. B. pe SKY DIVERS STEER TH A US. marine "skydiver" | drifts through the air aiming | for a pinpoint landing. He is a member of a new team being developed to jump from high- | before chutes. COBOURG Staff Reporter--ROBERT CZIRANKA--FR. 2-7657 Cobourg Exam Re Following are results in the 4|Grade 13 examinations for Co- =| bourg High School. Forty-five stu- dents receive their certificates. Results are as follows: EC--English Composition, EL --English Literature, H--His- tory, A--Algebra, G--Geometfy, \| T--Trigonometry, B--Botany, Z-- Zoology, P--Physics, C--Chemis- #|try, LA--Latin Authors, LC--Lat- {in Composition, FA--French Auth- ol oo Aw EMSELVES | their para- ors, FC--French Composition, D --Diploma. M. Aird -- EC81, EL78, H80, G51, 266, LA67, LC61, FA68, J. Barrett -- EC55, EL60, P50. D. Bazay -- EC55. ELS58, T50, FC60, D C54, A. Boultbee -- AS0, G72, TSS, B58, Z55, C58, D. M. Broomfield -- EC65, ELS4, H50, G61, 254, LA68, LC53, FA57, FC83, D. speed planes behind enemy | M. Bull -- EC32, EL63, He, lines. The men are taught to |C61. use their arms and legs to guide | themselves to an exact location .|A78, G73, T82, P79, C65, FA65, FC50. opening Gary Caldwell -- EC67, EL50, FC69, D. 3 Geroge Caldwell -- P54. High sults G57, B64, 260, P53, C51. { . Gi -- , EL78, {BRC : A D, Giiiland -- BC7%. F179, A% Caroline street. Stanley is the son|Auth. 3, Italian Comp. 1. of Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Frost of] 1223 Walton street. G76, T56, P82, C69, FA87, FCol, R. Gutteridge -- ELS52, PSI, C52. C. Harden -- EC60, EL74 B56, 756, C56, LA69, LCT71, FC69, D. N. Harris -- EC63, EL69, H50, FA54, FC50. C. Hogan -- ELS8. ) 1 |T50, P57, C60, FA60, FC50, D. J. Lawless -- EC58, EL57, LA57.| G60, T55, P62, C54, FA50, FC50,| D G. McCleary -- EC51, EL62, 750, C55, LA53, LC50, FCS0. B57, Z56, P67, C63, FA60, FC51. C. Mulhall -- EC51, ELS5. J. Nicoll -- EC82, EL50, G50,{Eng.' Lit. 3, Alg. C, ® ? : |Zool. 2, Chem. C, Fr. {Fr. Comp. C. D. Robins -- EC50, HS3. M. Rudd -- EC84, ELT75, H66,| aging 85.4 per cent. J. Gilbert -- EC50, EL72, 258, (and a third was Stanley Frost. FA61, /honors in some subjects. Stand- {rer | C. King -- EC66, EL74, H64, [per cent. (B30, 753, LAGS, LC60, FAGS, FC63,| Cr Sredht standing, 50 - 59 per D. cen 5 W. Lawless -- EC53, EL58, A58,|isk are extra-mural candidates. Comp. 2, Eng. Botany 2, Zool. 2, Lat. Auth. 2,3 (Lat. Comp. 2, Fr. Auth. 1, Fr.| Rose, Carl -- Eng. Comp. 2, DANCE MODERN TO HAMILTON TELEVISION'S R. Maughan -- EL62, A60, T53, Comp. 1, |{Comp. 2. | Anstin, Joan -- Eng. Comp. C Grade 13 PORT HOPE -- Comely Mar- Following with 81.4 per cent| Port Hope H.S. Ratings | Hayden, Margaret -- Eng. lene Mann emerged as top stu-|Comp. 8, Eng. Lit, 3. dent in Grade 13 examinations at| Horley, David -- Eng. Comp. 1, Port Hope High School. She took | Eng. Lit. 3, Hist. 3, Alg. 8, Geom. C, Geom. 2, Phys. C, Fr. Auth. top honors in 10 subjects, aver-|1, Trig. 1, Phys. 2, Chem. 8, Fr.|C, Fr. Comp. C. {Auth, 1, French Comp. 2. Huycke, George -- Phys. C. FA65, FC51, D.|average for eight firsts, a second| Kershaw, Michael--Eng. Comp, ' ?, 3, Alg. 2, Chem, C, Fr. Auth. 3, Marlene is the daughter of Mr. |Fr. Comp. C. A Mrs. Russell L. Mann, 28 Laurie, Marilyn Italian McDonald, Glen -- Eng. Comp. |3, Eng. Lit, 1, Hist. 1, Lat. Auth, Principal Col. P. J. Bigelow an-(2, Lat. Comp. 1, Fr. Auth, 1, Fr. ngs are as follows: 1 -- first class honors, 75-100|1 cent 3 -- third class honors, 60 - 65|1 Students marked with an aster. | Patricia Lit. 2, Hist, Alexander, Eng. | 1,2 nounced that 47 students gained Comp. 1. |1, Mann, Marlene -- Eng. Comp. Eng. Lit. 1, Alg. 1, Geom. Trig. 1, Botany 1, Zoo! LY, |Chem, 1, Fr. Auth. 1, Fr. Comp. 2 -- second class honors, 66 - 74/1. J. Jeffery -- EC60, EL51, G50, Per cent. Marston, Helen -- Eng. Comp. , Eng. Lit. C, Hist. C, Botany C, Mustard, Carole -- Zool. C, Fr. |Auth, 3. Nelson Lloyd -- Eng. Comp. Hist. C, Alg. C, Phys. 8, Chem. Fng. Lif. 2, Alg. 3, Geom, 2, Trig. 1, Phys. 2, Chem. 8, Fr. Auth. 8, Fr. Comp. C. Schroter, Kenneth -- Hist. C, Alg. C, Geom, 1, Trig. C, Phys. 1, Chem. C. Scott, Diane -- Eng. Comp. 8, Eng. Lit. 2, Hist. C, Botany 3, Zool. C, Lat. Auth. 3, Lat. Comp. C, Fr. Auth. 2, Fr. Comp. 8. Stewart, John -- Hist. C, Alg. Walden, John -- Eng. Comp. C, Eng. Lit. 2, Hist, 3, Zool, C, Lat. Auth. 2, Lat. Comp. C, Fr. Auth. 2, Fr. Comp. C, Span. Auth. 3, Span. Comp. C. Wicklund, William Eng. Comp. 3, Eng. Lit. C, Hist. C. THEATRE GUIDE THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Pridey, August 15, 1958 7 8.40 p.m. Last complete show at 7.05, 9.55 p.m. "Spacemaster 8.40 p.m. X-7", shown daily at 3.00, 5.50, Marks -- *'Calamity Jane", start- | ing at 1.80, 5.05, 8.40 p.m. also | "Fort Worth", starting at 3:15, 6.50, 10.25 p.m. Last complete | show at 8.30 pm. |Zool. 3, Lat. Auth, C, Lat. Comp. | |3, Fr. Auth. 1, Fr. Comp, 1, Span. |Plaza--"Never Too Young", 1.25 {Auth. 3, Span, Comp. 3. 452, 825 pm. "Three Ring Circus' starting 3.08, 6.35, 10.08 p.m. Last complete show at 8.25 p.m. Regent--' 'The Fly" in Techni- Span. Auth. 2, Span. | Botany cl Auth. 3, Austin, Ronald -- Eng. Comp. . Lit. 2, Hist. C, Alg. 2, color shown daily at 1.30, 4.15, OLD TIME 2 TERRIFIC ALL COLOR HITS! - fil RANDOLPH P. Canham -- EC60, EL56, A85, | B50, C50, LA60, LC52, Fa6l, FC58,|C, Eng. Lit. | |G84, P81, C86, FA75. FC78, D. (D. Geom. 1, Trig, 1,'Phys. 1, Chem. Dor. Christie -- EC61, EL50,| G. Seterington -- EC76, EL61, C. .. . : A50, B63, Z72, LA84, LC85, FAS1,|H72, B50, Z52, C50, T.A53, FA62, | Banister, Nancy -- Eng. Comp. |FC85, D. FC50, D. 12, Eng. Lit. 3, Botany 3, Zool. C, Doug. Christie -- EC79, EL63,| B. Simpson -- EC71, EL73, A52,|Fr. Auth. 1, French Comp. 2. {T50, B54, Z50, P53, C51, D. Bird, John -- Eng. Com MAIN STREET JAMBOREE FEATURING RECORDING ARTISTS TELEVISION LOG wai HENRY FONDA Ln. i -- me ------ CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamiltor CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto A75, G84, T75, B71. Z67, P82, C18, WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffale 754, C50. FRIDAY EVENING 5.00 P.M. 11--Family Theatre 6--Barney's Gang S--Playhouse 4--Fun to earn 2--Burcaneers 5.50 P.M. $---Mighty Mouse 2- Mickey Mouse 6.00 P.M. 6---Willie 4--Headlines; News 2~Colonel Bleep 615 P.M 4~Clsco Kid 6.30 P.M, 11.3-News: Weather . Sports 6--Movie Museum A5 PM. 6.5,4--~News 3~Comedy Capers 7.00 P.M. 11-Movie 6---Tablold 5--Kit Carson 4--Last of the Mohicans 2--Sheriff of Cochise 7.30 P. 6--Leave It To Beaver 8--Real MeCoys 4--Whirlybirds 3-Rin Tin Tin 8.00 P.M, 11,6---Last of th Mohicans B--Jefferson Drum 4--Trackdown $-Jim Bowie 8.30 P.M. 11,6--One of a Kind S--Life of Riley 4--Destiny 2-Mickey Spillane 9. P.M. .00 P.M, 311--The Crusader 4 Theatre 5M Squad 4-Phil Silvers $--Perception 9.30 P.M. 11,6-Country Club 8--Thin Man 4~Playhouse $--Football Game 10.00 P.M, 11,6,8--Cavalcage of Sports 4--Undercurrent 10.30 P.M, 4--Personal Appearance 10:45 P.M. 1L,8-Jim Coleman 8--Post Fight Beat 1L00 P.M. i, 6 5 & 2-Newm s 11.15 P.M. 6---Viewpoint 8--Movie 11.30 P.M, 11--Wrestling 6--Prenrier Performance 2---Dance "ariv 130 P.M. 3--Little Rascals 4--Film Featurette 1:45 P.M 5--Durocher's up Warm- 2:00 P.M, 5--Baseball 2:15 4--Sport 2.30 P.M. 5,4--Baseball 2--Feature Performance 400 P.M. 2--Tennis 4.30 PM. 11--Cartoon Party 5--Motor Carriers 4--Saratoga Handicap SATURDAY EVE. 5.00 P.M. 11,6--Zorra 5--Big Picture 4--Film 5.50 P.M, 11,6-Wild Bill Hickock S8--Maverick 6.00 P.M, 11--Wrestling 6--Here and There 4---News; Sports 3--Where Were Yor 6:15 P. 6.30 P.M. &-Mr. Fix-It, News S8--Lawrence Welk 2-Yesterday's Newsree: 6:45 P.M, 4-Film Feature 7.00 P.M. 11--City Detective 1 Gun Will 6 Tra 4~U of B Round Table 0 7.30 P.ML 11--Lone Wolf 6-Holiday Ranch 5--People Are Funny 4--Perry Mason 3-Dick Clark Show 8.00 P.M. 11,6,5--Bob. Crosby 2--Jubllee U S.A, 8.30 P. M. 4--Top Dollar 9.00 P.M, 11,86--Movie 8--Club Oasis 4--Oh! Susanna 3~Lawrence Welk 9.30 P. M, 8--Turning Point 4~Have Gun Will Travel 10.00 P.M. S--Amateur Hour 4--Gunsmoke 3--Hayride 10.30 P.M. | 11,6--Here's Duffy 4--~Film Feature 2-Swing Shift 12:30 P, M, 11,~8hock SATURDAY 5--Andy Williams 4--Silent Service 2--Harbor Command 11.00 P.M, | l1--News; Late Show | 8~News; Wrestling 5-26 Men 4,2--News; Sports 11.15 P.M. 3--Just Music { 11.30 P. 30 P.M. | $=Mowie 4--Playhouse ge | 2--The Big Story : 12.00 Mid-nite 3 Howgy Jowty | 2--Operation Swingshift +c SUNDAY | 9.00 A.M. | 8--Christian Science | 4--Let's Open The Door | Program 8-Fury | 8=The Christophers 4--Capt, Kangaroo | 0.15 AM 2-Farmer Alfalfa | 8--Industry on 9.30 AM 8.30 AM. 4--~Popey+'s Playhouse 9.00 AM. we 4 -8cience Museum gna y 3--Rumpus Room 9.15 AS 2--~Western Roundup 00 AM. 10.30 AM. 8--Ruff and Ready 4---Mighty Mouse 1.00 AM, Parade 11.30 AM, 2 MM. 5--Blondie 5This is the Life 2--Bar 2 Ranch 2-Christian Science 12.00 NOON | 10.00 A. 3~True Story | 8-Christophers 4-Jimmy Dean | 4--Lamp Unto My 12.30 P.M. | Feet S--Wrestling | 2=The Pastor 100 P. | 10:30 AM, | 8--Little Rascals 4--Lone Ranger | 11--News; | 2--Swing 4--Uncle Jerry 2---The Way | no AM, 5--Roy WKogers 4--Eye on New York 2-Morning Gospel 11.30 AM 4--Camera Three 11.45 AM, 2-Sacred Heart 12.00 NOON 5--Cartoon Theatr 4--~News: Weather 2-This Is the Life 12.15 P.M 4--Film Featurette 12.30 P.M. S--Little Rascals 4--Look Up and Live 2--World . Affairs Loo P.M, | 8--Thunder in the Valley 4--Playhouse 2--Family Playhouse 3.00 P.M. 6---This is the Life 8--Frankie Laine 4--Soccer Matches 30 P.M 11--This Is The Life 6--Hometown 8--Kit Carson 400 P.M. , 11,6--Country Calendar 5--Mr. Wizard 2--Science Fiction 4.30 P.M, 19-Rev. Roberts 6--~The Sky 5--Youth Wants to Know 2---Laurel and Hardy | 5.00 P.M. } 11, 6--Summer Magazine 83--Frongiers of Faith 4--Last Word n 4--Face The Nation 2-Lone Ranger 6.00 P.M, U1--Waterfront 6 Burns and Allen | S5--Meet the Press | 4--The Search 2--Captain Grief 6.30 P.M. 11--Little Thestre | 6--Father Knows Best 3--Anybody Can Play 4--Alr Power 2--Search for Adventure| P.M, FA60, FC50, D. M. Cole -- EC54, ELS50, J. Corkery -- HB80, G35, Z51, P51, C60, D, S. Cornwall -- EC56, EL7,7 T50, B56, Z71, C67, LA67, LC72, D. FC1, D. | P. 'Daignault -- EC54, ELT5,| B. Tyson -- EC75, EL6I, |As5, G58, T60, P60, C50, FAS, B54, Chl. D. A. Dalgarno -- EL75, H86, P50, C60 P. Delanty -- T60, P60, C51, FA52, FC50, D. A. Flanders -- EC55, ELS2. S. Franks -- EC63, EL80, H79, EC67, ELST, | R. Stephens A50, | H54, B50, Z50, LA60. LC50, FA61, (Zool. 3, Lat. Auth. |FC, D {H71, B57, Z60, C67, LAGI, LC67, FA60, FC63, D. W. Turner -- EC75, EL75, G50, G. Cowin -- A64, T60, FA73,|T53 B60, Z58, C67, LA68, LC36, Phys. 3. Chem. C, D. H78, | S. Wills -- EC54, ! M. Wong -- EC50. Private Study Group: | M. Harris -- 250. Mrs. C. Mulhall -- EC87, EL60. | R. Wong -- EC54, EL50, H61. | | 1. Wheeler -- EC60. us. To Trace Rocket's Flight To Moon INGLEWOOD, Calif. (AP)--A rocket's own story of its trip to- ward the moon is scheduled to unfold in an auditorium here. Informed sources say the U.S Air Force will fire its first rocket at the moon next Sunday from Cape Canaveral, Fla. Once the rocket flashes into space, its scientific devices will, the air force hopes, send back in formation about the journey. Half a dozen stations around the world will start tracking it. Their raw information will be! |flashed here by code to be fed|least 30 persons were killed Tue -| into electronic computers and correlated. The findings will be announced simultaneously in Washington, Cape 'Canaveral and here. The tracking hub is in the heart [of the Ramo-Wooldridge Corpor |ation, air force ballistic missile] division headquarters. On a giant chart, a moving line will disclose the rocket's ex- pected 25,000 - mile-an-hour ap- proach. to the vicinity of the |moon. There will be at least four |progress reports a day, | | Details on how the tracking sys-| tem operates are being withheld | until after the firing. Ramo-Wooldridge is a private | firm whose space technological | laboratories have been respon-| sible for much of the technical {work and research for the air| |force intercontinental and inter-| |mediate-range ballistic missiles | | program. Its six-building research | and development centre covers 40 acres. | | | BOGOTA, Colombia (AP)--At {day by an avalanche on a moun-| |tain road in the Andes, 125 mile; west of Bogota, police said Wed-| {nesday. The avalanche rappe | |passengers of several buses stopped by a previous landslide. 7.00 11--Father Knows Best 6--Frontier Justice 5--Noah's Ark 4--Lassie 2-Boots and Saddle 7.50 P.M, 11--Movie Showcase 6--News Magazine 5-No Warning 4--Bachelor Father | 2~Maverick | 8.00 P.M, 6,4--Ed Sullivan | 8--Steve Allan 8.30 P.M, 2---Anybody Can Play » P.M, 11,6---World's Stage 85--Chevy Show 4--GE Theatre 2-Traffic Court 0:30 P.M. 11,6--Showtime 4--Alfred Hitchcock | 2-You Asked For It 10.00 P.M, 11,6--Close Up 5--Decision | 4--$64,000 Challenge 2-1 Led Three Lives 10.30 P.M, 11,86--Explorations 5,4~What's My Line | 2 Jackie Gleason ne P.M. Late Show This Week Precinct Weather; 6--News; 5--Paris 4,2---News; Sports . 1.15 P.M, Shift 1.5% P.M, 6--~Camera Three | 5--All Star Theatre 4--Theatre Visited CHUM'S fOr DELICIOUS FOOD | S. Moderate Prices! CHUM'S GLSALTLINNS 27 CELINA ST. DANCE Trig. 1, Botany 3, Zool. 2, Chem C. Fr. Auth. C, Fr. Comp. 3. Trig. 2, Fr. Auth p. 1, Hist. C, Botany C, 3, Lat. Comp. Comp. 2, Span o Eng. Lit. C, Fr. Auth. 1, Fr. B50,| J. A. Taylor -- EC 63, EL68, Auth. 3, Span. Comp. 3. Bull, Lois -- Eng. Comp. C. Burness, Donald Eng. Comp. C. Eng. Lit, C; Hist. C, Trig. C, Fr. Auth. C, Fr. Comp. C. Butters, Miriam -- Eng. Comp 3, Eng. Lit. 3, Hist. C, Geom. C, | Phys. C. 2, Geom, 1, Cantrell, Gerald Caswell, Iris -- Al Span. Auth, 3 Span. Comp. 1. Croft, Robert -- Phys. C Dawson, Bruce -- Eng. Comp. 3, Alg. C, Geom. 8, Trig. 3, Phys C. Dawson, Roger -- Eng. Comp. 3, Eng. Lit. C, Alg. C, Geom. 3, Trig. 2, Phys. 2, Chem. 3, Fr. Auth, C, Fr. Comp. 3. Frost, Stanley.-- Eng. Comp. 1, Eng. Lit. 3 Hist. 2, Alg. 1, Geom. 1, Trig. 1, Phys. 1, Chem. 1, Fr. Auth. 1, Fr, Comp. 1. 1, Fr. Comp, 1,|™ Jack KINGSTON CALLER BOB FOWLER Sal., Aug. 1 RED BARN ® Wally Traugott 6 - 9PM. ADMISSION $1.00 BIG ALL COLOR FUN SHOW DEAN ano JERRY TAKE OVER THE © . CIRCUS! TONIGHT COUNTRY MUSIC -- NIGHT -- TO RADIO ARTISTS CHUCK FORTUNE And His CHUCK WAGON BOYS Featuring JIMMY AND JOHNNY THE SHEY BROS. RED BARN Hold Shower At Leskard By MRS. C. MARTIN LESKARD -- A miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Mrs. Roy Thompson Friday eve- aing in honor of Lorraine Murray of North Bay. The oom was dec- orated with pink streamers and colored balloons filled with con- fetti. Joan Bruton of Orono assisted Miss Murray in opening the many gifts. Lunch was served hy Mrs. Thompson. Mrs. Sutcliffe and Mrs. Gimblett. S Miss Murray and Jim Bruton will be married in St. Joseph's] Church. Bowmanville, August 23(¢ and will make their home in Dr.|§ McKenzie's apartments in Orono. PERSONALS Miss Mary Thompson, Toronto, o ur WILSON & LEE LIMITED MUSIC STUDIOS Register Now For Lessons On These Popular Instruments ® ACCORDION ® VIOLIN ® SPANISH GUITAR ® POPULAR PIANO ® SAXAPHONE ® TRUMPET Our 6-week beginner's course on weekly includes the FREE use of an accordion during thet period ,which is taken home IN AJAX has returned to her home after a! visit with Mrs. A. Watson Mr. and Mrs, C. Martin were studios are c in the Conith Building, Ajex Shopping Pleze. 9-5 Soturdays enly et Ajax. Appointments may be made in Ajax or by phoning our store in Oshawa, RA 5.4706, enytime during the week from 9 AM. to 9 P.M. On these calls please reverse the charges. CLARINET HAWAIIAN GUITAR TROMBONE VIOLA CELLO the accordion at $1.50 for practice. recent visitors of Mr, and Mrs Stanley Martin at Uxbridge Mr. and Mrs, Herb. Thompson and Ronald Thompson are spend ing holidays at Gordon Bay this week. There will be no church serv ice during August while the min ister, Rev, Basil Long on holidays: Mr. and Mrs. Art Young and Michael, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Puckrin were recent is WILSON & LEE LTD. MUSIC STORE 87 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 5-4706 visitors of Mr. and Mrs. C Martin, | JOANNE ORY [31 54 GABOR wn WALLACE FORD we ELSA LANCHESTER Sc vy JOSEPH PEVNEY om ont Snr» DON MCGUIRE A PARASIOUNT PCTUR( TECHNICOLOR &8 AIR CONDITIONED LAST ESTHER COSTELLO-Adult DAY: GUN FURY GLENN FORD -- JEANNE CRAIN And BRODERICK CRAWFORD in "THE FASTEST GU " |] F N ALIVE 5. PLUS ee JANE WYMAN and ROCK HUDSON in "ALL THAT HEAVEN ALLOWS" IN TECHNICOLOR $ -- SAVE JOIN OUR BUM MONEY - $ PER CLUB TONITE! OFFER EXPIRES AUG. 16, 1958 ANTHONY PERKINS PERLAERG SEATON THE TIN STAR BILTMORE "CEUN ____AIR CONDITIONED ee LAST DAY: "HIGH FLIGHT" -- "KISS THEM FOR ME" The C Exotic Oriental and Canadian Dishes You know . . . It's @ real pleasure for Mom to get out of cooking meals once in @ while, Particularly now... during the warmer weather. Take Mom out to eat more often! TAKE-OUT ORDERS OUR SPECIALTY DIAL RA 5-2543 OPEN 7 AM. to 2 AM. HOUSE 19 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA the last word in excitement - the last word in thrills! | THE FLY with the head of aman... and the man With the head of THE FLY! ADMITTED ALONE unless you sign a waiver in our lobby! 1:30-4:15-7:05-9: "THE FLY" DAILY AT... AR [0 |= wu || HEDISON - PATRICIA OWENS VINCENT PRICE HERBERT MARSHALL (4747) 4 by DE LUXE 2428 2 2 2 2b 2 2 Jo 2 2 Xe 2k Je De 2 2 2b Db 2 Db De 2 De ke De 55 0] LOR CR TS CE TR IR] the terror-topper START ODA) SPACE MASTE A REGALSCOPE PICTURE + A Regal Films. Inc. Production » Released by 20i Century-Fox PN "SPACEMAS " \THEATRE MASTER X.-7 AT 3:00 - 5:50 - 8:40