13 tocks Du Pont 00 Electrolux 380 $13% Fam Play 250 19% 13% 20% 19% 13% 20% 13% 13% Toronto, Montreal THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thundey, October 18, 1758 TORONTO Oils 3 PETS Bd : 3 100 ; . i By The Canadian' Press AP Cons u 200 105 105 ; Fraser 685 $30% 30% 30% . 'Woronto Stock Exehange--Oct. 16 0 % 28 21 % Gat supe pr 1081104 110% 110% -- " (Quotations in eepis unless marked 8 ly hg 128 = Be Li w=0dd lot, xd ~~ Ex-dividend, xr-Ex- Band ve 215 215 23 5 125 v 12% 12% ' rights, xw--Ex-warrants, Calis wz zn "uy a ; 50 ; 30 30 6% : . C Chieft 600 im] 08 oh H H ; ; Industrial 0 $28 i , ~ C High Or 0 3 -3 Re a one ; 243 $5214 19% mE 34 125 236 22 232 --3 -2 $134 13% 13% 50 5 50 + 5s » £8883 "LEH M. Mass Fer pr 250 / Molson A 50 Mont Loco 100 Morgan 25 Noranda 508 Pac Pete 200 $20% Placer 1000 Powell R 51 $38 Premium Ir 400 500 IE Starr Furniture & Appliances Pia BS SERE Stan Starr owns the building his store is in. His 104 A 5 13 g EJ NE Norlartie Normetal ssuelss St Michael Slocan VR Stanigh wis Stanrck Steeloy Steep R Sullivan Sylvanite 'Taurcanis Westburne W Cdn OG 100 100 100 810% 10% 10% --1% $18 17% 17% -- % Waterman % 5% Sales to 11 a.m.: 875,000 MONTREAL By The Canadian Press Montreal Stock Exchange--Oct. 16 (Quotations in cents unless marked $. 2---0dd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr -- Ex- rights, xw---Ex-warranis.) Industrials Alscope Alta Mines Anacon Arno Aull Bateman Bellechase uzan Burnt Hill Calumet Camp Chib C Lithium Canuba Bales { 1) Cap Lith 35 5 5 Cartier Que » Con C Cad Con Q Yell C Bellekeno 500 > Denison BO Bp Stock Abitibi Abitibi pr 225 Acadia Atl 100 Algoma 770 Alumin 1055 Alum 2 pr 210 Argus 40 Argus 2.40 pr 60 Argus 2.50 pr 25 Con Negus Con Sud Conwest Coprand Daering D'Aragon De Cour 5 $14% 243 Deer Horn E Amphl ssfzzaaf. 9) a PTS N Vinray NW Amulet 13000 Okalta 1000 Opemiska 100 Orchan 26500 Pennbee 3000 Porcupine 7000 Portage 500 gs Wire B 100 Bk Com 125 Brew 375 Brit Alu 100 Celan 230 Cel 1.78 pr 200 Int Pow 645 § High-Bell Hollinger Hud Bay Int Nickel Int Ran Irish Cop ww 1} 0 +8 hb -8 be -1'% -10 0 |SAVE = 4. | ON REFRIGERATORS -18 Provo Que Chib anaanan Iron Bay Jaye Ex Jellicoe Jonsmith Kerr Add Kilem wts Kirk Hud Kirk Town Labrador L Osu Lorado (Gas Distribution Well Under Way. Firm Says TORONTO (CP) -- The North- Gas Company's distribution syst- rn Ontario Natural Gas Comp-lems in Orillia, Bracebridge and| QUEBEC (CP)--More aggres- any said today gas distribution is|Gravenhurst. sive salesmanship might bring well under way In extensive ar-| Nearing completion are two |'"surprising results," particularly @as of the province and other small lateral supply lines, built/in the domestic market, says! MONTREAL (CP) -- An in-|c0st of handling food. | morthern centres will get their by the company to carry gas Transport Minister Hees. lcrease in daily shopping hours| Independent retailers provided | irst supplies within weeks. |érom the Trans - Canada line to| Increased national savings, he would lead to an eventual boost/2 Weapon against the growth of | { The company said in a press re.| Timmins and to Sudbury. The 32-|said Wednesday night, imply thelin retail prices, the Quebec Re- monopolies. If they were unable Jease that valves have been mile Timmins lateral is nearly potential value of a "little more taj; Merchants Association main-|t® Survive, consumers might be- turned in Orillia, Bracebridge, [complete and the 88-mile Sudbury emphasis on salesmanship by |fained today as it sought extra come the victims of a restricted Gravenhurst, Huntsvilie, N o r t h/laterai should be carrying gas be-| business itself and less on the safeguards against the big chain|(00d industry that might become Bay and Sturgeon Falls. fore Nov. 15. sales pattern followed for the last stores and supermarkets. {controlled by only a few large J The company holds a contract decade, when salesmen were ji wholesalers. Turn - on ceremonies will ake to supply an initial 6,000,000 cu-|more in the category of order| The association, representing The association said also: ace in the next three weeks at| i | i i 5 "|bic feet of gas daily to the In-|takers.' |independent grocers and butcher| 1. Controls should be imposed ng ino BR ternational Nickel Company plant| Generally, there was an up-| Shops, charged also that so-called on cattle exports. The heavy flow , Kap {in Copper Cliff. Cleven pulp and swing in the Canadian economy (oss-leader below-cost sales repre-|from Canada resulted in domes- tres. {paper mills in the area are also|that appeared to be broadly Sent false economy and the use|tic scarcities that tended to boost ! Finishing touches are still be-/jarge ysers, based and prospects for further |of premiums, coupons and trad-|retail prices. ing added to distribution systems| [ast year Northern Ontario's/improvement "are considered Ing stamps "are but a deceptive 2. Provincial marketing boards | bb some towns ay affiliate, Twin City Gas Company good." trick against consumers." {should be forced to ailow lower e company, which spel "| Limited, began serving points at| Mr, Hees addressed the Cana- Swi milk prices to prevail in stores. 000,000 laying gas mains in 31 ine Lakehead. Northern Ontarioldian Woollen Knit Goods Manu- ea Dpesring oe me oyal 3. Loss-leader sales should be gommunities from Kenora to Or-|ontario Natural Gas will distrib- facturing Association. {soviation op Price yn "con. 8bolished. No retail sale should jllia last summer. ute gas in these communities this) He said the government does) sumer NE in calling for a ban|Pe 8llowed without the addition of "At the same time, Trans-Can-\year: Oriilia, Gravenhurst,inot claim to have solved the un- lin the use of trading stamps t/a least five per cent on the re- ada Pipe Lines Ltd. is pressing Bracebridge, Huntsville, Sturgeon) employment problem fully but promote food sales. It urged also tailers' cost price. towards completion of the final Falls, Sudbury, Copper Cliff, Co-/there were sound business indi-|that the use of premiums and ,4- The big retail chains link between the Lakehead and balt, Haileybury, New Liskeard, cators which should help mater-| coupons be declared illegal shouldn't be allowed to get spe- Toronto in its 2,300-mile $375,000,- Englehart, Kirkland Lake, Porcu-|ially in creating a higher level of in, i cial i from fac- | 000 transmission line," the state- pine, South Porcupine, Timmins, employment 'than was possible| As for extensions in daily shop- turers simpiy because of their ment said. Schumacher, Ramore, Matheson, |last winter." ping hours, they would mean'greater purchasing power. * Southern portions of the line! Ansonville, Iroquois Falls, Coch- sre in operation and suppiying rane, Smooth Rock Falls, Kapus- HANSARD ORIGIN gas to Northern Ontario Natural kasing and Hearst. is named after Luke 88 | Twin City Gas company will|Hansard who began printing jour- Ww |start Senvice it Rea Rock, Nipi-nzle of the British parliament in § , an Tal A 4 'Weed Hems = Uganda In . From 3 Sides Stiff U.S. Stock Credit rom 3 3ices | Restraints Are Ordered ; ] By FRANK CORMIER | tion had been discounted in ad-| : al | Jemumed in on three sides--by a) WASHINGTON (AP)--The fed- vance. The market reached an 5 (Bo weed. | % fod pl S58 E225 Elunafanuifsa., > esi anpliElveales osdazeelgEiveelsacilicaauslive o3Zaonuls +1 525 1 4 pt ; ; 5 8 8B Custom Super Marketer provides all three of today's indispensable food- perishable meats . , . zero' zone freezer for refrigerator. Newest woman « designed features Turquoise interior color, IN AND ASK STAN THE PRICE ! !! All Models In Stock 670 i 225 20% i ife, hi d himself operale the store AND 2 FE, - wiie, nis son anda nimseli operaie ine siore : " if HIGH TAX DISTRICT it's out of the HI . -1 All Models In Stock WITH TRI-FRIGERATION The ultimate in food storage. New Tri-frigeration keeping requirements , . . 38° zone refrigeration for unfrozen foods . . . 33° zone meat locker for frozen foods. Nearly 16 cu. ft. including a 242 Ib. freezer and a full-size automatic defrost . . « Misty Crisper, Ice Keeper, Fold-Away Shelf and Dairy Bar Storage Door. Beautiful new Philco RF-1688 15.8 cu. ft. total storage cap- acity. 67 high, 31" deep, 3414" wide. DROP CAAA MERCHANTS FAR, FAR IN ADVANCE ~ Longer Shopping Hours Would Cause Price Hike By HAROLD MORRISON |nigher labor costs, adding to the Bring Results For 1959 PHILCO offers a new concept in television . . . engineering features far in advance to permit totally new inspired, space-saving cabinet forms. A new stand- ard of brilliant performance. Truly the TV you might look for in 1965. SEE STAN FOR A REAL DEAL. ON TELEVISIONS - WITHOUT TRADE-IN DRYERS from $149.00 WASHERS from $115.00 ~ SEE US FIRST... THEN DECIDE FURNITURE eral reserve board today put into|all-time high Monday but prices . It is a pretty little blue flower effect the 'stiffest stock market fell in heavy trading Tuesday and $-the water hyacinth, the bane of credit restraints in nearly 12 Wednesday. | thany countries. years. The board's purpose: To| Some stocks rose on the Los In tropical regions it spreads discourage speculation with bor-| Angeles exchange, which was still with phenomenal speed, choking rowed money open when the announcement was| Waterways and destroying fishing The board announced late Wed-| made. grounds. Mesday via to increase to 90) When te Yeserve board raises ' : per cen e margin, orf minimum margins the aim is to prevent ex- Rn olay Tonge i senting down payment, required on pur-|cessive use of credit in the stock aterways navigable. Tanganyika chases of stocks. The minimum market. One reason is that if too! similarly troubléd. margin had been 70 per cent much borrowed money moves| |since Aug. 5, when it was raised into the market, that much les: Mr. I. | x K. D. MORLEY B. J. McCOLL { Now the weed has invaded the yom 50 per cent -- the present/money is available for use by Nile and is growing over 80 ile: Canadian margin. | borrowers in other sectors of the river between Khartoum and| "whe |gtest action means invest-| economy. a, just north of the Uganda onc henceforth must put up at Border. ; , |least $90 in cash for every $100) LOANS LARGE i ! Nearly one-fifth of Uganda's jy stocks they buy. It hasn't any] A reserve board spokesman §rea is water. Fishing is one of ai oactive effect on stocks | said loans by brokers and banks Ber most important industries. Alpought when margins were lower.|for purchasing stocks totalled Vater hyacinth invasion wouid be Only once before have margins | $4,300,000,000 at the end of Sep- &n economic disaster. .__'been this high--when they were tember. He said this was the 4 The government is circulating 109 per cent in the first year after|'argest amount since this type of fosters and leaflets asking every-| pa war. | statistic was first collected dur- to look out for the weed an os . ing the 1930s For any specimen they find. BOOST EXPECTED Brokers loans had increased 20 Jnce Py has established a firm Wall Street had been expecting pet cent this year and bank loans arsdicate. |alysts said thev believe the ac-'per cent, he said. is almost impossible to an increase, and some stock an- for stock purchases are up eight | M. Hamer, Vice-President | Mr. I. M. Hamer, Vics Bresidom, and General Manager, Dowty and General Manager, Dowty Equip- Equipment of Canada Limited, au : quip Ontario, is pleased to an- ment of Canada Limited, Ajax, | nounce the appointment of Mr. Ontario, is pleased to announce | K. D. Morley, as Assistant to the the appointment of Mr. B. J.| Vice-Predent Mr Morley has McColl as Assistant Vice-President, | previously had extensive experience | in marhering dnd factory mance: Industrial Products. Mr. McColl ment, and is Vice-President for hos previously been associated with Ontario of the Canadian Associa-|the Company in the capacity of | tion of British Manufacturers and|qn engin eering consultant, H - 8 Agencic; (CABMA). Mr. Morley oo C0 BC e be will hov~ a primary interest in the comes: responsible for new product marketirq and external relations developments in the industrial field functions on the aircraft side of ond will direct the Company's ex- the Company's business, panding Industrial Division, (Advertising) (Advertising) and APPLIANCES RA 3-3343 AMPLE FREE PARKING 491 RITSON RD. 5.