Es THE, DAQY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesday, October 14, 1958 AJAX AND DISTRICT NEWS John Mills, Representative -- Phone Ajax 426 PICTURE SHOWS CAR which three women were injur- in Spate Of Collisions Injure 3 At Pickering | AJAX. (Staff) -- A spate of accidents Monday evening mark- shock, and a second Mrs. Chase, [Whitby ~- Pickering Townline, a| ed the end of the Thanksgiving of 17 Lowe avenue, Toronto, who distance of over three miles there vincial conference opening here | holiday here, resulting in three ed after Monday" evening on Highway a rear-end collision from facial lacerations and By DAVID ROWNTREE Canadian Press Staff Writer For the second time in four years, Pakistan is going through a big political upheaval, , also for the second time, Iskander Mirza is an important man in the struggle. " In 1954, while Pakistan was still a British dominion, Governor- General Ghulam Mohammed sus- pended the constituent assembly, proclaimed a state of emergency and ordered Premier Mohammed Ali to reshape his government. The main source of trouble then was the defeat of Ali's party in provincial elections for East Pak- istan, separated from the rest of the country by 1,100 miles of In- dian territory. At that time, Gen. Mirza, then interior minister, said he was sure that 95 per cent of the Paki- stani people approved of the shakeup. "If you call democracy the will |of the people, then this was a |democratic action," he said. |NO ELECTION | | | week he dissolved the central and 401 at the Whitby - Pickering political parties and declared martial law. He was convinced that Paki- stan, a republic within the Com- monwealth since 1955, was headed for a bloody revolution because of political and economic instability unless he acted. "I have no sanction of law or of constitution," he told a group of reporters. "I have only the sanction of my conscience." There has been no general elec- tion in Pakistan since it became a republic. One had been prom- ised for next February but Mirza says it would be impossible to have a fair and honest vote. He said about half the returns in the last municipal election in Kara- chi, the capital of the Moslem state, were irregular, COUNTRY BACKWARD "It is clearly unrealistic," the president said, "to expect healthy democracy on a western pattern im a country where only 16 per cent of the population can read or write." Mirza's views in 1954 were sim- |then, aren't fully ready for Pakistan In Political UpheavalFor2ndTime some time to come we should have a controlled democracy." The president's actions last Tuesday resulted in a- blood! Representative R. CZIRANKA BOWMANVILLE AND DISTRICT NEWS Phone MA 3-7224 Will Honor Club Founder BOWMANVILLE -- The plaque revolution that imposes a virtual dictatorship on the country, He is supported by Gen. Mohammed Ayub Khan, newly-appointed su- preme commander of the army. Ayub Kban said that if Mirza ihadn't acted, the army would | | have, GOOD CLEAR CHAPS Mirza said some cabinet minis- ters and civil servants had been | corrupted and that the economy |was in a desperate state, He | hopes to use the time under mili |tary rule to restore some order {to the country's financial condi- tion. Corruption wil: be stamped out "even if we have to shoot. In these things we shall be very ruthless." Finally Mirza hopes to |get "20 or 30 good clear, chaps | together to draw up a new consti- | tution." It appears that only after that | {would he be willing to allow elec- | Mirza now is president. This ilar. Backward countries, he said tions. It will have been a lon, | wait since the country was carvi provincial governments, outlawed democracy and in Pakistan "for out of colonial Indian in 1947. township line. --Photo by John Mills | By DON PEACOCK Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA (CP)--A federal-pro- From that point to east of the Penal Reform Meeting To Open In Ottawa ating late Col. Charles R. McCullough, former resident and founder of the Ca- nadian Club movement, will be unveiled by his daughter, Kath. leen My , of Hamilton, Wednesday afternoon. The plaque, which will be erected in front of the new public library, is one of a series being spotted throughout the province by the Ontario Archeological and Historic Sites Board, L. W. Dippell, past - president of the Men's Canadian Club, will act as program chairman, Other special guests will be Maj. John W. Foote, VC, MPP for Durham, Mayor Nelson E. Osborne, of Bowmanville, Mrs. Gordon D. Co- nant, of Oshawa, vice - president of the Association of Canadian Clubs, Miss Flora Galbraith, charter member of the Bowman: ville Women's club; Mrs. J. H. Jury, widow of the first presi- dent of the Bowmanville men's club; and Prof. J. M. 8, Careless, member of the faculty of the Uni. versity of Toronto, Dedication will be made by Rev. H. A. Turner, of Bowman- ville, Elect Teen Town Council BOWMANVILLE -- The new tions. At present, only prisoners state of affairs has been a con-|gyecytive of Bowmanville Teen on sentences of two years or tinuing lack of public interest in mg. in {more are sent to federal pepiten- the subject which, at times, since | jy Nite wow Thursday vem | ores, Cc [ y | tiaries. fod qd ation, has al- also received facial lacerations, were seven similar accidents. | Monday may prove the most im- | The Fauteux committee listed most to apathy." Say Golf Open In BOWMANVILLE -- The South- view Golf and Country Club, Bowmanville's first nine . hole golf links, located at 1% miles north of the shopping area, will be completed within the next two weeks and be ready for opera tion by mid-June 1959, Ken Nicks, secretary-treasurer of Southview, said yexterday. The fairway and nine greens 60 Merchant i Ships Idle BALTIMORE (AP) ~ Sixty empty merchant ships lie in a web of idleness here, waiting for better economic times. A report of the Baltimore Mar- {itime Exchange shows that the three score vessels far outnumber {similarly idle fleets in other U.S. | coastal 'cities. | The reason is simply: No cargo no shipping. | Of several spokesmen reached for comment, none would predict end of the year. Baltimore usually ranks second or third annually in terms of ton- when the shipping diwnturn {nage handled in U.S, ports. The Club June have already been finished on the course built at a cost of $60,000. Mr. Nicks also said that the ex- ecutive expects to have a club house and snack bar ready for the opening next year. The ultimate aim of Southview is to provide a championship 18- hole course and club house with facilities adequate for golf and social activities. Mr. Nicks said course will be complet; Work on the course began last June when a group of business- men felt that a golf course for the town was essential. FOR MISSED PAPERS IN AJAX Il 18 you have not received your '! Times-Gosette by 7 p.m. coll AJAX TAXI PHONE AJAX 333 AN colle must be pleced before 7.30 pm. would end. Most saw no hope for an end to the slump before the | bearish export market includes coal, oil and grains. new two year were chosen at term bers the town dance A D but [portant ever held on penal re-|48 other recommendations for gIG CHANGES POSSIBLE to hospital from one crash on The accident occurred at 7 p.m. smashed fenders, grills and head- form in Canada. |changes aimed at improving The atiornevs 14 1 Highway 401 at the Pickering Traffic was heavy and was block- [lights and shattered nerves spoil-| The two-day conference has Canada's penal system. | if a R653 aeueta) on au Whitby townline ed as far back as Whitby town. ed many a Thanksgiving: holiday. |been arranged to consider how to| It also offered some pointed hrov nces are expect 0 attend | The three women admitted to Many motorists detoured to High- Total property ¢amage could not implement "sweeping changes In comments on the 1. situation. A fonlenence: I the provisiess | the Oshawa General Hospital way No. 2 to avoid delay be immediately estimated, but handling criminals in Canada, as Pea sectional Breen; the report as completely were: Mrs. Annie Chase, 59, of Later, a series of rear-end experienced observers state it suggested in the 1956 report of a, i provemenss | n FT ony as the federal government appar- 132 Pleasant View road. Agin- crashes delayed Toronto bound "would run into a fairly' sizable committee headed by Mr. Justice facilities in Canada have laggec ently has, some radical changes court, with a broken ankle; Mrs. traffic for over an hour on High- sum." Gerald Fauteux of the Supreme behind those in the other so- Mary Kennedy, 38, of 146 Mid- way 401 eet | vourt. of Canada. foil sciences, land road, Scarboro, a daughter! The first crash occurred just - . . If the essential provincial of Mrs. Annie Chase, suffering east of the Pickering cloverleaf. Polio Epidemic |agreement is forthcoming at the to! |conference, the federal govern-| } Harvest The Toronto women being admitted and possible injuries to her jaw.| No one was injured Friday onight. They are Barb | Hughes, Jim Masterson, John | : tie ary wes | Road £. NMUlls (Co. Lid. Mutton, Barb Brown and Charles | ' . . Trim, ! The remainder of the council comprises seven of last year's jis Calla' handling of criminals bg have one Fhe n be expected during the next Brook Roy Atki G "It appearsto us that the fac- few years. | ng, oy nson,, (sreg | ' : Cooper, Willatts, Pat Marr, r chiefly responsible for this| A main point in the report is | Monica Pict Mibinn iB pd) ar ~ |its recommendation that a na-|Goheen, Dan Cattran, last year's [tional system of parole should be | mayor will also hold a post on me established to include prisoners the council, Custom Built Floors - RE-OPENING {ment is understood to be ready | to start immediately an intensive | AJAX PERSONALS By GRACE MILLS AJAX -- Mr. and Mrs. Mel Gonneau and Gary, Deep River, spent Sunday and Monday with Mrs. Gonneau's sister, Mrs. Grif- fith, Glynn road. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gon- neau, Deep River, spent the holi- day with Mr. and Mrs. Danny McGill. Mrs. Gordon McLean, Glynn road, spent the weekend with her sister in Buffalo, N.Y. | Ja. | 2 Thanksgiving In Detroit Area { DETROIT (AP)--A polio epi- At St FP ] | demic is raging in and around . au S | Detroit, Eighteen have died and ; . more than 500 have been stricken. AJAX St. Paul's United Citizens, at the rate of 100,000 a Church was decorated for the ser- | week, new are stampeding to in- vice of Thanksgiving Sunday | gculation centres. Dr. Joseph G. Molner, De- morning. "Literally millions of people A Ti : are saying 'Thank you' to God {roit's health commissioner, says: and. the altars of all churches An epidemic such as we are are strewn with the productivity having could happen anywhere of the earth, the providence of and it will. Polio definitely recurs God. Yet there are those who ib cycles. program to implement the re- port's recommendations. Justice Minister Fulton, with Solicitor « General Balcer, will head the federal delegation at the conference, has said the central government has accepted ["in principle" virtually the whole | report, (JURISDICTION CHANGE Perhaps the most far-reaching recommendation in the report is that all prisoners on sentences should be who cer, | Bt Citadel AJAX Harvest festival thanksgiving services were held at the Salvation Army Citadel Sunday, the occasion being mark- ed by a display of flowers, fruit and vegefables contributed by |comrades and friends. During the morning meeting the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. | William H. Skelton, Andrew Charles, was baptized. Comrades sentenced iv less than two years. The report recommended that a five-man parole board replace the existing system of cabinet |granting prisoners tickets of | |leave. Legislaticn establishing a | injured severely today in a fire | THURSDAY, NINE DIE IN FIRE { 80 SIMCOE ST. KAWASAKI, Japan (AP)---Nine persons were killed and one in. | Across the street from our former location. OCTOBER 16 NORTH, OSHAWA |parole board was d at the| last session of Parliament, but it has not yet been appointed, pre sumably through a wish to await the outcome of this conference. that destroyed five houses. [ro -------------------------------- o_o "tv _ * say these good things from the Of Detroit's 1958 total cases, the over six months ! at- earth are a Ig of na- 361 evaluated thus far show £62 brought under federal jurisdic- ture and see no hand of provi. paralytic and 299 non-paralytic, ition and kept in federal institu. s. Lois dence hi them at all, They don't ? actually say that there is no God | but by their actions we can read | DAILY CROSSWORD Jhéir Ghoughte," said Rev. T. Rex ACROSS 8. River | "There is something wrong with | 3 Teanster 4 5.5) 4 the reasoming of such people for 9. Poe's bird "ems it is just as ridiculous for a man : : : an! 30, Fertile areas 5. Eighty to say there is no God as it is 12, Fencing 6. Cripple \ Mrs. Sam Huxter, Edward for him to accept the-bounty of| swords 7.0fa SUBSCRIBERS TIMES-GAZETTE BOWMANVILLE FOR MISSED PAPERS AND BOWMANVILLE'S FINEST TAX! SERVICE PHONE STEVEN'S TAXI MA 3-5822 if you have not received your Times-Gazette phone your cor rier boy first. If you are unable to contact him by 7:00 p.m. TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAXI Calls Accepted Between 7 «7:30 p.m. Only participated in the altar service |} when a special thanksgiving of- fering was taken. Speaking in the Holi meet- ing, Lieutenant Patricia Buck- ingham took the text, "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want" brining to light the relevant as- pects of our needs and desires which can be met by referring to the Word of God. Talking of empty vines at the levening Salvation meeting, in which Lieutenant Pearl Donnelly gave the message and took ex- ample from the Israelite's who, when their land of promise yield- ed abundance, turned from God and were not fruitful in righteous- ness to the glory of God. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Falby tended a wedding in Kirkland Lake over the weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Mill and David, Kingston, visited the former's parents, at Glynn road, and former neighbors during the holiday weekend. Mrs. George Schell, Edward street, is a patient in Oshawa Hospital suffering from pneumo- nia. %* * OU DON'T HAVE TO GO TO THE MOON O GET EXTRA SPAGE FOR YOUR HOME "21, Nickel i T (PIOIUIL IT] | { El]! TIE] DININIAIR OLD INDUSTRY The art of glass-making has been followed in Portugal since | the 15th century. mountain 33. God of war 34, Excla. mation 35. Employ again 37. -- Beta Kappa 88. Capital of Egypt 39. Member of a jury 41, Benefit 42, Submarine 43. Otherwise 44, Sweet cherry DOWN A. Washing. ton, D.C, building 2. Variant of "eft" street, is in Ajax Hospital, being |the earth and say 'this just hap| 49 mekimoboat continens treated for pneumonia. pened by chance'. 3 : 14, Abyss 8. Plural Bob Boyle, manager of Stead-: The choir. accompanied and di-| 35 yubricant of "pea" ' man's Store, has been ill with rected by Mrs. F. Johnson, gave| 3g ciogeto 9. Load quinsey for several days. a performance of 'Praise the| 17. Goddess anew -- yt -- (Lord, O Jerusalem'. Mrs. Harry | * of disco 4 11, Beehive Smith was the soloist. | i 4 . g | 10, Fiber 15, Alcoholie F d F t LAYMEN'3 SERVICE | Tiel Aleoho rien S e e Next Sunday is Laymen"s Sun- | 20 Susie? 17. Evi Sige day and worship will be in charge | 'I A + Reve y LL] N 1 d J pe: | 20. Kimiof 18. Rambi ew ywe S Owing to the large number of d ol d a ng . {girls now in the CGIT any one| arc ght talk By MAY E. BROWN wishing to join this fall must do| 3% Vanguard's GREENWOOD -- In the past so by Oct. 15. week two couples received pres-| Sunday mext, Oct. 19, teen-agers entations. Friends gathered at 15, 16, 17 will meet in the church | the home of Ed and Mrs. Pascoe at 7.00 p.m. for the purpose of or- when their son Neil and his bride ganizing a High-C group. were given a platform rocker BAKE SALE and hadsock. Later a second par-, The Dorcas Group of the Wom- ty was held at the home of Ver- an's Association is holding a bake non and Mrs. Hicks when Ivan and candy sale Saiurday next, | Titterton, son of Fred and Mrs. October 18, at the home of Mrs. | Titterton, and his bride were |G. Schell, 8 ©dward street. Sale given a breakfast table and [Will commence at 10.00 am. | chairs. and two end tables. | 1 Both young men played base- P bli A ball with the local team. The boys t presented each with twin table u IC ccoun S he an uy o 0» Committee Ma The afternoon -auxiliary 2 tt Y Greenwood circuit WMS met at the home of Mrs. G. Wilson of . Mt. Zion, Thursday, The worship Close Meetings | service was led by Mrs. R. E. i | Mowbray and Mrs. Grace Park-!| MONTREAL (CP)--Alan Mac- in. The study was in'roduced by naughton, chairman of the House May Brown. of Commons public accounts com- Following the reading of the mittee, says he plans to recom. minutes plans were made for the mend legislation to have the com- Fall Rally of the Western Section mittee meet behind closed doors of Oshawa Presbyterial to be in future. | held in the Greenwood Church Mr. Macnaughton, Liberal Tuesday, October 20. member of Parliament for Mount The local choir were at Kinsale Royal. made the statement in an Sunday morning assisting with Lnierview Mouday after Ris re- i iver: ; services. urn here from a one-week trip hag "Mes. Bruce Henley to England, where le studied SEE AND TEST THE ZENITH and son Peter of Rockwood, visit-| the work of the British public Cia ed Mr. and Mrs. Glynn Eastwood counts committee. Anbasador * Tiniest Zenith Ever -Weighs * Finger-Tip Volume Control Only 6/10 Ounce * No Dangling Cord © Flexible Wired Tubing Holds Aid Snugly In Place : Ase Telephone Novotny © Inconspicuous Phantom. . of io wry N pln A Link Connector (at slight additional cost on * Snaps Instantly Into any Zenith Custom Earmold) Inconspicuous Earmold PLUS... 10-Day Money-Back Guarantees § «+o 1-Year Warranty .. . 5-Year Service Plan 14500 VISIT OR PHONE YOUR ZENITH DEALER TODAY He's Listed in the Yellow Pages \ PULL INFORMATION ON Sunday. miversary services will be choir at night, The preacher will in (he Greenwood church be Rev. Harding of Bridgenorth ay, October 19 at 10 am.| Mrs. James Brooks is in Osh- 7:30 p.m.. The choir will sing awa General Hospital where she =» morning and Audley Men's underwent surgery Tuesday. OSHAWA | KING at WILSON -- HIGHWAY 2 x eo Low, low prices! f GET AHEAD WITH A :BILL CLEAN-UP Y ask for a loan. Phone for your loan in one visit, or come in. 10AN A] Loans up to $2500 or more----30 months to repay on loans over $500 Your loan con be life-insured at Beneficial. v AN, Over Bank of Nova Scotia), OSHAW 1% SIMCOE ST. N. 20d Fl. k of Nova Scotia) A -- ne ve we we we AT THESE DEALERS w= mm ce ee em ® Quality controlled meats. » Pay leftover seasonal bills Ll and reduce high monthly pay- ments with a prompt loan here. We like to say "Yes!" when you How much do you knew about your hearing problem? FREE Hearing Facts! Is there something you'd like to know about your hearing difficulty? Thousands with a hear- ing loss find authoritative information in Better Hearing, the magazine for the hard-of-hearing. For one year's free subscription, descriptive lit- erature, and Gealer list, send to: Zenith Radio Corporation of Canada, Dept. CAKC 1470 "The Queensway," Toronto, Ontarlo, Canada ® Fresh fruit & vegetables. MILLWORK & BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. © Save Power-wallets for 1279 SIMCOE ST. NORTH OSHAWA PHONE RA 3-4694 wonderful gifts. ® Open Thurs, & Fri. till 9 p.m. } 1 + Ask for ti PEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT -- PHONE PCR EVENING BENEFICIAL FINANCE CO. r HOURS yi HFARING AIDS ANE HARLEIGH MANUFACTURING 22 BLOOR ST. EAST OSHAWA PHONE RA 5.3012 ABORELS iY PROVINCE which soft in Canada for the seme price oe in 8 SA.