Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 20 Sep 1958, p. 3

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THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Saturday, September 20, 1958 § Victory Is Predicted By Cabinet Minister Number Of Wards William Newman Is Increasing =~ ' Riding Candidate An increase in the number of producing services had exceeded |children under the supervision of expenditures by $59.38. It was [the Children's Aid Society of the also Teporied hal geal work A 30-year-old farmer in Picker- Ranger type of representation. It In recent years, he said, migra- {County of Ontario and the City of services not Cl argos . ih ris Yling township and a former reeve is time we put a man on the right|tion to the south, whch had stunt. |Oshawa was reported to the board rele Son ed to $i 42. Of this 'of that municipality, William|side of the government." ed Ontario's growth, had halted of directors at its September amou nm. was e erie e Newman was unanimously ac- Mr, Macdonald, a candidate in|and the province has reached a meeting ; 0 DO ia 2 m= ie pal claimed Friday night as Prog- a former election, also declined place in the economy where B. Lewis, director of the so- grants pis : el 0 ressive Conservative candidate and brought up a matter, which people are attacked here. This ciety, stated in presenting his Sanity ol um vib in the provincial riding of Osh-|he said. appeared to have little to growth, he said, has created great |C y were u pr P Py h 8 " 3 . ne Pr Best? He tery of re ing, RN, as a social worker to i ed in Mr. Macdonald, an executive igh he Pees the iemenios 296 were wards, 102 were non- the society staff inees declined to stand for the IEmber fot 11s Disiiw ve 11a ing the past 10 years i x 4 oy i rt Advisory Commi , repres- xe : wards gg 9 were other Soe l¥ TENDER ACCEPTED position. enting wholesale and retail dis- Citing some on these problems Sands Duis I a A tender, in the amount of $755, . Mr- Newman, married, and the tributors from coast to coast, the speaker stated that at the ic cron me r ip A ! [from Patte's Paint and Wallpaper father of two children, was five brought up the subject of the end of Weld War II there had (1957. Of these ue for interior decorating was ac- Jeans member of ine Pickering current absence of beer. heen 736,000 soto vehicles in 4 i i 957 p € , 8 ownship council and for one year .. . e province, jor . THE HON. JAMES N. | servative candidate for Oshawa | all the nomination meetings he | ulated by two ministers of the lin the receiving home, 190 in cepted , was lh of the township é I like a bottle of beer," he he hii was to Pai Drove, Crown. Left is the Hon. Michael |boarding homes, 83 in free and| The board was informed thai|™, i i said, amid laughter, "and 1 amfa.q poy dis . ALLAN. provincial treasurer, | riding stood a very good chance | had attended, the candidates Starr Migister of L r gr ar ne mes: = - the director, Mr. Lewis, had been i Sgcepting tie Nominalion. he| etting pretty thirsty." ace roads redicted Frida f . : Sta nister ol .abor, 1l- 'wage homes, 138 in adoption pro- . re 4 .. Said that he hope to meet per- ' > . Pregl a night that the of being glecred at the next | chosen had won election. Above | jam Newman, and the Hon bation homes. one in a paid in- appointed Jecreiary of I Somer. sonally the 70,000 people living in! FOR SMALL BUSINESSMEN ROAD PROGRAM } y nam rogressive Con elect. Mr. Allan noted that of the new candidate is congrat Mr. Allan. Robertson, Whitby stitution, eight in mental hospit- os o Satie: the Oshawa riding. He said that) "The distribution of beer 4 als, and two in correction in-|>! Yr. Lewis Is ehairman of Canada had recently witnessed a|monopoly in this province," he 3. stitutes He MR great political upheaval among|said, "and I would suggest fo the 2.2 and the problem ic now to board of directors of this as- take care of the terrific traffie ® LJ | the ' " p | Other services of the society the younger generation, an up-|provincial government that they 1 rar em e IS a art eague show that the society is working Suciation : P s heaval, he said, which had put a|take a look at the small business- How, The road program for this with 159 families involving 325, It was reported that the names c ncaryvative government in/man. They have the finest dis- year, he said would cost $250 x ion I } : ve | ' children. The society also is work-|0f tWo members of the staff have gia, tribution system possible, and Now: he said, there are about IS 29000,000 motor vehicles in Ont- heen submitted as possible can-, am sure that they would make "Ontairo is among the foremost : T b ing with 78 Unmarried Mothers i in ' ATTEND isdicti i J Plans Play and 45 putative fathers. Twenty- didates for the 35800 ation 5 staff 5 a1 i «pect the certain that none of us would jurisdictions in North America four adoptions were completed training project. If they are ac- elieve we can expect the coo. 0 thirsty." in providing g road." he said. é £0 00 S Nn ) A 4 hree Official cepted they will attend one at a same shift in this riding, he > He reported that the Ontari during the month, three Official| be told the 175 delegates to the con- Following an introduction by P! a e Ontario T An encouraging amount of in p 2 pi t: i T terest Is being displayed in the|Guardian reports completed and time a their salaries will vention held in the town. hall K. Creighton, the Hon. James Section of the Trans - Canada All books at the Oshawa Pub- Sloan is now attending Toronto tributed among the three months. CRA Neighborhood Dart Leacue, eight court cases attended re] CORUITUEC at tk i i N. Aflan, Provincial Treasurer em Saul Sie, Marie lic Library will now be marked| University, Miss Fielding and|Camp leaders, playground super-'Af a meeting Thursday tT | wardship. It was recommended that the His optimism was shared also| re dicted that in the next prov. 0 the lakehead, would be com- out for one month. This decision Miss Pine are now students at|collection:in the basement, said|the clubhouse at I Bi an . Rte society participate in the regional by the Hon. Jjames N. Allan ij, is election the appeal to the Pleted in 1960. This section, he was made at the monthly meet-|the Toronto Teachers College Miss Fetterly. Many other mend-|six foams DE od ow par $500 BEQUEST staff seminar which it is planned Provincial Treasurer, who told public would again be to return noted, is new highway, being ing of the Oshawa Public Library| iecu1 ATION REPORT ing jobs were finished and books my | iT, enirie The board' learned that a be- to hold on weekends him that he had never attended a government which has given PUilt in the most rugged part of Board Thursday night % ! o catalogued in the children's li-|y The teams vhich entered were quest of $300 to the society was It was also reported that it Jae} 2 nomination Sonvention iy which | good government in the province, the country, outside the Rockies, The new regulation will in e circulation report of thelprary, rth 'Oshawa, Woodview No. 1,|contained in the will of the late been the feeling of the executive the candidate choosen had moti", . = very great respect! The project of the highways PLLA lh ny fiction chief librarian shows 2 total oir-] Tnree pages helped with this Wood view No 2, Southmead, may Mitchell committee that the staff has now been elected for the Hon. Leslie Frost he department, he said, is the com- and books on reserve. It is de-| culation of 33,345 in the adult de- work during the summer, Miss|" indle and Connaught Accounts in the amount of reached a size which warrants the orppp NOMINEES said, "and I see at first hand Pletion of Highway 401 from signed as an experiment for ome jpEriment_durlig June, July and|Sylvia Sloan, Miss Beverley Pine, It was stressed that there is $3954.03 for June, July and Au-|formation of a personnel COM: hers nominated but withdraw- the effort he makes to give a Windsor to the Quebec border. year 2.4% d Sn. i is compares Vita and Miss Gail Fielding. Miss still a need for more players to|gust were approved. It was stated mittee, to consider am _secom ing their names were Gordon good government. He puts every- During the current fiscal year, Chief Librarian Miss J. Fetter-|jos7 uring the same period inyisors and the children took ad- complete the teams. It is the de-|that services based on the daily mend on all matters dealing has|Attersley, of Oshawa. T K.|thing else aside and gives him. he said, contracts for the highway ly aI relation: on | 037 Of the 1958 total, a circula- (vantage of holiday privileges sire of the executive to have a rate had resulted in an excess of the staff. William E. Noble has i Lior of Oshawa, Hayden|self, perhaps more than any one from Newcastle east to Brighton y report a u Ur-ition of 2.556 was recorded in fic- large adul ixod it y siglo Dawe lling expressed his willingness to act ' Ps a. 8 } 3 ing the summer months had in-| tion CLASS SYSTEM EXPLAINED | arg¢ adult, mixed league revenue over expenditure totalling Xpress f the committee Macdonald, of Oshawa, Ernest/man should will be let. creased by 7720 over the same| 1, ol oo Early in June Miss E. Wal a en and Wore la 83 and that revenues fromas chairman o 3 Marke, of Oshawa, Craig Reid He recalled the years when the) Within five years, he staid, it riod in 1957. Nearly 2000 books 'cata B epart ; shi . : 4 al- > darts, are asked to|------ 2 of Ajax and Alber Horemw +138 Pe catalogued and thousands of added 1175 new books, 873 of lace spoke to a group of teachers attend the next meeting to be lers Association is to secure a Walker, of Oshawa provinegy of Ontario had almost Is he ope iH oA Jevartment cards were added to or with- them non-fiction. A total of 873 who will be ouing flie public held at 7.30 p.m, Thursday, Oct. Model Home favorable climate for housing in- |p declining his nomination Ald halted in its growth. He said ed, thus allowing a motorist to drawn from the caialogue well Fg Hi oiied 6002 Sa - Seeman. -- ; This will be the final data for vestment, he declared. Walker said that he had no in-|that the province seemed uhable drive from Windsor to Quebec ; well as pamphlets, an 2 | ple ste y the entry of teams. The election pr sadly si s : i " aa'? ac : a wi NEW STAFF MEMBERS cards were typed its. Tn July Miss Totten of the|of officers will be held on that k S SS Withow, a Sleady PP ot ention of being 8 Lo Mi Jo each 3 vopularien of ma Niiont encountering 'any: stop Four new staff members joined, During' the three summer YWCA brought a group of day- occasion ee ucce ll Ve tFe hous- support to the chosen BO |-- oid : gus the library during June July and months 1177 books were with oatng Josders ne a It is planned to start a league 'The most successful National ing our country needs, especially he said, "We have suffered for August 1958. Louis Csaba, a|drawn, 628 new registrations were Some instruction in - telling | schedule Thursday, Oct. 9 Home Week ever held by the Na- in the medium and lower price a number of years during a Lone| graduate of Tisza Istvan Univer-| received and seven readers with- |and later in the month some of| The executive stresses that the tional House Builders Association| ances sity, Debrecen, Hungary, gradu- drew. The film library recorded He prize ners in She camp players enjoyed a fine season of has just been concluded," said "In the future. the NHBA and n iversity ri ilms 30! for a story-hour. The Kedron Ki- Ia" 4 = : hy \ a 1 ated from the Toronto University 80 showings, 110 films and 30 keen sport last winter. For that|A. W. Banfield, president of the| "o \o0 "guilders Association] FIRE TRUCK IS Y 'School of Library Science 1a st|fi i i i .|wanis Camp borrowed a collec- ghbor NG fons Ocha oy ssociati filmstrips circulated with an at-| reason neighborhood associations| Oshawa Builders Association in as its local affiliate, will continue ho spring. He also taught' at the tendance of 1279 ition of books for use during the gna ure i te J 1 , Zrinejd Miklos Military College in lupe {summer months are wee al fom leqms andion interview today. _ Ito promote home ownership op- WEDDING COACH HOSPITAL SECTION entries as soon as, «In nearly 20 major cities portunities for everyone," declar- Hungary but left his home coun- In July and August the staff ¥ r 1 x try at the end of of the Second| In the hospital library section completed taking stock of all fic- Possible di across Canada, over 800 model | ed Mr. Banfield in conclusinon. COBOURG The blushing baz 117 Ld ad EAT'N Ee 1 0 World War. He is chiefly inter- in June 75 books and 160 periodi- tion in the library collection and| ~~ [homes have been on display '0{'We will continue to improve our| pride and a self-conscious ested in reference work cals were circulated. In the music discarded books soiled or beyond FREE FRENCH FUNDS the public, and it's estimated that| product and the value we give the| pridegroom arrived for a wed- TRUE-TRIMBEEF 3 H. J. Medd, a Fellow of thel|library 17 cards were typed for|repair. More than 300 books were CAIRO (Reuters President nearly half a million people visit- hyyers of our houses. And we willl ding reception at the Chateau --_-- ---- = Library Association, England, 40 pieces of sheet music: 117 mended and lettered and 600 Nasser issued a decree Thursday ed them. On behalf of the Osh- continue to take the lead in pro-| Hotel here last night -- sitting . . \ has 26 sears of experience before cards were typed for 28 records new books were catalogued and freeing French funds and prop-|a8%2 Builders Association I want meting house research and the| gion a fire truck with siren 12 King E. - RA 3-3633 coming to Canada. He spent one|and two records were withdrawn. prepared for circu erty seized in 1956 when Britain/to thank the citizens of Oshawa adoption of up-to-date building! goreaming. vear in Barrie as head of the|The staff mended 670 books -- and France intervened in the for helping make our own local | standards." Just married were the for- Simcoe County Library. Mr.| In the boys' and girls' library . Suez crisis. French officials put| National Home Week observances) . ; --| mer Janet Corby and Phil be * * Medd joined the staff as head of circulation was up to 21,102 dur-| Lions Club Holds the value of their sequestrated|so.successful We hops you enjoy- * Fisher. a member of the the circulation department ing the three summer months property at about $115.900.000 €d the show as much as we en- ltown's volunteer fire department M S . | (0) | Mrs. Rosalie Y. Hill was put in compared with 16,229 during the Golf Tourney and the amount of French prop- joved putting it on for you t On the back step Pot the eat pecia $ ! Mon. n y ! charge of the youth library and(same period last year. A total of erly nationalized or liquidated at The first and foremost objec-| ' ' 4 streamer-decorated fire truck the hospital services. Mrs Hill (66 periodicals were also circulat-| wo annual golf tournament of 2Pout $28,000,000 tive of the National House Build- bs stood four gentlemen-in-wait- * > ¢ * served as an assistant in chargeled in the children's library, 781 the Oshawa Lions Club was held i qi ing, firemen wearing their off- 4 y unif ire department duty uniform fire dep n BONELESS of circulation and student aids at|books added and 1232 withdrawn. a4 wha Cobourg Golf Club on Sun Carnegie Library Wiiberforce| New registrations in the chil dav Sept. 14 jackets cian y op : op 1 959 281" war ; 3 T Shins. Wimarse oon ry. ines 35, 1 we oe nw ono Chainer To Mar ihe ca, bese te ; xX y S gw ansferred ¢ d a Smvkalt t wh 1 i Mrs. Hill is also a graduate of|cards were withdrawn. Twelve Ta Alex mn) aluk, and the er, with a broad grin on his LBS. prize for the first low net went to face, sat Fire Chief Ken y S Iniversity, {st "v books w eld including 8 Western Reserve University, v book ere held including Liovd Corson. Dinner at the elub dh hd d, 'We just wanted to School of Library Science one for YWCA Camp prizewin- ¢iiowed the tournament 1 Boar St BT me ri eo a TT rT ten nniversary BE 2 Ee en emt * * *k pointed as general assistant injand 18 class visits in June Club was welcomed. by the club ; A The fire truck picked uw the TENDER DELICIOUS the children's department on| In the Simcoe Hall library sn Tuesday Rov Topping a ay ) ppin a The "The i couple after the ceremony at C June 1. Mrs. Wilkins spent one|culation during the summer was : 30th anniversary of the|ties fund committee, said vear in the St. Catharines Public|93, compared with 115 in the sum- vn hall adn founding of the Oshawa Cham- measure of the success of the|% Trinity United Church © Library and studied drafting be-/mer of 1957. In the Simcoe Hall ,, in her of Commerce will be com-|initial campaign is the measure|™ y ks On the side of the truck was LB. awa fore coming to Canada. She is allibrary 35 books were withdrawn ava memorated at the annual meet-|of the responsibility of every # b. 2 4 a sign bearing the legend "Co- native of Kent, E and 3¢ of them fiction : ing in Hotel Genosha Oct. 1. It member of the chamber." { " " bourg"s on Fire, Watch It Most of the books left in the, In the chilgren's department FRENCH RESORT was on Mar. 1, 1928, that the] H. A Brown, then general i S Grow!" > > ¢ ) ¢ basement when the library [classes continued until the end Biarritz in southwest France, Oshawa Chamber received its/ manager of General Motors of p moved into the new buildinglof the first week in June, said historic resort area, was a favor- Dom' icn charter Canada, Ltd., endorsed the plan | LEAN RIB way 46 from Kirkfield two miles | were eithér withdrawn, put up- Miss Fetterly. The increase in ite spot for Napoleon 111 and Em- Principal speaker will be E. H. |for a chamber of commerce for h : stairs or labelled for the reserve circulation was fairly evenly dis- press Eugenie Walker, president and general Oshawa and paid high tribute to ed ¥ ™ east, construction. $ chia en ----r---------- - anager General Motors of |Mr. McLaughlin and other cam- le | Also under construction are LBS. p 5 The executive of the [paign heads. He spoke of the Highway 48 from Ringwood to chamber asks that all members [great prosperity he believed was| Ballantrae Highway 49 from | make every possible effort to at-|in store for Canada and said Osh-| SPECIAL SPEAKER {Highway 27 at a mile west: | * * * tend. Dinner will be served in [ava would undoubtedly share in Rev. F. J. Whiteley, of Pic- {Highway 60 between Highway 25 the Picadilly Room beginning at|this prosperity. | ton, a former pastor, who will 'and Algonquin Park gate; High- MEATY he TB. sires session will be DAILY TIMES PRAISED | be the Spec } a 1 speaker at way 69 from Nobel to Pointe au held in the Grev Room beginning | Mr. Blyth cited The Oshawa gene Seel Loid OS Baril, gravel, 5 : BLADE STEAKS 2 LBS 51 at 430 pm. A good attendance | Daily Times as having played a service 5 Ruribey oF Heme. Bridge construction on High- | . is required at this session so that |great part in the success of the| vials and gifts will be dedicated way % necessitates two roadside all items pertaining to the an campaign. He said, 'Seldom have | by 'the minister Rev. W. G detours, two miles east of Angus nual meeting may be taken care |I Seen a city where so much front | Dickson chil : of before the dinner page space was given to al -- A reception and get-acquainted (chamber of commerce cam- hour is slated to begin in the pain." He also praised the work | ADVERTISEMENT Blue Room at 5.30 p.m. when of Postmaster F. T. Mathison 0d or ay members will have an op- for aiding the campaign and the i pi new portunity to meet older members fine public. spirit of Host J. 1 and officers of the chamber Welsh I Li a fehl | Mr. Harris pointed out how the S iste EXCITING START Bait economy of Sarnia was directly | According to The Oshawa Daily |dependent on that of Oshawa. He| 4 Times of Mar. 2 1928. The (noted, at that time, Sarnia had TORONTO (CP) Oshawa Chamber of Commerce [the largest refining plant of gas- go! off to an exciting and highly |oline and motor oils in the Brit- successful beginning. Its finan- lish Empire and would not enjoy cial goal of $12,500 was exceeded nearly as much prosperity if it bv 130 per cent, a total of |were not for the automobiles $28,768 being realized. The hoped turned out in Oshawa Traffic may slow vehicles at membership of 400 grew to| F. G. Stinson secretary of the some of the following locations: 500 as that campaign vent|Peterborough Chamber of Com.| Queen Elizabeth Way one mile over the top as well merce, spoke briefly on "Young |west of Oakville, equipment At a 'Victory Dinner" in|People and Canada." He express-|crossing highway, flagmen on Welsh's Parlors campaign teams [ed specific concern with emigra- |duty; Highway 5 east of Cooks- reported subscriptions totaling [tion to the United States |ville, under construction. road- $7 on the frst two 011% OF Cup PRESENTED jie Jira Bar's is [Motors Major H. C. Lecky's di ision [and from Durham to Dornoch, Until that time no Canadian | topped subscription totals for the |.,n struction | city had ever matched the Osh day Mr Crary's team, in thel ......v 7 at Lindsay. under awa Chamber of Commerce cam- [Lecky division, was presented al onstruction: Highway 10 fro paign. Such was the joint official [loving cup by Mr Conant for Orange jill : tis for 10 | mn oninion of W. W. Harris secre. [turning in the highest aggregate Ville sou or miles, The largest first year classes week will be spent in an orien- | War Memoria all, a a [tary of the Sarnia Chamher of [0° the campaign. y 4 in 10 years registered "at the | tation program directed by lan | "Freshmen a a i Commerce and J. Blvth of hel Mr. McLaughlin's prize for the ei Bha nily TR : : . Newmarket Corners to Bradford Ontario Agricultural College, | White, the dean of men, and | candle lighting service on Sun. [American City Burean =vann highest indivioua returns for the| "tion: Highways gi ol - otaving wasa 3 ra 4 " : campaign. $2 was won by he £ ee the Ontario Veterinary College, | the various sophomore years. | day night. Shown in the photo ner Dixon. Mayor Robert |fTom Owen Sound to Hepworth, ad Macdonald | 1ngtitule ie The Program for the week will | are a group of freshmen getting. NEW PAGE WRITTEN Preston's prize for highest re under construction; Highway 25 y 4 i - . wee our hundred and thirty | include various tests, instruc- | acquainted with Professor . S : 3 "If Highway 35 t t - - hid : a & S The late GW McLaughlin, [turns f . ay _|from ighway 5 to Milton, con- Ph restupies 304 Jresheites from { Hon on study methods, social | A. M. Ross, their future English general chairman of the Vietors Ho NY te, finsl vg days ca struction: Highway 27 from the S awa S rst 0 e Y rescription armacy a arts of ario anada, | a set-acquainted - activitie HT . . re né c5ing " ; ) 2 y a ; roa Asia, Africa, So h ane go BCG a/n g a 9 Hees, mu ct flor left I righ! Prof. Dinner. described the event. as, [added 39 members during that {Queen Elizabeth Way to Highway |Located at 107 Simcoe St. S. (across from Memorial Park), Medical Pharmacy is an entirely in America and the British West arious student i 0 i . Rep Johw Jigratta Rodney: "A new page written in Oshawa's |f eriod 2. construction dependent drug store dedicated to serve the health needs of the people of our "community. Al- Indies converged on the cam- | J ger SLganien 00s: Ro i Waughan Co Springs history." ate D. A. J. Swanson. M Highway 28 from Peterborough [though it specializes in prescriptions, other closely related items may also be purchased liere "to. begin their college | an CASTOR ati tna a ayne - Stinson i reelton; and The late G. D. Conant, vice|J and A. Moffatt and Majors south for nine miles, congtruc-| such as selected paient medicines, baby needs, first aid supplies, etc : 4 pus or #, 2% : ienominational church | Glen Owen, Oshawa chairman of the general commit- [Lecky and E. C. Hodgins gave |tion. Highway 35 at Highway 115). eareers. The remaind service for the freshmen in OAC Photo, tee and chairman of the activi- |brief ad ; lint tion, uct: 2 The Ontario department of highways has re- leased a list of locations where construction work or roadside de- tours will be in operation this weekend under construction with some izers of the campaign

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