Jo Aldwinckle, Dial RA 3-3474 8 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Friday, August 15, 1958 Betty How And Donald Tansley Exchange Vows At St. George's | The marriage of Violet Bettylerie How, Myra Miller, Lois Cul- {How and Donald Robert Tansley,|lis and Marilyn Adams. All wore | {both of Oshawa, was solemnized |waltz-length gowns of turquoise [recently at St. George's Anglican |crystalette with sabrina necklines |Church. |and matching cummerbunds with The bride is the daughter of long sashes. Their headdresses {Mr, and Mrs. T. F. How of Peter-| were wreaths of pink flowers and 4 |borough, formerly of Coventry, turquoise leaves and they carried |England, and the bridegroom is|cascade bouquets of carnations] Women's Editor ! the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. and gladiolus petals. | & PRINCIPALS IN RECENT CE red after their wedding | er Miss Joan Adele Houston, is phen's United Church | the daughter of Mr, and Mrs, ind Mrs. William John | Walter Houston and the bride- The bride, the form- | groom is the son of Mr. and Oshawa, y, ude clubs, ition A ar | m th mming his bride: the former Miss Helen | 1 Motum, sign the register follow- ing their marriage recently St. Church ter | WIFE PRESERVER on the wrong make your work easier Donna J. Blake John 0. Luke Wed Northminster United Church) was the scene of a recent wed. ding when Donna Jean Blake, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. |Blake_of Oshawa, was united in| {marriage with John Oliver Luke, son of Mrs. C. G. Luke of Osn- awa, and the late Mr. Luke. Dr. 8. L. Osborne officiated and the wedding music was play-| ed by Mr. John Robertson. The bride wore a street-length | dress of pale blue taffeta and {lace. A matching headdress held | her short veil. She carried a nose- gay of white feathered carnations land white stephanotis centred {with a pale blue corsage. The matron of honor, Mrs. | Oshawa. PT RL LL DOES A HEARING AIP HAVE TO BE FE] TO BE THE BEST? . sesesssns Not on your life! The Zenith Quality 50-R is $50 complete ...yet is unexcelled in per- formance by hearing aids sell- ing for $200, or more. 10-Day Money Back Guarantee! Come in. ..or phone for home demonstration today! Te Rtg COME IN FOR A DEMONSTRATION TODAY! IMPERIAL OPTICAL Company ! 221; SIMCOE ST. §., OSHAWA (Above Home Dairy) { Gary Beauchemin, wore a dress lof beige taffeta and a matching | bandeau. She carried a nosegay of pink carnations. | The best man was Mr. Rich- lard Alldred. i For the wedding trip to the New England States, the bride | | wore a pale blue jacket over her I | wedding ensemblé and a pink and | white' corsage. On their return, | Mr. and Mrs. Luke will live in . . . . . . . . * . . . oy Heong Aide Cope, Advertisers Bachange Woe. 1950 MARRIED AT ST. HEDWIG'S Benkowski Unsuspected minor ailments can handicap a child's learning -- make him listless, rebellious and inse- cure. Don't send your children through such "School Daze". Good grades and work happiness depend so much on good eyesight, good hearing and good physical condition that you are well advised to take your youngsters to the doctor and dentist for pre- school health examinations. Children who pass these 'exams' find it much easier to pass their school exams, and | Aughnocloy, Ireland, and the Mrs. Motum, and the bride- s the son of Mrs. Walter i of Oshawa, and .the ski Photo by Mr. George ate ir at Hedwig's Roman Catholic The bride is the daugh- Robert Motum of Benkow of Mr Hornsby BUYING A RUG? Before You Do . See Our Stock HIGHER QUALITY LOWER PRICES NU-WAY RUG AND CARPET SALES RA 5-1202 [CAMERAS - COSMETICS PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS [PROMPT FREE DELIVERY . 8 KING ST. E. | ECR IE PHONE RA 3-2245| OSHAWA | "Prone Ras 3546 is KING ST. W. 317 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY PLAZA MO 8-2338 E. GEO.GREEN 7-50 To make buttonholes in thin a aterial first rub library paste side. This will material enough to 174 MARY ST, icken the BOWMANVILLE - PHONE MA3-5778 a 1E. Tansley, Colchester, England, | Mr. Leonard Tomlin acted as| ] 4 | The Reverend C. D. Cross offi- best man. Ushering were Mr. | Th g [ciated. The wedding music was Peter How of Peterborough and OT as played by Mr. Matthew Gould-'Mr, Derek Mitton of Oshawa. REMONY burn. | A reception was held at the Given in marriage by her|Guild Inn, Scarboro. To receive, Mrs. William Alexander, all of |father, the bride was gowoed injthe bride's mother wore green maid - of - the - mist taffeta and patterned nylon chiffon and beige |French lace featuring a sabrina'accessories with a corsage of yel-| Photo by Ireland | neckline and short sleeves. Allow roses and apricot gladiolus - re-------- EE |juliette cap of French lace and petals. ] ys | Pearls held Bek fingertip veil and es He Zoupie lok fof a wet | Tah she carried a bouquet-cascade of ding trip to Ottawa and will make L« cal Y To Be Represented SOCIAL NOTICE [ob roses, powder blue delphin.|their home in Oshawa. x lium florets and stephanotis, Out of town guests were pres- 1 3 . . | | Miss Patricia How, sister of the ent from Bowmanville, Kendal, A L YWCA Biennial In Quebec | ENGAGEMENT bride, was maid-of-honor. The Janetville, Lorneville, Peterbor- The engagement is announced bridesmaids were the Misses Val- ough and More than 40 YWCA members, | Oshawa delegate to National of Kathleen Audrey, daughter of -- Bra i : s and staff from coast|Assembly is Miss Doreen Laugh-/Mrs., Michael Hunt of Oshawa, | Miss M. Wright, Mrs. N. Bird and 1st in Canada will gather at|lin, whose home is in ee les the late Mr. Hunt, o Me Helen Johnston |Mrs. J. Wright' t Univer Lennoxville, Ontario, but she is a member of|Earle Clifford Holmes, son of Mr. : a dl \ngust 16 3, for the 8th|the teaching staff at the Queen|and Mrs. Earle C. Holmes of Feted Bride-Elect ss of the Suslons aad A nhlv of the YWC Mi nl i i sing inoi 1.8 Tt ar- Att i ly of the YWCA|Elizabeth School. Miss Laughlin| Lansing, 1 nos, U.S.A. he mar | Miss Helen' Caryl Johnston, Motors held a shower at the home| | is at present attending summer riage will take place in |! Be ar Mr. Willi of Miss M. 1. Mason, Brock which' is held |school sessions at the University Presbyterian Church on Satur- Whose Ly Hage io 2 EE in street east, where the bride re- year in a different/of Western Ontario. She was an|day, September 6, at 3 p.m. dye os i 2 ited es an tomor. ceived an electric floor polisher wnmed to give young|active member at the YWCA dur- [are a. ark omoF id other gifts, Serving wer Byes li A ING MEN row afternoon, has been enter-|a~ er giils, Serving were s of the YWCA an|ing the past year, her particular ENGAGEMENT liained at several showers Miss M. I. Mason, assisted by o develop leadership interests being the Badminton| Mr, and Mrs. Alex. Malcolm of ae al st ora d she y 4 was| Miss F. MacDonald, and Mrs. and meet members|Club and the Y"' Variety Club.|Ajax announce the engagement of held Sigh orhool of Mer v. A. Betts. ciations. All dele-| Also, the local Association will/their daughter, Mary Patricia, to Pellow, Colbonre street east. At a wiener roast in Peter- between 18 and 35, be represented at this Conference Mr. Charles Francis Crowe 500 Miss M. Pellow, Mrs, F. Etcher, borough, the prospective bride- members of (by Miss Katherine Totten, assist-/of Mr. and Mrs. Charles 'Mrs. A, MacPherson, and Miss groom received an aluminum health and ant program director, who will be Crowe of Bowmanville. The wed- L. Pellow assisted the hostess in|/lazy-susan from his fellow em-| classes, La-jon the staff of the Assembly, in!ding is to take place on Saturday, serving dic 2 i ployes at the Dominion 'Store | roups, members charge of music. September 20, 1958, at BL gm. Jn \ A pot luck supper was held at From the staff of the customs re idences, and 7 Ea -- |St. Bernadette's Roman Catholic |. anholme," the home of Mr.|and drawback department - of id Lom. L : K 1 Church, Ajax and Mrs. Frank McLellan, where General Motors, the bride-elect n $0 luciana ome the bride was presented with a|received a floor lamp. . pair of table lamps. Following the rehearsal this | be fo ussed Becomes Bride Of Mrs. Lewis Bird was hostess at|evening, the wedding party will y to Canada a miscellaneous shower at her be entertained at the home of pr ams : 1}: home in Brooklin. Refreshments Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnston, tional YWCA Guiseppe Filipetto were served by Mrs. L. Bird, |Colborne street east. arded the y | itmutestomtttiivtesp---- Award by the Ca-| The marriage ~ of Luciana! on for Adult Edu- Komel and Giuseppe Filipetto, mplementation Of both of Oshawa, was solemnized atemment sdopied By recently at Holy Cross Roman de time occupa-| Catholic Church. tennis, badmin-| The bride is the daughter of and social Mr, and Mrs. Mario Komel of etting of the fineioehawa and the bridegroom 1s Is s the son of Mr. and Mrs, Giovanni r the first time, Filipetto of Costelfronco, Trouiso, 1 include a Italy, rex perieneed| The Reverend Philip Coffey of-| ross Canada, ficiated, The wedding music was ____|played by Miss Simone Gimblette and Mrs. George Kinsman was |the soloist. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a chiffon bal- lerina gown fashioned on princess lines. The bodice featured a round neckline with rose appliques and her short veil was held by crown studded with pearls. She carried a bouquet of ivy leaves and white rose The bridegroom's twin sister, |Miss Josaphine Filipetto, was] {maid of hoor in aqua blue nyion, | | with a square neckline and shir-| fred three-quarter-length sleeves. | She carried pale pink roses. The best man was Mr. Angelo | Bressan - UICK TOWELS { At the reception, held at the, These towels are a quick way home of the bride's parents, the to add color to kitchen or dinette "bride's mother received in a pale yoy will enjoy handiwork blue flowered silk dress with Sus 3 |black accessories and a corsage and piease the family, too. lof white roses and blue baby Just the stitchery for a sum- |chrysanthemums. mer day. Pattern 7130: transfer For the wedding trip to Ottawa, [of 6 motifs 6 x 6% to 7 x 8% Montreal, and points east, the inches; color suggestions. bride chose a pale blue chemise| gang THIRTY - FIVE CENTS with white accessories and Coons). thi tt (st white rose corsage. On their re.|'¢0ins) for (his pattern (stamps) lturn, Mr. and Mrs. Filipetto will{cannot be accepted) to The Daily live in Oshawa. |Times - Gazette, Household Arts ----eeeiee | D€Pt., Oshawa, Ont. Print plainly| INAME, ADDRESS, PATTERN INUMBER. your . ~~ fe a ee Et 'RK HIGHLY-GIFTED YOUNG PIANIST' Sharon Dale has been notified sented with the Conservatory's by the University of Toronto, | silver medal in the fall. The ex- Royal Conservatory of Music | aminer remarked that Sharon that she has been awarded the | was '"'a highly-gifted young Frederick Harris scholarship on | pianist, Her playing is to be the basis of the mark she ob- | commended as much for its sin- | ho Pa L ard tained in the recent Grade X | cerity as for its musical charm. piano examinations. The Con- | She becomes a part of the music servatory also notified Sharon | she plays." Sharon is the 13- that she had received the high- | year-old daughter of Mr. and est mark for Grade X piano in | Mrs, Denzil Dale, Sutherland the province and that for this | avenue, and a pupil of Mrs. achievement she. will be pre- | L. W. Parrott. HOUSEHOLD HINT There's nothing better for a Send TWENTY - FIVE CENTS bad case of sunburn, or a bad non. for Pg copy of our Alice burn of any kind, than appiica-|grooks Needlecraft Catalogue. | tions of strong. cold tea. Two complete patterns are print- Plasters of baking soda and ed right in the book . . . plus a water are another good house- variety of designs that you will hold remedy, though somewhat want to order: crochet, knitting, messy as the soda dries, cakes embroidery, huck weaving, and falls off. | quilts, toys, dolls. > 4695 SIZES 10-20 SHIRT CHEMISE By ANNE ADAMS pened to your grown into a A home 1 to sew ne Whip it up in lids via our Keep Cool and Flower -Fresh dress! ality! 4695: Misses' 18, 20. Size 16 nch s on each pat accurate CENTS (50¢) in t accept STICK COLOGNE "oncentrates 25 EACH \ . r patte Please print | NAME, ADDRESS, | ANNE ADAMS, Fimes-Gazette, Oshawa, Ontario. Three famous fragrances . . , each in a beautifully carved, frosty. white case to carry in your purse. Fragrance concentrated in stick form +++30 long:lasting. The best way to enjoy colognes! Patt Edwards' BEAUTY SALON 5 Celine St Desert Flower | Friendships Garden | Early American Old Spice Af your favorite drug and department stores, SHULTON New York * Toronto atistaction! oa \& For Appointments PLEASE PHONE RA 3-7633 in the heart of Downtown Oshawa AVAILABLE NOW AT CHERNEY'S in DOWNTOWN OSHAWA PATTERN EXACTLY AS PHOTOGRAPHED The First Ne ' A COMPLETELY NEW PATTERN IN ALLURING PASTEL SHADES juction of the Louis 16th Period translated info a fabric of finest quality and lustrous beauty, a able floral motifs are interpreted in & beautiful garduation of tones. The excellence his rug distinguished beauty and enduring quality The rug is made pastel shades of Beige, t 3-ply all wool yarn, and is woven ir autiful The soft pastel shades ex Rubber Cushion INCLUDED AT NO EXTRA COST! This French Aubasson is a repr The shapely sc of finest in the traditional nton Sar-u-khan quality, of the fir Rose ond Turquoise so skillfully blended AUGUST SPEC Il contours and t r \ r material d hnical skil \ to give ly appreciate it you must see it IAL .. . Spong