ra |Garry Horse. (will be stationed at Camp Peta Armored Division | Defence Minister Pearkes made |wawa, Ont. th t Saturday after The hist 'ort Gary Gets New Name e announcemen urday after e history of the Fort Gary | discussions with the Armored Horse goes back to the Northwest CAMP BORDEN, Ont. (CP)--|Corps Association, | Rebellion of 1885. The unit oper- The 4th Armored Regiment of| There now will be armored reg- ated as part of the Second Cana- the Canadian Army is to take|iments to provide support for|dian Armored Brigade in the D- Bedroom PARIS (Reuters) -- A h hed} Mu t er Deschamps rd the name of one of Canada's mest{each of Canada's four brigade Day assault on Normandy in the famous regiments the Fort'groups. The Fort Garry Horse Second World War. of her lover's wife. | Spinster Simone D , 47] testified before an all-male jury at the opening of her trial for der. French papers have dubbed it the 'demon lovers" case. Judge Pierre Bonheure clashed frequently with the haggard spin-| ster, | Her lover, Dr. Yves Evenou, 48, died in prison eight months ago| while awaiting trial with Miss| Deschamps. | h [cise I court heard a woman describe|in a frenzy brandished her knife Monday how she stood in the|and struck, crying out nude--except for black gloves-- band is unfaithful and plunged a knife into the heart| we've got you." "" 'your hus- to" you. Now Tories Told To Prepare Woman Describes THE DAILY - TIMES-GAZETTE VOL, 87--NO. 241 Change Of Prison Authority See OSHAWA-WHITBY, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1958 PAGE SEVENTEEN For Election BLACKPOOL, England (CP)-- Prime Minister Macmillan Satur | Penal Reform Talks Held CARRIED AWAY |day issued a clear directive to Hugging a black sweater his Tory supporters to gird them- around her shoulders, Miss Des- selves for a general election, champs cried out: "I never| Without giving any hint of the wanted to kill Marie Claire. It|exact out ging ny sounded a was Dr. Evenou who insisted that| cal] to arms in almost every sept-| 1 should kill, I was carried away lence of a fighting hour-long ad-| by a moment of folly. dress before 4,000 applauding| The judge said Miss Deschamps delegates at the final session of| who faces a possible death sent-|Britain's Conservative party's an- | ence, bought the knife wits the/ nual conference. doctor on the day before the mur-| der in May, 1957. It was agreed, _ Many delegates predicted a h y = cig. |SPring election with May sug- e said, that at Dr vetiol 3 ge | gested as the most probable nal, she, "nude neath a fur{>" is oo [pat 3 would join him in hig | month. This would be a year be- | wife's bedroom for the murder. |If ] "1 obeyed his orders," the fice expires | {woman cried out to the court. Macmillan spelled out in gen. | The judge retorted: "But these eral terms some of the policies) |are orders one should not obey." |he believes will prove election Describing the death scene, the| winners, including an "external" | defendant said: "Dr. Evenou/policy based on principals of |ushered me into the bedroom. I|"strength, unity and understand- {dropped my coat on a chair. |ing." DARED HER | He reiterated a williness to at-| "We then stood on either side tend a summit meeting inside or of the bed where Marie Claire outside of the United Nations any- | was sleeping. The doctor told mejtime. But the government must | | "you will not have the courage to work for the maintenance of its kill her. You will not give me defensive strength in NATO, |such proof of your love.' SEATO and the Baghdad allian- "1 killed not knowing what I|ces was doing." Macmillan referred 'to the ne- Judge Bonheure said Dr. cessity of maintaining unity with Evenou lifted his wife's night- the United States and defended | gown and pointed to the heart for his action of not openly criticiz-| . | Simone to strike there. ing the American stand regarding] banking problem, why not place that problem in the hands | As she pointed the knife on the Chinese offshore islands prob- the heart, Mrs. Evenou woke up, lem : [the judge said, and recognized! "On the strength of the United | them both. States and their continued inter- worthy advice? New customer or old--we'll be happy to help |" The judge said Dr. Evenou, est in the world as a whole free- x | holding his wife's head to soothe dom largely depends. We can her, said "you are dreaming--it's best serve British interests if, on trustworthy eyes at Loan If you have a banking problem, it's nice to know there are people you can rely on for sound judgment and advice. Over the years Toronto-Dominion people have gained wide ex: perience in all phases of banking. So, if you're thinking of opening a savings account or are faced with a more complex of experienced people who can give you sound, helpful, trust. you. Drop in to your nearest Toronto-Dominion branch soon. {only a nightmare." : the basis of our friendship, we | The judge added: *'At this pre- give our honest advice in private -- |consultation rather than yield to How To Hold the temptation of public recrim-| ination." FALS Macmillan was interrupted by a "I= TORONTO-DOMINION | E TEETH ini di ins | More Firmly in Place |a member of the League of Em- Do your false teeth an _ |pire Loyalists, reactionary right A noy and em FHE BANK THAT LOOKS AHEAD barraes by slipping, dropping or wob. wing group bitterly opposed to Yio Yoon Jou et Inugh or talk? any weakening of empire ties. G. B. MILES, Manager W. R. SINGLETON. Manager your plates This alkaline hi aor Periodic interruptions came King and Simcoe Branch 566 King St. East Branch Bnd pone as false teeth more firmly from other league members. At gO0eY, pasty taste of fenling. umm: each interruption stewards I. E. ERWIN, Manager sour. Checks "plate odor" (denture pounced on offenders, dragging South Oshawa, 532 Simcoe South Ereath) Get NASTEETH today at 'them, sometimes by the hair, > from the auditorium [on the American side of the river. put away their nuclear weapons : ait So A AOR Gn ke ABO Fr Canada on the move... Modern Canadians on the move enjoy the excitement of a fast. moving forward-looking country! And Canada's modern drivers enjoy the zestful, agile performance they get from B-A Velvet 98 --the best gasoline ever sold! B-A's exclusive Velvet compound combines great performance with dependable, dollar-saving engine protection. Exhaust-valve and spark-plug life is extended . . . combustion-chamber deposits are minimized . . . fuel tanks, fuel lines and carburetors stay clean. So, fill up with B-A Velvet 98 gasoline--modern-made for modern Canada on the move. evel [14/4 GASOLINES Couost to coast in Canada, you'll enjoy the ATTENTION you get from Mr. B-A, fore the government's term of of-| Zi. Plymouth sport model, The en- tire Plymouth lineup features the dramatic fin treatment | clearly evident here. In com- | bination with the wide alum- inum-grid grille and the long sweeping lines of the "vehicle, The "Fury", Plymouth's 1958 | sport model has, in 1959, be- | come the top-line regular pro- | duction model. Other models | will include Savoy, Belvedere, and the Sport Fury, the new "FURY BECOMES TOP-LINE PLYMOUTH In Ottawa By DON PEACOCK Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA (CP)--Provincial and federal authorities responsible for {Jaw enforcement in Canada today |consider details involved in a ma- jor revision of responsibility for a |prison population of about 21,000. | As a two-day conference om penal f the possibility of bringing more uniformity to sentences by Cana- dian courts also was considered, | Justice Minister Fulton told re- porters, \ the new fins bring a look of top | Some thought was devoted as luxury to the low-priced auto- well to the length of sentences mobile market, Certain models meted out by Canadian courts. in the 1959 Plymouth lineup, in- | The attorneys-general or their cluding the Fury 2-door hard- |cabinet equivalent from all prov- top, will feature Chrysler of |inces are meeting with federal of- Canada's new swivel seats. a aad |ficials under Mr. Fulton to com- Accept Soviet Plan Or Else, Russia Warns By LLOYD McDONALD gate Valerian Zorin told the UN Canadian Press Staff Writer Political committee that any ap- ' : 3 +n: |[Proval by the UN of the latest UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (CP) |American-sponsored test suspen- Russia took up the echo of Mon-|gion proposal would hamper ef- | sider reforms in Canada's correc. tional system. DISCUSS METHODS Among items discussed at Mon- {day's sessions were methods of {helping volunteer organizations provide care for prisoners after their release from custody. A suggestion also was discussed for calling a conference of univer- disarmament discussions fr o m|sity representatives aimed at es- the political to the technical level, |tablishing university training for and to "drown this matter in end- Workers in the correctional field less technical disputes, as hep-\--many more of which will be re- pened in the League of Nations.' |quired. day's American atomic test blast " to warn the United Nations that forts 30 Joach x» talks ge prospects for an agreement on Oct. 31. this deste ore Sim mess Soviet The American proposal, co- A few hours after the United | SPonsored by Canada and 15 other States set off its fifth atomic test| Countries, was ih Suistod ue of the Bow series. Nuseins Sele ave the General Assembly call {for a halt to such tests pending Three Surveyors She outcome of the Geneva con- Rescued From Isle UNCONDITIONAL HALT Zorin told the assembly's polit-| MASSENA, N.Y. (CP) -- The ical committee that only a call | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers|for an unconditional halt to) Saturday rescued three Canadian atomic tests would contribute to| surveyors who had been stranded|the success of the U.S. British | overnight on small islands in the and the Soviet Union's negotia-| St. Lawrence River about 10 tions. | miles west of Cornwall, Ont. Where the difference. lies is in The men said a storm Friday the Western position that a sys- night prevented them from reach-|tem of mutual control must be ing shore. Their canoe was found (achieved befofe either side can Vincent J. Vinette, 28, and Ray-|as far as testing is concerned. mond Vinette, 22, were found on|Russia's emphasis on the word a tiny, newly formed island in the|of agreement here now. big lake created by the St. Law-| Zorin accused the U.S. and rence Seaway. Britain of trying to transfer all Something special that you need ? A NIAGARA loan can help indeed! 7 ne hh LOANS Largest All-Canadian Loan Company 37 King Street East, Alger Building (Next to Biltmore Theatre), Suite 22 Phone RA 5-6561 | Ross £. Mills Co. 1d Hitler's Victory Jig Propaganda Fake -- Paper LONDON (Reuters) -- The fa- saying. "Things : looked black. mous wartime newsreel shot of There was nothing to laugh at Hitler doing his ridiculous "vie-| "Sater oo German news. tory jig" after the fall of France| ...i (of the surrender ceremony). was a British propaganda fake, |p. gave a slight jump and the London Sunday Dispatch re- lifted his right leg and put it for ports. |a few seconds behind his left It quotes British documentary knee. movie pioneer Dr. John Grierson| «Al 1 did was to freeze that as saying his trick cutting of a/jump at its silliest point and add German newsreel falsely made|a few frames of that moment to the Nazi dictator look like heithe film and there he was doing was jigging jubilantly after seen war jig." ing French leaders sign his sur-| Sums up Ti: Dispatch: "Clever ender terms at Compiegne, cutting in British propaganda lab- France, in June, 1940. oratories made. the solemn mo- "I was working on counter-pro- ment in the German newsreels paganda," Grierson is quoted as|into comedy. Custom Built Floors RE-OPENING THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16 80 SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA Open Until Noon on Saturdey Across the street from our former location. A "Glad you called... How do I sound on our new bedroom phone?" Whether your home is large or small, an extension in your bedroom is a step-saver by day, a sentinel all through the night. Wouldn't an extra phone provide greater convenience and pleasure in your home? You can have it put in promptly by calling your Telephone Business Office. EXTENSION PHONES, in black or colour, cost only $1.25 per month--even less in some communities--with an extra 'installation charge when you choose colour (red, green, beige or ivory). THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA THE BRITISH AMERICAN OIL COMPANY LIMITED