Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 14 Oct 1958, p. 1

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WEATHER REPORT Mainly cloudy tonight. Clearing' Wednesday. TWENTY-TWO PAGES T™MES-GAZETTE TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Advertising RA 3 2492 All other callg VOL. 87--NO. 241 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE Combining The Oshawa Times and Whitby Gazette and Chronicle OSHAWA-WHITBY, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1958 | RA 38-3474 Authorized As Second Class Mell Post Office Department, Ottawe MAYORS' COUNSEL URGES BELL APPEAL I US. Strikes ' Force Layoffs About 10,000 production line and workers in other depart- ments of General Motors of Can- ada, Oshawa, will be laid off by Telephone Rate ' Boost Opposed MONTREAL (CP) -- Counsel municipaiities and by eight pro {for the Canadian Federation of |vincial governments. Mayors and Municipalities has| Lovell Carroll of Montreal, recommended an appeal to the|counsel for the municipalities, He could not estimate how long the layoff would last or how it would atfect different types of the end of this week because of lack of key parts from the cor- poration's strike-bound factories in the United States. This was indicated in state- ments by both Local 222, United Auto Workers, and General Motors. { Despite a settlement on the na- \tional level with Ford, Chrysler and General Motors earlier this month, strikes continue in many U.S. plants because of failure to reach agreements with individual branches of the union on local {working conditions. A General Motors spokesman said today: "The lay-off here in Oshawa is necessitated by short- ages of material caused by these strikes. Although our cars and trucks are largely of Canadian content we depend on certain U.S. plants for some key parts. QUADS BORN TO 33-YEAR-OLD DETROIT MOTHER H. Ullman, a carpenter living | Mary Piescinski; Dr. William | maturely and weighed a total a p Resi Is Surin Gavan. Pictived F. Stanley, who made the de- | of 16 pounds, 14% ounces. The ay was these quadruplets born ehin the incubators from |,. . The | t] is 33. Sunday to Mrs. Julia Ullman, | left: Dr. Jean Holdredge, hospi- iivery; and Mrs. Ullman. e | mother is extreme right, wife of Chester | tal pediatrician; nurse Mrs. quads were born 32 days pre- | Saudi Arahia Presents Man's Bod Found In New Oil Deal To U.S. Ea Trunk ROME (AP) -- Saudi Arabia could increase heavy pressures broken in thé Saudi peninsula in is concluding negotiations on a upon its own organization a Japanese 56-44 deal with Saudiy _ (AP)_ . spectacular new oil deal. The The deal is being negotiated by Arabia and a 57-43 deal with Ku-| BURPALY [ps The body Pi : : ts Frank C. Hendrvk an American|Wait, both in the offshore neutral/2 = Ss, N.Y., man who terms can jolt the international 1awver: retained by: the : Sauili|zone: police said was a friend of two petroleum industry and have a|Arabian government. If it is ac-| The new concession would seem brothers recently found slain in|™5 Bl ot Tha Bl oo decided impact on Arab politics. cepted, or if the terms are met|!0 BO well beven the other deals SRNEIANG Toshio war discovered here had pretty "well reached The deal now is to be placed bY Arames, it fen goes thetore ll Bee ES? POI OU his automobile, tapacity. 2 the Je he Srikes before the board of Standard Ole pi P| The deal would grant a conces-| He was identified as Arthur de "tarted taking place in the U.S. Company of Indiana, an independ-| ; sion to Pan-American based on|Luca, 23 a bricklayer. A feature attraction at Grace Hospital in Detroit, Mich., Mon- --AP Wirephoto plants." The company involved is Pan- of i m-------- - workers, but added: 'The lay-off will be of varying degrees of in- tensity until such time as we again have a regular flow from our supply pipe-line." An emergency meeting was called between Local 222 and GM, following which a union offi- cial said: "When thev have com- pleted the cars already on the production lines the plants will be at a complete halt except for certain maintenance workers. "It will be a gradual process over the next few days but nearly all the men will be out by this weekend. I understand they have a few trucks to make but that will not absorb many men. "The lay-offs began today with) NEWCASTLE (Staff). -- An in. DITCHED LAST INCREASE search ended Last April, the cabinet threw ommended that the municipalities the line men and various other departments working short shifts Sunday, when the body of Real|out © |crease awarded to Bell Telephone made |federal cabinet against an in-| recommended that an appeal be | to the cabinet on the |Company by the board of trans- grounds that the board *"pro- |port commissioners. |ceeded upon wrong principles and George S. Mooney, executive was otherwise in error." © |director of the federation, said to-| "It granted higher rates which Find Missing Man's Body tensive two-week day he anticipates most if not all were not necessary, just or reas- municipalities affected will con-/onable in as much as Bell has cur with the recommendation. available to it lawful means of The board of transport com- securing large tax reductions suf- missioners announced Friday it ficient to offset any net deficiency {had awarded a phone rate in-|in revenues, which' alternative crease of about $17,000,000 a year was sanctioned by the governor- to the Bell for Ontario and Que-|in-councii on April 29, 1958." bec. The increase would amount, The board's judgment, he said, to an average of about five per was contrary to the spirit and in- cent on Bell's gross revenues, tent of the order-in-council passed but with individual changes vary-by the government in rejecting ing widely. There also would be|the previous increase. [some reductions, all changes to; Mr. Mooney said the federation go into effect Nov. 1. has concurred in the recomm ation of Mr. Carroll and has ree- the increase follow suit. He said it will be a last previous varying from four to five hours. Jodoin was found washed up on|awarded Bell by the -transno'§ "week or so before we are in a The company is completely in the the beach near here. The body|board. dark, it seems, as to when p duction. will begin again when these key parts will available." was found by Ronald Powell of here Sunday afternoon. The search for Jodoin started and|35, of Newcastle as he walked increase was opposed before the part are in accord with the ap- be|along the beach two miles east|board by 56 Ontario and Quebecipeal. . . ." to know whether the in whole or in position The Bell's application for the municipalities : blocks land totalling 10,000| Police said de Luca's body was new blow at the 50-50 concept of American Petroleum Corporation. square miles in the pl part (discovered in a car parked in an oil profit sharing in the Middle This company is owned, through | cy o" qocort country. Since this|automobile agency parking lot. East. In addition, it would pre-|another affiliate, by Indiana), == =o = own as the Officers said de Luca was a scribe Saudi participation in op-| Standard. "preferential zone" in which Ar-|/friend of Frank Aquino, 28, and erations and profits all the way| Pan-American already has ameo has preferential rights, the Fred Aquino, 25. hd to the consumer in am '"inte-|breached the 50-50 pattern in non- concession arrangements require Frank's body was found in a uit S ore S 153 grated" company. Arab Iran. It concluded a deal audi Arabia to offer this area/car about a month ago. He had| If Indiana Standard accepts the| With the National Iranian Oil first to Aramco. been shot to death. The body of :NCER MOOSA terms, now being offered on an Company giving the government) Arameo's concession of 440,000 Frank's younger brother was By SPENCER } all-or - nothing basis by Saudia half interest in a joint produc- square miles -- bigger than all found in a field four days later.| TAIPEI, Formosa (AP) -- In-| Arabia, the giant Arabian Amer-|ing company. Thus, Iran gets half prance--runs beyond the year Fred had been shot and the body dications mounted today that the ent company. It would strike a |Sept. 28, when his boat was found, holed and half submerged near, Bowmanville. Police say that the 12-foot boat, powered by a 35-| horse-power motor, had apparent-| ly struck a submerged rock. Pro- vincial police from Bowmanville) detachment employed three boats in the search for Jodoin. The body has been taken to Bomb Blasts Jewish Temple PEORIA, Nl. (AP)--A erude, In Atlanta, « man who said he bomb hurled at the annex of a|might be killed for speaking has Jewish temple early today fell| signed a statement that the dyna- |into an outside. stairwell, ex-/miting of the Jéwish Temple was ploded and shattered several win-/planned last May at a meeting dows in the three-storey strue- of an anti-Semitic organization in ture. ast Atlanta. Damage "to the rear annex of| police said the informant die- {the Anshai Emeth Temple was|tated the statement in the pres {termed "very small" by Rabbilence of three officers Monday {Joseph Ginsberg, who serves the night but asked that his name be Nationalists Won't willing to do this so far. Washing- ton's reported idea is to giv : Fa Chiang's forces more firepower Lorrainville, Que., Jodoin's home, x gi > for burial. No autopsy has been| jean Oll Company (Aramco)ithe profits as host government (aon. Aramco is owned by four was smeared with. acid. Neither|United States will have a hard 2nd Detter weapons so they can rey an ! deal. {sey, the Texas Company andilene, reported him missing last shore islands. "DENOUNCE IDEA these terms. But in doing so iti The 50-50 pattern also was Socony Mobiloil : | educsiay. She said he had Fe The Nationalists, it is reperted,| This presumably was urged by : y ous telephone will not consider any sizeable U.S. Defence Secretary Neil Mc- T . Ww k ; : . French Officers ATE Ty ry roan ies a {De Li indi |tees of immediate intervention if But local newspapers, including BUCKINGHAM, Que. (CP)--A 700-member congregation. No one| yi on rs er ment | the Reds attack the weakened semi-official organs, continued to one-coach tvin, jammed with was in the temple or amnex ot (nanield, because is home might {Falls restaurant six weeks ago,| y : ; ; ordered. Under|and half the producing 4! arent panies: Standard of sla has been solved. time getting Chiang Kai-shek to defend «the islands with fewer --~ ASR ie mt became known as a| California, Standard of New Jer- Pole mai ean wife, Ar|Ene 8 ws BS on the of-! 100Ps. i ue 30 Men Hurt loa ing him to Buffalo.| =. 4 : f 1 Killed As {She Wad not 'seen him: sinee, she | Withdrawal unless the United! Elroy in two conferences with the {told police : B'ville Famil denounce the des of outposts. enounce the idea of a cut in the about 100 lumberjacks, wa s|the time and there were no in-| roup learned what he had done Leave Committee Y {police reported. The United States has not been tfshore garrisons. Wrecked Monday iff :3. 12feotyries. 1° dn 40 and 50 sticks of |insist that the Communist will re- {sume hostilities when it "suites | them. They contcad that the Reds extended their cease-fire for two weeks because they had lost the battle of Quemoy, and that any reduction of the islands' garri- ALGIERS (AP)--French mili |ficer. "All we want is to ensure | tary officers withdrew today from French continuation in Algeria." LOAD OF NICKEL the revolutionary committee of mq ., was in essence the reason BOWMANVILLE -- The 18th- public safety for Algeria on or- a ___'months-old son of a Bowmanville| ders of Premier de Gaulle to get|for the uprising last May. Many 'e i { out of politics. {felt that with the weakness of the COUPle Was killed in a head-on In US. Crash | Nationalist officials continue to|gorge torn open by a torrent of" «Nothing like this has ever| water rushing from a broken beaver dam. About 30 men were |injured. ! The accident oceurred in bush-| and about 55 miles north of this " western Quebec town and about | een very good. 80 miles northeast of Ottawa. IRISH JEW TO SPEAK bi Ginsberg. ynamite were set off early Sunm- | happened here before," said Rab- : "The Jocal situa. day against a wall of the temple. tion with regard to our relations, with the community has always |Damage was estimated at $200, | Police said the man's state- | ment might prove to be the first real break in the investigation of De Gaulle gave the order in an|Paris government, Algeria would collision which injured the other effort to ensure honest, impartial be lost under pressure of the Al- four members of the family, on| parliamentary elections in Al-| geria without army interference. gerian rebellion route No. 6, near Springfield, Maine, Monday. - Miners Picket As the men were being hauled] Robert Briscoe, former Jewish, i f to Singer Sewing Machine camps|lord mayor of Dublin, is sched. POMOInES of Jewish structures in {aboard the company-owned train, uled to address a gathering at| powered by a 44-ton diesel loco-/the Agudas Achim Synagogue in| motive, engineer Abert Des- Peoria tonight, but Rabbi Gins- sons would convert a Communist military defeat into a political [1] victory. Merchant Ship |isceemy | tionalists continued to strengthen | 54 : HS & |their installations in the Quemoy gagnes, 54, of Duhamel, Que. berg said he did'not see any con area, 'Sistine Chapel choir, priests were admitted to the chapel for the mass. : Outside the! chapel gate, in the | Greatest achievement of the main section of iiie basilica, were Maj.-Gen. John B. Medaris, Pioneer, Medaris thought, was its only a few hundred visitors, in U.S. Army missile chief, made complete peneiration of the shell contrast to the millions who had |the prediction Monday at a press|of radiation surrounding th e filed through since last Saturday | os gd the uationsl Siee-joar, Eany reports indicate he to see the pontiff's body and to onics conference in icago. |said, that most intense radiation attend the funeral services. | After calling the U.S. Air Force| Va met at 10,000 miles, with suc-| Most of those today were § Wesioghuiiingh BB sue. Cossively decrsasiug radiation un-|groups of pilgrims or tourists . Medaris PEs army is| er 70, miles, from abroad. right on schedule with a moon| A successful moon rocket will! DIPLOMATS RECEIVED shot of its own. He said chances have to speed aloft a bit faster| Later in the morning the entire |are about 50-50 the army shot will (than Pioneer's formidable speed. |Sivlomatie corps aeradited the | area § moon was receiv [S08 to a the i hy A Jesdioa US. SRIOLOIEE: Dr. ln Bs of Cardinals in the . M itt, said oneer was| Vatican's Consistory Hall. He added that chances are not Sent Off at a speed of 34,400 feet| The diplomats oe Srinal ugh | good that the rocket, using a|® Second. This was 850 feet alforms with black mourning bands. Jupiter ballistic missile for the{ Second short of the velocity Their acting dean, Austrian Am- first stage, will orbit the moon. | "eeded to shoot it out of earth's bassador Joseph Kripp, expressed Failure of the air force Pionesr) gravitational pull, - the mourning of the entire colony missile, which disintegrated un-| Other scientists said the mis- and the sympathy of their gov- |observed over the South Pacific|Sile's speed was reduced because Tnments. | A lit oli N Eugene Cardinal Tisserant, (Monday after soaring to a record|it climbed at an angle slightly| , ©" & 5% "0 ol oe oo tinals 79,120. miles, has been. attributed stepper than the planned one. 8 " replied. to a three-degree error in trajec- TWO MISSING tory. | All but two of the 55 cardinals Word from the Cape Canaveral, THOUGHT FOR TODAY {probably will be here for the !Fla., launching site of the Pioneer |conclave beginning Oct. 25 to "°° is that another moon rocket try elect a new pope. The two who James Cardinal McGuigan, will be made between Nov. 8 and won't make it are Alojzije Car- Archbishop of Toronto, pauses Nov. 11, when the moon is, clos- dinal Stepinac of Yugoslavia and as he boards a plane for Rome. are his secretary Rev. John |est to the earth--some 223,000 Josef © Cardinal Mindszenty of He is to attend funeral services | O'Mara, centre, and Rev. Vin- | miles. Unofficial word is that the| | Hungary. | for Pope Pius XII and the Con- | cent Priester of Oakville, Ont. ( ; clave Oct. 25th, 'when a new | If you must talk about your pope will be elected. With him troubles, don't bore your friends with them -- tell them to your enemies, who will be delighted to hear about them. Paul-Emiie Cardinal Leger, Archbishop of Montreal, also ig | in Rome for the above purposes. (CP Wire) Army officers have worked in tlers who dominate political life |sighted the washout about 100} nection between the Briscoe ap- |East Beach, Bowmanvilie. The] MONTREAL (CP)--A group of|with other unions but we have | 4 gerian independence. { A N Pp |child was pinned under th K- mi {had t . IGNORED BY DE GAULLE m ot lo Pinned Wider Ihe wreck miners from Sudbury set up aihad. good Suppor and oocpera ° . |threw a guard around the syna-| an, Wile PY another Canadian car on a blind merchant. ship loading nickel |of Labor and Ontario unions,' he Re uiem Services gogue, which was dedicated last! COBOURG (Staff) -- A Cobourg a Play Politics curve, taken from the strike-bound Ry: [sald We Expect fhe same Ber that resulted in de Gaulle's return Mr. Meeks, suffering from ternational Nickel Company of, .li 0), WS WEP gw 0) such incident at'Jewish centres and his wife. : ches " C i ited States si id-| Mr. s. Nei is in a nearby hospital, where] The men arrived here from an | ere to load a cargo of 'hot ontinue For Pope in the United States since mi Mr. and Mrs, Neill Gibb, 303 vine. honest, impartial parliamentary : a Se |expedition. The cargo was des- A large dynamite explosion in/leaving the home of their daugh- i | committee for hed Ae : 12, were also admitted. Mrs. set up their line before normall;; 4 al | y | The big central committee elections in Algeria without inter- np pop 0 broken Jaw: andiharbor work stexted. tined for Wales, he said, Atlanta on Sunday caused an|ter, Mrs. Ronald Dolly, about 9.30 5, Jack Quenneville, executive of-|source of the free world's nickel|dUiem services for Pope Pius servatore Romano, appealed for| Temple, home of the Hebrew/from the darkness and attacked mier's drder and to set the stage ed ¢ p in top playing politics in the rebel-| Jane, 14, was released f hos- +; : 3 i , : 4 Ai " : for a walkout of its military mem- 3 . 3 ane, 1%, was released from hos-/tional Union of Mine, Mill and|in Canada, has been inoperative Symbolic coffin in St. Peter's Ba- sions of the secret conclave. Cur-| Temple Beth El in Miami, her leg. Mr. Gibb tried to scare - The lion-torn North Africa area. The pital following treatment. |Smelter Workers (Ind.) local 598, since ning opera the Silica as more cardinals phi poi speculation about who might Fla, and the Nashville, Tenn. the cat away, but was also at" it sta: H A 3 oh | n settlers who dominate political ooo, years. Mr. Meeks union members would respect the struck. The late pouty of the Roman into "a political electoral assem-|damaged by dynamite blasts on death with a piece of wood. was Brig.-Gen. Jacques Massu, al ,\ "coe dence is employed in the tool and die ; ) paratroop leader. He and a group 4 department of General Motors of| Birmingham City. [know exactly how many men had |92Y 2 the grottos beneath St. There is no clear favorite at|SYDagosue and a Negro school lan Shaw, of Cobourg. Mrs. Gibb ; ; "We have not yet been in touch'made the 300-mile drive. Peter's. An empty coffin was esent were dynamited on April 28 and|is still confined to bed, at her the committee worked closely aimed at thwarting hopes of pr . | ing masses that continue through The dead pontiff was laid tola Birmingham, Ala, temple.| Cobourg OPP have sent The impact of the withdrawal army help in the campaigning for of the officers from the commit- the elections next month. The ex- The titular bishop of Adana, basilica only a few feet from the went out. Animals laboratory, in Hull, . Msgr. Diego Venini, stepped be- tomb of the first Pope--the apos-| None of the bombings has been|where it be examined for have formed the backbone of the|to put up pliable Moslems as can- Ived committees in all parts of the diates. t ° ° the Chorus and celebrated to- Y S t i S "Sue ical careers," said one army of-|Gaulle promised Oct. 3 that Al- ears, clen 1S : a Y S |gerian Moslems would get 45 of Ike Marks | French national assembly. About diction that man will set foot on knifed nearly 80,000 miles into cember and January 90 per cent of the Algerian popu- | the moon in 12 years has fol-|space. | WASHINGTON (AP) -- Presi-| ge oi LATE NEWS FLASHES 4 as feeling fine, starts observance % 5 of the day with a salute from' [njon Plans To Sue Builders in the congressional and state ; | A i; exchange for lost wages. Local 48 of the Plasterers' Union plan- election campaigns. ned the move, it was learned today as Ontario Labor Minister tifical requiem mass at St. Mat- A thew's Cathedral for Pope Pius| 0ld dispute. Most, Ship Loaded Despite Pickets Rev. Ameleto Giovanni Cicog- nani, papal delegate to the United a picket line of five striking Sudbury nickel workers. The five are members of Sudbury local of the International Union PHONE NUMBERS for wage increases at the International Nickel Mine. 8 Cars Derailed on N.Y. Central POLICE RA 5-1133 York Central Railroad." Rail officials said they believed the wreck was caused when a high load on one of the cars struck the committee with European set- Dead is Russell Meeks, son of | here with their opposition to Al-| yards ahead. |pearance and the bombing. Rm i of seer Io lage of the car which collided with picket line this morning around a tion from the Ontario Federation e mitiee a be. cal ones rose to effective control June. man ciubl a cat to death, Mon- . i | i | Birmingh it; L to power. He has ignorey Shem PARIS (AP) Premier de| chest injuries and loss of blood,|Canada mine at Sudbury. irmingham City was docked ce, letting them wither on 3 5 In Joy 4 i | hi sin 8 {Gaulle sought today to guarantee pic ire and daughter, Catherine, | overnight drive from Sudbury and nickel," and had organized the Ware Serge Street, Cohours, wens Agora ii? fhe, i Fig ference by the French army. | oq injuries. Catherine has a| The Sudbury mine, principal VATICAN CITY (CP) -- Re-| The Vatican newspaper, L'Os-| estimated $200,000 damage to The p.m. Monday, when a cat leaped special meeting to sl - : s. | \ De Gaulle ordered the army to broken nose. A second daughter, ficer of of the striking Interna: | and the largest mine of any kind| <1. Continued today before a restraint and caution in discus-| Benevolent Congregation. Mrs. Gibb, seratching and biting bers. They left 15 minutes after| Janes. i et army has supported European The Meeks have lived in Bow-|said he expected I emen's | 13.000 s of Mine, Mille, elect his successor. be elected is turning the meeting| Jewish Community Centre were|tacked. He beat the animal to int chairman 0 vi : os | ] life there with their opposition to, line thrown around the freighter| My. Quenneville said he did not| Catholic Church was buried Mon- bly," the paper complained. |March 16. A Jacksonville, Fla, The Gibbs were treated by Dr. of colonels who also served oni The premier's order appeared Canada Ltd., Oshawa. JE A : placed in the church for mourn- an attempt was made to blow up|daughter's home. with the diehard settlers. European extremists of enlisting the . Sunday. | rest in the marble crypt of the That attempt failed when a fuse/dead animal to the Health of tees was bound to be great. They tremists were believed planning an nn oon n Itle Pet fore the coffin in the Chapel of|te er. rabies. In presenting a program to im- Only the nly |Algeria's 66 seats in the new| WASHINGTON (CP) -- A pre-|of a lunar-bound rocket that army may make its bid in De- . lation is Moslem. lowed the plunge to disintegration 68th Birthday | birthday today. Republican leaders who are TORONTO (CP) A_ union locked out in Toronto's , short] He arranged to attend, s 4 Daley said he would sound out both building unions and XII. Eisenhower accepted an in- MONTREAL (CP) -- Montreal longshoremen today loaded States. | of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers Ind. whose 14,500 mem- BUFFALO (AP) -- Eight freight cars were derailed. -in- FIRE DEPT/RA 5-6574 an overpass } De Gaulle Tells 'Cat Attacks |George, 43, and Margaret, 39, of| { However, police immediatel: Today's bombing was the fifth day night after it attacked him country. i "We don't want to make polit- prove Algeria economically, de Eisenhower, pictured by aides counting on him for much help $100,000,000 building shutdown plans to sue the city's builders' E sion, - after the breakfast session, a pon contractors to see if he could usefully intervene in the month- vitation extended by the Most nickel aboard the British freighter Birmingham City despite CITY EMERGENCY bers have been on strike since September to support demands side the city today and tied up three main tracks of the New HOSPITAL RA 83-2211

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