Boac Arranges To Nove Stranded Passengrs LONDON (Reuters) -- British Overseas Airways Corporation arranged for its stranded pas- sengers to fly by other airlines today as a wildcat strike by 4,000 maintenance workers brought London service to a halt. The publicly-owned corporation Nipissir managed to ook Shore than 200 oranda passengers through other lines on Norlate. 10 flights to New York, the Far Norpax 1000 23 23 € 3 : East and Africa. N Rank 8300 ; Service was disrupted at Lon- don airport Monday night when NEWS BRIEFS Norsp A wis 700 O'Leary 500 SALVAGE OPERATIONS [for the year to 19 Detroit has PORT BURWELL, Ont. (€P)--|recorded 561 cases so far this Salvage operations are expected| year compared to 174 in the same to start today on a 60-foot steel 1957 period. scow which broke loose from the DUPAS TRAINS | underwater gas exploration tug C.| West Pete during a 50-mile-an- | MONTREAL (CP) Ralph hour windstorm on Lake Erie pupas, rated No. 6 in the welter- | Friday night. weight division, began training in| The scow, the Romeo, snapped Montreal Friday for his meeting | a tow line just as the tug reached noyt Wednesday with Gil Turner. | gheiter at the mouth of Port Bur- Dupas is from New Orieans. Ear | weli harbor, ending a 17-hour |, : ah : A 4 A : er this year he lost on an eight- battle against wind and high round technical knockout to seas. It drifted aground about i : 4 two miles east of the harbor. (world champion Joe Brown. anueasy Toronto, Montreal Stocks TORONTO Imp Tob pr 30 $6% Ind Accep $37% $15% By The Canadian Press oh. Toronto Stock Exchange--Oct. 14 De 55 oo 12 Quotations in cents unless Marked $. C Ex Gas 3 7 $32 8-0dd lot, xd - Ex-dividend, xr - Ex. C husky 14 rights, xw-Ex-warrants, Charter Oil 4 95 C Mic Mac Industzials Net Dome Pete Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge 120 $35) Matatch Mcintyre McKen Merrill Midrim Milliken Min Corp Moneta Muiti-M Nama Cr Nealon New Alger 500 18 160 $88 500 9800 2200 6750 200 2000 '1000 1000 500 2500 Britalta 3310 +1 Cal Bd Cdn Atl Oil C Chieftn 148 Cdn Dev 595 295 203 295 $30% 30% 30% 650 50 night shift workers defied union orders and walked out. When the| day shift came on they too walked | out after five minutes. The maintenance men have been imposing an overtime ban off and on for seevral days in pro- test at the alleged withdrawal of BOAC of an offer to make a pay increase retroactive, BOAC says the offer still stands. The BOAC stoppage does not affect British European Airways, the corporation that serves Eu- ropean and Near East cities. Labatt MacMill B Molson A Molson B Mont Loco Noranda Ogilvie Pac Pete Page Pers Sock Amtibl Abit pr 225 Alta Dist 300 Alta Dist vt 200 Alumini 1155 100 Argus 375 Argus 240 pr z20 Atlas Steel 210 Bank Mont 25 Bank NS 60 Bell Phone 919 Bazil 500 BA 0il BCE 4% pr BCE 4% pr BCE § pr BC Forest Highwood 4 35% 35% Home Oil A 24% 24% 225 HB Oil G Humber Medal Midcon Foi La Okalta 185 +5 Bc Pete el Permo pr 5% 27% 51 24% 5 Petrol 1 67% N N Mylama 118600 $2414 Nick Rim 1000 25 Nipissing 2500 185 345 36 45% 27 51 Prov Trans Que Nat Gas Roe AV Can 820 Bank 29% Phillips Provo Gas Reef Expl Rocky Pete Sapphire Secur Free i Spoanet: Stanwe! 100 ith Triad O41 a U Canso vt Un' Oils - W Decalta 204 W Naco Simpsons § Can Pow 1 Steel Can 470 T-Dom Bk xr 50 T-Dom rts Tr Can PL Triad Oil Walk GW Webb Knapp Weston A Weston B Zellers BC Pow Build Prod Cal Pow Can Cem pr Que Cop Que Lith Qunston Quemont Rayrock Reeves Roche St Michael Sherritt Slocan VR Stanleigh Stanrck Steep R Sullivan Surf Inlet Sylvanite Teck-H Temag Thom L Trin Chib Ult-Shaw U Asbestos Upp Can Ventures Waite Am Willroy Wiltsey Yale Lead Young HG Acad Uran 0 Algom viw Anacon Arcadia Area Atlin-Ruf Avilla Barnat Bake C Collieries C Curt W 145 C Dredge 225 CG Sec A 200 C Hydro Car 120 Cdn Oil 375 C Oil wis 53 100 Pate C Oil wis 55 810 ASK CWN Gas pr 260 $15 : B-Dug D Bridge 300 4 21) Becher D Magnes Im Dom Stores 22% z10 225 450 25 225 210 100 100 z10 250 135 50 600 450 450 Abitca Ang Nfld C Paper Con Gas Dom Oilcloth ord 2000 1550 730 175 275 Metal Soo = BURIED UNDER GRAIN TAHOKA, Tex. (AP)--Desper- ate efforts to save a man buried dicted 20 feet deep in a collapsing grain elevator ended in failure today. Rescuers digging into tons of grain sorghum found the victim J. C. (Jake) Thomas, 27, dead in the basement. LONDON (Reuters) -- Shoes| h A with heels made of Wedgewood SIFT0N JXMPER SECOND china soon will be available to {ane owned by Mr. and Mrs. Vic-| American women. tor Sifton of Winnipeg, finished They will be introduced for the second in the jumper finals of first time in New York mext he international horseshow month when Edward Rayne, which opened here Friday. Queen Elizabeth's shoemaker, shows his spring collection. | WEST AGAIN | The china is reinforced with a] PHILADELPHIA (AP) -- Rus- steel prong down the centre of sia's hockey team will meet Phil-| the heel. |adeiphia Ramblers of the East- |ern Hockey League in an exhibi- TWO DIE OF POLIO [tion game here Jan. 14. The Rus-| DETROIT (AP)--The Detroit sians finished second to Canada f area polio epidemic has claimed in the world hockey champion-| two more lives, bringing the total ships last February in Europe. MO Paper NQ Pow 1 pr Que Phone Que Phone rt 960 T Fin A 800 Trans Mt 825 Un Gas 500 Waterman 500 200 200 STOLE OWN CAR ATLAN (AP)--A man was charged Friday with stealing his own auto. A grand jury W. M. Wells for theft of his car from a garage without paying a repair bill. FE 1000 500 39300 100 3000 500 ROOSTER IS TRAVELLING COMPANION Mary had a little lamb but | goes a rooster that rides with her to school. Rose- mary Mackenzie, 13, Toronto, has taught the rooster, named Sunshine, Jr., to perch on her shoulder and to ride the handle- bars of her bicycle when she wheres Naan cycling. The roosters father, Sunshine, Sr., was also Rosemary's pet but she had to say good-by to him when his crowing -- he was a blue rib- bon champ -- disturbed the neighbors, Rosemary has CHINA HEELS 12000 1000 500 50 1000 8000 2000 1000 7000 150 1200 Alscope Anacon Arno Bailey 8 A Baker Talc Bateman Belle Chib Bornite PBouzan Cal Ed Sales to 11 a.m.: 1,696,000. MONTREAL By The Canadian Press Montreal Stock Exchange-Oct. 14 Quotations in cents unless marked S$. : i 2.0dd lot, xd ex-dividend. xr--Ex- Camp Coy 120 rights, xw--Ex-warrants, Contiba 7500 Cent Del Rio 300 H Chib Jac 13500 Industrials ¢" Denison 300 C Haliwell 5000 Continental 2100 Cop Rand Falcon ma Futurity § { Gold Age 5 2 3 Gunnar | Haitian B( 6 | Hollinger Iso Uran Maritime Marpic Mcintyre Merrill Montgary N Formaque N Jacl L NW Amulet N A Asbest Obalski Opemisca Opemiska Orchan Paudash Pennbec Pitt Gold Porcupine Portage Provo Que Chib Que Cop Que Smelt Sherritt St L Mines Siscalta Steep R Tache Tazin Tib Expl 'Titan Trebor Trojan U Asbestos Un Oils Viola Virginia 'Weedon Westburne Westville Ind Accep 1 Ac wis Inland Gas Inter PL Jefferson Kelly D A Lakeland Laura Sec LobCo B MacMill B M Leaf Gard Maxwell McColl * Denison Den wis Discovery 250 3000 11:30 Net High Low a.m. Ch'ge $35% 35 35 + % 2% 24Y Fa 35 35% 2% 40 27 32% 2414 51% 67% 484 42% 484 5% 6's 41 12% 40% 3! 400 25 390 18 390 18 235 Sales 405 Stock Abitibi Abiribi pr Algoma Alumin Alum 1 pr Anglo Tel pr Argus 375 Asbestos Atlas Steel Bank Mont Bank NS Banque Cn Bell Phone Bow Cor 5% 50 Bowater 260 pr 225 N Star wis 480 N Star wt 57 200 NO NGas 100 Ww Util pr 75 © Jockey O Jock wis Page-Hers Pbina Powell R P Pipe Mig Premium Q N Gas 125 Roe AV Can 930 . " v Roe AV Supe i "robigher Royal Banl z 0 Geco Mines Fassel 200 Gold Man ;F Uran St Maurice ; Salada-$ Shawin Sicks pr Steel Can Tor-Dom Bk 25 T-Dm Bk rts 1400 T Fin A 200 Tr Can PL 300 Trans-Mt on 480 Un Gas 100 West C Brew 100 100 Weston A 100 Wstn pd 6pc 10 Curb +1 a + Kh -% i --3%4 4 --% 200 400 18600 15800 500 500 8000 1000 2000 17500 700 45000 1500 2500 14000 2000 25700 100 4500 5500 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES (Civil Service of Canada) 675 3100 25 Granduc 12 80 Greyhk 34% Gulch , Cl Fndry 4% p 50 97 Gunnar 4 8 C Bank Com 68 Gunnar wis 3 3 C Brew 750 35% Halmon . C Brew pr 250 35% C Celan 150 $19 19 A C Chem Cell 200 7 60% C Husky 100 14 2] 550 17% 23% 27% 29 54 CHILD AND MATERNAL HEALTH CONSULTANT (doctor with at least one year of post-graduate training in poblie Heolth or advanced training in obstetrics or pediatrics), Ration} Health and Welfare, Ottawa. $10,000-$11,000. Bor details, write to Civil Service Commission, Ottawa ond ask for circular 58-638. DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER--ELECTRICAL POWER APPAR- 8000 £ 25 ATUS, National Defence, Ottawa. $7,500-$8,580. For 5520 63 : 3 details, write immediately to Civil Service Commission, 2000 / Ottawa and ask for circular 58-1153. 2700 1600 1000 2500 5000 1000 1000 = 61% ++ EX 230 1600 300 2300 5500 9 L Int Power 100 oil 305 ERE EE 14 2% 33 21 21% 38 14 9% 15% | + 200 500 350 35 275 F FFE F FR Ang Cdn Anglo.Nnd Zell A C Paper ridg: Dupont Hayes Int Utll : Ope MECHANICAL ENGINEER (marine engines), National Defence, Halifax, N.S. $6,840-$7,860. For details, write to Civil 4 Service Commission, Ottawa and ask for circular 58-1203. 38 Lyndhst Macassa Macfie Madsen Malartie Maraigo Maritime +2% 225 180500 +32 500 --18 1450 -3 500 19100 then make It yours forever with 7; 0000000: ACCOUNTS EXAMINERS (with extensive professional account- ing experience), Board of Transport Commissioners, Head- quarters, Ottawa. $6,360-$7,320; $7,500-$8,580; and $8,340-$9,420. For details, write to Civil Service Commis- sion, Ottawa and ask for circular 58-516. 60% 12% 45% 13% 18 2 1 +1 +1 + % Sales to 11:30 a.m.: industrials 17 2 11 mines and oils 306,300. Anchor 15000 Bailey 8 A 400 +6 Imp Tob 'Special Service At Brooklin U.C. : By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT , BROOKLIN -- World Commun 'fon Sunday was observed at iBrooklin United Church conduct-| GENUINE RBORI soso on 9000 in Latin America by 58 per cent.| Canadian delegates will include Dollar-spending Pacific islands George Drew, high commissioner bought $31,000,000 worth from in the Uaited Kingdom; J. S. Dun- Britain last year, an increase of can, head of Canada's dollar- Dollar Area Conference 33 per cent over 1956. | sterling trade council and chair- | "That," says council chairman man of Ontario Hydro and J. W. | LONDON (CP)--Ecnouraged by Sir Willlam Rootes, "is a fine Horsey, former chairman of Do- Mr. and MIS. Wi a boom in British exports, the achievement." |minion Stores and director of sev- . and Mrs. Wm. Coe and dollar exports council is sponsor-| Sir William told a press confer- eral other firms. | daughter, Lillian, spent the week- ing a three - day conference of ence Monday the forthcoming end with friends in Cleveland, bankers, businessmen and diplo-| meetings at Eastbourne Dec. 3-5, ; Iet-| io mats from Britain and the dollar| will 'examine every possible 'ed by Rev. S. J. Hillier, with y area in December to help the means of grasping our opportun- Lloyd Stevenson, Allan Jones, W.|' Mr. and Mrs. Alex Blair at- boom along. ities" in dollar countries. A. Heron, C. Wilson, Dr. J. H.|tended the wedding of Sharron| Since a similar conference| Despite the increase in British 'McKinney, Arnold, Heber Maureen Patterson, Cornwall, to seven years ago, British exports| exports "we still have an adverse +Down and Ralph Milner serving nfyrray William Jackson, of to Canada have increased by 49 balance of trade with the dollar ithe elements. . . _|Brooklin, at Knox United Church, per cent, to the United States by markets and there Is great scope The senior choir led the singing cornwall, Saturday. 87 per cent and to dollar markets |for further expansion." | rendered an anthem with ___ -- Walter Mittler as baritone solo- | ist; Mrs. Fred Brown at the or- s gan. HH THANKSGIVING SERVICE * Sunday, October 11, special 1 Thanksgiving services will be 'held both morning and evening at Brooklin United Church with Rev. S. J. Hillier in the painit Special music will be provided oy the senior choir directed by organist Mrs. Fred Brown. The Afternoon Auxiliary of the WMS will hold its Thanksgiving meeting Wednesday afternoon, Aluminum Storm and Screen Windows are designed and built to last a life- time. Purchase them from a local company, well-established in the com- munity and backed by integrity and you can be sure of service and quality. Les Eveniss Sales Limited is such a company and a free estimate from one of their courteous representatives, with no obligation, is just as near as your telephone. Call now. INFORMATION OFFICER (with senior publicity experience, in a technical field), Mines and Technical Surveys, Ottawa. $6,300-$7,020, PERSONNEL OFFICER--STAFF TRAINING (with good educa- tion ond related experience), Customs and Excise Division, National Revenue, Ottawa. $6,210-$6,660. 0900090010000 Use your own Ideas:::your own colour schemes::i your own design for convenient living, With walls; counter tops and splashbacks of Genuine Arborite your dream kitchen will last a lifetime, CONTROLLER (with knowledge of oudit systems and work measurement), Regional Ordnance Depot, National Defence, Lakeview, Ont. $5,820-$6,540, i . If it's Genuine Arborite you'll never have to paint or patch i; . never have to worry about moisture or stains ::.and, best ¢ { all, your Arborite surfaces can be kept gleaming and clean as new with just a damp soapy cloth! NOW! SURFACE COFFEE TABLES, END TABLES - YOURSELF! with seo NEW A convenlent, specially pack- oged Arborite panel, 18" x 48°, ideal for dozens of re-surfacing jobs. What a Difference TWIN-TRIM Makes! This exclusive new metal moulding with a matching Arborite finish enables you to have an unbroken expanse of colour and pattern on all walls and counters, ACCOUNTANTS (university graduates, with membership or eligibility for membership in professional accounting asso- ciation), Investigation and Research Branch, "Justice De- partment, Ottawa. $5,400 to $6,180, depending on quali- fications. a | i INFORMATION OFFICERS (with publicity experience, to pro- mote sale of Canadian products and services abroad), Trade and Commerce, Ottawa. $4,980-$5,730 ond $5,700- $6,180. ADVISORY COUNSEL (training positions for low graduates), Justice Department, Ottawa. $4,740-$5,640. For details, write to Civil Service Commission, Ottawa and ask for circular 58-736. DEPARTMENTAL ACCOUNTS (to maintain cost accounting systems for hospitals and other health facilities), Indian ond Northern Health Services, National Health and Wel- fare, varicus centres. $4,350-$4,800 ond $5,280-$5,730. PRINCIPAL CLERKS (to arrange for procurerient of supplies ond equipment, and transportation of patients). Indian Health Services Hospitals, National Health and Welfare, Yi local lub ildi various centres. $4,080-$4,680, Sup za op or building supply dealer has an Arborite grade for every purpose--dozens of colours and patterns--complete "do-it-yourself" accessories and instruction sheets, October 15, at 2:30 p.m. in the Sunday school room. Guest speaker will be Mrs. Hilda Hoag {of Toronto. ast in charge will be President, Mrs. E. Kay, Mrs. Clifford Johnston and Mrs. Var- coe. STATIONARY ENGINEERS--HEATING OR POWER (with 2nd class Provincial Certificates), Indian and Northern Health Services, National Health and Welfare, Moose Factory, Ont, $4,050-$4,500 plus northern allowance, RETAIL INSPECTION OFFICERS (to inspect dairy, poultry and fruit and vegetable products), Agriculture, various centres in Ontario. $3,900-$4,500. Give walls a beautiful eggshell finish with Gold Bond Yell Match ceiling with Gold Bond ACRYLIC FLAT Paint your kitchen, bathe room and woodwork with Gold Bond LATEX SEMI GLOSS ENAMEL © Easily applied with brush or roller © Dry In one hour © Completely washable For FREE ILLUSTRATED INFORMATION, write: The ARBORITE COMPANY LIMITED Montreal 32, Que. Toronto 10, Ont. Winnipeg, Man, 66 Persons Die During Long Weekend By THE CANADIAN PRESS I Fifty-two persons were killed in| 'traffic accidents in Canada dur- 'ing the Thanksgiving hol iday ' weekend. The total of accidental deaths stood at 66, two fewer than the figure for the last three-day Thanksgiving weekend. : A Canadian Press tabulation 'from 6 p.m. Friday to midnight onday %s'ed 35 road deaths in | Ontario aad Quebec. ¢ - There were six drownings, one { death by fire, five accidental ! shootings by hunters and two as- + phyxiations. i The standing by provinces: DIETITIAN (university graduate with specialization In foods and nutrition), Indian ond Northern Services, National Health and Welfare, Moose Factory, Ont, $3,900-$4,350 plus northern allowance, See ARBORITE'S MODERN METALLIC TONES --GOLDEN GLITTER and TRU-COPPER -- at | the following dealers :-- OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS MILL SHOWROOM COURTICE 84 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH RA 8-1611 RA 5-4443 CLERKS (to interview applicants for employment, supervise staff documentation, and maintain personnel records), In- dion Health Services Hospitals, National Health and Wel- fare, various centres. $3,570-$4,020. MEDICAL RECORDS SUPERVISORS (with related experience), Indian and Northern Health Services, National Health and Welfare, various centres. $3,570-$4,020. DIETITIANS (university graduates, with specialization in foods and nutrition), Veterans Affairs Hospitals, various centres. $3,450-$4,050 ond $3,900-$4,350. For details write to Civil Service Commission, Ottawa ond ask for circular 58-825A. and -- painting tools are easlly cleaned with just warm soapy HOSPITAL COOKS (with experience in large establishments), Indian and Northern Health Services, National Health and We fore, various' centres. $2,700-$3,150 ond $2,910- Inquire About Our Free Draw # PAINT PRODUCTS Wesco Waterpaints (Canada) Limited Subsidiary of National Gypsum Company HOSPITAL LABORATORY TECHNICIANS (with high schiol gredugtion ond related experience and training), Indian ? British Columbia 5, Alberta 9, ' Saskatchewan 2, Manitoba 2, On- tario 22, Quebec 20, Nova Scotia 8. and New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland , one apiece. Caparra, first settlement on the island of Puerto Rico ! founded by Ponce de Leon in 1508. LES EVENISS SALES 15 PRINCE STREET -- LTD. -- OSHAWA RA 5-4632 Bathe and McLellan Building Supplies Limited one: RA 5-4761--RA 5-4762 81 King Street West, Oshawa and Northern Health Services, National Health and Wel- fare, various centres. $2,460-$3,360 and $3,390-$3,840. Except where otherwise specified, details and application forms + at main Post Offices, National Employment Offices and Civil Service Commission Offices. MILLWORK & BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. 1279 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 3.4694