Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 15 Aug 1958, p. 17

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H i : Ee no ef go a Wed In eal Estate Wanted |#8--Automobiles Wanted | Ir wanted, good location, northeast [LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want Darlington township area. Not more |cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. approximately two miles from RA 5.1181 or RA 5-1182. Sept. 8 a Limits. RA 5-2967 after 6 p.m. 190 CASH FOR YOUR CAR MACKIE MOTORS WILSON RD. S. RA 5-5743 or RA 5-1392 Sept, 10 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Good clean cars, Trade up or down, Liens paid off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, S, RA 3-9421 Sept. 2 49--Automobile Repairs BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES, LTD. 1271 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE RA 3-4675 Specialists in Ford service and parts, Wheel alignment, wheel balance, - with latest ype equipment. Newest type electronic tune-up equip- ment, PUSES, farms and acreages wanted | clients. Some with all cash. W. Mc- ley, Realtor, 26 Prince Street, Osh- a. Dial RA 3.2512 or Whitby MO 231. Sept. 1 HAVE RELIABLE LIENT WAITING | WITH $1,000.00 | DOWN FOR A HOME SOUTH OR | 1SOUTH WEST OF | | "KING ST. THIS IS MOST URGENT | CALL RA 3-2254 LLOYD AYERS REALTOR | 189b | 47 --Automobiles For Sale 51 CHEVROLET deluxe four door, cus- tom radio, heater, good tires, veryrea- sonable. Phone RA 5-8640 after 5 p.m. Aug. 28 '58 HILLMAN deluxe sedan, new, two tone, oil filter, white walls, 4000 miles free oil, gas and service, small pay- ment or trade, 36 months on balance. | For free demonstration call "Stew" at Wellman's. RA 3-4431 189¢ | 1947 Hudson, licence, radio and heater, 395. Phone RA 3.9279 190f 32 BUICK Special, dynaflo, $750 or E: H nearest offer. Will accept older car and 50 Articles For S le cash. Can be seen after 4:30. 149° Col- 12 FOOT boat, 54" be railer with borne Street East 190f 'spare wheel. Apply 389 Gliddon Avenue. 5 CHEV. Belair, two tone, radio, 186¢ overdrive, excellent condition, $1495. HIGHEST cash paid for good sed fur- Ad ~ hy 15. HIGHEST cash paid for good sed fur. Rasy. Jesims Try "Stew" at Wellmais niture; also sell and exchange. Oshawa rh ht 1%%C [Trading Post. 446 Simcoe South. RA '55 METEOR Niagara, two tone, 5-8131, Aug. 19 very clean, reliable car, $1295. Easy g rT ose Trev Stew" rellman' PAINT, interior, exterior, flat, gloss, jesns. Try "Stew" at Wellman's a all colors, $2.95 gal. Oshawa Hardware oe staaisipmaaiona - = _2%9C land Electric, 8 Church. RA 3-7624, '50 FORD, two door, new paint and Sept. 1 tubeless tires, excellent condition, $395. | 5 EF GOODRICH Stores, tires, bat- 579 Albert Street. =~ =~ 188f terjes, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele- PRIVATE, '52 Meteor, clean car, can vision. Thrifty budget plan. RA 5-4543 be financed. Phone RA 3.7512 after 4| Sept. 1 187f | WILLIAMS pianos, now at a price you te d, at Parkway Television, 918 ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up| can afford, at I v to 20 per cent. Nine months to pay, |Simecoe Street North. RA 3-3043. Aug. 21 | For personal service at your home, call | AWNINGS, plain colors, or gay stripes, RA 5-2802 Sept, 9|Prompt service. Free estimates. Order | Ti Prenton Tih {now for early delivery. Chair and table | 950 Ply " aie, [now tor amy de clean. Phone RA 51526. petals, Cleve Fox, ug, 241 "ho A : Aug. 2 oshawa. '52 PONTIAC, automatic, good condi- wiry IAMS pianos, | ow at 2 Pr " 3375 > LI pianos, now at a price you tion. Phone RA 85375. ~~ 185f|.an afford, at Parkway Television, 918 *42 HARLEY, 45. Will sell cheap for Simcoe Street North. RA 3-3043. Aug. 20 + quick sale. Apply 902 Bryon Street, Whitby 185¢ 49 OLDSMOBILE, six cylinder complete or wreck for any parts RA 8-8950 A-. conwinon, Sept. 14 radio, p.m. Aug. 18 { LARGE gas range, like new. Must sell, - moving out of gas service area, Hurry! sell (Phone RA 3-7462 187¢ Phcne ---------- 39¢ | LLOYD baby carriage, play pen, = gE - drawers, vanity, double bed with ma 58 OLDSMOBILE fordor sedan, one |ireqs Chain hoist, truck chains 850 - 20. owner automobile, clean, original up- pa 5.9827 189b holstery, tinted glass. Only $895. King -- West Motors, opposite Shopping Centre. |9-PIECE 188f | suite, like new, Avenue 186¢ 254 Punshon 53 FORD Consul sedan, custom radio new tires, motor completely '|GENDRON baby carriage, no discolor ed, body like new. Only $695 st | ation, $15. Call RA 3-9373 188c Motors, opposite Shopping Centre. 188f give $55 on boats, motors and trail 54 METEOR sedan, custom radio, tu-|ers. Cedar strip, fibreglass, aluminum tone blue and white, with economical|ind moulded plywood. See Provincial overdrive transmission. Only $945. King [Tire Co., 43 Bond Street West. RA bleached oak dinningroom | § West Motors, opposite shopping sentre 15-6511 Sept 1 BS semimasis nn --------------------se-- 55 GHEY, delixe sedan; cusiom radio, [39 INCH. single bed. springs and spring- original clean upholstery, deep tread filled matress, ato nigh, tires. Very scarce model. $745. King|Also large baby crib, like new, plastic West Motors, opposite Shopping Centre. |covered mattress, $20. RA 57426. 1 188f | Lakefield Street, 1956 FOUR DOOR, customline Ford. |GARAGE pre fab, still packed, reason Privately owned. Phone RA 5-49 188¢ |able. RA 5-0834. 188¢ 50 PONTIAC deluxe sedan, custom PIANO -- Apartment size, 4 years old radio, white wall tires. A real good cer/musician's instrument. Buying Grand for only $245. King West Motors, oppo- piano. M, Beaton, 41 Centre Street, ping Centre _188f| Bowmanville, MA 3-7283 190b 1953 METEOR. heater radio window 34 . INCH bowl Youngston washers, new paint, slip covers, good unit, steel cabinet, double spring fau condition, must sell, private. Call RA cet, also dish spray, new, $70. 3-4935, 871 186f | 3-4237, 190 186f with Delco burner, and controls i958 Ford Fairlane 6, two-tone green reasonable. 105 Roxborough Street sedan. Less than 4500 miles. RA 3-3923 REFRIGERATOR, frigidaire, 7 cubic 186¢ | foot, good condition. RA 5-581, 190a "54 Cadillac coupe de ville very low SUITABLE for cottage or basement, | mileage all power extras trade and toilet complete with tank, seat and terms to reliable party. RA 88180. |cover, lavatory basin, chromium taps, August 16 pipes, towel rack, clothes hamper. $20 takes all. 80 Roxborough, RA 35-0619. 190a 53 GMO half ton panel dition, one owner, RA 8-1528. condition, will accept 601 Dunlop 187¢ GET A RAMBLER METROPOLITAN or Quality Used Car plus that extra gcca B-A Service aot CRANFIELD MOTORS 331 Park Rd. S. RA 3-2284 Sept. 3| MODRT BUYING or SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (Just East of. Wils Road) RA 3-4494 Res. RA 5-5574 Aug. 21 Test-Drive the D.K.W. 3-6 For ond perform- "ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP 408 King St. W. RA 3-7132 Sept.3 economy SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER-VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT TEL: RAndolph 3-3461 "58 MONARCH deluxe four 'door, excel- able. Apply 185 College Avenue 189¢ 85-8013 or 818 Masson Street 187¢ MATERIALS Street West, Whitby Apply 41 Colborne Street W 186¢ | 1 Sheeting-- Oak Panelling -- Doors SEE PAUL ON JOB-- | GREENSPOON BROS. LTD N., Oshawa. | bought -- due to the fact like to -- their gigantic on, Yadly, ane ai RANGETTE in good condition. Reason "54 CADILLAC coupe de ville, all power|_ ---- Gti wm ---- | equipment, black, white wall tires. RA SUL oF USED BUILDING 's2 BUICK, trade as down payment seb oS ah SR RE 2x4 -- 2x6 55 PONTIAC; | leage, mer. Si Wa teade oh 3% or Ion pickup praick 2x8 2x10 -1 Hardwood Floorings S Good Used Brick--$20 per M, FREE FIREWOOD COME AND GET IT! Hours: 6:30 to 6:00--Sat. 'til 4 Formerly McLaughlin and Robson Estates -- Simco. St. M.W.F, Aug.16 Due to the fact many have many have missed it -- due to the fact thot many would is bringing bac -- inkl lustrated is an elegant RA ([anza of aT con | STRreomaravily Taraaen and pipes. NYloN crinoline underneath, Buttons and belt ery ior are rayon satin. Choose from rich blue or black; sizes are 7 to 15. SATURDAY LAST OF... 412 Simcoe North 1% Exclusive with EATON"S ! Tri m Transition Bridge the days to Autumn with this smart, cool, For any special occasion... EATON'S has a heautiful collection of Dresses nylon tr hand-washable two-piece dress in finely ribbed icot. Three-quarter-length cuffed sleeves, abbreviated coachman"s pleat trims jacket back, skirt with back kick p In black or toast, for sizes 34 to 44. shirtwaist of silk org- E ach 25.00 PHONE RA 5-7373 over. rayon taffeta, with its own frilled opphire EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 241 Discriminating men everywhere choose &atonia an Birkdale Shirts Only at EATON'S Compare the price of these fine shirts! Made to EATON'S own exacting specifications, styled for smart, neat fit, and in a wide choice of styles and colours 4 ""Eatonia" Broadcloth "'Sanforized" broadcloth dress shirts of selected quality in two collar styles, both fused. Made from high-count combed cotton yarns with a rich mercerized sheen. In plain shades of white, blue, grey, tan; or fine stripes, Sizes 14 to 172 neck; sleeve lengths 32 to 35". EATONIA Value, each 3 FOR 14.50 "Birkdale" Black Label Broadcloth shirts in deluxe quality. Made from two-ply Sanforized Egyptian cotton, finished with pocket, single or 142 to 17" neck, EATON Prices: Striped, é 95 L] each . .. regular fused collar, breast French double cuffs. Sizes sleeve lengths 32 to 35". White, b a5 L } each #7" Birkdale" Red Label zo Made from good quality Sanforized cotton broad- 77 cloth. Choice of fused collar styles. White, or plain shades of tan, blue, grey; sizes 1412 to ¥ 17" neck. EATON Price, each EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 228 PHONE RA 5.7373 c 14.98 EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 241 PHONE RA 5.7373 SHERWOOD Practical Trousers Aug.26 '55 BUICK Hardtop $1495. Dynaflow, radio. Gets over 21 m.p.g. No oil consump- tion. A two-tone beauty, '55 CHEVROLET $1295, Radio, two-tone, good ti new slips, no rust, '55 DODGE Regent $1195. fio, two-tone res, new. tires shers, Excelent treat to the eyes -- and y more. LOW PAYMENT OR TRADE 24 Months on B p-- OL © WELLMAN'S INONQUON RD. RA 3.44 OPEN UNTIL 9 P.M nce 18 9b for 4 limited times only. There is $70.00 OFF » the famous Singer automatic in a beautiful walnut consol. $50.00 OFF the famous Singer automatic portable in handsome carry- ing case $20.00 OFF the fabulous Singer "Feath "erweight" in light travelling case Last but least, $20.00 off the popular Singer Econ- omy Portable. You con now buy this machine for than $100 Pay os little os $10 down ond $5.72 a month. But hurry! Stock is limited not less SINGER SEWING CENTRE 16 Ontario St., Oshawa Aug. 12, 14, 15, 18, 20 22, 26, 29 (Continued on Page 9) ly wrapped. SPECIAL, LB. EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 214 Special favourites in ossorted flavours Give your family a pleasant surprise when they're watching TV . . . add a super-special treat to the lunch boxes ! Creamy toffees in a wide assortment of flavours, individual- 39 PHONE RA 5-7373 For Everyday Wear. .. Only at EATON'S Good weight Gabardine dress pants with a crease- and stain-resistant fin- ish. In a sturdy rayon and nylon blend, neatly tailored with double pleats; drop belt loops, rayon inner waist band; some with self belt. Sturdy zipper clos- ing. Colours are blue, grey or brown; waist sizes 30 to 44 EATON Price, each 6.95 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 929 PHONE RA 5-7373 You'll be glad you chose Bonnie (Brae Shoes for Children Styles for school or 'best'... Only ot EATON'S All are ""Sanitized"' to stay fresh; sizes 812 to 3, C and D widths in the group. - D. 'Penny Loafer 4 brown Elk (trade name) uppers Wwiths neatly stitched moes casin vamps, QQOt blue saddles; durable composition soles, wearing compositibn- soles and heels. * rubber heels. # €. Saddle Oxfords . . in white Elk (trade- name) leather with A. "Monk Strep' , . . in brown kip leather with moccasin vamp, wide straps and buckles. Flexible com- position soles and heels, 8. Oxfords . in moccasin. vamp style with scuff - resistant toe caps. With brawn or black Kip leather uppers, flexible com- position soles and heels EATON Price, pair 3.90 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 239 PHONE RA 5.7378 Smartness and comfort combined Wedge Heel - Oxfords 1 4 4 SRL of Splendid duty shoes for nurses, waitresses, or any woman whose work calls for, standing or walking. These are a low wedge-heel shoe, with platform soles, foam cushioned insoles. Neat moccasin vamp, with white, brown or black smooth leather. uppers. Sizes 4 to 9; slender, medium or wide fittings in the group. PAIR Also available: a similar style at 3.98 pair. EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 238 PHONE RA 5.7373 Do-it-Yourself Fans! Come to EATON'S Friday night or Saturday . . . and see this exciting demonstra- tion of DeWalt power tools! A 10-minute period is all you need to see how the ver- satile big capacity 9" AMF DeWalt does the work and saves you the cost of a shop full of power tools! AMF De Walt Model MB Versotility offers many opportunities for special work, Big job capacity 9" saw cuts 212" deep, cross cuts -15" x 1" and rips past the centre of 48' wide panels. Safety Key Switch starts motor; you keep the key, prevent unauthorized usage. Save Floor Space sets against shop wall and leaves centre work area clear. Powerful, Ul, Approved 34 h.p. Direct Drive Motor. No belts, no pulleys to fuss with. Alsé CSA approved. Layout marks always visible. Help pre- vent errors, eliminate waste. Safe top-side cutting. No cross-cut kick backs, helps makes mass cutting jobs easy. Saw adjusts for any cut, material moves straight on level work table. Saw Hits, cuts ony ongle SANDER it's TOPS for Shops! Remember . . . see the DeWalt in action Friday night and all Jay Saturday . « . in EATON'S Hardware Department, Lower evel, Trim styling, lightweight comfort, in Girdles and Panty Girdles Twins in a blend of nylon, rayon and elastic In a cool, airy weave . . . hand-washable of course. The wide waistband is designed to stay smooth; front panel is nylon with danty white embroidery. The girdle has embroidered scalloped design at upper and lower edges; panty girdle has this same pretty finish at the top, ray- on crotch. Both complete with garters . , . both very moderately priced! Sizes Each . 0 Small, Medium and Large. ® PHONE RA 5.7373 EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 609

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