Justice For People In Need ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON s, is 5 socio THE GOLDEN TEXT |THE BAIY TIMES GAEETTY, eure, Spor 30, 1950 13 Scripture~Deuteronomy 15:7-11; 24:19-21; Isaiah 58:4:12; Matthew 9:35-36; Luke 4:14-22; Hebrews 13:13; 1 John 3:11-24 ., Sika nt she. vrai JP ORCHESTRA REHEARSAL | y ' dn" v- 1 q i y i ag ES He 3 281 The second rehearsal of the| LUTHERAN 0 S\N Foy a : ; A. | Oshawa Symphony Orchestra will 3 be held at the Ukrainian Dnipro Hall at 681 Edith street, one block CHU RCH | least of Simcoe street on Bloor street, Sunday at 1 p.m. Mem- 150 Albert St. bers and interested parties are Pastor: askedtoattend. ~~ ~~ | .n A KARTECHNER Canadian department stores N |sales in the first six months of 8:30 AM 1958 gained 3.8% over the same 11:00 AM, period of 1957. | SERVICES i | 10.00 AM. » 4 | ¥, ed " ! § | "4 , 53 ; b. é ; WY llc iT Se A : St) AY. / 8 \ The SUNDAY SCHOOL To win the Lord's blessing is not to Jesus came to Nazareth, where He The apostle Paul wrote to the He- John reminds us to love one anoiier. brother, for if we hate our brothers EW 12:46-50) 10: clothes.--Isaiah 58:7, were amazed. --Luke 4:16-22. suffer adversity."'--Hebrews 13:2, 3. MEMORY VERSE -- Matthew 20:28 cow literature. iil gh 14 . . = . minister."'--Matthew 20:28. > Delivering the Message CHRISTAnELHAN | WESTHOUNT y f Bonar Avenue Presbyter- in ¢ Minister: Rev. Wm. A. Gibb By NEWMAN CAMPBELL |tian in spirit: |Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell sang a following experience from his one of the first things I did was|whi:h had held her dying boy. profess to be one by believing in|bonds, as bound with them; and joint service of the Sunday or house in a poorer section of the| careless and failed to deliver the C. MORGAN - PASTOR Rev. N. T. Holmes, B.A, B.D. "THE LAMB OF GOD" this great lesson, of tenderness --Hebrews 13:1-3. |observed. Kenneth Heron will be gunfire had ceased and the and inquired in a gruff voice. Dt Dr. Dodd made the ur. To MS urdey School a Ne rer S45 AM | | King Jeo ¥ J __- 1 i \ 10:00 AM. e Ps us to ; =a 1 Christadelphians nS DAM fast, but "to deal they bread to the had grown up. In the synagogue the brews in his epistle to them: "Be not Let us not be like Cain, who killed his : 0 : (CHRIST'S BRETHREN -- SEE hungry" and to "bring the poor that book of Isaiah was given Him, and forgetful to entertain strangers; for i 3 Kk fter Truth 00 A.M. are cast out to thy house," and to He read from it, then preached. Those thereby some have entertained angels we may be murderers in our hearts. 3 3 d 5 2 : Invite seekers after ru Lutheran Hour: CFRB clothe them when they are In need of who had known Him from childhood unawares. Remember them . . which ~~ --1 John 3:11:15. FY A ¥ we Ro to apply for Free Bible | "THIS 1S THE LIFE" SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON "The Son of Man came not to be ministered unto, but to | NO DBLIGATION . ed me in. She forge' to ask me| The Canadian gross external ECCLESIA Compassion For Others | com er» xe Vitaly Important Task [tis stim oom se nimen] pono 0 | UNITED CHIESR p ASHBURN -- Rev. XT. | Y Pp SO cation sae?' 1 said, 'He 00" Oshawa, Ontario On Floyd et Gibbon St. . . I . {jan Church, Toronto conducted By R. BARCLAY WARREN his strength was spent and he|asked me to tell you that he died| ill W in God Bl the church service at BUMS pb. ¢ podd, a her from|Went to meet his Maker. facing the enemy and with his ; | Organist: Mrs. Willard Cook, S essing Church Sunday, September 14 he Re o "When the war was over and|faith in Jesus Christ.' BYNG AVE. | ARCT. at 11:30 am. During the service|lhe southern states, rea ® we sailed into New York harbor| She wept. She kissed my hands PENTECOSTAL HARMONY This lesson teaches us how to| "Let brotherly love continue duet. 1g life: (1 give it as told by one wholto go to Brooklyn to the address|ghe was so thankful for the mes- | CHURCH | UNITED CHURCH 11:00 AM. act as a Christian as weli as to. . . Remember them that are in Sunday, September 21 & Specialiy pq him ) given on the card. It w*: a small| sage. How terrible if I had been| MORNING WORSHIP Jesus Christ and God our Father, them which suffer adversity, as school and church will be held at : was a stretcher-bearer in city. I knocked at the door. Al; ~ssage! DIAL RA 5-1318 Minister ( during the Service) The younger classes can learn being ourselves also in the body." 11 a.m., when Rally Day will be World War I. One day after the =" "oo nq §¢ a few inches 1 ~ssage! hail Ross Meralt.. ARC, Nursery during 5 %, Then Dr. Dodd made the ap-| f . . the junior|Smoke cleared I came upon aj. r ; : H and compassion for others by the, Be so sorry for people in trou- the guest speaker and the Junior) vouth of eighteen with big brown|.) hat do you want?' 1 replied, Calvary. His side was pierced. CHURCH SCHOO! examples set by their parents. If ble that you try to ourself choir will render special music. |) i ; / y ; ; they are kind, re and lov-|in their piace with So Joma Lg evening, September 14 €ves whose side had been struck 1 ave 4 Message for you He had given His disciples a 11 A.M.--Morning 10:00 A.M.--Sunday School Junior to Senior ing to all--rich or poor -- it island tenderness foward them. the YPS held its regular weekly| VY shrapnel. He couldn t recover She was about to close the message to pass on to men. How Worship 11:00 A.M.--Kindergarten 2:00 P OL more than likely that the children This, T admit, is more easily done meeting in the basement of the Feebly he whispered, ""Water.--|door thinking I was a salesman tragic if we fall to deliver the| Closs CHURCH SCH will emulate them. if you, too, have suffered ad-|church. water." I hadn't any in my can-|when 1 urgently exclaimed, 'Ils: ving message that Christ Jesus ALL 11:00 A.M.--Morning Wor- Nursery to Primary Not fastings nor spreading versity or deep sorrow, but it is Grant Parrott conducted a song rch I removed the canteens have a message from your son.'|has come into the world to save ARE WELCOME shi 3 sity : i Shigtos hy : I p f ~ Church service after which Margaret | from two of the dead who lay|fhe opened the door a little wid-|sinners, We must go into the CERRY Wee SE TO. ALL Your Community MEMORY VERSE ; : ~~ |near by and gave the lad a'er and said sadly, 'I have nojhomes and deliver the message. Gilpin conducted the worship| in "5 "royived him a little. son. He was killed in France. 2 | Then he took from his pocket a|The only message I received was minister." Matthew 20 The president, Hugh Knight 0C-| card and said, "I can't live. But|from the State department say- p ---- cupied the chair and extended | when you go home go to my mo-|ing, "We regret to inform you I HE BAHA 1 WORLD FAI H sackcloth and ashes under a man possible for all of us to strive elcome to the Salvation Army| r at this address and tell her that your son was killed in i NITED CHURCH in token of humility wil please for this spirit. How much our band of Whitby which took Hy I died facing the enemy and|France." 'But,' I said, 'I was] I NORTHMINSTER U the Lord, said the prophet Isaiah. troubled world of today needs this the service led by Lieut. Zwie er. | with my faith in Jesus Christ." |with him when he died. He gave The Baha'i Faith provides the These are acts to impress others! spirit of love and helpfulness. Mrs. Zwicker sang a 80lo, andiy oy the card safely away. Then me this card.' At that she open-| : SIMCOE STREET NORTH AT ROSSLAND ROAD i y the band played a number of se-\1 1a1d the lad i a int wh | necessary agencies for the esta- of your. piety. The Apostle John repeats the ; eld the lad in my arms tilled wide the door and fairly pull-| : MINISTER -- REV. H. A. MELLOW, B.A. "is not this the fast that I have meccage of love for one another, 5 io blishment and safeguarding of ORGANIST MR. J. R. ROBERTSON chosen? to loose the bands of which we preach but do not al- Peggy Graham of Toronto and | a permanent and universal -- « 4 R wickedness, to undo the heavy ways practice. "This is th "Joe Andrassy of Hamilton, were burdens, and to let the oppressed sage that ye heard Folly le mas weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ---- peace, 11:00 A.M.--"OUR LORD'S PRAYER" go free, and that ye break every ginning, that we should love one Ed8ar Heron : Botner Information Writeins SHO EON AM ond 100 AM yoke! t to. desl thy bread i another. Not as Cain, who was of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Ashion FIRST CHURCH -- 64 COLBORNE ST. EAST of Further Irviormeic : su NL SARs SEPTEMBER ky ¥ "Is it not to deal thy bread to that wicked one, and slew his and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Ashton APT ry EE L i the hungry, and that thou Brig brother. And wherefore slew he attended the surprise party held SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 9:30 AM. OSHAWA BAHA'I COMMUNITY 9.50 P.M.--"FRIENDLY CHAT OVER CKLB" the poor that are cast out to thy him? Because his own works at the home of Mr. and Mrs SUNDAY SERVICE 11 AM. -- " house? when thou seest the naked were evil, and his brother's ity Walter Rogers of Epsom in honor SUBJECT: Secretary: 293 Glenview Ave. -- Phone RA 3.3281 REV, NAT. HOLMES that thou cover him?" -- Isaiah gous, , . . Whosoever hateth his of their 40th wedding anniver- 11 M A T T . 11 58:6-7. brother is a murderer in his! sary. . R SOME WORSE OFF heart." --1I John 3:11.15. -- Nednesd 8:00 o'cl 5 Shilaren in both day school and, "Whoso hath this worid's MAIL ROBBERY i hhbrcsbiiid an Br BA cl hin Pelugn ' unday school classes may see goods, and seeth his brother have LONDON, Ont. (CP)--Working : DING IM v RCH | Ee i h h classmates who are not as well need, and shutteth up his .. com- with clock-like precision, two READ! QC ROOM Sus IN CHUSCH EDIFICE: KING ST. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH St. Andrew S United C urc dressed as they are, do not have passion from him, how dwelleth youths boarded a Royal Mail Tuesds ond Thursda pa 00 pin. & P 230 as good food, maybe not as happy | the love of God in him? My little truck at Carfrae Crescent and y E ereday pod Sm 0 4:30 p.m. FORMERLY KNOWN AS COLLEGE MILL PENTECOSTAL CHURCH MINISTER: REV. GEORGE TELFORD, M.A., D.D. homes. The teachers of both these children, let us not love in word, Grand Avenue Thursday night hind REV. J. M. MacKNIGHT -- Pastor i Organist and Choirmaster: MR. KELVIN JAMES, A.T.CM. schools can, by words and deeds, neither in tongue; but in deed and drove off as the driver stood | impress upon these youngstersiand in truth."--I John 3:17-18, helpless at the curb. ! i i that fey Shouia sol only be kind This is a lesson for all of us,, About 10 minutes Intel Be 10:00 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M.--The Celestial City and friendly these poorer ones, young or old. Let us take it to/truck was found abandone .. a0 . . . Y CKL but teach them to love ali God's heart. Dr. Wilbur M, Smith sug- Three bags of registered mail The Christian and Missiona Alliance 11:00 AM.--MORNING WORSHIP IN | RY A 5 Sx children, no matter what their gests that the older classes dis- were missing. Driver Frank Van ry MASONIC TEMPLE 10:00 AM --Senior Intermediate and yace or condition in life. Thus cuss how we influence people and Sickle said he was picking mail Richmond E. between Cadillac N. and Central Park Blvd i : _ i they will obey God's laws and the|how they infiuence us. 'We can/from the letterbox when the : fy * Ig. rare vd, EVENING SERVICE CANCELLED Junior Classes example of our Lord Jesus Christ. develop in our hearts a spirit of truck drove off. Ciomioisrr So REY: WM. , NEWELL PiAsiSH 11:00 Nursery, Primary and Junior e tells us lesus' return aloofness and pride, or one of I 1 | - | : Me==INUIS to his home town of Nazareth, pi ob po ih -- mmm MR. THOMAS FARMER COOPERATING WiTH I an % 5 Galilee, where He grew up. Hel others. It is possible for the ex-| WORLD CONFERENCE OF Classes. went into the synagogue, and the periences of life to embitter man, 10 AM. -- RALLY DAY AT FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL PENTECOSTAL CHURCH book of Esaias was handed to|but a Christian will only allow 11 AM. -- MORNING WORSHIP Him. From it He read: "The/these experiences to chasten GIBBON STREET G WORS SERVICE spirit of the Lord is upon Me, him," he writes. BAPTIST 7 P.M. "TO INHERIT THE THRONE OF GOD" 2:30 P.M.--GRANDSTAND because He hath anointed Me to THE CHOIR. WILL MINISTER 7:45 P.M.--COLISEUM -- EXHIBITION GROUNDS Albert Street United Church preach the gospel to the poor;| NEW CENTRE i Pastor: PREACHING CHRIST IN OSHAWA'S EAST SIDE EVERYONE IS WELCOME REV. S. C. H. ATKINSON, Minister He hath sent Me to heal the TORONTO. (CPiTie. Ola brokenhearted, to preach deliver] 1 1 )--The Ontario G. E. Mitchell ance to the captives, and recover. Society for Crippled Children Rev. A. G. E. Mitche . ing of sight ape the blind, to set plans = bolle 5 34.08.48 centre MRS, BRUCE SEARLE, Organist and Choir-leader at liberty them that are bruised,|on a l0-acre site here, it was an- to ines 3 the acceptabie year of nounced Thursday. John David 9:45 AM. 11:00 A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP the Lord." --Luke 4:18,19. Eaton of T. Eaton Company Lim- BIBLE SCHOOL T A Sermon: 'FORECAST: BRIGHT TOMORROW" Then He preached to people He ited Toronto, has been named ALVATION ARMY SIMCOE STREET Sacrament of Baptism at this Service had known from His youth, and chairman of the drive for funds 11:00 AM. all "wondered at the gracious/which will be launched in Janu- "A GREAT HERO" SIMCOE AND OAK STREETS PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 7:00 P.M.--THE SUNDAY EVENING HOUR words which proceeded out of His ary. MAJOR AND MRS. MARSLAND RANKIN : BROADCAST CKLB ES MY SOUL" mouth," and said to one another,| Plans call for a one - storey 7:00 P.M REV. R. A. BOMBAY, PASTOR Subject: "HE RESTORES M U "Is not this Joseph's son?" --Luke building to house swimming and | #THE IN AND OUT 9:45 A.M.--Primary through Senior S.5, 4:22. hydrotherapy pools, a physio- " SUNDAY, 11:00 A 5 | : > ; . They could not believe it was therapy department and an oc- RELIGION ' 0 M. and 7:00 P.M| 11:00 A.M.--Nursery, Beginners and Kindergarten indeed the son of the humble car-|cupational therapy wing. Children | october Sth - Anniversary EVANGELISTIC MEETING REV. PATRICK RYAN penter who was speaking to|will be able to continue their : them. |studies in permanently staffed | VISITORS CORDIALLY Music by Citadel Band and Songsters Native Pastor from Port of Spain, Trinidad and WEL St. Paul writes to the Hebrews, | classrooms. In addition there will ELCOME 2 P.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASSES REV. F. MEYER Missionary, TW. I showing us of this generation, be motel accommodation for par- tnly, 2:00 Sms os rg Homie tags ' yr LW. SIMCOE STREET UNITED CH URCH also, the way to be really Chris- ents J Ved 8 Pm. -- Prayer and Prose Meetings at 11 AM. SUNDAY CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP ENRICHES EVERY. LIFE -- VISITORS WELCOME The Church in the heart of the city with the World on its heart. 7:00 P.M~CALVIN MORGAN | REV. JON, K. MOFFAT. BA THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA | Ee em KNOX ST. PAUL'S GOSPEL HALL THURSDAY AT 7:45 P.M. 11:00 AM. "THE QUEST FOR CHRIST" The Minister Will Preach Sacrament of Infant Baptism Simcoe St. N. at Brock St. WILSON AND ROGERS | Preach ° Mr. Frank Walter: Organist and Choir Direct | The Junior Mission Band Will Meet, The Rev, Robert B.-Miltoy, MA. Minister * Interin mh acmcors mov, Oo a MCKILLICAN, BA, B.D. 40 NASSAU ST. REV. DONALD GEE SUNDAY SCHOOL Mr. David Jenkins, Musical Director Dial 19, Markham, Ontario "The Son of Man came not to be ministered unto, but to service. 2 Pastor, Author and Editor, London, England 9:45 A.M.--Junior, Intermediate and Young People . SUNDAY || ONE of the Pioneer Ministers of the Pentecostol M t 11:00 AM.--Infants in the Hall. 11:00 AM. 10:00 AM. [ ecesto oVemen 11:00 A.M.--Nursery, Kindergarten, Primary. ' > JUNIOR BIBLE CLASS 10:30 A M.--"REMEMBERING THE LORD" "PENTECOST, an EXPERIENCE" YOU IN THE SPOTLIGHT 12:15 P.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASS NOT RELY A DOCTRINE" 11:00 AM, 7:00 P.M.--GOSPEL SERVICE 7.00 P.M. WORSHIP MORNING WORS Wed, 7345 pm, ~= Bible Study and Erovar Mesting THE PUBLIC IS INVITED "Shall We Do Without REV. JOHN R. WALDIE, M.A., B.D. A VERY CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL IBN T1110) Street United Ghurel Religion? FROM LONDON, ONTARIO | ~ : re ae 2:15PM, REV. MERVIN A. BURY, M.A, B.D, Minist THE MINISTER Yi SRealn AT BOTH CHURCH SCHOOL - ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Mr. Rhyddid Williams, Choir Director and i A i FIRST BADTIST CHURCH SUNDAY SERVICES Youth Department Nursery and Chueh School (CONVENTION OF ONTARIO AND QUEBEC) 11:00 ry Is SWHY SHOULD | CARE" 2 om, 212 HORTOP STREET ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH : Te Guest Speaker: REV. 5 W. SMALLEY, Rev. N. Frank Swackhammer, B.A., Minister Centre and Bagot Streets representing the Ontario Temperance Federation Mrs. M. Joyce, Director of Music Read: Genesis 4: 8-1 Rev. Clinton D. Cross, B.A, L.Th. RA 5-2386 : 4 A Friendly Church where the stranger is welcome always. -- a ---- hi Solo: "'Prayer Perfect" (Speaks) BIBLE SCHOOL DAY IN THE CHURCH 9:30 A.M.--HOLY COMMUNION Miss Dione Mollon g lv r K i h U rch : 245 AM RALLY Dav 11:00 A.M. --MORNING PRAYER -- REV. P. E. TRANT Anthem. "Great Is The Lord" (Darnton) : : .--MORNING WORSHIP 7:00 P.M.--EVENING PRAYER -- THE RECTOR NO EVENING SERVICE onducte y Bible School . ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE FRIENDLY FAMILY CHURCH 7:00 PM. --"A CHILD IN THE MIDST" CORNER OF CENTRE AND JOHN i fo A Parable of Pure Groce CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH AFFILIATED WITH THE FELLOWSHIP OF EVANGELICAL BAPTIST COME LET US WORSHIP TOGETHER Mary and Hilcroft Streets Rector; The Ven, H. D. Cleverdon -- Phone 5-5795 istic 1 | | "essa Aas || CENTRE ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Warren G. Dickson, B.A,, Minister 9.45 A.M.- BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES 17 EREST. DIALRASIZZ REV.R.E DARGAN, Poser | HOLY TRINFIV.CHLRCH = Mr. RK. Kelinglon, Organist and Chair Master ALSO NURSERY ACCOMMODATION on ; RECTOR -- THE REV. E. A.. IRWIN, LS.1. ? 2 : [ 8:00 AM. -- 11:00 AM. -- 7:00 P.M. 10:00 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL > + [ -- -------------------------- x 11:00 A.M. R v Wi | | | R | Te atc | 11:00 A.M.-DEDICATION SUNDAY and eS . ad m d e - : : WILSON RD. SOUTH & HOSKIN AVE. Qui ney Sheiriolt ond pulpit plstiom ond many vor: ' erful emorial Gifts will be dedicated to the Glory Of Stouffv WwW \issi0 Travelle iy 10 A.M. ND CHOOL FOR' ALL AGES Incumbent: The Rev. R. A. Sharp -- RA 5.7064 of God 7:00 P.M- Of Stoutiville, World Wide Missionary Travelier 8.00 AM. -- 11:00 AM. -- 7:00 P.M. SPECIAL SPEAKER: Rev. F. J. Whiteley, Picton, Ont., . preaching at Both Services : 1 1 A M MORNING WORSHIP a former Minister. ; = . b AVA. PASTOR SUBJECT. (FORGIVENES @ CHOIR UNDER DIRECTION OF MISS RUTH SKINNER, AR.T.C DE or N ST. MARK'S CHURCH SPECIAL MUSIC by the choir e JOIN US IN SINGING THE GRAND OLD HYMNS 7 P.M. sguoieing © STEVENSON RD. NORTH ON BEURLING AVE. 2:30 P.M.-DIVINE WORSHIP | OPEN HOUSE THE REV. J N. LOTHIAN, S.Th At 1347 Cedor St. for all interested in the Lakeview "ALWAYS A WELCOME AT CALVARY a Peta NE lh Cen a 476 Beurling Ave. -- Priest in Charge Gardens and Hillside Heights districts friend the arsonage 2° ege Ave. This 3 7-9 pn 8:00 AM -- 11:00 AM. -- 7.00 P.M A Friendly Welcome Awaits You At All Services cr hansen ees easement ee re et ----------------------" et