SER RT vn oe | - gon be, eo macite with lit- "TEACHER'S PET This little dress should be the | apple of any first grader's eye. The outfit is really a jumper and blouse -- both easy to laun- der. The jumper is striped in vivid, multi-colored chambray with a lattice-striped bodice with ocean-pearl buttons. It | By EDNA USHER Canadian Press Staff Writer TORONTO (CP) - need a green thumb to set a) luscious garden around your|dyll, Pathways can be lined with|says Miss Kippax. house, butit helps, says Helen|flowers, and it is a good grow flowers here specially for they follow more flowing lines to- or perscnal interview. Write her M. Kippax. Miss Kippax is a landscape ar- cuiting, because showy flower-/day," she said. chitect, who will design not only | white, broadcloth blouse. which Landscape Architect Advises Paved Areas For Non-Gardeners [iu ose mes so mein of honor. the garden |patic where the garden gets a lot jays You don't of use. C SET DATES THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursdey, October 16, 1958 1 OTTAWA (CP)--The board of commissioners will o MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL Mother's Personal Cleanliness L Gives Daughter Great Concern Dear Mary Haworth--Is there ice to hide behind weak - kneed lany way to go about talking with sentimentality, in letting things " ? . lan aged parent about personal slide. 4 " an , | cleanliness? | Therefore, concerning what to| ¥ ' My mother, now 78, is in pa Instead of asking will she cel two pa trains operat- ing between Ottawa and Barry's . The hearings originally were uled to be held in Renfrew . 18. The two passenger trains and 90--operate between Ot- be and Barry's Bay daily ex-/for nurses as a result of studies|n being made by the Reg- Nurses' Association of On- TORONTO (CP)--A year may lopped off the peri "ll cellent physical conditioni but bathe first, or will you, Just get| 7 Sl very, very forgetful. She is ajbusy drawing the bath water, and| & | wonderful woman and a wonder-|tell her "Mother, your bath is| § FRE ful mother, so 1 don't want to do ready--." If she puts up an argu- 4 anything to hurt her; but her ment, claiming she's bathed al- 8 personal cleanliness is a problem ready, tell her firmly that it's (when we take her out, or when probably true she had a bath friends visit us. yesteday or last week; but the 1 have tried to help by asking bath is for now, because we're all |if she wants to take her bath going out; or having guests in, first, or shall I take mine. And or whatever, # she will answer that she has al-| And don't fail to remind her to fl ready bathed--when in all prob- clean her dentures (or let you {ability it has been a week or 10 officiate) as often as should be P days since she bathed.. Also I|done in decency, to avoid giving "4 have provided cleansing powder offense to associates, |for her dentures but she just for- CANDOR NEEDED gets to use it. . . . Since we live In a tropical re- Tete dpomaey J rel gion this is a really big problem, of this situation. What is essen. and I am at my wits' end, 88 0|41) io'4o fee] kind love and true| 2 how to cope with it. Do you have compassion for your mother . 2 ' #4 /any suggestions? B.D. leven when you risk hurting her,| (Ed '| Dear B. D. -- Taking into ae- by exercising a nurse's authority % | count your mother's age and for-|ii putting her through the paces| § "/i|getfulness of mind, the tables of essential hygiene. 'have turned, in your relationship| 1p the event that you are livin to her. It fs now your duty 10 do! under her roof, in an phd see if the course could be short- ened by abolishing unnecessary od {schools of seriag s Femina So. 1090 With More Education, Less Labor Nurses'Course Could Be Abridged nurses, sets standards for nursing and conducts ex. ursing examinations. It can cancel or suspend a nur- repetitive work, but without low- ering the standard of woursing care." i the needful, however unpleasant|, nt that makes her nominally 'mutually, to keep her clean and head of the house, though you jSceially decepiabie iit 2s Sue maintain her, it viy be somewhat A . tougher to take the bull by the her this, and it is pure coward: | homg, But if she is the party of ! |the second part, and you the| | beds will soon look drab if they principal householder, it shouldn® " are denuded to provide flowers be ¢o much of a problem. M. H. i [for the house. | Dear Mary Haworth -- hi Is |urgent, We are having a wedding OVERALL PLAN (in our family next month, Ts it It is a great help when bulld- acceptable for the parents on ing architect and landscaper can either side to give the bride a y ; 2 work together," said Miss Kip-|shower? If not, may another rela-| a / ; . |pas. "We get plans which show | : "i SE n 4 features a vew longer - than - (Da. Jie ger pans WISH Som five do so? Ive been told that It MONTREAL BY NIGHT Takes little time to knit! Beau-| ensuring that nurses maintain a elbow length sleeve. Under- |p nde "and we can utilize oF pride to give > ' ~ v tiful in 2 colors of sport yarn. high professional standard," said neath is a nylon tulle petti- | " OF bride to give her a shower; is| A 'femme fatale' dinner | Vancouver, B.C., and will be yo" .bles, earflaps. Pattern Miss Walk Hatched 7 te House, {T7Hy lis natural features. this true? W. B, | dress "Montreal Soir" designed | seen in Calgary and Winnipeg. 'o,08 FRO h SETAPl par ny | Miss Walker, 120,000 members, plus another 10,- d {000 on the official register of nur |! ses. ui ¥ i QUICK TO KNIT By ALICE BROOKS #%| Protect '"'smallfry" from win KEEP HIGH STANDARD wo ter's colds and chills with this soft, warm set. Easy! shows off the pin tucked, . BODY SOUGHT Planning the education of nur-| ORILLIA (CP) -- Provincial ses is just one of the jobs done Police are seeking the body of , by the RNAO. From a four.| William Taste Herron, a Joreiad storey building in Toronto, the or-|{in a pulp and paper company | zanization maintains contact with | Terrace Bay, who drowned Tues- ay night when he fell from an utboard - powered boat into Georglan Bay. Herron, accompanied by his i A wife and another person was on 'Our job is to help keep On- his way to visit his father, a tario healthy--and we do it by|lighthouse keeper on Hope Island about 35 miles northwest of here. The other occupants of the boat turned the craft to rescue him Under provincial statutes, the but he was lost in the darkness RNAO keeps a register of grad-'in 150 feet of water. : She says she tries to provide| by Jacques Michel of that city, | A soft, subtle fit is emphasized --By TRACY ADRIAN |; o004 view from all important i he AT mder which was shown in the Fall- | by gentle draping on a bias cut. 33 Years oid. FIVE CENTS | windows of the house. "The kitch-| Compl quette' winter Collection of the Associ- | The fabric is viscose acetate (coins) for this pattern (stamps en i yo pave ot food be given by any close friend ation of Canadian Couturiers in | crepe made in Canada. cannot be accepted) to DAILY [me------ view too, cause at 1s where 1 4 { hald housewives spepd much of their Meually, FRA u the pieal) | Christian eduegtion for the United pepe Satie, Aousels Print ime. ' A , | {Church in St. John's, has started | 1 'ADDRESS, PAT- hey are given by the maid of NEWS BRIEFS [0 rrime: camp for voungsters Diiniy NAME, ADDRESS, ; : lon an old farm in this coastal 59 Alice Brooks taken into account. "It's almost sister or other relative. . it: Our new 19 : i They are NOT given . PIANO GIVEN community, [Needlecraft Catalog, just out, has Lay a pathway or a impossible to get gardeners these They Sr TE v Lb a GUELPH, Ont (CP) -- Tele- VITAMINS SUPPLIED Ire esigns ~ for crocheting, that clear it up? Phone operators here have given| OWEN SOUND, Ont. (CP)--A knitting, embroidery, quilts, dolls, A |a new piano to the local school (local chapter of the Imperial Or. weaving. A special gift, in the Mary Haworth counsels for retarded children. der Daughters of the Empire catalog to keep a child happily STARTS CAMP spends $200 a year supplying vita- occupied -- a cutout doll and] LOON BAY, Nfid. (CP)--Ruth mins and cod liver oll to under-| clothes to color. Send 25 cents for | 'your copy of the book. | dow must have a good|SaYs (page 100); "Showers may] | Garden layout is changing as families." Does Kitchen gardens need not be much as the design of houses, | MH idea to! 'Gardens are less formal and through her column, not by mail| in care of this newspaper. 'Tliman of Hamilton, director of privileged school children. a garden but also terraces and patios to suit a house, its occu-| pants and its surroundings. I She is also qualified to design parks, housing developments, and the nds for public buildings. 80! HINTS She offers these hints on gar- dening: If you don't like gardening, don't go in for it; you oo neve cious paved area wil ra- ow flower beds that If your garden is big enough, it on be divided into sections, | some (visible from the house) to be beautifully kept. Others (not to be shown to visitors) won't) peed such detailed care, When a garden or lawn has characterless slopes, it is better (and eventually cheaper) to build a retaining wall than try to cope with soil which washes away in rain or try to wrestle a lawn mower "along a steep embank- ment. If you are moving into a new house, make sure the builder has saved the topsoil--four inches is the absolute minimum even for a lawn. FENCE VARIETY You can have fun with fences whether surrounding the house or dividing sections of your garden. You can have a rose - covered trellis, a woven fence, slatted fences where different lengths of wood make a design--or you can lay a hedge which requires more care. And keep an eye on traffic in SEW-EASY By ANNE ADAMS Classically smart and simple separates outfit -- a wardrobe by itself! Smooth-fitting top has a dashing, stand-up collar, skirt is slim, shapely. Choose rayon, cot ton, wool -- solid color or one of the exciting, new dark prints. Printed Pattern 4891: Misses' Sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20; 40. Size 16 takes 3% yards 39-inch fabric. Printed directions on each pat- tern part. Easier, accurate Send FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coins (stamps cannot be accept ed) for this pattern. Please print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADAMS care of Daily Times - Gazette, Did you know that of the three forms of advertising: Radio, Television and Newspaper, NEWSPAPER Advertising influences your food purchasing to the greatest extent. 20 PIECES FOR 4 4 Breakfast Plates The most recent proof of this comes from a survey conducted by the Knickerbocker News of Albany, New York. Over 1,000 Al- bany families were asked: THE RESULTS: 1% 23% 10% : . 4 Bread and Butter -- or just 68 families -- were influenced to the "Of the three fc ising -- radi isi . Of the three forms of advertising -- radio, television or news greatest extent by RADIO. paper which influences your food purchasing to the greatest extent?' -- or 240 families -- were influenced to the The answers given in this Albany, N.Y. study are striking- greatest extent by TELEVISION, ly similar to those given in other surveys, in other cities. Whether you sell food, furniture, autos, appliances or anything else, you can be sure... NOTHING SELLS LIKE NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING. -- or 717 families -- were influenced to the greatest extent by NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING 3510 AVAILABLE IN 4 DIFFERENT PATTERNS ww ---- BURNS CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. DISHES 52 PIECES FOR 8 8 Dinner Plates 8 Bread end Butter Plates 8 Ootmeal 8 Fruits 8 Cups 8 Seucers 1 Cream 1 Suger 1 Open Vegetable 1 Platter 114% ". . .. No successful television operation can realize optimum audiences for many of its programs without the use of newspaper 'tune-in adver- tising . . . few regular television programs have ever really gotten off the ground without the use of at least some newspaper advertising!' It'll Never Get Off The Ground, UNLESS... Even realistic competitors know that newspapers are a must for their own success. Here's a recent quote from a top agency executive responsible for one of the big television's network's own advertising: INTERESTING NOTE: In the first six months of this year, radio and television No Exira Charges For Credit WEEKLY stations have used 10.8% more newspaper advertising to promote their sta- tions and programs than they used in the same months last year. The moral is... IF YOU WANT PEOPLE TO SEE YOUR SHOW (OR YOUR SHOW CASES) USE NEWSPAPERS. The Daily Times-Gazette 32 KING ST. WEST Pattern Dept., Oshawa, Ont. BURNS CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. Open Friday Evening Till 9 p.m. RA 3-7022