Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 14 Oct 1958, p. 7

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THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesdey, October 14, 1958 Port Hope 72 | {Pinecrest Bowl and this week's |scores were as follows -- Eve: {Lingard and Shaureen Highfield, » tied with single games of 242, port rie |Vear Firlotte tossed a 233, Diane Philips and Betty Lucas each . MARK SEASON'S CLOSE rolled 202. High sin, for the PORT HOPE -- Reservations night went to Wendy Ware with a are being taken by the Ladies"|256. Barb Freeman got the top Section. of the local Golf and double of 433 and also triple hon- = Country Club who will be staging ors with 614. Grounders led the their annual closing dinner meet- league with 12 points, Shortstuff ing at the Club Hall, Idalia, Tues- have seven, Flyers, five and Out~ with | Representative --- 'COBOURG AND DISTRICT NEWS | Trinity Beats PORT HOPE Tain Macdonald -- FR. 2-5201 . C ob our g Cl | 6 ' ' COBOURG -- Trinity College/ter came off a fake third down Old Man S Do School Middleside used a strong| kick, Glen Curtis of Cobourg took running attack to defeat Cobourg|the ball and galloped 30 yards| District Collegiate Institute 14-0 for a first down. | in kend exhibition football ac-| A sensational runback of a TCS| (0) u tion on the grounds of the Port|punt by Joe Carlyle went for Hope school. nought when he was tackled by| Cobourg was strengthened by|the last man in his path. With) PORT HOPE -- A novel birth-; John Nemouth, Wes Friar, day, October 21 at 6.30 p.m. The fielders in the cellar six senior players who made the|two minutes left in the quarter,(day party was staged at the|lawrence Huffman, Ted Lloyd, Men's Section will mark the close four counters to date, trip. Joe Carlyle, Glen Curtis, Morm McEacheran took a hand. local Golf and Country Club Sun-| Frank Deveraux and two non.|o.. the season Sunday with a Field Monty Thornton, Tom Wallace, off and burst through a big hole|day afternoon when an "Old playing guests, Vern Huffman D2Y followed by a banquet. - Lee Woods and Garnet Harris|in the centre of the line to go/Men's Do" was held in honor of ang Dude Hills, were also award- HIGH SCORER OIL SOURC reinforced CDCTS . 'lover for a major score from 8 Charlie Stephenson. ed prizes, In te Ter REN Ladies Venezuela, rich oil . producing TCS opened the scoring in the yards out. Convert was kicked by To participate a golfer had to Two birth X Bowling Leagve. Elai Gr republic in South America, has first quarter when Piper kicked Hyde through the uprights and |b. at least 42 years of age, up to| .."° ay cakes, complete DOWUNE Leagte, Laine Creyian ares of 352,000 square miles. a tremendous 60-yarder in the|TCS led 140, a margin which and over 100. Vith candles were brought In ok Jiop singe Jonors hn | 2 . { a r, ded in ollow: y Kay php sr un as ) She Jia] ile The field was split into three| blowing out the lighted candles, |Davison at 244 and John Cook » i . e per- ml | parts -- 42-47, 48-55 and 56 and |with 220. Mrs, Grey also took 0id? Get P Vim BO eat OVE. nt TE ta Ee te {LES double fondrs With 44. Kory " ep, | Everybody was awarded a y resen r, Ste- i 34, S 40 yard ramble for a touchdown. Meanwhile, CDCI rolled up SiX|prize donated by Mr. Stephenson Phenson with a birthday gift of Daviton rolled Bi, Shisley Bud Feel Full of Vigor; Years Younger The convert attempt was blocked, first downs and completed seven with the following results. sweater coat on behalf of his fel-|5 good triple of 623, Elaine Grey EN, WOMEN of 40, 50, 0. Don't TCS leading 7-0. |of 18 aerial attempts. Each team| Low Gross -- Herb Willis, |loW golfers, and his three grand- had 562 and Shirley Budson with] 1D ia, exhausted, Try Oriver Tonte There was no scoring in the 2nd fumbled twice but all were re- George Phillips, Len Eliott. | children, Marcia, Stevie and Mike| 575. Often needed after 40--by body old, quarter. Best play in the quar-'covered by the offensive team.| [ow Net -- Hank Ingram, Presented "Stevie" with an em-| down because lacking iron; increases vise | George O'Neill, Don Henry. |broidered handkerchief, Lunch KNIGHTS SCORE yuaor, vitalay. Thousnds fost Tall of Bele - Ried decid OR ed followed b ial| The Senior Softball Girl Voday, ntsiictory or got-sequaiat ond Gross -- Ab Gault, Norm Was served follow y a socia he Senior Softball Girls, the lofav, Introductory or *get-scq hour and sing-song. Knights, bowl Wednesday at °™ 60¢. At all druggists, Cobourg Takes mii BE | | | { | Colonel E. G. Shannon, dir- | ector of ordnance services, army headquarters, Ottawa, is greeted on the steps of the administration building at 26 Tells Rotary Of Colombo Plan y 7 also received a prize for being| 45 iim . o 1 the oldest golfer on the field, Gord | ox y 8 Junior {) it e Pillsworth, Grant Henry. COD by the Commandant, Col- | Commandant of Longue Pointe 3rd Net -- Bert Mendes, Hec : ai .~ | RCOC School, 202 Base Work- |ball team in memory to win an| Singles by Al Richards, Allen Idalia, at a smoker following the to the depot since pssuming his shop RCEME and 14 Regional |Ontario championship | position. Préviously he was Highfield, Al Harvey. 3rd Gross -- Carl Smith, Bruce onel W. E. Bawden. This was | Area, Montreal, which included | COBOURG -- Cobourg Juven- dict in the 8th with a four run Smith, Bud Morrow. Colonel Shannon's second visit | 2 Central Ordnance Depot, (iles became the first local base- explosion. All prizes were awarded at : Sunday | DeChamp and Bob Arnew, walks nine-hole round. Ordnance Depot RCOC. when they crushed Port Colborne |to Paul Wakely and Garnet Har. | Bill Rowden acted as master of East Side Athletic Club 8-1 to|ris featured the uprising which ceremonies and called out the take the OBA juvenile "A" [sealed the doom of the East Side|lucky winners. All prizes were . Two Accidents take the OBA juvenile "A" title| Athletic Club squad. [placed on a table and each win- two games to 1. | Coaches Jim Munro, Orv Delan-|ner as his name was called was CAT T iE xX ) A stunned Port Colborne crowd|ey and Paul Currelly were the allowed to take his own choice. In Same Place {looked on in balmy October wea: masterminds that engineered the| Other prizes were for the most ; 4 {ther and watched their favorites, |triumph all season. Al Richards diminutive caddy, Mike Petrof / ; - . . scientific wonder COBOURG -- Two highway ac-|the defending champs, crumble and Gamet Harris made dazzling|and a second prize to Gord High- cidents occurred here Sunday, under a relentless Cobourg at-|catches in the outfield in the field for finishing the course. four and a half hours apart, at tack. Harrassed by the fighting final game to lift the Cobourg COBOURG~--The Colombo Plan, brought into being in 1950 by the British Commonwealth as an effort to help South Asian mem- ber nations, was outlined yester- dav at Cobourg's weekly Rotary Club unch, by member A. Roy Willmott, Q.C Originally intended to assist economic advancement of nations of the British Com.nonwealth in South Asia, the scope of the plan has since been enlarged to in- clude almost every nation in south and southeast Asia he said, and help has been received from the western nations. With the objective of helping nations improve their own eco- nomic situations, the Colombo plan is actually many individual plans. Technical advancement tion by one third. has been provided by Western member nations in the form of service of experts from many different fields, and by sending Asians to the West to improve their studies. Direct economic advancement has been provided in the form of an increased flow of capital from the west, Mr. Willmott reported Loans are made without political conditions, Contributions from the U.S. since 1950 amount to more than three billion dollars. Canada, in the same period, has contributed almost 200 million dollars. Suc- cess of the plan can be measured from the fact that in the first three years of the plan, India's food production increased by one fifth, and her industrial produc- the same location under the same Cobourg crew, the losers threw gang and dampen the Port Col- circumstances. in 9 errors to make the show- borne spirits. Both were rear-end collisions of down battle a runaway. | Five Cobourg players shared eastbound vehicles. The first ac-| Bill Wakely pitched a tremen- the hitting spotlight. Bob Arnew, cident occurred at 12.50 p.m. at /dous game to win, his fourth Dave Greenaway, Garry Sharpe, Kingston crossing, two miles east brilliant playoff effort. He yield-| Allen DeChamp and Garnet of Cobourg, the second at 5.20 ed but five base hits, walked Harris contributed two safeties p.m, one and struck out 15 in exhibiting apiece, Bob McGowan had a pair In the first accident, a car his mastery over the Western Oun- of bingles to pace the losers. driven by Donald Burgess, 32, To- tario crew who took their defeat, When pitcher Bill Wakely roato, collided with the rear of a!bitterly and refused to offer con- struck out the last batter to end car driven by Robert Anthony, gratulations to the winners. the game Cobourg players spilled 29, of Scarborough. Damage to| The elated Cobourg gang play-/on the field, lifted their star the Anthony vehicle was estimat- ed inspired ball after dropping flinger from Port Hope on their ed at $100, to the Burgess car the opening game 10-5. Cobourg shoulders and carried him to the at $250. took the second tilt 5-4 to knot dressing room. Later, a car driven by Harold|the series and then won all the -------------- ---- Verney, 40, of Kingston, collided marbles on foreign soil. Winners RATEPAYERS EXECUTIVE with the rear of a car driven by had earlier rubbed out Belleville] PORT HOPE -- At the regular Douglas Harrod, 22, also of King-|and Brockville on their way 0 executive meeting of the Port ston, Damages to the Harrod car the crown. Hope Ratepayers' and Property were given as $250, to the Verney The triumph atoned for a 3-0 owners' Association, G. George car as $400. drubbing in games the locals suf-| wickett, was elected president. fered at the hands of Port Col-|o J 'Red' Trotter is the new |borne last year in the finals for| vice-president and Reg. Waterfall nd 4 | : , y Thieves Abandon NEWS BRIEFS [ie sme cove. rot cobormelikerove a secretary win Rus two years back. John Van Zon is membership OPEN AIR SPACE Gary White and Mike Longwell chairman, and Jack Tweed and Naval Vets To Seek Quarters The Navy Vets Organization of Port 'Hope, Cobourg and District decided at its regular meeting here to stop holding the Port Hope meetings al the local Skeena due to the meetings conflicting with the cadet training of the Sea Cadets of the HMCS "Skeena'. No other meeting place was de- cided on but it was hoped to move to Branch No. 30, Cana- dian Legion Hall. The Navy Jets are staging a dance in Cobourg's Legion Hall on Friday, November 21 and are also arranging a Christmas Party. It was voted to buy wreaths for the observance of Armistice Day for both the Cobourg and Port Hope cenotaphs, "Shorty" Blackwell and John Scott were appointed as a nomin- ating committee to present a SOLES § A new kind of comfort ++. new miles of wear . . . for all the family's shoes. Lightweight and flexible, Cat-Tex soles give non-slip, water-proof protection. At yous b y shoe repairer's get Cat-Tex Soles! CAT'S PAW Loot At Cobourg | COBOURG -- Two break-ins|della's Grocery, King street, at were reported in Cobourg over 10.30 p.m. Sunday night. Hels) the newspaper Al Ahram "weekend. Sun-/phoned owner Phillip Fardella,| oported today. It said details are| 4th with two runs when Dave K| being discussed by Foreign Min-| Greenaway tripled and scored on the Th. ving day morning a window at the who came to the storé to chec rear of the Cobourg Public Util- for theft. ities Commission building was| "No cash, no cigarettes miss- found open by Constable Paul ing" he said Monday. "Just two Krakenberg. Checking, the con- haskets of apples, four pounds of stable did not seem to find any- putter, and a bag of onions." The thing missing. stolen goeds were recovered Mon- Later, at about 8 a.m. Robert day morning at the rear of a res- Labrasy, 201 Division street, taurant further down the street, phoned police to report two Lype- where it is believed thieves aban- writers and a checkwriting ma- doned 'them. chine on his front lawn, just up i ; the street from the PUC building. | BRIGHTON P.0. ROBBED It is thought the machines were, Thieves entered the post office taken from the PUC building and at Brighton early Sunday and were dumped when the thieves carried off a safe and smashed became alarmed. it open in a field. Postmaster Wil- Constable Bernard Seale found fred Pound said cash, stamps and a rear window forced at Far-| money orders had been taken. Legion Branch Arrest Soldier Honors Officer | Theft Suspects PORT HOPE -- Over 100 Cana-| COBOURG -- Two Kingston sol- dian Legion Branch members diers face charges of car theft and Ladies Auxiliary members, after an MGA sports car was their wives and husbands attend- stolen Friday might from a Toron- ed the regular Friday Ladies' to visitor, Dennis Carddock, at Night at Branch No. 30 Hall the Breakers' Motel here. { here. The car was located Saturday It was a special night to honor morning in Etobicoke, and Police a devoted member, Welfare Of- Chief Harold Pearse and Sgt. ficer Horace Osborn who is leav- Gene Butler went to Toronto Sun- ing by plane Friday with Mrs, Os- day to take custody of two sus- born for a six week trip to Eng-|pects, Pte. Robert Matthews, CAIRO (AP)--The United Arab divided the Port Colborne pitch-|Fred Wells make up the rest of slate for the Club's annual elec- Republic has agreed to allow|ing and were greeted for 12 hits the executive body. tion, British planes to fly over Syria|by the hit-hungry Cobourg clan. when the evacuation of British) They walked three and fanned 12 troops from Jordan begins Oct.|in defeat. Cobourg jumped on top in the ister Mahmoud Fawzi and UN|an error. Fred Maybee's infield Secretary General Dag Ham-|rap plated Richards with the 2nd marskjold. tally. Singles by Greenaway and Sharpe and a miscue staked the winners to a 4-0 lead in the sixth. Port Colborne tried to rally in the seventh, pushing a single marker across the plate. Wakely bore down to get out of a tough situation by retiring the final BOMB KILLS TEN MANILLA (AP) -- Ten persons were killed and 18 critically in- jured when a wartime bomb ex- ploded at a demilitarization site in Guiuan in the east - central | ter in the nt ith Philippines. A report to con- ater In tie ning with runners 2nd and 3rd stabulary headquarters today on : said the victims were extracting __ Cobourg wrapped up the ver- powder from bombs at the time | of the explosion. Bay Street CHANGE DATE COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP)--Base- Blues ? ball officials from six minor| leagues will gather in Memphis, 5 | Tenn., Nov. 5-6 to discuss pos- It happens to most of us some- sible franchise changes. The time or other: the dollar shares meeting originally was scheduled | in Sanguine Enterprises that| {for Oct. 21 but minor league overnight are worth minus| | president George M. Trautman . . moved the date back after learn- nothing. And one is always| ing some officials couldn't make left with the question, "If I had| the earlier meeting. known the way the market was UPHOLD DEATH SENTENCE | going, could 1 have sold in WASHINGTON (AP) -- The time?" Ah, if 'ifs' were dollar, court of military appeals Friday bills we could all retire at 40. upheld the death sentence im- However, the investor who posed on a U.S. Army sergeant for the rape-murder of a five-| keeps an eye peeled on the year-old Okinawan girl The court| Financial Section of the Tor- split 2 to 1 in refusing to upset| onto Star is less likely to suffer A look ahead to 1980 shows that Canada is expected to have: A population of 26,650,000, C | A work week of only 34.3 hours, | hours per week in agriculture cas A gross national product of |be expected to drop from 55.3 to! $76,000,000,000, Eighty per cent of the population | 34.3 in 1980, Kving in urban areas. n 3 A nation that was a net exporter | population is urban," By 19% Canada Production to Triple by 1980 Living Standards to Rise Sharply of OTTAWA, Jan. 11 = Nolfacets and that each had its own|a remarkable increase in living eountry in the world can look | vagaries and individual influences, | standards and in the levels of pe: forward to a rosier future than Tt ranged far and wide over the | capita net income, We shall have Canada over the next quarter of broad reach of area, resources,|owr dull periods in the future, as & century, | products, technology and policies, | well as our 'bright ones, But giver In a report, studded with yand-| Tt was quite clear today that the | leadership, flexible policies, a ° ament would not be imple- |ingness to change poli¢' *ny legislation * +d on | sccasion demands and a bit *e foreser Ce=~dians will have ew forward with / some prospects for a vastl hanced stand' "vine Canadians envis** "Tm buying Canada Savings Bonds for cash and on instalments! capital, It might be that atomic energy r | Would begin to appear on a com- on the mercial scale before 1970, with the [to most likely loess" »»¢ heing Southern <rs - The labor force will grow at Conw yo about the same rate as the popu- 'h lation as a whole. The average o 43.75, and in business from 41.3 to, At present, 62 per eent of th fi ill be 80 gre wi per egal For millions of Canadians Canada Savings Bonds offer the best way to save. Bought foe cash or on instalments they pay good interest and can be cashed anytime at full face value, Available in denominations of $50 and wp, Arrange for yours at your pank, investment dealer, stockbroker, trust or loan company == or through the Payroll Savings Plan whens you work. land and France Mr. Osborn will| 18, and Pte. Robert Dodge, 19, 0 i ioti re-visit sites of former battles he both of Kingston. 2 jhe Sout Riantiak conviction Of attacks of the 'Bay Street Snzaged in during the First World ee po ol intr : : Blues'. Up-to-the-minute stock Jar. . | real armouth, which sup- | i On behalf of the branch, zone plied fish to ancient Roman gar- Quotations from New York, commander Frank R. Hills, re-risons, is still England's leading They Said It Monel and pout ate sted. ews of industnal ex- ' | Couldn't Be Done! pansion, new products and "WELL, I'LL y lated the great work Mr. Osborn herring fishing port. company flotation is reported. SHOW THEM" has done for the Canadian Le-| Specialists comment daily on See gion and of the time he has de-| voted to his work as welfare of-| You Can Depend 0 mining, investment and indus- try. Whatever your subject is -- Thursday's Paper ficer, a position he has held for ben kidneys fai 7 finance or fashion, sports or the past three years. to remove exce: Mr. Hills called on past presi-| acids and wastes, science, news or national affairs -- you'll find it covered com- dent, Vern Huffman, to present] backache, tired pletely and colourfully in the ! : feeling, disturbed Comrade Osborn with a piece Tent chien ow Toronto Star. sR.28 of luggage. Dodd's Kidney \¢ The yi? of honor, who has| |iiiestimulate been a Legion member for over| duty. You feel 25 years replied briefly to thank| better--slecp bot- the branch for the useful parting You can depend gift. | onDodd's. Get Dodd' Music was supplied by Bruce Warner's orchestra from Lake-| port. | es sw ------------------ { FINDS STOLEN CAR COBOURG--A small European car, believed stolen from King-| ston, was found Friday night by & Cobourg Police Constable Lloyd Huskilson. The vehicle had been abandoned at the foot of Henry | street. After examination it was returned to Kingston. Police are searching for possible suspects. Sv A RUG? [§ By Yous row, by insblmerds or for coch, of any bronch of the "Rayol' Before You Do . . . THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Good Interest: 31/,% for the first year and 41/,% for the next fourteen. See Our Stock HIGHER QUALITY LOWER PRICES NU-WAY RUG AND CARPET SALES RA 5.1202 Make a start today for the things you want tomorrow! 174 MARY ST.

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