4 B THE DAILY TIMES-GAZITTE, Seturdey, September 20, 1958 By JACK GOOD EVENING GEARIN thinking privately -- tha affection. further and suggested it panions. BUNDLING RECALLED Explained Mr. Hall: "It would be something like the bundling arrangements of the last century." (Editor's note: the custom of bundling allowed court- ing couples to go to bed together in chilly New England houses as long as they were separated by a board.) That's really a wonderful idea; and almost any enterprising fel- Magistrate Frank Ebbs is to be congratulat- ed for saying publicly what many of us have been partitioned off from those in the front seat to prevent too much cuddling and open displays of Crown Attorney Alex Hall, QC, went a little put up plywood partitions in the front seat be- tween romantic young drivers and female com- t some drivers should be would be a good idea to warded to the provincial govern- ment for consideration. # | made OMA convention ed for 20 consecutive years. One speaker urged that ms- nicipalities have a full-time labor personnel director, one of whose duties would be to deal with unions and union contracts. The speaker stress ed that the average city offi cial lacks training in such work. (City Council incident- ally, confirmed the appoint- ment of Daniel J. Fleming, as pareve] digeswor, Just prior to Mr, er's speech. The OMA convention sound- ly rejected a proposal that municipalities were de too much money from subdivisions on initial downpayments. Another speaker suggested that municipalities must seek new fields for revenue as on gasoline as a new revenue source. All OMA resolutions are for- Said Mr. Dyer in conclusion: "I'm satisfied that whoever the arrangements for that sure that ADELAIDE McLAUGLIN SCHO The construction of Adelaide McLaughlin Public School, lo- cated at the south west corner of the intersection of Rossland and Stevenson Rds., is being rushed by Fidelity Construc- tion Company. The above pic- ture shows that window glass OL IS PROGRES has been installed which means that work on the interior can proceed without SIN interruption | WELL encountered. Times-Gazette Photo, weather be | | WEATHER Pirates Are | OBITUARIES {low could make a mint of money |right here in Oshawa manufactur- |ing bundling boards. | Have you ever seen a city more {in need of bundling boards for |autos, or a city with more one- arm drivers who defy death daily |by manipulating a car while some | female attempts to crawl all over them? | GARRY AMBROSE MILKS | But to get back to our little | In ill health for some years S{OTY; Magistrate Ebbs and Mr. |Garry Ambrose Milks, Scugog Hall made these observations this 1 . Bird Survives . J] Door Collision JORONTO (CP)---Offiial fore- . {casts issued by the Dominion| Hanging On Island, died at the Port Perry Week up Brechin way when Ron- By ED WILKS |Community Memorial Hospiia BOWMANVILLE -- Apparently Public weather office at 5 a.m.: | taking refuge from the cold morn- SYgopsis: The Leend to milder ing air, a patridge crashed Weather is expected to continue 'lald Statta, 19, of Kenmount ap- through a glass door at the home (day and Sunday in Southern! soi,oiateq Press Staff Writer Friday, Sept. 19, He was in his peared on a charge of careless | Any game may be their last, 61st year. driving and was fined $50. He but those Pittsburgh Pirates| A son of Andrew Milks and the also lost his licence for one year. aren't pushing up any daisies|late Mrs. Milks, the deceased 5 7 78 75 70 70 70 70 70 75 65 65 LBBB 2563S | "(from an alderman on a conven- | ALEX HALL, QC, this release in the final para. graph which says: 'Names to appear in the Social | Register are those nominated by |anonymous social arbiters. {Wealth was not a criterion in choosing the members, but evi- |dence of social responsibility |was." This is truly a democratic |age, GLITTERING SHOW | The Ontario Regiment's change- |in-command ceremony Monday {night was a glittering show, with plenty of military pomp and {colorful ritual. { It was befitting for such an |important occasion that a good |cross-section of the community {was on hand. The mess rooms {were crowded after the ceremony {with Oshawa people whose names make news. To name a few, there were Mayor Lyman Gifford | and' Mrs. Gifford, Crown Attor-| ney Alex. Hall, T. D. "Tommy" | Thomas and his wife, Alderman Thomas, Alderman Walter Branch and Mrs. Branch, and the legal profession was repre-| sented by such men as T. Kelly, | Creighton and Russell Hum- phreys. Dr. Claude Vipond was also there, Lt.-Col. Morley Finley, the new OC, was the perfect host for such a demanding social occasion; he had scores of reunions with older members of the regiment and he was given a gala welcome later in the evening when he visited | the Sergeant's Mess, | Brig. M. S. Dunn, OBE, com-| mander of the Central Ontario area, was quite emphatic in stat- {ing that the Oshawa area is cap- {able of supporting double the [present number of militia, | |REPORTS ON OMC Alderman John Dyer was in his top oratorical form in City Coun- cil Monday night -- at one of the dullest sessions in months, inci- dentally. As a result Council got a first- {hand and highly-informative re- {port on the recent Ontario Mu- |nicipal Association convention in Ottawa, at which the alderman was a delegate. Sometimes this department finds it difficult to see eye to eye with John, but he did give one of his finer performances Mon- day; also, he has one redeeming feature as a performer in the political arena -- he's no City Council fence-sitter. When he has something to say he comes out and says it bluntly, regardless of who the foe may be. John can flavor his oratory too with plenty of bite, but he had a direct folksy appeal Monday night; it was unique and refresh- ing to hear such a fine report tion. Here are some of the highlights of his speech in capsule form: Oshawa should send more aldermen to the OMA conven- tion in future; a salaried city official should also be sent to take advantage of the im- mense interchange of ideas |CHAMPION TO BE |agpires to world honors is just %/the women had a good time. Women had away and the best end of the convention from all angles. Everything was arranged for them." "I thought we sent you down i * quipped Deputy Mayor Hayward Murdoch. Full sales tax relief on sewer pipe for Oshawa will save the city and home owners close to $14,000 this year. The full tax relief on sewer pipe for Canadian communities was granted in 5 decision by the de- customs and excise branch, re- ently, The subdivision sales tax question had previously not been arified. cl City Engineer Fred E. Crome, $13,900. The city engineer said that the new ruling had been effective for city supervises the letting 'of all contracts and does not several months. In Oshawa the|the Drop Sales Tax On Sewer Pipe does not enter into the picture as far as the subdivider is con- cerned. The new ruling of the depart. ment, dated Aug. 27, deals with sewer pipe purchased by muni- cipalities for delivery to subdi- and dev. e national revenue, vide rainage pipe and then furnish the municipalities with this am- {ount of m.. ey. ; municipalities required amount ~-d drainage pipe and provide to the subdivider or the subdi- Yiders contractor for installa. "That's exactly what I did," re- plied Mr. Dyer. "I didn't even go near Hull." The life of a figure skater who one mad round of rehearsals and strenuous practice sessions, even in the summertime. Oshawa skater Don Jackson can testify to this. Don recently completed eight weeks of training at the Michigan State University Arena, East Lansing; Mich., under Pierre Brunet, his professional tutor. He also won his Gold Medal in the U.S. for figures and free skat- ing. Don is now practicing at Weston, Ont. and will soon return to The Professional Children's School in New York City to con- tinue his training, He has three big championships upcoming early in 1959: the Cana- dian Championships to be held in January, the North American Championship about one week later, and the World's Champion- ship, two or three weeks later. Don scored his greatest triumph last winter in the World's Cham- plonship in Paris, France, when he finished 4th in the overall com- petition and second in the free skating. He was given a wild ova- tion for this latter achievement. Don is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson of 131 Elgin street east. NEW LIQUOR STORE Oshawa will have a new liquor store at the corner of Church and Richmond streets but the big question is whether it will be a one-storey or two-storey building. This information was given re- cently to T. D. "Tommy' Thomas MLA for Oshawa riding in the Legislature, by the Hon. Wiliam Collins chief liquor commissioner COMING EVENTS RUMMAGE Sale, Friday, September 26, 1:30 p.m. at 35 King Street East (formerly Consumer Gas Store), aus- pices Golden Jubilee Chapter, IODE. Sept. 20,24,25 WHITBY Presbyterian WA are holding Homebake Sale, Afternoon Tea, 3 p.m. Friday, September 26 in the Sunday School. BINGO CORONATION ORANGE TEMPLE SATURDAY, SEPT. 20, 8.00 P.M. 20 regular gomes Share the wéalth 4-340 jackpots to go. 1-$150 Special to go. DANCE CLUB LORELEY SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 Commencing 8 p.m. UKRAINIAN HALL Comer Simcoe South and Bloor BAND--RUDI BUSHMAN body Wel Everybody elcome 219b| TURKEY supper at Westmount Unit. ed Church, corner of Gibbon and Floyd |Streets, Wednesday, October 1, 4.30 tl all are served. Adults $1.50, childrem KINSMEN BINGO JUBILEE PAVILION EVERY TUESDAY 8 P.M. Admission $1.00 includes 1 card. Jackpots 57-55, Speec- ial door prizes. Bus service. 218 EASTVIEW PARK NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOC. CLOSING DAY SAT. SEPT. 20 Field day starting at 1:30, - with childerns parade follow- ed by races ond ball game. In the evening 7:00 p.m. - home baking, penda booth, binge, chocolate booth end . sports booth, Plan to attend. = 255 for Ontario. Other provincial depa may be accommodated new building. F! government mus space for its welfare representative here; now locat notice to vac Jocation must also t |for the government's rep | tive of the new hospital plan, lis due to arrive soon. CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wishes to the owing resi- dents of Oshawa and district who are celebrating birth- days this weekend. Those celebrating today are: Mz. Verna Stevens, 201 Oshawa Blvd., N.. Mrs. Zena Tomalak, 73 Chadburn st., W. Cook, 34 Patricia St. Everett Breen, 330 Celina St., Carol Morrison, 366 Athol St. E., Michael Rasnak, 217 Highland Ave., Bernard Derry, 500 Drew St., James Dupont, 22 Wayne St., Cheryl Shetler, 159 Guelph St; Joshua Bell, 497 St. Lawrence Sst. Those Seleprating Sunduy are: Paul Hill, onan St: Mary Capik, 363 Albert st: Mrs. Dolores Kieler, 96 Nassau St. The first five persons to in- riments in the or instance, the t find new office ment this office is ed in the City Hall, but até has been sent. A be found here We have conducted a discreet research into this question and on civic affairs from some of the leading experts in the form The Daily Times of MONSTER BINGO SATURDAY, SEPT, 20 16 PRIZES OF $10 1 each of $20, Share The Wealth SAINT GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM SIMCOE STREET NORTH $30, $40, $50 ADMISSION 80 CENTS TWO EXTRA GAMES AT $25 Aug.8,9,22,23 Sept. 5,6,19,20 $20.00 eoch Horizontal WHITBY BRASS BAND BINGO WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 24th CLUB BAYVIEW Byron Street South, Whitby Games Start at 8 p.m. Bus Service Leaves Oshawa Terminal--25¢ Retum SPECIAL FEATURE OF $300 Line--$200 Full Cord TWO $250 JACKPOT GAMES 83 and 57 numbers or less, consolation, $25 each game. Top their burthdays each day will receive double tickets to the Regent Theater good for a four-week period. The current attraction is "Imitation Gen- eral." by casual inquiries in the right places have determined that Osh- awa will be represented by at least two names in The Register. This Register will be divided into leading communities, such as Oshawa, and will also contain non-metropolitan listings which means it is quite possible that some fellow out in Enniskillen or Tyrone could also make the grade. | What bothered us most about this Social Register in Canada| was the method to be used for 115| nominations and this very im-| {portant point is also covered in line is worth $50. Must go tonight. 5 Games at $30 --20 Games at $20 $1.00 Admission includes 1 Card Door Prize ond Free Admission Tickets All proceeds go to the purchase of new instruments for the Whitby bands. province. The OMA has a member- ship of 280 rural and urban municipalities; there were 753 representatives at the conven- tion, an alltime high. Many of the delegates have attend- 220, WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22--8:00 P.M. NOTICE TO ALL EX-SERVICE MEN, WOMEN AND DEPENDANTS! All ex-service personnel and their dependants are SCOTS RIVER Scotland's Tay River, long fam- ous for its salmon, flows miles. of Mrs. G. Lewins, 50 Jackman Ontario, with cooler weather ex- road, early today. pecied ¥ Teach Sorthwestern Everyone in the Lewins house. Untario Sunday. owers are hold was awakened by the loud| forecast for most parts of the . Young Stata eevtainly sovuded crash. The bird has not moved Province over the weekend, on U a was born at Bristol Mines, Que. ike 'a fovesick E13 WICH hi since it made its smashing en-|Sunday in Southern Ontario and Not with Bob Friend, now the bec. He came to Oshawa in 1952| Const. Harry Campbel Ick 3 ie trance, but appears to be uninjur.| tonight and Sunday in Northern|majors' top winner. pitching alfrom Kirkland Lake where he stand and testified that Statta's py | Ontario. five-itter that beat Philadelphia had worked for the Lake Shore 037 Wedved sions No. 1 Highway Ww Regional forecasts valid until or his 22nd victory Friday Mine. hy BL Rg Bg gon midnight Sunday: ! night while Milwaukee's first-| Mr. Milks worked as a sales- (him shiusisstically. Sth toward the door, because two Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Niag- Place Braves were knocked offi man in Oshawa before retiring to The officer stopped Statta aud large willow trees shelter that ara, Lake Ontario, Georgian Bay 7-1 at Cincinnati. a farm on Scugog Island stx warned him, but Ahory 2s particular side of the house, . Haliburton, Kirkland Lake re.| The Braves, 13-4 over the Red./months ago. He was an adherent SV the gir] NOL ORY Pool They are, as yet, undecided gions, Windsor, Tandon, Toronto, legs for the season, still have af the Niied Churen. the 4 Natta but sitting on: Js lap while what they will do with the part-| Hamilton, North Bay, Sudbury: magic number of two for their e leaves his wife, the former i { ridge but, in the bre hl Sunny with cloudy intervals to- second straight National League Florénce Scafe, whom he mar- The Staita case is jmiport nt Lewin chiidren are quite ex. day. Mainly cloudy with scat-|pennant. ried at Highgate, Ont., in 1919; |for several reasons, especia Yo cited about the whole incident tered showers Sunday. A little] In oth s +. his father, who lives at Engle.|the accused's statement: "I didn't milder. Winds light tod n other games, San Francisco, =." dang {think it was against the law to 3 ay, south whipped St. Louis 8-1 as Willie hart: four daughters, Mrs. T.lo.00 op 4 way erly 15 to 20 Sunday: May red withi Costante (Agnes), of Porcupine;| y. : White Riv Timmins.K Mays moved within .002 of the wo. "pn "troy '|" This statement has a ring of CITY AND si liver, Timmins-Kapus- patting lead. Los Angeles de-|\158 flleen 0 8, of Port Perry: |, i" about it; there must be asing regions: Mainly cloudy to-|feated Chicago Cubs 5-1. [Mrs, F. Melntosht (Winona), of | Scores of Oshawa and district DISTRICT day ud Sundey. Ssopiered. show BUCS ON HOT STREAK HA Perry and Ss, Touy [Svs | youths in the same predicament cooler Sunday afternoon. Winds Jf, the Pirates pull off a pen-|.,, Garry, of South Porcupine |-- they just don't know that On- | southerly 15 to 20 shifting west nant, it will be a miracle of their Also surviving are two sisters, | taTio's highway laws specifically ORCHESTRA REHEARSAL |{0 Dorthwest 15 fo 20 Sunday. |o"m,m seam Chek Ve Wor SX mire. H. Proohet, of North Bay| "nid FeCl SIU T 1,2 COO The second rehearsal of the Forecast temperatures |a suspended Ah In of their|200. Mrs. Margaret Hayes, of; oe but it Io on ue 0 50 a Oshawa Symphony Orchestral Lows for tonight highs Sunday: last 12 and 13 of ' 15--including Niagara Falls, N.Y.. two broth. ET motorist in into court will be held in the Ukrainian|Yindsor 75 [three of four with the Braves. t >. Lloyd and Chris, of Engle-| 77 such an offence, Such swains Dnipro Hall at 681 Edith street,|St: Thomas 75 |At worse, they'll tie for second hart and 11 children. {usually operate well beyond the one black east of Simcoe street. London 75 place. x The funeral service will be held| tical en of police officers off Bloor street. Members and|)ingham | Fk Ld at the Gerow Funeral Chapel, "wore nothing more pleasant others interested are requested |. oronto |Oshawa, at 2 p.m. Monday, Sept. yon y public display of affection to attend. {Trenton . 22, followed by interment inj, or oy young lovers, but a little St. Catharines Continue Talks T. Braham, minister of SCUgOE of tig Paris.in-the-Springtime ro- TWELVE ARRESTED (Hamilton [Mount Lawn Cemetery. '|mance can go a long way when Oshawa police jail cells were|uskoka . J. T. Bishom, minister of Scugog.| na of the lovers is sitting behind brovited Forde: ght. Twelve Killaloe { On Labor Unio United Church, will conduct the the wheel of a car. persons were arrested on liquor Barlion Services. J charges, most of them for being| | MONTREAL (CP)--The Cans-| Wms. WiLLIAM SoucH [CALLING ALL BLUEBLOODS fatoxicated in a public place. dian and Catholic Confederation : SE We just can't wait until Oc- Kdpushasing of Labor decided Friday to con-| Following & year's illness the (her rolls around to get a good THREE-WAY CRASH ite River tinue talks for one more year on| death occurred at the family resi 150) a¢ that new Social Register Three cars were d a in. 2vsonee [proposed . affiliation with the Ca.|dence, 31 Fair Ave. Lindsay, of | ¢ canada, n | : Jane MacMillan, widow of Wil- traffi * |nadian Labor Congress. | , ® traffic accident at 89 Ritson {liam Souch. The deceased was in| Have you heard about the Reg road south at 11:40 p.a. Friday.| The CCCL's annual meeting yor 99th year |ister--the first national directory A car driven by Joseph oar. a tart authorized its unity committee to| Born in Scotland, Mrs. Souch of Canadians distinguished for Gorrie, 20, of 942 King street! continue discussions after del-\y.4 jived in Woodville and Lind-| their contributions to society? wast, was in collision with ano-| easies Yeached i pe agree-'c.u She was a staunch member| Quite frankly, its publication -°r car driven by Carl W. Gam-| ment on the principle of joining ,'the Presbyterian Church. was a matter of complete in- ble, 40, of 316 Arthur street, and| IO e oon |the CLC with the status of a na-| gpe leaves two daughters, Mrs, | difference to this department un- Hen siguck a parked automobile, | | tional union. To {J. A. Smith (Rae), of Sarnia and|lil a few days ago. It seemed by Dennis Kory, of 170 COBOURG The CCCL, with its 98,000 mem-|Miss Effie Souch, at home and) like a good idea for the mink and Ritson road south, Gorrie has | + -- Harvey Brent, bers, was established as a Ro-|four sons, Archie, of Kirkfield; |sable crowd, but what possible been charged. ve: poised by Ottawa to|man Catholic organization and is William, of Stratford; Neil, of|link could it have with Oshawa? DEFECTIVE RAN nance D a obourg Ord-|the parent body of Quebec's Woodville and Duncan, of Osh-| Isn't Oshawa a predominantly ANGETTE epot employes, said Fri-/labor movement. The CLC is alawa. Also surviving are nine industrial community of 53,000 A defective rangette caused a /94Y he could not tell when the Canada-wide body with some grandchildren bursting at the seams with Pon- fire alarm at 245 Olive avenue investigation would start, but he|1,000,000 members, 70 per cent of Mrs, Souch was predeceased by|tiacs and Chevrolets and popu- a 3% am. Friday. Fire fight. vill Issue a full statement in ad-\whom, belong to internationalltwo daughters, Mrs. N. C. Mc- [lated mostly {according to he ers raced to the scene with one . unions. F ( rine) N .|Hon. Michael Starr) with g pumper, the fire chief's car and] Mr. Brent was appointed com.| The affiliation talks have been Padyen Cotherine any Merger solid, middle-class Progressive the emergency truck, Only min. missioner in the investigation going on since the CCCL conven-| The remains will rest at the|Conservative stock? o- smoke damage occurred. Six after Ben Thompson, MP (PC-- tion a year ago. The unity com-|family residence until Monday Then along came this letter giviiaiee calls were also re- Nosthumberiand), requested an mittee is to report back to next When the funeral service will be from the publisher's publicist -- the Tost TAL epartment during examination of charges of polit-| year's convention, held at 2 p.m. at the Mackey Fu-|Editorial Associated Ltd. Mont- e las ours. jeal Ilsa) Jovelled against a {neral Home, Lindsay. Interment|real -- and it didn't take us Jens . Love, Cobourg, and R.| . . 5 ol will be in Smith Cemetery, Wood-|to realize that our thinking on the STREETS CLOSED Denike, Colborne, both civil serv-| CONVENTION ENDS ville Who's Who quesion, especially | Oshawa streets closed tomor- ant employes at 26 Central Ord-| WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--The an- {regarding Oshawa, was complete: | at seal" ce Depot Tus. emp Ri [iY odsied, satiquated. and seri- 5 Son | 5 Mr. Brent said that the - : ¢ Employes (CLC) Y th St | ously in n revision. Worte rest Fp t0/ings would probably begin hoa: wound up its four-day convention outns otea | Are there any bluebloods| Walle el: on Toad north but nt for at least a week. He Tursday with a host of resolu- ai . (Who's Who candidates) in Oh: to Rossland road east: Sunse " " that they would also prob-| °° : M 1V h 1 awa? | avenue closed from Simcoe eet ably be open to the public. |. Principal resolutions adopted a e ICie There most certainly are; and north 10 Somerville Stree. Lees were those which opposed com- | LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- Postal we will let you in on another closed: from Kaiser cresoat o ON HOLIDAY RANCH julsory hitsation for city em- inspectors estimated the loss ati onet -- Oshawa's bluebloods Church street: Eulalie avenue| Douglas Crossley. well kn yes; as ed that all workers 'roughly $1,000" in Thursday | yi] have a place all to them closed from Verdun road to Wil- Oshawa "vocalist "is to b ova be covered by unemployment in.|Dight's precision-timed theft of al gj es in this new register, son road south; Alice street clos- guest soloist on Cliff M oe hejsurance; asked a complete na. Roval Mail truck by two youths| which will have 10 sections, one ed from Ritson road north to Osh- Hosiday Ranch tonight. H YS onal Deals vlan and posed a ue Jubsoqum zon of three for each province, This means awa boulevard north; Hortop ave- sing the selection = on will the section of the Ontario Labor bagt of registered mail. ._|they won't be lumped together nue closed from Churchill avenue Rainbow." His third PY oi Relations Act which permits mu. the 3 for as Wwe ean ascertain, | iti, bluebloods from across Can- to Sunset' avenue. a rd : ipa es to remove their em- * figure won't go over $1,000, ada: and you won't have to ppe . ployes from the jurisdiction of avs E. B. Baker, supervisor of thumb through the whole book to . LIB ------ Ji hiuisteation for the London find out who is who socially in HE RARY WORLD | The truck was stolen at Grand the old home tow, Avenue and Carfrae Crescent and located again about 1) minutes . |later Dragons Actuall Exist The mail truck driver said he |was standing picking mail from {the box on the northeast corner ° of the intersection when the n ndone truck drove off. Sian S an % Donald Richardson, 13, told de- 48 to jostives be saw two youths run rhe following reviews were [cluded enchanting Bali with i i {from behind a hedge to the truck. written by a member of the |dancing, aE po es rgd -- i Bg Mr. He furnished the police with a McLaughlin Public Library |Java with over a hundred vol-|stick -- not as A or | deseription, staff. Satioes Sominting te jandscape, accoutrements to reach and guide Z00 QUEST FOR A DRAGON, the gi y : ved in|the aniamls in their act. The col- by David Attenborough | ses of the Dyak peo-|lection of animal portraits do The statamont that one. wa ples and Sapiured many animals much to make this manual one 8 as n its ki going abroad in search of dragons 22 Y bear aud aniof the best of its kind. would be met with skepticism and much ridicule. Nevertheless, an intrepid explorer, David . Attenborough, did just that, and he has written this true story of his recent travels to the islands of Indonesia where dragons acually exist. On the tiny island of Komodo and two other neighboring is- land live these creatures -- the largest lizards in the world measuring a full 12 feet from the tip .of their narrow heads to the end of their long tails. It is a puzzling fact that Komodo is a volcanic island fairly recently formed and how these creatures came to be here is a mystery. The hazardous voyage to Komo- do and the subsequent capture of one of the dragons makes excit- ing reading which is augmented by three pictures in full color orang-utan, If you are interested in natural history, by all means borrow this book from the li- brary. NO BARS BETWEEN, by Alex Kerr Here is a book for anyone who is genuinely interested in know- ing how wild animals are train- jed. It is written by Alex Kerr | (associated "with the Bertram {Mills Circus), one of the best- known trainers of cats in the world. He describes in detail the training of a fully grown lion to walk the tightrope, of a tiger to take his trainer for a ride, and speaks of the many occasions when one lightning movement {must avert a horrible accident. The methods of the American trainer are criticized and he feels that the American public has come to ad mir e spectacle, not specialty. He claims they expect HOW TO UNDERSTAND ANI. MAL TALK, by Vinson Brown This is an interesting little book {written about an unusual subject {based on years of research and field observation by the author. {It describes the ways in which representative animals common to the United States and Canada communicate with others of their (kind and, in some cases, with humans. A bark, growl, squeak, flick of a tail, stamp of a foot all say something to the attentive eye or ear. The book also con- tains much information on the {habits and behaviour of animals {and should prove both instructive and interesting to your natural ists LIBRARY BRIEFS The Little Peoples' Film Hour will commence Saturday, Oct. 4 2:30 p.m. in the library au- II | \ lat and 46 magnificent photographs. the trainer to be armed with alditorium. Children from 4 to 10 The author and his companion covered 8000 miles which in-protected by a eafety cage with|Admission is free. whip, a chair, and a gun and years old parents are welcome 4 and Women's THE McLAUG October 20th All Local Artists FALL ART EXHIBITION Presented by the Lyceum Club To Be Held At Invited to Call at the Library for Entry Regulations Art Association HLIN LIBRARY to Nov. 15th invited to take advantage of a FREE Legion Service. MR. J. J. WALSH (Service Bureau Officer from Toronto) will be at the LEGION HALL, BRANCH NO. 43 on Wednesday, Sept. 24th from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m., also from 7:30 p.m. to completion of business . . . to give skilled advice on Veteran's Benefits. Anyone with questions on war disability pension, War Veteran's Allowance (Burnt-Out Pension), Treatment, or Hospital care is urged to call or write to MR. B. JACKLIN Business Manager of Canadian Legion, Branch 43, 90 Centre Street, Oshawa, who will arrenge an appointment. | CASH PRIZES (Four Prizes $50, TWO $250 JACKPOTS (50-54) $1,300.00 $100 FREE CASH DOOR PRIZES INCLUDING: CASH 4 PRIZES: We $25, $15, $10) ABA RBLRBILNLIE ONE $150 JACKPOT (must go) 20 Games at $20 -- 5 games at $30 Plus F:ce Card to Person on Right of Every Winner $1.00 ADMISSION INCLUDES ONE CARD AND FREE CHANCE ON $100.00 CASH DOOR PRIZE BUS SERVIC RED BARN (TURN LEFT A&P STORE, NORTH OSHAWA) E TO DOOR 1 BLOCK PAST 2208