¥8 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Scturdey, September 20, 1958 | 52--Legal Notices ONTARIO ROADS, PAVEMENTS, ETC. BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO SEALED FIXED SUM TEND- ERS will be received by the undersigned until 4 pm, E.D. Time on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15TH, 1958 for the Construction of Roads, Pavements, Drainage Work, etc. at the Boys' Training School, Bowmanville, Ontario. A Bid Bond made payable to the Honorable the Provincial Treasurer of Ontario 'in the amount of $4,000 must. ac- company the: tender, A Performance Bond made out by an approved Guaranty Company on the Depart- ment of Public Works form in the amount of 100% of the tender will be required from the successful tenderer Plan, specifi er form attached anc envelope may be of application to the ment of Public Wor tario, Room 6436, East B Parlioment Building Ontario, and may viewed at Room 6 A Deposit of $25.00 required per set of Documents taken out omount will be refund when documents are r in good co forfeited r within thirty days @ closing dote, The lowest or any necessarily accep Parliament Buil Toronto 2, Or September 16 J.DOLM Deputy Min eering [ Public Wor Urge Continuation Of Arrow Program OWEN SOUND (CP) W. A. Forsyth ha Minister Diefenb, cabinet officials, ur tion of the Avro Ar tor program, A decision on the future of the program is expected to be made by the cabinet within a week, Mayor Forsyth noted that Par- matic Engineering here, which supplies Arrow parts, would be forced to lay off 25 men if the program were cancelled. The jet aircraft is made by Avro Aircraft Limited of Malton, Ont. ' Unwed Mothers Chiefly Teens, Church Says | OTTAWA (CP)--Unwed moth- ers seeking United Church help are chiefly teen-agers these days, {the church's general council meeting was told Friady. | Rev. J. R. Mutchmor, secretary |of the church's board of evangel- ism and social service, said just over half the young women seek- {ing such help are in their middle |or later teens. A few were only {13 or 14 years old. | "This tragedy confronts us to- day because of a weakened home life, he said. "This weakness stems largely from the employ- (ment in shops, factor es and of- fices of nearly 300,000 mothers." "Over 700,000 children and youths are growing up in homes from which both parents are ab- sent from daylight to dark." He said other Christian churches are having the same ex: perience in providing care and trainir for unwed mothers| far as age is concerned. His statements were included in a text of a speech issued to the press before delivery. Ghost Squadron Best In Shoot COLD LAKE, Alta. (CP)--The crack 428 Ghost Squadron from Ottawa's Uplands RCAF base blasted near-perfect rocket shots all week at this big air force base and beat out eight other, command's annual rocket megt. I'he squadron took the Air Vice-Ma al W., R. MacBrien Trophy riday by compiling a I entage of 93.7 in five mis-| The trophy was won for RCAF base last year v 410 Cougar Squadron, up was the Alouette 1 from St. Hubert, Que., 5 per cent. Squadrons ng inclyded two each Uplands, St. Hubert, Bagot- ville, Que., and North Bay and one from Comox, B.( E squadron, aided by a) ar controller at this air base| miles northeast of Edmonton, ried six 2.75-inch rockets on wings of its two CF-100s to| p- blast at a target trailed behind a tow plane. | Success of the squadrons de- pended a great deal on the radar Y who guided them to within| miles of the target, and ound crews, who tried to keep | e delicate mechanisms in the| CF-100s in top order, The Ghost group's ground crew amassed 10,320 points to beat out the Alouette crew by 494 points for the aircraft main. tenance efficiency trophy. Gambling Said Big 'Incentive OTTAWA (CP) -- Rev, J. R Mutchmor, secretary of the United Church of Canada's board of evangelism and social service, Friday attacked gambling in all #s forms as "the chief incentive to crime." . "Some service clubs, for ex- ample, out of the very best of motives are getting us into the very worst of troubles ir regard to gambling," he said before the 18th biennial general council of the church. "Service clubs that err in this regard do so in the belief that a charitable end will justify illegal means: But a.good cause never makes clean an evil means." HITS RACE BETTING He also condemned race trz betting, which is legal in C and comes under government su pervision. "The race track risk.to enable bettors to put their money horses noses is an unneces risk and one that is chief factor in the spread of the gambling Canada," he said "The big race track promoter is really a big crime promoter Dr, Mutchmor said gamt and giveaways appeal to pe "because of' the twin evils of credulity and cupidity."" People wanted something for nothing and this sin of cupidity tended to players of the stock market as "RAFT HAS COMFORTS OF YACHT A new, larger 25-man life raft is now stadard equi many trans-ocean airliners. The | unique raft is inflated in ni seconds by two inflator de At top, the 130-pound packaz ntaining the raft is dy to - inflated. The protective flap 1/in Ottawa." To Crime well as the back - lane horse player, CHIEF BINGO CENTRE He also expressed a special concern over the fact that 'for some reason this beautiful city of Ottawa is our nation's chief bingo centre" as well as the national political capital. The Criminal Code privision that such games of chance may be held on an "occasional" basis for charitable purposes 'is most widely and irresponsibly inter. preted," he said "It would not be proper, with our council meeting in this city| to be too violent in condemning the spread of bingo in our na- tion's capital." "It is surely quite fair, how- urge upon the authori- ties of this city," on RCMP Com- missioner L. H. Nicholson and Justice Minister Fulton -- whose offices are in Ottawa--"to unite in an effective way to reduce considerably the gambling threat this were done: all efforts minate the gambling evil in la would be handicapped. * rely it is not too much to the gambling sections of nal Code should be en- forced within the capital of our country." The text of his address was given to the press before deliv-| ery | at left is opened and the handle led. After it is inflated, the crew raises the raft's ¢ canopy hich pro- nd and ts can also be wered for | maximum cov | age EATON'S 3 prm-------- pss am unity D If You Are Hard of Hearing . . . Consult MR. N. CAMMICK EATON'S trained hearingsaid consultant , . . who will be at EATON'S in Oshawa on Wednes- day, Sept. 24th. Mr. Cammick is trained to analyse your hearing problems; to fit you, if necessary, with the right type of aid; and to advise and help you with corrective action. We offer you continuing service after you purchase your hearing aid, to ensure you utmost satisfac. tion. Come in, phone, or write for an appoint- ment . , . there is no charge or obligation for this service. PHONE RA 5-7373 or THREE NEW EATON-EXCLUSIVE STYLINGS IN ay Specials - MONDAY EATON'S invites you to meet MISS PAT GWYER Stylist for McCall's On Monday and Tuesday, September 22nd and 23rd. Miss Gwyer will be in the fabrics and patterns de= partment both days, from 10 e.m. to 12 noon, and from 1:30 to 4 p.m. So . . . if you have any sewing problems; or would like to pick up a few tips on speeding up your dressmaking; come along and see Miss Gwyer, who will be delighted to assist ond advise you, EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 333 PHONE RA 5.7373 "MORLEY" FURNITURE Specially Sale Priced! You get FLOTA-STEEL Spring construction wtih individual seat suspension that is de- signed to automatically adjust to each per son's size, shape and weight. You get your choice of SOFA SET, SEC- TIONAL GROUP or FOUR-SEATER SOFA in any of three stunning new designs *'Sier- " ra", "Lido" or "Sorrento". You get the suite or pieces you choose in your choice of three handsome fabrics that make a particular point of "lasting" beauty. In all three designs, each foam rubber cushion is completely independent of the other -- giving each seated person INDIVIDUAL comfort... INDIVIDU- AL support -- with no "roll-together" or centre-sag regardless of body weight. Each design is beautifully tailored in three groups of all-cotton fabrics, interestingly textured and-in col- ours that are soft and subtle yet with a lively CON=~ TEMPORARY LOOK. You can see the attractive stylings but you must SIT to FEEL the difference in the controlled graduated resilience of the FLOTA-STEEL spring construction, Sierra, Lido or Sorrento design in Sofa and Chair, 2 pes. 200.50 EATON Special Price ...... Sierra, Lido or Sorrento design in Sectional Group, 3 pes. 499-50 Sierra, Lido or Sorrento dsign in 4-seater sofas, each nto:>240.50 EATON'S Budget Plan Terms may be arranged if desired WITH NO DOWN PAYMENT. EATON Special Price ...... PHONE: RA 5-7373 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 470