|45--Real Estate For Sale |47--Automobifes For Sale | THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Saturday, September 26, 1958 {7 FIVE acres of land, north west section|'s6 OBEVROLET two door. Phone RA = in city, $5500 with half or better down. 38-5148. 191 | . RA 34368 2160 55 CHEVROLET denne foo tone-auai 3 0--Articles 'For Sale 50--Articles For Sale SIX-room mr cistern Beaders, iy Lift ociers and milled BOAT, motor, trailer, etc, Muskoka Sea| USED tires, most all Foo Sw BF, [in b..] in Prince bert A R. Reader, bead. Phone Ajax 827M. 219 Flyer, 14% feet, 58-inch beam, 30 HP| Goodrich 8 Store. RA 54543. Oct, 1 0539 Oshawa. 216¢ per does Auto Insurance, Save up to|J0hnson motor, electric starting, wind- [LADY 'S winter coal, wool house coat, . oom brisk Tu bungalow, © oil heat. [20 per cent. Nine months to pay. For|shield, controls, seat back and cushions, | jo 15" nan's station wagon coat, Personal service at your home, wall RA|two four gallon fuel tanks, lights, skis, 3° Two spring coats, one winter coat | 5-280: Oct, 9/tow rope, Tee Nee trailer, tarpaulin gi i's) yize 5, One ski suit (girl's) size "50 CHEV. coach, with custom Tadic, | 1d 52605, sites, excellent eopltitibn, 8. One winter coat and leggings, girl.or mechanically it is good, but the body YT |Doy™ 8, size 3. All in excellent condi ine is all shook up. $95. King West Motors, SMITH - CORONA portal ypewriter,| RA 3-3336. the |45--Real Estate For Sale A. J. SCHATZ REALTOR GENERAL INSURANCE 304 Dundes St. West, Whitby OPEN HOUSE THIS WEEKEND AT 286 CENTRAL PARK BLVD. OSHAWA 44--For Rent 45--Real Estate For Sale SIX room brick house, private drive way, oil furnace, heavy duty wiring, central location, $2500 down and take over mortgage, carries for $80 month. RA 5-3271. 2190 SELLING at a loss. This five - room house is only 3 years old and can be 000 down with low month. its. Located on Stevenson Contact Harold Segal at RA. John A. 5. Bolahood Limited [44--For Rent B60 for lady in Private home. kitch- (SINGLE furnished room f, lor gentleman en privileges. Phone RA 8.5666. 215{ or woman, new spring mattress, very EE-room apartment, private, Bath, central. Apply 180 Bruce Street, be- entrance. Heavy (tween 4 and 7 pan. Oct.4 'water. 782 Ritson 8. Oct. ti ONE in private SEPARATE apartment, close te school, Dome, picture Wo nice for gulls) Call after 5, RA 5.9627. 504 Dun-|™en or lady. RA 3-7070. = Avenue, Oct. 9 FOUR - room basement apartment, 2 TTRACTIVE furnished room vate entrance, reasonable, RA 5-4778. able in private home. 82 Park , Rona 20 Drew Street between 3 a.m. 3a | 5 |TWO unfurnished rooms, sink in_kit- room apartment, private chen, private JSlrante, ground floor, Avs. No children. 4378. 215¢| a FURNISHE] {MOUSE and store in front, in good lo- 36 weekly, ans, pends to share F101 $135 a month. If interested, 22 shopping centre, 137 Rosehill boule-|5-1457 Oct.4| KITCHEN and bed - sitting room. cof Mid in private home, Very central, sonable. Phone RA 3-7862. ns Suit Sept.26 Sprin; SINGLE furnished bedroom, in quiet 107 Eigin Fast sorrr|45--Real Estate For Sale $650 DOWN, 6 rooms, oll heating, sod home, for gentleman. Apply 38 Col T borne Street West. Sept.22 THREE ~ room apartment on third TWO 1 floor. Private bath, private entrance.|ded front lawns, finished rec-room, ex- large rooms with bath, ideal for|s45 monthly. Phone RA 56607. Posses-|haust fan in kitchen, large lot, schools! Joung eviiple or single girl. Apply i sion October 1. 215f{ and bus, shown by appointments only. THREE large unfurnished rooms, up-|Phone RA 56544. John A. J. Bolahood, NEW five-room storey and half brick| stairs with three clothes closets. RA |Limitea. Sept. 20 home, in south Mead. Apply 1285 Mead CHOICE building lot, approximately 82° x 111°, high and dry, trees, water, sewer ow Vale after 4 p.m pin 3 ii ive _ room apartment, and one SELF-contained Sisco ny - and lights on street. Palace street back room apartment with bath, $65 month- fous eo Spasiment, ATOIU8 floor, of 755 King Street E. Apply 755 King ly Including heat, light; vicinity of boards, and stoves, adults only. oa Street E. ny On ool Adulta. Apply 197 OM (5.0401, GRASSMERE Avenue, three bedroom years old, close to awa Blvd, South. ne four FOUR-room apariment for rent, two| CLEAN room in private home, break. [school and bus, $13,000. RA 58349 priv. livin, ate. 16 ng| fast if desired. RA 38-5704. APARTMENT -- three - room unfur-|s7e6 Da $3000, 1 nished, in apartment' building, business ni omy. full Price So h Hiegly. * couple preferred. Available October 1. all schools. very clean, bus at door, this rest home. Two bathrooms. Good loca. | $75 monthly. Phone RA 5-3304. 217 home must be seen to realize the value, tion just outside city. Apply Haass,|SINGLE room, lady or gentleman, |for appointment contact Howard Me- Taunton. 216f | close to Shopping Centre. RA c.f or Cabe at RA 56544. John A. J. Bola- 350 Frontenac Avenue, 18f {hood Limited, Realtors. 2184 FOR rent -- in Whitby, new upper a plex, two bedrooms, Adults only. Phone Whitby, MO 8-2493. 218¢c THREE-room apartment, unfurnished, private entrance and bath. Couple, no children. Phone RA 3-4274. Sept. 20 FOR one or two men, willing to share, a room with single beds. Apply 15 Maple Street, RA 59712, Sept. 20 BOAT storage space available. Phone RA 5.6321. Oct. 10 THREE . room flat, partly furnished, adults only, immediate possession. 585 King West. RA 5-6192. 218¢ {| OSHAWA --Six- 'room house, oil peated, | garage, close to schools and bus. Apply W. J. Mowat, Whitby MO 8.2601. 219f |44--For Rent THREE bed - sitting room Pi "ataall bedroom, al sanyenituces, nicely furnished. RA . Apply 593 King Street E 219b iad] house, two bedrooms, about November 1. Call mornings or Pickering 361-R-1. 219 ONE single bedroom, one large room with twin beds, suit two friends, gentie- men preferred. 65 Elgin East. RA| 5-6146. 21945-6584. THREE Realtors, bathroom. RA 3-4364. 235 nue, storms and -- decorated yard, |completely fenced, near school and chureb. NHA mortgage carries for $64 per month, including taxes. RA 5-8674. zu North 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. RA 8-867" centre. 216f $40, Burroughs electric adding ma- RIFLE scope, mount, new, Ké power, 52 GMO truck, 7 ton pick-up. Apply D, 5. chine, subtracts and multiplies. RA fit any rifle, Mr. Maguire, RA "RA om castle, Phone Good, New 4521, east of ¥4 A 8-8915. 2190 PIANO, upright, good condition. Faghe offer. Dial RA'enlarging equipment for amateur RA 5-5352. Oct. ct. 8/ photographer. Also one man's bicycle | FORCED air Good Cheer furnace, 200.- Good Cheer furnace, 289,- |and portable radio. Phene RA 56310. 000 BTU, excellent condition, also Iren ec " 55 CADILLAC de Ville, new car ou. i rcene] ai7c| Fireman sioker. First Baptist Church, RA 8.8410, 219¢ = fully po R BEAVIL on So- bungalow with hot trade. MO 8-4517 Whitby. Oct.3 SAVE #58 on boats, motors and trail. A 88410. SA . + wy ted through.|'55 OLDSMOBILE hardtop, immacul ers. Cedar strip, fibreglass, aluminum ONE fur coat, i size : 2, grey. Apply dae - Tout and bask, pug Joy i condition, original mileage 27,000, au nd moulded plywood. See Wer BA wi Street E. home should be seen to realize the[matic fransmission, radio, ~power|Tie Co. 43 Bond Street West {io WINE and cider oy available, value that is being offered to you. Full | brakes, two-tone, white walls. RA 5-2004 [3-651 sizes. Oshawa Hardware and Ele price only Jie Sop, For A LP oknment, after five. 216 {WE pay highest price in the Eh or 8 Church Oct. contact Harold Sega a 5-6544, Ds CHEV, deluxe sedan, previously used furniture. pretty. s Used Furniture a Re EE LT Tires, most all sizes, $3 up. B, F. A. 8. Bolahood 14d. fe owned by local woman, See Jim Pank-|Store. RA 3 44 Simcoe 8. Goodrich Stores. RA 5-4543. Sept. 1 burst mow. Only $1195. King West | WASHING machine, 3 $35. Apply 9 F Ho. NINE piece bleached oak dining room OPEN FOR Motors, opposite the shopping weatre. garth Street. c| suite, like new. Apply 254 Punshon INSPECTION ew 3 Avenue. pre 6! | TWO new metal bed outfits, ey controls, Five-room bungalow, $1,489 wits Willows nd a asile 3186, 31b¢ |NEW oll burner unit with ont iste RA 3 down. Near Gertrude Colpus 3 ban for converting coal furnace, and litt winter |used piston pressure pump. coats, excellent ana ine sizes 6 and 8 School, between Farewell 28 | Blender, baby's bathineile, 8. Avenue ond Wilson Rd. Ris- , bench, rolls, good con-| Twé baby's shawls. Call at 139 Central tow and Olsen Realtors, RA . 218¢ | Park Blvd. S. se Phone RA 3-3607. 5-6162 Oct. Sept.2s TWO rooms -- hydro, water, and heat. Abstainers only. No children. monthly. Phone RA 5-2875. Oct.4 3400 square ft. of showroom space, wear Shopping Centre. Ideal for whole-|y wale or retail. Apply 25 Grenfell. SIX-rcom brand new bungalow. 369 Os awa Bivd. N. Be 4 pm. RA sam NEW HOME Immediate possession, three- bedroom, five-room bungo- low, close to public, separate ond Dr. Doneven high school, $11,400 full price, will ac- cept late model cor as poit of down payment. RA 3-2017 Sept. 17, 19, 20 $988 DOWN NEW N.HA. HOMES Yes! There is value here ot this low, low down payment! 5 lorge rooms, heavy wired, laundry tubs, sodded fronts, fixtures. Neor new Public School. Ideal location, SALESMAN ON LOCATION RA 8-1338 GUILDCRAFT HOME BUILDERS Sept 20 To MO 82819 after 6. 219f| COMPLETE developing, printing and THREE-bedroom, solid brick Jarge lot, between Oshawa and Whitby. | os Speen four-door sedan, cus- RA 56046. 2 heater, two-tone synchro- Best &f/tom radio, mesh 0 after 5. BUY OR RENT Mdoern six-room bungalow, fully equipped, in excellent residential district, many ex- tras, close to schools end church REAL OPPORTUNITY Full price $12,200, carries for $63 monthly, principal, interest ond taxes, included. CO-OP 276. For particulars coll Mr. Daly, MO 8-4775 or RA 5-7133, EXECUTIVE HOME On ravine lot, L-shoped live ing ond dining room with open stone fireploce, 4 bed- rooms 2%2 baths, mahégony panelled recreation room with fireplace, bar ond sink. Cold storage room, playroom. This home hos many, many extras. For appointment to see call Dorothy Schatz, evenings RA 5-8425. RA 5-8461 MO 8-3337 Pickering 590 MEMBER LOCAL REAL ESTATE BOARD 21%9b $1000 DOWN buys two apartments, near shopping centre. ly $8500. W. M Auley Realtor, RA 3-2512. Cy 55 FORD custom line, brown and beige, t See Red Hardie now. only $1195. King West [TWO tweed big & Motors, opposite the shopping centre. i 216¢ SMALL NSU. 1 motorcycle, | like new, half price. Apply 381 Mary Street. 2% 1923 McLAUGHLIN Buick, 4 mil 1200. ers, néver lice: , true 8 Also 1907 Brisco Maxwell, 1911 Grant 1926 Whi, coupe. Write Keith Howden, care of The Hunting. ton Gleanor, Huntington, Quebec. 29 a '48 Chev. for sale. RA 21 tutone bedroom: room. Phy Fry "Central Park South. 216f HOUSE -- 9-room brick, suitable for PLAYER piano, dition, $225. RA 5-4129 LADY'S winter coat, size 51761. 14.FOOT cedar strip boat, two-tone, in 16-18. RA|COLEMAN furnace, duct work, 200 gal- 218¢|lon tank and thermostat included, Used three months. Hot Point eleétric a A codition, reasonable. 317 Windsor | spartment size. Phone 112 J 1 Picker. Avenue, one block east of Wilson Road | ing, after 6. South, ___ 218 DRY elm stove wood, split or oy KELVINATOR re le cord, $5. Delivered. Also 12 KELVINATOR refrigerator, 1930 model, |3in€ in running order. RA 5-0860. 218¢| 3010. trapper's canoe. Phone C. Smith: pra doses Newtonville, Clarke 6-R13. PAINT, interior, exterior, flat, gloss, | all colors, $2.95 gal. Oshawa Hardware BOAT KITS 6 Church. RA 3.7624, | Oct, 1 $56.00 and Up Open Evenings & Weekends 48--Automobiles Wanted |E, Seniiin Bobs eartises Bie 1 Brooklin Marine Storage Supply Ltd. CASH for your car, highest prices for HIGHEST prices paid in Oshawa for| PHONE 87 15 FOUR rooms, furnished, sais man, mon-smokers. 620 Simcoe Street Noth) 216f SINGLE room for lady or gentleman, use of kitchen, refrigerator and wash- ing machine, Clean, quiet house, cen- tral. RA 5-8150, 216f LARGE furnished housekeeping room. RA 8-5878 216¢ TWO rooms in new bungalow, kitchen with cupboards, sink, etc, Beside Shop- ping Centre. Apply 176 Grenfell Street or RA 8-5549. 217 FOUR - room apartment, private en- trance. Vacant October 1. Apply 178 Alice Street, 217¢ 2 bumed 6-room, rench- style bungelow, stone fire- places, tiled bothroom with vanity, exhaust fon and hood in kitchen, paved drive, beou- tifully decorated ond lond- scaped. Many other extros. 2 years old. Owner trans- ferred, Substantial down pay- ment required. Apply 627 Rosmere Street. 216e| 46--Real Estate Wanted TWO NEW BRICK BUNGALOWS $795 CASH DOWN BALANCE ON TERMS Three bedrooms, city services, located on Dean Crescent, No salary requirements, McCULLOUGH HOMES PARTS for a 5-6067. 51 CHEV., new tires, radio, immacu- late, Cash $475. Phone Whitby, MO and Electric, 8-3500 anytime. Ask for Bill, 2181 good clean cars. King West Motors, op used furniture by the Community Fur- Oct, {i niture Store, 19 Prince Street. Phone want | RA 81131. da Oct. 6 {posite Shopping Centre. | CAKESHORE Auto Wreckers THE HALLIDAY COMPANY LTD. NICE five . room bungalow, oil heat- ing, shower. 855 Grierson, $95 J is FOUR-room apartment, upper duplex, close to GM main office, good bus serv- RA 5-3539 SACRIFICE clear out, lovely sea foam Mr. and Mrs. dresser, PRESENT PRIVATE--Will buy your house, for all| cash, or pay out your equity. Must be cars for wrecking. Highest prices pad RA 5-1181 or RA 5-1182. 8{ bedroom suite, Sept.24 large chest of drawers, bed, young couple preferred. RA 35-0572. 2% FOUR - room house, bath and shower, RA 34788 after 6 p.m. 21 floor sample, regular $249, save $100, out it goes $149, Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street. Sept. 18,20 BENDIX duomatic washer, three years old, in excellent condition, $325 cash or $100; rest on time. Apply 588 Feral Blvd. 214 WE PAY cash for all good used furni turg; also sell and exchange. 448 Sim coe Street South. RA 5-8131. Sept.23 WILLIAMS piapos, now at a price you can afford, at Parkway Tlevision, 918 Simcoe Street North. RA 3-3043, THREE piece bath set, $90. Pressire systems, $59. Sump pumps, $39. La dry tubs, $15. Stainless steel preg complete, $14.95. Plastic, copper and steel piping. Installations, Chinn's, Park Road at Hillside. RA 3.7088, Sept. 27 GLADIOLI and other cut flowers, 119 Rosehill Blvd. RA 3-2062, RA sau A 55000 after 220b STYLEMASTER . HOMES IN Brooklin-Meadowcrest THE MOST OUTSTANDING VALUE EVER OFFERED MAGNIFICENT LIVING ROOM EXCEPTIONAL ENTRANCE HALL ANDERSEN BEAUTY LINE WINDOWS FABULOUS NATURAL. HARDWOOD KITCHENS STYLED BY HANOVER 3 LARGE BEDROOMS DOUBLE WALK-IN CLOSETS FULLY DECORATED TO YOUR CHOICE THE LARGEST RECREATION AREA IN ANY BASEMENT SODDED FRONT LAWNS GRAVEL DRIVES CONCRETE WALKS NEW SCHOOL IN SUBDIVISION AND ALL THIS FOR ONLY $1,250 DOWN $11,820--FULL PRICE--CARRIES $68 MONTHLY ON ONE N.H.A. MORTGAGE TORONTO, EM 3-9603 | WHITBY, MO 8-3414 LOWER DOWN PAYMENT ARRANGED OSHAWA RA 5.6632 { IF YOU QUALIFY BOWMANVILLE, MA 3-3986 MODEL HOME NOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION McQuay & Kidd | SATOK REAL ESTATE LIMITED REALTORS ONTARIO'S LARGEST SUBURBAN REALTORS ice, working couple or elderly couple preferred. _RA 3-7338. 219 a - BE SIX-room house, centrally located, large furnished housekeeping ONE available October 1, $75 monthly. Box room for gentlemen, or couple, one 950 Times-Gazette. 219¢ block rom Glecoff's. Apply 125 Clarke THREE.-room apartment, Pi VTA Xevet, hot water, quiet couple or two, women to share apartment preferred. Apply 31 Albany Street, 5-3760. 21 T new, four e strict, near highway, [schoals. Immediate possession. Phone RA 3.4868 215¢ room for two gentlemen or two single beds. Cooking Apply 66 Warren Avenue 2171 reasonable. Write Box 947, Times. Gazette with particulars in strict confi dence. 218 WOMAN with family has $800 down te buy or rent good old income home in Oshawa near school, presently all rent. ed, except two rooms. Small payments. Full price $6000 or less, Write Box 939, Times- Gazette, 216 CASH FOR YOUR CAR MACKIE MOTORS * WILSON RD. S. RA 5-5743 or RA 5-1392 Oct.10 CALL COLONIAL Now for a free estimate on Conada's finest aluminum combination windows, doors and awnings at down to earth prices. Manufactured locolly in Colonials new Whitby plant. Quality Service and Satisfaction guaranteed. DISPLAY COURT 289 PARK RD, S. RA 8-8571 PLANT 515 BROCK ST. N. MO 8-4891 Whitby Shopping Centre Ajax 1577 Bowmanville MA 3-2425 After hours RA 5-6159 Oct. $900 DOWN ON DUPLEX Bloor St. NEXT TO G.M.C. PLANT $19.000 bolance $200 monthly. Will carry principal ond interest, 5 rooms down- stairs, 4 rooms upstairs. Fridges, stoves included. One apartment completely fur nished. Both self-contained. Immediate possession. WRITE BOX 926 TIMES-GAZETTE Sept. 29 OPEN HOUSE APPLE HILL LOW LOW LOW | Brick Bungalows 3 Bedrooms Colored Bath N.H.A. Mortgages 6% Interest Rate NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY LOCATION: FAREWELL AVENUE SOUTH TO MODEL HOME SIGNS Salesmen will be on site from 2 p.m. till dark every day. John A. J. BOLAHOOD Limited Realtors RA 5-6544 $500. DOWN BALANCE ON POSSESSION NEW N.H.A. HOMES BY ROSSLYNN ESTATES OPEN FOR INSPECTION Follow the signs at Fernhill & Rossland Rd. Gibbons & King Salesman on Site From 2 p.m. Sept.21 TWO - room apartment, near south GM. Phone RA 5-8417 after 5 p.m. 217f FURNISHED bedroom, light house keeping optional. Residential area. (Central Park Boulevard North), Call RA 5-5302, 217 BUNGALOW -- new, four-room. Phone | LARGE RA 3.9238 i | girls, with APARTMENT, bachelor. Completely | Privileges furnished, suitable for two men. Cen Farms | Wanted 100 bedrooms, South- close to HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, § RA 3.9421 From to 300 acres in Ontario, Durham ond South Victoria Counties. Our volume left us short | | Oct.2 |GABIN trailer, $140. RA 8 PH. ecumsi------ $940 MARLIN rifle, som Phone MO 83139 Whitby. BICYCLE, boy's, CCM, $15. Phone RA of sales have of listings. Many buyers still waiting, Write or phone and we will appraise your farm, ammunition. 220¢ 100 GOOD USED CARS WANTED! Top prices for clean cars. Trade up or dawn, Liens paid off, KNITKING knitting machine. Same as new, Phone RA 5-1042. 2201 ONE used floor polisher, Johnson; one used Hoover polisher; three used up- right Hoover vacuums; one GE. Nu- Way, RS RA 5 1202. 220 ONE pair of lined floor r length draw drapes, cover up to 16 ft. space. Also one green Axminster rug, 69" x ¢ with matching underpad. Also ils 2202 51--Swap and Barter DEER rifle, house and box ] d, cann in , combinas pplies of all lside and Park Oct. 18 clothes reel, venetian b tion TV, rugs, plumb kinds. Chinn's, corner Road. RA 3.7088. 52--Legal Notices TENDERS FOR OIL WANTED Sealed tenders will be received for the supply of No.6 Bune ker oil with a "pour point" not to exceed 35 degrees F. to be used in the furnaces of the new "Times" Building, corner of King ond Mery Streets in Oshawa, Tenders will be received up to Seps tember 26th at 5 o'clock p.m. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be occepted. Tenders are to be directed to The Times - Gazette office, 57 Simcoe Street South, Oshe awa, Ontario, marked to the Attention of T. L. Wilson. Dated ot Oshawa, September 16th, 1958, 2174 SEE-- | D. G. SPENCER CAR MARKET 146 BROCK N., WHITBY, ONT. red rocking horse, all like new UPRIGHT grand piano, Newcombe, ex- cellent condition, $100, 120 Tyler Crescent, RA 3-3808. ONE large space heater, piece living room suite $28, tric washing machine, $15. R $25, three one elec- A 50829. 219 LADY'S grey kidskin n jacket, | two wool suits, other clothing: man's fall coat, reasonable. RA 3-3767. an LARGE Coleman oil space heater, good condition, $35. Apply 567 Fox Sirect, Whitby -- M .4 near Drive-In Theatre. Y 0 _8-4851 B. F. GOODRICH Stores, tires, bat. Oshawa -- RA 5-4508 |teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, jee ision, Thrifty budget plan, RA 5-4543. Sept.20 |v y ons CLEARING, stair carpet and hall run- ners, 49¢, S9c, 69, 79¢ a foot, 27-inch green, clearing, $3.50; Axminster, 27- inch, reduced to $4.99 a yard: plastic 30 inches wide, 88c a yard; tiger m 14 x 6, $16.95; 4 x 6 cotton loop twist, 4 only, clearing $8.95; 6 x 9 cotton [broadioom, one only, red, clearing $16.95. Nu-Way and Carpet Sales, RA 5-1202. Se no SPACE heater, two years old, heats five to six rooms. RA 5-0746. 217¢ BARGAINS, Davenport with two chairs like new, $50.50. Kelvinator refrigera- AL or, 63 eu. ft. NGLE furnished room for girl, light house! Soe Be u eslred: close to Motors LARGE unfurnished apartment, om floor, tile bathreom, TV antenna, heavy duty wiring, Apply 32 Wood Street be- tween 5.30 and 7.30 or phone RA 3-7092. 218¢ BED - sitting room, very central. ApRlY 78 Charles. 218¢ THREE-room partment, Phone after § p.m. RA 5 THREE furnished rooms, suitable for souple, central. Phone RA 35-8654. 217f TWO large room apartment, Bed-sit- ting room, sink and built-in cupboards, | washing facilities. Children welcome. Near South GM. RA 85217. 215€ | THREE - room, self-contained apart- ment, tiled kitchen and bathroom, pri- vate entrance. No children, 240 Steven. son Road North. RA 5-4354. 218¢ APARTMENT - three rooms, o nished, heavy wiring, Adults omly. Off Wilson Road South. Phone RA 34209 after 6. 218¢ TWO large rooms, en ground floor, cupboards and sink, all conveniences. 245 McNaughton Avenue 29 THREE . room apartment with heavy ' duty wiring and TV outlet. Phone p11 HOME OF BONDED USED CARS Phone: or light house- or two, also water, Arply 219f ILOW DOWN | PAYMENTS upsta © ni Test-Drive the D.K.W. 3-6 and the new FIAT economy and perform- nN Wo tral. Available. Phone RA 3-4181 after 6 Spy RTMENT for rent, altra-modern, p.m. 217} self-contained, large rooms, 16-ft. of ONE large front bedroom . for gentle. kitchen cupboards, washer and drier, men, comfortably heated, eemtrally Jo- private entrance, 1% bedrooms, Octo- eated, RA 5-5652. 218¢ | ber 1. Phone Alax 1103. 216f GE E furnished housekeeping room, THREE rooms for light housekeeping, EAsGE fur man, near hospital and [refrigerator lights, and water, business downtown. 542 Simcoe Street N. RA [couple preferred. Close to North GM, 3-4376 217¢ [reasonable rent. Apply 299 Rishon es i ws Street THREE rooms in widow's home, ne, with | i ---- garage, adults only, business couple, or THREE - room unfurnished private two business ladies. Apply 164 Bloor! apartment, and bath, second floor, cup- Street East 218¢ boards and sink, TV antenna. Reason- ee ee eee - | able rent. Adults. Phone RA 3.9557. 2156 THREE - room unfurnished private ---- Fi earhon apartment, bathroom, second floor, a 240 Dea born eupboards, heavy wiring. One child welcome. Centrally located. Available TWO - room furnished apartment, re October 1. RA 85-8464, 218c frigerator, laundry facilities, private |entrance, suit couple or two or three| FOUR rooms and bath, family with gentlemen. Apply 253 Athol Street zat child welcomed. Call after seven. 116 as o = Louisa Street or RA 55114. 218 | FURNISHED room for two iadies, use| ¥HREE-room apartment, unfurnished o kitchen, near GM south plant. RA self-contained, three-piece bath, mod-|5-7763 da | ern kitchen, second floor. 539 Albert A rrRACTIVE, re Foon pari Street. RA 81003. Fy | ment, sink and cupboards, furnished if THREE rooms and ataye. Apply 301 |desired, private entrance, heat and Oshawa Boulevard North 218 18f | lights included, reasonable rent. 23 TWO - room aparment, with bathroom, Be, stove, refrigerator, TV antenna. Apply sh 32 Wood Strnet, bet between 5.30 and 2 or phone RA sf | and THREE he rooms, central. Apply 71 Warren Avenue. Children re come. 219: FURNISHED room for keeping, suitable for one room, plenty hot 48 Brock Street East. THREE unfurnished roo adults * only. heated, lights, continuous "hot -2352. 216¢ | adults only. 2% Drew Street after 5 pm Oct. 19 ARE A Tocation, im. sonable rent to good tenants, couple preferred. For information, phone RA 5.3501, 8 am. to 530 p.m 219¢ THREE - room apartment, private en- trance and three-piece bath, sink and cupboards in kitchen, heavy duty wir. ing. 137 Colborne Street East. RA 5- 5580 1' For ance. ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP 408 King St. W. RA ana 3 W ot i eh BUCKINGHAM MANOR APARTMENTS One and two bedroom apart- ments, electrically equipped, | , refrigerator, 6.2 eu. | ity, excellent condition. RA 5-8224 218¢ best location, Apply 498 Simcoe N., Apt. 5 RA 8-8676 WANTED -- Junior Bedroom Suite, Suite or single bed. Not Roxatoned. Phone RA 5-8233 " 215f BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES LTD. 1271 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE RA 3-4675 Specialists in Ford service ond parts. Wheel alignment, wheel balance, with latest type equipment, Newest type electronic tune-up equip- ment, Oct. 14 50--Articles For Sale ado, window Tailors ROYAL typewriter (portable) about re new paint job, good/three months ig brand new condition. private, phone RA 3-4935. let Phone RA S30 y 2196 '58 FORD, Standard, 6 cyclinder, cus-(BENDIX washer, tim radio; Sure Jue. all extras. Very |ly por Ty $100. RA 8.8514. 2194 lean Roy nd LEONARD refrigerator, good condi on. A 'S0 CHRYSLER sedan ng lic green, with white Cass Barclay now, only $195. King West Motors, opposite the shopping centre, 2160 '51 CHEV. two door, very good condi. tion. Asking $285, will consider trade. RA 13-3000. 219b '51 Ford, very clean, $350. Chev, deluxe, radio, whitewalls, | Excellent condition. Phone RA 3.3113, 219b 1. SIX LARGE ROOMS 2. SOLID SHALE BRICK Dodge station' wagon, $375. "52 OLDSMOBILE "88" sedan, hydro. EXTRA LARGE real good, $175. '49 Cadillac, | matic, good condition. $700. Phone RA ATTACHED GARAGE Austin, LOW DOWN 85 2,28 Torts, food monte ea |5-3263 2195 [ "83 HENRY J, excellent condition, heat- LARGE 75' LOTS RESTRICTED AND Whitby Plaza -- Whitby PHONE BROOKLIN 291 PAYMENTS Bloor St. E. Phone RA 58332. Sept.28 er and spotlight. $325. RA 5.4513 or RA |5-7456 219¢ EXCLUSIVE AREA SEWER AND The areas largest and most active farm realtors 219b Sept16,18,19,20 -- |47--Automobiles For Sale HOMES OF DISTINCTION! } By "38 PONTIAC tudor se . io, | matic, low Rileage. Excellent |tlon. RA 5.7809. Oct. . : WwW M FWA N| Food DODGE 3 sedan, powder blue, with 49--Automobile Repairs : H C custom radio, white wall tires, See Ron 5 . | Gamben now, $845. King West Motors, | opposite the shopping centre. OFFER YOU ig 0 Own 7 CMEVROLET excellent body, new io r Pe button Md Something to be Proud Of Perry. un WATER HEATED AND DIVIDED BASEMENTS '53 DODGE 1 ton truck, 26 Amen VALUES! Ts |'86 MORRIS Minor, A-1 condition. LARGE LIVING: ROOM oh n truck, top soaps: | 58 TUDOR Chev., less than 5000 mil Something to Talk About Phone between 6-7 p.m. A RA 83451, 2101 TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES | TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY COUNTY OF ONTARIO To Wit: By virtue of a warrant is. sued by the Reeve of the Township of Whitby under his hand and the seal of the said corporation, bearing date the Seventh day of August, 1958, sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the Township of Whitby will be held at my- office, Brooklin, Ont., at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afters noon on the 30th day of December, 1958, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes was pub- lished in The Ontario Gaz- ette on the Sixth day of Sept. ember, 1958, and that copies of the said list may be had. at my office. Treasurer's Office, this thirteenth day of Sept- ember, 1958. C. S. Thompson, Treasurer, Sept.20,27.0ct.4,11,18,25 USE THE TIMES-GAZETTE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS Oct7|50--Articles For Sale Winter - Seal ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND DOORS Kool Lite Aluminum Awnings CUSTOM AND OPEN AND CLOSE RAILINGS -- Interior and Exterior Fireplace Furnishings ond Bathtub Enclosures LES EVENISS SALES LTD 15 PRINCE ST. Les Eveniss, FOUR - room apartment, centrally lo- cated, heavy wiring, possession imme- diately. RA 8-5067 after 5.30. ns WHITBY CLASSIFIED ANYONE going to Toronto dally, ar Hing 8.30-9 a.m. Phone MO 8-4752 eve- 219¢ a DOWN. Full price $13,500. Terms. Brick, six rooms, tastefully decorated, four piece bath, oil furnace, tubs, land- scaped, Whitby. G. Newell, Broker, 10. LOTS OF KITCHEN CUPBOARDS CERAMIC TILE BATHROOM 12. LARGE MASTER BEDROOM 1957 PONTIAC 6, four door, deluxe, im- maculate, under 33,000 original miles, one owner, $2295. Rev. H. Mellow, RA 5-3270. 219) 11 87 DODGE, four door suburban, auto- matic, radio, low mileage, V8. Phone RA 35-7252, after 6 MO 8-2680 Whitby Sg 217¢ '88 CHEV. deluxe sedan, 5000 miles, $400 off. Cash, trade or terms. Call B. 8 1715. '58 HALF-TON GMC, Jood ci 507 Nipigon or RA 5-8871 220¢ 52 CHEVROLET deluxe ry cash or can be financed. Jerry Jarrad, YUkon 5-2146, Port Perry, anytime. 2164 MacFadyen's Real Seal Aluminum Products DOORS - WINDQWS Triple Track Combinations Storms and Screens $20 each installed, for any double hung window Fully guaranteed PHONE: RA 8-1547 ANYTIME WILL give daily or weekly care to one or dren MO 8-4061 Whitby. 218¢ FOR rent -- Large four-room apart ment with bath, 'frig and stove, with built-in cupboards, very central. MO 8-2398 216¢ eae mem ott Cerra PANT cuffing and alterations, men's Di and ladies wear; drapery alterations Pickering 143 or Whitby MO 8-4947. 218¢ R. H. MacDonald, 1013 Centre South./AERIAL moved, Repaired. "New aerial Oct.19 installed for as low as $35. Independent WANTED -- One.roomer, board "option- Sales, 309 Brock South, Plaza. Oct. 12 al. Phone MO 8-4242 2e0c FOR vision made draperies, Material Tent -- Threeroom unfurnished Supplied by you. free estimates given, oR Available now. Centrally | Phone MO 8-3151 Oct, located. Phone MO 8.4487 between 5/WE pay cash for used furniture and and 7 p.m. ______Toclappliances, Call Midtown Furniture, 113 HIGHEST prices y paid for r used furni- | Byron Street South; phone MO ig ture in Whitby, Ajax and area. We'll Oct. bay all you have. Appliances, pianos, | BUY and sell used furniture. Grixti , TV's, etc., for cash today, Con. | furniture will pay cash for used ap- Beas. "149 Brock SN Whitby. MO 8 ncn: termine. APDIY Doreriths, 4801. In A. hone 1041. Oct.181121 Brock South. MO 8-4822. Sept.27 REQUIRE ssportation to downtown SEPTIC tanks 7: the aanlary Toronto amd return, 5 days week. MO|yay new tanks installed. Walter Ward, 8-240 after 7 Lo ise ©1204 Chesnut west: Phone MO 82563. APARTMENT three rooms | . Oct. 24] and bath, stove and refrigerator, $80 Phone MO 8-2860 219¢ DRESSMAKING, alterations, bridal and formal gowns. Call MO 8.4398 #63 Byron North between 9 and 6.| Monday-Friday. Oct | APARTMENT for rent -- three.roomed| apartment with bath, 'frig. and stove Cormer Dundas and King. MO 82398 Whitby. 215¢| FOR Rent, with option of buying, three bedroom brick bungalow MO 8-3498 after 6 13. ARBORITE KITCHEN COUNTER STAINLESS STEEL SINK 15. BLACK MORTAR AND STRIPPED JOINT OAK FLOORS Oct. 1 SEE! FRIGIDAIRE! SHEER LOOK -- PLUS AT HOME APPLIANCES 90 SIMCOE ST. §, RA 5-5332 Oct.3 16. three piece winter outfits, almost new. Man's sta- Phone RA AWNINGS, plain colors, or § prompt service. Free estimates. Ord now for early delivery. Chair and table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North, ct. I BRIGHTEN up your home for fall, with lovely new floor coverings, sell out of discontinued patterns. Now only 37c per foot, Wilson, 20 Church Street. Sept. 18,20 PAY no money, trade your used rec- ords for new ones. Barons' Record Bar, 426 Simcoe Street South. Sept. 27 VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, parts, attachments, brushes, guaran. feed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv- ice. RA 8-1081 anytime. Oct. 19 USED furniture at low, low prices three.piece davenports and chesterfields $19.95 up. Kitchen sets $17.95 up; bed: room suites $35.95 up, Barons' Furni. ture Annex, 453 Simcoe Street S Sept.29 STEEL bed, springs, good clean mattress, $25; vanity $15. Girl's rust winter coat, 12, $10, 347 Buena Vista Avenue. 218 NOW IS THE TIME TO GET READY FOR WINTER For the finest factory con- structed aluminum storm windows and doors installed to your satisfaction at low- est prices. UF TO 24 MONTHS TO PAY CALL TODAY FOR FREE ESTIMATE ALEX VAJDA MODERN WOODWORKING SHOP RA 3-9851 TWO girls' SEPARATE DINING ROOM AND MANY MORE BEAUTIFULLY LOCATED In Whitby's Most Exclusive Area Si NSU Max motorcycle, RA 5-388, 21 "for rent, $825 DOWN BRAND NEW ONLY 2 LEFT N.H.A. FULLY DECORATED 75-FOOT LOTS $11,600 FULL PRICE MEADOWCREST BROOKLIN GO DIRECT AND SAVE SATOK REAL ESTATE LIMITED PHONE BROOKLIN 291 . 219% SEPT. 30 ends our most successful fis. cal year. We must clear our inventory. All cars are priced to sell quickly and are in certified roadworthy Starting with a Chrysler at $35 full re, '49 Pontiac, '51 Pontiac, '50 Ford: 51 Olds, '55 Chev., "56 Ford, "56 Dodge, 55 Buick, '58 Hillman, etc. Low down payments and attractive terms at Wellman's, RA 3-4431 or RA 5.7981. 219f BUY NOW AND SAVE PETERBOROUGH BOATS | * EVINRUDE MOTORS Budget Terms Free winter storage on motors Boat storage. Factory approv= ed. Service centre, for motor repairs. Open evenings ond weekends. MARINE STORAGE AND SUPPLY LTD BROOKLIN ONT. PHONE 87 DRIVEWAY GRAVEL Coarse or tine, $7.00 per load. Cement Gravel, $1.60 yard, Sand and Loom Fill. For delivery to Oshawa, Whitby, Ajox area ERIC BRANTON, MO 8-2660 Oct. 3 This Area is Restricted To Large Custom and Custom Type Homes on Big Lots. Some lots are now available on Fairview Drive, with delivery of homes being made from now until Nov. | OUR MODEL HOME Two blocks north of No. 2 highway on Cochrane St. then one block west on Walnut St. to Lyndview Drive, turn North. COME OVER NOW! OPEN THIS WEEKEND! AGINCOURT--AX 3-4205 WHITBY MO 8-3781 McEWAN Construction GET A RAMBLER, MORRIS, METROPOLITAN or Quality Used Car plus that extra-good B-A Service ot CRANFIELD MOTORS 331 Park Rd S. RA 3-2284 Oct.3 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER-VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT, TEL: RAndolph 3-3461 seo. 26 BUYING or SELLING See TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING S71. -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) RA 3-4494 Res. RA 5-5574 Sept. 21 new $110! Nie month, PLANT EVERGREENS NOW! See the fine selection of hardy shrubs ot: PICKERING NURSERIES REG'D. Evergreens, trees, Hedging, Guaranteed Stock FREE ROSEBUSHES with pur- chase - or orders of $10 and over. FREE BOOKLET "How. to Plant", FREE ESTIMATE LANDSCAPING! Guaranteed stock guarantee, PICKERING NURSERIES REG'D. Phone Pickering 433; or Zenith 2-4750 collect Oct19 written FOR RENT Boats, box and cabin trailers, car top boats, canoes, guns, lawn rollers, garden tiller, mowers and seeders, cement | mixer, wheelbarrows, pipe | dies, post hole digger, caulk Ing qun, paint sprayers, etc WILDE RENTAL SERVICE AND SALES HENRY ST., WHITBY MO 8-3226 Oct. | Shrubs, Roses, Bulbs Fruit RA 5.4632 Pickering Nurseries on No, RA 3-2707 Bill Galbraith, RA 5-8832 highway, 3 miles west of |. 1 Don Howe, RA 5.0313 ckering. Phone Pick, 433. : 119 01 ' Sept. 28 Sept. 12 (Continued on Page 18)