6 ™e PAY TIMES-GAZETTS, Mondey, October 6, 1958 HAPPY TO BE ABLE TO GO ors of Virginia and Arkansa group of Neg Ne to Booker 4 sgton school In Norfolk NERDY while SChoms {6 this smiling ehiidren portun y f yore rong ' TELEVISION LOG CHCHAY Channel 1=Hamilton CBLTTY WROCAY Channel S--~Rochester WORRY Channel 2-~Bullnle WBENTY Channel 6~Toronts Caannel MONDAY FEVYENIRG TUESOAY MORNING "om " Ha AM Freasure Hunt sy Your Wuneh Hw AM Friese is Bight Arthur Godfrey Hm AM 5 aneentr ation Top Dolls 100 NOON Deigh SDick Clark =Desth Valley Days 2--detls' Collie 3 rm » Nations Father Knows Best vin PM , 8, 4=--Danny Thomas Mr, Pete Gunn Voles of Firestone rm #-Cannonhall b-¥irst Perform Aleos Theatre 2, b-Tot 8 Ours ye bbon {4 i Payoll km nee United Appeal how FM H=Weekly Football #Btudio One $Sheriti of Cochise I'he Yerdiel 1» | Your | 8=Precinot "mw Death b+ Highway "Hm Mike Ham mer r Bel 0 i, 8 8 "ee PM LL Weather: Sports BASAL News l=Popeys Hie *M Weather; fports he Friendly I Be Viewpoint is FM, B-Movie: Theatres He FM Late Show ih FM Theatre 1} "We PM, | 145 Late Show | S-Gumhy TIERDAY EVENING | hth PM i1=Theatre, Sports American Bandstand 'M How SDecoy Ae Fiavhoise 4 Jack Panr Rescuers Reach Youth On Summit Spooks SALT LAKE CITY (AP)---Res Snapped cuers reached 17-year-old Doug 13 ghosts in medieval Chapman at the top of Mount Olympus just before dawn today and reported he appeared to be . in fair condition with iacerations have shown up on a colour but no broken hones snap taken of thé deserted altar The Salt Lake County in Winchester Cathedral, Eng- office reported the had a land, The strange figures are swollen face from his long ordeal ling | k ach r helore His eyes were swollen shut and standing and kneeling belore he could not to walk, It was the altar, dressed in the styles decided to move him down the of the Plantagenet and Tudor mountainside on a stretcher periods, One figure has a beard Officials sald it would take sev eral hours the like a Biblical patriarch, The the mountain because they would altar steps are clearly visible have the stretcher through the figures, Experts the sharp rocks and ragged brush on the side of the steep 9,017-foot SAY It is definitely not a double peak exposure, A supernatural phenomenon? Or a hoax? Whatever it is, it's interesting like all the hundreds of human interest items appearing in the Toronto Star, You get more of everything in the Toronto robes sheriff's hoy to ease hoy down tn ease over Thirty deputies and volunteers spent a chilly and dangeious night trying to reach and retrieve the high school student and his companion, Leroy Franke, 16 from the craggy mountain that overiooks the Salt Lake Valley WHALES DIE HONOLULU (AM Twenty three pllot whales, ranging from five to 14 feet long, swam ashore Friday the islend of Lanai Several died after grounding on the northern « Fish ahd game experts said the whales ap parently followed the leader ashore GET AHEAD WITH A BILL CLEAN-UP loan in one visit, er come in LOAN! Loans up te $2500 or more--30 months to repay on loans aver W.. Your loan con be litesinsured ot Beneficiel, in SIMCOE ST. wb Ny 2nd ¥ Fl, (Quer Bani Sank o of | Nava Scotia), OSHAWA EW + Ay OMN Ril RA hn Suk foc he FOR EVENING HOURS BENEFICIAL FINANCE CO. EER stories, More columns more features and far, far more pictures, Penny for penny, page for page, you get Canada's best newspaper value when you get the Toronto Daily Star, ol news, oasl Sh8 ® Pay leftover seasonal hilly and reduce high monthly pay ments with a prompt loan here We like to say "Yes!" when you ask for a loan, Phone for your b=Buflale Daily Star. More human interest | 'Can't Permit Berial Attack , On Transvorts By JAMES CARY TAPES, Vormose (AP The Chinese Nationalists said today they cannot permit Communist perial Migeks on Quemoy spokesman hinted at retaliatory action Four Communist MiGs at lacked Nationalist trams port planes dropping supplies to | Quemery Friday, forcing one crip | pled C46 to and, The Nations! List defence minisiry revesled 1o [day the MiGs also sirafed the off ie island is can be stopped," 4 te Admit ral Lin Hobtu fence ministry spokesman going 10 si sa 'We there and TONIGHT 7.30 p.m. Station CBLT Channel 6 SEE HEAR | are a TO SCHOOL ordered closed Lindsay Altnond boards admitted ents 10 comply Gow, J when school Negro stud federal hy Mh Woman Declines Police Chief Job CHICAGO (AP Miss Patt Coun azn year old pres has declined an offer come Aurora's 11th police mayor of the Chic hursday named his police chief to from Donald Curran ded for not cracking down on hin ove go players THEATRE GUIDE Plaza PRIME MINISTER THE RY, HONOURABLE JOHN DIEFENBAKER | n the television series "The Nation's Business" The Progressive Conserviviive Party God's Acre 1] nN, 7:26 K] 1, ast complete show {910 p.m Regent for atl time fer 1:30 List mm wn daily 9.56 pm at 9.45 pi Starts Tomorrow $5000-00 HOME spd WATCH THIS PAGE! JA. 3k | - LTV OT DOUBLE ACTION! SHRINKING MAN Plus John Agar and Audrey: Totter in "JET ATTACK" MOVIES ARE BETTER WHEN SEEN FROM THE START BOX OFFICE OPEN AT 700 «= SHOW STARTS 7130 Incredible CHILDREN under 12 FREE! ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON Final Week... for an evening of wholesome fun for the entire family : |] | A FAMILY RECREATION 3 Mom, Dac ] and the kids oan sper together MON,, WED, and FRI, 8 PM. to 10 PM, OSHAWA ARENA "SKATELAND"" ATTENDANCE PRIZES i swell evening hh avo Is great fun , ., keeps minds and badies nimble and trim, Enjoy it together! Ww wait for the trandport batieries that have been bom! be shot wp again harding the Quemoy group since The transpor: Planes were hot Aug, 2 wader escort of Mationalist gh The reason $, Liu said; When Sabre jols expect such atiacks would pro en there it was too bats vome Communit raids on the Na The admiral's comm tionaist @ir bases on Formosa stopping such attacks igniter escors futur Giop missions again the quest bombing the » the Quemoy ares stopping the Commas at thelr source The United sirpined ailacks on the same reasons J tionalis yianes ts t for defend "¥ormos that would ry strength here in) sh with of China i wa aad fighters Bates bas re fst bases for th prev Na dropping supplies to the bombing oA the artilery ated the de-| oy 0 gn FEATURE DAILY AT: Your Lifetime! Gln BUGS FAT Dy BUNNY COLOR CARTOON 0 226 2 06 2 2 20 2 ee ' a A NEW TRIUMPH FOR _ WHAT-A-GUY WAYNE! THE LIFE TORY 7 OF COMMANDER "SP1G" WEAD. FUN AND THRILLS! --r , ww METROCOLOR > JOHN WAYNE "DAN DAILEY MAUREEN O'HARA Rall, -- The WiNGS of EAGLES Rioting Students is that US, officers In Buenos Aires sited Bate is pled and poles Friday might in a surg of vident demonsirs 1s predgnt ing battle in downtown Buenos 3 serie " yo concentration of Mes Bed sons were injured the first strafing atlack cars derailed snd Burned and huge crane toppled int a Z2AoA ow Quernoy since Aug. 24 and the park benches ime Red jets have attacked streets e cargo planes that have Ween gysod tear gas and clubs Whotk island since mid Seplember. | ' x 1 The outburst was another In the Ing ss water poured io the continuing fight over a law per- ditch from a broken mais, mitting private schools to issue Niagara professional degrees. AL present only state universities can award CYCLO MASSAGE MO 8-2494 BUENOS AIRES (AP) ~ Rich such degrees. Groups for and) hs Advertised by "MEET THE MILLERS" CH, 4 wis fought each ORY Loningt the program have staged Eyewitnesses - said many per TWO DROWN Cers were overtumed, sireet. RIDGEWOOD, N. J, (AP)~A hauled into the deep sewer trench Friday wight barricades, Police trapping two workers, Both were killed, presumably from drown | for ANTHONY CLUINN SOPHIA LOREN THE ONE BEST-SELLING NOVEL OF ALL TIME IS NOW ON THE SCREEN! FEATURE DAILY AT: 1:35 3:30 5:30 7:28 9:25 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT « ANTHONY MANN seen nN TH m if. MORAY ol if [TH JA RV MORMON AY SUN HELEN WEST AYYTY fy SMOKING IN THE LOGES ALL WEEK GOT A LUCKY BUCK? Check your dollar bills now FOR A "5" and "0" If ony of the seriol numbers of your dollar bills ond on 0" then you've got 6 "Lucky Buck" ond here's for it. A certificate for 0 $25.00 Arthur Murray Dbnce Course of 114 South where you con leon the Fox Trot, Waltz, Cha- Che, Mambo ond your contain 0 "5" whot you'll receive Simcoe Street Samba, Swing. 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