Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 20 Sep 1958, p. 16

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16 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Saturday, September 20, 1958 &5= THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTL Want Ads|[&i | 1--Accountants [8B--Building Trads: 13--Gardening & Supplies |15--Instruction |22--Radio & TV Repairs [32--Arricles Wanted 38--Male or Female Please Note INDEX MONTEITH, Monteith, Riehl and Co, BUILT "UF roofing, _shingling, insul| ROTO-TILLING, landscaping, cleanup | TUTOR, student counsellor, 13 years' SPECIALIZED radio and television (WE pay cash for used furniture, api Help Wanted " I Chartered Accountants, licensed Trus- brick aig, eavestroughing. Free esti.| jobs and lawn service. Phone RA 5-3576| experience. Appointment only. Call|service All makes. Fred Thompson, 157 (ances, TV, sewing machines, pianos, | ---------------- Deadlines now effect for | . a TH : % DUE 10 increase in new home listings dli in TO WAN T AD tees, Ajax, Oshawa, Stratford, Toronto; | mat 5868 Sept.29|and RA 5-1576. Oct. 1/RA 51054 Sept. 22| Elliot Street. Call RA 3.9792. Out.3 stoves. Vii H RA oe exchange. " reodiie aadicional Fo 1 For : th, FCA. . Mon | this column: tei, LW. Moneith, FC "a; |[EVEST nd roofing work |SOD -- Call Grant for sod. 20c. sa. yd. | LILLIAN Mae Marsh, Dance Educator; terview apply A. J. Births, Memorioms, Cards of [| CLASSIFICATION [&R. F. Lightioot, CA; George W. Treth. |done by experts, for a {ree estimate on | Delivered anywhere. MO 8.2587, Whitby. | Dancing School, ballet, tap, baton, pre- Sohatz, Realtor, MO 8.3337, RA 3.8425, Thanks -- (wey, CA. RA 5.3527, 135 Simcoe Street your job, RA 5-1013. 217% Sept.22| school acrobatic. Friday and Saturday. PORTABLE T.V. CEDARDALE 208 9 AM. SAME DAY | --Accountants North, Oshawa. Oct.6 ALL type type o ing % brick and LANDSCAPING, gardens plowed, Temple, RA 3-7253. May 21 for i! BOB Clancy's Ontario Accounting Serv-|stone siding, lathing, framing and trim, |disced, clean-up jobs, top soil, H . DEATHS -- Bae | |ices offers complete bookkeeping serv-|Major and minor repairs. Free esti-|lawns serviced. RA 5.9727. 16--Insurance SALE OR RENT SCRAP Career Opportunity 11 AM. SAME DAY |ices for small business. 184 Bond Street mates, RA 85054. Oct4| WANT sod? You'll be missing a good ALLSTATE Auio Insurance. Save up PARKWAY T.V IRON METALS LTD. iB DIAL RA 3-3492 4--Dantists | West, Room 1, Office RA 5-0097; Resi. bet if you don't call us before you|to 20 per cent, nine months to pay. For 4 personal service at your home, call FA IRON METALS S--~Nursi Services dence RA 3.7605. Oct. 1 oH v fel PIER Rg gE TOP SOIL [Ra dar or sl ta te ua OE TT PAPERS = RAGS | L|FE-INSURANCE 7--Surveyors fied Public Accountants, 172 King {CEDAR trees for hedges, Mugho pines, OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, RA 5-3509 = | FIRE INSURANCE BIRTHS ro--veterinarios ee ga | oci3| Gord lood -- $7.00 [Cooma dhe MEGS I DNASE wy BROAD EXTENDED | 23--Women's Column LC SELLING 8--Building Trades ; der, Hunter and Cement and road gravel Fill, {MA 3-3986. Oct COVERAGE All Risk Out- |spENCER, foundation garments, indi. 100 ANNIS STREET Ci d Lif 1 anadian ite nsurance i ; 9--Bullding Material * | Accountants, and auditors Licensed |vidually Bans or aerival of Ser ay 'ster. | 10--Sharpening Service Trustee in "Bankiuptey, 84 King St. 6-yard load -- $3.00 | CROSS TOWN SOD hosed, Mar. Sind Boer oi (Mrs. 1. Hendershot, 208 Park Road N. FREE PICK-UP Company has an opening for bbie Lyn, Friday, September 19,|| |1--Business Opportunities ander Con i | Cea as eaee---------- Debt he Jn, on Fri Ay. Sepieines 1 Busines pp ities lander B. Comm. C.P.A. Oct.2 RA 3-3162 | SUPPLY posite Policy. Auto Insurance. |SPEGIAL creme oil cold wave, $5.50. Sept. 20) Oshawa representative. "he proud parents are Moris and| wanted 2--Barristers Oct.11] Instalment Plans if desired. | Phone RA 3.2012, ask for Josie Sept. 26| 35--Employment Wanted | °° Fontiact wip, sens, Ga Mother and TTT -- x nsion and ot i a One fine. any thanks to Dr |2yevsenakion. : JOHN A. MacDonald, BA, Barrister GRAVEL A-1 rolled fertilized sod, cut RT ALLUM (SPECIAL -- } deat gH BR WILL take care of one or two children This is your Big Kimmerly ! rdening upplies and Solicitor, 101 Simcoe Street North. fresh daily. Sod for trucks in *lin my own home, while mother works. | . |39 Pine Avenue. RA 5-5363. Oet. 11 build o solid fut busi- MACKIE -- Ross 'and Diass arel) 14~--Fousenold Repairs Phone RA 88511. Oct.15 field. Delivered or loid. Free Oct. #1 : Call RA 57 ows ui 5 solid § ture in of KE i he Dt rll 15 -instruction GREER and Reily, Barristers, Solici-| Cement $9.00 per load. Road | gctimates. Prompt delivery. T7--Money to Loan 25---Pets and Livestock HA! lieaged gentle oi NC y-offs or Dean Ross, a brother for Norman and || |6-- Insurance tors, etc., 7% Simcoe Street South. Dial - - - man would like position answering €s. Experience not neces- Si ii PR a Tn 3.2278. Residence phones: M.| fine and coarse $8.00 per Phone RA 8-8868. CLIENTS monies available for first |ECABDING, trimming, bathing, de-|phone, dispatching, etc., or what have| sary, we will train Appl a he ah at oso, Tb] 17-Money ta Loan Greer, BA Sc. RA 53368; Terence V.| load. Be sotisfied ~-- Dial Oct. 11 5nd "second morikages. Mortgages and 1660s. Waubena Kennels. RA 56321 |you? Can walk around a bit. Penman-| Boy 944 T You. Apply 18--Loan Wanted Kelly, BA, BC, RA 5-260 Oct. 10 [agreements of sale purchased: ApPIY| __Oct.14 ship good. Phone RA 5-8646. 219 imes-Gazette. MAST -- Andy and Jenny (nee Bol-|| 180--Mortgages Z. T. SALMERS, BA, Barrister, Solici- RA 5-5279. |M. F. Swartz, Barrister and Notary PUR Spa male 10|WIDOW, Canadian, middle - aged, 218e 2iBuis) are very happy to announce the ll 0 porconal tor, ete. 13% Simcoe Street North, Dial Oct.6 OSHAWA (Publie, 2% King East, Oshawa, RA |weeks old, $20. Phone "RA '5.0536. 217 {would like housekeeping position for 39_A 1 Bm | {3-469 Oct._11|PGODLE clipping, bathing and board: | Widower. Write Box 938, Times-Gazetie.|39---Agents Wanted arrival of their son, Richard Peter, 7 E dence RA 53542, the Oshawa General Hospital. I 21 --Personal Service snidndilin sent x HAYNES | SOD SUPPLY | FIRST and second mortgages, ing. Cedarview Kennels, RA 5.5062 _ inmrosp annie | ERR extra money To soar Ham : : /2--Radio Repairs CREIGHTON, Fraser, r, Drynan and NE agreements purchased and sold. Hen-| Oct.9 EX STORE owner seeks position in |experience neceswory spare time. Ne 23 W Murdoch, Barristers, Solicitors, No-| BUILDING CONTRACTOR We specialize in good quality |mick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King LXCHSHUND registered male puppy, business firm, experienced in invoices, |Christmas cards to your friends. Large 23 Women's Column tary Public, Bank o Commerce Build Floor old fl | | Street East, RA 3.7232. Sept.9|)) weeks old, beautifully marked, $60. | Stores, inventory, etc. Phone RA 3-4385. variety of Christmas and everyday as- DEAT SXpars, brs sod only. For prompt delivery {RA 3.3017 219 220¢ | sortments, stationery, ribbon, iia 24- -Market Bosket ing, 5 Simcoe Street North, RA 3-3446; d lik Moers | I. K Creighton, QC: C. Fraser, made like new. Hardwood |18a--Mortgages REGISTERED German Shepherd, male CUPBOARDS and counter tops made and noveltie: Free folders showing : : Call RA cards 25 Pets ana Livestock A h B ---------- 26--Farmer's Column bY bo Kk Boan. G. 1 Murdoch or tiling: Carpenter work al DIAL RA 8-8639 WE Tave clients with monies 0 pur- | 4% months old, housebroken, loves chil. |t0_order. Free estimates Domus on as. Generous profits and FLINTOFF -- In the Oshawa Gen. | 07 = ! mortgages arranged. =~ terations, Kitchen cabinets | Oct. 12|chase first and second mortgages and [dren, 614 Dundas E. upstairs Oct.9|3-2338. f | samples. Douglas Gr Write today for eral Hospital on Saturday, September pd pa McGIBBON and Bastedo, Barristers, | our speciality agreements of sale at a discount. Louis | GANARIES, closed mouth Tollers | YOU NG girl, age 18, would like steady pany, S0.R a ing Sard Com- = 20, 1958, Eda Hill, beloved wife of the | «8---Summer Resorts Solicitors. Clients' funds available for| CALL RA 3.7196 QC, 37 King Street East, |(ron imported stock. Singers only. [Position as clerk - typist, receptionist, ei iteet, Toronto, late Robert Flintoff and gear mothe} 28a--Hunting first niorigages. o> wmete eet . Oct.5 SOD, TOPSOIL, MANURE Pci "RA 3.4943 Oct.14 A001. 638 Park Road §. corner of Bloor or teller RA 5.2162 ee 21: 16,18,20,23,25, 27,30. by (Mrs. W. Fenton), arjorie oe orth. RA 5-3566. Charles C. 3 of c . : ' ED. Brows), Ralph and Harold [| 22--Summer Properties For Sale | gc pagar F. Bastedo, Sept. 20 |79--Personal {WY GMC Bridge 20f| SEWING, mending and "Wi 41 Room and Board of Oshawa and sister of Robert Hill of ff =~ 5 "c= JOSEPH P. Mangan, QC, Barrister, i ' | Nursery Stock, Garden Main- | DAC HEWtND stud Service Jui also phone Sor appointment, RA am, ROOM and board, single room. Good Toronto. Resting at the Mcintosh Fu Solicitor. Money to loan. Office, 144 ! FOR SALE tenance, Tractor Grading and | WILL give good day care to one child, (like to buy ah } Kemp. : 0 home cooking. Central. Ten minutes' neral Home, 152 King Street East. Serv-|| 31 --Articles For Rent King Street East, Oshawa. RA 8.8232, [24 years, as company to my girl. RA 1975, SePt28| LADY would like housework by the Walk from Four Corners. Also garage ice in the chapel, Tuesday Septeribel 32--Articles Wanted residence, RA 5-3405, Oct, 1 SANDFILL Roto-Tilling. |3-9838 21% | BOXER puppies, fawns and brindles, [day or by the week. With references. |fr rent. Apply 240 Division Street. 218¢ 23, 1958, at 2 p.m. Interment nion . . 8 em | " . " 10 weeks old gistered, reasonable. |RA _aus 215¢ oy Cemetery 220b 34 Aueren Sas ¥ HUMPHREYS and Boyehyn, Farris. Loaded on your trucks at HARDSAND LANDSCAPING Pong Mig Lomi Bo RA 53545. Call after § "2101 erm -- RAS TINT girl, 'breakfast dusted, 35--Employment Wante icitors; R. IL umphreys ; " y fo Chptio - MILKS -- Suddenly at the Port Perry|l 36--Female Help Wanted Boychyn, BA: W. A. Hillman, Yer) Jronneble prices, For RA 5: 1721 | Free authoritative medical opinion sub. [ENGLISH springer spanie regitered, 36--Female Help Wanted room and board for geniieman Community Hospital on Friday, Sep-|| 35 male Help Wanted B, 6 King Street wes ones --- -- 4 4 . dnt fcellent hunting dog. Also good pel. |yppn™o ira money? $25.00 and more Con ity Hi 5 Frida - 3 { h M. 04; BR ----= | Ltd., Box 88, Station B, Hamilton, Ont. |eady to train. Will sell reasonable for y - fember 19, 1956, Garry Ambrose Milky Office, RA SUTI wed. RA S460; Or pipasE CALL RA 5.9202 Aug.30, $69.60 | quick sale. Bowmanville, MA 3.2410, *[€an ocasily be earned by showing our ROOM and board, near SGM. single abulous ristmas cards and novelty s, continuous hot water tral, in town. RA 88324 a In his 61st year, beloved husband of || 38--Male or Female Help Wanted | whitby, MO 82761. Money to loan : Florence Scafe, and lovi up fades of | 39 Agents Wanted Oct. 1 Oct.20 HOLLAND NURSERY | FIRST and second mortgages. sale 2. iis to triends and neighbors. Our |ileges. RA 5.3710 home pay. 0! { ) P DA) . - SN api" a - Ja3. 7. Costane § Agnes of oreupine, || Lo portunities MANNING F. Swartz, Barrister, Soligi- | agreements purchased and sold. Hen |BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for|huge, full color Christmas catalogue CLEAN, rivate h ¥ Eileen of Po erry ] tor, Notary, Money to loan. Henry AND LANDSCAPING {nick and Hennick. Barristers, 31 King training, talking strain. Apply Mrs. makes it easy to get plenty of orders. | P ome for gentleman Intosh (Winona) of Port Perry, Mrs 4] --Room ond Boord ' i Le D ¢ oh bd | not 1.723 Oct 9 Broad I or lady, seven minutes from bus st Tony Costante (Mona) of Oshawa and || 42 pn d Board Wanted Block, 26% King Street East. RA 3-4697, Street East. RA 3.7232 Broad, 114 Elgin Street East. Sept. 23(No experience necessary. Send no (RA 5.4813 4 y Costs A hawa a -- Room an 0 a # . 5 Ce Write today f | f Garry of South Porcupine; dear son of 4 Residence, Dial 3-4029 Oct. 1 For complete landscapin HAVE you a drinking problem? Write money - Write today for samples of fast Andrew Milks of Englehart, dear broth. | 43--Wanted To Rent LD Blake Lodds, Barrister and and J k de Ao Tor 19%. Times |26--Farmer' ' Column selling items on approval and our free ROOM and board optional, for gent er of Mrs. H.. Prophet of North Bay,|| 44--For Rent DoSaLb 20% iT Street East, Tele service, Siong work, socding, Gazette, Oshawa Sept.28 160 READY to lay pullets. RA 5.9528, | Catalogue. Monarch Greeting Car Jus 1 share, also single room; 77 Gib. lord of Englehart. Mrs. Hayes (Mar h 5 ol Solic! 3% King, Bireet [as BEAUTIFY seeding, garden maintenance, 215 | Company, Dept. 12, 47 East Avenue, |" Streel. RA 8.1776 Jdoyd of ; " 45---Real Estate For Sale phone: Business, RA 5-5501; Residence HYGIENIC supplies (rubber goods). 215 garet), Niagara Falls, N.Y, and Chris e Reo! Estos. Exehdng RA 8.5373 Oct, 1 nursery stock, etc Call R IYGIENIC ual iy wor BB pin ; p Hamilton Oct. 11 IROOM and board, parking included. 108 of Englehart. Mr. Milks is resting at|| 450--Real Estate Exchange A 8-53 YOUR HOME mailed post paid in plai I ve [50 HIGHL Leghorn hens, 50 White-| coro , . William Street East. Phone RA vis the G Funeral Chapel, 390 King|| 46--Real Estate Wanted JOHN A. Cameron, Barrister, Solicitor 5-7442 lopes with price list, 6 samples 25rock hens, one year-old, $1 each I [INSURE your Merry Christmas: Earn a treet West, for service in the chapel and Notary Publi, 18% King Street th Sept.2] cents; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Turner. RA 3.2043, 1664 Simcoe North, |Christmas money selling Avon cosme Buen Monday, September 22, 1958.]] 4/--Automobiles For Sale East, RA 3.2269. NHA and private mort th on a EI (Dept. A-11. Nov Rubber Co. Box 91 220b [tics a few hours a day. Write or phone HELP, keep the Bailiff away! Board 2 p.m. on Monday, Ser er 22 48-~Avutomobiles Wanted East, RA 3-2269. NHA and pri I It Onta Sept. 27 Miss E. Outerbridge, 42 Saranac Bou-|T00m with us, excellent meals, F Boast Interment Union Cemetery gages arranged Oct 2 ASPHALT DRIVE COURTICE SOD AND Jamilton, Ontasie . DEAD farm stock picked up promptly levard, Toronto 19, Ontario. RU 2.7576 |able Sheds 308 Arthur Street, Whitby, z writin oo || 49--Automobile Repairs RALPH 5 Jones. BA 350 Thomas 1H, YANTED -- a parent with a child liv- | Phone collect Bowmanville, MA 3-2679,|petween 8-9 a.m MO 84742 jut PithY: 50--Articles For Sple ; ssociate Ba and Solici | \¢ near Greenwood Avenue that goes Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone Oct. 17 Sept.19,20,23;0ct.7,9,11,27,29.31 2% Greer, Associate Barristers * Call LANDSCAPING SERVICE |i a M: one. Oct.17 p! c 21, Row ara Ey ree or Funeral Flower 4 * A . . / d ten on Centre | . For Funeral 51--Swop and Barter tors, 65 Simcoe Street, RA 5-3525. Mort A-1. field sod, spfoyed and {iS E- A, Lovell kindergarten on Cl 27 --Fuel Wood HOUSEKEEPER (0 look after elderly |RA 5 219 Arrangements See 52 ° gage loans available : KEN ASHM R | c 52--Legal Notices 1 ¥ R -- Indy, with light duties. Write Box 1, a------ ORE fertilized. For free estimates |fare. Call RA 51849. 220¢ | OWSERS Fuel, coal, wood, oil, soft Times-Gazette 220a | ROOMS for Seeman ingle beds, LEWINGTON'S : { : ten pe. FLOWERS CLASSIFIED AD RATES 4--Dentists PAVING CONTRACTOR | Ed Knowlton | slabs $530, hard slabs 87, body hard. |\yANTED experienced hair dresser, So 22 DR. P. RIORDAN, 35 Simcoe South, wood $8, RA 3.2281 lease state experience and qualifica- re PHONE RA 3-9533 25 words or less |i rice hours 8.30-5.30; evening by ap- RA 8-84i2 RA 5-6047 ELECTROLYSIS HARDWOOD cuttings, large truck tions. write Bow 3 Times Gatenc: Dane ROOM and board for gentlemen, sepa. 24 King St. East, Oshawa Cash Charge | pointment. RA 5-3821 _Oct.17 Oct.7 load delivered anywhere, $10. Phone RA (awa : 201 RA ozrp ous hot water, good (2 doors from Karn's Drug 3 CONSECUTIVE DR. G. T. SCIUK. Office hours 9 to 6. a mn ------------ Removal of Superfluous Hair. 5-1526 Sept ept 20) 8100 MONTHLY for wearing lovely| net sore INSERTIONS 1.88 2.07 | Open evenings by appointment. 259 Also several thousand yards M Murdaft will -be_ in dresses given you as bonus. oust show |COMFORTABLE home, with excellent e & CONSECUTIVE Simcoe Street South. Phone RA 5-2223 of BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME \arie Murdu ill 29--Summer Properties North American. Fashion Froeks tojmeals, single. or. double, in: plecrans Oct.2 INSERTIONS 3.00 3.30 Oct:13| TOP S Oshawa Oct. 7 and 8. Phone For Sale or Wanted friends. No canvassing, investment or Shou. Te north Oshawa phone Ra a ER VI PR PS WITH AN slo j experience necessary. North American | 216 it rot paid within 7 dovs- the I'5_Nursing Services OIL Genosha Hotel on these dates | 5G ie -- Fourroom cottage, Drift: Fashion Frocks, Ltd., 3425 Industrial BEST in town, singe beds, ail modern IN MEMORIAM Charge roe will apply, | IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ASPHALT DRIVE for appointment wood Shores, Trent Canal; well, plumb- Boulevard, Dept. A-3660, Montreal. |conveniences close to south GM, Above rates apply only to eri | A or DELIVE y Sept. 10. Oct. 8|ing, large lot. Asking $3500, low down- [ Sept.20,22,24. [RA 5-4229. Apply 536 Lorraine Street ginal grders for consecutive inser. ANDEN NURSING HOME In Whitby, Oshawa, Eowman- Top soil, sod, cement, ond 2p 72 |payment. Call oF wille 8. J New a: a | GIR. required for light housekee Oct.14 tions. Subsequent insertions ordered ville, Ne tl Kk '. i id wv -- GE Broker, Woodville 16R2 f f i1d hil th DEARBORN -- In loving memory of|| of o loter date constitute @ new KING ST. WEST Je, Newcastle ahd Brookiin driveway gravel, sod loid i a A iy, ue -- Coed TE, rooms for gentiemen, Home ® dear brother, Joseph Earl Dearborn, || original order . ), For the Relief of Tension, 30--Lost and Found | Sa eals, home privileges. Close to . A % d Exclusive nursing home for : £ . a - 1 h d canted 3 south GM. RA 3-3993. . Oct.8 who passed away September 20, 1956 Professional and Business listings ALF. LINES HAULAGE Nervous Disorders, Habits, = : {QUALIFIED hair dresser wanted im- What would I give to clasp his hand, || $4.00 per month for 3 lines daily convalescent and elderly peo- . 2 Stammering, Overweight, etc FOUND--lady's watch, San have same mediately Top wages paid to right ROOM and board for g gentlemen, sin- 0 s S \ erwel a d pay : sl Fo. hear hia vols, and see his amile|| E9ch additional line 73¢ per month. ple. (Men ond : Women). PRE-CAST AND PAVING Consult EDWIN HEATH-- Dr Steatt 3 Wooley. y. 21% ean Riverside. 33450. Peter an rus, Symehes That meant so much to me . Each initial letter, abbreviation. Nurses and dieticians in INSTITUTE OF ETHICAL sar ST inarough 219¢| 3.3101 3 oe South actories, ri --Lovingly remembered by his brother|| $ ond c sign, figure count as o ottendance: Tray service, RA 5-1905 > |31--Articles For Rent jon oo ETT a am Allan, sister-in-law Alice, and children, || Word. Box charged 15¢ additional rodio. "TV. lounse CONCRETE HYPNOSIS i | A CAPABLE girl tor #eneral ousewer ROOM and board for gentleman, -- Joseph, Michael, Allan Jr., and Janet All Classified Advertisements 3, TV ge. Reasonable Rates Professional Building IRAILES Shor oot 8 travelling, no Socking, must} . Sond I faye a west p north end, abstainel, Must be in by 9 a.m. the day of PHONE RA 5-2330 SIDEW Oct. 11 304 Dundes Street, Whitby sleeps four. one th Tih ate room, liberal time off. Phone Osh-|-------- SUDGEON -- In loving memory of ication, Office hours: Daily Oct 2 EWALK SLABS ------ PHONE MO 8-4832 awa RA 56311 or Toronto RU 25282. (ROOM and or gentlemen to Jol leary Gudgeon, who passed away H -5. Saturday 8-12. -------------------------------- E i - 219¢c | share, very central, five days per -- COLORED PATIO SLABS Hours: 1 pm. 6.9 pm RENT A FLOOR | iar BSC|SAATR, VARY SO Se on September 20, 1957 0 . 3 | es REGULATIONS-- 6--Optometrists ! J , aft a Ever remembered by wife Florence P UNIT STEPS -- RAILINGS OSHAWA ACME Sat. 10 a.m. to 1 p.m SANDER AND FINISHER AY as an ts ROOM and board for gentleman te and sons Geary, John and Robert The Daily Times-Gazette shall | C., H. TUCK, Optometrist, specializing 4 >. BH. ' ' Te | em eer -------- share ri y SELLOW -- ip } ? not be responsible for errors in in muscle anomalies, evesight and glas CURBING G co Tinian Oct.13 from CAPRAELE oil a worse Vor Fouse- Share' spom single beds. Telephone RA LOW In loving memory of advertisements submitted otherwise | ses. Evenings, Mon., Wed., Frid., 6-8 SEPTIC TANKS HAULA E . ERE keeping position. All modern ec -- ogo - Frigid b in Kellow,|} thon in writing, nor for more than | invalids examined at home. RA 5-6143 " c DO-IT-YOURSELF ences, private room, good home, live | 43_Wanted to Rent who passed away September 21, 1957, one incorrect insertion of any ad- | Disney Bldg., 31 King East. Sept. 26 BAR-B-Q OD--LOAM--FILL LEARN HAIRDRESSING in. Phone Toronto, RUssell 7-3524. 217¢ | One year has gone and still I miss Yertisement, ror beyond he price 3 S S -- e-- Women wanted, greatest op- HARRISON & KINSMAN -- FARM wanted to rer rent in Oshawa area. Jou, » single insertion of e-- urveyors SATISFACTION | { D GRAVEL STONE A I Apply 586 Athol Street East. Phone 3 Never shall your memory fade, the advertisements in which error | A o \ GUARANTEED | SAND-- fe portunity, better pay, plea- 337 Simcoe St. S. RA 3-4425 ader Sought saul ever Hinges a || occurs And also reserves the right | G. T. HORTON and Associates, Ontario sant work, catalogue free. Oct. 13 JEWELLERY SALESGIRL |s:6720. un e grave where you are lai to classify advertising a d t L: S D, 2 | 0 X Ever remembered by ha wie May | 1s con Uomrieanior ran to [Land Sumer rs Premertonins] BROOKLIN DIAL RA 3-3528 | wie Manel Hairdressing | -- 728 Oct. 10 Oct.12| Schools. Branches: Hamilton, Chol Saws. Gos oad Electric Experience preferred, but not for fumiture storage. Vicinity of King ' " : and ary reets. pply ierney ros. LOVELL -- In loving memory of a : ew - " h |F. J. DONEVAN and Asscclates, and CONCRETE a | Ottawa, Canada's National Complete Floor Sanding and necessary. Full time position. Ltd, 80 King Street. East. dear father, Benjamin Thomas Lovell, | ) aN S ; September 20, 195: {Surveying and Engineering, 12 Bloor stem WAS patent away Seplember 2 2 g Y Polishing Equipment and | Apply after 10 a.m BRANCH Manager and family moving to God took him home, it was His will, Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA PRODUCTS SOD, TOPSOIL, MANURE SEPT. 6,20 Materiols (new machines) Burns Credit Jewellers Ltd. [from Don Mills to Oshawa, wish But in our hearts he liveth still CARD OF THANKS 362. @ Oct. 10 i Stock. Geren M | [rent 3-4 bedroom home in good residen- --Sadly missed by daughter Diane DONALD H, Trollope, Ontario Land| Nursery Stock, Garden Main- 191__personal Service Skill Sew; Sonders; Drill; | 32 King W. [tial district. Box 3 Tim elt. 220¢ LOVELL --- In loving memory of Surveyor, 216 Alice Street. RA S501) LIMITED tenance, Tractor Grading and PLAIN sewing or alterations. RA Sqtension Jorden: " Paint | 218c A RELIABLE couple with no children ames L. Lovell, who passed away Sep . 5 nd- 5.0820 17¢ | prayers; -ft ree Pruner; {would like t ent four-, five- Poel 1940. Also Benjamin Thomas, THE family of the late Ca:l Lloyd a PHONE BROOKLIN 155 Roto-Tilling, Herdsand Lond- 5.02 217 Pipe Threading Equipment: [37--Male Help Wanted Palen: saliahes in Oma Pho died suddenly in Whithy Septem George Lue wish lo express' their sin- --Bui ding Trades Oct. 17] 3€opi ORDERS taken for Mary Maxim's ; ri RA 5.4362 218e er 20, 1952 , y sweaters ; relatives, neighbors, Houdaille Indus. ALL . plumbing and heatin RA 5-1721 eB i y ReRing ere 30 nau ws Gog tries, fellow a ind UAWA Th AL. Phone RA 5-3521 8 R 2 Aa, PF Buildin Mat 1 Oct.4 SEWING done at home. Drapes, a spe- Hoist; Post Hole Auger; Blow Scliing exclusive NEN BUA ey may Our God will Tink the broken chain |Kinson, Dr. Todd, Armstrong Funeral |plumbing, heating and engineering. 255 ding Ma eria s ct. 4|cialty. Alterations and plain 23g. Torch; Sump Pump; Lawn- [O00 Ane A Resigns. It's fun, LLOYD REALTY Xs one by 'one we will meet again. Home. all those who loaned: cars, for Simcoe Sireet South. Oct.13 HANCOCK Sand and Gravel Lid, -- i SAA SE [ide Sires. Yates: BA 3.5097. Tay Octa| mowers; Electric Hedge Trim- [Friends buy on sight Write today for DENITAL AGENCY ~Always remembered by the family Deauti al floral tributes, cards of Sym G. T. HORTON and Associates, Co {one mile west of Blackwater on No. 2 AJAX SOD SUPPLY -- ia mers, 'Stan's Sharpening Ser free catalogue, and samples on approv- Fa : Bal 3y 3 Seeds d ness ShOWR|,..rcial White Printing, 70 Harwood ighway). Washed sand and crushed J O vice, corner King and Burk al. Big profits, no experience needed. 0 fe le the NIEUWLAND -- In loving memory of (QUriNg our recent and sudden bereave-|,w i.e couth, Ajax. Phone Ajax 728. |5tone for every building purpose. We : Special plan. for churches, chibs. ur fee is less thon a a dear son and brother, Maarten, who Ment in the loss of a dear husband and Oct. 1o|sPecialize in water classified sand for] Sod delivered and laid, field PIANO AND ORGAN Sts. -- Diol RA 3-3224 a es oT: vacancy, only screened , «ce and family . the laying of brick and blocks. Phone| loading. Loam, sand, fill ond TUNING Sept. 20! 111 Crendenan Avenue, Toronto and reliable tenants, died suddenly as a result of an acci- CEE a reed dent September 20, 1954 EMENT work, driveways, sidewalks, |Sunderland 16 219 Sept.3,6,10,13,17,20.24.27 | |oyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd PAY WOODLYN Beauty Lounge, G cellar floors, steps eneral repairs stone Gradin asphaltin, Four years ha ed dear Maart ge, Grace cellar » steps, i 9 9 RE - UT 'years ove Passed Lear Central Concrete, CONCRETE well tile form, 30° and 36' Vacuuming ond Demothing 32--Articles Wanted YOUNG man, personable, aia 93 SIMCOE ST. N |WANTED -- Medium sized dry ware: REQUIRED house space, possibly 1000 square feet, RA 3-9951 219f Electric Hammer; Chain Pa Et cash! Make $100 easily Vicinity. | | | | | | Since YOu 'Were taken away Anne Wood, would like to thank all|Work guaranteed and excavatin " 0 x |size. Also large mixer and other e 4 9 i i The blow was great. the shock severe, |those who sent flowers and gifts to her RA 35-8314 Sept.23 r equip ambitions (0 learn men's retail trade] eat a for the opening of the - ment. RA 5.9528 WE pay cash for used furniture, appli- | RA 8-51 We little thought the end was near, | °F ('€ OBSO RE OF nS Sodetn ALL types dwelling repairs, roofing, -- ---- ant PHONE AJAX 431 or RA 5 7001 ances, TV, sewing machines, pianos, |Salary commensurate with ability. Ap-| 5123 And only those who have lost can |JEauty lognge Also spe giving such |%14ing, plastering, and repairs. Chim-| RA 5-3422 - stoves. Also sell and exchange. 19/ply Box 940, Times-Gazette. 216¢| Oct.3 me 'pain of parting without farewel). Valuable assistance at this time and to |NeYs i abd repaired. Dial RA $9247 | Sebastian Hokmann Prince Street, RA 8-1131 Sept.17| ENGINEER and ma r required to| 44 For Rent More each day we miss you, Maart, |all Who took part in making her open.| Gordon May. Oct..2| > f 5-8131 fa : __Sept.23| manage Cobourg Memorial Arena, and|" "~~ Ji = Friends may think the wound is DE 2 great success CARPENTER work, framing, frim-| CROWN DIAMOND WANTED -- 12-volt 1950 operate ice plant (one position), for a [BACHELOR apartment, stove, refri healed ei | ming, kitchen cabinets, NHA approved Austin, Apply to Box , Times- |minimum period of six months, com-|erator, TV antenna, parking But they little know the sorrow Alterations and repairs. No jobs too big PAINTS " so |Gazette, stating price and Xxondition mencing October 1, 1958. Applications Women only Phone RA 81913. 21 That lies within our hearts concealed or too small. Work guaranteed LEAVE IT TO PEEVER" | Sept.27 [should include expected salary, and | amit -- 4 We have suffered since we lost you ant t Com 1 t 579 Frere ~ - qualifications and be submitted to rooms, suit "young : P ete 3.357 Sept 7 The Paint with a Future 15 PIANOS wanted, 10 any make or size. |p J McCurdy, 328 Spring Street, Ko couple, close to bus, restaurant, and Climatized Trim Ron's janitor service, Floors ' | pay cash. State make and price. Write bourg, FRanklin 2-9407. 19b (Shopping Centre. RA 3-7580. 220¢ expertly cleaned, woxed, |Box 315 Times Gazette Oct1l/ EARN $100 per Gr ve FOUR - room bungalow, suitable for field. Free training course, age over 21, [S0uPle, outside conveniences on Town polished Walls washed. married with own car. Write Box 948, Line North. $50 monthly. RA 5.8597. Offices, Homes and Factories. SHAW 219 In our hearts your memory lingers, | Sweetly tender, fond and true B I 101 1 and fireplaces, and all minor repairs Must be moved by | Blister-proof By ener, ond am earl, Y mperia 1 Call for free estimates. RA 8-1435 Mond | Stuccote We do not think of you Oct.3 onday Foor and Porch --Sadly and always missed by Mom GARNIA (CP) -- PLUMBING and heating pipes, fittings, | and Dad, Ria and Keith NIA (CP) Imperial Oil a ng pipe REAL CHEAP Decoratone for Life has never been the same emi BUILDING and repairing "chimneys | NICE 'bright, wa warm room, furnished, septic tanks to sewer a specialty PARKER -- In loving memory of our $28 000,000 petro-chemical ant Me, dear father, Thomas, who passed away EN be J pl Installations at reasonable rates. "nfor-| BRING TRUCKS : here, capable of producing an! mation and estimates free on any type Jake Shaw will pay head office and plant, MO 84891; Ajax [ROOM for or_ gentleman, close to September 20, 1954 ¥ What we would give if we could say 'almost endless' list of petro- of plumbing. Dial RA 5.4241, J. Foley. | Rear Woolworth Store, Bond C p S ith C T NIN 1577 Sept.30 sy north plant. Reasonable. Call RA Hello, Dad, in the same old way chemicals and more ethylene Sept24 West and Simcoe St. North 00 er mi 0. PERSONALIZED RAINING you more for your scrap LE man with dairy farm experi. |5.1072 2201 '0 hear your voice, see your smile an B op li o BRICK laying, block laying, eneral | Slenderizing, Reducing ond nt Thee % 3 hat than all other Canadian ethylene ¥ i % 1 | 9 9 ce. non-smoker preferred. Pickering| APARTMENT, unfurnished, living, bed- To sit with you and chat awhile plants combined " sement work. A J. Groen, Bowman) TEPERMAN & SONS | 8 Se 35 a General body culture iron, tin, copper, brass, (5 215¢ room, kitchen, three - piece bath, pric Chern im cae eo President J. R. White] OSE... X LIMITED x sept. 20 JANE BLACK STUDIO | lead, aluminum, etc Tp plied. RA S708 oo eT or vou'll never know ear lent J | M CE vac ne se Till you see his vacant chair announced the completion before PLASTERI NG 2200 | mm eee eee | OPEN 9 am, to 10 pm, | 89 BLOOR ST. EAST SEWING ACHINE [APARTMENT - -- four rooms and bath. Sadly missed by daughters, son, and GICHICEG to, COMPIEUON Before AIRS mn 14--Household Repairs 45) SIMCIE'S. RA 5.9602 | SALESMAN [Private entrance, "children welcome. families fe Solely 3 Stevia bas NEW AND REP |10--Sharpening Service FORNTIORE Tepsiiol Sad reuioliies. for appointment | RA 5.2311 | ACHINES IE ee" Phone Bowmanville MA ER -- In loving memory of my roti Cana t i Stucc ' your lawnmower sharpened now, ed. See our materials for recovering ep " . oe wrTR PARKER In | : f mY meeting in Canada for the first > lucco, sidewalks, foundo- |maAvE ! Sept. 21 | ELNA SEWING Mm | THREE - foom self - cor apart: dear husband, Thomas Alfred r An 4 tions plastered, waterproof- saws, scissors, knives, etc. Percy Neil, | Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles Street. RA | REQUIRE AN {ment Apply 157 Centr po who passed away September 20, 195 ime wo 102 Highland. RA 8-8363 Oct. 16|3.7212 Oct.11 { Open Saturdays EXPERIENCED MAN { Ply re Street, 67 om Though his smile is gone forever and TTR TET TAILORING "en. his hand 1 cannot touch ------------------------------------------ |CALL Joe, RA 58018 for carpentry, Also Autd Wrecking | THREE room apart t . Si Ee J cannot touch, orien. of WOOD' S PLASTERING Lownmowars.! Opportunity for advancement |, 0 an apartment pHa = the husband 1 loved so much. RA 8-1311 1 painting and handyman Oct.9 " | ! Lawnmowers ing a Own materials made up. Oc to store manager. Must start ' [soft water. North of Columbus Phone His memory Is my keepsake with 12) tr Lawnmowers! Sharpening and on which I'll never part Oct4| Repairing. Quick service and | mraneq. turoer haired. Kas Unings wo. Invisible weaving | er Er stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti- : SC R A P commission. Special car al- | THREE- roomed ed apart. Aug 31 Call Colonial Homes, RA 8-8571. Whitby [Phone RA 3-453 | | Gazette ee L te wy | fixtures, new and used, changing from - lent imited has completed its new Interior-Exterior Phone RA 8-8676. RAG AND METAL FAIA nd ea Stor, exselion Nr privlges 5 Ss, arated, 220b YOUR local chimney cleaner, chim. Alterations of all kinds | immediately Salary plus | Brooklin 625R3. God has him in His keeping, 1 have ---------------- - a Guaranteed job Pick-up mates RA 3.2097. Oct.5 Dress Alterations lowance. No canvassing. 5 |ment, heated, private bath, basement him / heart 1 gadly Biri pe lovingly remember For Road Work ANDREW BUTLER ond Delivery CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, recovered| 10 Prince St. (near Bus Station) jane Javn privileges, $50 monthly. "an 8 by hia wife Amy BUILDING CONTRACTORS STAN'S SHARPENING afe 'ensonabie." Satistnetion guaran: RA 8-5311 ory of a mn g . c k, ck Sto > a i y Ip- | pl SMERY -- In loving memory of a TORONTO (CP)--The Ontario Brickwork, Block & Stonework, SERVICE--Cor. King & Burk teed. Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Up LEN PULLAN | Row furs, live poultry, fea- : himneys, ol "39 holstering Co., 10 Bond Street West passed away September 21, 1 highways department Friday let c fess, Firoplocss, RA 3.3224 he ) scrop iron and metal. hid ct He was only a little white rosebud four contracts worth more than Dist PA sa Sun {English Yoilon) er A sweet little flower from birth; $600,000 for Highway 17, part of General Repairs, Alterations, - -- | 15--Instruction T.T.S. Sept. 9 I. TURNER OSHAWA | THREE room a STR Traits go od GE a Ets wie Sotisfoction Guaranteed |11--Business Opportunities| 1 >-- visi, T--Radio & TV Repais 216 children. RA 13715 ian --Lovingly remembered by Mom, Dad > . y Free Estimates VARIETY STORE FOR SALE. MO| mre aba timed din Repo) . |THREE unfurnished rooms, all conven FEV Tem The projects are: $220,914 for | RA 5.0547 . 89023, Whitby PSE ae een RA 5.0125, |CORONET TV owners, for factory RA 3-2043 |38--Male or Female ape bath. Suit bridge and approaches and $112,-| - trained technicians, call RA 8-5286. s Oct.9 | BUSINESS and buildi Cet, 2)iran eo hin . see. tiled an uilding or business Guaranteed jjob. TTS till Oct. 9 (collect) Help Wanted .__|TWO-room apartment, fully furnished, STEVENS -- In loving memory of 140 for steel: for the bridge of ---- only for sale ---- s -- ------ L Apply 101 a, ae e® pgfpo - he em------------ my dear husband, Frank Stevens. who ihe Montieal road east of Of. PPI 101 Ritson Re, N. LEN'S and Lou's Aniennae, repairs. | TOMATO pickers wanted." RA 39083 [private entrance. Apply 9 Centre street. passed away September 31, '1958 tawa: $188.875 SPECIAL | AINTING Complete Rotor antenna, $75. Phone Oct.12 le 220 Treasured thoughts of one so dear tawa; $188,875 for close to 11 STORE for rent in Ajax new Shopping OIL P RA Tots or MA 3.0012 Oct.5 : FIVE roo eair Often bring a silent tear, miles of granular base west from Good T Soil Plaza with or without ladies' wear fix- - : 31--Articles For Rent |31--Ar ticles For Rent Foom, self - contained apartment, Thoughts return to scenes long past wr: ; 00 op 20I tures and models. Phone Ajax 125 CLASS ground floor, Sivicos Sirest North. W. Years roll on but memories last | White Lake Narrows in the White $1.50 'ver vord jax 1254. 217f - McAuley, Realtor, RA 3-2512, 219¢ --Lovingly remembered by wife Annie. [River district, and $99.132 for G -- 12D ki T Octob | APA; ~ond ree : : 2 i Sravel V4, stone | ressmaking o Open in October 1 TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT -- RENTAL SERVICE Ti, floor, tes Targe - |rooms and bath, central, private en. | trance and verandah, oil heated. RA two structures and approaches| gi RAS STEVENS -- In loving memory of a yp - f ill, also tractor and loader | DRESSMARING and alterati RA | BE Eee RT, Ja Tek work ; "os Sig Service is our business only. | WEBBING'S HARDWARE DRIVE - IN [3% 21% Stevens, who d away September [near Rossport the F Wil-| i | ST -- TEACH SR ! r bus ) . - . sn abi Frinl, Wo based avay September JOB! Dosspa on the Fort Wil RA 5-2156 pa tailor for gents' and ladies' ART! EACHER 2 . City and Country |THREE - rooms, modern apartment, True was his heart, his actions kind, | ! wear, made-to.measure, alterations of M KIRKPATRICK Ample Free Parking |private entrance, heat and hot water His life a pattern for those left benind| Other contracts: $92,960 for dept any kind. 31 King East, Apartment 3 a RA 8-5286 282 King Street West Ph RA 3-4873 [supplied. Garage if desired. Apply 157 His presence we miss structural steel bridge the _ --- -- |RA 835 218 Call RA 5-3138 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS 9 one A 3- | Banting Avenue 215¢ al After 7 P.M RENTALS INCLUDE SOME OF THE FOLLOWING DASEMENT apartment, two rooms and His memory we treasure fe Se ms am---- ave Thames River near Delaware o 13--G d &S Loving him alwa aware on ardenin upplies { : br y i ) 7 ART STEVENS ng pp Oct. 11 Sept.28| Cement Power Trowel, Motor Chair Sow, Eelectric Hedge Trim- fran SPpy He SYivia Street. 21% Forgetting him never Highway $82 f tructur ot -- Sons Fred and Frank, daughters-in- |and ootonthes. iB Sucre] tr "| mer, Centrifugal Water P Fl Sand C M |CLEAN, warm bright rooms, one sin- law Margaret and Helen. grandchildren |p. Prog ) use EXCAVATION HI ¢ me t sg' Pili ie ater Fump, Floor Sanders, (Cement Mixer, |gle room. RA 5.04228 219¢ rarest and R er in Norwood on 'Highway LLSIDE Music Studio LH nstruments Call BARON Belt Sander Enquire about our other rentals |APARTME NT at 335 Mary Street, up- 4 $35,475 for steel to bridge the! iano Tuning ior uarenteed A a ¢ c | stairs tab) b VAN NEST -- In loving memor A 4 Vv Rix Ba Basements dug trenchin ' p DI ) guarantee service on WE ALSO STOCK . i suitable for business couple or dear wife and mother. Jane Van Ne Medway ' River near Lobo on| . 4 eptic tonks insta i Nn ALTO MUSIC SUPPLIES T.V., Radios and Washers. Ropes... Chains . Pin i Eine . | & ni a 34369 2a who passed away September 2 1 Highwa 950 fo three rveekiing tile fo " Bt SREEN LVET SOC ipply New ond Used Pianos 24. Har : pes, C Pipes and Fitting Houseware: Electric Ap- THREE rooms, ground floor, unfurnish- n the heart lies a picture mile surfacing on highway ping ale. Fhone and laid NURSE TOCK Full Selection of all Instruments " uy vice pliances, B-H Paints (interior and exterior). Complete line of ed. Private bathroom. Apply 356 Rife mon irre nil eo 0 ay | BROOKLIN 173W Eve ir garden New and Used Phone RA 3-2263 Tradesmen's Tools as well as electric wiring supplies for con- |3°n Road South 219%, Bacanse she was on to pave a Highway 40: & g tractors end home builders. TWO unfurnished rooms and balcony wbiusbALd 20d family, toe bas change at Belleville, wo ne 73 PHONE RA 3-9020 | 477 Simcow Street South After Hours Coll RA $-0624 | {Heat, lights and water supplied. Rea. : Oct. 16 Oet.d Aua.30/ Oct 61 9277777 | ena e rent. ADPlY 29 Court Street at genuine leads per day. For | | | confidential interview-- tn ment, $70 per month. MO 8-357, Whitby. 220¢ MR. R. --- 7 NOR, XS sabre, Way, R. VAN RA 5-2591 ONE furnished room, gentlemen orfly, RA 3-2853 2208 ELNA SEWING CENTRE, $4.50 per week

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