TURKEYS During the weekend families in the Osh- awa area held family gather- ings and attended church ser- for the bountiful crops of the past summer. In many instanc- es fowl was the piece de re- Thanksgiving | vices where they gave thanks | sistance of the main meal of | Here is a group of an Oshawa turkey the day. turkeys on farm which were not killed to | provide for the holiday repast. They have been given a re- weight until the Christmas sea- prieve and will continue to gain THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesday, October 14, 1958 3 Fire Fighters Acts Revive 7 i Connaught Park RECEIVE REPRIEVE UNTIL THE CHRISTMAS SEASON i son when they will again be in the limelight. ~--Times-Gazette Photo 'Honors Ball Teams | | |. Connaught Park held a 'banquet|jon their first year of playing | |Friday night at the CRA for|ball. | | their four ball teams. Three being] 'Mel McCabe president of the |champion teams. |park then presented the boys of The Pee Wee girls were unde-|the Pee Wee team with Scheaf- |feated throughout the "regular fers cartridge pens from the land playoff games. While the Pee| Park Auxiliary. {Wee boys were city champions All coaches and managers were |as well as the winners of a Toron-|¢alled on and they in turn to tournament. The atom boys thanked their teams for the fine had one game left to play at the |CO-operation. night of the banquet. This being| A special thanks to Mr. Herb played the next day gave us the Braiden for representing the third city champion team of the Bantam team and to Mr. Palm season. Our Bantam boys were Knight who very capably stepped defaulted from the league due to In for the atom boys on the un- the fact we had to pick outside avoidable absence of their coach- |players to comnlete the team. €S. : Better luck next year boys. After the Suppge He jen Teas were entertained hy arren he A. Mellow, of Nort Fi SESS nn 0) nid guitar. Mr. Bob Germond showed open the banquet. Then a turkey |p, "oh" chore along with a car- Sper was ye 2] puch wom, Thanks Bob, your time was [iliary of the Park very much appreciated. os : | Due to the very busy schedule The CRA trophies were pre- of Wes Ogden he was unable to Children Home Is Blanketed By Smoke From Family Steak Oxygen apparatus was used to|Debbie, coughing. revive seven children belonging) "She dashed outside with Deb- to two families who fled their bie and put her jn the car and home, 421 Ridgeway avenue, Osh-|ran back to warn us, but I had awa, early Sunday morning, already realized something was when smoke from a steak, left wrong because my children were |cooking two and a half hours on gagging and smoke was every- a stove, blanketed the inside of where. the house while they slept, "We all ran outside in our The steak was cooking in an nightclothes carrying the rest of apartment rented by Mr. and the children. We opened the doors Mrs. Alvin Scero, and their two and windows and threw the fry- childrca, Thomas, 4, and Debbie, ing pan and the steak outside. six months. The occupiers of the, "Three firemen with a truck rest of the house are Mr. and arrived and immediately gave Mrs. Anthony Flontek, who have the children oxygen from their five children, Gale, 10, Boruie, 9, apparatus, then checked to make Anthony, 8, Patrick, 6, Elizabeth, |sure there was no fire. (3 | "We were all asleep when the Mrs. Flontek told The Daily smoke spread through the house. Times: "The steak was left cook-|Goodness knows what would have ing when Mr. Scero went to bed. happened if we hadn't been Mrs. Scero woke up around 4.30 wakened up in time to get the a.m. when she heard her baby, children out," she added, 'Madagascar Proclaimed | [ J TANK TRACKS |sented to Miss Lois Legree cap- pe there at 6.30. Sorry about the| ree ersoins Il) ure j= of the Pee Wee girls team plate we promised Wes. | | and to Mr. Murray Gillies, cap-|" Mrs, Ethel Topping made beau-| In Holiday Accidents Three people, including injured in Thanksgiving accidents in Oshawa. William Metcalfe, Day 16, of received cuts and a 48, of 111 Kingsdale drive, The accident p.m. Monday. The two were taken to the Osh- Fire Department Ambulance and Met- calfe was treated for lacerations awa General Hospital by two teenagers on a motorcycle, were 83 Sherwood drive and Donald Salt- er, 17, of 102 Churchill avenue possible fracture when the motorcycle on which they were riding struck a car driven by Frank Burroughs, in front of 571 Simcoe street north. occurred at 8.30 following "examination to the car was $500 to the right hand and knee. Salter charged injured his left knee. The extent Dam 7 of his injury was not known TWO-CAR CRASH pending result of x-ray examina- y - tion. Damage was estimated at Damage totaling $170 resulted $175. from a two-car collision at King NOSE INJURED street east, west of Victoria J. E. Keo Kehoe, 54, of Glovers street, Monday at 8.20 p.m A road, received a nose injury Car driven by Richard D. David- when the car he was driving son, 20 of 16-16, Nestleton struck the west side of a bri struck in the rear end by ear on Simcoe street north at Pleas- driven by Paul D. Gambell, 25, ure Valley at 7.52 p.m. He had 517 Tullock drive, Ajax apparently met an oncoming ve-| The Davidscn car |hicle which forced him to strike west on King street the bridge. stopped for line He was removed to Oshawa had stopped General Hospital by Fire Depart-|front of him. The ment Ambulance and was dis-/ following, struck the rear was was going and of that Ladies Are Guests Radio Park Of Legion Branc Branch 43, of the Canadian Le- gion, had a gala evening when it entertained some 50 members of the ladies' auxiliary at their last meeting and served them a luncheon of barbeque chicken. This was enjoyed very much by the men who attended the meet- ing. A short entertainment was also provided. Mrs. H. Bathe, acting presi- dent, replied that the ladies en- joyed sitting in with the men and seeing how their meetings are conducted. Seven applicants were initiat- ed: P. A. Smith, H. Gilbert, J. R. Gooding, R. E. A. Jackson, E. R. Llewellyn, J. A. Patterson and D. R. Davis. Comrade M. B. Proctor, chair- man of the sick committee, re- ported going to Sunnybrook Hos- h Plans Season | Plans for the winter season i) were made at a recent meeting |called on 12. veterans leaving of Radio Park Recreation Asso- {them "cigarettes, cigars, candy ciation. |and reading material. Those call-| ed on were Fred Forshee, Art], Gladman, H. Wolframe, Orval Hamilton, Chas. Gay, Jas E. |Read, M. N. York. In E Block they visited 0. Bond, Jim Simp- son, and Bert Holbrook. In Diva dale they called on H. S. Smith, but were unable to see G. L Bould as he was too sick | On Saturday, Oct. 4, the com- ; mittee consisting of Comrades teen, if they supplied chaperons M. B. Proctor, C. Oke, and W. F. Electic n of officers was held {Beaton visited the local hospital and the follow 1g were elected for calling on Ken. Pritchard, C. the 1958-39 season : Lowright, Ken Lang, Albert Bell, Chairman, Rocco Esposito; Roy VanZant, Bil! Hayward of Vice - chairman, Doug. Shackle- Oshawa and Alex Loyst and Bob fon; secretary, Mrs. G. Hol |Gibson of Whitby. brook; treasurer, Mrs. R. D Zone Commander Beaton re-| Thomas; sports chairmen, H minded the members of the zone Snow and K. Gibson; bingo meeting to be held in Bowman- man, Mrs. G. Gutsole; 25. The branch ap- ¢ convener, Mrs. E. Kuraitus A euchre will be held Satur- ay, Oct. 18, at 8 p.m. (in the clubhouse) under the convener- ship of Mrs. G. Holbrook anc Mrs. G. Gutsole, A representation of teen-agers attended the meeting and was advised. that the Association would sponsor their Friday night dances and look after the can- S0- ) NCO's and pital on Sept. 28 accompanied by ville, Oct Cameron Oke, Maud Oke, Shirley proved the chartering of a bus to Burhart and Dick Burkhart. They attend the rally. Cyclist Hurt Jury Rules In Accident | S00 Driver LINDSAY Austin Curtin, aged 17 years, a son of Mr. and . . Mrs. Clare Curtin, of RR 2, Lind-| LINDSAY -- A coroner's jury, say, suffered a bad fracture of presided over by Dr. G. C. R. the right arm when the motor Hall, of Little Britain, chose to cycle he was riding came in con-/dishelieve the statement of John tact with a vehicle driven by twig, of Oshawa. . Raymond Jia NE vioual police|truck his father, John Joseph the car cut unexpectedly behind Conlin, of Whitby, was pinned the cyclist, tossing the rider to under and killed, was driven by the ground and badly damaging|the father. the machine, The accident took place Aug. Curtin has been employed at{12 when Conlin and his father 23% Kinsmen BINGO Jubilee Pavilion Every Admiss 8 pm includes 1 52 Tuesday, on $1.00 ackpots 60-- AL DOOR PRIZES Bus Service the MONA Lee service station on| were doing business with farm- Highway 35, north of Lindsay, ers near Little Eritain. Evidence but the accident took place on Was given to the effect that both Highway 7, just west of the Ross men had been drinking. Memorial Hospital, where the According to Conlin, Jr., he had young man was taken for treat- been driving the truck and had ment. |experienced two accidents, one when he ran into the rear of a ; r parked car and the other when FIERCE ANIMAL the truck left the road for the A full-grown Asian tiger may ditch and had to be hauled out. weigh as much as 500 pounds. |Conlin_ Jr., also stated that when Ihe got out of the truck that his |father moved into the driver's COMING EVENTS seat and left him on the road. It was some time later that he was TEMPERANCE rally, Northmigster informed that the truck had over- Church, Thursday, October 16, 3 p.m./turned in a ditch and that his and 8 p.m, Speaker Miss Gertruder har wag killed. Campbell The jury declared that Conlin, Jr., was t ivi the truck. FERNHILL PARK. BINGD [77 "a? fue driver of the | p giving evidence Conlin, Jr., TONIGHT - AVALON, |gtated that his father had been 8 PM {drinking from a bottle of wine Y: card free on odmission, | 20 games -- $6 a $10. | . a ve | TCS Wins, 30-6 prizes. 1ns, ' Over Oshawa PORT HOPE -- Trinity College School of Pert Hope beat O awa Central Collegia 130-6, in their final exhibition foot ball game before the 'Little Big Four season starts. Peter Barbour sparked the Trinity attack with two touch downs. Jim Hyland, Peter Wur tele, and Ross Hodgetts, counted a major each. Jack Lyons had Oct 9,14 Ochawa's snle tonchdoumn SPECI te Institute, ¢ Central Council representatives Mr. L. Smith and Mr. M aor. A special committee was form- ed under the c ) D. Shackleton t on sible for the c¢ the club- |house and operating the canteen |Art classes for children between the ages of 8-12 will commence Saturday, Oct. 18, Meetings the Association are held the sec- cad Wednesday of eac A model a is held every We under the direction of evening Al. Cox. M. Conlin, of Oshawa, that the All boys in the area are wel- come. pr PLENT MANAGER G. R. Whipman, executive vice-president of R. D. Werner Co. (Canada) Limited has an nounced the apnointment of J. C. Dorsay to the position of | plant manager, effective Sept | 19, 1958 AXE-SLAYING BRONTE, Ont y they are que pect in the axe-s! Dear, found in - tered kitchen of his home Satur- da James Jacl was found asleer tai room with a throat wound ahd was treated in hospital. Police said the cut was not serious. SUSPECT (CP) 80. a boarder 1 an u of For the past three years the Ontario Regiment has sponsored a summer recruit training course {for high school students between the ages of 16 to 19. The aim of the courses been to provide summer vacation oloyment 'and help the young iers develop leadership and zenship qualities. It has al- ways been the hope of army of- ficials in charge that a good per- centage of the summer recruits might go on to regular amy car- eers after graduation Of the more than 200 boys who have passed through The Ontario Regiment in this manner, many have gone on the regular army, navy and air force careers. Oth- ers have become competent officers in the On- tario's EXAMPLE OF SUCCESS Tpr. F. A. Archibald, of 513 Centre street, Whitby, is an ex- ample of the success the program can lead to. He was am acting sargeant with the Ontario's in the summer of 1956. He is at present studying at Royal Mili- tary College, Kingston and is slated for an RCAF commission in 1960. | Acting corporal A. M. W. Bing- ley, off RR 3, Pickering, is an- other of the 1956 summer recruits to further his military life. He was accepted on the Royal Ca- nadian Navy 'Venture' plan and will soon. receive a commission in the Fleet Air Arm. Trooper G. L. Kozak, Oshawa, is a former summer recruit who is now serving in the Canadian Army, regular force. Another, R. G. Taylor of 81 Beatrice street joined the RCAF in 1957, The summer recruits who have joined The Ontario Regiment are tain'of the Pee Wee boys, by Mr. tify] flower settings for the head {Bob Andrews, chairman of the|tahle and centre pieces for each Independent Republic | TANANANRIVE, Madagascar|dicial, educational and eultural has A on a par with many older mem-/Sports committee, of the Neigh-|{aple of the separate teams. All (AP)--The local assemblies of matters. bers of the unit. Some now sery-|borhood Association. Crests from| were decorated with a pretty bow Barr, the CRA were presented to theiof the park colors, red, blue and R. B.|same two teams by Chris Mason, god, A vote of thanks was extended Mrs. June Grice, secretary of|to all mothers and members who Connaught Park Women's Auxil- made donations and also the ones iary, presented the Pee Wee girls who helped R. R. Hemington, with a desk pen set on their be-| those who served in the dining W. half and congratulated the girlsiroom. ing are: L-Cpl. Sgt. J. Barta, L-Cpl Cook, Officer' Cadet, J. ski, Officer Cadet S. Whiteley, "pr. T. E. Bennett, Tpr. D. Bulmer, P. S. Culbert, Tpr. R. Gow, Tpr. D. A. Mackey, Tpr. A. Kowal- the guest speaker. "pr Tpr in the kitchen and] this French island possession off| The decision was no surprise. Africa today proclaimed Mada-|It came in the framework of Pre- gascar a republic but decided mier de Gaulle's far-reaching that it will remain a member of plan for the French colonial em- the French community pire. The assemblies met in congress SECOND TO CHANGE here in the capital. | It was the second change in | The decision means that Mada- Fr a n ¢ e's overseas possessions gascar--to be known hereafter as|since de Gaulle loosened the Milne, L-Cpl. J. R. McDonald, | Tpr. J. McKeever and several| more. Officer Cadet Kowalski was for many years a competent jun- jor NCO in the Ontario's. He qualified highly at his first sum. | SAULT STE. MARIE, Ont mer's course of Canadian Offic-| (*p)_A concilation board hear er's Training Corps Sclioe} at the 0 into a contract dispute at the Royal Canadian Armored Corps) aj St i as school at Camp Borden. Cadet Algoma oe) Corporation was | Whiteley also proved to be a board's report will be competent junior and senior |jater NCO in the Ontario's. He pro-| | . ceeded to the armored eorpz|, The United Steelworkers & school at Camp Borden Sept. 20 company for wi wage ae lo ake an officer's qualifying creases, new supplemental em- x = Bailey, WO2 joined the Ployment benefits, pensions and] Sherbrooke Fusiliers on April 4|vellare Ineasures. 1942. He served in Northwest Eu-| The company has taken a stand rope and Holland and returned |282inst increased pages because to his civilian job as stock clerk Of economic conditions, The un- at General Motors in 1946, {jon says higher rates ae Justi- He joined the Ontario Regi- fied because of high profits and ment with the rank of sergeant py se Algomas average on Jan. 7, 1952, and qualifieq|¥28e 's ¥2.36 an our, = as a gunner in group 2. Dick is Members of the conciliation married and has two children. board are Judge J. C. Anderson Lt.-Col. F. S. Wotton, recently |of Belleville, union representative retired as commanding officer of Fred - Dowling of Toronto and will belcompany representative Sharmon The Ontario Regimeut 4 + honored at a dinner and dance in| K- Learie of St. Catharines. | LE Fe IV ERAGE BANS Hearing Completed issued | Ask Province To Nationalize Bell By PETER SYPNOWICH Canadian Press Staff Writer TORONTO (CP)--Two Oatario CCF leaders have suggested there may have been *'conniving' between Prime Minister Diefen baker and the Bell Telephone Company to permit a telephone rate increase Provincial leader Donald Mae- Donald and Thomas D, Thomas, member of the Ontario legislature for Oshawa, made the suggestion Monday at the close of the party's anaual convention. About 300 delegates unani- mously approved a demand that the provincial government na- tionalize the Bell system in On tario. The resolution condemned Ontario's Progressive Conserva- tive government for not joining eight other provinces in opposing the $17,000,000 - a - year rate in crease for Ontario and Quebec, awarded to Bell last Friday by the board of transport commis- sioners. Mr. Thomas said last Febru- ary"s $10,300,000 - a - year award was disallowed by the federai government only because it was "embarrassing" before an elec- tion "Was there conniving between John Diefenbaker and Bell Tele- phone to postpone the increases until after the election?" asked Mr. Thomas. FAVORITE COLORS life membership in the Sergeant's The color taste of the aver- | Mess. age man runs to red and | dark blue according to ex- tensive surveys. If you have a taste for green money, use Times- Gazette Classified ads to sell articies you aren't using. Just Conciliation Board s completed on Monday. The|" CCF convention support for Mr. MacDonald by a standing ovation. |search director of the U = DONALD C. MacDONALD CCF Leader Re-Elected TORONTO (CP) -- Donald Cameron MacDonald, guided the Ontario CCF party for| the [elected to the leadership Monday. Delegates to the annual Ontario indicated their| who last five years, was has Te- (the Malgache Republic--will be bonds of empire. Guinea, on the iy | self-governing for internal mat-| west coast of Africa, voted over- ters. |whelmingly against the new The - supervising body to be| French constitution and became |formed for the French commu. an independent state. Although Madagascar did not go that far, the proclamation of the republic was regarded as a momentous first step toward CELEBRATING [a offered de Gaul during trip through France's ican BIRTHDAYS |r | possessions last August. Madagascar, the fourth largest Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi- island in the world at 228,000 dents of Oshawa and district | square miles, lies 240 miles off who are celebrating birthdays today. Frank Smegal, 442 Crom- nity will control foreign relations, | defence, finanies and certain ju- | | Ocean. The French established a protectorate over the island im 1885 and declared it a colony in well avenue; Mrs. Barbara |1896. In 1947 the French amy put Chapman, 93 Tecumseh ave- [down a revolt on Madagascar and Bowmanville; Michael Ku. Unofficial estimates ran much zenko, RR 1, Hampton; Del- 1gner. oros Bolahood, 39 Bond street | erley street; Ronald J. D t I Ogden, 134 Harmony road ar ed ue south; Mrs. H. Rudniski, 63 Solomon, 234 Tresane street. Season Starts The first five persons to in- | | form The Daily Times of | The CRA Neighborhood Asso- : 3 |ciation Dart League opened last receive double tickets to the Regent theatre good fora [city attendance. This season the four-week period. The current [games each night will be four games of 401 and one game of | The results of the first league INCREASE ASKED |games were as follows: NEW YORK (AP)--The Inter-| Eastview, 4 points -- Woodview nue; Debby Bothwell, RR 3, {admitted to killing 30,000 natives. west; Michael Vann, 394 Bev- Celina street; Frances Joan | their birthdays eath day will | Thursday night with a near capa- attraction is "Proud Rebel." baseball. |national Brotherhood of Pulp,|No. 2, 1 point; Storie, 3 points Carroll Coburn of Windsor, re-|Sulphite and Mill Workers has'-- South Mead, 2 points; Wood- Party Leader MacDonald added: "It will be interesting to see whether the increase is turned down this time." Mr. MacDonald, a 44-year-old |Workers Union (CLC), |elected president, succeeding Mrs [Margaret Stewart of Sturgeon | Point. BIG LIBRARY | The vice - presidents: Henry Largest library in Scotland, the| Weisbach, -Ontario educaticn di- | asl RA 3-3492 to place your | ad. nited Auto|asked for a 12-cent-an-hour pay|view No. 1, 3 points -- North Osh- was increase for wallpaper production awa, 2 points; Fernhill, 4 points workers at the Imperial Paper/-- Rundle, 1 point. Mills plants at Giens Falls and] High three darts in baseball -- |Plattsburgh, N.Y. H. Fayle 5, B. Clark 5, J. Gould- The union made the demandsiing 5, G. Parker 5, V. Mason 5. Monday as it resumed contract, High three darts in 401 -- E, former journalist, was re-clected | Aquocates' Library was founded rector for the Canadian Labor negotiations with representativesiBooroff 120, G. Parker 108, A. by acclamation to the leader- ship he was given in 1953. National CCF Leader M. J. Coldwell, honored at a banquet Saturday night, called for a Com- monwealth education plan and urged United Naticus trusteeship for Formosa. He said Communist |China should be recognized and the offshore islands turned over to her. Before the banquet, delegate Rev. Ben Spence of Toronto pro- tested establishment of a bar at the banquet Delegates later voted 120 to 76 against an amend- ment to the party program call- ing for *'complete prohibition of all forms of liquor advertising." HOT DEBATE | Hot debate broke out at one point as delegates voted section- by-section approval of the draft provincial platform unveiled by party leaders last month, The is- sue was an amendment--eventu- ally adopted -- from the party's trade union panel making a $1.25- | an-hour minimum wage part of party policy. i "If I paid $1.25 an hour to my hired hand I'd go broke," said HIGH S DIPL Do t Special attention given to thos of Progress rapidly, Low furnished. Send now for a fre Graduates will receive the High can ears School AMERICAN SCHOOL TUNITIES. Name Address You can study at home in spare time and BETTER JOBS GO TO HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES t let age or lack of previous education hold you back SEND WITHOUT ANY OBLIGATION COMPLETE INFORMA-, TION ABOUT HICH SCHOOL COURSE AND FREE 156-PAGE BOOKLET SHOWING OVER FIFTY GOOD PAYING OPPOR- CHOOL OMA | for a number All books lesson e out of sche monthly payments e booklet and sample School Diploma at the Ameri- 847 PRINCESS STREET KINGSTON, ONTARIO, |in Edinburgh in 1682. | Congress; Mrs. Marjorie Pinney, Oakville; Reg Gisborn of Hamil farmer delegate William Jones of worth East; C. C. Ames of Kirk- | Wellandport. land Lake, CCF Northern Ontario Provincial secretary Ken Bry-| organizer, and Mrs. Jean Chap- den said such a minimum wage man of Ottawa, president of the would have to be put into effect provincial party women's organ-| slowly if the party were elected. ization. "You can't just force some fellow| provincial council mem : : bers out of Jisinest by doubling the elected include Lincoln Bishop, | wages he has to pay.' Ottawa; T. D. Thomas, legisla-| The convention unanimously ap-¢ +o member for Oshawa: Wil- proved a resolution calling for an jj, Scanlan Hamilton: Mrs. B. | end to ex parte injunctions in Kinniburgh North Bay. and wil-| labor disputes because such in-|jian yopnce Vo ¢ Willi i junctions was becoming a union-| Som, 2ort Wiliam, busting tool. A new plank in the party plat- OPPOSES CURBS form was a call for full health in-| WASHINGTON (AP) -- The| surance operated by the Ontario AFL - CIO called on President | government. Provincial secretary Eisenhower Monday to remove Bryden said this now is possible | curbs on imports of lead and zinc | because of the $75,000,000 federal President George Meany said i grant toward Ontario hospital in-|a statement the labor organiza-| surance. tion deplored restrictive quotas . | Lillian Mae Marsh SCHOOL OF DANCING D.E. A Ballet, Tap, Toe, Character, Baton. Pre- school, Acrobatic at the Masonic Temple, 91 Centre Street. Fridays & Saturdays. INFORMATION: RA 3-7253 ton, legislature member for Went-| of 17 paper manufacturing e€dbm- Graves 101, J. Crawford 100. |panies in nine states. Winning teams of baseball .-- About 1500 workers are in- Fernhill 64, Eastview 49, North |volved, including 400 at the Im-| Oshawa 63, Southmead 48. perial plants. The Imperial Wall-| The names of the new execu- |paper workers now average about|tive for the 1958 season are as $1.81 hourly. | follows: president, Ross Mills; When negotiations were sus- vice-president, R. Adair; record pended on Oct. 2, the company|ing secretary, N. K. Johnston; had proposed an increase of four| treasurer, Mrs. Major. Scorekeep- [per cent. 'er, Mrs. R. Adair. Tender EAT'N *"TRUE-TRIM BEEF Meat Specials! Wed. & Thurs. MEAT ¢ TENDER 9 +] Ib CLUB STEAKS COUNTRY SAUSAGE 5 ..,1.00 WEDNESDAY ONLY! THURSDAY ONLY ! STEAK SIRLOIN Ib. 69 BLADE STEAKS MEATY PORK HOCKS 4 ,,, 1.00 ChickenLegs . 49 WING southeast Africa in the Indiam