1@ TW BARY YIMELSAZITTE, Thurdoy, October 18, 1998 OFFICE HOURS + THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE Want Ads: . 1--Accountants 8--Building Trades 13--Gardening & Supplies | 18a--Mortgages 24--Market Basket |34---Auction Sales {31--Room and Board ote MONTEITH, Monteith, Riehl and Co..|prumpi hea ipes, fiftings,| EVERGREENS, shrubs, and perenni. (WE have clients with monies to pur-|BUY your apples direct from our 200-|gATURDAY, October 18 -- Auction sale, ROOM and board for one gentlemas, Please N INDEX Chartered Accountants, licensed Trus- Bd iio J a, als, also cedars for hedges, collected chase first and second mortgages and acre fruit farm, at lowest prices. 'Look of household furniture, garden tractor, in Sivate home, good locality. Deadlines now In effect for TO WANT AD tees, Ajax, Oshawa, Stratford, Toronto; | nije tanks to sewer a specialty. choice quality, 2' to %', $35 per hun of sale at a uis | for sign on storage, Pallock Orchards, |garden tools, dishes, Hoody anti-| 3-6! this eolumn: Hon, J. W. Monteith, FAC: A. B. Mon-| [2000 (ULE 80 SOC, 0 0 Tntor | dred. Orchard Nurseries, No.7 High |S: Hyman, ac, 37 King Street East, one mile' north, Whitby. Oct.11| ques, alore, sic. Al Lot 19, BOOM and board in ak oy Aleth, B, Comm, CA; G. W. Rien, CA} mation and estimates free on any type|way, south side, two miles west of Oshawa. RA 3-4 RASPBERRY bushes for sale, Jan Concession 4, Pic Township, five-day week. RA 5-080. Births, Memoriams, Cards of Il CLASSIFICATION Co nr 135 tions Strect|0f Plumbing. Dial RA 5-4241, J. Foley. |Brooklin. Oct 24 Kochman, Lynbrooks, Park Read, the rock Road, a SON Sad hoard 2d board tor Fo ry Thanks North, : -- Oshawa. G. T. HORTON and Associates, Com- WANT 50d? You'll be missing a MORTGAGES Whitby. 241c| Keith, | 8s. RA A.M. SAME DAY J seAconrtents -|mercial White Printing, 70 Harwood y : EET Sie a Von Sines Bw 3 sity 2--Barristers BOB Claeys ORBEA AcCouNiing Serv. Avene South, Ajax. Phone Ajax 728. (bis S00, Sont Call ua betore zou Bo and 1% mi miles eth of Bn Bowman ing, oe rostises Rew ang Clatne, Premios |42--Room and Board 11 AM. SAME DAY 3-Chrparn ices for small business. 184 Band Street BECK laying, biock laying, general Oct. ® AGREEMENTS OF SALE taken for winter Ww 0ct.2.9,18 Want IAI -3492 4==Dentists West, Room 1. Office 3 cement on . EDAR trees for hedge, choice quality, Phoné RA 3.3250. Nov.1|35--Employment Wanted |YoUNG man requires room and board DIAL RA 2.3 S--Nursing Services dence, RA 3.7603. ville, MA_3-2070, CA Tone al nds of mursers| First and Second Mortgages 3 ploy! in quiet, private home. Write Box 18, 60, , T. HOPKINg and Sompany, Col CARPENTER" ork, FEEL i. stock. Hillside Landscaping. RA Sooo, and . Agreements of Sole APPLES WOMAN would like work 83 housekeep: | Times. Times-Gazette. rve ccoun! ming, -- -- . Phone ¥ er ------------ BIRTHS To ~ : Sie Tas cubewi om Aletadons 4nd Wark * guarantee is RA - Bough id Cd on ged Macintosh, delicious Snows, for adult foul 237 43--Wanted to Rent Veterinarians .,jor too small. Wo uar 3 ) a building. Trades HERR El gl "Elcensed 3.3578) Oct-21 HOLLAND NURSERY | and Summer Cottoges, |. Nats Sng ue. ingest goo A BA JE TE Ag pA I . - a 8, 3 . 5 3 9--Suildino. Material ne pr Yate CAs F AND LANDSCAPING $2,000 and up, ton Rd. West, 6th road, tun ig prove og English), Phone RA 102 'Times-Gazette, (East, Oshawa B Yale, A F BRYANT -- (nee McKnight). Brenda|| |0---Sharpening Service Lh A CPA. : ! ,, man Ea Rat a Lee and Wayne would like to announce |]--Business Opportunities TOP SOIL Complete landscaping service. OSHANA 2 STIANCE penivend go 3 Mile, Bring ee = NTED -- Tv releranly r a eats oso' 1,8 (7 Ne Wares © ies Beniiten Scejs did ond Sie % time employment. Phone RA 8-5934, [rate school. Rent Lommensurate with Wanted Wedn , October 15, 1958 (7 Ibs. ¥ -~ $7.00 chards. amenities. Phone RA 81473 after 12% oz) at the Oshawa General Hos. an JOHN A, MacDONALD, BA, Barrister 6-yord load -~ $ Nursery stock, bulbs, ete. 112 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa, tof aie i i Nov.3 chil pital. Mother and baby doing well. 12--Dressmaking and Solicitor, 101 Simcoe Street North.| Cement and rood gravel, RA 5.7442 Phone RA 5-3568 7 | LADY willing to give day care to chil- = PORTER -- Mr. and Mrs. A. Porter Fak Reni 5 Supplies Tae 24 oo Barristers, Boi] Fill é+yord load -- $3.00. Oct.30 Oct.24|25--Pets and Livestock dren in her own home. Phone RA Lg JANE D -- {hree-, or Jour . bedivemm; We - "ah louse! epairs GREER and Kelly, hy ites are happy to announce the birth of all oo 00 tors, etc., 7% Simcoe Street South. Dial RA 3-3162 19--Personal BOARDING, "trimming, bathing, de-| EXPERIENCED stenographer desires heating Sous pares ren, Near iy baby girl on Wednesday, October 15, RA 3.2278. Residence phones: J. M. be wee | fl00INg, Waubena Kennels. RA 5-8321. position. E Phone | 5 pu 1958, at the Oshawa General Hospital.|| |6--Insurance Greer, BA, Sc., RA 85-3368; Terence V. Oct. 11 BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME NIAGARA Cyclo-Ma For home| BEAGLE hound -- seven Sears ons Pou Rob io ib| Sownpayment of ul 300 or less. Write 'te A sister for Pat, Ruth and David. 17--Money to Loan Kelly, BA, BCL, RA 8-5832, Duncan R. WITH AN ASPHALT DRIVE |demonstration phone 8-405. 241a|two years old; one, four iid old: | youNG Woman, THREE or pon rivete Bath. Bo - - \ + rooms and private bath, heavy 18~--Loan Wanted Phillips, B. Comm., RA 8-1974. T il od, cement, and three, w#ix-weeks-old pups. Phone RA WILSON ~--Laverne and Bernice (nee ; op soll, soc, ' WANTED -- a ride to Bloor and Ave. P in typing, clerical and receptionist), centr located, b; Peebles) wish to announce the birth of || 180--Mortgages JORN A. MacDonald, BA: Barris TRENCHING, BASEMpNY drivewoy gravel, sod laid. nue Rd. district in Toronto, srriving|> >> = 241c | guties, wishes part:fjme work. Phone duty wiring, aly located: whol % their son, Kenneth Laverne, on Wednes-|| 19--Personal ays Soliettat, 10] oct ls and SWIM ALF. LINES HAULAGE 7:55 a,m. Phone RA 8.5640 after 5, 241¢ [SIX Beagle pups for le, 10 weeks| RA 3200. 2600 day, October 15, 1958, at the Oshaw || 20__caryage Phone EXCAVATIONS . - ~~ old, and one male, sev months old. AAT op, 4 Saw: and : " PROFESSIONAL couple (doctor), f General Hospital. A brother for Nancy. || 5) --personal Servic DONALD Blake T Dodd. Barrister and | 10 sewage systems In- AND PAVING REWARD! for Information leading to|J. G, Carnwith, Phone Brookin 188. 36--Femole Help Wanted coup r ki : - recovery of Super Baldina camera, re- rare need three, of four-bedr £2--Radio Repairs phone: Business, RA 5-5501; Residence,| stalled. Reasonable en. RA 5.1905 en yaar Bu dlng camer, 40, 21S SPERIENCED homemaker 0 CAT | brick house. any Ol dour eds 23--Women's Column RA 8-5373. For free estimates call-- Reasonable Rates Centre Streets, October 12, RA 3.2361, Sine fix and Jew hounds for sale, for children while Wthies yg hy Oshawa, about December 1. AMherst Tr 241c ou; reet. live in 1-2541, Toronto, Nov, 8 DEATHS RemMerse) Satin gn Bd ft br * Honsy ARY STEVENS HYPNOSIS relieves tension PET Stock Supply, § Celina Street, hag 59 a ane 25--Pets and Livestock or. Nota cng Siret Eas. RA 34097 Brocklin 173 COURTICE SOD AND [HYENoSIS Telloves ; [8g complete line of budgie and| WOMEN wanted for laundry work. LOYD REALTY 26--Farmer's Column Hourly or Contract Work LANDSCAPING SERVICE reduces well ariums, tropical fish, canaries, bud. Apply in person. Star Laundry, 13 Ce- and finches, also Cocker { ) CLARK -- In Oshawa Hospital on 27--Fuel, Wood ---- ps ee Barris i! concentration in "|Pug puppies, Siamese male ¢ Jina Stet, a RENTAL AGENCY! vi 78~Summer Resorts , Solicitors; D. Humphreys, QC; = i roves sale: manship, ete od Fo in your . a et yu] in fore 5 Beyehyn, BA! W. A. Hiliman, PRE-CAST A-1 field sod, sprayed and [Lvl Rot Rtn: nical Tym. moukey. RA 5.043, Oct Woes NE come sores ary.| | LOur fee is less than a a oe rr of 29--Sunmer Properties. For Sole Lis. 6 King Street West. slots fertilized. For free estimates |[sis, Professional Building, 304 Dundas REGISTERED cocker & spaniels and fox| No gelivering nor collecting. Highesi vacancy, only screened "| -- i 4604; rrier " A Davison, Chari iret The tne 0. | °=300 DoT To CONCRETE | ©! Ed Knowlton, Fm oo Fon mane + Nl ommieic ad. ou ioe JO| and rable tenon, i ti t the {J 08) u- --o-- eee +e. | ' et ete----t-- 0] Md moral Home. Service in the chapel on|| 30--Lost and Found | JOSEPH P. Mangan, QC, B EA RA 5.6047 a ___Nov.I6| BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for|round products. For complete details| Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. October 17-at 2 p.m. Interment || 3] --Articies For Rent | Solicitor, Money to loan, Office, 14% SIDEWALK SLABS WANTED -- ride or riders, from Whit. training, talking strain. Apply Mrs. | write Dept. K, Peggy Newton, Dundas, 93 SIMCOE ST. N. . = Union Cemetery. I0OF Service Thurs-|| 32--Articles Wanted King Street East, C . RA 88232, DA re SLATS by to Bloor and Young district, Toron d, 114 Elgin Street East. _ Oct.23| Ontario, 21a RA 8-5123 day evening at 7.30 p.m, I! 34--Auction Sales T "3408. to. MO 8-2866, Whitby, David Lewis. |GERMAN Shepherd pup, je, three rienced » | fh Wanted McGibbon and Bastedo, Barristers, S CROSS TOWN SOD 241c(months, black and silver. Purebred. gol ower. Mortison Fur 93 NEY -- At Doctors' Hospital, 35--Employment Wante , vailable for] UNIT STEPS -- RAILING im - -- o B Jadies sea} DOW? Solicitors. Clients' funds a Pickering 87-J-3. Oct.26 20f| §4--For R Toronto, on Wednesday, October 15,|| 36--Female Help Wanted 0 gages. 20 Simcoe Street SUPPLY HAVE you a drinking problem? Write 27 Co., 12 King W or Rent 1955, Edward E. Downey, aged 68] 37_male Help Wanted North RA 5.3566. Charles C. McGibbon,| CURBING Alcoholics Anonymous. Box 29, Times. BEAGLE pups, seven months old, pure: | yANTED SRG. experienced, COMPLETELY furnished new home i years, beloved husband of the late Ante | 38--Male or Female Help Wanted | QC: Edgar F. Bastedo, QC. Oct.20| SEPTIC TANKS A-1 rolled, fertilized sod, cut Gazette, Oshawa. bred. for sale, reasonable. Phone RA permanent position, forward partieu:| Bowmanville, also garage. For partiow Caner: Bamana, Setvice in. the | 39--Agents Wanted JOHN A. CAMERON, Barrister, Solick| BAR B.Q fresh daily. Sod for trucks in |BYGIENIC supplies (rubber goods), 242 lars to Box 101 Times Gazette, Oshawa. lars, apply 18 O'Dell Street, Bowmam , Bi ervice W---- -B- 1 Chapel "Friday af 2 o'clock. Inter-|| 4 tuni [tor and Notary Public, 18% King Street field. Delivered or laid. Free Tiallea Jot pnd ib Jain sesled enl26-- Farmer's Column aie chapel on Friday || 40--Cpportunities East. RA 3.2269. NHA and private mort-| oo cpp ~r10N GUARANTEED | velopes with price list, 6 samples 25 MIDDLE-AGED woman to look after Two. or three - roomed apartment, ment Bowmanville Cemetery. | 41--Room and Board gages arranged. estimates, Prompt delivery. |cents; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order DEAD farm stock picked up promptly. children while mother works, live in. furnished or unfurnished. RA 3.9868 oF | . PAWLUK -- Entered Into rest in| 42--Room and Board Wanted RALPH 8. JONES, BA, and Thomas H. ROOKLIN Phone RA 8-8868. Dept. A ia, Noy: Babber Co, Bez 9 Phone Soles Eanvile: | MA 32675, Phone RA 54911. 2401274 Pacific Avenue. iw Fairview Lodge, Whitby, on Tuesday, | 43--Wanted To Rent Greer, Associate Barristers and Solici B SR A » WANTED -- a y with or without &| THREE - room rior ag Dctober 14, 1958, Danylo Pawluk, be-|| 44 ro Rent tors, 65 Simcoe Street South. RA §- 27 --Fuel Wood part-time job. Someone who would|siove, private bath, Available Novem oe ok. tn hie 80th sear. Rest.|| 45--Real Estate, For Sale joes. Mortgage loans evatianse. CONCRETE | OSHAWA ACME ELECTROLYSIS |#axowoon cuttings, 5, %i0 osc ds. a an vor 1. A%uis oly. Prose RA S010. i tng RS, BA, , Barrister, t. olicl- t the Armstrong Funeral Home, || 450--Real Estate Exchange |Z. 7. si T. SALMERS, livered anywhere. RA 35-1526. Oct.30 {] 8 tor, etc., 13% Simeoe Street North. Dial {Prriicuiams dial RA S34 alter. 8 20. GoM, Tortie, or Hovle Seren, , with rial service in the|l 46--Real Estate Wanted | i Try, Oates Tear [0 am] Ao--Rect Estate Warmed pi $4 $F Souijeucn | ds ge PRODUCTS | HAULAGE CO Removal of Jupertivon Heir. 28a--Hunting |Auply 317 Gliddon' Avenue or phone RA | t Oshawa Union Cemetery, GREER, Murphy and MacDonal ar. - . mee pn 2% insermen » || 48--Automobiies Wanted GREER, oliciiony and Nofaries Public, LIMITED Oshawa Nov. 4 and 5, Phone | DEER hunter wanted, Bancroft distric;| ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER | LaROCQUE -- Entered into rest in|l 49--Automobile Repairs 6 King Street East, RA 5-4717. Russell - i Genosha Hotel on these dates [Private property. RA 8-8876. 2% MODERN. a ro hula Xb ; re Cehma on Wednesday. Octo.|| SO--Articles For Sale J. Murphy and James A. MacDonald | pLONE BROOKLIN 158 SOD--LOAM--FILL ene Lot od Forrg required fo look after | hon Sai te ul bronioom, af hea. . . || 51--Swap end Barter i ici ed. North end. $100 monthly, Phone be be 1 Fe pal Tarte, | 31--Sven and bs RRR ETI I fe Oct. 17] AND--GRAVEL STONE ct Now| Fort -- ron, Goi gal | Scour receivable, inveiing |, Ka gi, fo 5 Londe, in his 73rd year. Funeral from CLASSIFIED AD RATES Rt Sine Big Roy | 2 artage Romtaining Bo wo t and stock recor are similar. |SHREE + yoom Dasement apariment i the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, LA! jay 5 Simcoe Street North, RA 3-3446; CUSTOM & N.H.A, | 0--C vr duties. Some typing in- light wiring. Call RA 5.7940, 1 | D A A day evening. Phone RA 3- 241a with High Requiem Mass in St. Greg- ighton, QC; N. C. Fraser, - TRUCKING of all kinds at "anytime, er: - i SELF . three - roo ary's Church, Saturday, October 18 at 28 words or lem [IT KO evaan, G.. L. Murdoch. HOMES IAL RA 3 3528 day or night. Phone RA 5.7586. Ask for LOST -- Black and fan hound, about| volved. Apply in person at |SELF otic. 8 ier es ' QC; 10 a.m. Interment St. Gregory's Ceme- Cash Charge NHA mortgages arranged. Lewis Craig. 240f (one year old, north of Courtice. Phone stove. Adults . X r . preferred. $80 Tentuly si id Rg INSERTIONS 1.48 207 [[GREER and Kel, Barrisiers, Soe Framing 21--Personal Service Tai = ORT use Pavol RA Saran. / 7 ||tors, etc., 714 Simeoe Street South. Dial Trimming TOP QUALITY BOR asany's Welch, visiilty of OF CANADA LARGE bright front bedroom, = : 6 CONSECUTIVE RA '322fs. Residence phones: J. Fisher Street and Zlowand, by Dupiate | 637 Simcoe South, Oshowa - |singie-heds, central, 88 each per wesk, For Funeral Flower INSERTIONS ~~ 3.00 3.30 ||GAes "BA. Sc. RA 5.3968; Terence V. i 4551. Arrangements See W not paid within 7 dave the || Kelly, BA, BCL, RA 83832; Duncan R. Additions DUTCH BULBS. TAILORING a rrr mers 24] {| Phone RA 8171 LEWINGTON'S | Charge rate will epply. Phillips, B. Comm, Alterations i Own materials made up. | icles For Ren LARGE four - room apartment, pri: vate entrance, heavy wiring, TV antens FLOWERS Above rates apply enly to erl- || 4--Dentists Kitchen Cupboards Hyacinths Alterations of all kinds, pa central location. Phone RA 3.7002. i ginal orders for consecutive inser- coe South, Tulips Invisible weaving. RENT A FLOOR 2364 PHONE RA 3-9533 tions. Subsequent insertions ordered | DE. P. RIORDAN, 3% Sim R R ; 24 King St, Eost, Oshawa at a later date constitute @ new |(office hours 8.30.53); evening by Ap ec, Rooms Narcissus Dress alterations. SANDER AND FINISHER TWO blocks from Oshawa Shopping (2 doors from Kern's Drug original order. RA 5. TERMS ARRANGED Daffodil 10 Prince St. (near bus station) and Cetre, two apartments, One bachelop store), Professional and Business flstings || DR. G. T. SCIUK, ois hours § {0 8. RA 311 from : ated, Rent $60 each, Phone RA 3.4102, ve! mi 9 . + C §.00 pur month for 3 lines daily. | Oven extn nEs mn. Phone Ba s2| Satisfaction Guaranteed a ops LEN PULLAN DO-IT-YOURSELF SALESLADY 8 Aurors or Phone Parkview Tus. | s n k (English Tailor) . IN MEMORIAM § Foch Initial tater, abbreviation. || 5 Ni reing Services A JAMES ALLEN Dutch-Iris nglish Tailor <| HARRISON & KINSMAN WANTED ! oNE Rive ariahed TOUT weivate 3 word. Box charged |5¢ additional. ACCOMMODATION 25 aha able. C S . h 337 Simcoe St. S. RA 3-4425 hs nice for gentleman, RA 3.7070. Oct.30 BURNS -- In loving memory of my|| All Clossified Advertisements South Haven Rest Home, Nowesstls, Bldg. Contractor ooper mit Co. CHILD CARE : For very . modern . children's |TBREE rooms, upstairs, builtin cup. Botan, dear husband, Willlam J. Burné, whol] MUST be in by 9 a.m. the day of Passed away October 16, 155 publication. ~ Office hours: Daily 440 WILSON RD. N. 16 CELINA ST. English. lady willing to core Chain Saws, Gas and Electric Clething ang spor sway shop [Sout pk 37001: REGULATIONS-- ANDEN NURSING HOME RA 56126 RA 3-2312 for 1 or 2 children daily, | Complete Fioor Sanding and | 1% OSioMa. Permanent BOS" |iN"wiifhY -- fouroom wie: heute g ol (Licensed) = rem | Monday through Friday. Polishing Equipment and on. Hime ews ,appo " [lights and water, $70 per month, Phone The Dally Times-Gazette shall KING. ST. WEST 10--Sharpening Service |(14--Household Repairs Prone A B-1700 Matoricls. now. raachined: ment. Apply in writing to: |183W, Ajax, after 7 p.m, or weekends, - " i 3 i Ls 2078 gdvertisgments sibmitieg Stherwise Exclusive nursing home for HAVE Your lawnmower sharpened now, FOR HIGH CLASS painting and deco- Skill Saw; Sanders; Drill; Box No. 104 Times Bente, FREE heii ro. ut a than in writing, nor for more n saws, scissors, RES Pri Percy Neil, rating, phone B. A, Upton at RA 3.2077 i rs; Pain wiring, a ae, De, miner one incorrect insertion of any od- || convalescent and glderly pec- |ioz Highland. RA 8.835 Oct.16| after business hours. Nov.s) PERSONALIZED TRAINING ig 10: Poa 37--Male Help Wanted TATE Td ' t, nor beyon price (Men and omen). FE Pep izi i ' oh ' Sty SELF . CONTAINED rtment, built passed away October 16, 1955 Vartisemeny ple. e ) YOUR i obi ~~ chim.| Slenderizing, Reducing and ; ; a s His smiling way and pleasant face || §poraed for a single insertion of f| {Loong dieticians in SAWS! SAWS! SAWS 1 |nevs a a i) Zencen boy zd ung Pipe Threading Equipment; |S XPERIENCED hardware retail clerk|in cupboards, heavy du . Laune Are a pleasure to recall; a vee al quite oténdonce- Tray service, ! ! } |stalleq. furnaces vacuuming: Freer sn. Electric Hammers; Chain |for progressive hardware store in Ajax. i Zoom. $65 monthly, RA 55431 oe To had 1 indy Youd for each, to classify advertising according to radio, T.V. lounge. The most complete auto- mate. RA 3-2997. JANE BLACK STUDIO Hoist; Post Hole Auger; Blow i wilting Jo Box ok oe 202 aie beloved bY 3). 4 ite its own classification. " matic grinding equipment in |CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, recovered OPEN 9 am. to 10 pn. Torch; Sump Pump; Lawn- Reette; iving fol. p or of ¢X'(SEVEN room house, good for twe Some hid 13% tb mest lm, PHONE RA 5-2330 Oshawa for sharpening Hand- [like new. Why pay more? Our rates ge, To clasp his hand in a better land 6--Optometrists saws, Bandsaws '(metal & feed. Trae EO ab mar 451 SIMCOE S. RA 5-9602 Never t6 part again. . wood) Planer Knives etc. holstering Co., 10 Bond Street West. for appointment vice, corner King and Burk |Whitby, Colonial Homes have openings| TWO large rooms, near and Rit- Sbvingy remembered by daughter Education Of ec "muscle anomalies, ereaght 300 Dial RA 50311. i Sts. Jub Dial RA % 3224 |on their sales staff for three men for|son, Phone RA 3-7092. wnt 236¢ glasses. Evenings, Mon., Wed., Fri, 68. YOU NEVER SAW A SAW |FURNITURE repaired and reuphoister- the ae a ox fice: | SINGLE room. for gentleman, central. BURNS -- In loving memory of a . Invalids examined at home. RA 5-6143.| SAW LIKE THESE SAWS SAW |¢d. See our materials for recovering. ACE CLEANING | duets. Experience not necessary as full| Apply 38 Nassau Street, dear father and grandfather, William J. rivers n ! V Disney Bldg., 31 King East. Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles Street. RA WEBBING'S [training will be given. For further de-| THREE room unfurnished ar Mi Burns, who passed away October 16, LAWNMOWERS, SKATES, 3.7212. ils. Phone RA 8.8571 or Whitby MO remembered by son and family . . Je=Survevers. rrr re PRECISION GROUND SER SRE for carpentry, CONT RACTORS HARDWARE 4851. ue " if 238¢ Private Cae, Srklatle Novembes | : 8, la % Being Studied EA dad g Toy 12 Bloor STAN'S SHARPENING STORES, OFFICES, DRIVE-IN LARGE United States and a/ THREE room apartment, with di LUKE ~-- In loving memory of a dear a 241 BI West, wife, Jettie, who passed away October| Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA SERVICE 15= Instruction FACTORIES and Ample Free Parking (Field E o high hi N four ods i cen LILLIAN Mae Marsh, Dance Educator; HOMES : business. Automo- | tral, near hospital, self contained, four. f ( i 5-5632. on cannot tell how I miss her, wets DON, om. en 2 Sew G. T. HORTON and Associates, Ontario C Ki d Dancing School, ballet, tap, baton, pre. Guaranteed repeat p ation, driver training|G. T. or. King and Burke » tap, » P 282 KING STREET WEST [pile essential. Agricultural or farming piece bath, continuous hot water. Rent PHONE RA 3-4873 background most portant. ales | reasonable. RA 3.7827, Nov, 14 My heart cannot tell what to say, Land Surveyors, Professional Engineer- school batic. Frid d § Floors i God only knows how much 1 miss|Droadcasts on television, is being|\ ng. 70 Harwood Avenue South, Ajax RA 3-3224 Masonic Temple, RA 37253. ay 3 Hors Windows, yall: and ly studied by the London Board of| a: : cellors cleaned. Washroom training given. 'Reply Se Box M, Lon Cope Division street, fm: In a home that is lonesome today. [Education in a move without pre-|poNALD --H--Trsiiope Ontario Lasd|1 1--Business O portunities HARVEY JDance Academy. Bato % cleaning and sanitizing It's Cheaper to Rent Than Buy |don. Ontario. 3 eet, jm Ever remembered by husband Charlie cedent in Canada. Surveyor, 216 Alice Street. RA $6881. romero oe Kine RL aden allel ghia SE specialty. Rentals include some of the - Times-Gazette. 239¢ ily. . , bl Dr. A. B. Lucas, director|g pg ildina Trades Street West. RA 81469, 240f a ume, PHONE RA 5.7165 following: OPPORTUNITY FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen, of education, told the board 9 oy . ~ |TUTOR, student counsellor, 13 years' Oct.27| Cement Power Trowel, Motor near four corners. 64 Charles Street, |Thursda the management of RICKS and Blocks Tid Free esti 12--Dressmaking experience. Appointment only. _ Call ep | Chain Sow, Electric Hedge F man, 21 to |RA 5198. 2374 vo anagement off ies "phone RA 8.8165 or apply a RA 51034. Oct.22 i A : Or. young man, |CFPL-TV is "wholeheartedly in-|™ juates, Phofe ¢|DRESSMAKING, alterations, and bui- nd Trimmer, Centrifugal Water 30. For sales sition TWO three - room apartments, upstairs, terested" in the plan and has| nN i a Call RA 8-8701. Nov.9 NET 0 "Fo ory] Pump, Floor Sanders, Cement If 4 h p iy three . plece bath each, heavy wiring, THE family of the late Mrs. Margaret offered facilities without charge. | eck White Printing, 70 Harwood Music Studio tor all Instruments |trained technicians, -5286. Mixer, Belt. Sander. Enquire IT you have per. ' - ge. mercial White 13--Gardening & Suppli Guaranteed job, Ghoul our Oley retol. initiative and sales |ATTEACTIVE furnished rooms, a Bleeker, Cobourg, wishes to express " + § pr Re LR Pei stdin. Salat. dui d is oe TTS sincere 'thanks to neighbors on Lloyd Still under study, the plan ten-|Avenus s ¥ Oct. 10/ HORSE manure for sale. Phone RA Plane Vuning LEN'S and Lou's Antennae, repairs. able in private home. 82 Park Street, friends, relatives, General |tatively calis for: EE --, 54394 236¢ ALTO MUSIC SUPPLIES Complete Rotor antenna, 575. * Ph 32--Articles Wanted aptitude. North, § - 7 p.m. RA 88671. M , Sick d I Club, al th i [ATE PLUMBING and heating bi { » one - zis rom. the Barve and Serve pe| A series of 30-minute Jectures ALL PLENBIYG i et I | ROTOTILLING, Tandscaping, cieanup New and Used Pianos RA 5.7844 or MA 3 ue 42. PIANOS -- Upright or minatarcs--wai| This could be your ap- THREE - room, healed apariment. in i |over television on drivin theory | plumbing, heating and engineering. 255/jobs and lawn service. Phone RA 5-376 : your own TV,|pay cash, State make and price. Write rtunity to substan- able immediately. Phone piv eet "RA po v x 6133, 2370 I bless the hours I had with you, Jad luvs Bu ven Xi Gea Adela. [| not be responsible for errors in mowers; Electric Hedge Trim- |quired. 201 bathrooms, on Harmony Road, $100° a mers, Stan's Sharpening Ser- |DUE to the opening of a new plant in| month. RA 5-6184, RA 3-2025 236¢ Petes dl ord oy pkindness:|and motor attitude; [Simcoe Street South. and FA 51576, Nov.) Full selection of all Instruments |radio and hi i tibee; Open dil Box 110, Times-G Novis| fon ' to the Rev. Donald Kellogg, for his con-| Behind the wheel practice in a| SPECIALIZING in chimney and fire-| LANDSCAPING, gardens plowed, (New ond Used) King ee ays. Fred's Drive- rt, lw WE PRY, cash or used fami, spol tially increase you soling words and to the Bowes Funeral|simylated automobile, compar-|places, building new, repairing old, and |disced, clean-up jobs, top soll, sod, 477 Si 5 eal: neem V3 WE_paY 8 sewing machines, planos,| earnings. LARGE room, single beds, suit two. or Home, during the loss of our dear; ...= the aircraft link trainer; |All minor repairs. Call RA 81435. Fov.8|lawns "serviced. RA 59721. mcoe Street South SPECIALIZED 10" and Television stoves. Also: sen a io lig a single room. Bruce Street. RA 5-3046. mother Practice in an automobile with!|ALL types dwelling repairs, Topfing, GARDENS ploughed, also light excavat- |] 6-- Insurance Be SP Jakes, Fred Tm paon, 157| Prince Street, RA 8-131. oct17l We are looking for a HOUSEKEEPING full; Tey ing, and repairs. m- (ing. Reasonable rates. Free Sa ---- a : room, ly equi at ol > take {this ror a trained instructor; igi gon. in Dial RA 5.7247, BE RA 5-1339, day or evening. Oct. 2 ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up GET missing ¢ chan. 17 pi programs now esr of Sraners; YO man to develop into a seven minutes from SGM. RA 5.7763. aides, housekeeping staff, on 2C, Drs. Award of a certificate upon | Gordon May LANDSCAPING, gardens plowed, !0 20 Per cent, nine months to pay. For|oP chan. 2. New double power aerials. spring matress, also one or 'two year] Sales management 245 Bloor West. ping rsonal servi t Spevit) conversion, $29.95. Kelly TV, King and Rowsell, also friends and completion of the course. SALE! disced, clean-up jobs, top soil, sod, petaon service at your home, call RA RA 55121, Nov.3| 01d nowsult, Must be clean and rea. compacity. DUPLEX = Sentral, three arge rooms relatives, for gifts, fruit, flowers, and - !' FOR ! lawns serviced. a 0 sonable. RA 3.4997. 2401 and bath, private entrance, heavy wir. cards, during my stay in the Oshawa : LEN Bowlers' landscaping and garden. ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up PIANO, In Toon ion TC Rani ing, oil heated, oak and tile floors. RA General Hospital. -- Mr. Harold Burn. | School Heads SANDFILL Ing service..lawns scedeq. soadad, for.|to 20 per cent, nine months to pay. For PORTABLE T.V PIANO: in Sood condition, reasonable. If selected you will be [5 =5 ham tilized, gardens and lawns ploughed, Personal service at your home, call RA «Ve paid salary and com- SELF . CONTAINED, three - room Loaded on your trucks at to-tilled, Sidewalk slabs, patio slabs. |%7413. Oct. 15 for 4 ode: rtment, h wird very reasonable prices. For Brains for nn bin By 85753. A CEDARDALE mission. Send full part Prone RA 354, savy 236 17 to Loan SALE OR RENT iculars. to "Box '106, [Tie RA BINA. ieee dS World' S Youth ow 0 oung further information-- Totted manare for sale, by the | SITES iid A le Rr Tmt SCRAP Ti Gazett ! |COMPLETELY furnished, newly deco- PLEASE CALL RA 5-9202 yard of load. RA 5375. OL Sel er, fiat PARKWAY T.V. IRON METALS LTD. imes-a0zeie: irs.iS ree apartment, Tiles . Oct.20| HEDGES and pe planted, all a agreements of sale purchased. Apply 919 SIMCOE ST. NORTH Wed, Thurs. Sat. | bol ges ig Puni n ers » any size cedar, spruce, etc..|M, F. Swartz, Barrister and Notary . IRON : : METALS Ple. Phone RA 35-3540, al reatest . from 25c. and up. Phone C. Smith, 612 Public, 26% King East, Oshawa, RA RA 3-3043 PAPERS : : RAGS 38--Male or Female ONE or two large unfurnished rooms, PITTSBURGH (AP) -- School SPECIAL Clarke, Nov. 3 +o. Help Wanted ground floor, heat, lights, south on TORONTO (CP) -- The present officials have bowed to the de- Soil pais money to loan on first mort- OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY DISAWASHER wanted Apply Bios -THn re Street. RA 3-4130. 236¢ generation, says J. Harold Wil- mands of 88 striking junior pu- Good Top Ol AJAX SOD SUPPLY i hae ake and Seen sale TV - RADIOS RA 5-3432 | Restaurant, 7 Simeoe Street North. Tage | THREE lights, Whieingg) kins, is not beat. pils at nearby Rankin High $1.50 per yard Sod delivered and loid. field Creighton, Foner, Drnene and ha RESIDENCE RA 5-4159 ERRN xiv dollars i your spare Gime | Mute Oo 300° Dhow mares anmet It's the greatest. {School with a promise to. reduce Gravel % one d ng phon pi Bg ond [doch Service is our business only. 100 ANNIS STREET [selling forthcoming Canada Savings|P.m. RA 57586. Oct.1¥ The president of Optimist Inter-| joie Jame work sssignments i7| Fill, also' trocter and loader | Joong. Loc, sng, Hi ond FIRST and second mortgages. #aTe| 24-hour -- City and Country FREE PICK-UP collect Mr. Jack Eliot, Dawson Hanna: | {OUR or five toom, , eiforhizined national said in an intervi * ford bd, ; 90 Ein Street We! st; Toronto, k 1 Wednesday that his os Aid The pupils walked out of classes RA 5-2156 ond excovarion, Street East, RA 3 i Ham RA 8-5286 EM & : dy chen, uy » Allert been so 'clean, honest and up-|°" Monday, complaining that Sept. 16 PHONE AJAX 431 or HARVEY Dance Academn: ™ a pe and Board TWO - room furnished apartment, with right." Thomas A Sogets, 2 iia | RA 5-3422 Royal Academy ballet, H %| OSHAWA ELECTRONICS TWO office £113 & share room in mmod.|[T8. Private entrance. Suit two men 2, ©] {] m "To hear some old geezers talk vers, Meaielind | GRAVEL Jatsr mow, 424 Ming West. RA vais ern home, 10 minutes to South GM, ere. No children, Phone : RA v Electrohome t and facilities, RA | ow ¢ ia REE _ room apartment, private en HILLSIDE R.C.A.Victor, Admiral, Raw furs, live poultry, fea- 21849. 218) trance bain. No oh 4 . i i 4 + ONE single room, one double Foom|dren. | Phone sar. was as scarce as hen's teet ," | carried placards. | firs: ond conte. $2.00" per LANDSCAPING NEED CASH? Westinghouse thers, scrap iron and metal. |which may be shared, breakfast if de-|fove-- as BA apartiicat, newly des about the good old days one hours of home work each nigit, | would think that back then sin They set up a picket line and Cement $9.00 per load. Road he said. After a stormy meetin i i isi "Rot i g Tues- The finest in television and sired. Abstainers only. Apply 336 Buena But if the FBI were ever gay night, Superintendent Maur-| lood, Be satisfied -- Dial GREEN VELVET SOD supply i - |. TURNER Vista Avenue. Hit |e only. BA ST Cm ne turned loose on some of those|i.. gjlverstein anmounced that! and laid NURSERY STOCK, See Seaboard PARKWAY TELEVISION RA 3 2043 COMFORTABLE home for gentleman, yyREE . room, self-contained, unfure good old days, there would be i - share lovely room, single beds, excel- some tall rattling of skeletons in Rogers. who was the target of RA 5-5279. .| Everything for your garden. 918 Simcoe N. lent meals, Aa VO Shacks it ge. nished apaiiment, private hath and 8 strike, would not teach his. | PHONE RA 3-9020 0 a " sired. North Oshawa. RA 3-4063, pi hag vow the world will be fury for a eonling ort" period] HAYNES Yous Lendrsg Neher CALL BARONS' {collec Ro a sm and board, five a ae i rs it lowing the strike, BUILDING CONTRACTOR | LOANS UP TO $3,000 SHAW CENTER re tA SWI. ZI THREE room apiriment, possatsion a in the safest hands of all tim» posers who said he would re- SOD, TOPSOIL, MANURE GENTLEMAN willing to share I November 1: and two - room apart se the present generation ® 1... the Floor experts. Old floors ' ' : for guaranteed service on room, single beds, fi n days a ment, ground floor, smmediat pos 1 is the fine:t of these 2,000 ee the assignments, said that | made like new. Hardwood Nursery Stock, Garden Main- OSHAWA OFFICE lg Radios and Washers. RAG AND ME I AL ook, Ee "RA 5.8306. joven rin sion. 159 Celina Street. Pot if it took the pupils four hours to| i N an So Lup s ou a a on or tiling. Carpenter work al- tenance, Tractor Grading and 294 Simcoe St. South 24-Hour Service BEST in town, single beds, all modern ™O rooms, unfurnished, | hot nd leo } } L " : : water, near 0 own fault." teration Kitchen cabinets Roto-Tilling RA 5-1121 Jake Shaw will pay [AS a30. Abriy. 398 do Sou th GM. ae en ry entre £7 wv ORGANIZE 2 our specialt PHONE RA 3-2 a - PCs: ORGANIZED CALL RA 3.7196 HARDSAND LANDSCAPING COBOURG OFFICE ONE 22 ou more for ROOM and board or room and break. TWO furnished rooms, sink and reir g: yg OD) The Drabma AR ASAT sie 3 - Ki W. After Hours Call RA 5-0624 Y your scrap fast, Private fi Call RA 5-685 erator, all conveniences, $50 month CE The Progre Ww AS AC TIVE SPORTSMAN 3 -- RA 5-1721 ing Street est Nov.8 i : 1 ah Yate ome. Call: RA hi one block south of Bloor and Smee, 2Vitive party angounce, TORONTO (CP) Arthur Wil- ANDREW BUTLER FR 2-7461 iron, tin, copper, brass, HOON sod Sosrd Tor seal | APPly 121 Annis Street. 2¢0f t is to set up party liam Miles, 60, funeral director! SEABOARD FINANCE CO. 23--Women's Column i to downto oon G oom furni | Apply 23 EI t|GIRL to share three - room furnished a Be 4) - Ty 3 fhe skiite sportsman, died Wed-| BD oN ITACTORS AJAX SOD SUPPLY | OF CANADA LIMITED SPECIAL -- heat permanents, $6.50; lead, aluminum, ee. East. RA S781 a -- -r 2401/85 o RA 8.375% after 5 id "hiot province. Before the 1957 election |nesday. A son of Arthur W. Miles | [cold waves, $5.50. Page Hairdressing, ROOM and board f ft jane kod fd SLR in which Liberal Louis St. Lau-|who established Miles Fuers] CHmneys, Fireplees Pd, delivered and Joig, field: ./ Formerly Bellvue ttsNov.4] 395 Pince Avenue. RA 5-536). _ | 89 BLOOR ST. EAST vate, close to South GM' Lunches pack.| THREE - room _aparfment, bullCiE rent. was defeated as prime min-|Home, Mr. Miles was a well- erste oy Coding: & om; sand, .¥i/l gh [24 M k t Bask Ek 2 preferred. iA pia ETE ep Je IL " "ator as General Repairs, Alterations, stone. Grading, asphalting i --Market Basket RA 5-2311 33 Nov.15| South GM. Phone RA 5.9712. ister the Progressive Conserva- known polo player and captain of Satisfaction Guarunteed and excavating 18a--Mortgages | APPLES for sale, Pick own and | ood board fi tl Sepa- (ONE clean, large ' rill "your own an he . 3 3 tive party had little formal or-|Toronto.Argonaus football ol Free Estimates PHONE AJAX 431 or {$8300 FIRST mortgage on $1 i, home, (bring your own containers, Soc. a Open Saturdays Tete beds. EE Bot ' "re Ww. M Arthur RA ganization in the province. in 1927, RA 5.0547 RA 5.3422 Fo S000 220d location. Box Times. (bushel, A. artin, Bowmanville, Kin Ante Weecking water. Apply 259 Street. R. EU, Se Ws