5 C-- i AT THE RECEPTION cal Ex of Mr ramoff of Married recen Street Seventh-Day Church. Oshawa, were Mrs. Vir Edgar Wood Jr both Loma Linda College USA. The bride Miss Esther June at Albert Adventist Mr. and angelists, is the daughter and Mrs. George Ab- Oshawa and the bridegroon the son of Mr, and Mrs. Virchel Wood, Middle- boro Massachusetts USA The coup! ive in Los An- geles, he is of fornia the Ab Ca former ramoff, a graduate of Oshawa Missionary College and recently of Loma Linda Coliege of Med SOCIAL NOTICE ENGAGEMENT eng California Photo by Ireland Friends Honor Donna Rocheleau + Mary Rocheleau n announ vhose arriage te ( I 1 £ » M FCOTRE ageme place in St Leo Ga ate Mrs. Gab Norman Mr. and Mrs Cari of W bourie a Catholic and Ronald Deer 1as en ned pre-nuptia Carl, son of liam Mac La Satisrdat Hern 1 Las diurada afternoon a r y eistot I e on Sat marriagi ake place on Sat- yo cay tea was held at the urday, October 18. 1958, at 10 ~ \ home of the bride-elect's sister am. in St. John's Evangelist Ro- y1. Y . i \ § ' rs. Donald McGlashan, Fairley man Catholic Church, Whitby ---- avenue, Oshawa. To receive, the ture bride s mother wore a tur Miriam Pickard dress Bride Of Today corsages of roses Much Entertained Master Gary McGlashan open of Di Viriew Pitkard, daughier ed the door to the guests and : Fo 21 ys Rober Pickard Miss Joan Robinson presided over oN AL vYho Is being mar- the guest book. Pouring tea were Hed lo I Sue man Irene SON Mrs, Ross Delong, Miss Irene y Mr An Mrs Fifford Greene, | Rocheleau, Mrs. George Day and Sem] e k ova Scotia as Mrs. Alex Shand of Toronto and after 3008, 5 Ee Pory Perry 1 ni. Mrs, Albert Selwood of Toronto as tertained | h : yin pe pa een en ertained Mrs. Kenneth Matthews and Miss de appy pre-nuptial vickie Day served. In charge of p eh the rooms 'containing the bride's Miss Thelma McEachern and] tro i a 2 ou inens, shower and Miss Donna Samells entertained! .. " " the Junior H : it edding gifts were Miss Bever ie Junior I omemaxers and their \|y Heard, Mrs. Thomas Horne leaders at a shower held at N Milford home of Mes 2 Mrs. Milford Heard and Miss fe 0 Y A Sa Barbara Shand of Toronto gues } Mrs. Ross Delong, Kingsdale Many gifts received and the ac it 1 ) h was hostess at a miscel evening was higl ed by a taps : 5 ver with Mrs. William recording being made of M A Miss Irene Rocheleau evenis of the evening of 9 ng in serving rest i the bride-to- = a Ss both the guests and the br de-t Mrs. Alex. Shand of Toronto be were unaware. When it Tod. 3 1 completed and plaved back over anged a miscellaneous shower mpl an | played | ack over |g Vere Miss Barbara there was quite a stir. The re-|g; 1 y a > {Shand, M David Shand and cording was due to the efforts of 'yy'c anley Muston Bob Rowland sry i : - Mrs. Alan McGlashan. Athol Miss Marv Louise Pickard en- _,. ast : street east, and Mrs. Donald Mc tertained at the home of her|., other, Mrs. Ben. Pickard in Glashan were hostesses at a mis m § . |ccllaneous shower at the former's honor of her cousin, at a miscel ' : es . home. Mrs. Andrew Musoronchan laneous shower he bride-to-be {xr " 4 Co Mrs. George Day and' Mrs received many gifts and at| . 4 Charles Gunn assisted in serving the close of the evening refresh Mrs. Kenneth Matthews toy ments were ed by the host a enter- tained at an office shower attend ess ed by the future bride's co-work The Calvary Baptist Church injors from General Motors Oshawa, was the scene of another Carrie Manz, Miss Helen Grant surprise vhen 0 (Miss Helen Grant, Mrs. Joyce young people gathered together 10lyanning and Miss Jean Wilkin re bride and bride- carved were presented with) prom the staff of the payroll of ] an fice of General Motors, the bride- matched lamps. An ey ening Of €0-to.he received a steam iron tertainment was enjoyed Mrs. Thomas Horme, Harmony The bride-to-be was entertained road south. was hostess at a mis at a surprise T shower by cellaneous shower, and was as her co-workers Bank of sisted by her mother, Mrs. Harp Commerce, Oshawa er in serving The staff of the Ideal Dairy, of| Last evening Mr. and Mrs. Alf Oshawa presented the pros-ired J. Rocheleau, parents of the pective bridegroom, Mr. Sherman future bride, entertained at their Greene, with an electric floor pol- home 1 Buckingham avenue for isher the bridal party following the re At the close of the regular hearsa meeting of Calvary Baptist |™ of r of the prospec hose a dress of « cotton and n a midnight blue frock. All wore the ie-ele as and black woo sseau the George ells att were avenue ianeou Pe Heard An ch - and was or lov Serv i€ party abo record holder and two sonal of the ' Bridesmaids In Attend Beverly Aquamarine Jean Hambly Beverly Jean, daughter of Mr. aqua cummerbunds and matching iL and Mrs. Leo Hambly, Oshawa and Norman Kent Crowells, son of Mrs. William Crowells, Oshawa and the late Mr. Crowells, were married in St. Gregory's Roman Catholic Church, recently. The {Reverend Lawrence McGough of firiated. Mr. Jack Driscoll played the wedding music and the soloist [was Charles Stovell Given in marriage by her fath er. the bride wore a floor-length dress of white nylon tulle with a full skirt and scalloped neckline trimmed with sequins. A pearl and sequin headdress held her fingertip veil and she carried a white prayer book adorned with sweetheart roses The maid of honor was Miss Marlene Hill and the other at- tendants were Miss Jane Hambly Mrs. James Crowells, and Miss June McEachern. They wore iden tical ballerina gowns of aqua taffeta topped with white organ hats and carried cascades of white shasta chrysanthemums Mr. Ralph Houston was best man and ushering were Mr. Fred {Crowells, Mr. William Morrison and Mr. Edward Button 2 A reception was held in the Knights of Columbus Hall. The bride's - mother received wearing a green sheath dress, biack acces sories and a corsage of yellow roses. The bridegroom's mother, | assisting, wore navy 'blue with} lack accessories and a corsage of pink roses The honeymoon .ake Placid and in the Adiron dack mountains. As the couple left, the bride was wearing a light blue figurine dress with a navy biue duster, na blue and white accessories and a corsage of pink roses Muy ng was spent at and Mrs. Crowells are mak their honve in Oshawa | Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 8 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Saturday, September 20, 1958 GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES HARMONY H AND § ASSN. The first meeting of the fall season of the Harmony Home and School Club held Monday evening, September 15 Mrs. Ronald Ogden, the pres dent, welcomed and new teachers and members that the was the rer Board o caticn is sponsoring Church week from Septembe to 28, also, the Home and Schoo Council is conducti tr r school a! the } A on Tuesday, Ser Mr. Rupert Har niroduced the teaching bering 11 this vea new, namely: Miss Carol MN Miss Elenore Mayberry Mrs. Arthur Mumberson and Mrs David Wilson. Mr. Harrison ex plained there are now 350 enroll ed, as compared with 300 last vea Ogden introduced Mir John Gaskell, president of Home Council on Home and School ( vork in Canada and which has been done in Oshawa since 1920 Mrs Lawrence School emb four of are Girr and School ho briefly st the work McConkey membership convener, signed up |iz members meeting will be 20 many new The next on October held ST. ANDREW'S W.A. The first fall meetinf of the of St. Andrew's United Church was held recently with Mrs. A. W Armstrong, president, presiding The meeting was opened with the singing of a hymn accompanied by Mrs. Lloyd Pegg. Mrs. Arm strong welcomed the members and visitors then called on Mrs George Werry to lead the devo- tional period. Following Mrs Werry's talk and prayer, Mrs E. G. Storie sang a solo _"Silent lv We Bow Before Thee' accom panied at the piano by Mrs. Lloyd Pegg Mrs, EF. Cuthbertson was named convener for the Friend ship Tea to be held October 29 both afternoon and evening. Her committee consists of Mrs. Alfred Austin, Mrs. D. S. Low, Mrs. §. A Cross, and Mrs, A. W. Bradford Reports were heard from Mrs D. 1. MacLeod, Mrs. Alfred: Aus tin, Mrs. C. Roden, Mrs. H Campbell, Mrs. J. R. Warmica Mrs. W. B. White, Mrs. Lloyd Pegg, and the treasurer, Mrs H. V.: Trew The president gave a complete list of members of the WA to each group leader, and made plans for the annual buffet supper to be held in November. It was decid ed to send a contribution to the Dominion Council of the WA to assist in the decoration of the chapel in the new church house being built on St. Clair avenue in Toronto At the close of the business the members of the Bluebell Group served tea. Before the meeting the members of the Tweed Group held a home baking sale. Be fore going home everyone was in vited to take a look at the new Church there was a presentation made to Mr. Greene and his future bride. of a coffee table xpressed his thanks BEAN SALAD BURGER (Makes 8 Servings) 1 16 ounce) can kidney beans drained hard cooked eggs 1, cup cubed Canadian process ed cheese 1% cup diced celery Y% cup pickle. elish 2 thsps. chopped green onion 4 cup mayonnaise 1 thsp. prepared mustard salt grains pepper hamburger buns Combine all ingredients: Fill toasted, buttered buns with bean mixture and serve at once RUGS AND LIVING ROOM SUITES Cleaned to Perfection NU-WAY RUG and Corpet Sales 174 Mary RA 5-0433 diced 2 % tsp few 8 WHOLE GRANDVIEW GARDENS 2 MILES FROM 7 ? pnsonalttt Homes WERE ORIGINATED WITH THE COMFORT AND HAPPINESS OF YOUR IN MIND H. KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION LIMITED DOWNTOWN OSHAWA FAMILY RA 5-9121 EAST ON KING wal the con flat shelves for holding and the storage pies in kitchen new for large tainers the of er CAN. LEG Ladic A Branch 43 IN AUX xiliary, ( I'he 1 na egion met or vith the Her ay -evenin ce-president, Mr Bathe. presidin Members attend t cor T To Hert Ty am ult Mrs moen and S 29 Caz had be Ls of four ' announced that and son This April Margar chuk of C. H eld in hurch ed the 1is money branches 1 ord's Love 1 Oshaw: a A chartered bus with to Point £ of Mrs. W Wednesday ey g enjoyed anc lunch served by Mrs. Robert W \ liams and he heart ti vote of thanks was given to Mr b Mrs. Ex I Pine a on 120 was r committee. A 0 th kine The nd th 16 nd wd e bride lage re : ree lue lace over taffeta with ruffles The giving a back net e « Louise Mrs road two and a half years old granddaughter G enmore vas solemnized by » double Mrs v and Cameron r Prayer bride Victo Mrs on matching Sept h TEE I of IST GROUP COMMIT The regular Pirst oun: C ommitiee of vening A. Sar, ere nine or de matron of honor anthemums. costume GROWING UP harming little girl is | faughter of Mr, Anderson, Wil April, who Is is the Charles | Carey Mir Fred John south of Mrs arr € Margarel tendant D Perry and Mrs Reverend wnbus Atkinson Saturday. nylon over ring ceremony Albert Street United ara of Port the last in white Mrs Little The Manchester, Perfect avion white chry of flower girl Orono, Mr and Per edding music and Aldred sang and "'O the daughter of Shewchuk r Shewchuk ste Mr wa Jess Demara of Porl Shewchuk Miss Oshawa Piper grand-daughter aret Hornby Sarah Pooley Photo by Hornsby Studio Oshawa 8 Mrs Oshawa and Percy Bowmanville, s Howard were in identical net and carrying santhermums, Milton p: Lhe the bridegroom is the son of Mr. Mr. Joseph Cowie ushered was held A reception was given in mar- laide Roy Pennell length gown er sleeves of in and sories bustle effect A blue tiara and a House She bride's mother with dress with winter pale corsage of pink chrysanthemums bridegroom's dusty rose with navy corsage Mir dressed and Mr Orillia of Mrs Bowmanville Thom p: in French carried nos in a ba Demara be at To wore receive navy white ha mother of ace mittens completed chrysanthemums. As the and she carried f red roses a Mrs |ing a dre vas in a waltz - 1 k net ra and gloves. She corsage cade of tinted blue Mr The other at- turn Roy over to couple honeymoon the bride left "on was of orang ength| white feathered taffeta|cessories and a and Mrs live at hat white Demara Port and Mr, chose and and Marg- and Mrs. «1 Double-Ring Ceremony Unites et Shewchuk, P. Demara was with glove and feather bande They Bruce Searle play- of vellow chrysanthemums am Christi ket was the blue acces white brown gardenia will re Perry pink Viac Ade PERSONALS } %| Out-oftown guests at the| ~ Crowells-Hambly wedding, recen!- 7 ly, included Mr. and Mrs Roy | {|Trudo, Scaroborough; Mr. and] "Mrs. Robert Powers, Hamilton; | 'Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crowells, i Mr. Frank Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chapman will be in Ottawa next week when Mr. Chapman will preside at the annual convention of the Outario| | Association of Plumbing Inspec tors. An anticipated highlight of the convention will be an address by Alderman Christine Thomas, "Plumbing, From A Woman's Viewpoint"' ) Miss Eleanor Counter, obstet- rical supervisor of Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital, sailed a week ago aboard the SS Sylvania for a sight-seeing tour of Great Britain, Ireland and the continent, accom- panied by her mother, Mrs. E |Counter of Toronto. Miss Mary |Williams and Miss M. Ross ac- companied the travellers as far as Montreal to wish them bon voyage and a basket of roses in the stateroom expressed the same wish from staff nurses at the hospital. The executive members of St Christopher's CPTA met at the {school on Monday, September 15, to discuss plans for the member- ship tea to be held in St. Christ- opher"s school. Mrs. Kenneth Mc Rae and Mrs. Clifford Roesche CLUB CALENDAR MONDAY Southmead Park Aux Pleasant Mon. Aft, Club Past Matrons' Club, OES IODE (Prince Philip CH.) Castle Chapter, OLC Oshawa Lionettes Retarded Children's Assn TUESDAY TOPS Club Re-Echo Lodge S.A. Home League Christ Church W.A Canadian Legion Aux Ont Assn. Aux H and S Council Jessie Panton Aus Court Oshawa IOF Albert Street W.A Calvary Baptist YWMC King Street W.A North Oshawa W.A Arvilla McGregor Women's P.C. Assn Rendezvous Club First Baptist W.A Friendship Group Beta Sigma Phi WEDNESDAY Victory Lodge LOBA Rebekah Lodge No Cheerful Givers Storie Park Auxiliary St. Matthew's W.A 19th Group Committee THURSDAY St. George's W.A TOPS Club Calvary Baptist Christ ChurchEve Albert Street WMS Oakleigh Lodge, LOBA St. Stephen's W.A FRIDAY Patriarch Militant Aux Regt Aux of 0 3 and the WMS Guild ac- Mrs la minutes of the la Mrs treasu The out me Doble meeting, and Norman Gower gave the Aprons were passe a new cap First Guide decided to bu there is ain taki the it wg this leader onc tion Guide bere Arrangements were for the mother and da quet for the Brownie and it was Company, of the new regula d ed ighter ban and Guide also decided to hold a bake Refreshments Mrs George C cu bakeless sale Vere Donald Cutler The Mr served b) and Mrs lucky cup James ert ithi ze was won by Doble HOUSEHOLD If you the legs of movable will reduce the cratches on a HINT bottoms of the furniture pos newly wax you ibility of polished PRESCRIPTION PROMPT SERVICE STORE HOURS Daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays 1 pm, to 6 p.m. "8 KING ST. E PHONE RA 3-2245 5 KING ST. W. PROMPT FREE DELIVERY g : [530°SIMCOE ST. | PHONE RAS5:354 BOWMANVILLE = PHONE MA3-5778 OSHAWA TO THE NEXT floor SURVEY LOW RENTAL APARTMENTS FOR THE BENEFIT OF ALL WHO READ THE FOLLOWING ... You Can Help Us . . . To Help You Wouldnt you be happier in a Government Controlled low rental apartment? If there is a definite need, 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments will be constructed, to rent for $67.50 $79.00 or possibly less, depending upon demand. Apart- ments can only be rented to families with an income of less than $4,000 per y ear No age, or other restrictions To insure your future happiness and comfort.register NOW. Phone RA 5-3539 or mail this coupon LOCATION yr ---- -- ------------ | | | am interested in renting a trolled rental apartment, No. of bedrooms required Name Address Telephone Marital status Total Family Income Signature CLARIS ENTERPRISES 100 low government con- per year « : 3 'MEMBERSH Steam Bath, Mechanical All under personal instructors, tioning, expert ing. DAILY Massage, Lamps and facilities for reducing, weight gaining, re-proportioning, toning and condi- Free consultation health improvement and physical condition- | consented to act as conveners The meeting was predided over, by Mrs. George King in the ab-| sence of the president, Mrs. Max| Coleman, who is a patient in the| Oshawa General Hospital. It was decided that the first general meeting would be held in Octo- ber Mr. Harold C. Horton form erly of Oshawa and Toronto, has retumed to his home in Vancouv- er. British Columbia, after visit- ing his mother, Mrs . Louise Hor- ton, and sister and family, Burk street, He also visited his sister, , Mrs. A. R. Martin, and family, Colborne street east. Mr. and Mrs. John Benson of Victoria, British Columbia, are visiting their parents, Mr. and' Mrs. Harry Benson, Gladstone avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Luke, Central Park Boule: vard south, Mrs. Harold Sproule and Mrs C. J. M. Burgess are general con- veners of the committee which is making arrangements for the annual membership fall tea to be| held by the Oshawa and District University Women's Club on Wed- nesday afternoon, September 24,! at the home of Mrs. J. E. Rundle, Mary street. Mrs. Michael Starr officiated at the opening of the Woodlyn beauty lounge, last week and con- gratulated Mrs. Grace Ann Woods on her enterprise Mr. and Mrs. William Evans recently entertained over thirty members of the Ladies' Auxiliary Canadian Legion Branch 43. at |their summer cottage on Pine Point, Lake Scugog Little items of social news are always welcome in this column If you are enjoying the company of visitors or have been visiting yourself, why not telphone 3-3474 iand share your pleasure with others séeddsITIIY SPECIALLY DESIGNEE FOR BUNION RELIEF! This famous Dr. Lock Shoe gives you quick pocket hides bunionm, duces pain-producing sh pressure.' - ww' "DANCEY'S SHOES 18 SIMCOE SRA 5-1833 # Lillian Mae Marsh SCHOOL OF DANCING Ballet, Character, Baton. Pre- school, Acrobatic at the Masonic Temple, 91 Centre Street. Fridays & Saturdays.' INFORMATION: RA 3-7253 D.E. A Tap, Toe, SPECIAL 25 CHARTER MEMBERS J PER MO. ENROLL NOW IP INCLUDES FREE Sun supervision by on BEGINNERS COURSES START HEALTH IS WEALTH HOURS 10 AM. TO 10 P.M, MON. THRU. SAT Located in the Oshawa Shopping Centre . . . North East Corner of Mall PHONE RA 5-3574 or RA 8-5911 FOR APPOINTMENT