2 - DAILY en Fridoy, August 15, 1958 n ; i i AT BAND CONCERT : GOOD EVENING aust Takes : Te : Peg gy Ring |= By JACKCGEARIN -- | he Uptowners with a six-run barrage in the fh : " 4 . sixth inning, Brunner laced Up- rowd Ever hear of Halliday Manor ? {towners 95 to take a 2-1 game J C | If not, you soon will because Halliday Manor jee Bb Devcaile Sotvall Les | ray x : : at the | : = represents one of the city's first major experi- [large crowd. prin ules, be it Gite I Se; 2 2k | meni in the low-rent housing field for persons 65 | "he eams mee again on Mon mental Band at the Memorial and the haunting "Hecollertions or over. gay ih a gang mus li bandshell | of es' . Rimmer. : p % i ps 2 tug ve oy nk ol Halliday Manor will be officially opened next | Brunner scored single runs in A large audience attended the "Seventy - Six Trombones" by| Friday, August 22, and the public will soon have a [their total, while Uptown got one Fal season, The band. was UNder cx mamaty of Tus.cians. isigg| Chance to see through it. They're due for a sur- [in the fith and two each in the the direction of WOl F. J. [alternately in pairs or groups to| prise, too, because the Manor is something to be Roy Christie was the winners Fights of the concert were rey aD thes proud of for the city, and for others responsible svi ay, Siz ale - soloist Doug Crossley and dancer formed well. | for its coming into existence. Manager Bev Roberts i the Miss Peggy Ring. Miss Ring| oper hand selections included (pig SUCCESS loser being hit hard for 12 safe. drew applause on the open SCene| ue overture to "Napoleon" | "There's every reason it will be ties, with Leo Pearce catching. - during her Irish, jig dance, 8¢Is1. Bilfon, the waltz "Gold antl, 'hie sapere Five errors never helped the companied by Pipe Major Don- gion by Franz Lehar; the : accomodati 1 PEs losers' cause, while Brunner |ald MacLellan. march "The Thin Red Line" by|, .t Provides accomodation = ul. [Eg kicked in with three. | Miss Ring opened her programy "5 Ajford, the petite suite|® Son. Pe an tor : Bill Sowden hit a home run for ~ (with "Chartreuse", a short Scot-|.poionde of Response" by $B m EE le ho hive Brunner in the sixth' inning scor- * tish fling. The storing andlcjongoe Taylor, the hymn (a7 oe y aA re 4 ing: a mate in front of him. skirt - flinging Irish jig was fol- "Nearer My God to Thee" after | iving in q 2: i TAKE TH: LEAD lowed by a Scottish sword dance, |i." 01040 of "Gracious" by| Tooming houses, and else- King Motors of Port Hope took an extra on the program, 1 R . |Broadhead and the Regimental |Vhere. : a commanding 3-1 game lead in Doug Crossley, improved in Broa "John Peel" plus +0 Can- The tenants of Halliday Manor é the Cobourg Sorthall Longue play» {poise and hearing since last sea- da" and "The Queen." are all in low income brackets A 4 #8 offs when they posted a 93 vice son, brought the selections "I'm |2 'es Major| The rent will not tax their pock- tory over No. 26 Central Ord- |Gonna Sit Right Down and Write| Master of Ceremonies Major|gingoke unduly; many of these ! nance Depot for their third Myself a letter", by Fred Ahlert; M. C. Finley did a good on; 10! heople are ailing, with heart con- 4 straight win, ["Gigi", from the popular musical troducing numbers and soloists. ditions and artritis -- they will ; COD has to win on Monday next by Frederick Loewe; "On The| No band concert is scheduled | receive first considerations for & : tor be eliminated. Street Where You Live", also by for next Thursday. The band will|choice locations. Barney Mills fired a seven Loewe: "My Heart Stood Still" participate in the band competi-| Halliday Manor represents a ; hitter for the win, struck out 10 hy Richard Rogers; "All Day on |tion of the Canadian National EX-|qream come true for several and walked a pair, with Graham the Prairie" by David W. Guion, hibition in Teronto. The intensive Oshawa people -- all of whom " | Foster catching. ' 7 ; and "Walk Hand in Hand" by rehearsing program of the band g.e nioneers in the low-rental field Roly Provost pitched until the BRIGADIER M. 8S. DUNN, | cue pack worn by Tpr. M. C. | cise Roundup III. Jack Wal- also shown, at right, as he [Johnny Cowell. will defer the next Oshawa con-' put the man who is general i fourth for the losers and then re- OBE, ED, commander, Cen- | Maly of the Ontario Regiment | lace, deputy commandant of | helps Tpr. Maly adjust his | Most impressive pieces by the|cert to Sunday, Aug. 24, at 8.30 ,..gited with starting the plan is {versed positions with his battery tral Ontario area, is shown | which is hold eel long | the Canadian Civil Defence equipment, which consists of a band were the overture to *"'Don|p.m. Rae Halliday, former city alder- ; mate Churck Holmes. Between left, as he inspects a basic res- | manoeuvres known as Exer- | College at Arnprior, Ont. is | basic rescue pack. - : ~ |man. them they allowed eight safeties, oily = -- - The $350,000 Manor -- it con- | but issued 10 free tickets and only | sists ildings a | ly WITH ONTARIO REGIMENT Liberals Hold Slaughter Steers etree bins tang Ram aay [Ea Sten 1 wh © i |bed sitting room suites, each to; nq buildin Aw brace of errors each. COD were accommodate a married couple, i gs and services --jq)q scoreless until they got a | - ! St © was financed 90 percent by Cen-|.: : : b Policy Meet | Steady At Stockyards -- |mrisiihem is vl tn Liisi she bbe of econ ase (0) perl George K. Drynan, Oshawa {located on an extension of Rich- by a mortgage plan, five percent| "pe winners punched home four Bhi Ads . we by the city and five percent by|; i lawyer, attended a one-day pol-| TORONTO (CP) -- Prices on| Slaughter cattle: Choice steers mond street east-of Wilson road. |. province. The loan by CMHC |g the first, added three in the icy convention in Toronto this|. anter steers were steady all [$22.50-23.50 with one load of 26!.u. er 1 fhe Tecan a NY wa {fourth and finished with a brace' [J week for a group of Ontario Lib-| week at the Ontario public stock-|herefords averaging 940 pounds Will SERVE NEEDS amortized use. oy pany i Sin the 'sixth. eral candidates, members and|,.,.1c s the ket at 24.15: # It will serve the needs of per- 4" 3-year Period! In the other half of the twi AL. cAT(E0E 0S IBLErs 20 vards, topping the market at 24.15; good | "0" Tes bracket | With payments made monthly fol-, ; Laer al le 'win | executives of The Ontario Liber-|" The few choice quality handy-|21-22; mediums 19-20.50; com- ' ns ey Soup ag ir ©" lowing the collection of rents, On| iL: Homelile Indians picked up |al Association weight loads sold readily while mons 17-18.50; good heifers 20.21) W!'l 'imited incomes, who have irati f 50 vez ivo|their first win of the series after J at resided in Oshawa for more than|€XPiration of 50 years the entire jy, oq straight defeats by edging five years; applicants are care-|Morgage will be paid off and the|( yo" ontario Training School in Purpose of the convention was i i i ad ightweigl a : x a5 medium and lightweight and all|with one load of lightweight = ' ) m aD is develobe: ; : This week 150 men of the On achieves nothing from the camp to arrange the facts developed grades of weighty steers were|21.25; mediums 18-19; commons tario Regiment have been on ac- ' and we will have failed in ourat the Bigwin Inn conferencelhard to sell. Heifers traded wellll choice fed yearlings/fully screened by H. G. Chese. Property will belong to the city.|3 real thriller 6-5, 3 A : 5; good 22-23; good cows \ Lo 4 - phase of the overall manoeuvre, far all regiment members are|platform were active at strong prices. [mostly 16.50 with a few sales to|fare department, who decides on Fairfield of Toronto, who design. Exercise Roundup III. From this i : completely aware of just what is| Attending the conference were| Replacements, veal calves, (17: mediums 15-16; commons the final list. He is also manager ed Fairview Lodge, Whitby, were M T evening, until Saturday night, the & going on at all levels." the party's Ontario sitting mem-|sheep and lambs were steady. 14-15, canners and cutters 12-14: of the project. retained to prepare plans and spe- an ts erm troops will be working on the sec- ; NO SLOW DOWN bers, candidates and members Hogs and sows were $1 lower.|good heavy oologna bulls 19.50-| Monthly rents are $33.75 and|cifications and a contract was let ond phase of the operation - joint Major Finley was asked if he of the policy committee Cows made up 28 per cent of the|19.75 with an odd top at 20; com- $36.25 for single, and $45 for mar-|in 1957 to Miller Construction Ltd. Bodily Harm tive duty; completing the first % job. I believe, however, that sojinto a comprehensive provincial ny steady prices. Fed yearlings |2 brough, manager of the city wel-| The firm of Rounthwaite and! rescue and mobile column work . had run across any particular| Mr. Drynan was recently na- receipts and these sold steady mon and mediums 16-19. ried apartments. Single persons| Ford Lindsay is president of the with Oshawa civil defence teams » +s problem which could be avoided med as provincial Liberal can-while bulls were in demand at| Stockers: Good 2222.50; com- must have a minimum income of company; Rae Halliday is vice and service organizations. a | %" in future camps of this nature. didate for Oshawa riding steady prices mon and mediums 17-21.50, $66 per month and a maximum of | president; Owen D. Friend and SARNIA (CP) -- Lyman At 6 a.m. this morning the two He replied: "You realize that in Cattle receipts were 1,000 head] Hogs: Grade / 50; sows 21 $115; and married couples a min-| Albert C. Love are private citi- Mitchell, 47, of Watford, Ont., squadrons stationed at the air- : any camp like this, when we start more than last week and 1,500 and light sows 23; stags 16 a imum of $90 ard a maximum of|zens who are directors: City Coun. Was Sentenced Thursday to two port broke camp and started gi y to organize all details from the WEATHER head less than the same week hundredweight on a dressed $170. cil members are Mayor Lyman Years in penitentiary for causing reparations for their convoy to ] i # ground up, there are going to last year. Receipts from Western weight basis. : The Manor was organized and Gifford and Alderman ErniegP0dily harm with intent to wound. $ank ranges at Ragain. These # $y be great difficulties in complet TORONTO (CP) Forecasts Canada totalled 227 head, 54| Sheep and lambs: Good lambs is administered by Oshawa Hous-| Marks; and City Solicitor E. G.! Mitchell was arrested Aug. 5 by $wo squadrons are "A" and Head- ing the preliminaries for the aC jcsued by the Dominion public more than last week. There were 23 on a careful sort: medium and ing Co. Ltd. a company set up McNeely is a member of the|provincial police after his 17. quarters and at.-thé tank ranges , tual camp. Frankly, I was sur-j oo ooo 0 fs om five carloads shipped to Eastern heavies 18-20; common and feed- by City Council in 1955. board of directors, year - old son, Dennis Leroy they will - join oc squadron, in- prised Bos Tally 2 geared Synopsis tered. thunder Canada amd no exports to fejers 16.19; sheep 4-9 according to The project began to take form| Construction started in Septem. Mitchell, was found with eight volved of in ag i + : dy. afternoon we were able to Storms eceirred in hern' On- | UAieC tates: any in September of 1954 when mem- ber of 1957 and the first tenants shotgun pellets in his back. He ance. instructi here and 8 dy g Thursday night ahead of ad bers of City Council, a number |are now in the building; all suites Pl€aded guilty to the charge ear. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Severs, Ken, of city department heads, and|will be filled by the week immedi. ler- ] 3 3 g nti ining t tank squadron, engaged on armor- ? start tactics training .at the tank vaneing cooler Weather fron ODS nges and since then we have : i ~ yom 3 : ; 4 de fnfantry co-operation at the Pur gl, 08 rang lowed down by adminis Northern Ontario. The cooler BOWMANVILLE Job and Marnie, Ajax are on private citizens visited a low-rent ately after Labor Day. Police said Mitchell had had pie Hill area as well as civilian ; 8 not been slowed Ee | weather will push south of the holidays on the Beach. Mr. and project in Owen Sound. In 1955 Halliday Manor is an achieve. 3 argument with his wife, At . ; ay ve- . rsonnel required for the mobile : tration details." eH " s morning lea : cchio Mastars s. Fit ite $ : 1 3 V Jerson) exercise. Major Finley added 'There Lower 1 kes this morning, Jeay BEACH Mrs. Archie bin City Council appointed seven di-\ment to be proud of. In this day Oh€ Point he picked up a cup of Major M. C. Finley, acting com- RB B® were problems we had expect- ng ms al SAT ved yer in On- Ma Ll " on i rare via ng rectors of the company -- com-|of high-cost living when rising | hot coffee and threw it over her. manding officer of the Ontaric's ed; complete arrangements for 35o loday i Saturday | apt ET Mv. al oii A Mas posed of three council mémbers|costs are the trend, Halliday | Mitchell s, son tried to inter- Sod summed up his opinien on MAJOR M. C. FINLEY |troop welfare was expected to be| Re gional orecasts valid untill BOW MANVIL LE - Visitors and es w . and four private citizens -- and | Manor provides a hopeful sign for | Vene, but was ordered from the ay si p his op s 3 se Midnight Saturday. guests at West Beach during the] Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kent, Karl|the city solicitor li hy The father ' the entire week's training so far 3 a major headache, also we El | Mr x Kent, K: city applied for and |the future. ouse by his father. fai hat ing :ithe mobile column from Raglan tpouoht that in a crowded sched- Lake Erie, Lake Huron, south- past week included: Mr. and and Anne, Bowmanville, visiting received letters patent creating fired a shotgun and eight pellets Asked what he considered the|i)" geyawa Saturday morning. | yle like we have, there would be era Georgian Bay, Lake Ontario, Mrs. Lionel Parker, Paul, Doug the Coles at Gary's Paradise. Oshawa Housing Co. Ltd. Much remains to be done if|lodged in the boy's back. The most important aspect of the m.. practice is, of ¢ esse-|5 ag at some time in the pro- Niag a, Haliburton regions, and Mary, of Bowmanville, at Mr, and Mrs. Fred Dorney and : [the underprivileged are to have|wounds were not serious and the training, Major Finley had this| yo sor the smooth ru of the|gram but somehow these prob- Windsor, London, Toronto, Ham- their cottage. Kelly, Toronto, with his grand- DESIGNED LODGE proper housing, but this is a big|youth was able to return to work to say: |operation. In fact tt has {ems have been kept under con- ilton: Mainly sunny and cooler| Marilyn Cully, Toronto, visited mother in K.T.C. | The new project -- including|step in the right direction. the following day. "I think, as far as the regiment |peen one of the r themes of trol and our schedule is followed today and Saturday. Winds north- her grandmother, Mrs. William \gnowER HELD | is concerned, the important fea-| a training at this the ale i gh." | west 15 today, light tonight and Street in Rendezvous. 2, i : ' | t th to the letter ana morale is high y, lig é Mrs. John Ford entertained re ture is that we have had the op-|establishment of a set routine " - » Regi-| Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. L. Burton and|, ya a bridal shower for Miss portunity to get out in the field!and procedure f natters|.. her members of Je Beg) N rn Georgian Bay, Kirk. Linda are on a motor trip through a Morr? whose Tories ana a I eo 0 a and run our own self - sufficient and then adher lo this io Major Finley's re and land North Bay dbury: | Vestern Ontario for their holi- to "Gary Dilling, Bowmanville, camp. It i ly by a method strictly at all times at it : willy nin. 1SUNDY } iv. int and days. ill take pl Saturday, A t a s Li al lal ar thusiasic about the suc- Sunn cloudy will take place Saturday, Augus such as this that we can properly becomes almost automatic after gli are guttusisgle sho $0 far cooler Mainly sunny a Mr. and Mrs. Walt Cole and|1g. assess our apabilities and our|awhile." This 'evening the second phase cool Saturday. Winds northwest Merle, Oshawa, are spending hol-| geveral friends were present for ver ort ern Jroups, Ale, 3 this ay. mem-| Commenting on t ns for of Exercise Roundup III will be 15 to 20 today, light Saturday. igave at Yalta Inn; ide hid event. Mrs. Fred Cole pre- rs of the Regiment have a|fyture reference ed from the by the detonaiton of a Timmine.K: a: Clot and Bruce, Toronto, at Cheerio; |santed Gary Dilling with a gift on : chance to live together, to work|first phase of Ex e Roundup opened dire cen DR from a mins Bs : f 2 oudy Mr. and Mrs, Doug Woodlock and Senile of the Log wit: 8 OTTAWA (CP)--Northern Af- ton did not mention any specific|in view of Soviet interest in the together and learn more about| 111, he said: "From t ourse| which the Oshawa area will be cooler toda ; as sini Devra, Bowmanville, at the Wood- fairs Minister Alvin Hamilton and|defence establishments. {polar region and development of ihe Densle cerned ban they of the week so far our experi- taken to be contaminated bY cool Saturday. Wi northwest Yosk C oliage: N | Opposition Leader Pearson have| Mr. Pearson asked whether it|US. defence activity in the Ca- way ences have convinc is that|atomic fallout. On Saturday, Joint! 15 to 90 today and Saturday Mr, and Mrs. N. Molholland, CELEBRATING Jil 4 . t th res. Was a fact that Canadian min |nadian Arctic. complete co-operation on allmjlitary and Civil Defence mobile F acy far LLY Gail, Karen and Howard, Bow- expressec concern a ® res te ficial : n e/ Mr. Hamilton said ". , . Over as then asked levels is the } te to schemes column will travel from Raglan Lia oyeoan Fempet tures manville, are holidaying at Aun- ence of United States servicemen ters and officials have to wait the years I have advocated that ered the main|like this. Closel d with this|to Oshawa conducting rescue and OWS 'onigat, highs : tie's; Mr. and Mrs. Sid Smith, in the Canadian Arctic. {several months before they canthe only way in which we can ) = Windsor } Scott and Bla Toronte, at the | i purpose of the past week's train-|is the need for al I {0 evacuation exercises along the gy oT Foo and hens oronte, at the a 1 Yost | "I am ashamed of the fact that 8¢t 8ccess to establishments on|hold this northern' area for the he repl 03s ; exac what the h > x > I i ; ofl, Nid 40S °K gre ations st | " oe . tonndi : S ing and he . < Mach of the know gxacly A Io entire Toute S _. London Yerras 7 Mr. and Mrs. William Currie of . on eatwlations ad os |through circumstances beyond (Canadian soil under control of Yse i you tare Sencration work so f lis week has been|do and why. If ev ¢ person| This will be the main project yw, pn 5 75 he 4E's cottage ar s wishes fo the JOLOWINE YES |ihe power of almost anyone here|the U.S |Would be by the effective occupa- purely practice for some of the does not know how work fits of the camp and will bring the, ° : - 0 the "'§ cottage are on a motor dents of Oshawa and district Ive Joie had to give all rRSDOD: gd tion and use of these areas by situations we expect to meet onjinto the overall scheme then he'activities of the week to a close. no: ® 3 gp oye est post. Mi. who are celebrating birth- sibility for the defence of our "Ministers. have very little Canadians." . em ------ - -- tn - nne Wonnacolt recently visit-| days today: : ) trouble," Mr. Hamilton said, 7 St. tharin . 55 7 y 8 3 hii ' ] i i ion is di arines 5 |ed Mr. and Mrs. Charles Orms-| "aioe Sucan Meringer, 123 [DORihern ares to a friendly." oo 0 up 2iion is different » | Hamilton : 5: y by, Toronto. V ] |power," Mr. Hamilton said. A . : H ke " vs LaSalle Ave.; Miss Catharine : 3d fs in the case of departmental offi- tomic Cle) Good W ill Dog House | CITY AND {Muskoka i fy clas a hd | Miss Edith Robinson, accom- Lodge, 547 Wilsan Rd. S.: The minister said it is also a cials waiting to go there in their entist Killaloe .... anie : ; tter of "national chagrin" that); A . . Barton i en I panied by Mr. and Mrs. Bruce| Robert Leyden, 261 Jarvis mal Ni ; line of duty. DISTRICT Isuchumy iii Morton, Bil sd peter re on] 8% Rel Crown, 1, (Copan sfiee ching cab" L yy 1 oe of Di€S In Hospital 00 IOW el or om ort North Bay ... 5g Ee pa TOUR eM jimes. Oshawa; Albert E. Holbrook, U.S. permission to visit the Ca-|one case in which U.S. clearance PARIS (Reuters)--Atomic sci- . CARS COLLIDE Kapuskasing . 40 65 Inon and Marilyn, Toronto. are 198 Nassau St. nadian north. Some had to wait|took so long that the persons con-|entist Jean Frederic Joliot-Curie SUDBURY, Out. (CP) -- John|Fera, want to do away with Two automobiles collided at 69|White Rive : 0 lon holidays at the Log Cabin, The first five persons to in- |:'several months" for U.S. clear-|cerned took another job "and the died Thursday night of a hem- Clemens' ture of goodwill to|them. King street east at 12.30 a.m. to-|Moosonee ....... pt Mrs. Fred Pethick is at 4E's| form The Daily Times of |apce, work has not been done to this|0rrhage after years of declining the dog world, a three-storey dog! "If this keeps up I'll have to|day. The vehicles were driven by | cottage with her granddaughter, their birthdays each day will Mr. Pearson urged that Canada day. health, house, is becoming too crowded build a 60-storey doghouse," he|Clifford Lucas, of 623 Olive ave-| Fldos Lead Mrs. David Ault, Mono Mills!| Teceive Joule Hekate fo he take over "at the earliest pos- DISCUSSED WiTH U.S. The 58 - year - old Nobel Prize Tort joked. nue, and by Jorgen S. Jessen, 23, Joan Wonnacott and Joyce Cur- 4 : sible moment' control of U.S. de-| He had take th ral | Winner was rumored to have sue- 3 "litters of pups Haver He is determined not to give:of 74 King street west, Damage rie are on holidays at Cleveland four-week period. The CUT Ifence installations in the Cana-!situation with U.S. en thoritics | cumbed to a lifetime of exposure doubled his running costs for the|them away. "If you give anyone Was an estimated $75. House, Muskoka. Len Rider and| Tent Sirsction oh The Fly dian Arctic. land had received a 'very lo atomic radiation, which killed shelter. anything they thi worthless QUIET NIGHT {Bob McLeish, Toronto, are with op: as nds "We must establish beyond any |friendly and favorable" response. "1S scietist wife Irene two years .At last count 33 pooches were If they pay something for it they The night was quiet in Osh- n 0 t a [their families in Vel Etta. i doubt our claim to our Arctic ter-| Earlier, Mr. Pearson said he go. living free in the Abbadaba ken- looksafter it." awa, The fire department receiv-| ritory," he said. realizes the U.S. built and con-| The hospital where Joliot-Curie nel, founded by Mr. Clemens two| But the canine increase has! ed no fire alarms. Three calls for The two were speaking during trols defence installations in the died refused to give information [ years ago. Month by e (forced him to hire ambulances were turned in dur- Pl i To H N t 1: De na |os Neel Cor orsiers OD the nature of the iilness at has collected te 4. animal control off A -ling the last 24 hours, ayo S win as a ura |spending estimates of Mr. Ham- and Canadian rights reserved. the request of his family. He un- apes znd 8 3 the Sudby i derwent an operation Sunday. strays of all pes and sizes. |ates the Suc ilton's department. This debate] «But we should surely aim to Joliot-Curie bere his wife ya A few weeks ago one of his imal control c 4 O) ¥ % doin 5 prize Afghans gave birth to six after the dog se. Chabot, a a . a IO dot look 8 21 ot Water Su 1 Hr ) |e ng Dyer: nsesat te they |the Nobel Prize in 1935 after dis- jes. There are more than 20 former officer of the Sudbury) F*OLICEIMAN AIAS Siaver JoealL sole H MUST GET PERMISSION |continue to be useful, at the ear-|covering artificial radioactivity. rmer : the St playoff with the Lawrence Har- ." i ait list possible moment and putty the daughter of Pi s and more are ex-|District Humane Society, had Ivesters by winning a free scor-| When Canadians have to wait them under Canadian trol ene was the daughter of Pierre pe {more than once summonsed Mr. . ing fray by a 12-9 count. The two| WELLINGTON, New Zealand|Rotorua provide hot water for 20 Several months to get permission G1 Lo VHCE =8 be done yam Marie. Curie: distoverers of HAS PROBLEM {Clemens for law infractions by uto eves teams meet again at the Beach |(Reuters) -- One of the lowest/or more homes. to go and do their duty in their | joi. control." : fradizm. The big problem is what to dolhis dogs. Wednosdae nigtt electric power consumption areas| my : i of th {own country at the direction of Ei . : He was also a winner of the with them. Neither Mr. Clemens "I've just let nature take its KITCHENER, Ont. (CP)--Two| A good*crowd saw Frank Heu-in the North Island this winter|in tho mrone hes of the water heir own minister, I do not apol-| det ablishment of Canad a's Stalin Peace Prize. He held pro- nor his business associate, Emil course," says Mr. Clemens. men, attempting to steal a car|ston being shelled from the win.|(July is mid-winter in New Zea- he Rotorua bores is about 250 ogize to the House or the country|claim to its Arctic territory was|Communist views which led him re --|from a service station Were ners mound in the second and|land) is Rotorua, where a na- heads. Some of degrees Fahrenheit at the well-|gp saying that I am ashamed of |More important than ever before into continuous trouble. | Pe p a the bores are| i ion." helped by an unwitting police of-| veteran Jim Hoy taking over tural hot water supply lies within {quite shallow, about 40 feet Bre | the Situation. - | . 4 i : ; Ss Te y i fo First Part Of New President poet, was disclosed 'in court! poy jssued five walks and fan- reach of almost every house --|others go down as much as 500 ey | E -- | | 3 = y. : ned three with Miko Ashton doing just for the boring. feet. One exceptionally deep well|sion for Canadians to visit Amer-| = COLONIAL ALUM o ; Cvidence was that Arpad Foldi the catching. Situated in the centre of the which supplies the Queen Eliza-|ican defence installations in the | a . New 1g way For Eldorado {owed the garage $83.95 for re- Red Creighton hurled the first North Island thermal district, [beth Hospital, and is used for the|Canadian Arctic, such as the| ~ 4 i . {pairs and the car had been im-|five for the losers with Hank |many of the homes and hotels in|treatment of rheumatic diseases, DEW (Distant Barly Warning) | d | DOOR SPECIAL , OTTAWA (CP) -- W. M. Gil- pounded until he cleared the debt. | Haynes finishing up. Haynes|the town use thermal water for|reaches 800 feet. |radar line. However, Mr. Hamil- lf . 0 e 1nis e | christ 49 "Thur Ba elovatad! Early July 27 Foldi and Elod struck out the side in the sixth |their central heating systeras and | > | -- Positive Tight Corner : . : Hrot vice Cima sresident| S23X0 removed the car from the with Reg Lowry catching. for heating water from =rtesian| | Il -- All weather Stripped Z Bar MONTREAL (CP) -- The first Eldorado. N prest station. When it wouldn't start an| Eldos outhit their opponents 11- wells for washing and cooking. | ' 7 ae Hi Pict Wind five-mile chunk. of a six-lane|0f Eldorac 0 id ing and Refining officer helped them by pushing 10 and committed two miscues. ) | ; boy te id indow Insert super-highway between Montreal | Limited, 3s 1 a COM-{with his cruiser. while the losers had no less than | INDUSTRIAL USES TH E FOO D) P LAN THAT - f - Cog ples cen Jncluded and the Laurentian mountais js|PRIY dealt eh iranium. pro-l woldi. was given a year's sus- seven Industry has harnessed the AES cas a -- So Ari oy Hinge be completed this Wh 0 Turn pended sentence. Szako was con- The Harvesters started with a limitless thermal supply for a va- . | -- Heavy Inch ni oid fall. | A veteran mining engineer, Mr. isted of theft but sentence was singleton in the first. added three riety of tasks. A timber-milling HAS PROVEN ITSELF Eo Son Kick Plate TVelon The first finished portion will Gilchrist joined | do in 1952 adjourned for a pre-sentence re- in the second and fourth and end-|and wholesale firm is using ther- --- Ad bi 3 . run between the north shore ofjafter a s 2 ons With nort. ed with single runs in 'the fifth/mal steam to provide an effeci-, 4 ie Sweep Honieesl Islan ond Thomas, private iy ¢ tro - r-- aud gia : "ii Pes I e Tetiod of kiln drying be OSHAWA REPRESENTATIVE | ~~ Z A BEAUTIFULLY DESIGNED ue, ent mi -- e succeeds R. | i v n ; SR Cldos go one i the 'S ommercial gardners are using = fl running north a few 'miles be- held the presidency a BANK APPOINTMENT ies STAN BRYNING il WITH MANY EXTRAS Q h a W bs inched the game with a six-run|thermal water to heat their glass | yond. St. Jerome, Que, Wwhereimonths and died more than a MONTREAL (CP) -- C. L.|second, pushed four more home houses sufficiently to grow pine- It E LIMITED Ri Laurentian slopes begin -- iSimonth ago Walker of Clinton, Ont., has been/in the fifth and ended with a|apples and' tomatoes in autumn 1061 RAVINE ROAD RA 8-5358 | Ii OFFER CALL Now scheduled for completion by the! appointed assistant general man- single in the sixth. |for the Auckland market. | ii RA 2 fall of 1959 ager (public relations) of the Al Brown and Reg Lowry each] A new housing sub-division put| | = It will enable Montrealers to] PRESLEY'S MOTHER DIES Royal Bank of Canada, the bank tripled for the losers, while the on the market has the advertised gzip toward the mountain play-| MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP)--Mrs. announced Thursday Eldos had three round ftrippers.|attraction of free thermal water FOOD i After Hours Call RA 5.4754 ground at 60 miles an hour. At Vernon Pres] ! er of rock] He will work from the Montreal Jim Hoy hit a three-run homer --a central bore has been drilled present heavy traffic on the 'n' roll singer EJ Presley, died head office. He was succeeded as in the second, Rich Evans had|for the whole sub-division and| CLUB COLONIAL ALUM three-lane highway to St. Jerome Thursday. She 1 tted tolassistant general manager (To-|another three-run blast in the!sections sold have all had boiling » limits motorists to an exasperat. hospital earlier t eck with a ronto) by D. S. Anderson of Win-|fifth and Ashton a single in the water piped to them from the 65 UNDERWRITERS RD. -- (0) & 9-1 188 | COMPLETELY 289 PARK RD. SOUTH ing crawl liver ailment, |nipeg. |sixth, |well. Most of the private bores in|