 1958 7 A 33611 Bowmanville, 238i stove school. io , |tral. Stove, refrigerator and '20% [tacilitigs. Phose RA 53064. laundry Edd 1 menthly, Dial RA 3-4014. 239 R room, furnished light house- room, share refrigerator, Lv oF gentleman. 235 Quebec Str $fgoe. bataroom, ushunished, o . Heavy duty wiring. Phone RA al ieestion. Availeble Novem. Fer id ¢|VAle entrance, TV 230¢| eation. Available KE - rooms self - contained apart uit FIVE . room, self . contained apart. ment, also three - room apartment, pri- vate three-piece bath, reasonable, down + 290 town. RA 51932 or RA 5.0883 LAROE four - room apartment, pri- antenna, central lo- immediately. RA a RT his nif 1m Three good | - or ty; oil heated, very eentral. Reter-| TWO partly furnished rooms, near ¥ os $100 monthly. Phone King and Ritson. RA 3.7082. EL J HOUSE for rent, can be used as two "pace, with pi Taciiities, able December 1. Located at King Albert Streets. Phone RA 535-0003. boards, garage, deep lot. Immediate occupancy. 638 Bloor Street Kast. RA ied room, sista, two iby fom © corners. Men only. 108 Celina Street or phone 3 3-5211. RA 5.2539, 241{ Apply to 531 2414 TWO furnished rooms. Mary Street or RA 5-5691, -- BUY NOW - ATTENTION BUILDERS, SPECULATORS ~ 15 N.H.A. LOTS - FULLY SERVICED ONLY $2300 EACH -- BUILDERS TERMS ALL FRONTAGES 50' AND OVER FULLY BUILT UP AREA WHY NOT SEE THESE LOTS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE BY CALLING PAT O'DONNELL OR JOHN BOLAHOOD AT RA 5-6544, JOHN A, J, BOLAHOOD LIMITED, ---- REALTORS 240c APARTMENT, modern, two - room 16 furnished rooms, hot and xr, refrigerator, cupboards, * machine. Couple, no children. ly Ritson South, A Eid USE 'for rent, three - bedroom and rage,' owner leaving country, bl rent to responsible party. | hone 'Whitby MO 8-3127 between 6 and p.m! '* Oct 8 UR © room, self - contained a ent, Sew stove and refrigerator, $75 on! Adults only. RA 5-4369. 240f 0 -,/jom apartment with bathroom, vate. éntrance. Phone RA 3-7092 ara 236 JUR wi room Apartment, plus bath tbr] je space In apartment build- , velARerator, wtove and washing machine. central, $85 a month 'ossesston November 1. RA 8-8876. 240f EAT four-room apartment, unfur- shed,' ventral to downtown. Business uple' Preferred, abstainers. No chil. en. Available Nov. 1. RA 50727 after | p.m. 238¢ EEPING accommodation for young | an, 87 weekly, board if desired, 155) 'erdun Road, RA 05-8522 2374 | FIVE . room heated apartment. Cen-| ral. Avallable November 1. Phone RA $8624 2371 ONE room, for lady. Phone RA 8-5063, Apply #73 Eimgrove Avenue, near shop- #lng centre. 237¢ FIVE - room house near school, Maple Grove, Of furnace, inside water, no bath. Phone MA 3-2715 238 FIVE - room brick bungalow, on Burk| street, Phone RA 5-4365. 2381 chara & of. 5. = SIX - woom bungalow with finished rec- reatiom room. Possession November 1 all Gon Howe, RA 5.7052, 240f APAREMENT for two or three adults, sver garage, Simcoe Street South, near | Wentworth, Write Box 109, mes- | Gazette, Oshawa 2404 r0 RENT -- bedroom with large clos- sts, sitting-room and kitchen privil- ges, TV. 498 Simcoe North, Apanielt J NICE, clean, comfortable room, five minutés from downtown, suit lady or gentleman. 98 Nassau Street. RA 5-770. FOR rent -- eight - roomed house with garage, 75 Ritson Road North. Avail: able November 1. Apply above ad- dress between 5 and 7 p.m 240c fEREE - room apartment, private i path, self - contained, very central. no ! shildren. 240¢ RA 5-1293. rWO, -large unfurnished rooms, si and cupboards in kitchen, upstairs, Athol Street East, Adults. Phone RA 8-4328, 240f sink with stove, refrigerator and laundry facilities. Very central, available im- mediately. Phone RA 3.2233 or after § o'clock. RA 3-3681. 240¢ THREE-room apartment (large rooms), 8906. rea. |e 10 South GM. Phone RA 5.8006. central, refrigerator, heavy duty suitable for couple, or two lad a month, RA 39128. BUCKINGHAM MANOR APARTMENTS One- and two-bedroom, elec- trically equipped, good lo- cation. $90 ond $100. Apply-- 498 SIMCOE N., APT. § RA 8-8676 Nov.8 45--Real Estate For Sale FIVE ROOM brick bungalow, elose to separate and pubMe schools. Land scaped, storms and screens, many extras. Only $11,800 with $2500 down. Call RA 8-8300 2414 SPECIAL -- Cadillac Street, brick bun- galow, five rooms, wall to wall broad- loom. Only $11,000. Ask for easy terms, Jones Real Estate. RA 5-6412 240¢ SELL or trade for good farm, grocery and butcher shop, good business on 4 corners; also drug, candy, ice cream and soft drinks; best equipment. Brick building, 6room apartment also for sale if desire to buy or rent it. Apply owner, H. Husgsel, 350 Eulalie' Ave. Oshawa. 240d $9,200 Unusual Bargain, with sub- stantial down payment. New S.room Brick bungalow, com: pletely custom finished. Close to Olive and- Baldwin, Schools and bus. 629 Crerar Ave. RA 5-6031, CASH FOR YOUR HOME 241c| OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 130 BROCK STREET NORTH MO 8.2527 WHITBY $1,000 DOWN -- Large home in residential area, one mért- gage, a wonderful buy. For more information cal Audrey Moore, MO 8-4088; or MO 8-2527, ONLY $1,425 DOWN for this beautiful four-bedroom home in o choice restricted oreo, large bright kitchen, lovely spacious living room, with plenty of dining area. A real fomily home. Phone MO 8-2§27. WE hove building lots available in Whitby, various prices. HILLCREST SCHOOL AREA, just two bungalows ieft, low down poyment, WE have people wanting bungalows close to centre of town. What do you have? OSHAWA -- $890 down, one mortgage, three-bedroom bunge- low, well finished. Coll: Mrs. Coulson, RA 3-9139. COUNTRY LIVING with city conveniences, just outside of Whitby, this lovely home features a holf ocre lot with fruit trees, low taxes, garage. Call Audrey Moore, MO 8-4088; or MO TWO . STOREY brick |bedrooms, harGwood floors, veneer, four excellent 45 Real Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale Ristow & Olsen NORTH-WEST AREA Five-room Brick bungalow, close to schools, nicely landscéped, with ell aluminum windows, TV antenna and mény other fee- turd, Don't miss this wonderful buy os owner will finance with reasonable dwn payment, QUALITY HOME If yu ére the purchaser who has been I6oking for a quality built home with five lorge tastefully decorated rooms, paved driveway, and goroge, then this is it, Locatéd on Central Park Bivd, North, this will be financed by the owner, if purchosed with eo ble déwn pay it. : BARGAIN HUNTER SPECIAL We have listed e three-bedroom clapboard home et Maple Grove, opposite the school, situated on o large lot, at a price of $8,900, with down payment of $3,400 to the private lst. mortgage, permits easy payments of $65.00 per month. This attractive price includes aluminum storms ond screéns, F.H.A.O. furnace, high and dry basement énd cémént block garage. 19 ATHOL ST. WEST OSHAWA RA 5-6165 RA 5-3412 After 6 p.m. please eell:-- Geo. Topping .. RA 3-3147 Hilda Ristow .. RA 5.3605 Jeon Peacock .. RA 5-4330 Roy Lathangue RA 5.3412 Ron Douglas .. RA 5-6165 Corl Olsen .... RA 8-5146 Paul Ristow .. RA 5-8152 241 e | CAN HELP YOU! REAL ESTATE is a PROFESSION 8.2527. 241a/ We have clients for the following: THREE single, furnished rooms for . girls or boys, also light housekeeping ! Also garage. RA 5.9971, Apply 283 Rit son South eA 2408 THREE . room apartment. Young eouple preferred. Apply 121 Park Road North, 240b THREE rooms and bathroom, separate entrance. Call RA 5.9886 from 6-8 p.m 240b FOUR. - room flat, "refrigerator and sink in kitchen, large cupboard space. Corner King and Division, Oshawa Phone MO 8.2398, Whitby. 241 MODES 1--3-bedroom homes in the Cadillac, La Selle, High- land area. 2--2 or !3-bedroom homes | in Northway Court area, | 3--We urgently need income [ | properties For Free Valuation Call RA. 3-2265 SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Limited four , beautiful kitchen and large Hving room ne November 15. RA 349453, ue AELF-. contained, unfurnished, three | Tosm apartment with private bath, TV sutiet; heavy duty wiring, vicinity Ri- 1. Adults. Apply 197 Oshawa Boul South, Ale 'NICELY furnished housekeeping room, for [ man. near hospital and 'downtown. Apply 542 Simcoe North or| RA 3-4376. 2% Upper Duplex, available Nov- ember 15, nicely decorated, lorge living and' dining room, huge bedroom, kitchen ond bathroom, sun room, T.V, outlet, ideally located, reason- cble rent. Owner there Fridgy, 8 pm. to 10 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., Sunday 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. © RA 8-1183 crm pe 2414 LLOYD" REALTY INSURANCE REALTORS Open Evenings QUALITY PLUS Live comfortably in this large 3-bedroom bungalow, all conveniences, many ex- tros, tastefully decorated, 2 | acres Low down payment | ond full price will suit any | budget. It will pay you to | call for an appointment to | see this bargain of the week. DOUG GOWER, RA 8.5123. | Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. | 93 Simcoe St. North RA 8.5123 LIST WITH LLOYD THEN PHONE YOUR MOVER 2410 WHITBY CLASSIFIED [FOR RENT -- Apartment, self contain-| FOR SALE -- Ra berry bi .jed, four rooms, bath, Central Whitby Jan Kochman, risen dh od Ror, {{location. $50 monthly, early occupancy.|Whithy. : Ladd TT XE TT er abd RY: rn CE \FOR RENT -- Tires HI WILL give experienced day care to/or one single room ty man! mother | room; ] 4 241¢| MO & ANTED TO RENT -- One or two FOR RENT children while works. MO 8-4061 f room apartment, young couple, for {November Ist or sooner. MO 8.2458 | room, very central, furnished or un- 241e room and board considered 17 Brock South 241¢ --~ Warm, comfortable fter 4:30 p.m eeping "optional. MO 8-2401 1247 Dundas East 0 - room , private bath. 501 241b| sired. MO 8.4363, ot RE ae Fon rs ™ -private rance, . 2 ble, suitable for gentleman, House. | Ih A8W th rimant a SL le ator, TV OR sale -- 23 eight-week-old pigs. Ap-|drapes, decorated, ample parking. MO 2404 | 8-3591. Qarge) apartment, heat: FOR RENT = Comfortable apariment Green Street, beautiful location, refrigerator, laundry light he if de- le gr RENT -- Four roo stove and refriger.| and phone offtiets, bamboo 2411 ithy » 240f | facilities, parking. 600 Centre St. §. Apt EPTIC tanks cleaned the sanitary Chesnut west; Phone MO 8-2563. Oct. 4 2, Whitby, ay, new tanks installed. Walter Ward, WANTED -- Junior clerk, m. male. Apply Toronto - Dominion Bank 240¢ ale or fe 240d Y arid sell used furniture. Grixiti FOR sale -- 1950 Pontiac coach, rea. rniture will pay cash for used ap. sonable, In good running condition, MO 4167, co ances, furniture. Apply basement, 1 Brock South. MO 8-4322. Oct. ANT cuffing and alterations, men's for couple. MO 83144. 0c |' 2400 d ladies wear; FOR RENT Boats, box ond cabin trailers, drapery FOR rent -- Three room bo . 0 . L | yg ., Apply 831 H. MacDonald, 1013 Centre Soven, Brock North. MO 8.2594. 0d) GUARANTEED sewing machine re.| pairs and service. Call Midtown Furni-| ture, 113 Byron Bouth; phone MO 8.4981. | Nov. 6 cor top boats, canoes, guns, lawn. rollers, garden tiller, mowers and seeders, cement mixer, wheelborrows, pipe dies, post hole digger, coulk- ing gun, point sprayers, ete. WILDE RENTAL SERVICE AND SALES 1101 'HENRY ST., WHITBY | MO 8-3226 | Oct. 18 "WHITBY FOR RENT THREE ROOMS AND BATH, CENTRAL -- HEATED $60.00 Warren J. Mowat REAL ESTATE MO 8-2501 Bvenings--Mr. Baker MO 8-2478 Ue ------------ DRIVEWAY GRAVEL | Coorse or fine, $7.00 per | load. Cement-Gravel, $1.60 yard, Sand end Loom Fill, For delivery to Oshawe Whitby, Ajax area ERIC BRANTON, MO 8.2640 | CLEARANCE SALE OF RUBBER BOOTS / BOYS' RUBBER BOOTS -- Sizes 1 to 5. Sale Price $2.00 pr. MEN'S 13" RUBBER BOOTS -- Broken sizes 6 to 12. Sale Price $3.00. MEN'S KNEE-HIGH RUBBER BOO S -- Broken sizes 6 to 10 -- $3.50. BOYS' 13% BLUE DENIM SMOCKS -- Sizes 8 to 12 yecrs. Reg. 3.50. To Clear $1.00. MERCANTILE DEPT. STORE BROCK ST. N., WHITBY 241b John F. DeWith REALTOR AND GENERAL INSURANCE SALESMEN:-- DONALD MOUNTJOY, BOWMANVILLE, MA 3-3950 DAN BOEHM, CANTON -- PHONE WELCOME 2328 ROSS DAVIDSON AT BETHANY DAIRY FARM, 200 acres, as a goin gconcern, with oll cattle, feed and machinery, located on highway, close to small town, Very fertile, rolling land, large barn with steel stanchions, water bowls, etc.; 6-roomed, new, modem bungalow with all con- veniences. Asking price $32,000 -- down payment arranged. DAIRY FARM, 200 acres on paved road, level clay-loam land with 100' x 52' barn, waterbowls, large bulkcooier, 10 cans milk quota; 6-roomed, new modern bungalow with all con- veniences. Asking price $30,000. Has to sell on account of | poor health. Open for offer, | DAIRY FARM, 100 acres with 5 can quota, 2 miles from city, bulk cooler installed, 100 ' x 30' barn, water bowls, 8 Roomed brick home with furnace, running water, etc. Price $16,000 Terms arranged. DAIRY FARM, 150 acres, L shaped barn with steel stanchions, water bowls, large stream, drive shed; 8-roomed stone house with water on tap. Asking $15,000. Easy terms, DAIRY FARM, 200 acres with the best of buildings, located on large river, 4 miles from Peterborough, large L - shoped modern barn, silo, machine shed, modern garage; 8 roomed Sone: Hed swith oll modern conveniences. Price and terms ar- ranged. $8,000, For 8 roomed home on highway on $ acres of land, with furnace, 4 piece bath, electric water heater, hardwood floors, modern kitchen, 2 Car garage. Terms arranged. $500 down buys this 6 roomed home with hardwood floors, modern kitchen, running water, furnace etc. Price $6500. Very ottractive, new, large size ranch style bungalow on 100' x 275 lot with attached garage. Recreation room in basement with bar. Fireplace in living room, also in_recreation room. Built with the very best of materiol. All modern conveniences. Price and terms arranged, $1,500 down for 6 roomed home in village with oil furnace, running hot ond cold water, hardwood floors, modern kitchen. Garage. Price $5500. $10,500 Income home, seporate entrance 2 kitchens, all fully modern conveniences. Newly plastered ond painted. Terms. Besides obove mentioned we have 'approx. 200 more properties to choose from: hi gis Member o fthe Oshowa & District Real Estate Board. | 3 ps. ng rec. room in basement. Landscaped and decorated. Oil with us We will evaluate, list, advertise, show, finance and complete the sale of your home, farm or business PROFESSIONALLY. BERNEICE ARMSTRONG REAL ESTATE BROKER 124 Dundes West, Whitby MO 8-3355 (REVERSE CHARGES) will. move your real estate in Oshawa, Whitby, and surrounding oreos. | CAN HELP YOU! COLERIDGE AVE. S-roem brick ond stone bungalow, quality built with many extras such as tiled walls in kitchen and bathroom, vinyl tile floors in kitchen and bath, paved drive, front lawn sodded, oil heating. $14,500 with $4,500 down, SUBURBAN LIVING ond enly @ stone's throw from city buses -- well planned S- room bungalow with breezeway and attached garage, good landscaped lot 60° x 248', living room 22' x 14' plus 3 good bedrooms ond kitchen. Call today for early appointment. After $:20 call Everett Elliott 3-9290. Asking $12,500 with $4,500 n. Nov.10 NEW FIVE/PLEX Nearing completion -- Five modern suites -- ceramic tiled baths, stoves, fridges, storm windows ond screens, decorated, land- scoped, T.V. antenna ready for the tenant to move in. This income building will not last long. Call for early inspection. $1233 DOWN -- HARMONY HEIGHTS 4 Only -- 5)3-room bungalows ovailable with construction als ready storted. Panoramic sashless windows complete with storms ond screens, aluminum storm door, ceramic tiled bath- room walls and floors, sodded front lawns," sidewalk gravel drive, loundry tubs, hot water heater, electric light fixtures and stove cable. Complete in every way in Oshawa's most popular low cost subdivision. $12,395 with $1,233.20 down. Lloyd Metcalfe REAL ESTATE 34 Simeoe Street South Dial RA 3-9329 or 5-6551 After 5:30 Dial-- Everett Elliott .... 3.9290 Lloyd Metealf .... 5-6983 Dick Barrioge .... 5.6243 Joe Moga ........ 59191 241e 241e Insurance Associates Ltd. REAL ESTATE NEW $1,200.00 DOWN NEW Only 1 left, 6 roomed brick semi-detached home, 4 bedrooms, 4 pc. ceramic tiled bath, gos heating. Aluminum windows and doors, close to schools, 1 N.H.A, mortgage for the balarice. For further details please call John Zokarow, evenings RA 5.0494, 346 MARY STREET $11,500.00 -- 7 roomed brick in this choice location, eonvenient to schools, churches, down town. Nice living room with fireplace, good size dining room, modern kitchen with plenty of cupboards. Enclosed back porch, 3 large bedrooms, new forced air oil furnace, nicely shaded back yard and garage. For further information, please call, Henry Stinson, evenings, RA 5-0243. ATTENTION LADIES Have you reached the stage in life where you would like less housework? Where you are sick and tired of climbing stairs? If you have, then wa would like to show you a snug, comfortable, modern 5 room brick bungalow, located on a beautifully land- scoped lot on Somerville Ave. The price is right, the terms are good. Take the step now towards a healthier, happier life. Give Stan Philips a coll, evenings RA 8-1496, HAVE A LOOK You will be glad you did! Lorge six room brick one and e half storey home on Wilson Rd. S., a short distonce from King St. Downstairs comprised of living room, kitchen end 2 bedrooms ond 4 pc. bath. Upstairs consists of 2 very large rooms and bath. Upstairs now rented for $50.00 per month. Large heating, aluminum storms and screens. Good income for some- one needing 4 bedrooms. For further information, Coll Bill Me- Feeters, evenings, RA 5-1726. 463 MARY STREET 7-room brick English tudor style bungalow with 2 car garage, located on Mary St., spacious living room wiih natural fireplace, family size dining room. Ultra modern kitchen features all steel cabinets, built in oven and counter top, burners gas controlled, built in breakfast nook is ook. 3 large bedrooms upstairs with ample closed space, 4 pc. modern bath with tiled walls. Sun room ot back of home enters onto a patio all electric fixtured, drapery rods and fireplace accesories are of wrough iron. Basement floors ore hardwood throughout, Complete rec. room with telectric fix- tures. A wery destinguished looking home situated close to Publie ond Separate Schools, thurch and transportation. Shown by appo- Intment only, call Reg. Aker, evenings, RA 5.0201, BEFORE 5 P.M. RA 3-2265 -- BETWEEN 5 & 6 P.M. RA 8-1624 le Buy and Sell with Confidence! $400 FULL down payment for six three bedroom REALTORS NT ro0m, 1% storey brick home, three. new - oil i png income | BEST S0-acre farm in cous. | NEW bungalow with ome to six acres home, § : mile , 12 Highway and good garden land. Close to Oshawa. 2A 3118 po Po orth." driving distance,| Phone RA 5.1103, 21¢ GRASSMERE Avenue, Three-bedroom 236¢ miles »isevén room brick house, bam, 187 . five large 8, Co. Lid, RA 3-9610 or RA 5.8761. 240d Tuk clay brick, Tosa, Bp water. Death reason for | bungalow, four years old. '0 with arborite, cash. Phone Pert Perry #9SR2L. . Close Place bath, electric hot water. $7800 Gis Bic|school aha bus, $3000. RA 58348 price, ou! a =z . - College Avenue or call i §. Snélgrove [BEST bargain in city, new || HOUSE -- six-room, 1% storey. 2lum- storms, oil heated, Jandseaned, 239b | N.H.A. HOMES SEE - OSHAWA'S CLOSEST IN SUBDIVISION WALK DOWNTOWN WALK TO SCHOOL ~~ LOCATION -- PARK RD. N. & HUMBER JUST ABOVE LOUISA ST, SEE THE MODEL ® Solid rug end bark brick. ® Stone fronts, ] [) $888 ONE NHA MORTGAGE Many styles, colors, lot plans, etc, to choose from. Neo? new public school ond churches. Bus service. See these homes anytime by calling ANNE MacMASTER RA 8-1338 W. T. Lomson, Real Estate Oct. 15 ED. DISNEY Real Estate & Insurance 3 bedrooms. Rolled arborite kitchen Q counters. ® Paid services. ® Sodded fronts, © Many other extras, ® You must see the model. PRICED FROM RA 3-2333 $12 190 $10,000 -- 8-room income ' home, 4 bedrooms, large lot, double garage, Asking LOW DOWN PAYMENTS F000 dom ae ant, IF YOU QUALIFY Have 13 brick bungalows with 3 bedroms, sell for $12,- OPEN HOUSE 0 14,000 with $1,500 SEE THE MODEL SO Lo th 2:30 P.M. TO DARK DAILY mortgage. 90 ocres et city limits north EXCLUSIVE hgENTS Oshawa. A 'good Investment BOLAHOOD | 1 om. 10 acres, 9 miles eost of Oshawa, has good buildings. LIMITED -- REALTORS RA 5.6544 Salesman -- Ed. Irish RA 3-3301 Nov, 18 PRESTIGE LOCATION AT EVERYDAY PRICES That's what you get when you own a new home In WITH DOWN PAYMENTS FROM ized ! corner lot, rents $50 to Sunset School. Possession November gown Call RA 57545. Oct. 31 LD RE Tas [tors sone mel Eutsn, RA 344% | 47 Automebiles For Sale INSURANCE - REALTORS pF = \tomapties ios Ste 0 Svenin CATION ITY fhe, V3 wnfine, 'wo rer hdl and WORTH INV! ter, tires, average mileage. OWNER'S LOSS, YOUR GAIN LEAVING C Brookin 3980." Split-level, brick, 3 bedrooms, Seven-room brick, modem, |. PONTIAC, #00d 1 order, $80. sunken living room overlook with sun room ig ic Too. Apply 210 Kent Street, ov . ing loke with private beach, Garage, prove veway. ROTTS Filner $0 Goel raring 1 ysor old, oll latest con- Must be sold. Asking " How io M os, 38 ks Good sunning veniences. $12,700 with $6,000 down, This home Must Ba ol SA SN $1,500 down, NAA, tema, must be seen. ner 3is05. RA 0077 evenings be lake ofl offers, CALL Ant : #8 DODGE Regent, radio, directional Weinbarger, RA 8-5123, APPLY: -- DE a ar. Yoon Lloyd fy Oshawa. Lid, 105 RITSON RD. NORTH [pisnals. Arply, '240 93 Simcoe St. N,, 7-9 pm. 88 CHEVROLET four door, Biscayne, RA 8.5123 240c|low mileage. RA 5.2010. Hin LIST WITH LLOYD »" 'V. coach, excellent condition, Phone RA 65-1871. THEN PHONE YOUR MOVER | NEW WH CRN hardtop, lent condition, a 13 East," Ta Ss V8 CHEVROLET station wagon, Good condition, $1500. Phone RA 3.9654 whith '5 METEOR Rideau, fwo fone, white walls, $700. Apply 343 Park Road North '49 AND "50 AUSTIN sedans, mechani cally A-1, RA 35-4074. 240 50 CHEY, Must sell, food condition private. 'Phone Whilby. 's5 PONTIAC, 27,000 original mileage 'Also 54 Chev, one ton piek-up truck 2404 a terms 2 Caer sedan delivery in good condition. Ap ply 32 Athol Street East, front ook after 6 p.m. 1954 PONTIAC, biack, like Rew, heates, defroster and extras. Phone RA +n 's2 BUICK h ardtop, excellent condition Apply 561 King West, RA 58152 afta six, ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up # 20 per cent. Nine months to pay. Feu personal servies. at your home eall RA 85-2802. \ HILLMAN lastest models now on dis play. Styling and comfort, power burn, motor in the right place, gas back, mot in your lap, stationwages $1,705; deluxe sedan, $1,805, complete the presesd will do 5-7981. ANOTHER GOOD OLD DOG SALE! You don't need e big pocket- book, just @ big halt, Give these dogs ¢ good home-- they will be your best friend. 53 Henry J--A-1 condition, 52 Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan --Excellent condition, $2 Ford Holf-Ton Pck-Up-- Good condition. 49 Mereury Coach--Clean cor. 49 Meteor Cooch--Perfect ROSSLYNN ESTATES Check these features: VARIED PLANS OIL HEATING DOUBLE SASH LAUNDRY TUBS LANDSCAPED . DIVIDED BASEMENT Follow the signs at Rossland West and Fernhill. Salesman on sité from 2 p.m. Oct.23 N.H.A. BUNGALOWS New 3-bedroom brick bungalow nearing completion on Ridge- way Ave. centrally located to Public and Separate schools, privately built, many many extras. Full price $12,490 with $1,780 down. , New 3-bedroom brick bungalow under construction et Cedar Valley Blvd. (off Taunton Rd. W.), levely homes sufrounding, close to new school, forced sir oil heating, custom built, Full price $11,180 with $1,490 down. STORES -- DWELLINGS Owner will accept low down poyment for this 8-room home and 2 odjoining stores on Albert St. heating is forced air with oil, 3-pce. bath plus 1-pce.; excellent income home, plus busi- ness. Asking $14,800. DON'T DELAY -- CALL TO-DAY OZZIE ADDISON -- RA 3-2254 LLOYD AYERS REALTOR Member of Oshawe & District Real Estate Board 241b DON HOWE Real Estate -- Insurance RA 58-7732 67 KING ST. E. DOWN PAYMENT -- $1800 Brond new, 3-bedroom bungalow, oll modern conveniences, close to ell schools, bus, landscaped, storm windows, carries for $65 monthly, Contact Winse Bradley, RA 3.2006, COLBORNE ST. E. Near Simcoe St, 2-storey brick, featuring large living room, fireplace and mirror, dining room, bedroom, large modern tiled kitchen, boradioom wall-to-wall, upstairs has 3 large bedrooms with a modern tile kitchen, 3-pc. tiled bath; full basement divided, hot water, oil heating; garage. This home is beautifully decorated. Ask for Kelly Bolohood at RA 5-7052. This seven-room brick home could be yours for only $1,200 down. Full price $11,900. For more information please phone Mrs. Tierney, RA 5.5207. SIMCOE ST. N. Seven-room, two-storey home, beoutifully decorated, South of Rossland Rd., early possession. Low down payment, $1,000 DOWN On Oxford St. Phone Mrs. Tierney, RA 5-5207. 4 rooms $500 DOWN 4 Five-room bungalow. This home is spotless, nicely decorated, modern kitchen, 4-pc. tiled bath, full basement, oil heating, new garage. Carries for $60 monthly, taxes $118. Select district, | block to bus and schools. Please phone Kelly Bolohood at RA 5.7052, CADILLAC N. Large brick home. with attached garage, recreation room, fire- place, storms and screens -- early possession. Call Jan Mill A RA 5-2993. fe RA 5-7732 67 KING ST. E. After hours please call Winse Bradley . RA 5.7732 Kelly Bolahood . RA 5.7052 Jon Miller . RA 5.2993 Mrs. Tierney .. RA 5.5207 Harry Millen .. RA 3-2524 Don Howe .... RA 3.9692 2410 $950. NEW NEW $950. 6 rooms, 3 bedrooms, brick, aluminum windows, 4-piece bath, forced air oil furnace. Completed and ready for occupancy. Full price $11,800. MOVE RIGHT IN Lovely 6-room brick bungalow in Sunset Heights, Convenient to public and separate schools, Completely equipped with aluminum storms and screens, forced air oil furnace, large lot 166 ft. deep. Full price $12,900. ONLY $2,000 DOWN For this ranch type bungalow with garage. Large ultra-modern kitchen with dining area, 3 good size bedrooms, large living room. Completely landscaped, aluminum storms and screens. Located in the North-west section, close to schools, churches, shopping ond right on the bus line. ONE TO DROOL ABOUT Don't fail to see this one. An outstandingly ultra-modern three- bedroom ranch-style bungalow in the Apple Hill district. Situ- ated on high' ground overlooking surrounding area. This beau- tifully decorated home is fully landscaped, completely equipped with aluminum storm doors and windows. Living room and dining room have large Twindow windows. < T.V, aerial, colored bath fixtures are also included. Spacious liv room measures 156" x 196". Plumbing roughed-in in basement for extra washroom, Full price $15,000. Terms. $1036.00 DOWN Master craftsmanship featured, § rooms, huge ultra kitchen, 4-pc. tile bathroom, aluminum door, iron railing and lots more at only $11,995 full price. Wilson Realtor - motor. 48 Ford Coach. THESE CARS CAN BE BOUGHT FOR LOW DOWN PAYMENT RA 5-4513 or RA 5.7450 BUCK'S BODY SHOP 361 Bloor E. 241e THE HOME OF BONDED USED CARS D. G. SPENCER CAR MARKET LIMITED 146 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8.4851 One full year glarantee on 1955 models ond up. Test drive the following BONDED cars and compare for value and price. 1955 Meteor Niagare 4-Dr. - 3-tone, white wall tires, many extras, A BONDED auto priced to sell, Fargo Y2-Ton Pick-Up, a real work horse ready to go to work. Dodge Hardtop, push- button drive, V8, 4-dr. A scarce model for the right party AT A GOOD price. Buick 4-Dr. Station Wagon, 2-tone beauty, fully powered. Colored glass, window washers; back-up lights, BOND- ED for one full year. Ford 2-Dr. Station Wagon, low mileage. Many extras like, price, windshield washers, BOND. 1956 1957 1956 1956 1950 Mercury 4-Dr. 2-tone. * This car is celan and ready to go to work, Cadillac Sedan, radio, 2-tone, power steering. Autom. transmission, power windows and seat, 3 Plymouth, one-owner, a real buy, try it and you will buy IT. Chevrolet Bel Aire-- many extras like radio, washers, 2-tone blue, a sharp car. Pontiac 4-Dr. Hard- top, hydramatic trons., radio, washers, white wall tires, V8. WE HAVE 25 OTHER GOOD CARS TO CHOOSE FROM We buy clean cars, trade up or down. Liens paid off. Drop 1952 1953 1954 1956 Oshawa Shopping Centre RA 5-6588 AFTER HOURS: -- Bill Norris .... RA 5.6588 Jack Sheriff ... RA 3-3775 Joon Wilson .., RA 5-6588 Doug. Wilson . . in = your car troubles are over with a A SPENCER BONDED CAR. 2414 RA 5-5625 2410 Contined on Page 10)