Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 20 Sep 1958, p. 12

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Vv 12 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Soturdey, September 20, 1958 TIMES-GAZETTE HOME OF THE WEEK DINING LIVING 23-6"x 13-4" BEDROOM KITCHEN 460 \548 HOME DESIGN NO. 460 Among the man features in this home SQ.FT: to easy large street service dinir a er C ut them gether and have gredients for There clothes 5 of cor are pl a wrap closet and two wets. Brick veneer cons keeps maintenance costs at a minimum. Standard Builders blueprints costing 75 set NOOK, 8 T1068" K obtained For | Gazette Home 10-0"% 134" 41 int BEDROOM 0-1" x94" BEDROOM I" x 10-1" 71 Selected Low Cost Homes for ( : ' price 75c., in- design and may be newspaper yriting to this clude obtained at by office or same address The Building Editor, Oshawa Times-Gazetle Oshawa, Ontario. Please send me further details about how to obtain standard Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hatherly and yo. Builders blue prints for home design No. 460. Plans entitled "71 Selected (Plc Gazette.) make remittance Name Address payable Homes for Canadians." The Oshawa Times. low cost to FIRST AID TO THE AILING HOUSE By ROGER C. WHITMAN FINISH FOR SALAD BOWL QUESTION: I have two wood- en butter dishes and would like to know how to finish them s may be used for s. Also, I have two molds -- how should they finished? ANSWER: Wash surfaces cl with mild ids and rinsing i water dry salad butter be water thors ood 1s rt or apply 0 thin coat side part of the faucet may quire tightening ASPHALT TILE QUESTION: Wel into home basement floor w r-mix- ed cement base ow we d like t > nr owi re- moved ed our our wo jately with fresh the i to 1 not any loose powder so that the asphalt cement will adhere to a i surface. TILE INSTALLATION QUESTION: Am planning to install ceramic tile in the bath- room. Where can I get informa- ! tion about this? ANSWER dealer hould 'rite Your tile have this available. Or to the Tile Council of America, 800 Second avenue, New York City. I am sure they will be able to help vou \Fall is Busy Season BLACKSTOCK MYRTLE H.S. Assn. Meet | Rt Maple Grove cam. 5 By MRS. M. E. LAVERTY mer under Mrs. J. Mappin of the weather becomes cool | MAPLE GROVE -- The first | Nestleton, went to Lindsay Tues- and the rains more frequent, meeting of the Maple Grove|day evening for a fashion show. d Although Tost Simaten nl conditions are most desirable Home and School Association was Each girl modelled the dress she geners rega spring as ndispe for planting shrubs, trees and held in the school Wednesday, had made. ; bly. panting hat Octobe gq evergreens, since they are be-| September 10, with the president,| Frances Staniland won first business Jenow that { oa oS and coming dormant. Grass also can Mrs. Robert Bothwell, in the Prize Doris Griffin, second and| November a ost rival April an be sown at this time, but it|chair, Marilyn Stainson third in the 14 May as a "rus season, should not be left too late, as it Mrs. James Geddes read th and over class. : | For the basic landscaping myst make some growth prior SeCTelary's report in the EE a Carol Blythe won second in the items such as shrubs and ever-to frost of Mrs Row Wie se) ©1113 years class. | greens, fall planting is a per-| planting can be cortinued un- Hoved, Shay Pk the w 0 ns Four teachers and 21 pupils of fectly sound proposition.(i| the ground becomes too hard| ris hay GUNG the summer.) high school attended the {il the g $ Mrs. Geddes will be secretary 8 : : Throughout the autumn months, io b_ worked. and Ter 'vlso he oxecutive| Shakespearean Festival in Strat morenver, your time will not be| 'Two exceptions and : i B00 We Skecutive ford Wednesday taken up with those minor Bar-imention as favoring a spring hig n yo 4 ? Sill on ing ©. EXPLORERS ACTIVE den tasks of spring, and if you planting :-e Willow and Bireh.| rs i u en Teal nes reas-/ The Explorer Group of the Unit are undertaking the major job of These specimens do not trans jure : Jepo aa slated Shere ed Church started activities for lands *aping yourself, such things plant successfully if planted in : an't ba'ance Lid the vear with a corn and marsh weeding, setting out annuals|ihe fall, Skits on the ways in which par. mallow roast on the fair grounds or sowing a vegetable garden ey : iH ,, ents interviewed teachers were (Friday evening. There were 14 will not be on your mind at the| pall Ye time of Year when presented by Mrs. H. Watson and [girls and leaders present for moment. ie top mi slowing down | MIS: R. Pingle; Mrs. MacDonald games and singing, The leaders Now that summer is over and io a stop, but root growth will[and Mrs, Allin. this year are Mrs, F. Butt and we are all back from holiday, go cn for some time yet. In or-| Room mothers were appointed, Mrs. R Van Camp. {the evenings present a perfect|der have plants in good condi-|t0 be in charge of lunches served Rev. P. Romeril delivered the |opportunity to plan your mnextlijon for winter and early spring, at the meetings. sermon Sunday mor " The) year's garden. We will risk re-|fertilizer should be applied so| The new teachers present were Choir Chose 3 Lilt, 4 por un petition and say, "Get it down hat the roots will find food introduced by the president and The Sunt of This Place, Is 8 orsmp By MRS. R. C. HILL BLACKSTOCK -- The girls who For Landscape Tasks By A. W. RUNDLE As we should in | week and pnion at Emmanuel College in a. The slipper Lorne Thompson Carson hae heen Mrs. bP a an Rom | Don Sinclair Osh Bunday with Gordon entertained Bert and Sowers oceasion of his 18th wal read on Brownie Weir and Swain, To Mrs. Herb | wa nd Pat read and Roy on Catholic an fast a al on study of nc pent n Mrs Tyrone, spen Roy daughters, Alderwood, were Sun- day guests of Mrs. Annie Hather- of to elling books bool library for MORTGAGE LOANS AVAILABLE Ralph S. Jones Barrister & Solicitor 65 Simcoe St. South Dial RA 5-3525 {cn paper." Without careful plan-|\within their reach parents count was won by Mrs - {t ng and, if possible, expert ad-| w)en plant ' hrubs and Cole's room Rev. Merle Thompson fr. y r exy planting your shrubs anc tool. renewed acquaintant vice and assistance, it is more ayergreens this fall, fertilizer! Ways and means of raising fin Village th Whil {than likely that your property must not be omitted, as one of ances were discussed and it was|the vi aie iA to atte iy 3 will Rever become "your dream | pe necessary measures for 200d | dex ided to hold another bazaar in Jutario he plans to altend a fe garden." results when using fertilizer, [view of the successful event last the general council of the United There are several advantages, one raust follow the makers in-!year Church Ottaw Thomp |in fact, to fall planting. The structions and not exceed the! ares William O'Neill past Pres: son families were Heats {greater amount of time available rate of application as comsider gon wa presented with a pin lof Mr. and Mr both.to you and your nursery |able damage could result rather, appreciation of her work in the Saturday evening man is but one than impr vement association Mrs. Ruby Mr. Weiser, last year's grade guest of He eight teacher, presented gradu: eril for 10 da Explorers Columbus WMS ates from Public School with class) Mr. and Mrs pins, They were: Evelyn Sprague, |awa, spent - Janine Allison, Linda Labrecque, Strong M a Hold Meeting David Mann. Ted Watson, Warne] | Clifford Dayes | eetin ~ Chaskovitch, Grant Flintoff and Ralph Jeri By MRS. FRANK T. SMITH jonald O'Neill day on the COLUMBUS -- The September, A report birthday meeting of the Senior Auxiliary|and Guide work and costs of their| Mi and Mi | yrone of the Columbus WMS was held in|various articles of uniform were ronto, visited My the lower hall of the Church on given. A lunch served by Swain Saturday By MRS. W. RAHM Wednesday, September 10. The members of the executive. The| Winners from Cartwright in the TYRONE -- First expedition of meeting opened with piano music next meeting will be held in the Pe nny Dia i for Port Perry Hos | Tyrone Explorers was held in the by Mrs. Wailace Scott West Maple Grove school Octo- pital Saturday were Mrs Met Sunday School room Monday, Mrs. Clifford Naylor, president, ber . rill Van amp, Mrs. Earl Bi [Sept. 15, with 12 members pres-|occupicd the chair and a PERSONALS burn, Mrs. Ivan Prout ent poem followed by prayer Members. who attended the| Pascoe Election of officers resulted as An introduction to the worship Women's League break-| Mrs Turner Mrs 4 3 follows: Chief Explorer, Patty Service was read by Mrs. Walter the Flying Dutchman Thom Mrs. John Hallingal Partner: Assistant Chief Ex | Holliday the ah Mo el on Sunday morning from aac os, n el Salley with Sune lOPar Chay te 'oper DOTrhoods Maple Grove were the president, 8 ¥ > weekend é Doren, hatin Jamis Keeper The program was in charge of Mrs, Wilf McLean Mrs Robert the Doe' Lake attending a Girl urer. Elaine Annis: ress +oport Mrs. Elmer Powell and Mrs. Roy Lubrecque, Mrs. Jim Laverty, Guide leaders conferenc Ann NLS; Press YEpOri-| patcliffe delivered report on! Mrs. William Jall and Mrs, Wil-|' Helen VanCamp, Oshawa |er, Anne McNevan; chief coun- a report on ) {sellors, Mrs. H. Stainton and Mrs. the school for leaders held in Budai Sunday with her mother Ww. Murphy. bs Whitby 4 August. Mrs. Ratcliffe Irs. E. Wilkins, Port Hope, is ss Ww > yancamp, ; pS re .. attended five sessions pending this week with her argo Murphy, E iT ss Lot Bawa, Mss. Mrs. Thomas Scott introduced nddanghter, Mrs. Ron Rogers ay b eck ig her aunt, Mrs. yoo asi , TD the new study book "Concerns rs rt Snowden, ace an- vicLaughiin. Tape and Billie, Fort Erie, and of a Continent" fT hie oT depict aa Mr. and Mrs, Russell McLaugh- ite read three short poems on Bowmanville, to the militia band lin. Bovmanville, spent last week "Neighbors" tattoo and concert, Toronto, Sun. With Mrs. Carl McLaughlin Iv Mrs. Elnic W av evening Mi 3: 5 Sraghen id woo y. increase in Mr id Mis { Pavne spent.last week with Mr. anc The new Bethesda Sch ool open- paqq from t 'a H i ali on Bert : 4 Ae Mrs, John Carnaghan ed last week with 19 pupils, and ;n4 gave 2 nt pam) Sund oy 4 : - ws ia Jostvent B teacher. ai Nay thanked Mrs, Pow Sunday visitors to Mr. and Mrs The adjutant bird, long-beaked ned for Uttober S el and go committee pre Alan Snowden were Mr, and type of stork in north India, may Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hoskin Paring the program anu suggest- Mrs. Ron Rogers and daughters, stand five feet high J + ed that future programs inc > Mr. and Mrs. Sam Snowden and --- - - Oshawa, visited Allie Wood a reading from the Missionary Roy. Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs . The family of David Broome of | Monthly. "IR vid on Toronto Len Good. Canada has more than 120 Hamilton was re-united at the CHURCH SERVICE ; at Oshawa and Mr and provincial parks extending over |fome ot his So, John Broome, There was a large attendance Mrs. John Aitchison, Blackstock. 59,000,000 'sq Hifles a aed B ete Jresent at the regular morning service, Mr. and Mrs. R. Juhenville, i fra, uy at Columbus United Chur. Li Osis, called i i and Mrs . service was conducted by Donald Bob Labrecaue Sunday. | Mr. and Mrs. J. Kennedy and Lowery, student pastor of the, Mrs. J, Brayley is reported sons, 'Hamilton, spent the week-|Columbus-Kedron charge. much improved since her opera- end with Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibbs. Special music was provided by tion in hospital last week. {Sunday - visitors were Mr. and the members of the choir under {Mrs. A. Perfect and family of Co- the direction of Mrs. Wallace bors ee PORT PERRY Dan and Mrs. » Dury 24 Following the service a short iane were presented with two meeti ar Stewards 9 -- Fe AE po Sp TR Meeting of the Board of Steward By MRS. CHARLES H. REESOR aluminum tray and tea set by nv. co. hax aii Port Perry -- The regular meet-| Tyrone village friends Friday woos Sepime per Ineeting. of fe ing of the Women's Association evening last, before they moved oO er hall of the Chae: : pi o Je eh " ei gg i i ; é 1 was held in the parish hall with to their new home in Oshawa. ib Wednesday, September 24. Mrs. George as pa presiding and PERSONALS : Mrs. F. McClintock read the Beatrice Burnett Calgary scripture lesson and also read a Mr. and Mrs. S, Nash Mavis Nash, Detroit, and Mr. of By MRS. A. DOWNEY MYRTLE -- Rally Day will be observed at Myrtle United Church Sunday. The senior choir will assist with Mrs. A. B. Deem- ing at the piano. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Harri son arrived home Monday after holidaying with friends and rela- tives at New Liskeard. Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Lynde were dinner guests "Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bryant at Little Britain Mrs. A. B. Deeming was pres- ent at the christening of her granddaughter, Barbara Eliza- beth Boyes, at Pickering Presby- terian Church Sunday, Sept. 14 TAKE RANK CUT TORONTO (CP) The metro politan police commission Thurs day broke Inspector Dalton Mercer to the rank of sergeant at his own request. He said he p wanted a job that wouldn't be too hard on his nervous system al tems ONE-TRIP, EXPERT PLUMBING REPAIRS ond INSTALLATIONS Let us check your home now . . . it's free We install and repair , . . faucets to sewers to complete sys- Ww mpt serv anship guoranteed. ce. Reasonable Rates LORNE GOODMAN Plumbing & Heating 758 Mary St. RA 5-1044 though it meant a loss in pay SAVE! LESS THAN P-- kL ON WALLBOARD FOR WALLS -+- CEILINGS See your local saber or building supply dealer, PROC rre-proticrivi WALLBOARD 436 RITSON RD. N. BROWN'S LUMBER RA 5-4704 | 328 RITSON RD. N. PEACOCK LUMBER LTD. RA 3-9811 R.R. NO. 1 OSHAWA E. A. TATTERSALL LUMBER & BUILDING SUPPLIES RA 5-0463 ONLY THE BEST WILL DO! Mrs. W. Chapman, Hampton, vis- NOISY OIL BURNER ited Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibbs. QUESTION: When our oil burn-| Mr. and Mrs. F. McEvoy and er starts up (we have basement- family and E. McEvoy of Mount| less ranch house) the thumping Zion were Sunday guests of Mr. noise it makes seems very loud; and Mrs. J. Broome. e burner is mounted on a rais-| Mr, and Mrs. G. Astley and concrete platform. Would it/family, Pickering, were Saturday help to eliminate tht noise by lin- evening callers on Mr. and Mrs. ; the utility room walls and/L. W. Annis. ceiling with acoustical tile? Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. ANSWER: It certainly should{Hall were Mr. and Mrs. help soften the noise, and the|Spragg, Haniilton, Mr. and Mrs. | more area you cover with this|K. Robinson, Bowmanville, Mr. type of tile, the more decibels you|and Mrs. Allan Thiessen and will cut down, However, before|family, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Bik Pipe? Tere are slevisie going to this trouble and expense, |Lloyd Beech and children, Burke- a and cables which I'd suggest having the oil burner|ton, and Mrs. K. Rahm and chil- eating wire ables a serviceman make an inspection. !dren | could be w ed ground. 2 eT TERR You may have just a simple| Joe Wood, Oshawa, spent the gutter. Your pl e o! el pe 4 mechanical difficulty which could |weekend with his aunt and uncle, | cal supply man ! id be able to be repaired to take care of most|Mr. and Mrs. Roy Maynard. | get this equipmer ALE of the noise Mrs. L. McKnight, Ncwmar-| CLEANING CABI ETS ay \ MOVING TILE HOLDERS ket, and Mr. and Mrs. Clare Col- QUESTION: The varnished bary and children, Toronto, visit- wooden cabinets in, our kitchen oS ESTION; The bathroom in Dery padre, Toronto, look dingy. What is the best way the home we purchased recently mr. h . KR. V. ' . ; is of ceramic tile with ceramic] Karl Colbary received word to clean nem. soap dishes, towel holders, etc.|last week of the sudden death of ANSWER: Wash Siac The latter are in such inconveni- {his nephew, Douglas Colbary of | with a thic k suds ol a mild Soap ent places we would like to move|Santa Monica, California. Mr.| using as little wate! as possible them. Is this possible without |and Mrs. D. Colbary formerly Apply the suds ) a 2 gomp damaging the tile? javed west of Tytume. n ist | cloth over a small are ! Wei /. SPEARS ANSWER: Moving your cer-| Allie visi er sister, they become discolored, they ny MALE RUTH A a |amic soap dishes, is a et rs. George Armour, Hampton, wiped Begun until chairs. You will be amazed difficult "do-it-yourself" job, and|on Monday. jurface 8 to remove 1 Howey safety's I sake, most p recommend com- hould the paint veg y PREVENTING FREE QUESTION manufacturers plete removal Snow n become wosenex t the dow t could cause trouble under the to brush the surface to remove IN THE HOME WORKSHOP oosening 1 1eS1Ve ile rie, however vire H H.| keep the vent wate ing it. to drain pipe keep vou he. surface of at and Norman Burnett of Red Deer Alberta, visited their cousins John and Emily Lawrence Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Smith of Elmsdale, N.S.. were Monday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Miller Sunday afternoon callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dowse were Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Cane, Betty Shaunessey of Agin- |court and Donald Cane of Toronto|the sale of an Anglican church] BURKETON By A. R."HUBBARD BURKETON -- Volunteers from Burketon, Cartwright, Enniskillen and Haydon rushed to the scene of a bush fire Sunday afternoon and contained the blaze to 15 acres after a long struggle. The fire destroyed valuable timber be- longing to Godison Construction Company, Toronto, but would have done considerably more damage but for the prompt action of the residents of the neighbor- ing villages. PLAN CONCERT Plans have been made fo hold a variety concert followed by a |wiener roast at the church Friday ome of Mrs. John C. Taylor letter from Grace Holmes, a mis- sionary in Japan. Mrs. Glass gave the secretary's) repcrt, Mrs. Clark the treasurer's statement and Mrs. Wilkinson re- ported in the Dorcas Work and displayed a quilt donated by Mrs. Wilson which is to b& completed by the WA members. A quilting bee will be held September 18. | Mrs. Glass will take charge of | calendar. Mrs. Fuller. reminded members of the missionary rally to be held in Convocation Hall at the Univer- | sity of Toronto, September 16. | The rector, Mr. Fuller, ex- plained his plan to begin mission- ary work with the children. Little Helpers, Juniors and the Girls' Auxiliary will embrace all age groups. Mrs. Hayes, who is in charge of the "'Little Helpers' reported that she is going to a meeting in Toronto-to gather new ideas. "Mother and Little Helper" | party will be held sometime in the Fall. WMS MEETING The September meeting of the| Afternoon Auxiliary of the United| Church WMS was held at the] When you need lumber for anything . from building oa new home to patching come to McCUL- « where you're sure up the dog house . . . LOUGH LUMBER . . to find. the best Stop in at our retail [A HEATING SYSTEM , MUST BE PLANNED AND EVERY ANGLE CHECKED 2 WITH PLANS ! s week, ond ee Home-building or just remodeling . . . you'll get help- ful advice ideas from our plan books and LUMBER CO. 1270 SIMCOE ST.N.* 72. RAZ 3011 W.R. THOMPSON GOOD PARKING... FAST DELIVERY SERVICE ec CULLOUGH it to Mr. and Mrs. Murray Adams no more dirt is picked up. After wiping with a damp cloth, the surface should be rubbed with dry cloths. Allow several hours for thorough drying. Another method is to use a combination cleaner and polish, available ¢ most chain and hardware store for use on varnished or enamele woodwork, following label in structions DULL MIRROR QUESTION: We have full-| length mirror on the clothes clos- et in our entrance hall. It has gotten dull look seeming to have a faint film over it. How can the film be removed ANSWER: If the surface the wax base tyy for cleani types of ¢ the back has treatment | 11d he a of and If the oxidized, no ! sible It » to be re ible that au io0- what a simple job it is. These chairs are comfortable too. Seats and backs are padded and the arm chair is a little wider than pull-up. Pattern 224 is 40c. It also is included in the Quick and Easy Furniture Packet No. 13 which e different patierns all to The Home Oshawa Times- Ont FSloinG EH STANDS \ pe] Address orders Workshop Dept., Gazette, Osh (F Ny is easy chip either the neighboring tile or the holders. It would be better to have a pro- fessional do the job. Consult the classified telephone directory un- der "tile dealers." If you could add more ceramic holders, placed where you want them and leaving the ones now, there "as is', it would be an easy job. There is a special "handy patch" preparation, now avail- able at well-stocked hardware dealers, which will attach the holders firmly to the wall; it is = 'specially - treated plastic patch- ing material |LAYING CERAMIC TILE QUESTION: Please give me names of handbooks for laying >| ceramic tile on kitchen walls? PATTON "268 By RUTH W. SPEARS HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW Oshawa, Ont, ANSWER: '"Handyman's Home Manual, Vo. 224" contains a sec- tion on laying ceramic tile. Some tile dealers carry this book. In- structions for laying tile are usually available at your deal- ler's (Publisher of manual is Faw- cett Books, 67 West 44th street, w York City; price 75 cents.) | GUILTY OF BANK HOLDUP LONDON, Ont, (CP) -- Magis- trate Donald Menzies Thursday found Michael MacDonald, 20, of Halifax and Donald Albert Litt, 0 Canadian Army soldier rom Wolseley Barracks here, uilty of the $1,500 armed robbery Oxford and Adelaide he Bank of Commerce The remanded to |Sept. 25 for sentence. f the vere |evening, Sept. 26, at 8.15 p.m. and Bonnie Taylor, Bowmanville, | Mrs. with 32 members present. The Beatrice Taylor accom-| president, Mrs. Edgar Leask, was | by Mr. and Mrs. Fleming i, the chair. of Haydon spent Thursday in| Tne secretary's report was Niagara Falls. given by Mrs. Stanley Ploughman Mr. Kenneth Vickers and Law-|,,q4 Fthel McDermott presented | {rence Carnochan spent the week-|i1o financial statement. jend at Sharbot Lake. The devotional period was in i and Mrs. H. Partner panied Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahm were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jamieson Sunday at ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS their cottage on Pigeon Lake. | Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Taylor and| arge of Mrs. Fred Reesor's PONTYPOOL {family visited Mr. and Mrs. [prac and Mrs. Len Colbear re- [Cys Asien, A. J, Turnbul and|Por ed for Christian Stowe iemiy | By MRS. H. M. RICHARDSON | family visited Mr, and Mrs. R. J. Mik i ie Mrs | PONTYPOOL -- Mrs. George Harvey, Oshawa. {Wesley Thompson read a + Beacock, Wiarton, and Frankl Mr. and Mrs. Albert Trick and| "temperance Tey Beacock, Oshawa, called on Mrs. Mrs. James Trick, Oshawa, visit-| Mr Devan ave a brief report | H. M. Richardson Monday. led Mrs. Esther Carnochan. d > S ag = r Leaders heli} Mr, and Mrs. William Rennie| Mr. and Mrs, Frank Allison and" oe heel, 9 Co hn are visiting their daughter, Mrs.|family, Oshawa, visited = Mrs.|lr "oi 1 Be Bob Brown, Kingston. | Pear] Avery and Mr. and Mrs ge alten P " | H. M. Richardson and son Wil-| George Allison. : Ne S. N. Griffen gave review fred have returned from a motor| Mr, and Mrs. B. Hubbard were of the last hoi chapters for the {trip through the Maritimes. Sunday dinner guests at the home| ge a0" pool and a 175-1b, bale was | L. W. Streefkirk and Andy Such|of Mr, and Mrs, Walter Krantz, | SCY sui ppg off to the Mis-| |lost some tobacco to the frost. Oshawa. + rter| IONS Tea Tes served by Mrs. cal Tl Reesor and her group. Mr. and Mrs. Calman, Ennis-f Mr. and Mrs. Robert kilien, were in the village one and family, Whitby, visited Mr.| {evening last week renewing old!and Mrs. M. Adams. acquaintances here. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dean visited MIRACLE" HAPPENS } CLEAN AND DURABLE ® BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME W. B. BENNETT PAVING LTD. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Webb have Mr. and Mrs. Archie Lunn at KITCHENER (CP). -- Welfare |purchased Freeman Eddy's farm|Kirhy. Minister Cecile of Ontario says {north of Newcastle and are mov-| The Jolly Workers Club met at|the province wants to' see elderly FREE ESTIMATES ing soon. {the home of Mrs. Helen Allison|persons removed from hospitals Their neighbors Friday night| Wednesday evening. {to bed-care in homes for the presented them with a table] Mrs. Lois Archibald spent ased lamp, a dresser lamp, a set of Thursday in Toronto visiting her! Speaking at the annual coenven- cutlery and a purse of money grandmother, wo is ill tion of Managers and Matrons of Rev. R. Bonsteel took the serv-. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Greer and Homes for the Aged, Mr. Cecile ice Sunday morning after a girls, Oshawa, visited Mrs. E. said in a case where 20 men and BOX 305 OSHAWA RA 8-8132 . month's holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan women had been moved from a Bonstrel supervised at Quinn M: Mrs. J. Sinclair family and hospital to a home last Febru- Lac Camp during the month of William Hoskins spent a few days ary, a racle" happened August. iin Niagara Falls, within a mouth, | and m

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