a Crews Don't "Jews In The U.S." Rated [THEATRE GUDE hi WE " | . THEATRE GUIDE -- OCT. 11 | Waste Time As Fine, Scholarly Book [sm ties L aying R ail | The panoramic pictorial history trated with more than 400 repro- promise of the Declaration of In ventures of Tom Sawyer" in of the Jewish people in the United |ductions of pictures, paintings,|d lity of the| Technicolor, shown daily at States from the i tiny Jewish drawings, advertisements, precisa: Constitution, the prétection ot the| 1.55, 4.45, 7.35, 10.25 p.m. Last} 3 community in New Amsterdam to| mations, cartoons, handbills an Bi Rights, and the organizing] complete sho ¥ am. REaWSON CREER. De. Sidi the present times is contained in| pamphlets. to enforce the spirit of the Con- Mp e BOW 31 0p oat" road crews didn't waste any |, how hook, "THE JEWS IN| All the important events in the|stitution in the states and com-| starting at 1.25, 4,55, 8.25 time pushing the Pacific Great|ygE UNITED STATES" (George|three centuries of Jewish-Ameri- munities. . Also "Gun Glory". 3.1 RJR, Bastern Railway extension 265|5 McLeod Ltd.). can history are recounted. The| The Jews expanded, despite| 1905 ng ay . 310, S35 miles from Prince George to this|" The author is Morris U. author sets his story firmly with-|anti-Semitic hostilities, with the gf g yoy t complete northeastern B.C. city. Schappes, who has long been|in the framework of the develop-|nation, westward, southward, into -- "Go's Little. Acre" The modern gandy dancers known as an expert in the field ments of the U.S. as a whole. The facture and ce. Ie ACE hammered an average 1% miles|of American Jewish history and foreground of Jewish history is| A new immigration wave, stim- of track a day to reach Dawson |who is best known for his monu-|continually integrated into the ulated by the defeat of the 1848 plete show at 9.10 Creek by Oct. 2. The PGE line, |mental work, "A DOCU-|background of American history revolution in Europe, swells the Regent "p d PML THEIR stretching from Vancouver, con-| MENTARY HISTORY OF THE and the Jews are portrayed ef-|Jewish population, and stimulates| "c8ent -- Frou Rebel" in} FIRST MOVIE TOGETHER nects here with the Northern Al-|[JEWS IN THE UNITED fectively as an integral part of new Jewish organizational steps. daily © NEW SONGS! Rai line from FEd-|/STATES". This latter publication the emocratic traditions an rt AE oh i ESE feria} iiways. ite was immediately recognized as a/struggles for freedom of the| NEW A NY ively complete show at 9.05 p.m. TECHNICOLOR® The track outfit comprised 72 landmark in American Jewish| American people as a whole. in the Civil War. They fought with|. CHURCH MERGER toe) sii tors, | history. There are interesting stories of |, majority for Union and eman- A 5 ingers, crane operators, | "yicvew book will certainly|the first Jewish communities in|oinaion "The post-Civil war birth DAYTON, Ohio (AP)--Officials Pp L 1) % 1 ballast men, engineers and gen-|.... with its predecessor for its|the colonies. The Jews are shown) "iyo American industria: giants of the 2,400,000-member United] eral laborors. scholarly approach to a colorful in text and picture working with|co/vec a5 the background Pi the | Lutheran Church in America "I've seen old-time tracklayers and most interesting historical others to add their mite to thei. oiy "of the gro h ddl Monday night delayed until Wed-| watch us with their eyes bugging lera. This new book covers every|laying of the colonial foundations Sow The Jewish i 10C1€ | nesday a vote on a proposed mer- 3 3 | A unity was out," says Hugh Bare, general aspect of Jewish life -- social, for the new nation. Then they are |... tormed by the "tidal waves" ger with three smaller Lutheran steel gang foreman on one sec-|political, religious, cultural and [shown rising with the rebels of | iri churches. it 1 B € WH . v . . i + of East European immigration. tion of the job. "They find it economic, and is lavisly flius-1"76 fighting for and winning the "myo vow century brought forth A favorable vote, considered a hard to believe track can be set a new labor movement inspired certainty, will boost church mem- down so fast. by the ideals of social justice and | bership to more than 3,000,000. i il a "In the old days, it kept a steel Young Artists Should the need to abolish the sweat The three smaller churches in- 1959 FORD FAIRLANE 500 CLUB VICTORIA ; jgane I pond oA Word War, revit it Porat mas 4 he pe, of American prosperity | Finnish Lutheran Church and the . ; ; i i : y lay more than 400 in 10 : : Euro] Gold medal winner for styling | Edsel-Monarch dealer show- | piece non-corroding aluminum | can L T D P { ; ; . h 1 hours. |and depression on the Jewish|American Ev. lical Luth rooms on October 23. The re- | starred grille and major en- earn 0 Taw - IO esso {community is profound. Church. bes vig = elegance _at the Brussels ats SO Sia : ineering change: Mr. Bare says organization and , World's Fair is this 1959 Ford | styled 1959 Ford has an all new int Shsuges io sive meW | echanization are the big fac-| TORONTO (CP) -- The trouble|Landing, near Peterborongh, ju, 000k reesetis 3) ie membership of more than 600,000. Fairlane 500 Club Victoria, one | body, 29 per cent more wind- | proved performance. The Atom- {OF =A Hedumping Srey keeps with today's young artists is that|Ont. His father, a farmer, toured |and political history. it also Wim -- ote Gnited) shou i mi! By ahea oa x "too many of them think they country fairs, returned with art traces the cultural and intellectu- 3 fhoraq Charch was Dr. albert Tue ines ang i AT e YH can paint before they know how catalogues from picture exhibits, al history of the Jews, throughout | "y2.0bi of Kitchener, Ont (This erew works a nad - mie), draw.". says 93-year-old Jon insisted his house be full of mag-| German, Yiddish, Hebrew and| Hehener, ot. ahead of the steel gang. David Kelly. azines and pictures, and encour-| English sources. For each period hd A crane lays the two ribbons "mu. dean of Canada's histori-|28¢d his three sons to become the author also reveals the growth u ur aces Tl 2s of steel, taking an syerags of 601 cal at hos been confined to|artists. : of organised Jewish life, religious, seconds to transfer the 33 - foot "oom five months. His eye-| Another brother, Percy, did, (philanthropic, fraternal, _ eco- rails from flatcar to roadbed. | 1 ¢ hearing are weak. His The third, Bert, was an artistic nomic, social, political, cultural, Behind the crane come workmen |, "at oo pe printer. and educational, into a recog- £ J nizable community that is volun- hd id who lay tie plates. Two bolting : 3 | i 3 But he still has advice for the| John David Kelly, only one of 3 iol : machines then secure and line up 3 | hn {tary in principle but growing in With Stoic Calm te ral ots. a a. CE Four spiking machines -- each DRAW AY Xoo lithographing firm, for 73 on I Rh Rg SUDBURY (CPY -- This North. io. the wits sbility 16 wealber| The striké has alferted earitonehing a big naj) fvery five Cet 28 egg and Jeary to draw| He retired in 1955. Last Maylthe Jewish people in the United ern Ontario city of 48,000 has met the blow. |dealers hardest. seconds -- complete the. job al-|hefore you start to paint. Put doctors confined him to his bed states. its long - feared economic night-| As one downtown merchant put/NO STRIKE VIOLENCE though men Wi ie hat {Hat EE 2 table and Keep}in Toronto and gave him just one| It is a book to be treasured by mare and found truth in the jt: "Business is not good, but it's) There are no strike activities ur 5 en ; SR ih re he somelingiwesk to live, i |all who desire a true picture of adage: "Nothing's as bad as you|not as bad as we thought it was/in the city. Inco's smelter and at rail joints. at looks exactly like an egg. I've been fooling them all." |the historical background of the think it will be." i " y avEmal 2°"! Several miles to the rear bal! Few people are better qualified he chuckled. "But I don't believe|Jewish people in the United going to he mines are several miles away. |. crews fill spaces around the ito judge. I'll get to reach 100 after all. . . ." Stat Sudbury's economy is built on It's still too early to determine There has been no violence on ar power tampers | In an artistic career stretching >. . ge. T g the International Nickel Com- what effects the strike is having the lightly-manned picket lines ; ilizi i ) rs Mr. Kelly won a Li pany of Canada, the world's big-|on miners and their families. The and several hundred non-strikers| 2nd other stabilizing maeiiery. over 30 years Me Rely 4 an 4 eg -------- A THIS WEEK ! gest nickel producer and Can-men have had a back - time are entering and leaving the The backbreaking labor that) ia' Mr. Accuracy. ¥ ada's largest mining operation.|cheque since the walkout and property on a weekly rotation Savssiarized Faliiosg bling io, In hundreds of painstakingly- ie 7 Feature Daily at: 1:45 - 3:40 For 50 years the city has thrived] missed only one pay- schedule to keep machinery in e past is obsolete. inti 2 GAA 5:35 - 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. on Inco and built up one of the Hue have missed only Pay! condition. injuries that haunted every crew. produced paintings, not a button Ee " RA 3-2843 p.m, of 17 new Ford models which | shield glass area, relocated | ium, Brussels exposition land- will be introduced in Ford- | parking lights, distinctive one- mark, is in the background. lon a soldier's coat or the color highest living standards in the i ; Some business leaders feel the| No one was injured on this job, | Be A : : ia ; ' 7A country Tog] al 52% Sere shorter work week started by| although the line was laid through of a feather iy vg Indige s head i 7 Ul Nel C t on 50 Boliceable S€|1nco last July, when it was re- some of the roughest country in| ress was out of pace, , But the nagging fear of a strike; i i : BV il of Kel int Te i has always lurked behind Tol sutgolng business TIES ldveed to four days from five be- northern B.C. Ta ery deiall of vi 3 lly paint ; sd BETTER THAN EVER! 2nd HIT! prosperity. Last month it hap-| "ope departure of a few single cause of a production cutback, ea | with his own collection of refer- ; W 6 4 pened. men for other northern mining|helped Somiifion the economy for |ence books and the Dominion ar- 100: Sept, 4 Be, IatoNal| areas. principally the Elliot Lake/the stri e. Also, the long re Pp verage chives. Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter) om field 150 miles west. strike negotiations gave firms Until 1955 he visited the site of Workers (ind.) called its 13,000 i tectrica) long advance warning of strike all his historical paintings for ac- members out of Inco's mines and ities of tone eciriv 2p |action and inventories were re- Hi hwa S eed cre To paint a picture of the smelter plants over a wage dis- | | duced. g Y Pp of G a1 Brock at Queen- pute. Within days there were Lig hiss hgh 25d the Average pay for the four-day Vitel hgh oy old : S70 . ports by outside sources of mass 4 week was $70.60 by union esti-| TORONTO (CP)--The average; ) i choes. ge ; ; . migrations and predictions of | have been in a slump, partly mates and the strike so far has|speed by drivers on Ontario's battlefield in snows ; (db BEAUTIFUL BUT economic collapse. {due to recent bad weather. of lost the men more than $2,000, highways is under 55 miles an|ONE MISTAKE if \ , : DANGEROUS CONFIDENCE GROWS {a survey shows little signs of oo) in payroll earnings. It will be hour, the department of transport, Only once did he make a mis- . - J TARISA ALLASIO a 4 : |e. : P {another two weeks before the|said Saturday. : Itake. In a scene of the late 1700s F % £ ' Today the first signs of panic| "We're working harder forl,jion's first strike benefits are D. J. Collins, deputy minister he drew a tiny Union Jack which . 4 «a PEGGIE CASTLE: Ascot rots have vanished. Sudbury appears| business now," a salesman said. | paid The union has said it willlof transport, released of a study|included the cross contributed by dz to be taking the strike in its|"We're not getting as much as|;uard strike pay on the basis of of drivers by Queen's University Treland. It was large enough for 1 pS BI LT 3) R E A stride and a survey of business|we like but it's keeping the wolf| ed | research team. The study was fi-| var oy roraind him that places shows growing confidence! from the door." |BALANCES LOWER Inanced by the Ontario depart- ie ro Tay mot added fo ; i i of highways. ! i The of oworeod No 'one will venture a guess on Then dy. shows. the rage the flag until 1802. story a woman too deep in love LAST TELEVI SION LOG | How long Sudbury's economy Cah peed of drivers Checked ob HIE mn sp ro wxasnple of Mr « « + to risk the cruelty of the truth! S27 "Adventures of Tom Sawyer" & "Golden Age of Comedy" ' ear the strain of the walkout. way 400 to be 54 miles an hour, |¥ id 8 . " ; {Banks report savings account zg } iohw o Kelly's work. An insurance Com- 58 M.P.H. on highway 401 and 60! any Uses his bestknown' paint- a y | withdrawals are ahead of depos-|M p.H. highw. 115 between |F 4 P CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamiltos CBLT-TV Channel ¢~Totonlo its but say there has been rH. om ore Shey (ings on its calendars; railway WROC-TV Channel §--Rochester {real rush on savings. | However, the report said, de- coaches were decorated with his BARRY SULLIVAN I STARTING TIME ANYTIME WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffale ~~ WBEN-TV Channel é--Buffale There is one spectre ahead: spite the higher speed in some | pictorial maps. ; ho : : (Winter. And with it the reminder areas, the average speed of 500/ br: Kelly vas one the Sirgt GLYNIS JOHNS S EVENING WEDNESDAY wepnespay pa. [of Kirkland Lake, Northern On-|drivers checked was still under' 'Pic ure reporters." He was a voEsAY, PM. 8.00 AM. 5.00 PM. |tario gold mining centre which (55. |the Northwest Rebellion for Tor- (wiwooEHT ; (iooucs {1--Theatre, Sports 5,2--Today 11--Theatre; Sports {practically collapsed during a] Top speed for an individual [onto newspapers, sent back bat- 6--Whistle Town 4--Capt. Kangaroo Rope Around: The | bitter three-month strike in the| motorist a was 85 miies|tle sketches that still serve as a SEAN CONNERY vsulfsor® IP200800/ HOME + FILL-A-CARD Sun 5-- Playhouse 9.00 AM. | winter of 1941-42. an hour. vivid reminder. A Paramount Release 3 Three Stooges yD Simian] & : He showed hic first painting-- 5.15 P.M. ome | a sketch of the:America's Cup Today Only: 4--Children's 2-Trouble With Father| o cvidren's Ni ! hd hd race between Canada's Countess ALAN LADD in Theatre 9.30 AM. + Childrens. Theatre of Dufferin and the U.S. schooner " " 530 P.M. 3--Favorite Story 530 P.M. Madeleine--to teachers at Tor- PROUD REBEL y IN TECHNICOLOR I Tele MINRCTON No SS 3 [oo [ lf: To] NIV < 4--Susl fo] v 6-Sky King usle 11--Popeye onto's Ontario School of Art in 4--Dinner Date 2--Dr. Christian 6--Woody Woodpecker : wm 3-Woody Woodpecker 10.00 AM. 4--Dinner Date Theatre 1876. ) 9 » : GAME C 4--For Love of Money | 3--Bengal Lancers { Ready For Battle Mr. Kelly was born at Gore's i 1 6.00 P.M 11----News; Theatre $,2---Dough Re Mi 6.00 P.M. MONDAY'S NOS. 11--Theatre; News; Weather | 10.30 AM. 6 News | 82--Treasure Hunt aries t 2-8ky King 4--Play Your Hunch ws I 19 J N 38 6.15 1.00 AM, 2-Coiondl Bleep TORONTO (CP)--Toronto con-|executive council is meeting next . 6-It's A Great Life 8.2--Price 1s Right $-News [tractors and building unions are| week to consider a Toronto re- s-News om 4--Arthur Godfrey TBA {squaring off for a long battle in|quest for a Canada-wide boycott N-37 N-42 11--Theatre, Neather FIL ey 63 P.M. [the city's $100,000,000 construe: | of projects being built by com- - | Kit Car. 6--Meet Lorraine tion shutdown. anies involved in the dispute oy Cat, Weather 5,2--Concentration 8--Leave It To Beaver 5 : P Ties P Numbers will be drown > 45 P.M 12.06 NOON 42-News; Weather | Two unions have voted to here. at 2, 6, &--News 4 News aud Weatner | ia P.M. (ignore a Toronto Builders' Ex- The union represents some 5. ' . 7.00 P.M | 53~Tie Tac Dough | 642-News |change ultimatum to sign con-|000 workers. : ! Check your dollar bills now SCOTT'S 3 Theatre a il en | 11--Family Theatre tracts. The exchange says it! William Jenoves, president of | RESTAURANT pe: 6 TabloAd | won't meet with unions to discuss|the Toronto District Labor Coun-| " FOR A "5" and "0" 147 Yoru St, Toronto . ot a.m. $---TBA Hiouse 5--Zorro lifting its current lockout until|cil, said efforts will be made to] 4--Annie Oakley 28 BA : : ¢ f 3 a -n. | &-MacKenzie"s Raiders + . r- | 3 5 3-f You Had a Million | 1;_News | 2-Grev Ghost four unions without contracts |have Labor Minister Daley inte A If any of the serial numbers of your Benefit of 1.30 P | i i ' {vene in the strike for a second | 5,2--It Could Be You sign--on the builders' terms. bo dollar bills eontain @ "5" and an "0" &-Donna Reed | 4--Search for Tomorrow Wa nS rents These provide wage increases | time. f i eo ~ { then you've got @ "Lucky Buck" end CANADIAN 4 Whirlybirds 12:45 PM. $3-Wagon Train lup to 25 cents an hour for the a l 11--All Star Theatre 4--Decoy I f ) here's what you'll receive for it. A I FEDERATION 2-sugaroot EY 8.00 P.M. {cement masons, rodmen, operat-| pa I 00 P. 11--Leave It To Beaver ing engineers and carpenters. Man Slashed . Ti certificate for a $25.00 Arthur Murray OF THE BLIND 11, 6-~Front Pag 6--Matinee 4--Dead Of Noon | . 4 P.M The lockout, which came a week Dance Course at 11%2 Simcoe Street x Not affiliated with the C.N.I.B. Challenge 5--Movie 'heaire 8 $--Eddie Fisher 4--Meet the Millers 11.6--One of a Kind |after cement masons struck Sept. | South where you can learn 4--Keep Talking 2-Mid Day Matinee s.2--Price 1s Right [1] over shift premi has left , : 530 P.M. 1:15 P.M. . , premiums, Y azor } Tel The Struts 11--Movie Matines FE ay 20,000 men in 24 unions idle. ) gr Minghiins di Tt hy rel tI Ti WPA 6,5--Music Hall DEADLOCK : TORONTO (CP) -- A slash on Che: Sombe, Mambe, and PREVIOUS. NUMBERS call Foromre WA. 3.3415 9.00 PM. ie World ym | +The Millon With two unions opposing the|the throat with a razor sent Stan- Swing... Just "present your ' "het Bi Ppa 33-Bob Hope 4--Jimmy Dean ha PM. |contrators' terms the dispute is|ley Chassas of suburban Mimico "Lucky Buck" in person at as 4--Arthur Re rey 2--Helen Neville 11--Lone Wolf |left in apparent deadlock. The to hospital following a traffic dis- 11% Si Si South 9.30 P.M. 2.30 P.M. 6,5--Bat Masterson masons and engineers have wile Sunday, police said. if cies - bl or you prefer, mail it wit e 11--TBA 4 I've Got r Secret 6--Playhouse 2-Naked City [to vote on the offers. Hospital authorities said Chas- ) 4--Red Skelton i 10.00 P.M. A carpenters member-| sag, who needed 14 stitches to coupon below. Even if you've Jo:00_ M0. is PM Miki vg Beat| ship meeting Friday turned down|close a six-inch throat wound in- never danced a step, you'll be able H 11,6--Rhapsody SR yg | fi 4--Garry Moore | 11.6--Nursery School our nite | the exchange's offer and asked | flicted with a straight razor, was to learn quickly, easily, when you 2-Californians i 4--Ginger Rogers {for 50 cents an hour raise, double in good condition. | ul. 15-pear Phoebe {what the builders offered. Ear- | Police said a man in a car fol-| ¢ take advantage of this double op- ALL is ig Ry ie Bn 3 Ours [lier the rodmen turned down a|iowing Chassas' car became im-| portunity. 7. Highway Patrol Heap do |B eu olor, ' i |patient at a stop light end TT Arthur Murray Is making - this I ® Hoo P.M i 3h8-Open J Juse | Meanwhile the operating engin-|an argument followed during] i i 0, 6, 5 4 News. | So-From Joe Roots | |eers sought new means of retal:| which Chassas suffered the in-! ir i Sgeng offer to show you the Lk ic overs Weather; Sports "0 P.M. jation against the builders. | jury. ¢ i F 1 un end good times i be had I 1i-Bugs Bunty w Tr MAY EXTEND DISPUTE |" Police charged Orli Wicklum of! when you learn to dance this | Aol or. A Day : h Rowland G. Hill, Canadian di-| Toronto with wounding and hav-| k simple way. So don't wait. Look ne 4--Serials rector, said his union's general ling an offensive weapon. i ' in your wallet now. If you have a &--Football Views rp a ™. > 5 ! dollar with @ 5" and on "0" (in ony order), you ore e@ "winner." =a 4--Theatre 6--Howdy Doody 2-Jack Paar s--County Fair 14 PM, | 4---Edge of «ight 4--First Run Theatre . . oo 6-- Boxing, 2-American Bandstand | 3--Jack Paar . ge ee SEs EE WS ES SE SE E-- -- 7 i . 1 This Coupon And My "Lucky Buck' Entitle Me To 1$25 ARTHUR MURRAY | WEEKLY! Hoss Mills Cott. | | uD | 1 Smcoe x | | GIANT ALL-COLOR THRILL SHOW! i Nome ...oveeuueses INCLUDING -- STERLING HAYDEN in oe ridge] TE Lip : STUDIO HOURS: RENTAL OF Custom Built Floors stom uit Vives |W "Tne LAST COMMAND" | \mupowwmevn] V5 immo SRp oh [oo WERE Ace RE-OPENING -. 'JUBILEE ™ AL " ER] [ebm A Mnany | CINGOLANI] WE CAN TEACH YOU 5 TO PLAY THE ACCOR. | DION FOR ONLY $2.00 \ \ am THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16 Eo With PAT O'BRIEN & ADOLPHE MENJOU ----- ARTHUR MURR AY | ACCORDION SCHOOL 80 SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA piovas ane serves wun sue on, (iY " AIR-CONDITIONED BALLROOM SIMCOE HALL--SIMCOE AND FISHER Acrom the street from eur former location. ni CPL EP RORIRETY | 1114 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH OSHAWA RA 8-1681 RA 8-8243 }