§ THE DAILY TIMBS-GAZETTE, Saturday, September 20, 1958 ALONG THE LAKESHORE League B owling Starts Monday PORT HOPE -- The Down|that featured sharp blocking, Elect New Town Men's Bowling League will hard tackling and good offensive commence play Monday night at attacks by both clubs in the air the Haggis Bowling Academy. and along the ground. Twelve teams entered the league| at the final call at the Queen's), « Suggest Bowmanville -Newcastle HS. Area ime . BOWMANVILLE --- The con. PROTEST DUMP flood control program. Tenders schedule will be adopted through tentious question of the Orono! COBOURG-Some taxpayers are|for the work of adding two feet out the winter with games set at}; High School site was re-opened atin enced over the proposal to|lo the depth of the river near the a quarter which includes prize council meeting here with the ap-| astaniich a city dump in the west |Pridge have already been called. money, pearance of the high school board|eng of tows, A delegation headed! ,.. «. ot Ares The meeting was chaired by which is attempting to gain as-lju ju Herniak appeared before] E-ECT OFFICERS President Vern Huffman and the sent of the municipalities for thelcshon0 council Monday night to] PORT HOPE--SATURDAY 20: rules were read over and changes proposed school. High schoollyoive displeasure at the move] Kinsmen and Kinettes got to. made where considered neces. board chairman Carroll Nichols Their appearance was prompted |gether at the St. Lawrence hotel sary. All games will be played of Orono, Alan Strike, Bowman- by a rumor, which later was re-|for a joint installation of officers|Monday with 10 teams going at ville; W. Tranmer, Port Hope|yasjaq py Mayor Burnet as al4Tuesday night when Donald Tozer|6.45 and the other two at 8.45 Best man on the field was the visitors' Dave Greenaway. who |broke away for several long runs which bordered on the sensation- al. He scored both of his club's ouchdowns on long runs Quarterback Malcolm Burness failed to convert either try, but he did kick a field goal which gave Port Hope the win One injury occurred in the ame when Kenner's Rutan was carried off in the third quarter with an injured leg COBOURG | Representative -- IAN MacDONALD -- FR 2-5201 Student Body COBOURG -- Members of the Cobourg District Collegiate Insti- tute Students' Council were elect- eu Friday, Ballots were circulat- ed to classrooms during the last period of the day. There are two groups of mem- bers, a senior group of 14 and a junior group of 6. The juniors are all Grade 9 students, and the seniors from Grades 10 to 13. Members are: senior girls, Pat- ricia Brett Lois Dowey, Frances Fisher, Jane McCaig, Mary Jane Couche, McCoubrey, Judy McDonald and | Sherrie McFarland. I Senior boys: Allan Alls, Gary Peter Davis, David Ewart, Evan Jones, David Mills, and Paul Rowe. Junior girls: Heather Drake, Leona Massey and Marilyn John- son. Junior boys: Roger OC Tr, Lorne McBride, and Ronald Par- nell. Executive officers will be decid: ed Tuesday, when first regular meeting of the council is held. Then the elected 20 members will vote from their own officers. A total of 30 candidates were GREAT CARILLON The famous carillon of the {Peace Tower at Ottawa has 53 Ibells with a range of 4% octaves. inated for the electi FOR MISSED | PAPERS IN AJAX it you have not received your Times-Gonette by 7 p.m. coll || AJAX TAXI PHONE AJAX 333 All cells must be placed before | 7.30 p.m. SUBSCRIBERS TIMES-GAZETTE BOWMANVILLE POR MISSED PAPERS AND BOWMANVILLE'S FINEST TAXI SERVICE PHONE STEVEN'S TAXI MA 3.5822 It you heave not received your Times-Gazette phone your cor rier boy first. It you are unable | to contact him by 7:00 p.m. TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAXI Calls Accepted Between 7 «7:30 p.m. Odly and Walter Reynolds, secretary most fact. The site according to|and Joyce Lingard were chosen|p.m. of the school board, asked coun-iye 1ypvor was one of many under|to head the respective organiza-| Scheduled for Monday next at| cil fo rescind i Signa yoie consideration by the committee, [tions nt was a big occasion and!6.45 are: Heard"s Head Pins, Post agwust ot Tous og Wi im- He explained that the health Dyer 7 ore preseat Tor jhe cere. Office, Murray's Taxi, Centrals, mediately to relieve overcrowd. and sanitation department had mens v vy h Saw the following Haggis Bowlers, King Motor ' ed conditions at Bowraanvillel assured council that the project|®t cers instatle Happy's Hooligans, Royal Grill, High School. was a "fill dump", which would] Kinsmen: President, Donald Bradford Hoshal, Queen's Hotel. | The delegation asked council to actually improve the area once|Tozer: 1st vice-president, James At 8.45 it will be Legionnaires | name a site which the high school the fill was accomplished. The McLguchlan: 2nd vice-president, and New Service Cleaners. board would accept. However "dump" would be pressed down|Ray Lingard: secretary, Don EXHIBITION GAME | council did not take them up on and then covered with topsoil. He|Retallick: treasurer, Jerry Ben-| In an exhibition football game the offer assured the delegation it would nett registrar, Len Ashby: bul- played in Peterborough against It was suggested by Reeve W. not divest their properteis of any letin editor, William Thompson; |the Kenner School, .the visiting Carruthers that Bowmanville and real value and directors, Al Eyers, William Port Hope High club eked out a Darlington township should form The delegation was not con- Stothart and John Bradley thrilling 15-14 victory in a game another school district. The sav- vineed, and stated it would con. Kinettes: president, Joyce Lin- -- mad ing in transportation costs alone test the project. gard: vice - president, Dorothy would in a few years build a _ a ird; secretary, Audrey Philp; high school. He said it was cost. CADI CURBS YOUTHS project secretary, Teresa Mec- ing $65,000 annually for transpor Pat Longhurst, 19 and Alan l@uchlan; sunshine secretary, tation alone Francey, 18, of Cobourg are both |1da Ashby; publicity chairman, Mayor Nelson Oshorne said the facing reformatory terms unless | Esther Deremo: registrar, Eileen reeve's suggestion would be aithey comply with conditions laid Paeden: bulletin editor, OI costly and involved proceeding, down by Magistrate R. B, Bax- Bradley; and directors, Elea =: Start Fund nor requiring sanction of the United ter. Both youths were charged Baxler and Louise Guy | . » Counties and all other municipal- under the Ontario Liquor Act on SEEK CERTIFICATION wccenmmesnos | AIA Fami ities in the high school district charges of being in illegal pos- : r Eligibility of town empioyes : Ax ides session Longhurst was also POPULATION GROWTH charged with driving while his li- Who have signed up as members, AJAX (Staff) -- Larry Pater. COBOURG -- New industries in cence was under suspension of the National Union of Public son, 14-year-old baseball player the area are responsible for| Both will be required to be at|Service Employes was investi- injured recently in a motor acci- much of the growth of m 'cipal. home by nine p.m. every day,|Rated at a hearing of the labor dent is improving, according to ities along the lakehore, accord-/and to report each Saturday tolTrelations board of the Ontario de- his father Jack Paterson, who ing to Assessor T. G. Shields the chief constable. They must partment of labor Tuesday in Port visited him in Peterborough Gen- Durham county shows an in- not associate with other youths, Hope. The union is seeking cer- eral Hospital Thursday. He is suf crease of 128 per cent, from | and must not leave Cobourg tf Cation bargaining agent for fering from a broken pelvis, brok 28,223 to 36,236 while Northum the Port Hope public works em- ip, chest injuries and facial lh county municipalities in- NEW POST OFFICE PROBLEM pioyes oD pe He in a cast and creased 11.4 per cent from 32.837' There's no telling when the new| Result of the hearing has not|will probably be in hospital for to 37.442 post office 'at Cobourg will be yet heen revealed some time Growth of townships with the open for business. The architects This is the second serious acci 1951 population figures in brack-|are not sure whether the proposed APPROVE BRIDGE COST dent to happen to a member of ets, is shown below heating system will be adequate' Ontario highways department the Paterson family this year. A Alnwick (637) 550: Brighton fo- the 400,000 building has approved a contract of $120,- brother, Jimmy, received a ser (1727) 2205; Cartwright (1271 It is due to open Wednesday 643 for the construction of alious head injury when he was 1447; Cavan (1822) 2044; Clarke next, but the postmaster confess- bridge and its approaches at the thrown from his motoreycle in a (2641) 3968; Cra made i [es that he has some doubts intersection of Highways 401 and collision with a truck om the 2019; arlington (5238) 8233; | ¥ |28, on the northern limits of Port Brock road, Pickering township Haldimand (2346) 2653; Hamilton HAGGIS BOWLERS OUT Hope. No award has been made! Ajax Teen-Towners have come (2972) 4105; Hope (2208) 2775:! Haggismen suffered a severe yet to the aid of the Paterson family Manvers (1764) 1941: South Mon- blow when Campbellville man- When completed. the highway 'and will hold a special benefit aghan (615) 627; Murray (3021) | aged to eke out a hard wop vie: will run from Windsor to the Que- dance Oct. 4 in the Community Buy (2179) 2210; Seymouritory in the ih ining 8A bec boundary. Work is proceeding Centre. The town council will be ey vid Ms oo __|Intermediate playoffs. The game gm Newcastle to Trenton asked Monday night to approve a Brighton (2027) 2117; Colborne geesawed all the way to see the 4 7) 199 9% | ib : AP ; The contract is rt of monies door-to-door canvass to augment (1127) 1223; Hastings (825) 839: home team emerge victors by a 3 pa 1 fond which. h f t of Millbrook (739) 810; Newcastle!one point victory. Final score totalling $1,000,000. set aside to 8 fund which has a target of (895) 1015 was 7-6 ; prepare for winter work $1000. In the fou. towhs the popula- The money will cover costs of The campaign will be a one tion increase is: {FOUR JURY CASES {winter sanding and salting of 845 night blitz affair Thursday, Oct Bowmanville (5318) 6906; Port| The fall assizes open Monday | miles of provincial highways and 2. J. H Rapsey, principal of Ajax Hope (6327) 7509; Cobourg (7818) | at Cobourg with four cases being|secondary roads and for stock- High School will help arrange for 9408; Campbellford (3192) 3374. |set for hearing before juries. The Piling 161,500 tons of sand campaign canvassers. I . Grand Jury will be asked to re-| Other contracts include $229,589, Wally Henwood, Kinsmen pres-| BOWMANVILLE Bowman-|, "se bills in cases against|for grading, granular base and ident thas promised that his club ville Kinsmen Club has been Roy Evans and Oride Banman, [culverts on 6% -miles of No. 384 will make a generous donation to awarded the National Attendance both of whom are charged underdevelopment road west of Shel- the fund. Trophy by the National Conven-|ipe highway traffic act with crim-|burne; $129,643 for a structure The Paterson family are highly tion of Kinsmen Clubs held re- inal negligence resulting in death. and approaches at the intersec-| appreciative of help provided by cently in Winnipeg . Two non-jury civil cases are tion of highways 401 and 28 in the the OBA in providing ac- President Dr. Charles Cattran also set for hearing Port Hope district, and $52,109 for| commodation in Peterborough so announced the award at the din- a bridge on Highway 401 span- they could remain near their son ner meeting of the Kinsmen Club.| TOWN HALL REPAIRS ning a road in Nassagaweya during critical hours after the ac- Past President Irvine Brown| popr HOPE-Additions which Township 950 for structural |cident. awarded the 100 percent attend-| i) nrovide quarters for a police! steel construction on two bridges ance tabs to club members. Kins-| tiie a town engineer's office over Platt Creek on Highway 17.| men of the Year Award Was!and an office for the mayor are|-- p-- pe" presented to Clark Wilson AN ooing to cost more than Port recognition of the job he has done Hope council estimated. Reeve] «ne Ot0le Pants on committee work, and the club projects Read Budge hairman property committee, said tenders| I A d NEW SKATING PRO had been called, but he said that| S pprove Jack Wilde of Guelph will be the figure originally estimated rom Bather {last night with planning board the professional at both the Bow. appeared ¥ ha 1004108 i view) rill th + rig. (Of what had been learned recent V mantilic 204 te Port Hope Fil: 2 ss OB0URG Edmund Richard, representative gave final approv bre Si iw 38, of Three Rivers, Que., today al to the long-delayed rezoning by- A skater of considerable exper. GRANT FOR BAND yas Sentenced fo six months in ay fence who has won top awards in| Council agreed that a plebiscite jail fot the theft of a pair of pants T'he bylaw was previously pass the past two or three years Mr |be held in December to get the _Po ice Chief H. Pearse said in ed and submitted for leaving to Wilde was junior instructor to the Opinion of the taxpayers on a evidence that George Argypoulos' the Ontario Muncipal Board. The car | proposed grant to the town band, had phoned the station to com-|board returned the bylaw with a vhich estimates its 'minimum re- plain that while he was swim-|list of suggested corrections in quirements will amount to about Ming at Cobourg, his clothes had area descriptions $2000 been stolen Council read the amendments Ratepayers' and WILL DEEPEN RIVERBED When he investigated, said the |at its September 2 meeting, but Property Owners'. Assoclation| chief he found Edmund Richard|disagreed with the wording of may take legal steps to nullify]. sleeping on the beach wearing several of the amendments action of the town council in the nek he: Sl TchoEon he Argypoulos' clothes It was reported that at last purchase of a house and parking | pian a pa phn) -- ; In court, Richard claimed he night's meeting all phases of the space near the town hall. It iS Pay durin di us ' Bay DSOR drinking wine Helbylaw, were wow agreed Won unlikely that any further action |p: ing * discysgien of thought the clothes had been lost. The matter will now be refer will be taken unless council seeks | port Hope ton 5 . nivel 2 He said he didn't think he'd have red back to the Municipal Board to issue debentures to cover the LC" ope town hall Monday. stolen them if he had been sober. for final approval ' ost Of the parchases, It wes The dam has now been removed ---------------------------------- -------- stated The discussion took place be Ontario Municipal Board told tween Port Tops. council and the association it could only seek | ¢Présentatives of the Canaras redress through the courts. The ka River Conservation Author board could not act in Ld fact that the purchase had been | informed the Authority accomplished without council t planned to go ahead witl Y ar jax having to issue debentures. It was deepening of the river bed under stated that two councillors. Rob. the ( rio street railway bridge ert Everson and George Phillips Deputy-reeve Michael Wladyka, AJAX (Staff) -- opposed the purchases. It was spokesman for the council, hopes soldier, Private G. (Dutchie) Wy- He was dead on arrival at the claimed that neither councillor that the Authority will carry out behga, a native of Edmonton, Ajax and Pickering General Hos- was informed of the move until Mlans for dams on the river Was struck down by a car 'at the pital it was too late to investiga'e above the town to aid in the foot of the approach to Ajax Private Wybehga, 18, RCASC. panied Camp Borden and his com panion, Private Grant Low- ery, 18, also of Camp Borden, had weekend passes. They had just got out of a car and were cross- ing the approach to Ajax when Wybenga, slightly behind Lowery was struck by a car turning up the approach Driver of the car was Harrison Caulfield, Mills street, Pickering, police said Lowery said Wybenga was Boing to visit friends at Bowmanville and that he was on his way home in Ottawa The two young soldiers had nearly completed basic training and were due for a furlough Dr. J. W. Bosch of 'Ajax attend ed the injured man at the scene Coroner Dr. F. A. Cuddy of Whit by was called when it was deter- mined, that the man was dead | Kjax Midgets Play Decider AJAX The Ajax Midgets wi play the third and deciding game of their OBA semi-final serie against Walkerton, at the Ajax park Sunday at 2:30 pm Ajax won the first game by a 5 to 1 score in Ajax. In their sec ond encounter at Walkerton. the were defeated by a 9 to 3 score The team winning Sunday {game 'will advance into the OBA finals | Teen-Agers COBOURG --- Town council met Guelph College club last under Ross Smith MAY TAKE STEPS PORT HOPE Echoes of the drowning tr gedy the dam on the k Ge Soldier Killed view of the| " Council that A hitch-hiking Cloverlead at 8.30 p.m Friday BOICE TRUCK & EQUIPMENT (MAX BOICE, PROP.) INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS SALES - SERVICE - PARTS BODIES & HOIST EQUIPMENT Phone MO 8.2267 616 Brock St. N. Whithy WALTER WARD SANITARY SEPTIC TANK CLEANING NEW TANKS AND SEWER LATERALS INSTALLED PROMPT SERVICE WE NOW HAVE COMPLETE DITCHING FACILITIES Phone MO 8-2563 204 Chestnut W., Whitby R. J. HARDING CONSTRUCTION Builders and Developers of Modern Communities SPECIALIZING IN RANCH STYLE BUNGALOWS PHONE MO. 8.2718 1513 Dutterin, Whitby A More ~THE DISTRICT PAGE A GUIDE TO VALUES Whitby - Ajax - Pickering - Brooklin - Port Perry Personalized Service When You Shop Locally A community is only as successful as the people who make it up. And no matter what the city fathers plan for the development and growth of this community, it's squarely up to you to help these plans to materialize. Yes, it's up to the citizens of this area to support local business. It's the money you spend here, that stays in our own yard and works for us with better civic improvements, and facilities that benefits one and all. Don't be fooled by misleading statements by other shopping areas. When you look for values, you'll find them right here in your own community, Local merchandise at the same fair prices, you might find anywhere. That's why we say, know your neighbor, He's the man that pays his taxes. He's inter- ested in community progress and welfare and in the constant improvement of his home grounds. He's the man with the young ideas for getting ahead. YOUNG'S Geo. Hamers Lid, PLUMBING & HEATING AUTOMATIC HEATING UNITS GAS & OIL BURNERS EAVESTROUGHING GENERAL SHEET METAL WORK PHONE MO 8.3011 212 Brock St. S., Whitby Restaurant WE SPECIALIZE IN CHINESE DISHES TO TAKE OUT Tasty Home-Cooked Meals WEDDING & BANQUET PARTIES PHONE MO. 8-2308 105 BROCK ST. §., WHITBY STAFFORD BROTHERS MOMUMENTAL WORKS Members of the Canadien Association of Memorial Craftsmen DISTRIBUTOR FOR ROCK OF AGES BARRE GRANITE MO 8.3552--WHITBY WHITBY CLEANERS & DYERS Phone MO 8-23458 For bree Pick-Up Of Your Furs And Apparel WE OPERATE OUR OWN REFRIGERATED STORAGE All Germents Fully Insured 150 COLBORNE ST. EASY SOD - SOD - SOD HOME OWNERS - CONTRACTORS WE NOW HAVE MORE OF THE SAME GOOD QUALITY SOD AS SUPPLIED TO OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Estimates Free All Work Guaranteed GRANT LANDSCAPING MO 8.2587 WHITBY WHITBY WELDING WORKS ELECTRIC & ACETYLENE PORTABLE EQUIPMENT STEEL BUILDING LINTELS TRAILER FRAMES BUILT PHONE MO 8.2681 Cor. Brock St. N. & Palmerston Oshawa Phone RA 3.4161 1560 FREE T. ZAYETTE UPHOLSTERING & REPAIRS CUSTOM SUITES MADE TO ORDER REUPHOLSTERING COMPARE PRICES Then Give Us A Call Chojece Of Samples Phone MO 8-2344 1111 Centre St. S., Whitby GEORGE'S Fina Service Station (GEO. POPESCU, MGR.) LUBRICATION - POLISHING MOTOR TUNE - UPS HAVE YOUR SPRING CHANGE-OVER DONE HERE Phone MO 8.4232 932 Brock St. N., Whitby STAN'S RADIO & T.V. CLINIC J. C. Stevens, 1801 Dufferin St. Port Whitby. A WORLD OF SERVICE IF YOUR TV I$ SICK CALL US MO 8.4016 707 ATHOL ST., WHITBY REESOR FUEL & LUMBER EVERYTHING IN Builder's Supplies ders Sussl WE SPECIALIZE IN Summer Cottage Needs FREE DELIVERY IN LAKE SCUGOG DISTRICTS PHONE 73 PORT PERRY Look For Your Name See if your name is in one of these advertisements. This page is a weekly feature of The Times-Gazette for a 26-week period and there will appear in the advertisements each week two names and addresses of people living in Whitby, Ajax, Pickering, Brooklin or Port Perry. Read the advertisements carefully and if you find your name, clip out the advertisement in which you found your name and present it along with a sales slip or label to The Times-Gazette"office in Whitby, showing that goods or services have been purchased from any one of the advertisers on this page and you will receive absolutely FREE a $3.00 order to be spent for merchandise with one of the advertisers on this page. Winners must advise The Times-Gazette on which adver- tiser they wish to spend their order. DONALD'S Harry Donald Ltd, SHEVROLET & OLDSMOBILE SELLING OUT SALE OF USED CARS NOW ON Phone MO 8.3304 WHITBY, ONTARIO L ROUSSEAU UPHOLSTERY FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS Our location et: 216 Mary St. East 1 BLOCK NORTH OF POST OFFICE, IN WHITBY 1S MOST FOR YOUR BUYING NEEDS OF QUALITY GOODS AT PRICES THAT SAVE T.E. HUMPHREY MOTORS IMPERIAL PRODUCTS REPAIRS TO CARS, TRUCKS & TRACTORS WELDING Phone Brooklin 632R14 ASHBURN, ONT. J. A. VONDETTE REAL ESTATE BROKER Phone MO 8.3322 WE SPECIALIZE IN PROMPT SERVICE Mrs. Harvey Attwood, St. Lawrence St, Whithy LISTINGS SOLICITED (MARRY JERMYN, MGR. 104 Dundas Street West Whitby, Ontario KAPUSCINSKI'S GROCETERIA FRUIT MARKET RESTAURANT GAS AND OIL 216 OPEN 8 AM. TO 11 P.M. 7 DAYS A WEEK Phone Brooklin 641-R12 Between Whitby & Brooklin W. E. MILLER BUILDER OF FINE HOMES Commercial And Residential Construction Of All Types Of Buildings From Ground To Roof Phone MO 8-2939 1805 Dutterin St., Whitby SLIM CONSTRUCTION COMPANY F. E (SLIM) TREMBLAY OPERATOR EXCAVATING--GRADING Phone MO 8.3292 L. Thorndyke 719 Dunlop St. W., Whitby OFFICE APT. 6. 209 BROCK ST. §. WHITBY. ONT. DAN'S Mexican Chili Grill SPECIALIZING IN CHILI-SPAGHETT) SAR-B-QUED CHICKEN TAKE OUT ORDERS ALWAYS TASTY FRESHLY COOKED PHONE 4758 PICKERING, OMT. HAMPSON & SON CONTRACTORS SPECIALIZING IN FIREPLACES STONE, BRICK & BLOCK CONSTRUCTION PHONE MO 8.2707 833 Centre St. N., Whitby WHITBY Auto Wreckers SPECIALIZING IN RE-CHROMING Cor Bumpers & Grills Phone MO 8.3232 No. 12 HIGHWAY 1' MILE NORTH OF WHITBY (FORMERLY GIBSON DRY CLEANERS) 1 DAY SERVICE WHEN DESIRED FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY PHONES WHITBY MO 8-4132 AJAX 473 AUTHORIZED DEALER CHEVROLET & OLDSMOBILE JOHN DEERE FARM EQUIPMENT GOOD SELECTION OF USED CARS ON HAND Phone Brooklin 145-W KINSALE ONT. LYMBIRD LUMBER CO. LTD. A COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDING MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES WALLBOARD . DOORS LATION - ROOFING 1 565 TRIM - INSU PHONE PICK CALL US col OR A FREE ES \TE Mwy. 2 ot Rosebank Read * DUNN'S AUTO BODY Lon Dunn and Reg Wilson Operators Spray Painting Specialists GUARANTEED SATISFACTION Phone AJAX 277 -- Hwy. 2 PICKERING, Ontario. Winter Storage Repairs to e BOATS eo LAWN MOWERS eo OUTBOARD MOTORS Winter Storage ond Fall Checkup for your Outboard Motor or Lawn Mower Only $6.00. "Fibreglassing A Specialty" AJAX MARINE No. 2 Hwy., Just East of Ajax -- Phone Ajax 1266 LORNE McCOY MASSEY HARRIS-FERGUSON Sales--Service--Parts DAVIS INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT FRONT END LOADERS AND BACK HOES STREET SWEEPING BROOMS PEDLAR EQ'JIPMENT | Phone 23W Brooklin