Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 14 Oct 1958, p. 8

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'Mrs. C. S. Langtield Describes Vacation | : In England | The regular meeting of the WCTU was held in the ladies'| parlor at Simcoe Street United Church with Mrs. Charles i field presiding. ' Mrs. Langfiid spoke on her 10 Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3.3474 'THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesdey, October 14, 1958 | trip to England this summer and Henderson-Garside "SOCIAL NOTICE |was surprised at many things she, Vows Exchanged ERI {found interesting -- no drunken | people, no drinking behind closed | doors. Glenda-Lee Garside and Bruce Mr. and Mrs. August Geisber- Andrew Henderson were united ger of Oshawa announce the en- in marriage by the Reverend gagement of their daughter A. J. Graves; also visited Mrs, Muivide Butlals 0 gern To Margaret Frida, to Mr. Henry Fred Williams' sister who had Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Garside Frederick Shermeto, son of Mr. spent tome time in Canada. of Ajax in whose home the cere- and Mrs. John Shermeto, of he aid We, Draviifyl orses mony was Jerformed. The bride North Surrey, British Colymbia. en had roofs Over groom is the son of Mr. and i is to take place on after the war but few people no whit.| The marriage 1s lo P ticed such things. ig Walter enderson of Saturday evening, November, 1, The trip each way was very The bride, given in marriage at 7 o'clock in Zion United rough but Mrs. Langfield said by her father, wore a pale blue Church. she did not mind it too much travelling suit with a red carna- -- and was really enthusiastic! tion corsage. Ec ED. WILSON MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL Lack Of Social Activities Worries Young Married Pair Dear Mary Haworth -- My hus- guests are neighbors, in the same band and 1 are in our mid-20s. boat, with their common tasks We have two children under six their shared interests years, which limits our social life po wae! FHEARTED considerably Since last vear, when our sec- Instead of visualizing life as a ond child was born, several of bustling parade that is bypassing our friends ha'e moved away YOU, remember. rather, that the and we seem unable to form new way to have friends is to be a close friendships, friend, and begin precisely where Recently 1 returned to my old You are--being appropriately out- job, where 1 work with several #oing and gracious to those in girls but, as they are ali single, Your path their interests differ from ours, Don't think in terms of belong and we find little in common. Ing to a social set, or clinging Both my husband and I are de- '0 couples whome 'you knew voted church members, but due When." Reaiize, rather that your to his work schedule he can at-/life is a thread, being woven by tend only the Sunday morning Providence into an overall de service. There are no young mar- Sign, and the way to make it a ried couples in our community, beautiful thread, is to be whole nor anyone available as baby. hearted about your living, what sitter. 80 it is necessary to take ever the circumstances are our children wherever we go So, who is your next door We have hecome depressed neighbor, to the right and left" over the fact that we seem to be And across the street?" And down left out of all social activities. the block? Are there shopping Would you please advise how we errands you might do for one or can have at least some social another, occasionally, that would life, and acquire new friends? dovetail with your daily rounds" Thank you in advance. E. § Would anybody like a lift to Dear E. S.--There are seasons church, Sunday mornings" in married iife and child rearing, At church or Sunday School The cathedrals were most beau- tiful and parks with a profusion) of flowers and opened to the pub- lic, The order was perfect and no one tried to get out of line | Mrs, Langfield visited the grave of her father, the late Mr. about her trip. She would never gu. ac attended by Miss forget the wonderful hills and the Beverly Garside in a dark blue many sheep grazing there, It was it with pink carnation corsage is there an unmet need that you a wonderful sight, has s these "id ¥ ¥ y ho ' 5 BLE-RING CEREMONY Mrs. Richard and the bride of Mr. and Norman, all WED IN DOU recently at ) StI Unit Church r Wd Mrs Ronald Geo: er of Mr Hugh Mck roon I ( M Tohr of Osha son d daugh Phot Newest Bedtime Story Is A Happy Washday Tale By ELEANOR ROSS too "onsumers a Vas ones to find tha i ' w ed ano Re by Ireland to buy new for the Now's the trme if they're needed ths ahead tests indicate that ie of synthetic fibres no shrinkage naps were shaking or e a s de cent yanket ma showed practically the n auickly restore d by that brushing them, gently The e ight € eight, comfortab to sleep un n der, eas) 1 andvhandle and vell attuned to today's mode of Hving Pupils' Mothers Guests At Tea new blanket a to was e last ¢ 1 that save 1as been estimates no-iron wil $60 a vear per famils sheets that may be likened to the wintry months of nature's cycle. Then the sensible thing to do is to take the freeze in stride, invest your- self in the duties at hand, and wait the return of a sunnier sea- son more favorable to general growth and social expansion I know from past average young couple financially hard-pressed and knee deep in child production and bay care isn't much of a social attraction to other persons in different cir. cumstances The younger folks still hunting mates, and the older people, mar ried or single, tend to seek the company of their own kind when recreation is the goal. And. in honesty, we must concede that modest househoids geared to chil dren's needs are customarily en veloped in an atmosphere of in tensely personal clutter and clatter and interruption that isn't compatible with adult-type social exchange unless the hosts and LODGES AND SOCTETIES VICTORIA LODGE Vietoria Lodge, Loyal True Blue, held its regular neeting on Tuesday evening, October 7, in the Orange Temple, Bruce street Worshipful master. Brother Wi! lard Spencer, presided, and past worshipful mistress, Sister Cora Gardner, acted as deputy mis tress in the absence of Sister Mary Thompson The roll was called by record- ing secretary, Sister Ruth Gat chell, and the repeating of lec ture by director of ceremonies Sister Joan Ewen, and conductor experience and present observation that the large ed a speedy J. WwW confined sickness Cooper at might supply? Have vou checked on the nursery school or kinder garten situation in your commun ity. and got acquainted with the PTA? What about church ha zaars, bake saies, fund - raising drives and such: Learn to rec ognize and respond to such op portunities for fellowship. and vour left-out feeling will evapo rate. M. H Mary Haworth counsels through her column, not hy mai or personal interview. Write her in care of this newspaper Ritson H&S Ass'n Holds Meeting At Library As this month's program was Children's Reading the Ritson Home . and School Association held its October meeting at the McLaughlin Public Library with Mrs. G. E. Sloggett in charge of the program The members were greeted by Mrs. Sloggett and Mrs. Carl Creamer Mrs. Creamer welcomed the number present and wish recovery for Mrs Hart, president, who was to her home through Minutes of the September meet ing were read by Mrs. Eric and Mrs. George Cuth bert gave the treasurer's report! Mr. J. C. Fetterly spoke on school activities mentioning the Shamrock Games held recently Alexandra Park. Mr. Fetterly said that Ritson School had won the Mike Starr trophy for the past five years and this year it had been the to BRIDAL PORTRAIT Philip Zwick- | their nuptial vows Albert Street Uni The bride, former- Annette Cassel, is | Mrs the daughter of Mrs. Evelyn Cassel, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zwicker, all of Oshawe Photo by Mary's Studio. Queen Of A Dream World, Housewife With Magic Gadgets WASHINGTON (AP)--A dream are house--~dust free, air conditioned. pres with kitchens and baths that ciean themselves was pictured Tuesday by a New York indus. Bedsheets trial designer, Henry Dreyfuss, Made of It will be here sooner than can throw vou think he told 100 women ates to a congress on bel r living All homemakers get dream-quality think seriously and let try know said Dreyfuss, 54 designing in some pretty for the He told of walls that glow, In natural light. automatically dim ming or brightening balance the sunlight, and changing color Mr. and er recited recently in ted Church Thelma electronically cleaned and sed THROW-AWAY SHEETS towels will be th you and cellulose after oft hat away use is of emphasis food --with spring-loaded racks that keep canned goods have to do to popping forward from the is .to sheives, special refrigerator draw about their needs ers to fit the food, and dispensers smen and indus that squirt out a glass of milk or they want, hea pat of butter at a time . foil pots are fea who, got his start tured, plus food in pckages vou the had can just plug into an electric out theatrical offerings jet to heat There Ie on homes husing what Toss-away theatre future to theme, "Prayer" Mrs. A, M. Hartman presented the worship service with the Mr, C. A. Toaze accompanied by Mrs. Lloyd Pegg sang a solo, "Beautiful Garden Of Prayer' Mrs. Fred Williams and Mr. Toaze sang a duet, "In The Garden'. Mr. Toaze then sang his great favorite, "How Great Thou Art" The secretary, Mrs, L. H. Mul. drew, gave her report and Mrs. Fred Williams the treasurer's re- port A rally of all temperance work- ers will be held in Northminister United Church on October 16, SeS8IONS with dinner at 6 p.m. The speak- er will be the newly appointed field secretary, Miss Gertrude E Campbell of Leamington Mrs. Williams spoke on the plan of work brought forward RETURNS TO HOME CANNES, France (Reuters)-- Movie magnate Jack L. Warner has returned to his nearby villa afternoon and evening, Mr. Donald Henderson acted as best man The bride's mother received in beige and the bridegroom's mother wore grey. The couple left on a wedding trip to Niagara Falls and the border United States and will re turn to live in Whitby . Out-of-town guests included the bride's grandmother, Mrs. Oda Garside of Toronto; Mr. Percy Bonham. Mrs. Robert Bonham Torey Hill, Ontario; Mr, William Henderson, Brooklin; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Waller, Oshawa Mr. and Mrs. George Hess, Whit- by, and Miss Joyce Beemer, Liv- erpool, Ontario FURNITURE 20 Church St. RA 3.3211 A DEAL A DEAL after spending nine weeks in hos-| pital here following an automo- bile accident his car collided with a truck. Warner was driv-| kitchen ing home in the early hours when| | | . HAVING 'Wringer Troubles? = are wringer specialists. trophy rts will rebuild your given with your mood. MOVABLE WALLS And like stage sets, would. 'be movable so change the shape and rooms, adding a nursery junior comes There'll be work in his home where a walk through the foyer electronically removes dirt and mud from feet and clothing RA 5-1179 Moulded plastic bathrooms and $p r For Pick-up and Delivery kitchens, with no dust-collecting Breaks up phlegm---eases wheezing crevices, have self-cleaning fea tures, Press a button and a mix ture of detergent and water swishes over the floor, dissolves the dirt and disappears down a concealed drain WE'VE year-round air Stee Gr THE TIGER! ' MOST REVOLUTIONARY NEW GIRDLE DESIGN IN YEARS! commercial laundry bills. This estimate is based on the use of a mere six shee OTHER ADVANTAGE While ahout it ther Sister Susan Spencer Sister Susan Spencer gave a good report on the bingo held in her home also a report on the afternoon bingo, Sister Lillian Wetherup is holding a bingo at her home, 363 Centre street, on Monday, October 20 Draw prizes donated by Sis ters Ruth Gatchell, Annie Toms and Joan Even were won by Brother Fred White and Sisters Diana Cowle and Ruth Gatchell Happy birthday was sung for Sister Margaret Phillips and Sis- ter Evelvn Bilton Lodge closed in the usual man who gave ner with Sister Emmaline Hen 100d derson at the piano keep at the school The parents' attendance was won by Mrs. Gronke's Grade 2 class. Mrs. Creamer reminded the members of the Regional! Confer ence being held at Ebenezer United Church in November Mrs. Sloggett introduced Miss Edith Wallace, head of the chil dren's department' at the library and assistant to the chief librar ian. Miss Wallace gave a talk on childrens' books from pre school age through public school Mre. George Jones thanked Miss Wallace Refreshments were served by the mothers of Grade 6 and 7 The parents were given the op Alcohol or antiseptic will loosen portunity to examine hooks suit é and a piece of paper tissue used to able for the ages of their own ' wearing apparel well check bleeding from a small cut. children markec _ - After ft ved Given By H&S Mrs. H L « Edward Alker were co-conveners of of the recent tea held by Mary to Street Home and School Associa. tion with the new pupils at Marv Street theirsmothers and staff as guests of Jonot Mrs. M the a clat t week! Ss TOO 2 the walls you can size of when ot reasonable retes ! JACK BIDDULPH APPLIANCE SERVICE (Jack Christie, owner) At Rear of 68 Simcoe St. N. Davis and Mrs rer wa the he wid Men say it with in list advant washda less For School members ng in flowers to the wrinkle. not difference retain ident ially f the velcomed Home and ation. Later Mrs Morri ntrodu { the princ d Mr. E. K Ome 1 on health habits wol and he L. Morri pre reeted ests. at the door and them on behs S or an girl with an hool Assoc d he ch at If you'r ron sheets. che t stock, h reminde Exquisite Form! ave t vour gsters | winter ET T-- NEWS BRIEFS GIVES UP PRIZE Y . \ : %ro HELSINKI (AF n group poser Dimit Shostakovich : ; been Is had and gir refreshments to the hoy taken where the hey were out to the pla) ind participated the d and games under Mr FE. Alker Broadbent Mor req on o Mrs Wil . y Mrs announced tod lonating jy 1q the $24.000 aw OV Finland GRACE ANN WOOD was for his « m Mrs the Coun tea ntroduced Gaske pre of Oshawa Home. and School dent of Soci TO DIVORCE Tea a tants Mrs PARIS (AP!---Bi h filn Barke Mi William tress Dawn Addams a Ranstead, Mrs. Len Hurren, Mrs Friday ei sad ouglas K 1d, Mr A. Nich that 4 r bl rs Fetchison, Mrs reconcile her act I liam I Ir Carman 0 \ living ! pnd ent Mrs. Gordon Baker talian Prince Vittoy \ mi 1 Breadbent, Mrs e She said her Edward Al and Mrs. H.-L BEAUTY LOUNGE ntroduces STYLISTS MARTHA HOMES formerly of Mells Beauty Salon, Oshawa wreided at the table were PRINCE Gordon Tiger girdle, $7.98 Panty-girdle, $8.98 Tiger Cub™, $3.95 . irdle, Tiger Cub panty gid suggested relait in Rome fo Grace Ann Woods (8 CITT) \ For the first time . . . you're free as the wind --lithe as a tiger's leap. Firmolastic™ control stripes are actually woven inlo the stretch fabric! No overlapping seams, no bulky panels, no sewed-in tapes. Sheen power! More control per ounce than any other girdle! PETER PAN mo oy i prgct ARR 20 ty mss Pt Pn PETER PAN FOUNDATIONS (QUE)INC.. 18 De Castelnau W., Mantas JIM SHAFER An American Stylist, formely of Morgans end Antiones, Toronte AJINA HAGEMAN and WAYNE H. MURPHY Both from in Exquisite Form... the lady is YOU! You can be even more alluring in your most enchanting moments in CIRCL-O-FORM by Exquisite Form . . . The bra with Floating Action, that holds you and moulds you in rounded uplifted curves, even when you twirl, bend or stretch. White cotton bandeau--Style 372 Also luxurious white satin--Style 395 Sizes: A--(30-36) B--(32.38) C--(32-42) Price 9.30 We are fully qualified by training and experience to fit trusses, belts and surgical appliances pre- scribed by physicians. You feel the difference in firmer support. You see the difference in a trimmer figure. If a surgical appli- is prescribed for vy International Academy of Hair Styling SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK ONLY 10% OFF ON ALL WORK DONE BY STYLIST (/ 81 SIMCOE oodlyn. + 5 BEAUTY LOUNGE more comfortable ance >u, bring the prescription to us for the precise supporter, fitted perfectly to Our private fitting room pr your need vides fully for your comfort and convenience Ya LOVELE CAMERAS - COSMETICS PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS PROMPT FREE DELIVERY ST.E. | 530 SIMCOE ST. S PHONE RA 32245, OSHAWA | "phone RAS-3546 15 KING ST, W. \- /BOWMANVILLE - PHONE MA3-577 WIN « stuffed tiger cub. FREE. Nothing to buy ... just drop in and fill out a coupon. Varsity Sportswear TELEPHONE RA 5-7878 104 KING ST. EAST (Next to Plaza Theatre) EXQUISITE FORM BRASSIERE (CANADA) LIMITED RA 5-1333

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